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File 137255748750.png - (22.01KB , 595x298 , sp1.png )
520310 No. 520310 ID: 113cf9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You're alone in space. You don't know that yet, though.
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524500 No. 524500 ID: 3d7467 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You are a low level goblin. Your girlfriend just broke up with you.

You are thinking of moving.
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526627 No. 526627 ID: edd9f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is A Quest.
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520259 No. 520259 ID: 0eef61 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Listen: Forgiveness is the Grace of God distilled and passed into His subjects. Grace is the light of His sun pushing through the cover and gloom. Forgive those who wrong you, and He will illumine you and bring you high. You will feel His exultation. God loves all His subjects, but show the intention of Grace and His love will be joined by His pride and His pride will deluge you and elate you.

There is no feeling like it on Earth. Nothing can compare.

Except for what The One Below will give you. The Adversary's reward.

It is called Revenge.
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525615 No. 525615 ID: ea4b0b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a pair of sentient disembodied ambulatory titties, size D. your goal? Find some chick who is willling to let you merge with the flesh.

Current location: inside the warp void, a rather boring and featureless area that is only of interest to you because you can use it to go pretty much anywhere your IMAGINATION stat will allow. For reference, it is at 3/100 because you are a pair of barely-cognizant titties.

Your inventory is comprised of your magic BASEBALL CAP, which contains a single bobby pin and a package of wet-wipes.

Having taken full stock of your inventory and abilities, you prepare to embark upon what will surely be an adventure for the ages.

What do you do first?
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524853 No. 524853 ID: 4dd411 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You watch as the bus drives away for the last time this school year.

You have just finished the third grade.

With the last glimpse you caught of your friends waving goodbye, you turn around and scurry inside.
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404491 No. 404491 ID: 97bd86 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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508112 No. 508112 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hunt: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/437229.html
Hunter: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/447334.html

[Bluebunbun] So you used to go to our church?

[Regi] No I still belong to the church.

[Blue] Really? I haven't seen you before, do you know Julia?

[Regi] Yes I know Julia, she's the Vesbyteress.

[Blue] what's that mean?

[Regi] It means priestess.

[Blue] And what are you?

[Regi] Veeaconess.

[Blue] What does that mean?

[Doctor] Can we hurry this along, pleas?

[Regi] Yessirree, looking forward to getting rid of all of you soon.
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498668 No. 498668 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your name is sam, and GOD DAMN do you hate your job.

You are forced to stand out here dressed as a cock seven days a week, eight hours a night, in the WORST NEIGHBORHOOD IN TOWN, and all for the abysmal pay rate of good ol' minimum wage.

You get mugged almost daily, called horrible homophobic slurs by the most despicable people, and generally just have a shitty time at work.

Especially when they make you DANCE.

Quite frankly, you've had it.

You were never the best at planning without the Voices, however, so you simply decided to go without the medication for a little bit.

So voices, what should we do?

let's see how far this gets this time...
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482844 No. 482844 ID: 0f60d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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513119 No. 513119 ID: 161ed6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Current Inventory
1-Knife (E)
1-Cold Metal Ring (E)

Quests and Objectives
-Return The Light
-Don't Die

2 Rooms Explored
(Previous Thread http://tgchan.org/wiki/The_Dark)
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519132 No. 519132 ID: da7aaa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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512417 No. 512417 ID: 25312f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Weather: Sunny

Wow! This is going to be my shop! I'm so excited!

My name is Tessa. I came to the small town of Honeyside to finally live my dream! I'm going to be a professional witch! I can't wait to get right to work.

I hope I get lots of customers! I need to keep up the $1,000 monthly rent on my shop!

It's going to be hard, but I'm ready to work.

I currently have:
10 units of lavender
10 units of vervain
10 units of rosemary
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520002 No. 520002 ID: 25312f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I’m Hope.

“Millie, I’m here about a box.”
“Another one? Gracious, you get locked outta your stuff a lot, don’t you?”

I’m the backup plan. If this all goes nuts-up, I’ve gotta fix it.

“Uh, yeah.”
“You sure have a lot of jewelry too. Are you like rich or something?”

Well, me, you, and whatever bozo decided to open the ominous-looking box with DO NOT OPEN inscribed across it in BIG-FUCKING-RED letters.

“Uh, yeah... really, really rich. And, uh, forgetful. Always losing keys.”
“Okay! Lemme just get a look at this lock here...”

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510104 No. 510104 ID: 99d0b8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Congratulations! You have just completed your training at the Academy of Heroics!

You are an earnest young man determined to become a hero of legendary proportions!

What is your name, young legend, and what exactly did you specialize in during your training?
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519463 No. 519463 ID: dcd945 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

"Ah. Hello there,"

A very solid presence shaped like a woman wreathed in shadow smiles down at you, kneeling down beside wherever you are and examining you with dark eyes.

"You are probably wondering where you are. I know I did when I first woke, but that was years ago," her manner is easy going and full of smiles, something projected more by her pleasant 'tone' of voice and positive aura since her features are blurred with shadows.

You realize you can observe for miles upwards, but not in any further direction since you seem to be in some sort of pit. Arching above all of you is a sky of glass peppered with glowing orbs of different colored lights. The glass sky is cracked in a few places and in those areas the multi-colored lights come streaming down out of the cracks like water. The sky behind--within?--the glass is dark and bright at the same time.

"Haven't figured out how to move yet, huh? It comes with time and practice, although if you're not full-blooded Xheanin it's probably always going to be tricky for you. It's lucky that you met me! I've got enough Elemental in me to move mountains! Well, here at least. Here, it will be terribly boring for you all if you have to stay here all night. I don't know how long you or I will stay, but we can look around together for now. Let me help you!"

She reaches down to where you are, hands outstretched, fingertips barely touching the surface of what seems to be a glowing silver puddle that you're currently residing in. Wisps of light like silver snakes start slithering their way up her arms, resting coiled around them and upon her shoulders. As you begin to move, you realize where you were was that pit and that, currently, you are one of the silver snakes.

"Welcome to what you probably know as 'the Dream World'. We have an actual name for it though--Xel�
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504485 No. 504485 ID: 5d5ee0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


It is a calm, peaceful village; but everything is changing.

The village of Rullus has always been a simple place, free of the troubles many lowtowns have. But recently, the guard have been stepping up. The deep things have been appearing in the tunnels near the town, and the people are growing restless. There are murmurings that the town may need to evacuate soon, but most people outside the circle don't know much about what is going on.

Toget loves this town, and doesn't want to leave. He knows that not all of his friends could make it, and not everyone could even take the same routes out. There have been no official announcements about what is going on from the council, but everyone knows that something big is going down.

Toget, like most Sado, is very large and strong. He is in very good shape, and has an adventurous spirit, but little practical experience. His parents are in the town guard, and he has done his fair share of sparring down at the barracks.

Toget has a friend whose father is in the town council, who might know something about what is going on. He could also try speaking to council members himself, or even try to spy and figure things out in a clandestine manner. Though he lacks many of the skills required for the latter.
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479712 No. 479712 ID: db1ec9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

New game?
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515255 No. 515255 ID: f3f0ce hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It find itself in a void. It is confused as to its whereabouts. What will it do?

i currently have 5 quests running (not all of them are here of course) and i needed some comic relief so, i made this, enjoy~
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491597 No. 491597 ID: cb9314 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Open your eyes.
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513004 No. 513004 ID: 8e4728 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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507992 No. 507992 ID: 30c4c8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Please state your name, species, and gender."


"Please state your name, species, and gender. I suppose your situation, too, while we're at it."

I'm just gonna leave this here overnight; I'll be back in like 12-14 hours, probably. Also, discussion thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/70290.html
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515371 No. 515371 ID: eaa372 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Once more with feeling!

Peace always was a relative term. Sure there aren’t any noble houses fighting wars that burn down entire continents but you still have conflict. No wars right now but you still have storms, fires, bandits, aggressive weeds, and sharkmen. Only question is whose struggle do we care about?

Is it the healer surrounded by the dead?

Or is it the blood sucker trapped eight feet below the earth?
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509510 No. 509510 ID: 909417 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

In accordance with the ancient prophecies, the Cataclysm devastated the world, shattering nations, breaking continents, and banishing the very gods.
Nonetheless... some time has passed since then, and civilization has began to reestablish itself. Naturally, as civilization is reestablished, so are its enemies... among them, the Dungeon Masters, lords of the underground complexes, who seek to pillage and raid the surrounding lands. After all, running a dungeon is expensive work, and there's never enough Gold to keep things running.
You will be among those to advise an ambitious young Dungeon Master. Perhaps you will lead him to greatness, attaining the highest circles of magic and conquering much of the world... or perhaps you will fail, and none will remember you. Regardless, know that your Dungeon Master is young and naive, and your advice, good or bad, may make all the difference.
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511526 No. 511526 ID: 3e441c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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510183 No. 510183 ID: 4e4163 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Yes... finally!
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468856 No. 468856 ID: 6650ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello, you voices out there? can you hear me?

'tis the God of Adventuring talking, the world's in danger right now, and im summoning you to help save it!

...Why is it so damned dark anyway?
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486689 No. 486689 ID: 849800 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Hello! I'm Magellan! Ah, look- go away, darn fairies!

"Now, what was I saying? Nope, don't remember! Just looking at you reminds me of... Never mind! An adventurous young man like yourself doesn't want to hear about my life! Tell me about yourself! What's your name? What are your interests?"
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417528 No. 417528 ID: befc95 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


You bolt upright from your uneasy slumber, unsure of where you are. The room is dimly lit, but you cannot see far with your poor vision. What do you do?
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510846 No. 510846 ID: bbee3d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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489708 No. 489708 ID: cf7b8e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Unknown: .......
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512569 No. 512569 ID: a85264 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw2XViaWb7M Yet Another Fable: Title Theme)

Welcome to Another Legend, a terribly drawn(for now) Quest! I am your host, Shotgun Shogun. You may call me SS.

You see, I am away from my computer, and therefore my mouse, so I can only do this with a Touch-To-Click touchpad. It's a piece of shit and I hate it, so this will be interesting, art-wise.

I suppose I went on long enough, however. Choose a selection.
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511244 No. 511244 ID: 893dc1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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453740 No. 453740 ID: 40fb55 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki, complete with prior threads and mechanics: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Gun_for_Hire_Quest
Disc: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/37315.html
IRC: #Golemquest, #Undersewers

Armas Laine-a name that's getting some recognition. Current Master of Amen. Leader, laissez-faire director and founder of the magical band of mercenaries known as the Laine Corporation. One-time owner and auctioneer of the Demonic Artifact, Mammon's Device. Pals around with the Turkish Ruling Dragon. Friend of the Wyld Goblins of Istanbul. Went Drinking with the Wizard Mad Drunk. Guardian of both a Valkonen and a War Walker. The spearhead behind removing a german criminal influence from the playing field, shouldering the mafia with a debt to him. But of the man himself, little is yet known. He simply appeared on the playing field, and promptly began tweaking noses like an antagonistic child. Making trollish waves, Armas Laine has settled into not just Istanbul-but into the worlds of magic, and power alike, enjoying the good times, perilous, surreal and oft-horrific as they can be. He was not, and has never been prone to dwelling on things when he could be getting excited about a new thing to investigate. Those of courteous inclinations would call him a child at heart with mostly good intentions-those not so kindly worded would call him a perpetually immature asshole. Both would be right.
Currently, Armas is trying to see his company through clearing a rather large bloat of concurrent jobs and appointments, still trusting his hands-off approach to see his minions through their own duties. On this day
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509263 No. 509263 ID: 31e09c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>"And so, once again, a strange meteor shower appears above one of our little cities. And while official statements play it all down as a natural meteorological phenomenon, no explanation yet can explain the strange sightings, that occur more and more frequently wherever those "meteors" are supposed to show up next."
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509823 No. 509823 ID: 25312f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

War: one way or another, it always has to end.

Since the dawn of critter-kind, when the killing powers of rock and bone were first discovered, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage.
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510067 No. 510067 ID: 7562ac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Hello, everyone. Fairly new to the whole tgchan deal, so I apologize in advance if I make any kinds of mistakes. I came here because I felt like running a quest without causing any sort of uproar or negativity on /tg/. I am kind of ill experienced as far as quests go but I'll do my best. Comments, criticisms, questions, etc. all completely welcome. I simply want to get better at this while providing entertainment to you all at the same time. Cheers.

It's another morning. Stale coffee lurks on your breath and the stench of cigarettes seeps into your clothes. Another day. Another day of trying to find the bastards that got your partner killed. You used to be on the force, yeah. In a better time. A time before the corruption went clean all the way up the brass. You left the force under less than amicable terms. Now you can't stand to look at those power-hungry boars you once called your allies, and your company these days is often a little less scrupulous.

The years haven't been kind to you. All you've got left from your glory days is the leads you scrounged up and your old service pistol. It's a classic style revolver, no ID chip crammed into it, just the way you like it. That way if things go south, your biometrics won't lock you out of using it. You were never a fan of that ID system they put into place, seemed a little too Orwellian for your tastes. Not like you had a choice, though. Everything is on the grid these days. You can't even buy a fuckin' can of soda without an ID chip.

It's gonna be a long day. What do you check out first?
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510381 No. 510381 ID: 50fe21 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Today is a big, yet dreaded day!

My name is Ket'al, and I am to go into the Drylands to find food and wood for my people.

I have a backpack, filled with things that my chief has given to me, and a spear made entirely of metal. It is heavy.

There are many dangerous creatures in the Drylands. I should be prepared.
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506555 No. 506555 ID: 389f2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It's time to begin. You've got quite a journey ahead of you...I think you're ready to begin.
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505796 No. 505796 ID: 2b6765 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

((This is my first time starting one of these quests. Just a quick heads up.))

There's a girl lying on the floor, barely awake. She doesn't know where she is or even who she is. The only thing she knows is that she has a throbbing headache pulsating through her skull.

What's her first move of action?
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508731 No. 508731 ID: 74742c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Mother always said I had the most gorgeous green eyes she'd ever seen.
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502751 No. 502751 ID: 6d63a1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Beggars can't be choosers"
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508294 No. 508294 ID: 146d2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's a quest. I've wanted to run one for a while to help further flesh out a campaign setting I've been working on for a while. But before I can start, I'm going to toss out some options. While I'm sure some of the choices will have obvious outcomes, others (like country) won't.

Note: Tijei is listed as #13, Sidh is listed as #11

Race (Description) - [Country, Country, Country, Etc]

Catfolk (Gnoll/Human Hybrid, breeds true) - [Esther, Ghesti, Ohlster]

Dwarf (Short, Stout) - [The Dwarven Kingdoms]

Elf (Lithe, Intelligent, Sophisticated) - [Adina, Ghesti, Tijei]

Gnoll (A combination of hyena and house cat) - [Anaut, Esther, Ohlster]

Gnome (Dwarf/Human hybrid) - [Lebis, The Dwarven Kingdoms, Ghesti]
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498130 No. 498130 ID: 8921c9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

user-name [**********] [***********]
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508265 No. 508265 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are a wrath gremlin.
You hate everything.
This is the long and short of your personality, as well as your goals.

What is your name, and what are you going to do?

This is just a short little thing I am doing to get back in the mojo for getting the fuck on with dinglerquest already.
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489488 No. 489488 ID: 41765f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

> I guess my first question, Mr. Evans, is how exactly this whole ordeal began? The press has more than covered the latter parts of this grand exploit.

Well, I suppose the time at which my exploit started is open to my own interpretation. In that case..

It all began at the end of one of my lesser adventures. Though lesser it may be I was in the same amount of danger that I found being thrown at myself every time I set foot outside of my neighborhood. For the umpteenth time in my life, I had found myself bound and gagged, trapped in a single room at the heart of enemy territory.

My morale was not harmed! Quite the contrary, in fact! I was Jay Evans, rugged adventurer! If a little cloth and rope deterred me even in the slightest, I would have hung up my satchel long ago! Reminding myself of this, I sat determined in my makeshift cell, determined I was at the time, to...

Uh... What... Exactly should I do...?
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507584 No. 507584 ID: c5d283 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ah, you have arrived.
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507910 No. 507910 ID: 710329 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It has been a long journey across the Borderlands of the Exiles. Civilization is far away and there is little supplies left to feed the five hogbolds and their giant catporcupine that pulls the cart. A scorching summer is approaching in the Fiery Savannah and it would be prudent to build shade casting structures to avoid becoming sunburnt. The southern summer sun will surely put its scorching heat way inside a small unprepared hogbold or so they fear. But wait, what is this tiny thing lying on the ground?
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507243 No. 507243 ID: a2e386 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Yawn. I am BELYSSIA, known by most as GODDESS OF LOVE AND LUST AND FERTILITY AND ALSO HARVESTS FOR SOME REASON. But you can call me LYZ. A lady never reveals her age, but suffice to say I've lived quite a while presiding over MORTAL AFFAIRS and DIVINE AFFAIRS relating to my domain. Speaking of AFFAIRS, I'm the wife of URDAK, GOD OF FIRE AND LIGHTNING AND PROBABLY KING OF THE UNIVERSE OR SOMETHING. At least, he keeps telling people I am. I've never really gone for the idea, and after such a long time together, he doesn't really push the issue as long as I try not to do anything FUN right in front of him.

Once upon a time, all these various AFFAIRS in various senses of the word entertained me. I'd go down to the MORTAL REALM and make couples fall in love over the boundaries of territories at war. I'd make scandalous affairs in courts too noble to acknowledge them and giggle about the ensuing chaos. I'd feign victimhood to the old "VERUS, GOD OF TRICKERY AND BROTHER OF URDAK pretended to be my husband!" trick. Don't go giving me that look. I'm a love goddess, he's a fire god. "The flame that burns twice as bright..."

And I'd compete with my rival, DEVAI, GODDESS OF JUST FRIENDSHIP. Actually, that one's still kind of interesting, but it's starting to get a little awkward. One day, maybe I'll work up the courage to tell her how I really feel about her...

All the rest of it, though, has gotten a little dull. I'm BORED.

Right now, I'm sitting in the middle of my personal goddessy REALM, BELLYSSIUM. I can SUMMON various SERVANTS to which I have assigned some sort of PERSONALITY PERMANENCE, and some that I haven't, as well. I've built some MARVELS OF ARCHITECTURE BOTH GRANDIOSE AND INTIMATE. Somewhere out there in my IDEASPACE is also the PORTAL to the REALM HUB leading to the MORTAL REALM and th
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496233 No. 496233 ID: 067a04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

He felt odd, suspended in the darkness. He thought hard. His mind was a blur - even more so than usual, and via less obvious and usually illegal means. He couldn't remember coming here, and yet here he was. He wasn't sure what to feel. He didn't know if he could feel at all. It occurred to him that both his arms and his legs were gone, and he found this peculiar. Before he could dwell on it, a voice started to speak. It wasn't a deep, booming voice as you might expect - not a meaningful voice, but not unpleasant. It was the kind of voice you might expect to hear from a well-to-do stranger on the street, asking for directions. It was an average voice - average and calm. He couldn't tell if it was a man or woman's voice, but this thought never actually crossed his mind as unusual. It did, in fact, seem to sound the way the voice should sound, and that was that.

"Excuse me. Might I inquire as to your name? I just want to be sure I haven't made a mistake." said the voice.

He paused. What was his name?
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491218 No. 491218 ID: c02159 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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504649 No. 504649 ID: 28c60a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It seems that our protagonist is asleep. Wake him?
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504826 No. 504826 ID: ee5a06 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

what a beautiful day for a vacation.
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492511 No. 492511 ID: 8ebb5c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[Castawayquest is a colab between myself and Zach Leigh, and is heavily driven by suggestions. Enjoy!]
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399497 No. 399497 ID: bbee3d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter One
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505386 No. 505386 ID: e9528a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

There is a whimper of a little girl, she squeezes her eyes shut in the complete darkness, not at all alone. What shall she do?
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500015 No. 500015 ID: 040617 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The thing has been pounding on the door for days now, never letting up for a moment. Thank god this apartment has sturdy doors. For once, Gabe is glad this area had so much crime. But even having normalized to the noise that usually surrounds his appartment, he still couldn't sleep well the past few nights. The TV was still playing the same generic message as of a couple hours ago. Things are still under control. Stay indoors, let no one in. Everything will be solved on the 12th, it promised. Yeah, well that was two days ago, and Gabe is starting to run out of food... and of his medication. He only has four doses left, and has decided to save them for when he needs a clear head. For now, he needs to worry about the food situation- while he still has strength to worry with.

((Hey guys, this is my first attempt at a quest, so lemme know how I could improve- other than adding pictures. As much as I would want that to happen, I'm no artist.))
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503779 No. 503779 ID: dd1ec1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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504712 No. 504712 ID: 65449b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You stand in a room in your house, wearing a fresh change of clothes, having just climbed out of that bed there from a recent nap. Feeling refreshed and reinvigorated, you prepare to begin another session of wandering around your home, finding things to entertain yourself with.

You have done this for as long as you have lived here and have lived here as long as you can remember, and you still have not familiarized yourself with the layout. It defies memorization. You live by wandering from room to room until you stumble across whatever you need.

It's served you well so far.

Now that you are up and about, what will you do?
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495458 No. 495458 ID: 74e4c2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Previous thread: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/486939.html

You wake up. You don't remember hitting the ground. It's dark here. You don't know how long you've been here. You hear voices.

>You got the wings?
>Yeah, put em in the caravan.
>You remember to tie the bag this time?
>Yes, of course I did.
>Because if we have beasts following us back again, Lady Aradia will have our heads.
>I KNOW that. Everything's good to go.
>...Do we take the boy?
>No need. The bounty stands for the wings, just leave 'im. The jungle will clean up for us.

A shuffling noise through the foliage. A wheeled vehicle rolls away, fades into the distance. All is quiet. Or so it seems at first. You hear various insects calling to each other, birds populate the trees. You are not alone.
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503097 No. 503097 ID: 2996b6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Nan takes advantage of the distraction to pull Pablo away and put herself between him and Anderson.

Kim nods, and Anderson lowers his gun to his side.
It's true, she says. Pablo isn't the Pilgrim.
And Nan's not just seeing things.

She's seen them too. She's looked into the darkness and seen what lurks there.
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503218 No. 503218 ID: 29c085 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Glory to the people, my comrades! The foul dictatorship of tgchan has been vanquished! OVERTHROWN! No more insane favicon moderators, no more gun-pasting no-horse sheriff administrators! The boards belong to us now! We, the people! Rally, my friends, as we shall take this site in places never before visited! New vistas! Dizzying new heights! The proletariat of the common user shall prevail where the wicked indulgence of the moderation has not!
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488291 No. 488291 ID: fc72e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Well then, shall we?

This is probably a terrible idea considering my hyper-packed schedule, but I guess we'll see!
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351011 No. 351011 ID: 1665d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Continued from http://pastebin.com/0AvKBmGU and now with less text-wall

I'm Dasaki, a rather brightly colored nevrean that had the oddest start to his day. I seem to have woken up in a field with no memory of how I got there and none of my belongings aside from the VEST I (usually) wear. After walking to a nearby TOWN I found a stunning blue nevrean in the TAVERN that seemed to be trying to forget something by drinking it away with water. He didn't seem to be too keen on my attempts to flirt/bed him but he agreed to travel with me anyway.

I'm currently sitting with my new companion in the TAVERN, in a TOWN that I'm not even sure the name of myself, trying to decide our next move. We could try to find a LUTE for me to play, try to gather some SUPPLIES in the TOWN, or we could just head off to ADVENTURE in the MOUNTAINS, towards the RIVER or into the DESERT.

My party consists of myself, and this sexy blue nevrean that I still haven't learned the NAME of yet.

Our inventory consists of: Dasaki: VEST (pocket space for 6 items) NEVREAN: CLOTHES (Pocket space for 2 items), BAG (Space for 10 items, worn on back, contains a DIARY, some INK, a QUILL)
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501874 No. 501874 ID: 9f0022 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I just woke up, and my tummy's got the rumblies.

Time to go get me some cereal.
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395889 No. 395889 ID: ce4a4d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

On a high plateau overlooking the savannah lives a god.

She has left my people alone for generations.
Now there have come droughts, and floods, and famine where once there was plenty, yet we have endured.

But each of the past three new moons, it has rained fire from the sky.

And so I shall kill her.
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502043 No. 502043 ID: 5ad0b9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are this young girl. You are going to smoke this SWEET JOINT in a second but there is something that you have to do first.

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491171 No. 491171 ID: 03c728 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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366509 No. 366509 ID: 61fa90 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chp1 >>272766
Chp2 >>293007
Chp3 >>nprgrss
Dscss >>352632
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291080 No. 291080 ID: 230559 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/The_Icon
Prelude: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/95660.html
Chapter 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/95893.html
Chapter 2: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/132287.html
Chapter 3.5: http://www1.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/272793.html
Discussion 1 (Closed): http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/374.html
Discussion 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/324607.html
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500089 No. 500089 ID: 86dd27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hum… What is this? I’m being freed from my prison… Or have the Guardians finally come to finish me off? No… no it’s just some humans…
A man in a white cloak, wearing a demonic black and red mask, is standing right in front of you, arms spread out as if in embrace. In front of him on the floor, a man is tied up and blindfolded, unmoving. In the background, behind a circle of protection, several more people are cloaked in black, kneeling in meditation.On the floor are red runes, and dim candles. The whole room is very dark, and the figures cloaked in black melt into the background.
“Oh great Prometheus, lord of fire, we free you from these bonds! Accept this sacrifice and destroy our enemies, and we will serve you as you please!”
Prometheus! Ha, the luck! It seems they freed the wrong spirit, Prometheus isn’t imprisoned on earth. I wonder what made them think he was here. Still, they knew enough to free me, so they have some idea of what they’re doing. I could kill them all, but if they’re capable of releasing me like this, they may be capable of putting me back in or even enslaving me. Now, I definitely need to possess someone, even if I had the power from 5 souls, I wouldn’t be able to break the circle of protection without the help of something physical. And without something physical to latch onto or a soul to feed off of, I can’t even remain in this realm for more than a few minutes.
There are three different ways I can go about doing this: I could rip his soul from his body, which is the easiest thing, but the body will decay into uselessness in a week or so: I could temporarily possess him, escape, and then leave his body when I find something else to hold on to, but he would be extremely difficult to control with devouring a soul first: Or ideally I could convince him to let me have his soul, by granting a wish (or something) and then holding onto his soul until the wish is succe
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469150 No. 469150 ID: 14a1d0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Sire, we have an issue that requires your attention. The city population is growing at rapid pace and we're running out of room."
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497915 No. 497915 ID: bcdce8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Right, lets go get a [Bitch'n Hat]!
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483429 No. 483429 ID: c59939 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Discussion Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/54500.html

Prologue: >>410618
Chapter 1: >>424174
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499980 No. 499980 ID: 2de44c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[danganrompa parody im so sorry]

Here I am...Today, I join this school..! Cedar Ridge High School of Excellence! Only the best of the best come here..It's somewhat of a joke that I made it in..I'm only Super High School Level Eater, and I dabble in furry blogging..

My name is Carol Kawaii! I had my own last name legally changed to match my personality. I just hope everyone here will accept me..
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499893 No. 499893 ID: b14a46 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi, I'm Pisk. I've been constipated for the past three weeks. What should I do to pass the time between now and my next bowel movement?

I'm on the toilet again.
There is a sloppy November 2009 magazine to my left. Shampoo bottles line the bathtub rim a few feet away. A sink is to my right.
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474577 No. 474577 ID: cea452 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is PMC Quest.
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499607 No. 499607 ID: 389f2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The West is an unforgiving land. If you're dumb and can't see past the land of dead rock and dry bushes, the heat of the beating sun that claims lives everyday, the general damned death of the place, you will most certainly die. The land is not dead, and the creatures of it are so fucking tough that no human could stop them. The rattlesnakes blend in the seemingly dead bushes-the skunks hide in rocky outcrops. You'd never see one until you stepped into it's territory and the beast drove you out.

Bulls and horses are the largest creatures, each one as crazy as they are free. The brutes of our people catch both and many die in the time of doing so, just to breed domesticated offspring to serve our goodwill. It'd be a guilty thing, legs pressed up against a saddle atop a horse, spurs stuck in it's bleeding worn flanks to command it when to go and when to stop, and see a herd of wild horses fly across the horizon, strength in every step, confidence radiating off of the lead stallion. If you're lucky you'd see foals running behind, long awkward legs carrying it clumsily but happily behind the others, crying out in joy with the others. Innocence in nature.

Birds roam the sky, waiting for rabbits to pop out so that they can swoop down and strangle it in the air, maybe even drop it from a great height for death by impact-at the risk of a coyote snatching the kill-or even circling over a dying animal, to feed from it's dead body that couldn't find any water.

The land is alive and it beats with passion. Have you ever looked at the lakes that never drain underneath the sun? Have you seen it shimmer, clear and free from pollution, fish and frogs swimming in it for relief? The smell of the water, fresh and clean, is enough to make a man forget his troubles and go onto Heaven if such beauty can be promised there.

This is a land that God made perfect. You only get scared if a p
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498874 No. 498874 ID: 07e10b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>"You've had a few days now to recover. In a weeks time, we plan to move you into the field to breach rebels holds. We've got enough time to train you in at least one thing."
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493099 No. 493099 ID: 389f2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[first thread- >>484606]

When I wake up, I am not in my bed.

I'm very confused, and I manage a worried mumble before I remember what I did before I slept.

Something tugs at the hem of my shirt.
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496949 No. 496949 ID: eba327 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You do not remember how you got here or anything at all. You might as well make up a name for yourself before you get started.
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498457 No. 498457 ID: 69443a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You feel yourself waking up. At first, it is slow, but then energy rushes through you.
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475741 No. 475741 ID: 00f5eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I can't believe it.

Here I am, busting my ass to save this city's people every day, and no one even knows my name!

Alright, I know I have to protect my identity from the corrupt port authorities, but it would honestly be nice to get some recognition every now and then.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off parading around in some stupid costume, so at least then people would know who to thank…

But wait no that would just be silly.
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497802 No. 497802 ID: bcdce8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A legendary tale begins today!

Said tale will include a wide variety of cutting implements, clockwork mechanisms, and goofy shenanigans!

you are a young man of 17 years, you hold an unfathomable thirst for [Adventure] and an affinity for [Kick-Ass Swords].

Recently, your quiet life of being an apprentice blacksmith has been interrupted by a viscous dragon by the name of BALLOSMEAR III.

You won't take it any longer! you have decided to take matters into your own hands and slay BALLOSMERE yourself!

Can't be that hard, Right?

If you succeed, your name may just go down in legend, the only question is...

What will that name be?
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479289 No. 479289 ID: 49f442 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

>Please wait until the intro is finished to begin suggesting

Dark Times have come upon the world.

Something is changing, and nobody knows quite what or quite why. Monsters have been creeping in from the outer wildlands, with strange and unknown monsters appearing all the time. And even now, when they would be most needed, the various Kingdoms have withdrawn their armies inward. Marshalling for a war that has not been declared, against a threat that nobody understands. They have been moving toward an ancient, untamed valley, skirmishing over land therein.

With these movements, the outer edges of civilization have fallen into chaos. Bandit-Lords and Mercenary Warbands use force to carve out empires of their own, claiming what they can in the absence of a military presence from the civilized lands.
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496047 No. 496047 ID: 7b591d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

In the budding industry of electronic sports, Starcraft is king. Brood War took Korea by storm, propelling the game and the RTS genre into fame and legitimacy. It is very much the originator and was the vanguard for e-sports. However, Starcraft 2 is a very different game. In fact, it's anyone's game. Still in its infancy, the sequel to Brood War has the financial and competitive backing to be something special.

And you, you want to be something special. Your dream is to be at the helm of one of the most successful Starcraft teams ever known. After years of watching and spectating and thinking, "I could do that," you've finally gotten your chance.

But before dreams are fulfilled, dreams must be named.

What is your name, and what's the name of the team you plan to lead to glory?
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432514 No. 432514 ID: b0d1a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Its dark, also warm and snug, so comfortable and sleepy~

I have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me. Also thank N for the title.
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489694 No. 489694 ID: b58751 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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493201 No. 493201 ID: 8b4dd1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


We have pushed ourselves beyond the limits of Earth long ago. We conquered the moon, the solar system, and then kept right on going. Without a doubt we failed many times. But we persevered. We pushed on. And we succeeded in building the one thing humanity needed to make the stars themselves available to us.

The space fold engine. Faster than light travel.

The stars, once so far away, became close. And humanity expanded. The stars became our new homes. The colonies, a new frontier. We thought ourselves unstoppable, and warred amongst ourselves as humanity always had. And then we came into contact with them. The Xenos. The things were better than us. Stronger than us. Smarter than us. It was all we could do to hold them off, especially with humanity so divided. No one nation could withstand the onslaught, and all, at first, seemed lost.

Their arrival, however, became a galvanizing force, pushed humanity into true unity, and into war once again. Our men and women, once enemies, stood shoulder to shoulder, fighting to protect everything we had built. Weapons were constructed, great warships crafted, and we fought to keep the enemy at bay. We drove the enemy to a stand still, using everything we could bring to bear. We succeeded in granting ourselves peace, at the cost of so many. We used that peace to strengthen ourselves, build once again, and prepare. For we would not stand for this without reprisal. We would take back our homes. Destroy our enemies. Hunt them all down to exact the same pain they caused us.

We have built an army, from the genetics of thousands. Crafted soldiers built for the many battles to come. Men and women ready to fight to the last. This is our choice. Our war. Our shout of defiance to anything and everything in the universe. Humanity will persevere. We always have, and we always will.

>Select a Variant

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479411 No. 479411 ID: d068e4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Shit. It's going to rain again.
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495547 No. 495547 ID: 3dde8d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I need to patch this. And Fast.
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491852 No. 491852 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Time for something dumb
Your name is Wingsnake.
You are going to have an ADVENTURE!
It has neem several years since the last of your kind was born, and as the prophecy foretold you would have to go on a mission!
A mission to SAVE THE WORLD!

Now if only you knew where to start...
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493351 No. 493351 ID: edb912 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

There is a sharp pain in your head, you awaken in a damp cold cave unaware of how you got here.

You feel a slight weight and notice you have a strange looking necklace around your neck; perhaps it belongs to someone..

What should you do?
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488889 No. 488889 ID: 14a1d0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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424198 No. 424198 ID: d1e9bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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491027 No. 491027 ID: eba327 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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445338 No. 445338 ID: a407a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

She is the First,
Beautiful, Radient,
Beloved by all.

He is the Second,
Hardworking, Inventive,
Engineer above all.

She is the third,
Elegant, Wise,
Judger of all.

She is the Fourth,
Scholar, Writer,
Teacher to all.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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487924 No. 487924 ID: b4ebb8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You wake up, your head pounding, lying on the bumpy cavern floor. It's a bit dark, and you feel confused. What happened? You recall mining, and someone yelling, but everything after that is black.
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484967 No. 484967 ID: eba327 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Who is this guy?
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491255 No. 491255 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Yuno, youngest sibling of the Kanenshin family. Poisoned, arms bound, and hung from the jasper trees as if a decorament. It is the second aging of the emperor Dokuga during the Jakikigen era of Dinmar. This is a time of much strife and rebellion towards the Dokugan reign. The citizenry raise arms against the tyrannical leadership of the evil magician Dokuga.

But, this at the moment is of not import. You have a single martial weapon with which to free yourself from your restraints, but what martial weapon and where you held it you cannot remember.
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491490 No. 491490 ID: 03c728 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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358076 No. 358076 ID: 801747 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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489054 No. 489054 ID: c0c515 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]



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487837 No. 487837 ID: e81b57 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

((Alright, it's my first time attempting something like this. Hopefully, everyone enjoys! Now to get the show on the road....))
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490825 No. 490825 ID: c0c96e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh jeez what is this now?
Well, we may as well start with the basics.

Sexual/romantic Orientation:
Preferred Weapon:

Maybe after we've sorted this out, we can figure out what the hell this is all about.
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485254 No. 485254 ID: 90a2ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You wake up, groggy and tired.
You have no memory of the past except for a bad headache.
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487797 No. 487797 ID: 52b3ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

((Hello! This is the creator of Jillquest. As I do plan on continuing it, I wanted to start this up as well. Now before this starts, I just wanted to put up a trigger warning because there will most likely be some triggering stuff.

Anyway, here we start)

Your currently walking among this meadow
You feel happy.
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395551 No. 395551 ID: bbee3d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

O nameless clever spirits, voices of quest and contest, I call upon thee!

I could use your help just now.
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486399 No. 486399 ID: 46d9f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You lay in bed. It's morning, but you honestly could not care less. Dead end job, shitty apartment, and you can see a goddamn spider RIGHT THERE in the corner. The last time you skipped work, though, you got a beating strong enough that your ribs still hurt. Might as well get up, at least.

Your NAME is JACK. However, everyone calls you RABBITEARS because of your favorite hat. You've had it for so long that it's probably replaced your scalp entirely. A quick look outside reveals that it's already past sunup, so you're late before you start. Great. At least now you have some time to get other things out of the way, no one's going to notice a few extra minutes if you're late.

What do you do, Jack?
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487805 No. 487805 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[character select]
(Choose your sex toy! Anything goes, so long as I can reliably find images of it to shoop arms and legs onto during the course of this ridonk quest of ours.
Let's get a move on, people!)
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482273 No. 482273 ID: 6e1234 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are a Dunsparce.

What will you do?
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474672 No. 474672 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/367145.html

The Baron Moria's Disease, also known as the Voice Baron's Curse, is a tragic story of those whose minds deteriorate to the brink of insanity before they inevitably die. The symptoms start out small with minor influence to preform amazing acts of renown and claiming they were guided by voices to the extremes of genocide caused by inner demons. It is not a subtle thing truth is said when those who contract it often look forward to the quickened death it finally offers.
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474182 No. 474182 ID: befc95 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'm... I'm awake. I don't remember the last time I was awake. My mind's been racing for so many years, time running together into one long endless string. But I hear it now, I hear a dull scratching.
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485752 No. 485752 ID: 822e8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is Jargon's room.
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483860 No. 483860 ID: 52b3ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

((Jill quest is back in action, though I do have some news
bad news is that im only going to do 5 panels a day [sorry, but this will make it go on longer!]
Good news is that all panels will be in color [except for the first one and most dark ones)
So, let Jill quest begin!)
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485519 No. 485519 ID: 389f2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I usually believe that no one is born evil nor pure-that the enviroment and people you grew up with are who help you become what you are.

Now I'm having some doubts.
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471663 No. 471663 ID: a68e3e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

She always watched him from afar, afraid to go to him and tell him her true feelings. She wished she had the courage to speak to him, to tell him how much she loved him.
It took a long time but eventually she managed to work up the courage to talk to him.

What did she do?
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481455 No. 481455 ID: 0f485b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

All right, that's quite enough time you've spent dilly-dallying. You should find yourself a new shape.
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482576 No. 482576 ID: b3ca75 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chose Your Element!

Earth: Sensation
Fire: Intuition
Water: Emotion
Air: Thinking
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459357 No. 459357 ID: d25514 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

((This is a sort of continuation of Red Sands with PuddOmega. As such, updates may be sporadic. ))

The world of the unconscious host careens away, and you stand in the void between minds and worlds. The Etheral stretches behind you, a yawning, endless chasm to your eyes, and before you is an infinite array of tiny stars. Each star is a life, and the brightness is their might, relative to those around it. As is usual, your memories of the past are broken, watery, foggy, and faint, vanishing by the moment. All you remember was a young woman, her friend, and vast desert. But now is not the time for recollection, now is the time for action.

Among these stars you know you can find someone with the sort of abilities and sorts you desire. Every life is yours to live, in time. Vicariously, you experience all things, but in truth, you forget it all almost as soon as you leave. Such is the life of Envy's second, Legion. Now let us go forth and decide what sort of person we wish to be.

Do we want to be strong? How strong?

Do we want to be smart? How smart?

Do we want to be magical? How magical?

Do we want to be psionic? How much?

And other such things. Among these many stars... Which one will suit your desire?
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477991 No. 477991 ID: 8682da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

"Dear my Ansei; my closest confident

As you are reading this our era is coming to an end. Our vessel has been seized on its way to the capital. My husband and I are locked within the inner chambers of the ship as she begins lower into the surf. My page has recorded my final words for you and you alone.

The heir within me was born prematurely on our travels, just as you had predicted. I should have listened. He is healthy, with no complications.

While my husband and I cannot escape this chamber; there is a chance for my child to escape.

If this letter has made it to you, I present to you my dying wish.

Protect him and raise him as if he were your own.

Great change is coming to our empire.
No matter what happens, promise me this.
Give him the life he deserves.
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484009 No. 484009 ID: 885ee8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Once upon a time, there was nothing.

Suddenly, there was a spotlight. Nothingness tore open into a screaming mass of somethings, and they all cried out in jubilation. The something in the spotlight raised its arm.

It was a shabby something, but it was charismatic. That's why it was the one in the spotlight and not one of the innumerable other somethings stretching off into near-infinity. Some manner of eccentric, floppy hat, goggles, several scarves, and about twenty more coats than any one omnipotent superbeing should be wearing. In fact, no part of this particular something was visible except its clothes.

"Welcome," The Something began. The lim(infinity)x throng cheered at the first word. The Something waited for them to reach an arbitrary level of quietude before continuing. "...to The Showdown."

Near-infinite cheering erupted again, all rejoicing in the charisma required of The Something to say those four words into a microphone. After eons of this, the gathered masses finally got quiet enough to continue. "Seekers," The Something said, "bring me your champions!"


Welcome to the showdown. It's a writing competitions disguised as a roleplaying battle. Basically, you submit a character. It can be any character, from any setting, from any time, with any sort of powers. There are a couple of minor restrictions, but I'll get to those later. Six of them that the host (in this case, me) finds interesting will get plucked out of their home universe and time and thrown into an arena with the others by the nigh-omnipotent host, The Something. Those characters will be told to fight each other to the death, and the host will disappear.

The contest works on a multiversal model. The characters needn't come from the same universe or even universes that share the same physical laws. A character from a
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438670 No. 438670 ID: 885ee8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a
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479122 No. 479122 ID: 66adb0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Nonhuman beings prevail in this world's darkness...
Different names have been given to them throughout history but the
name that will always stay is "Chains"... Chains are beings of the
Abyss devouring unsuspecting humans and leaving the world distorted.
In time, among the "Chains", the "Black Chains" who are the most
feared among the Chains came to an decision and began to emerge to
hunt down their own destructive kind. Each chose a human to be their
warrior and power was bestowed upon them in the form of jewels to help
guide them to the path they must walk...

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478832 No. 478832 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

the sound of paper rustling in the wind.
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483453 No. 483453 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Good morning chauncy. What time is it? Who cares- you have two days. See if you can escape.
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466013 No. 466013 ID: 82175a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"Are you sure this is the right one?"
"There's nothing more I can do. Nobody could have saved him."
"You should have known... We won't make it much longer too..."
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482396 No. 482396 ID: dc5623 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is your school, in a country not unlike yours but different in several ways. Now, are you a male or female? What is your name?
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482022 No. 482022 ID: 4870be hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A quaint young lady stands still. She seems to be memorized by something, much like a deer in front of a moving car. What is her name?!
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480155 No. 480155 ID: 28c425 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hello, I'm completely new to this thread and I do have a basic plot for this adventure. Also I really suck at drawing. adventure starts next post. So away we gooooo.
1. A state or place in which the souls of those who have died in a state of grace are believed to undergo a limited amount of suffering to expiate their venial sins and become purified of the remaining effects of mortal sin.
2. A place or condition of suffering or torment, esp one that is temporary.
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477857 No. 477857 ID: 501984 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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473179 No. 473179 ID: 067a04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, there was a man named the Wandering Rose, for that was what he was.
He came from one very different place, in search of others.
His word was silence, and he spoke it often.
He found a place - a simple place - and took the time to explore.

What place did the Wandering Rose find?
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452602 No. 452602 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello constants, today is yet another day for the kingsmen. These days the royalty has been occupying it's time with defending their baronies, castles and ownerships from the invading crusades that dominate the land. The royal messengers have gone throughout the lands in order to garner reputation for their kings and to attempt enlistment into their militia.
Those who are veterans of first engagement have already muddied their boots.
For those who wish to start as a fresh soldier under the kings banner, the rules are here:

This first calling is to see who we have in the barracks, whether they are new recruits or those just returning from their brief hiatus amongst the peace.
>Kingsmen, File In!
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423090 No. 423090 ID: ad8010 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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392034 No. 392034 ID: 832169 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A rap on the door broke the relative silence of the coach as it rolled down the road. Felix looked out the window, and could see the huge manor house that stood at the end of the path. “About time. Are you ready, boy?” asked his father, the Baron of Northgate. As always, his face didn’t give anything away at all.

“Of course.” Felix was still a bit perplexed as to why his father had asked him to come all the way out here, into the neighboring Elven kingdom of Estronel. He knew that the Baron wouldn’t be coming out here without good reason, but he also couldn't imagine what use he’d be. Felix was 18 years old after all, and two years away from being able to officially join the Northgate military. Maybe he was supposed to observe his father and learn from his example, considering that one day he might have to speak diplomatically with the neighboring kingdoms on Northgate’s behalf.
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477018 No. 477018 ID: 75ebf5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You’re a bandit.

You’re not a very good bandit, but that’s okay.

You’re the Best Bandit.

There is no one who even comes close to your unique quality.

Previous Adventure: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/474847.html
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422052 No. 422052 ID: ecb09c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Level 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/388264.html
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477313 No. 477313 ID: 6779b6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

<Well now how interesting to meet you again here of all places. Hm? Well now it appears that you don't remember me... or yourself for that matter. Tell me again dear boy, your name?>
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432894 No. 432894 ID: 067a04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's raining.
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478113 No. 478113 ID: 710329 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

:::Encrypted code:::
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476723 No. 476723 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Hunter

Skipping ahead in the setting a bit. The wog family has successfully ejected an evil spirit from their son. Plipper and Deave head over to Urtz space station to retrieve their equipment where they have just been engaged in questioning by the GPD.
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477620 No. 477620 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name, gender, and everything about you are coming up a blank. You woke up with nothing but the clothes on your back, and the meager inventory of items found in your pockets.
You appear to be in a white room, no walls or exit are immediately noticeable.
What do you do?
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475343 No. 475343 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

another attempt at my continual study of how freaky I can make a quest.
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473835 No. 473835 ID: c48bb2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hey hey!
Why is it so dark?
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462696 No. 462696 ID: 0313a4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

You wake up in a daze.
It appears that you're trapped in a box, but how did you get here? You can't remember a thing.
First off, are you a boy or a girl?
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465671 No. 465671 ID: a407a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An experiment, to see about adding more to my repertoire of things to use in quests... we'll see how it goes.


Like all my kind, I waken to morning in the heavens-forsaken hellhole that is the Aldurai Swamplands. I find myself, as always, knee deep in sludge, and my rumbling stomach reminds me that I need to find food, soon. Still, I'm not quite done with my task here. No. There is still a life to find, and a power to be awoken. I just need one last thing... just one last, precious ingredient.

I need someone's soul.

I spend the morning packing up my meager possessions and reviewing my set course. If rumors are correct, then somewhere in the damned swamp, there's a Demon Bride, more commonly known as witches. Reportedly a weak one, which is good, because I'm not too strong myself, as of yet, but... well, we'll hope for the best. Either way, all other preparations are set. Her death is my goal, and we'll see about the rest of it...

Of course, I could just be talking to no one at all, but... well... I'm hoping that seemingly useless spell my brother decided to hand over wasn't completely worthless after all. Otherwise I wasted quite a bit of time for nothing.

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464544 No. 464544 ID: 6a5a08 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You, Quad von Profit, are a Squarefolk Merchant. Your mother ran off with a Squarefolk Bard and was eaten by Bobcats. Thanks to that Filthy Stinking Whore, you were left with your father and a Burning Hatred for the Female Sex. When your father passed away you were left with his Shop and Lots of Gambling Debt. The Shop was looted to repay your father's Lots of Gambling Debt, leaving you with only your trusty Loincloth. Naturally, this was all the fault of that Filthy Stinking Whore.

The last thing you remember is stabbing a Rampaging Filthy Crossdressing Wannabe Whore who dared to exist outside of your Shop through his Empty Heartplace Where Hearts Go.

But before you continue with your story, there are these System Messages to deal with, marked with Exclamation Thingies.
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463004 No. 463004 ID: 267691 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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450623 No. 450623 ID: 067a04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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475654 No. 475654 ID: b3ca75 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

New Game <--
Load Game

>New Game_
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