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1034928 No. 1034928 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Yesterday you were nearly four hundred miles northeast of here, just outside the City of Needles. An ancient automaton, wise but wounded, broke through the floor of a windrider repair shop (on a hill outside of town, pictured) and sent you on a quest. Or, for those less interested in grand narratives, hired you to deliver a payload to a target. Apparently a big rock, up beyond the sky, is going to fall and kill approximately everyone, unless you reach it first and blow it up in just the right way.

Your advance payment included a set of three chainpods: swift, efficient, and versatile amphibious vehicles. Unfortunately they're designed to seat one person each, and there are six of you, so things have been a bit cramped... but even so, from Thaemor's capital to the mouth of Cerdyn's Pass in just one night! Conventional armies might count themselves lucky to march that route in less than a month. It's autumn, and you're barely a third of the way to the Light'ning Beanstalk, which isn't even the true destination so much as another bottleneck on your route, but such dizzying speed leaves you pondering the possibility of a victorious return before winter.

Up ahead, past the next switchback, there's the town of Hallux, stopover point for trade caravans (though it's late in the year to be busy with that now, snow and ice might block the pass before normal wagons made it through), plus a moderately famous apothecary and bathhouse fed by natural hot springs. Some of you have family there.
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No. 1045399 ID: 287555

rolled 14, 8, 1, 18, 15, 7, 4, 7, 19, 3, 4, 2, 10, 3, 11, 19, 20, 20, 8, 13 = 206

>"Really? I was trying so hard to play it cool...I have been told I'm about as subtle as an earthshaker, before."
An aborted laugh comes across the communication cable in response. "Much as I'd like to credit your success and spare my dignity, they may have been correct."

Natalina continues, hesitantly. "A part of me feels like I should expound on the perils of a workplace romance, or one between two people stranded alone with one another. ...although, no, we're not the only two people present counting our inkeeper-abbot. And of the two of us, I'm not the one you kissed.

"...I'm sorry, I quite lost track of where I was going with that."

>You think we can fix it up and let it go?
>Working through [the augmech] provides three free levels of Effort on medical care and repairs to biomechanical creatures
Natalina, operating Milaconi's cousin, will attempt to extricate and repair the impaled lightning mourn. Not sure how quickly the creature can travel, but if we're engaging in catch-and-release, we should do so away from the nest we're trying to evict it from.

>"Haha that sounds really risky. I'm all for it though, what do you think?"
If only one of the pair ventures out onto the platform to plant the grenade, the risk of falling into the abyss is a lot lower, since they'd be tethered to the other and the augmech. Paprika would be better at a balancing act, but Natalina could apply discounted
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No. 1045410 ID: f57349

>rolled 14
Lightning mourn has been patched up, and gently reprogrammed to see you as neither a threat nor a food source. It immediately zooms back to suckle at the sparking end of that loose cable, though.
>rolled 8, 1, 18
You find the correct spot, and (after burning xp on a reroll) a position from which Milaconi's cousin can simply throw the gravity-pear with exactly the right speed, angle, and timing. Detonation is shockingly loud, in contrast with the near-total ambient silence of the station exterior.
>rolled 15
By the time you hike back to the dish, that mangled support truss has somehow been completely repaired or replaced, and farspeaking pylon landed in what looks like the right spot atop it. The lightning mourn gives you an insectile salute before skittering away.

After simply touching the reconnected cable, Milaconi's cousin can interface with the farspeaking pylon, and even maintain the connection from a distance. Local datasphere is still very crowded, but seems to be making progress toward clearing the queue.

Now, to see if you can remember the chainpod's ID code...

First attempt: at the other end of the connection you're looking up from the bottom of a squarish shaft, 2.5 meters by 3 meters and at least five meters deep. No light apart from the display screen itself. Error message, core... something something... not found... reserve power... blah blah catastrophic blah... This chainpod is in very bad shape. Not just neglected maintenance, somebody tore important pieces out of it. Only other item of interest visible through the dashboard camera is a jumbled pile of bones including at least three h
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No. 1045669 ID: e5709d

rolled 14, 4, 12, 8, 18, 5, 9, 10, 5, 12, 16, 11, 5, 7, 1, 19, 12, 11, 2, 5 = 186

As the weeks pass, Reiko's new workshop hums and grinds to the tunes of her whimsical experimentation. Most of her work is centered around replicating the fine-tuned components of the chainpods, with the occasional request from the weary townsfolk for something she doesn't think is important like an aneen fence or a bakery. As the last component is cannibalized from the former Volcano Tamer, Reiko recommends to Mia Xan that they turn it into some kind of fire department as a (literally) practical joke. Or at least a major storage area so the next disaster doesn't starve everyone.
(Timeskip is spent developing Parts and improving/repairing the chainpods)

The calm after the stress-fest has given her enough clarity to realize she may have been blowing her personal problems out of proportion - but it was her new friends that found violent, hilariously improvised solutions. Reiko concludes that she likes this new party and would join them even if this temporary contract didn't pull the fur out of her arms.

A fortunate function of her brain implant created a neural copy of the manual she downloaded from the datasphere was kept intact. This copy is linked to her mental experiences when viewing the files rather than the actual data, and so will only work for her. It managed to compress and encrypt the copy in time to delete the raw evidence, lest the Archive she downloaded the manual from confirm her data theft and send out a cease-and-desist order for evidence of copied data - which usually means sending assassins.
Unfortunately, the Archive's cybersecurity has a creative way of dealing with hackers - they counter-hacked her implant and purged the file containing all the encryption keys. And then managed to forge evidence they had simply erased a folder of porn - that constitutes a lip-service fee for the Archive
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No. 1046023 ID: f57349

>developing Parts
>rolled 14
A full barrel of parts is only 80 units, when they're sorted and packed safely. Could plausibly gather more than that, by some combination of scrounging under the Eye of the Sea and early-completion bonus from the King Under the Mountain, but if you're sharing three single-seat vehicles with five other people (Saoirse ran off - something to do with that duke of the Beyond to whom Eliznyabeth sold a hundred-ton pack animal) there's already not much room left for luggage.

>and improving/repairing the chainpods
Each of the three pods is, more or less, a two-meter hamster ball with gyrostabilized throne inside, ominous sealed box under the seat, handspan-wide textured belt like the bastard spawn of a sawblade and a monster truck tire wrapped around the outer circumference, serving as both access hatch and traction surface. Cruises up to eighty miles per hour over good roads, half that on rough terrain or submerged. Typical humans will need to surface for fresh air every four hours or so. Any single pod can only roll along under its own power for five hours before needing to rest in direct sunlight for an hour - clear canopy gradually darkens, reaching full opacity when exhausted. However, pods can magnetically link up in a chain (hence the name) like a string of beads. Leader pulls while allowing the others to rest. Three is just enough to keep moving nonstop, provided it's not too cloudy around dawn or dusk. The seats and controls seem to have been originally intended for humanoids almost three meters tall, hunched up into a fetal position.
The three chainpods you've got access to have consecutive serial numbers
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No. 1046480 ID: 287555

rolled 9, 17, 14, 3, 10, 9, 14, 20, 16, 5, 2, 11, 3, 9, 10, 19, 10, 1, 11, 10 = 203

>Based on what's spilling over into the augmech's communication queue, immediate vicinity of the farspeaking pylon seems to be very crowded from the datasphere side, like the line outside a popular nightclub, or the office of a politician who just made a very unpopular policy decision.
>Local datasphere is still very crowded, but seems to be making progress toward clearing the queue.
Natalina is quite pleased their effects have apparently helped their invisible data-compatriots. There are more people (or close enough) up here than she first throught.

>Fourth attempt: last linked pod, fully functional, empty, and wide open to the sky. Shattered wall of a building - one you recognize as among the few in Hallux which were completely intact during the eruption's immediate aftermath - and to the other side, greasy smoke rising from out of frame in front of the wrecked volcano tamer. Reiko is laughing somewhere nearby, but it doesn't seem like the happy sort of laughter. Several other voices, crying or shouting, mostly unintelligible. A not-quite-humanoid silhouette approaches. Bright red eyes flicker "This confirms that you survived." Reaching toward the 'disconnect' button, a finger of angular stone.
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1045941 No. 1045941 ID: cdbcf8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A knight ascends the stairs leading up to the top of the tower, with sounds of cheering and cellabration coming from the glittering silver city far below him, loud enough that he can even hear it from thousands of feet above it all. However he doesn’t care about any of that, not now, not when they haven’t won just yet.. As he ascends, two men quickly run up behind him, both worried for what the knight is about to do, but with only the cyclops truly showing it.

“Sir!... Sir!....SIR #*%)$”?=! PLEASE STOP!!!” None of these words are reaching the knight. The cyclops continus to yell and plead with the knight to stop, the Drangonborn just quietly follows them both, waiting to see what happens next. As they reach the pinnacle of the tower, the only thing at the top of it is a pitch black metal...wardrobe. The cyclops goes silent, knowing that nothing he can say can make them turn back now. The Dragonborn avoids looking at it as much as he can, thinking from the back of his head, that even though he knows the thing in it doesn’t have any magic now. That if it thinks hard enough, that if it thinks about something besides destroying all the Dragonborn holds dear and true. That it can just learn a new magic if needed. The knight goes forward towards it without a hint of hesitation. And opens it. The only thing in it being a...a man. Kneeling down on both knees and bowing, looking as if it’s a humble man giving great thanks. But when you look at it, and I mean really look at it for a minute, you feel like it’s trying to move with all its might. As if every fiber of its being is screaming at it to move, like if it could get up and out of that weardrobe it would...And do something horrible. The knight takes a step back and takes a deep breath, trying to find the words he had driven him from the parties, the awards and the much needed rest they had all deserved, that they all needed! But he still came up here to this thing!... After two minutes of sil
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No. 1045946 ID: e51896

was considering the cool void beast or due-wings choices, but I think normacy in itself is really respectable

go for Fighter (In Improv Technique) the idea of using ANYTHING as a weapon is fun
No. 1045949 ID: 7c0da2

Fighter -> In Improv Technique
Because if you have done everything the knight is saying? Then you must have mastered improvisation and the art of bringing death with everything and anything.
Also it's just cool, there is all those knights with armor and secret trainings, wonderful creatures with magic and supernatural capacities, but you? You simply decided that you wanted to beat your opponent no matter the circumstances, and trained to do just that. And you got real good at it.
No. 1045952 ID: a2d88b

I like:
* Knight of the Reflecting Blade
* Fighter of the Bang Boom technique
* Due-Wings
I can't choose.
No. 1045955 ID: e5709d

Knight of the Bucket "Quantum Scientist! I am a Quantum Scientist now."

Motive: "I... saw. I saw beyond this microscopic world. I saw endless fields of tormented. Horrors that eclipse my own. Atrocities that would make every evil god repent.
I saw a chance to stop it. The price for my chance was this One. Tiny. Rock.
It was the slimmest chance, and I have failed, and now it is for nothing.
And I regret not my resolve, but suffer for it.
No. 1045993 ID: dc970e

Knight of the Reflecting Blade, and the reason you did all those horrible things was because one of them ate all your chips and didn't even tell you

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1042059 No. 1042059 ID: d98cb8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

-Divided- A quest in the Balanceverse, written by crows and illustrated by shitty AI! Possibly NSFW eventually (but only by text), but no promises!


My hand is steady as I drag my iron across her back, filling in more of the taoist symbol with smooth movements. It's a simple design, the interlocking teardrops of black and white. I'm not super into the meaning behind it other than balance or something, but there's always people who want it tattooed on them. It's an easy freehand job.

The woman is quiet as I dip the needle, her breath steady and rhythmic almost as if asleep. There's no blood to blot away, and I think to myself that I've never had it go this easily.

The room is only lit by the lamp directly above, everything else in shadow beyond the pool of light surrounding us. It’s a circle only filled with the steady hum of the tattoo machine on the floor next to us, and nothing else. I wonder what time it is now, since I’m sure I’ve been at this a while.

She speaks, her silky voice sliding into the silence.

”How important is a home, do you think?”

It’s an odd question, but people always seem to ask those when they’re in the chair. Tattoo artists, bartenders, and massage therapists, all shrinks in the eyes of the public.
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No. 1045531 ID: d98cb8
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You are Parker


I really screwed up here, I think.

Hours upon hours at the office, only leaving to go home and read before returning, it left me lacking I think. Despite the act I put on for clients, I’m actually pretty bad with people.

I keep a whole list of good conversational topics memorized with fun anecdotes to follow up on, if I need to make small talk. Always found that easier than being spontaneous.

Addison seemed interesting though. Genuinely confused by the situation she’s in with this house, standoffish and slightly rude, and with a terrible habit of sliding random cusses into her casual language as if to replace punctuation. The exact sort of person I’d never really been able to spend time with in school, whether high school or university, with my nose buried so deeply in the textbooks and books of law needed to make my eventual mark on the world.

I thought I saw someone lonely in her though. This was a girl willing to drop her life and move more than fifty miles in a single day, with no plan and only her little beat up car. Maybe someone in need of a friend like I am.

I think I might have been wrong. I’m sometimes bad with signals like that.
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No. 1045532 ID: d98cb8
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You are Alice


“Perfect.” I say to myself, sighing in satisfaction. Dishes are done, food is ready, manor is quiet for now.

It’s not that I can’t cook in the burrow. We have perfectly satisfactory kitchens down there. Modern conveniences. Electricity.

Just because we kin live in a burrow does not mean we do not have AC.

But that’s not MY kitchen down there. This is my place, where I know the location of every utensil without thinking about it, and I’m long adjusted to standing on a stepstool to work.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Might need to discuss groceries with Addison though. There’s nothing of nutritional value here, all easy microwavable meals and quick fixes. We can do far better than this. Regardless, it wasn’t too hard to whip up some quick gyoza sauce for the stir fry, and there’s enough leftovers for both of us later. She needs to eat better.
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No. 1045578 ID: 08b944

Parker: gawp incoherently for a few moments, and then struggle to apologize and explain
Alice: hear her out, at least for like 60 seconds, because you're gonna have a hard time fixing a situation you know nothing about
No. 1045581 ID: e5709d

Parker: Point and laugh madly at the bnnuy.
Alice: Bunny Chittering until Parker calms down.
No. 1045605 ID: a2d88b

>Parker: gawp incoherently for a few moments, and then struggle to apologize and explain >>1045578
>Alice: hear her out, at least for like 60 seconds, because you're gonna have a hard time fixing a situation you know nothing about
This sounds good to me.

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1043351 No. 1043351 ID: 2eaeea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Once a slave race forced to fight under the banner of the Hubork Empire, the Nubru had managed to liberty themselves from bondage after the Empire collapsed under it's own weight. With their new found freedom the Nubru attempt to re-establish their civilizations in the far lands. It's been years since the fall of Hubork and Nubru settlements have turned to villages and then to towns. United in their new country of Iiavell the Nubru fear becoming conquered once again by a new force and seek a way to protect themselves from future invasions (and let's be honest probably perform a few invasions themselves when they can)

Uncovered scriptures and writings in lost ruins claim that a source of power lays beneath the far lands. The lost grave of an old god holds valuable relics and the Nubru are not above grave robbing, especially the graves of dead gods! As such a number of holds have been commissioned to dig for ore's, ancient relics, and the god grave.
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No. 1045029 ID: 9a2966

>Level 3 Traps are impassable to your troops
Barricades are passable.

>Ranged units cannot move and fire
I cannot find where this is referenced.
No. 1045030 ID: 03f78a

My bad, it's the lvl 3 traps.
No. 1045032 ID: e5709d

*We have two hospitals. We can capitalize on this by having Yorzzyll waste a turn attacking an opponent below them. We should also 'expend' a unit, most notably the hornets.
* Sorry, little doggos, but this hulking angry supermonster is worth far more in military strength than you. Even more importantly, Yorzzyll's deluge is a game-breaker that can easily neutralize the lava rooms. Once we've defeated Yorzzyll , replace the hounds. Alternatively, if Yorzzyll's deluge kills the hornets outright, have them replace those. Or, perhaps it will take a liking to the river.
We have a better chance than it looks, but the true danger is any hidden abilities that we don't know of. Have a reserve force ready for additional reinforcements, and this should be a general success.
C5 (Cannons at Depth 5): Get into the elevator, immediately ride to Depth 2 to reach D2, Unleash everything (Projected Health: 105 -> 45)
E2 (Cannons at Depth 2): Move to F2 and prepare to unleash a barrage.
E3 (Mages at Depth 3): Move to E2.
F2 (Fire Hornets at Depth 2): Move to F1, have them act as a bulwark or at least get them away from potential flooding.
G1 (Soldiers at Depth 1): Okay, this one's complicated. Move to D1 and drop down to D2 as the elevator moves the cannons up. Defend the cannons from the monster, and prepare to aggro or flank.
G2 (Clerics at Depth 2): Hold position.
H1 (Soliders at Depth 1): Move to E1, fire all (Projected Health: 45 -> 23).
I1 (Hounds at Depth 1): This will be the sacrifice. Move to D1 and attack (Projected Health: 23 -> 8).
Yorzzyll: Will unleash a deluge that causes water to sink through the elevator, thereby ensuring we at least deal with the bottom layer of lava even if Yorzzyll dies entirely, attack and decimate a unit (which can then be healed by the hospital).
Kill or Capture on next turn.
No. 1045073 ID: b1e10c

I'm sorry for the kitchen! I didn't know that thing was there! I swear!

I like this sequence. Let's hope it goes as planned!
No. 1045124 ID: f2320a

Just need to injure it so it does not grow stronger and milk it for its water

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1044201 No. 1044201 ID: 4b11a7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 1044327 ID: 15c72a

"Be excellent to each other."
No. 1044330 ID: 894419

Think laterally and avoid public transit at all costs!
No. 1044496 ID: f34855

"We need more security in our public transports. Support your local make-better-police-stuff fund today."
No. 1044499 ID: e5709d

No. 1044535 ID: f34855

It's a make the police better fund, not a give them more bullets fund, calm down!

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1006567 No. 1006567 ID: b081a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Potential) Content warning: Sexual content, violence, drug references, expected high character mortality rate.
Another experiment using mechanics.
(Except this time someone else's with some significant alterations to make this work as a quest thread!)
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No. 1043857 ID: b5af9a

>E(5)vil monolith
Would purifying E5 help?

Sheesh, this does not feel like it's over, not at all. Feels awfully convenient that suddenly we have obvious evidence. Especially evidence from two suspects. Plus, it's eyewitness testimony with no corroborating hard proof. Does it fit? Loosely, but we're still short of a few key details like motive. Questioning coworkers of the suspect may show if odd behavior was exhibited or if there was a motive.

Well, explosives were a good call. Should have used additional explosives or explosives with extra power, though. Oh, also rigged 'em to go off if the glass broke. [expletive].

So. How to deal with this Kiter female. Quite bluntly, appeasement seems stupid. From a strategic perspective, we're looking for a thing feared by the Kiter, to be used to oppose the Kiter, so expecting one to help seems quite naive.
Plus, the first thing it did was to attempt to get comms to its superiors, so it still sees itself as part of the Kiter hierarchy rather than as a rogue. Of course, that's if these Criai are aware that Kiter do go rogue, otherwise it's pure metagaming.
However, because we're playing as ugh pacifists, attempting to find a peaceful solution via diplomacy is a thing. So, set up video chat - no need to be too stupid - with Pavono to see if a deal might save lives. Diplomacy may stave off its boredom, too. Secondary goal is to gather intel.
1) See if she knows where she is. Should she dislike the idea of a world feared by the Kiter, free passage offworld might work
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No. 1043878 ID: 94bc7c

Leaning in favor of immediate (explosive-supported) attack. Waiting gives the Kiter a chance to prepare countermeasures.

If we're going to build this Kiter their special room, I would build explosives into every surface where they can be hidden. Problem is, "this strain of kiter is also able to anticipate and predict the actions of the enemy with startling precision." I'd also be tempted to feed the Kiter to the monolith, but there's a chance it would just make the Kiter stronger.

Not many good options here. Is there some way we could just ask the Kiter to leave, and let the death planet take care of the problem?
No. 1043933 ID: dd15aa

I agree with most of this.

I'm in favor of allowing the rogue Kiter a chance to help. If nothing else, it likes to prattle on. Which means it could let slip some important information about the Kiter that would be valuable back home - we can just claim we found it in an information cache or something.

However, this also adds another layer to not sending anyone back. They could leak this information.
No. 1043939 ID: fe6a51

recruit the bitch-in-chief, we need a new breeder anyway
talk to her and tell her that you'll make that bedroom she wanted
also that there's imminent danger, so if she can use her prediction powers or whatever other fucking skills she's got, now would be a good time
can't really tell if Sei is screaming because of Aze, or the monolith, or due to kiter, but we can't afford a bad fight here because if Iti dies, we can forget about doing business with Jade Claw again
No. 1043941 ID: 63f5c9

so... what's the kiter room do? Is it at all useful if we manage to throw the new lady at something on this planet that's almost certainly worse than her?

She's only 5 power stronger than the tutorial beast, but unfortunately we kinda suck at the moment

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1042389 No. 1042389 ID: e4c230 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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No. 1043146 ID: 556cba

DISPLACE ASPIRANT to get his attention, then fondle your boobs and give him a seductive look.
No. 1043169 ID: b4ab25

>>1043146 I don't think this will work, as per >>1042958
>I blocked DISPLACE from targeting me
We didn't target him with displace, we kind of targeted where he was.
(in fairness my earlier suggestion is trying to retroactively create branches, which >>1042963 on later reading does not seem to be one of the options.)
No. 1043229 ID: bf9b7c

Doesn't need to work, just needs to get him to pop in.
No. 1043398 ID: f2320a

Displace lack of Lard Fried chicken nuggets dimensions of bits 4x1x1cm total volume 2 meters squared 0 from ground level at aspirants location
No. 1043421 ID: 515982

1-θ -> 2-θ-ζ: DISPLACE Bearquest Jr.
Adherent-2-θ-η: Console angry proto-Aspirant.

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1011830 No. 1011830 ID: 39d938 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hunt Quest takes place in the same universe as Return to Sender, however the stories are not in any way connected. The events of this thread take place 2 years before the events of RtS. You do not need to read RtS to understand anything.

71 hours, 33 minutes until competition finish.
52 contestants remain.

Ever since the discovery of the New World there has been no shortage of people calling themselves hunters. What was once an honoured and respected title has been dragged through the mud by a bar of entry so low you could practically walk right over it. Ever since this became a problem, the solution was to create ranks and titles for those who were serious about it. Completing this trial will officially make me a Jackalope tier hunter and give me access to all the benefits that come with that title.
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No. 1042628 ID: bbb04b

Yikes, that hurt, but little does she know that you're a threat at both ranges.

Up and down are an ave's blindspots. Hook your foot betwixt hers before lunging in for a big hug... or a press, if she tries to fall back and ends up... y'know, falling because of that leg hook. Either way, while her batting arm is nothing to joke about, you'll gain a rather extreme advantage by turning this into a grappling battle and completely nullifying her main advantage (that being her extreme acceleration).

"Got you right where I wanted in the end," as you either suplex her or pin her arms under your knees and start wailing on her face, depending on whether you ended up in a hug or on the ground.
No. 1042631 ID: 2aa5f0

well she's strong but we already kind of figured that given her choice of weapon but the real surprise is her speed. Range is out since she can close the distance too quick to get any good shots off and dodge most our shots anyways if she puts any real effort into dodging. Which means we're only really left with melee.

She's quick though so if you just try to slug it out she'll more then likely come out on top so your best bet would to be to try and grapple her to nullify her speed. Plus you're bigger, and while that doesn't mean everything in a fight, especially for someone as who seems to be stronger than you, it does help. If you can get a hold on her and pin her down you could probably treat this a bit like a bar fight and just start wailing on her. After all if you can get on top of your opponent in a fight you have the advantage, and given (again) your size that gives you an even larger advantage if even only slightly.

And for the love of god don't be afraid to fight dirty. This isn't some boxing match with referees watching your every punch. Throw dirt if you think you can get it in her eyes, bite, headbutt, and peck if you think it will help, Take cheap shots if you think it could stun her, and remember that a liver shot can sometimes knock someone off their feet even quicker then giving them a good blow across the head.
No. 1042653 ID: 5d9787

I would just suggest to fall on top of her. That has already being elaborated well so I have nothing of value to contribute.
No. 1042681 ID: 515982

Time for clubbing. Don't overextend yourself trying to grab her. Your crossbow's various loops and hooks might be able to catch her at the bow's expense. I also wager the crossbow will fare better than her bat if you cross swords.
No. 1042693 ID: 9a2966

Ack. Even if you were to pull the machete now she seems way too fast to really offer hand-to-hand fight... unless you can get her in a solid grapple, in which case her speed doesn't mean anything, only her strength.

Hrm. You have to trick her, I think. She just bonked you in the head with what can best be described as confident overconfidence, but she doesn't know you have an iron beak and isn't concussed to hell and back like her usual targets might be.

So, take a step, cross your eyes, buckle forward and fall down, as if she had in fact laid you low in one blow.

If you can get your helmet to topple off and land in a tempting position close by for her that'd be even better, but the main point is that you want her to drop her guard and focus on rifling you for cards.

Grab her when she does, and use your own strength and size to pull her down and roll over to pin her to the ground so you can pummel/choke/glasgow kiss/threaten her your machete or whatever.

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1040624 No. 1040624 ID: 11bbc7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Kuuhr Quest

Chapter 1: The Kuuhr-se of the Ancients

Story and Art by Kaed

Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/137874.html
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No. 1041219 ID: 7c0da2

This looks like a good plan.
No. 1041229 ID: a2d88b

Make sure the trinket trader isn't part of the caravan you're stowing away on.
No. 1041677 ID: 22b6d5
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Kuuhr has tried the stowaway thing before, and it never works as well as he wishes it would. Sure, Kuuhr can find a place to hide, but then he has to sit still and remain quiet for hours, usually while cramped up, without snacks. Snacks are very important when travelling long distances!

Still, thinking of stowing away gives Kuuhr and idea! Instead of paying to go somewhere, Kuuhr can trick someone who is going where he wants to take him along, by pretending to be someone important. This is like stowing away, but Kuuhr is allowed to move around and have snacks. So, better!

It takes Kuuhr a bit more of wasted daylight time to figure out he should start by figuring out which direction Kaemhia is, rather than trying to find someone who is specifically going where he wants. He learns that this place he has never heard of until today is west. That's the direction the sun sets in, Kuuhr knew this because he is very smart and because he already only got it backwards a few times in the past.

Eventually, after asking around enough and acquiring a new snack to replace his breakfast bread loaf, which didn't make it past noon, Kuuhr discovers that there is a small caravan run by kobolds that has stopped in this small town to restock their supplies before heading sunset-wards.

Unfortunately, Kuuhr knows kobolds love treasure, and would probably not give a handsome gnoll
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No. 1041698 ID: 19975a

You're on your way to DragonCon. You can get them back-stage passes with the guests of honor.
No. 1041833 ID: b7732e

Tell then you are willing to share a VERY small portion of your hoard as payment for safe travel.

And DO speak by saying "I" and "you".
What's with the third person?

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1041017 No. 1041017 ID: 770f88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I Live And Walk, endlessly in a white void,
Full of Nothing, All i feel is pain throughout my scales, I think i used to be something before, But my memories seem hazy.. But i don't wish for that i wish to feel, Feel again like.
apparently YOU, may spawn things into the void to help.
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No. 1041049 ID: 708905

I summon an oasis
No. 1041057 ID: f2320a

Big fat buttery weeding cake
No. 1041066 ID: 6a9bee

The most exotic of butters
No. 1041067 ID: 7c0da2

Summon a gigantic tanker ship.
No. 1041074 ID: 7befb6

How about a large supply of golden star balm to help your pain?

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1039870 No. 1039870 ID: c87df2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

[Quest contains nudity, and is thus NSFW. Will possibly go further.]

Someone's here. Hi.
I'm not sure how long I've been waiting, but it's been a good while of sitting here, asleep.
The way I work, I need a guiding voice in order to get out of this process.
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No. 1040184 ID: 15c72a

No. 1040185 ID: 35f486

Looks good.
Also, go ahead and put your hood up. Lets see how that looks.
No. 1040209 ID: 7c0da2

No. 1040238 ID: c87df2
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How do I look?
No. 1040240 ID: c1fc44

Makes you look creepy and mysterious. I like it.

Any other questions for us before we begin our adventure?

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1039769 No. 1039769 ID: cdbcf8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Chains...Chains...Heavy. So…Heavy. Can’t… breathe. Such a weight..Such a great, great weight…great..weight....great..you..were great. Greater than the stars themselves. You could shape the very constellations by the wave or your hand. Mold the minds of the weak, and turn food to plauge, and plauge to food...You were….Gra...You were!....Heavy..So so heavy. These chains, these great! Heavy! Chains! *The grand sounds of chains clashing against each other is echoed throughout the darkness, it echoes again and again, getting quieter everytime it does. Even as it gets to a point that you cannot hear it anymore, you still get the feeling that it’s still going on…* ....How long?....How long has it been? How long has it been since I've been sentenced to this HELL! For these chains that constrict me! Cocoons me with its cold embrace of steel! How much longer I ask of ye! Has my crime been that terrible!? Has my sin that horrid!?! Then I ask of you! Why can’t I remember!?!! Who??? What monster??? Would take one's own identity from them?! The only thing one can truly own! So WHY! WHY DID YOU TAKE MINE!!?!?!!...sniff.......hhh….ahhhhhhhh....he-....-heavy...so-o....heavy......


…? *A book, Bound with what looks to be some sort of black leather as dark as night for a cover, fell from above. There’s no cover to it, just plan, albe extremely smooth, leather. It’s thick too, almost as if it could be a dictionary.* ...Huh- *The book suddenly busts open, as it was actually blown open by an explosive. And quickly begins flipping its pages, slowly at first, but quickly gains momentum. Going from cover, to back, back, to cover. Again, again and again. And then it finally stops, on its first page, is some plain, black text.*


Sorry about the wait love! It is a BUNCH getting one of these, let alone getting it too you. (Let’s just say that the people I had to talk to really SUCKED
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No. 1039789 ID: e7c7d3

Tidal locked planet, desert on one side and frozen on the other. Around a red giant
No. 1039818 ID: cdbcf8

Also, do keep in mind, your planet(s) and star(s) don't have to be...normal as to say. (Looks at Kirby and Homestuck)
No. 1039821 ID: e5709d

>Turning an insane, tormented soul into a god

Gradient Planet.
Well, technically there's a thin (well, thin insofar as each strip is at least wide enough that standing in the middle means you can't see the end of the strip past the event horizon) strip of rainbow wrapped around the equator. In truth, the whole planet uses every possible color, but most of these are invisible to the standard galactic spectrum.
These layers burrow all the way to the planetary core, which is something weirder. However, none of this is absolute permanence.
Over time, plant growth will overtake the planet, and rocks will be traded between sectors, typically by means of hydration transportation. But civilization can clearly mark the sectors for eons - just make sure to dig deep enough...

It's going to take said eons for life to finally burrow its way into this planet!
But it will. Eventually.
No. 1039865 ID: cdbcf8

Made a Discussions thread.

Discussions: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/137784.html
No. 1039916 ID: cdbcf8

Going to be closing votes in an hour.

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1026512 No. 1026512 ID: 67181a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The city doesnt have a name. It never needed one.

Not a lot of people choose to live in the frontier, oit at the periphery of society. But there are always some people who will. Pirates, outcasts, exiles, criminals and kooks will all find their own reasons. And these were the settlers from whom the city grew.

Visitors here aren't common. Some old pirate lineages or trading houses have their old routes and their own purposes for coming around; but 'real civilization' mostly exists worlds apart. The few other powers that even know how to get there no longer bother trying to bring the xity into their folds, they stretch their fingers in from time to time but its never worth the trouble itd take to keep hold of it.

The coty isnt on any maps or charts. Those who even make note of the territory do so in only vague and ancient terms:

"Here be lions"
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No. 1035096 ID: e7848c

C. You're a gear head, see what can be fixed while still in motion if anything. Power down if nothing can be done right now.
No. 1035189 ID: ce39da

Yeah, if we didn't have the chops for it, C would be the wrong move, but we do have the chops - the exact right combination of chops, in fact. See if you can flush the exhaust; this looks like a cooling issue - there was a tarp and a whole building between where you started and where you are now.

That is... unless those dual-wielded chops combine to make a successful roll vs. stupidity and tell you to power down first. In that case, A.
No. 1039189 ID: 67181a
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There are no mechanical warnings on the console about vents being unexpectedly blocked, so as a Gear Hound you quickly discard the idea of going outside to clear anything. Instead, you find one of the large panels that you're sure is covering the mechanics from the sounds youve been hearing; and pry it open.

You are blasted in the face by an intense wall of heat, but your goggles protect your eyes well enough for a cursory examination. It still feels like staring into a bonfire from arms reach, though.

You quickly spot what looks like some sort of radiator, but it looks like several systems meant to link up with it are currently disconnected. It doesnt look like a mistake, however; there are several mechanisms that look like they should be able to connect or disconnect these devices as needed; and by your guess they are currently engaged.

You quickly slam the panel shut and turn back to the console, trying to find what is causing this problem. In short order you find yourself looking at the unit you plugged into the console before the machine turned on in the first place; with one of the lights on it flashing. Taling a chance, you flip up the hinge over its switch and flick the lever inside.

>Null signature system disengaged

As the digitized voice plays again in your ear, you hear a sewuen e of regular mechanical sounds from within the machine similar to those from when you chose to begin calibrations. Almost immediately after, you feel much cooler and fresher air venting into your cockpit. Its still warm and stale, but its better than things have been.

Before you have time to feel relief, however, another warning blares in yout ear

>Bogey attempting weapons lock
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No. 1039215 ID: 815672

A, return fire with maximum engagement range. Don't make it easier for them to line up another volley.
No. 1039231 ID: 15c72a

A, midrange.

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1036976 No. 1036976 ID: 4ef090 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Find yourself, howl at the moon.
A linear, NSFW, text focused quest where readers define the main character's feelings as her life and supernatural events unfold.
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No. 1038396 ID: 139189

The blue text. Not for the werewolf stuff, but because you are describing your sex life in lurid detail on public record.
No. 1038402 ID: 139189

To clarify, I was talking about writing on the diary.
No. 1038407 ID: a70a13

I think perhaps, a bit of Red and Blue and also Yellow? Having conflicting feelings is pretty normal, but in this case you might've just awoken to your latent Queerness.

Instead of trying to pass as the type of woman people expect, become the freak that you are! Be YOUR type of woman, the person YOU deserve to be.

Embrace the feelings of freaky queerness!
No. 1038780 ID: 4ef090
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I ran my hand over my head, through my hair. It had already started growing back in the week or so since my first time as a wolf. I sat in front of the same computer I'd sat in front of so many nights writing essays. A geocities website on the screen animated and cast light onto my face. It was dark in the Internet cafe and way too late, nearly four in the morning. I still hadn't found a job, had nothing to be up early for so I just killed time. I wore my leather jacket, even though it was warm. Always wore it, even if it made me into a monster.
I picked up my beer off the table and glugged it down. Stock art of a horror movie werewolf littered the screen, and lighting animated across a gray cloud background. I hadn't found that scrap of fur again, or transformed. I tried to read it again, "The only true way to cure Lycanthropy is death. A silver bullet dripped in the holy blood of a preacher, shot right through the heart."
No way I was gonna die. "What's this?" Xavier asked, looking at my screen. He put his beer down on the table and stood over me. He had short black hair, and a scar on his chin. Pale white, like a ghost stalking my search history.
I covered the screen, with desperate guilt, "Nothing, it's nothing."
"Oh, yeah?" He said with a laugh, pulling the monitor to the side. I was so heavy I couldn't hold it just by the slick glass screen.
"No, wait?" I pleaded. He's gonna see it. He's gonna know. He'll want to put me down.
"O-oh," He laughed. "This is..."
I felt sweat drip down my neck.
"What is this? I thought it was gonna be porn."
"No, it's not porn!" I barked desperately. What was I thinking, Xavier is cool. He's trans too, he might understand.
"Mhmm," Xavier said, laughing and giving my screen back. "Must be some w
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No. 1038781 ID: 4ef090

new friend new friend!!

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1036648 No. 1036648 ID: 3286d2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This quest may be occasionally NSFW.

"It jus' you 'n me now, dust bunny. Not too late for you t' cash out like rest of 'em."

"Nice bluff."
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No. 1038363 ID: bd1e12

Put that hooka up his nose if he tries to grab you.
No. 1038375 ID: d63ea8

Probably something like this.

Ideally we should avoid swatting at or insulting the fairies. They are our accomplices.
No. 1038379 ID: b0b5f8

Remember that plan GMB you spoke of? I think it's time for plan GMB.
No. 1038411 ID: f98309

[Glass Him]
No. 1038458 ID: 4286b4

Even if he can't notice the fairies, I'm pretty sure the cards flying and dropping on the table would be telling enough.

Unless you want to end up like that fairy, I think it's time to put your previous plan into motion. Also, taunt him by telling him to have fun playing with the bugs.

The added benefit here is that, once he starts chasing you, it's pretty likely he'll drop the fairy he's holding and she'll be safe. After all, some nasty bug should be nothing compared to a bag of money stolen from him.

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1033686 No. 1033686 ID: a70a13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A mixture of ethyl alcohol and water can be separated by?

>A. Fractional distillation
>B. Evaporation
>C. Sublimation
>D. Suicidal Ideation
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No. 1038174 ID: 7c0da2

If you can choose several options, maybe you can choose none of them? Because there is no point talking to him instead of just leaving.
No. 1038242 ID: 398700

"You seem under the impression I'm shy about my problems. I'm not, and I'm more than willing to make my problems yours if you don't stop acting a creep."
No. 1038261 ID: c1d4af

C. Look, that was a hard part of my life, okay? It was sad, but it's in the past, I simply don't like making a big deal of it around people.

He is got scars under there, doesn't he?
No. 1038364 ID: 15a025

C, for chill. Try to keep your cool and see if they're going anywhere with this.
No. 1038406 ID: 4ef090

>C. "Are you getting at something here or are you just trying to scare me?"

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1036189 No. 1036189 ID: 8abcb9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

(am lurker, first quest, might go badly)

Wisdom stones. This priest must have graduated. Though, not yet prepared for battle, it would seem.

Three is a lot. Good fortune.
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No. 1037994 ID: 7b75ea

Somebody wants something here to burn. I say you put it out and see what it is.
No. 1037998 ID: 85a32b

There's a room to the right and there's something on the table over there.
No. 1037999 ID: 0452d8

First, we need to see if there is someone in here, for safety. Then, we can look for valuables, tools, food, armor and weapons. I doubt we will find armor, but wapons, anything will do.

If it happens to be someone here, we kill it. Especially if it is a man, maybe if it is a woman. DO NOT kill children.
No. 1038002 ID: 0452d8

Given your explanation of rank, you would be a grunt, correct? A warrior, or a soldier. That would be a rock, harder and more durable than wood, but not so much as the iron of a sword or a pickaxe.
No. 1038025 ID: 7c0da2

Start by looking up. You know, just in case.
Be careful, there might be someone in here who was unable (or unwilling) to flee. The man you killed might have been defending them.
It's also possible the fire was not started by one of you, because raiders tend to torch the roof of houses, not get inside to burn specific pieces of furniture. If that's the case, they probably wanted to get rid of something before you could get it.

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1034567 No. 1034567 ID: 98888b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Waking up to have the world around you enveloped in an ecological disaster kinda sucks. Thankfully, Callum’s not dead yet.

>Thread one: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/1029704.html
>Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Tomorrow%27s_Not_Happening
>Thanks Hatticus for the plot-in-review by the way. If that description gets removed I am 100% putting it back.

This is the intermission between discs/threads 1 and 2. I might do this again in the future to serve as a way to test new methods of doing my “art.”
This intermission will serve as a test for upscaling my finished panels using the nearest-neighbor method. In the first thread I did all my panels in 300x200, and exported it that way. This time around I’ll still be drawing in 300x200, but I’ll be resizing them to 600x400 afterwards.
Hopefully this will look better in thumbnails, lessening that smeared look that comes with resizing an aliased image with what I think is linear interpolation.

In summary, nerd shit.
Storywise, however, these intermissions will probably just be “current-time” bits of story, abandoning Callum’s story temporarily to see what is happening around the time the EPA interviews are taking place.
Anyways, I’ll stop writing about useless stuff. On with the “story.”
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No. 1037284 ID: 98888b
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:braedon: Have you been reading the news on those protests in Boston?
:reporter: Yeah. Read a bunch of blogs and opinion articles talking about NECC and how they should be dissolved.
:braedon: If we put up enough red tape they might find it less profitable to keep it open, but what’s stopping them from starting up under a different name?
:reporter: Probably license issues and public reaction.
:reporter: They have a reputation now for being sloppy, getting people hurt, and bringing the entirety of New England to a screeching halt. They can’t really shake that, even if they start a whole new company.
:braedon: Hey wait, hold on.
No. 1037285 ID: 98888b
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:reporter: Yeah?
:braedon: Take your badge off.
:reporter: Right.
:braedon: And if you see Jen, don’t tell her anything new. Out means out, and she chose to leave. I gotta call someone real quick.
:reporter: Alright.

Task as Jacob: Get lunch.
14/30 minutes of break time have elapsed.
No. 1037291 ID: 15c72a

Dang, only one minute to get food? Better get to that menu and order the usual. Might have to rush back.
No. 1037390 ID: e02891

Possibly look for whatever food they have under the heat lamps, rather than order something to be cooked new
No. 1037921 ID: 591e1d


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1036400 No. 1036400 ID: 527ed9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 1037322 ID: 8255b7
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Yeah it appears that for this idea, the time has come to an end. You know some cultures say that there are two deaths, one when somebody dies and the other one when it is forgotten.
No. 1037323 ID: 8255b7
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And here it the spirit of the idea, is time to put it to rest.
No. 1037324 ID: 8255b7
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As previously mentioned of two deaths the best way to keep something alive is to keep it in your memories, especially the ones which were created by reading the quest in the first place.
No. 1037325 ID: 8255b7
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But as mentioned I don't believe that ideas truly die, they may come back or maybe something gets inspired by them and create a whole new idea from it.
No. 1037326 ID: 8255b7
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This is the end of this short quest, even if it is technically completed I still believe that a fitting place for it is the graveyard.

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1027885 No. 1027885 ID: 8b82ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are a watermelon that just fell out of the buying shelf of the supermarket on the floor of the store and a worker is just going toward you to pick you up and return you to your previous position. You do not want to go back, use all the abilities that watermelon has if it used 100% of its brain to escape your capture.

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No. 1036356 ID: 527ed9
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Well that was the end of this first chapter and this cantaloupe will be the protagonist of the second part of the story. And no this character will not be a vampire, obviously it will be a werewolf. Thank you for reading this story, I don-t know when I will continue.
No. 1036357 ID: 6a2a09

>> cantelope
Turn into femboy
No. 1036390 ID: e5709d

This has been one of the weirdest, most nonsensical parodies of Veggietales I've ever seen in my life.

Needs to be a genderfluid mushroom-cantaloupe hybrid
that squirts mold
No. 1036520 ID: 527ed9
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Alright werewolf, femboy, genderfluid mushroom-cantaloupe hybrid that squirts mold. Just writing down all that will be added to the next protagonist.
No. 1036521 ID: 527ed9
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It is a pleasure that you enjoyed the story and the main goal from my perspective of this quest is to be a nonsensical joke. Especially sine the other quests had a more serious tone. As for the protagonist of the next part will be designed by Poltergeist Ethanoic Acid.

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