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1032915 No. 1032915 ID: eca1bd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Warning for dark themes and possibly offensive imagery.

July 21st, 1975

A light shines through our window and into the cabin of Selene 19's orbital module. Finn, our CSM pilot, points the telescope down to the Marius Hills of the Moon, the same location which had been reported on Selene 10 six years earlier for a similar phenomena. It seems to fluctuate, oddly colorless, defiant of any reasonable explanation. The British surface base is only a few klicks away, which, had managed to hold up despite the region's lack of ice. It sparkles there silently as Selene orbits overhead. It makes one wonder why the location had been chosen in the first place.
The biggest fear, of course, was that it was related to the lights. That they had found something. Something dangerous? The news out of the British Isles has been quiet lately. At least, for what I've heard.

Finn pushes himself away from the orbital module's telescope, turning to his crew with his back to the round window.

"Houston doesn't think they're too close? What if they fire on us?"

Shen speaks firmly, holding his helmet by its rim.

"Well that's why we land on the other side, Finn. We're not out here to start another world war."

"Then what do we have rifles for? I know we're not expected to get into contact, b-"

"Whatever we need them for."

I only sit here silently as the time passes, looking out of the round porthole window towards home. International conflicts just seemed so petty now. So meaningless. All of it visible from a single window.
And we brought it here too.
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No. 1036087 ID: 7ff066

Not being in the lander might be a good plan. Also whats the likely hood of being able to steal their air?.
No. 1036221 ID: 04a3c2

Are there any caves in the crater? Any escape routes that take you father away from them? Or is there any equipment that may trigger some silent alarm, like a transponder or other wireless device within what's left of the LEM?
No. 1036306 ID: 01364c


>Are there any caves in the crater? Any escape routes that take you father away from them? Or is there any equipment that may trigger some silent alarm, like a transponder or other wireless device within what's left of the LEM?

Looking around a little more with the rifle scope, I can just vaguely see that... Where the walls of the crater would meet its floor, it seems to slope down and away into darkness, rather than up towards the sky.

In fact, it seems that most of the crater edge is like this.

Sloping down.

Into a yawning abyss.

The LEM's small windows limit my field of view, but looking at the curve of the crater, I seem to have landed fairly close to the edge. From the hatch, it looks to be about 100 meters.

If I make a break for it as soon as possible, I may be able to make it and drag Shen with me, though it will make it difficult to return fire if I need to, and I'll be a lot slower. No good if I get both of us killed.
No. 1036422 ID: 7ff066

Id say take the dive, Its a better option then nothing.
No. 1036454 ID: 04a3c2

Go for it. Tape shen up and try to drag him into a hiding spot, but don't try to take him all the way if you can't.

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1008879 No. 1008879 ID: 736b7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

(This will probably be a short, sketchy quest. Updates will be slow. Criai created by Cirr)
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No. 1034445 ID: 96c896

Have you... interfaced with it? Focus on the light, try to see. Don't try to move very much, in fact try to be as still as possible until you can see clearly, at which point you should try moving a little.
No. 1034446 ID: 815672

Pull yourself further to the surface.
No. 1036435 ID: 736b7e
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After confused inaction for a few moments, I try to move again. There is a moment of slow movement through thick ooze before it tightens up again suddenly. The thought crosses my mind that the comfort I feel is some aspect of the digestion process or some kind of weird link between me and the creature. I still feel like me, though. Nothing feels like I am a “part” of this thing and I am still very much trapped in goop.

The panic I was feeling before was derailed by near-suffocation and this odd serenity. It feels useless to ruminate when this could be the end of me. I feel the creature move around me. I can feel it walk forward. It… seems to be staggering occasionally and it periodically stops. I guess all that flailing managed to do something. The thought doesn’t really bring comfort, however.

As the travel continues, the liquid softens up slightly. It fights me when I move but with each time it takes longer to tighten. I take some time to feel around carefully. It doesn’t seem to react so much if I move gently. However, I feel nothing that seems of note in this ocean of oil surrounding me. At this point, I don’t know if there’s really any fight left in me at all anyways.

We stop. The creature coils and adjusts. I hear a cracking sound as I assume its carapace opens. I consider if I should try to leave but as I do the light widens and I feel myself being gently released. It is bright, there are noises around me, and I wipe the residue from my eyes and ears…
No. 1036437 ID: 736b7e
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I am initially not sure what I am looking at. It is… huts. Giant huts. Surrounded by bugs wandering around. A fenced-in area houses one of the monsters we saw at the water’s edge, also with blobs of ooze on it. It seems to be lazily wandering. There is a pit with a fire slowly burning. I notice the bugs around me hunched down. Next to each of them is… a criai! It’s hard to make out under all the oil but it even looks like the one directly across from me is Jui. She is holding a hand out in a defensive manner. The bug over her is… nuzzling it with a mandible? Nearby I also notice the older criai that was being escorted off the ship at the start of the… attack. There are several bugs there taking an interest in them.

My captor enters my field of view. It leans down, oil leaking out of it everywhere. Its antennae fall on me and gently rub across me. It makes a long chirping noise at me. I am not sure what to think, but it sounds… worried, possibly sad. I touch its carapace and it weakly nuzzles my hand back.

I look back out across the village. The criai are all being treated much the same way. Insects without criai are busy moving back and forth, carrying things to my people. They are bringing us… food. Some are providing water. The criai are… befuddled but not harmed.

The peace gives me room to think. We’ve been running for so long with no hope for a future. We moved ever forward while the pressure and trauma ground us down. I was ready to fight and kill for any hope that we would keep living but every attempt failed me. These terrifying oily bugs came and brought us to their home despite my efforts to stop them. Maybe I should stop fighting. This seems like a good place to do just that.

[Quest End]
No. 1036439 ID: e7848c

Enjoy the quiet moment. Maybe see about getting a bath. Welcome home.

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1034412 No. 1034412 ID: 9cf176 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It’s done. No going back, now. I’ve committed to either the best or worst decision of my life.

I can feel my mind burning from the inside out, like paper held above a candle, leaving only ashes and half-legible fragments of a life behind.

It can’t really be called forgetting, can it? You can’t be forced to forget, not really. So what should this be called? Two words come to mind: theft and payment.
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No. 1034514 ID: 899c9f

Absolutely. You should have something to drink before you go wandering in the wilderness.
No. 1034522 ID: 96c896

No. There will be people inside, who will all freak out upon seeing you.
...well, if you're confident in how fast you can run away you could try it, just in case you're able to talk to someone before you get mobbed...? It seems very dangerous to me though.
No. 1034525 ID: e7c7d3

Enter a play some cards. Your fire eyes must make for a mad poker face
No. 1034527 ID: e5709d

Not yet. You need to be certain whether or not standard humans can see your fae eyes.

And then you rob the bank.
No. 1038878 ID: 9b2c30

1. My read of the situation is that you used Nymedran magic of some kind, exchanging your memories and possibly something else for...power, perhaps? Oh, and us, I guess. And it comes with visible side effects, which are in some way taboo or "enemy". Your eyes are on fire and there are sparkles in your hair. My guess is you look like a Nymedra. Perhaps with luck it'll go away after a while - but I wouldn't count on it.
2. You probably shouldn't go in the saloon. On the other hand, you probably gotta go SOMEWHERE...but yeah,
if you go in, at least make sure you have a clear path of escape, and are confident you can run away. I'd prefer continuing to look for an alchemists' place, though. Or leaving town, ideally snagging some fabric on the way out if you can. Once day dawns, it should be easier to e.g. drape a fabric over a hat, and see out but not be seen. The fire eyes complicate this at night.
3. To my knowledge, none of us are chickens. Sorry. However, be comforted in that most of us will speak truly and try to help you.

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1029378 No. 1029378 ID: 2bcd13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

“The Time of Useful Consciousness in soft vacuum is between 9 and 11 seconds. Explosive depressurization halves this time.”
—USAC Handbook
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No. 1031724 ID: 71bb0f

Do not flash back! No! Think about fried pies. Fried pies can't kill you, distraction can.
No. 1033353 ID: b30233

No. No! She had to stay focused. Look back later. Had to look forward. What was forward? Dark tunnel. What was she looking forward to?

Fried pie.

She slapped her hand down with the revelation, then winced at how much noise she’d just made. She’d heard the staff on station ate pretty good, even had a real cook. She’d been thinking about fried pies the whole ride up, looking forward to it. Just because the station was being stormed didn’t mean she couldn’t hold out hope for some Louisiana crab lanterns.

Solid third on the priority list. Suit, then gun, then pie. Look for other survivors after pie, so she didn’t have to share. Good deal.

She kept crawling, filled with new motivation.


Sam tried to keep her breathing quiet.

Light cut through little slats and slashed across her face. She shifted as quietly as she could, trying to check all the angles. The lockers in the docks, just behind the check-in office. Unless she’d really fucked up her navigating, that’s where she was. And there was a dude with a rifle between her and the rest of her suit.
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No. 1033402 ID: 758001

Depends - only be clever if it's needed, if it helps. You're bad at sneaking, though? How far is this dude? Does he have a radio? You've not heard anyone else?

I'm tempted to e.g. chuck a pebble, but he may radio somebody if he hears something suspicious. So - describe the situation. You're in a room, with lockers? The other dude is...in an adjacent room? Facing away from you? Do you suppose you xould just nonchalantly walk out, refuge in audacity and all, maybe even call "hey", then stab him?

Or, on the side of secrecy, are there leftover towels, maybe you can wrap your feet in two?

Unsold, either way.
No. 1034282 ID: 87e8ca

Okay, situation.

One dude, back turned, same room as her. Watching him through the slats of a drainage grate, she couldn’t actually see a radio, but there was a solid chance he had at least a walkie-talkie clipped to the vest. She was thinking about throwing something to distract him, but the risk was too high. He wouldn’t be distracted for long enough to actually get her suit. No, shwacking him was about the only option she saw. Pretty damn sure he was the only guy in the room. No matter how still you are, you still make a little noise standing watch, and she hadn’t heard anything besides him.

The idea occurred to wrap her feet in towels, but they were all too far from the grate to be worth it. Then inspiration struck. She unzipped her jumper as quietly as she could, wincing at the noise. Guard dude didn’t seem to notice. Then she pulled out her bra. It wasn’t very thick, but the padding was there. The knife rasped out of its sheath, she cut the pads apart, and shifted awkwardly in the crawl space to secure them, tying them to the balls of her feet with the bra’s strings.

Boom, field-expedient sneaking boots. She was as ready as she was getting.

The grate slid slowly out of place. She winced at the noise. Winced even harder as she sat up and forced her sore muscles to drag her sloooooooowly out of the hole. Her hurt leg screamed murder, arms buckled.

The boots were still too heavy, but the bra was surprisingly good at keeping them quiet. She crept forwards, holding her breath. Could feel the adrenaline, feel her pulse pounding in her raw fingers, clutched white-knuckle tight around her knifegrip.

He seemed completely oblivious, looking through the glass of the check-in window, watching the docks. His off-hand fidgeting on his AK’s forestock, was shifting his weight from foot to foot, like there was somewhere he’d rather be. There was a loop in the neck of his flak j
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No. 1034378 ID: 18c483

Try to stop your bleeding, if you can.
Also, see if this dude has anything worth taking. Maybe a badge or something for pretending?? They might be too small a group for that to work, though.

So, options.

1. You can put on a suit.
1.1. You can try to escape.
2. You can go to the armory to assist whoever's resisting, and be assisted in turn.

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1023844 No. 1023844 ID: cdbf4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


this quest is NSFW/18+ only and will contain heavy violence/gore/body horror.
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No. 1032873 ID: 50a0ec

GET A CATBOY. oh my god. what kind of villain team doesn't have an evil pet. fio can get this easy. it's just like picking one up at the shelter, right?
No. 1032962 ID: f98a7b

They're really fucked<3up tho.

I am voting for the catboy
No. 1033208 ID: e5709d

No. 1033531 ID: 6042b4

I think I agree that we really do need one of those fucked up catboys. Watch dog with a gun chase them around the building. Its good team building.
No. 1033532 ID: 30b9f6

Gonna have to say that as fun as the fucked-up catboy (FUCB) recruitment plan sounds we should probably just stick to


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1029704 No. 1029704 ID: 98888b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Fear and loathing wasn’t the only thing in the air in Millbrook 3 months ago. And, unfortunately, Callum had gotten himself caught up in the mix. Now he’s being interviewed by someone from the EPA, of all people.
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No. 1032312 ID: 6a2a09

why don't you flip through dem channels? Look specifically for anything that seems off, and or informative on your current situation.
No. 1033399 ID: 98888b
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:callumnarrate: I turned the television on and tuned it to the news station a bit east. More towards Portland but not quite. It’s somewhere between Yarmouth and Portland.
:callumnarratelook: Anyways, it looked like a completely normal news segment. No warnings or anything. Just some normal news report on some heist or whatever.
No. 1033400 ID: 98888b
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:callumthink: This is the most normal news report I’ve seen in years and the world is crumbling around me.
No. 1033401 ID: 98888b
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:callumnarrate: After about two minutes of listening to the news anchor talk about some armoured cars getting robbed, some sort of noise started. Sounded like some sort of machinery.
:reporter: What exactly did it sound like?
:callumnarratelook: The most god-awful noise I have heard. Not anything like an HVAC system. Just this really low rumble that permeated the air. It almost hurt -

:discplayer: End of disc recording.
:discplayer: Switching to the next disc…
No. 1033411 ID: 96c896

What the hell is that noise
Ok time to push up the itinerary and find Eddie. Or anyone, really.

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984347 No. 984347 ID: 2c5282 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[NSFW Warning! This is a lewd quest with an excuse plot containing a fuckton of straight reptilian sex (and maybe some bi as well), you have been warned!]

At the furthest reaches of the galaxy, hidden far away from prying eyes, a lone recon satellite returns to the station with some extremely dire news…
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No. 1029868 ID: f2320a

eh its sort of just recycling with our efficient bodies providing the material for our next loads waste not and such, i am also curious if there is a achievement with a catchy name for doing that.

she really liked talking about her children and grand children is sort of everything we know of her personally, but well we have no children laid yet of our own to talk about, and i dont think she would be impressed by sex speedrun video even if it proves the sextuplets,
No. 1029884 ID: 84374e

For a fantasy roleplay, there are a few possibilities. With the condom, stating it's a potion of stamina/'vitality' could be fun, maybe take a sip and share it around orally. Alternatively, could offer it as a magic bauble that proves your magical potency, or a 'crystal ball' showing what her future may hold, and offering another pair of balls if she needs a better view.
Could also play with the previous hypnosis effect, Wizard Bayard no longer effected but still feeling rather 'charmed' by her, or perhaps newly 'charmed?' Such a lewd display as showing off her massive milf milkers, using her charm, both physical and mystical, to get her ex-servant to get back in on the action in short order, intentionally or otherwise. She seems rather interested in being the poor defenseless naga, even if just to incense you both, but placing herself square in the powerful wizard's sights might still be up her alley. Not like you couldn't tease a little turnabout back though. Could say she'll have to compensate you for making you her servant, by allowing you to test out some of your magic on her, and promising that her needs will be met.
Definitely get her thinking and talking about her future children though, asking if she's already thinking of names, if they'd want some siblings, and how you might support her/them.

Not like there is anything wrong with the modern snilf though, just no immediate thoughts that she hasn't already laid out.

If you do get this, you'll owe Fiver one. Though, just because you'll catch, doesn't mean you necessarily have to bottom. Could prove to him that he's right you're a butt slut, but make him work a bit to make you moan. And if he does 'win�
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No. 1032297 ID: 61b860

Also cheer up bayard, you can plow his daughters plush butt when she grows up just like his, if she wants that that is, but im sure when the time comes you can convince her with your potent balls musk.
No. 1032300 ID: 61b860

Does incest matter on the station or is incest being bad a thing of the past cause I can think of a certain orange butt that would lay an egg with a butt just as bigg for you to plow even more egg laying hips.
No. 1032450 ID: f2320a

Eugenics for the Phattest ass sex possible?

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1027472 No. 1027472 ID: ffc7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

They say gnoll’s with blue eyes are a rare breed, destined for great things and favoured by the gods. Book-Eater is one such gnoll, having taken up the practice of alchemy. The ability to alter the state of matter, to bring forth properties from both substances and imbue them with magic. The alchemist Book-Eater has been tasked by Boss-son to expand the tribe’s territory and test out some of his suggestions to strengthen the tribe.
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No. 1030748 ID: 5eae95


No just got stuff on for a second. Trying to do something a bit more complex for art but will see if it pans out.
No. 1030987 ID: b01382

What? I cant hear you over the dead remains of all the gnolls.
No. 1030991 ID: 36784c

If they have things going on irl, then that takes priority over continuing the quest.

You making fun of them to try and get them to update the quest is extremely rude and will get you banned. Do not do that again.
No. 1031003 ID: b01382

Make fun of? Nonesense. I'm throwing words to get my brain to wrinkle more. Like what the hell are we gonna do when and if we unfortunately encounter a bigger gnoll? How do you beat that?
No. 1032319 ID: b01382

So crazy we're having today am i right?

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1027938 No. 1027938 ID: 07a28c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Congratulations little miss, you are one of the very first Cherub Safety scouts! An exciting summer ripe with learning, thrills, and most importantly security awaits you here in Cerebrum City.
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No. 1029403 ID: abaa91

The lady in the middle seems nice. It's probably her.
No. 1029451 ID: 344f1d

the left one
No. 1029600 ID: 708905

No. 1029603 ID: e9db6b

The left-most! You want someone you can trust, and nothing says trustworthy like an obscured face!
No. 1031744 ID: 25fd19

The left most face looks like real leadership material, so it must be HER you're looking for.

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977240 No. 977240 ID: a34b8a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The unpleasantries of this monotonous prison called “summer camp” are beginning to put you in quite the doldrum. Seven humdrum days of childish activities and incompetent caretakers have given you an overwhelmingly dour reality check of this camp that you were once so excited for.
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No. 1028448 ID: 1c0351

That could be excruciating if her nose is broken. Lets not do this.
No. 1028449 ID: 1c0351

The more I look at this, the more I think we should just run and get help. That is a lot of blood for a bloody nose that happened just a second ago. She probably broke her nose and that is actually serious.
No. 1028465 ID: d7b36d

Bonnie doesn't know the meaning of serious.
No. 1028581 ID: 34dfce

That's not true. She knows she should get an adult.
No. 1031741 ID: 25fd19

Get an adult, say that Molly booped her snoot on the ground, and now there's blood everywhere.

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1022416 No. 1022416 ID: cdbcf8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The humans wish for legacy, to live a thousand years after their death. The elves wish for adventure, for their endless life's have gone dull and numb. The dwarfs wish for wealth, for it's what makes the world go round. And the gods wish for entertainment, for what else does the king ask for in their jesters. And the monsters...the monster wish for power.

The power to kill. The power to heal. The power to create. The power to destroy. The power live. The power to die. And the power, the power that only the foolish, the brave, the ones who are ignorant of the world and to go against it. These idiotic genius, subatomic supernovas are called one thing, the name that even the gods themselves fear.


What is your monster based off of?
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No. 1031293 ID: 75b861
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>Plant - Heads . Worm - Tails
>Results...Worm wins

You are a pathetic worm. A lonesome dung eater. Lower than dirt. A creature whose existence is only meant to be food and a lonely dirt turner. Truly the lowest form of monster ever birthed. Skin, soft and slimy, gives no protection, giving way to even the feeble human child steeping on you hard enough. Your mouth can barely even break though the cheapest leather armor, but the flesh of plague ridden rodents should be enough for you. Your only saving grace is that God forgot to give your kind the bare basic organs needed to sense, so They made it so your skin can do all that you would need to experience Their creation. Ah yes, the all so great existence as a worm.
If you are careful, you will live until the next morning.

But something about you is...different. You are a Masked Worm. All that has been said about worms still applies to you, of course. But as anyone with eyes can see, a thick mask completely made of bone covers your face. By far the most durable part in your entire body, that's not saying nothing either, being more than able to stop anything sharp from breaching it and getting to your tender flesh. But there's something even more, more than just a biological advancement. It has Emotion. Call it what you want, magic, psionics, whatever. The only thing you could really call it is Emotion. The mirror to your soul and mind.

>Mask of Sorrow (Mage): You see the truth in things
>Mask of Rage (Berserker): Nothing can put out your flame
>Mask of Love (Entrancer): All shall know your beauty
>Mask of Fear (Monster): Even the dirt you walk on will fear your name
>Mask of Joy (Ranger): None shall to
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No. 1031294 ID: e7c7d3

Mask of fear
No. 1031300 ID: 7c0da2

Mask of fear. The fear that worms its way into the heart of even the bravest heroes.
No. 1031332 ID: 96c896

No. 1031483 ID: 0840c2

Mask of Fear (Monster): Even the dirt you walk on will fear your name

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1026530 No. 1026530 ID: 3f2378 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Tenebrous Prison; a shifting maze of solidified shadow of unknown size and dimensions, into which the unloved and unwanted are thrown to die, or at least to live in misery. Its population is maintained in a distant, indifferent way by regular deliveries of food and supplies, which are hurled into its labyrinth by means unknown to you. They either do not know, or do not care, about those born into Tenebrous, who never have a chance at freedom or daylight, or the bloody turf wars fought between its fluid factions and ideologies.

It's all gone to hell now, which is saying something. After all, it was prison in the first place.
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No. 1030914 ID: 67cdb5

Can’t we just be civilized for once?
No. 1030926 ID: a36579

> mission...

We could perhaps do 1 & 2?
No. 1031008 ID: 5a281d

>Grill Max

I think everyone's already made the jokes even better than I have, so we'll just leave it there for now.
No. 1031071 ID: abaa91

Huh. Well this is familiar. Very familiar. Alright, let's see how things play out.

> Grill Max for more information. The skeletons were a surprise to him, sure, but the void-priests know Tenebrous like no one else can.
No. 1031480 ID: 3f2378

Well, that's pretty clear. Called, writing.

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1030310 No. 1030310 ID: 2f158e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

All glory to the Serrate Hive!

Quest will feature NSFW elements but will not focus on them. Probably. Probably just nude aliens.
No one under 18, please don't sue me, I can't afford a lawyer right now, my rent, she is ever a demanding mistress, etc.

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No. 1031264 ID: 36784c

“Why are you keeping some kind of scoreboard on your belly?”
No. 1031265 ID: b5cf15

Give her hugs and cuddles
No. 1031266 ID: 4847e8

Everybody else has most of the sitrep questions, though adding a question about the level of equipment and ammo reserves would probably be worthwhile.
So, how about asking about this body's psionic and physical capabilities compared to the previous life?
Also, do we have some sort of aide-de-camp, secretary, adjutant, second-in-command, or otherwise that can advise on the enemy's tactics? There seems to be memory loss regarding previous battles.
Oh, and are there open lines of communication to our [commanding officer equivalent]? Failing that, what are our standing orders?
No. 1031268 ID: cef5c7

No. 1031277 ID: 815672

Give the order to be put on top of her head. You're going to be commander, you must survey all of your domain and field. Questions after.

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1018669 No. 1018669 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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No. 1030761 ID: 96c896

{Corporate faction}
A particularly enterprising corp sends out a scout ship to investigate the asteroids, with the intention of being the first to arrange a trade agreement.
No. 1030780 ID: e5709d

* Immediately step in and ban all indiscriminate artillery strikes. If they want to kill themselves face-to-face, fine, but you're not going to let them burn up their own future with cluster bombs hitting residential areas.
* Set up a small extra-terrestrial archaeology initiative with a tight budget. Someone has to research the asteroids for potential means of long-term resource harvesting. May as well be the sci-fi nuts.
* Own up to the 'undesirables' situation. But pad it out by setting up a conscription lottery of 'desirables', especially engineers and doctors, to give the new colonists a fighting chance.
No. 1031096 ID: e7c7d3
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>{Corporate faction}
>A particularly enterprising corp sends out a scout ship to investigate the asteroids, with the intention of being the first to arrange a trade agreement.
>Set up a small extra-terrestrial archaeology initiative with a tight budget. Someone has to research the asteroids for potential means of long-term resource harvesting. May as well be the sci-fi nuts.

A small company, (small by space corporation standards,) decided to take a gamble on the conspiracy theories and sent a team to investigate. They failed to find anything conclusive, to put it generously, but any bit of information only served to fuel curiosities. Of course, the initial company was looking to make a buck and now found themselves an interested audience. A tourist trap was quickly set up consisting of “xeno-frequency” tours, archeological digs, and “cosmic ray” meditation sessions.

However, for the greater whole this didn’t amount to much.

News Feed
= The war has escalated at an astonishing rate. While casualties initially remained low between the two countries, many other nations decided to be opportunistic and have launched their own strikes. This led to a domino effect of more nations striking as others are distracted by their own advances. A global lockdown has been declared by the solar community at large, allowing only the movement of refugees and humanitarian aid.
=Look to the sky! A star approximately 210 light-years away has gone supernova. For a brief window of time, this star will appear to shine much brighter in the night sky before disappearing. Astronomers assure that the immense amount of energy given off from the event is in no way a danger to our system.
= On our very own ice planet, a planet-wide festival has begun. Celebrating o
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No. 1031099 ID: 713339

-{Xenophobe faction} Make shitty memes for old people to share on SpaceBook.

-{Corporate faction} Time to make like KFC and manufacture a national holiday. Built up support for work gate travel, hype people up about space, and start a campaign to make traveling through one like stepping into a whole new life, leaving your old one behind and coming out a new person. Have people write worm year resolutions to be better people. Hype it up to be a completely life changing spiritual experience. Not only will this make a ton of money and keep the population content, but it also lets you better get away with prioritizing building a servant class of undesirables from earth.
No. 1031138 ID: 96c896

{Corporate faction} Corps started selling weapons to both sides of the conflict- wait who am I kidding that's already happening I don't need to suggest that.

Worm Gate's not open? Well, open it. They gotta pay taxes though, and the maintenance fee, and the administration fee, and the convenience fee...

Send a scouting fleet to Xass. The color is close to home.

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1029139 No. 1029139 ID: 91db14 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The men of the land of snow know a simple rule.

Take what you want, accept no opposition.

Your father understood this when he raided the castle of the winter queen, ruler of snow and female beauty. Thinking her merely the most beautiful nymph he'd seen in the place, he took her on every surface he could find.

And did it again when he found out who she was.

Now you and your sisters are half-goddesses. The jewels of the kingdom, kept far from the mortal world, and from any unworthy men who would look upon you, any of which would SURELY give a limb for the chance to give them all for a CHANCE at claiming your virginity.

That's the reason you almost NEVER GET TO GO ANYWHERE. UGH. Besides your bodyguard, sisters and nymphs you almost NEVER SEE ANYONE. You can't go out alone and you almost never get any adventure!

Well today is your birthday. Maybe things will change...

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No. 1029920 ID: 976ba6

This workin?
No. 1029921 ID: 976ba6

Okay. Svetlana doesn't get to watch but let's let Yuki see us in both outfits after our bath. Let's have it alone. Svetlana doesn't get to see.
No. 1030167 ID: bda201

(No complaints so)

"Have them on my bed Yuki, I'll try them after my bath-" you push Svetlana off your lap "-Svetlana get an escort ready for me, I may be going out."

Svetlana whines as Yuki smiles, then hurries off after bowing.

Where will you bathe?

> Hot spring?
> Icey waters?
No. 1030196 ID: e5709d

Do 4 laps and then screw the nearest nymph while you're exhausted.
No. 1030197 ID: e10e01

Ice water then to get the breathing going?

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1019580 No. 1019580 ID: 676f44 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Oh dear! I can’t believe I’m such a static-brain!

Oh dear, oh dear, almost there! You can’t miss this train! Hurry, Emma!

Aha! Here! Here’s my ticket! My luggage is safe, as you can see!

“Cuttin’ it close, ma’am. But, all looks well. Welcome aboard!”

Thank you! Finally…I made it!

The Sea Sharp Express! The finest luxury train to grace the continent! Full of wondrous and splendid activities for the refined robot, 5 gear meals, and a plethora of top-of-the-line resting facilities! Any bot with any taste would want to take a ride!

Which… makes it all the more unfortunate that I’m here more on work than pleasure. After all- I have this briefcase I really need to return to my latest patient. Mr. Earl Sparks.
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No. 1024565 ID: 34f2f0

Plausible enough.
No. 1024568 ID: 96c896

Oh I was just thinking the impostors would be wearing the glasses, to obscure most of their faces.
No. 1024595 ID: c92a02

Check in the cargo car. Say there was a mixup with your luggage - it's true after all.
No. 1024868 ID: e51896

Supporting the disguise idea
No. 1030024 ID: f2320a

The best lie is true

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1009742 No. 1009742 ID: afe7de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A quest about Reincarnation.

You follow CHI, a WING-KIN girl who used to be a MALE HUMAN in another dimension.

You’ve just become a teacher at the TENGU ACADEMY at the ripe young age of 16.

What change will you bring to your WORLDPLATE?


SHARDS PART 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002288.html

WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Shards
DISCUSSION: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135736.html
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/m/Edmango

AUTHORS NOTE: This Quest will probably cointain 18+ content including violence, death, and cartoon gore. Sexual content might be present, but won’t be the focus and won’t get multi image updates. Reader discretion is advised.

This quest is more of a LIFE SIM that takes place over a long period of time. Part 1 took place over 16 years, Part 2 might be a similar length, but there will be a few more moments where we zoom in on particular events in this arc.

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No. 1027937 ID: a9af05

>You’ve heard rumblings that Caissa is going to do something.
I've got a bad feeling about this.

Earlier, when she said, "I’ll show you who the real RUNESCRIPTERS are around here!" That makes me think that she's going to attempt to show off something and claim that she made it herself, in order to claim that she's better than us.

Or because she used to be one of Chi's students (who I believe ended up failing the class), she'll try to make something and that'll end up endangering everyone!

>what do?
Let's study the Copcanium Dart. Nico must've given it to us for a reason.
No. 1027948 ID: 34dfce

Tell William you don't mind. You still love him (though the jury may still be out on what kind of love that is).

She can't be queen.
She sounds like a nice person, and has good intentions, but she also sounds dangerously imperialist. Specifically, in the "good"-natured, "uplift the natives" way the Spanish were. Especially how she says they are being taught the wrong things and are too martial. That is their culture. She seems rather close-minded and arrogant in this regard and I would imagine that this could very well fall down the slippery slope to crusades if she becomes queen.
No. 1027976 ID: e5709d

Seconded; you're unsure of the best plan, but you know who the worst-case scenario would be. Keep them from ruining your kingdom and let the rest play itself out.
No. 1029468 ID: f2320a

honestly she would be great for peace times but well this is not it, also perhaps its good she wants to make the canus learned no idea about there culture but perhaps she is right but it will not work as the canus will hate it and it would create exploitable weaknesses for the humans too use against us
No. 1029494 ID: f2320a

wonder what holidays we have in this world, hopefully some with good traditional food

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1018998 No. 1018998 ID: fd4d13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You've been walking forever.

You're extremely tired.

You can't stop, it's looking for you.

There's nowhere on the road to hide.

There's a gas station a few miles ahead.

Do you:
A) Keep walking
B) Run ahead, exhausting yourself but reaching the gas station sooner
C) Try to find somewhere nearby to hide from it
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No. 1019083 ID: dabb22

A. Or just a little opium for the mood boost, gotta turn that frown upside-down if you're gonna be onstage!
No. 1019086 ID: e51896

C. try not to sit on the throne, can't die this early on after all.
No. 1019088 ID: 3a06e7

Wash your face and remove the elvis mask.
No. 1019330 ID: c75f90

Wash your face and get to it. You've got a show to perform.
No. 1029408 ID: f2320a

Mindfreak master of disguise are we awake or will we jolt awake

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1028430 No. 1028430 ID: e1017c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Little is known of the uncharted land of Orenthar. But, with one of the two greatest empires of the civilized world looking to stake a claim to the land and its supposed riches and resources, many would-be explorers have answered the call to make the journey to the new world. It's a long trip by boat, and all voyages to Orenthar are first stopping at the Merchant Guild's off shore rig. You are one such brave adventurer, seeking work as part of an exploratory expedition.

This is a quest I am kind of using as a pre-alpha test to a co-operative tabletop style game I am attempting to work on. As such, there will be segments focusing on grid based combat. Since I have not had a chance to test any of these rules yet, please bare with me during these segments.
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No. 1028683 ID: 4c0dea

Our name is Theseus
No. 1028685 ID: 0055dc

The Name's Jeb

Cooking for the skill. As a non-mashroom we probably arent going to be atarting with technomancy items and it will probabky be a while before we can get any. The mashrooms arent even part of the faction that got chosen.
No. 1028686 ID: d0108b

Skill: Cooking
Name: Kosroh
No. 1028711 ID: 36784c

No. 1028714 ID: 4d7a41

considering how savage some engsami clans can be I'd like to think that if we do get cooking as a skill we would joke that anyone we can't save we can turn into rations.

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1028384 No. 1028384 ID: f506d5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Three years. According to estimates from the leader of the Felubic academy of the Glorious Aspect, a terrible disaster foretold in ancient legends is slated to come if the centennial maintenance of the chasms is not performed by the Calibration between RY 771 and 772. Normally, this would be an entirely trivial problem, however the ritual requires the voice of the stones themselves, and the instrument built for that purpose has gone missing since the last scheduled round of maintenance, the instrument has been replaced with an identical duplicate made out of Jade, but entirely useless for the ritual.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to gather the ingredients necessary to forge a new instrument with the voice of the stones, these are

Honey from the Bee of Zarlath

Benediction of a Lesser Earth Dragon (though other spirits might qualify)

A solid piece of Jade weighing 8 pounds bathed in tenfold purified water while being serenaded by an organ that has never been touched by light

Enchanted Silk Embroidered with the Irresistible Song of Stone and dyed in corrosive goo from under the City of the Mountain of Gateway
No. 1028386 ID: e5709d

Your name is Jababoo Prichhikkr
And you are a professional Asset Retrieval Specialist working for CR Inc.
That means thieeeeeef.

You are also a catfolk-orc hybrid.
No. 1028388 ID: 96c896

Well you can use the fake instrument for the third requirement, just gotta give it the musical bath.
How difficult are the other requirements exactly?
No. 1028389 ID: f506d5

A revised and far more useful description of the final Exotic Component.

>Abrasive Sheet Music. The sheet must be white silk of the highest quality, such as that produced by essence spiders or Ragara Anya's white mulberry grove. Individual notes must be in the form of embroidery, stitched with something which has the exact nature of stone, the exact color of the black quicksilver lake beneath the Mountain Gateway, and the exact shape of ordinary thread.
No. 1028390 ID: f506d5

I also would like to clarify that this is an Exalted quest where each character will be developed and controlled by one player open by invitation only.

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