Blue Dawn Basket
This could become relevant soon, so I'm going to put it here for clarity:
Health in Magic West works based on MANLY GRIT, rather than being entirely based on wounds. Injuries happen, and wounds will generally affect the victim, but blood loss is a thing that happens to normal people.
Lets say René cut Branson from shoulder to waist. This would very much hurt Branson, and could in fact kill him if it's deep enough. But bandage him up, and Branson could go into another fight mostly unhindered, but at risk of his wounds opening up. And he might get a scar from the wound over time.
A healer would let him go into the next fight fine, and remove the risk of scaring. A blood mage would really only be able to help him be stronger in the next fight, or to stem bleeding without restoring his manly grit.
And people had some specific questions on the IRC, so I'll post those answers here:
> Can a Dreammage make something similar to blood for oxygen-carrying? Hell, even saline would be useful.
Not right now. Eventually he will be able to, though it will be easiest to do so in the form of a conjured creature. And that brings with it the difficulty of actually transferring the blood. It would still have the metal weakness, and René doesn't have the technical knowledge to do such a thing.
>[Dreamcrafting]'s easier the more familiar he is with something, right?
>But he doesn't actually have like, know how it works or anything, right?
He has to mostly know how it works, especially early on. For example, with a bullet he just has to know it gets hit by a hammer, that make the gunpowder explode, and the bullet flies out. The fire side of his powers helps make the actual explosion.
>If it was a car or something, for instance, or an animal, does he actually ahve to know how the insides go?
No, if he's stronger he can just be like "Deer" and make a deer, or "Car" and make an old-timey car. As he gets stronger, he can not only make bigger and better things, but can pull from other people's dreams, allowing him to compensate for knowledge he personally lacks.
>But like, if he was a mechanic or a butcher that would help theoretically to some degree?
Yes. An animal trainer or vet might be able to make animals as a beginner. A mechanic would be able to make more complex machines. Rene is a musician, so he can make more complex instruments.