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File 137694361185.png - (649.70KB , 1466x1494 , Discworld_Political_Mapp_by_BlamedThande.png )
10325 No. 10325 ID: 0e2370 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm really lazy/bad at drawing my own dungeons, caves, encounters.
I was looking for some sort of software I can use to generate dungeons/ caves and what not automatically.
I downloaded autorealm but there is no support or anything for it to tell me how to use the program.
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No. 10335 ID: 0e2370

I'm to lazy for paint
No. 10342 ID: be79e2
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What do people use (besides minecraft) to design ships in games?
Campaign Cartographer has Cosmographer
which can be used by those who know how - but how many own it - through either purchase or having it "fall off the back of the tubes" ?
I'm guessing the next two suggestions are sketchup or MS Paint.
No. 10359 ID: be79e2

I have used (and don't laugh) a copy of "My Sweet Home" it is not great for curved / angled features but gives you a 3d image with skin-able objects. I know it is not perfect and I just started out - It's not CAD but it works -sort of.
No. 10390 ID: 0e2370

Op here. I ended up finding some really high quality discworld maps online.
For every thing else I end up using Fractal mapper to give the basic shape of a place then draw the rest in in photo ship. It's a bit of work but achieves the desired effect.
No. 10399 ID: 30df25
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This is my favourite tool for making land maps. Always does islands, but they are very very well-made islands.

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10290 No. 10290 ID: 4693fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Hello all! I'm planning on running a semi-homebrew game of Deathwatch, oriented around a team of Tozols (a la Tozol Quest) on their mercenary misadventures, as well as their fierce battles for survival.

I'd love to recruit some players for it, if at all possible!
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No. 10379 ID: c16a16

Session 8.

Log: http://goo.gl/9RtGrI

How much deeper does it go? Just what have they done? - Sgt. M. Lyran
No. 10383 ID: c16a16

Session 9 done. Log: http://goo.gl/GCQBTM

In which tozols have breakfast, and check out their new ride.

A short one with little in the way of plot developments, as Veirs' player was attending to important RL matters and we felt it better to wait on him.
No. 10386 ID: c16a16

S10. Another very short one. http://goo.gl/xZZOEK

Mostly planning and talking.
No. 10393 ID: 965d20

Heya all, Gerald here. May be a bit late for tonight. My plans for the night got promptly overrun-- I'll do what I can to get there ASAP!
No. 10397 ID: c16a16

11. Log: http://goo.gl/h51NoM

In which Marik steals the spotlight for a bit.

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7891 No. 7891 ID: a8be1c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Thus Spake the Orky Fella:
Hey y'all, trying to make a good trap style dungeon in D&D 4e, similar to the good old grimy days of 2e when I first started. The party, while having played some pnp, have not actually played D&D before, and I want to teach them caution and care, to approach things with measured amounts of guts and glory, suspicion and malign.
Any tips that you have here, things that you lot remember from your youth or things you have sprung on your own players? Starting at level 1, and open to a lot of ideas. The area is a classic underground cave dwelling that is under a river.
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No. 8386 ID: bb1703

The Orky Fellow returns.
My updates are short these days, following a severe drought of gaming happening.
But this one is quite fun (sorta).
The group decided to rest out in a underground graveyard of a abandoned dwarven fastness.
Deciding to sleep in shifts, I had them make perception checks and such to see if they noticed anything. I rolled a shitton behind the screen, just to fuck with their metagaming minds (do this a lot recently), until I roll one of the special numbers of 60/70/80/90. I got a 90, time to JUST AS PLANNED them.
I have a magic mouth, planted by the BBEG necromonster in the center of the room, start to speak to them in the most obnoxiously effeminate, flaming gay voice I can muster after 22 hours of no sleep. I must have done a good job as the group replies to the goading with groans, ooc jokes and general aggravation at the idea of being found out.
>stop letting Thin Man escape and maybe you could have moved unheard of
The sorc does a detect magic, and finds it on the floor, the ranger points it out (damn sky high perception) offhand. The warden walks over, asks for a description of the mouth, I tell him it's a big mouth, big teeth, with no lips, think Cheshire Cat. He (predictably) smashes it with his hammer, and eats a trap, blinding, glittering powder spews from the broken teeth.
>glitterdust was always one of my favorite spells
I tell him he is blinded, save doesn't end, and tell the rest of the group he sparkles in the light, setting off a new round of Twilight references, disparaging homosexual slurs and so forth. The sorc does a detect magic on the powder, and is surprised when he is told it is NOT magic (I decided to not make this so simple, use your skills people). The sorc chats with warlord, deciding to simply wash it out of his eyes. The warden then feels a
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No. 10237 ID: a51e45

Holy shit, this thread is still here?
Well, since it's here, and so have I, I will pace out the end of this particular story.
The group breaks out, having had a decent rest, and sallied forth along the trail already blazed to trails untested.
The warlord asks for a moment to say a few solitary prayers to the dead, as the paladin did not, and leaves back to the crypt, his torch bobbing into the darkness.
>the warlord's player had to leave due to drama within the group, apparently he hit on the one player's girl who was also playing
Returning to the crossroads, they took the turn they demurred on prior, traveling down a long, worked stone hall with many turns and twists, eventually coming to an odd length of hall studded with disembodied arms and legs.
>you know where this is going
No. 10240 ID: ec2e47

One of my characters was in a hall similar to that one once. I just started hacking the limbs off with my greataxe until some skeleton archers showed up at the other end.
No. 10264 ID: ca1c58

Dunno if you still check this, but I'm actually interested in the exciting conclusion. The whole thing was a fun read.
No. 10352 ID: 5b4b49

For the love of God, MOAR. This is like if you took Old Man Henderson and made him a dumbass instead of a badass. And then made four more.

Seriously, this is hilarious.

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10324 No. 10324 ID: b87de2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Anyone have any suggestions on where I could get any good larping gear or equipment? I was thinking of maybe trying it out.
No. 10327 ID: bdb3f8

What's your budget? I know where you can get a full set like that image, but only if you are willing to drop a couple grand on the whole project.
No. 10345 ID: ca1c58

what country are you in? or what larp? Check the website and see the photos to see what kind of gear is commonly used.

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10242 No. 10242 ID: 2bafff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Carrion Hill image thread time!
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No. 10268 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10288 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10289 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10332 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10333 ID: 2bafff
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10283 No. 10283 ID: 3cbb6a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Alrighty, so a group of friends and myself are currently playing a game that one of my friends made. It's kind of like a cross between the dark, apocalyptic nature of Dark Heresy and the tech-based cyberpunk nature of Shadowrun. While I personally love it, I'm also the new guy at the table and so I'm not that great at the whole roleplaying bit. The question I have is how to work with other player-types. For some odd reason, no matter what character I end up playing, he evolves into the leader of the group, even when I went out of the way to make a meek, scientist who was literally brought along to examine things. A sequence of events always ends up changing the character I start with into a much more aggressive, and headstrong person. That being said, because I end up leading the group many times, I also have many struggles with my teammates, specifically one who refuses to cooperate with anyone if it means he isn't doing something awesome. If he misses a shot, the game is broken, if he fails a check then the skills aren't right, if he gets corrected, he jumps into super-defensive mode. How do I deal with these kinds of players? It's always the same person too, and I generally get along with every other player type, in and out of character.
No. 10285 ID: 3cbb6a

No. 10286 ID: 780473

Playing different character types means you always need to keep the character in mind rather than making a hasty decision (which, based on your gut/intuition, will be your own decision, not nesciscarily your character's.)

You may try shooting for a second-in-command for instance, a position where you can use your own drive for authority to prop up someone else as the leader.

As for complainers, if he's really a problem you'd likely need to agree to handle him as a group, not an individual.
No. 10287 ID: 3cbb6a

I really do try and keep the character's motives and ideas as the drive for the story but like I said, it isn't my fault that my characters get pushed into a leadership position. It usually ends up that way because either the team gets separated, the original leader dies, or the rest of the team becomes grievously wounded.

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10097 No. 10097 ID: ec1490 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because character sheets gotta go somewhere.
No. 10104 ID: ec1490
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No. 10280 ID: cf8f63
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HP: 21/21
EXP: 0/10
Attack Dice: d6
Evasion Dice: d6
Coins: none
Tracking I
Visual Acuity I
Survival II
Craft Literature (Tombdog Remnant) I
Equipped: Shirt&Skirt, Mantle
Inventory: Shirt&Skirt, Mantle
Weight: 0/20 pounds
Dominant hand: Left

Backstory- Zehrahlixia was the daughter of a beggar, who was exiled from House Kaliaxix as part of a scandal. While the beggar now is no more than yet another ghost in the town's tomb, Zehrahlixia was not content to live on the pity offers and wait until she joined her father, and spent more time out in the wilderness, slowly and painfully learning how to survive out there. In time, she eventually honed her skills enough to become an outsider-in-waiting, to the house that she actually hails from, despite not being aware of it.
No. 10282 ID: 5663f2

ok, because of both schedule conflicts and because I can't connect to IRC for some myterious reason, I probably won't make it to tonight's tombdog meeting. Sorry!

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10250 No. 10250 ID: 2bafff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 10270 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10271 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10272 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10278 ID: 2bafff
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Mr. Ghosty ghost
No. 10279 ID: 2bafff
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8807 No. 8807 ID: e0f5a9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi everyone. I'm the administrator of a new minecraft server dedicated to a role-play based version of Dwarf Fortress. We have been in testing for the past two weeks and are finally ready to go live. We already have a small populace of 5-10 people but are looking to invite even more players to join us!

On the server, players can take the role of any character within the three traditional main races (Dwarves, Humans and Elves) and also the monster race of Kobold (Cutebolds & Scaleybolds). We aim to get as close to Dwarf Fortress in roleplay as we can, utilising the dwarf fortress wiki pages on races and community fluff development (such as cutebolds, delicious lava and the dwarves legendary hatred of trees...) as inspiration for each race.

We offer a fairly rules-light gameplay- other than a few things that are beyond the control of plugins, anything mechanical that a certain race can't do is handled by plugins, meaning that you don't have to worry about rules-heavy moderator influence. Just join and have fun!

The main aim of this server is to provide a setting as close to Dorf Fort as possible in a 3d RPG environment, with inter-racial antagonism as the main driver of FUN. Want to declare war on the elves and raze their precious forest, or would you rather politik your way to a peaceful solution and build mighty civilisations? The method is up to you the player and your race.

To that end, to create potential for conflict each race is designed to have something the other needs and have particular abilities the other's don't. This promotes trade and hostility between the three major racial groups as well as the pesky Kobold thieves that blight them. Competition to create a civilisation is also implemented, racial moderators watch the growth of civilisations and reward dilligent effort with various things; with a loose tier based system incorporating both construction and roleplay you can
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No. 9927 ID: 7a7940

> /g
That'd be a good thing to have in the server info post on the forums as well
Also /help 1,2,3,4,5
No. 9928 ID: a061bb

Hi everyone. Admin here again. I'm posting just to let those of you interested know that the server, including the plugins and approach, but not the thematics and overall concepts are currently being overhauled. The past few months have been very useful for us as far as what works, what doesn't and a l
ook at further plugins to provide further support and fun. We expect these to be implemented at latest by the end of january, along with detailed explainations of form and function on the forum. I look forward to seeing you online.
No. 10152 ID: 65080c

Hi everyone, Admin again. Like I said in my last post (an ice age ago) the server has updated significantly in the time between, including having a new host.

Our new IP is

Feel free to join, but be aware that you can't yet assign yourself a race without the help of a moderator (We're working on it). So if one isn't online, try again during our peak hours of between 5pm +0Gmt and 5am +0Gmt. We're a friendly group and try to make certain that everyone involved has a fair run at RP, all we ask is that you respect the setting and each other.

Our wiki is provided here: http://dwarf-fortress-role-play-classic.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

Look forward to seeing new players!
No. 10176 ID: bdb3f8

NEW new ip is by the way
No. 10269 ID: dc49e4

These guys are utter faggots. I got banned permanently because some guy lied and said that I was flying. I skyped an admin and he told me that I would have to convince my accusers to agree to have me unbanned.


Would not recommend.

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8519 No. 8519 ID: f13b39 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey, first time poster, just wondering if I can get some advice.

My brothers, some of their friends and myself want to start playing a tabletop rpg, but we don't really know where to start. We were entertaining the idea of Dungeons and Dragons, but that doesn't sit well with most of us because we don't like the genre of High Fantasy. Does anyone know of any other tabletops, maybe within the realm of sci-fi, or post-apocolyptic, or something in that vicinity?
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No. 8524 ID: bdb3f8

Paranoia is not really a beginner's game. Fun certainly, and you don't have to invent your setting, but gameplay is intentionally very different from your standard RPG.

Darwin's World I don't know. sorry. Apparently it is supposed to be D&D postapoc?

Dark Heresy is one of three RPGs in the Warhammer 40k universe which differ largely in character power level. Presumably the other two would also be okay if you are familiar with that setting.

Eclipse Phase is post-singularity, where much of the population does not have bodies, and many that do are no longer human. Evil AI controlled by aliens broke Earth, so we live in the rest of the solar system.

If you don't know what Fallout is, you just haven't been paying attention.

Traveler is often jokingly refereed to as the game where you can die during character creation. There are lots of charts. It is built for high space travel adventure, but you can turn it into anything else just by staying on a certain planet.

I am also shocked that Shadowrun has not been mentioned. It is the quintessential cyberpunk game. Evil corporations, cybernetic enhancements, magic, and computer hackers.
No. 10259 ID: 9a2d8f

Space Gothic was also a very Fun Game, with not too many rules and a nice low-sci-fi setting
No. 10263 ID: 10ca6c

I had a reply here recommending Apocalypse World, but then I realized this was a necro of a 1-year-old thread. Damnit, stop necroing!
No. 10265 ID: 2f4b71

>Paranoia is not really a beginner's game. Fun certainly, and you don't have to invent your setting, but gameplay is intentionally very different from your standard RPG.
That's one of the ways it works well as a beginner game. No pre-conceived notions to dispel. You can also feasibly play it with very minimal dice rolling (the GM disregarding any rolls and choosing what sounds coolest is one of the core gameplay mechanics).
No. 10266 ID: 10ca6c

This thread's over a year old, you know. The original poster's long since started a game or several with their friends already.

Damn necroposts.

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10175 No. 10175 ID: b51251 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Basically, I was annoyed at Pathfinder, 3.5, 4th, and Next not doing what I wanted; so I began making a set of houserules for Pathfinder to mitigate the glaring problems I noticed.

Then they sorta took off and I completely re-wrote them from the ground up.

Then I started making races and a lore and realized I had bitten off more than I could ever manage to chew myself.

So, I'm asking for help, suggestions, playtesters, anything to move this along. The ideal plan is to eventually publish this as Either way, here it is; I'll be buttdating some stuff about classes and races later tonight; stay tuned.
No. 10179 ID: 454d6b

I've updated Rake, https://sites.google.com/site/d20reborn/heroes-of-legend/archetypes/rake to have some neat mobility-based abilities; I'll be filling out his Infliction tree this afternoon.

I've also got Warrior updated and almost ready for level 4-5 play, but I'll post that on the site when I have more time.
No. 10221 ID: ca1c58

I don't think there is currently enough here for me to intelligently comment on. You should probably finish filling out the rules. An example of play would be nice.
No. 10239 ID: 67e689

If you need, I can probably playtest it for you.
No. 10248 ID: bac511

When a system is built from scratch, there is usually an idea of what kind of games this systems is suited for, since this determines char gen, resolution mechanics and whatnot.

Have you given this any thought?

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9366 No. 9366 ID: bde1b8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 9401 ID: de023d

well what do you expect this place is so slow anyway

No. 9405 ID: 87583b
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No. 9421 ID: ffe8c0


No. 9445 ID: 94892a
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Because no one had gotten around to this one yet.

No. 10238 ID: a01b62


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9888 No. 9888 ID: 0f60d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Because stuff keeps needing to be stored somewhere!
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No. 10193 ID: 405647
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okay i think that's it
No. 10201 ID: 9ddf68

I look

I have a feeling we are going to meet these guys soon...ish

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10143 No. 10143 ID: 2bafff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Thought I'd go ahead and create a thread for this
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No. 10173 ID: 01531c

No. 10197 ID: 2bafff
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these dudes
No. 10198 ID: 2bafff
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encounter in the corn-maze
No. 10199 ID: 2bafff
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No. 10200 ID: 2bafff
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his true form

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8032 No. 8032 ID: 204897 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I found this copy amongst a bunch of my files and am posting here so *anyone* will be able to download it before I lose it again.
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No. 8408 ID: 30df25
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No. 8637 ID: 30df25
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No. 10134 ID: 1bfafd

This thread is adorable. Also holy shit is it old, and it was pretty high on page 2. Do things really move this slow here?
No. 10136 ID: bdb3f8

The tg board of tgchan is the slowest board permitted by law. Most of the posts aren't even content, just items useful to a handful of people participating in some IRC rpg or another.
No. 10150 ID: 66f653


I dunno you should see what is left of the /x/ sanctuary, I'm not sure if it is slow or actually dead at this stage.

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10138 No. 10138 ID: 66d306 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I've got some PDFs if anyone needs things.
Requesting OpenQuest2, Durance and Iron Kingdoms (the newer one).

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8800 No. 8800 ID: 2307a4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm currently staying in a hostel in Japan, which has been blocked from posting to 4chan for some reason. Not sure if it's country, IP, or what. The ban message is vague. Anyway, I was hoping one of you could help me. I was looking at L5R and had some questions. If someone could answer these, post the message on /tg/ for me and post the thread number, or even both, I would really appreciate it.

/tg/, I've heard about L5R for many many years now and have always been a little interests. Is this game dead? Is it worth getting into and if so, what would be the best way to do so? What types of game play formats are there? I'm coming from an MTG background if that last question needs context.

No. 8801 ID: 364fd8

Oh hey, L5R! I assume you're talking more about the CCG than the RPG (which is also good). Anyway, I'm a few years out of the loop and never really got into the tourney scene so consider me a sketchy source here. That said though...

It's a really solid game. I'd say second only to Magic as far as CCGs go, and to my knowledge, any card ever printed is still totally fair game. New sets don't reinvent the wheel mechanically, they just progress things plot wise.

As in, every year they have a big ol' tournament, with the developers watching how the last few games play out. If Clan X comes out on top, the fluff of the next set says their leader is the new emperor. If there's a big duel between two characters, one kills the other. If someone wins by mixing some naga cards into his deck? That clan allies with the naga. Stuff like that.

This leads to multiple versions of the same character, but you're free to use any or all. You can promote a character to a version of that character from a later set as an alternate method of getting them into play.

Past that, there are, if I recall, 3 ways to win- There's actual cards of the 5 rings you can get out, but doing so is a royal pain, so that almost never happens. There's successfully attacking all 4 of your opponents Holding cards (kind of a combination of life points/secondary hand containing all your land-equivalent cards, to really stretch a metaphor), and there's getting up to 40 honor points, which, in my experience, is the most common victory method, since a lot of things rack armor up, particularly winning a fight.

Attacks are big productions that don't get made until pretty late in the game generally. There's a ton of buildup until someone feels confident that they can win and makes a major attack, and then you spend a good 5 minutes or so activating special abilities, playing cards, challengin
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No. 10133 ID: 1bfafd

Is the ban message any good? I could use a laugh.

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10066 No. 10066 ID: 669b63 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I've got to vent about my table's THAT GUY, and I didn't see another good place for this.

I have an oddball for a that guy. Emphasis on the odd. Or at least he'd like that to be the case. My table's that guy never claims to have never really gotten out of his 'LOL SO RANDUM' phase, but if you sat in at a game you'd never know it. He's not disruptive, but he never contributes to the game. Not in the slightest bit.

A campaign back we put a whole evening into carefully building the each character as a group, but when we got to T.G. he had no idea who or what he wanted to be. He likes the Cthulhu mythos (but I'll get into that in a bit) so we suggested some ways we could incorporate that, and it was getting pretty cool. But he waffled on everything, to the point that he would ask us for suggestions, we'd offer two mutually exclusive options, and he'd literally just mumble and brush off the point. His character ended up getting a custom built race, class archetype, plot and provided a good reason for him to be socially weird in game. Three sessions later and he has said, MAYBE, three sentences in character. The only action I can remember him taking (and this is indicative of how he likes to be LOL SO RANDUM) was to start eating a corpse in an alley way. When people freaked the fuck out at the sight, he clammed up and couldn't decide what to do, and ended up hiding on a spell and a good stealth roll.

In our current game, he's flaked on our last few games. When I spoke with him about it, he said he still wants to game, but isn't comfortable with his character (a cleric) because he's not religious. We've had sixteen sessions of this game, in my sixteen pages or so of notes, he's character is mentioned twice. Once when he botched some negotiations by refusing to talk to a spirit, and once when he had to accompany another character (th
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No. 10067 ID: 2e4baa

It's less that you're venting and more that you don't know what to do and you are seeking opinions on the matter.

Opinion 1: Stop making excuses and kick him from the group if he doesn't fit in. He doesn't fit in. Kick him from the group.

Opinion 2: Stop making excuses and just talk to the guy about the stuff you're having trouble with. If he doesn't improve, follow Opinion 1.
No. 10068 ID: 2de44c

Talk it out, tell him he's not contributing enough to the group. You don't wanna kick him but you really want him to participate in this you're working very hard to make happen
No. 10107 ID: b44bfb

I dunno if I can help, since my entire gaming group is made out of 'That Guys,' (me included, probably) but I will offer my ideas regardless.

I certainly do not think you should kick him from the group. I also realise this is like, two weeks old now, and you may have very well already taken action against that guy.

To me, he sounds like he is stricken by trepidation, and not by an unwillingness or inability to cooperate with you and the other players. He may feel inadequate around the rest of you, given your more impressive occupations, and apparent social aptitude (which this fellow strikes me as devoid of). To me, his small claims of 'LOLRANDUMB' attitude seem more like a way to appear more, I don't know, well-adjusted, or whatever. I don't know.

I don't know how you guys are with him at the table, but I can suggest perhaps you should consider being a little more lenient with him, to a point, of course. Possibly even positively reinforcing good, and active role-playing with small, in-game rewards. You know, a little extra gold or something.

If you are concerned with his unwillingness to speak in-character, then perhaps I can suggest including some dialogue, or actual specific questions, aimed at his character.

As for not showing up, well, that's how it goes, I guess.

File 136364065965.png - (271.51KB , 624x259 , Decoder Title.png )
10073 No. 10073 ID: 6c1738 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This seemed like it should go here but I dunno if I'm doing something wrong tell me.
The point of this game will be to de-code messages I have written in a cipher of my own design. You guys can ask for clues, of which I will give you three, each more revealing than the last. Please post your answers in black so as not to spoil it for others!
No. 10074 ID: 6c1738
File 136364070575.png - (327.09KB , 476x602 , DC First Puzzle.png )

First puzzle! Is tgchan up to the challenge?
No. 10075 ID: bbf245

I resent being only called 'semi-intelligent'. You didn't even spell intelligent correctly!
No. 10076 ID: 7edb58

The difficult ones have purposeful spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, but the target is the picture below it. I would guess you already got that one
No. 10078 ID: bbf245

I'm not sure you understand cryptograms. Longer ones are not more difficult. Also there is no way to solve your first puzzle without extra information. I *had* to half-solve your original picture in order to solve your 'first' puzzle (and at that point there wasn't any reason not to finish solving the original picture)

That said I did like what you did with th, that threw me off for a decent while
No. 10079 ID: 7edb58

Hm, alright, I'll keep that in mind. The idea may have been lacking foresight but I did have clues handy if you peeps needed them. This is just my first time doing anything like this

File 127467548155.png - (5.09KB , 586x148 , tgmud.png )
3782 No. 3782 ID: e513f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Okay, since the main post was massively outdated and it was filled with unpleasant things that could drive a newbie away, I've decided to just go ahead and start a new one.

TGMUD is a Multi User Dungeon created for /tg/chan, with mostly /quest/ content, based off the CoffeeMUD engine (which is really fantastic, if a bit buggy). It is now graciously hosted by Dylan, possibly until TLE reappears if he is willing to host it again.

The channel is #tgmud on irc.rizom.net. The MUD is hosted on www4.tgchan.org temporarily, on port 5555.

If you were a member of the old tgMUD, I sincerely apologize. It is difficult to run a project, and I definitely did not handle it the right way. If you felt insulted or wronged by my behavior, I am sorry for it, and I would like to welcome you back to the reboot with no hard feelings. I promise to be less of a dick this time.
124 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 8701 ID: d6a5fd

[Race Class Level ] Character name
[Kobold Artisan 58 ] Taykis
[Gnoll Archon ] Blackjack
[Lamia Artisan 92/100 ] Asuraus (OOC) (idle: 35m)
[Gnoll Veteran 6/9 ] Elithor
[Gnoll Beastmaster 34/35 ] Ria
[Gnoll Soldier 11 ] Jekyl
[Clockwork Artisan 28/100 ] Walter
[Human Soldier 22 ] Azizeron
[Nevrean-Gnol Apprentice 1 ] Maysa
[Lian Apprentice 1 ] Remazi
[Ezilot Monk 4/5 ] Tyarith
[Slime Cleric 17 ] Panacea
[Gnoll Doomsayer 28/64 ] Durga
[Human Fighter 88/89 ] Hibited
[Demon Conjurer 16/17 ] Synn the Demon
[Tabaxi Enchanter 5/6 ] Minta
[Lamia Beastmaster 41/67 ] Ilya the Witch
[Minotaur Fighter 20 ] Adyali
[Lamia Ranger 19/20 ] Artyem
[Gnoll Monk 10 ] Glas

Huzzah for people!
No. 8810 ID: 02944e

How active have things been recently? I keep checking the MUD's homepage and there's never more than like 1 or 2 people online.
No. 9897 ID: 061a93

It dropped off and started picking back up recently. Still mainly active later at night. Could definitely use some more players.
No. 10038 ID: 5d98c3

Do I need to memorize all the prefixes? I loathe memorizing prefixes. I'm a programming student, I don't enjoy it in my off time.
No. 10063 ID: 65449b

I am not sure what you mean so, no, probably not.

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