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1469 No. 1469 ID: a91907 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

sup /tg/chan?

I really wo0uld like to see a quest on Devil may cry serie.
What d'ya think about it?
8 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1482 ID: 4b96a7

>demon elephants

I'm sold.
No. 1483 ID: 9a71e2

Then it sounds like you want someone similar to dante, not specifically dante.
No. 1484 ID: a91907

I'll say something with devil may cry characters that doesn't specifically follow the hack'n'slash style
No. 1530 ID: 9a71e2
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No. 11768 ID: c7757d
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You know what is funny the next game that you’ll get you’ll want to forget
And you will have to wait 10 years for the game you actually wanted

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11673 No. 11673 ID: 2688b6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Anyone got some pdfs?
Google recently banned me from my main account and I lost all my porn and tabletop pdfs. Looking to restart my collection.
No. 11674 ID: 465a14

Yeah, check the OPs of the general threads on 4channel's /tg/, they usually have links to repositories of pdfs.
No. 11675 ID: 2688b6

Fair enough.
No. 11676 ID: 06fdc0

Wait, what? PDF's of what?
No. 11678 ID: 9876c4

Porn or tabletops.
No. 11767 ID: c7757d
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You fool why the fuck you put all your porn stash on the cloud
You are just asking to have it looted and destroyed

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8019 No. 8019 ID: 8ff502 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I'm new to tabletop games, and I'd like to start a game of CoC. I have a group of people interested, but I was wondering how we would go about this. Are they any tips, rules, etc. I should know about running this, and CoC in general?
No. 8021 ID: 274a74

CoC is not D&D, or many of the other games you may have heard bandied about. Do not treat it as such.
Make sure you do right by the lore, it's 60% of the game.
Make sure the players understand they are not going to "win". CoC is a brutal game, at times, where the few victories are presaged by defeats in spades. The easily butthurt need not apply.
No. 9947 ID: 943463

Indeed. Well-run CoC games should not include much in the way of serious combat; any character significantly better in combat than their *player* would be is already trending towards munchkin. (That's a good way of gauging it, really: could *you, the person sitting at the table rolling dice, do that?)

Also, go watch the Spoony Experiment video talking about Call of Cthulhu, combat, and characters: "If you stat it, they will kill it".
No. 10446 ID: 74af9b

Try to be careful not to get player that are too jaded of CoC. In many cases for me and most of the party is was, "Hey, lets race to zero sanity!"
No. 11766 ID: c7757d
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Failure inevitable achieve what you can when you can

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11700 No. 11700 ID: 8eaf98 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I feel like I must just be blind but I click the watch thread button the box pops up and then i can find no way to ADD anything to it. posting here cause I dunno where else to do it
No. 11702 ID: 080aaf

The eyeballs next to OP subject lines while browsing the entire board add the thread to your watchlist. The WT link in the top right corner opens the box where new posts in the watched threads will occur.
No. 11703 ID: 8eaf98

Oh, thanks I see that. Is there a way that doesn't require wading through entire boards to find the one(s) you want? Like, say from the thread page.
No. 11710 ID: 8eaf98

If there isn't a way, I would like to strongly request, and beg for, a button in the watchlist box or on the top bar to Watch Current Thread or just Watch Thread

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11750 No. 11750 ID: e7c7d3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Lost Mine of Phandelver

Over five hundred years ago, a pact was made between a clan of gnomes and dwarves which became known as the Phandelver Pact. Together they mined the magically rich ores within Wave Echo Cave. Human spellcasters from nearby Phandalin joined forces with them and together they combined their collective skills to create a forge to craft magical items dubbed the Forge of Spells. Everything came to an abrupt end when orcs, craving magical treasures, sieged Phandalin and the Wave Echo Cave mine. The battle destroyed Phandalin and much of the mine as well, causing various cave-ins throughout. Very few survived the conflict to relate the tale. The Forge of Spells become legend and the entrance to Wave Echo Cave was lost.

Hey everyone, Doomsby here Looking For Group!

As the title says, I'm going to be running The Lost Mine of Phandelver. I feel it'll be a good way to shake of the cobwebs on my DM'ing skills and also this module appears to be fairly friendly to new comers. Ultimately, the goal of running this is to help find other players that I can mesh with and have some good TTrpg times, not to perfectly go through this module. So while this sounds pessimistic, if there's a problem with the group, you just don't like how I run things, or things just don't work out, there's no stress to drop out. I'm willing to restart things and retread over stuff to find a group to have fun with. Hopefully we all can find a good group fairly quickly. That all said, let's go over some things.

About myself:

I got into D&D at the tail end of 3.5, joined in on a campaign as a half-orc wizard. Most of my D&D experience is with 4th edition. Both playing and running games. Just had a consistent group that we did a lot of short campaigns together. Unfortunately, when playtesting for 5th edition started rolling out, the group moved apart due to
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No. 11753 ID: eb1fcc

1. Riotmode

2: that actually seems to be the worst possible time for me unfortunately, converting it to utc 6pm for you is the dead of midnight for me and I work at 4 AM

3. Decent experience, been through about 6 campaigns across varying characters though I can't claim to have gotten a proper ending in any of them.

4. I usually focus on backstory and character dynamics, I like flawed characters that clash with other party members for fun interactions. Notably, one character I'm looking to bring to the table is Scamper Tallow, a masked and heavily scarred engineer who has a deep-rooted loathing for magic and, by extension, wizards. She'll work with them, but she's not comfortable in the slightest around them.

5.I quite like semi-serious settings, about at the level of terry pratchett. Japery is welcome, but must be tempered to the world's overall tone.
I don't want to be conversing with a character named King Bonerton Gonnadie if it's an intrigue plot and we're tasked with preventing his assasination, but some rogue popping out of the shadows and shanking someone in the dick for killing their buddies in a previous mission wouldn't be out of place, as an example.

6. my expectations are mostly good worldbuilding and open-ended encounters. Things that would make me drop the game would be inconsistent player characters, time-slot conflicts, or learning my playstyle is negatively impacting other players.
No. 11754 ID: 3ce8ff

2.)time works baring changes in my life.
3.)back in highschool i participated in some freeform roleplays and some dnd but they tended to not get far past character creation. I am currently participating in a drop in dnd table.
4.)generally let dice decide unless i see something cool, work better trying to work a given set of traits then come up with them myself.
5.)much of my early RP experience was mostly hanging back and watching. I would suspect I would be part of the group of people who might get too into a joke.
6.)if it is an obvious trap to the low wisdom character there is room for internal debate depending on just HOW low health I'm at, however if that is out of character knowledge then that is a room full of free gold and I would be stupid to turn down such an opportunity just cause i'm hurt.
6.)i'm not entirely sure, as i think this drop in game i'm in now (an in person game on wednesdays) is the first campaign that is reasonably well DMed, so my hopes are as high as 'not another character creator simulator'
No. 11755 ID: 867391

1.)Name: cragum

2.)Time: 6 peem saturdays in my time zone is fine, yeah.

3.)Experience: I have been an active player and DM in multiple systems, i started in dungeoneer, then ad&d and continued from there. My experience with 5e is limited to a test run my group did that we didn't think very highly of when 5e was shiny and new. I'm interested in giving it a deeper try because reasons.

4.)Making a character: Context is pretty important here. I do try to fill in missing roles if I'm aware of a lack, but otherwise I'll generally try to come up with a concept and build the character and backstory as the mechanics come together. by the end of creation i will usually as a rule have a personality in mind for said character and some sort of long term goal which resulted in adventuring, though it usually doesn't end up on paper just reflected in the actions of said character.

5.)Seriousness: I enjoy any and all levels of seriousness from the goofy romp through candyland to the desperate battle through an evil king's dungeon to save the last known survivor of the kingdom's true royalty. The only caveat to that is i generally don't enjoy visiting the DM's 'magical realm.'

6.)Scenario: Call the party's attention to it and either go do the looty-looty (if i'm rogue) or let the party figure it out (if they are my keepers).

6.)Expectations: As a long time veteran player and DM, I am always interested in experiencing new groups and systems in order to try to get inspiration and keep things interesting for my mainline group. I expect you as a DM to keep things fair and to herd the cats all players are known to be. I do not forsee anything that would cause me to drop the game, but if something does come up I will do my best to give as much warning as I can.
No. 11756 ID: 33056f

1) Name: A giant hat.
2) 6 pm Saturday is a claimed time slot for me, and so few aren't that I'm just hoping to be a spectator really, it was a fun questionnaire.
3) Only been in 5e games that lasted more than a few sessions really, but I've also played to both extremes of narrative (dungeon world) and mechanical (shadowrun). Side note, don't play Shadowrun unless you're prepared to rewrite the rules from the ground up.
4) I like to come up with a build that sounds fun to play which then informs the character. Once the character is created though, any leftover choices are about what the character would choose.
5) I like a game where the players can joke around even if the characters stay in it.
6) I would probably try to defeat the trap with cleverness instead of brawn. Even if my character is not so good at cleverness, if they squint hard enough they might see a pulley or tripwire to toss an axe at... Triggering it anyway.
7) Like I said, not expecting I'll be able to get in due to time constraints (I can dream though), but I'd like to see how a trip to Phandelver goes.
No. 11757 ID: e5e15e


2.)Time: Works

3.)Experience: Played SR, have no actual experience with D&D. Have played Skyrim and other RPGs.

4.)Making a character: Come up with a concept I want to play and character build around that. Can stat to fit the party, but I think I'd prefer to stat around the character.

5.)Seriousness: I think I prefer more serious games, and am very plot oriented. If we're progressing that I'll probably be happy. Not opposed to ooc shitposting though.

6.)Scenario: Hypothetical scenario, and assuming low wisdom doesn't mean dumb, they'd start focusing on how to get the gold out without putting themselves in danger. If this means manipulating a NPC or trying

6.)Expectations: I want a game that'll let me play the character to the end, and ideally allow for inter-party conflict without it being an ooc issue. Something that has a hard goal we're working to that we'll reach in a defined period of time (i.e. within six months of sessions for example) that'll complete the game.

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11575 No. 11575 ID: dbc7c8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Post an image of fantasy art and I'll give it a backstory. Others can join in if you'd like.
>Feodor and Ásgerður
The last two living members of a tribe descended from giants, Feodor, is the 6"11 brother of Ásgerður, a more manageable 5'11 woman. The two travel the lands teaching people thier crafting techniques, and seeking half-giant men and woman to...continue the tribe.
How's that?
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No. 11714 ID: 93878c

I commend you.
No. 11716 ID: eeb7d9

You know, there is a Tumblr page that does exactly THIS.
No. 11718 ID: 9876c4

They can't love you like I don't.
No. 11719 ID: 1b9a77

After waking up with no pants, a dead prostitute on the floor and scooby sniffing a piece of foreskin in front of him, he realized that those weren't scooby snacks.
No. 11747 ID: cbf7d2

Today, we have the Timid Snoodle.
Closely related to toucan, these birds have a wonderous adaptation, somewhere down the line they've switched from hard beaks to soft, perportionally large, and very familiar looking nasle cavities; which, through as -yet unknown means, allows
Them to gain sustenance through nutritionally rich particles in the air.
As such it's not an uncommon sight to see several lached onto a large mammal's ass at a time.

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11521 No. 11521 ID: 77e4dc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 11684 ID: db6e6b

rolled 37 = 37

No. 11733 ID: 8d924c

rolled 10 = 10

No. 11735 ID: 8d924c

rolled 7 = 7

No. 11741 ID: 9876c4

No. 11743 ID: 9876c4

rolled 11 = 11

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447 No. 447 ID: c611c3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This thread is for Abandonbrew: Things you thought up once and never followed through on.
I propose a kind of commiseration/exchange of ideas based around them.
Ideas in this thread are fair game for developing on your own.
Pic unrelated.
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No. 2583 ID: 43d730

A fragment of a steampunk game:
Giant walking cities because I liked that one series.
However, you need people that can attack them directly, not just boarders.
And so I thought up clockwork knights.
Power armor of any stripe makes you stronger, yes?
Usually just to make the armor bearable to move in, but occasionally for other reasons.
So boost up the strength a great deal, and give them OMG ANIME SIZED swords.
They'd be a little clumsy and slow, but they also kill giants.
No. 3910 ID: f98e0b
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That’s not to say that they haven’t been keeping busy, of course. The commandant has been keeping his Qal drilling and on their toes almost incessantly. They’ve been patching up holes in the walls and defenses and scouting the area’s soil quality and grass coverage for potential pit traps/ambushes, and setting up contingency plans for a potential grass fire, which is a very real possibility in the dry seasons.
Jai is feeling better about the entire thing after their talk and seeing all the professional activity, and has been drowning her doubts in sparring sessions with Dio and fierce practice every morning. The younger Qal in the barracks like to hang around and watch, as much for the outstanding pyrotechnics displays as for the fact that her workout outfit looks like
No. 11722 ID: f62682

I thought of some sort of Underworld Sentai team. It would be like Power Rangers meets Waith: the Oblivion and Geist: the Sin-Eaters.
No. 11730 ID: 688dd6

Goddamn, this brings me back.
No. 11734 ID: f57349

https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/96871.html A more recent attempt to address the same topic.

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11254 No. 11254 ID: 4dc2d2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Last one seems to be over a year old so if we get a couple people to sign on we could try this again.

You need not actually know what you are doing or be any good at all to play, that just makes it more !FUN! for the next guy.

There's a 1 week period for you to take your turn, and please try to take your turn quickly if possible.

Also, vote on the embarkation site.
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No. 11303 ID: 52d0bb

Yeah, basically
No. 11304 ID: 59b9ae

Still here, got Driblis too. Whoever departs please bring livestock and please settle near goblins I want to see an invasion so big there'll be wall of bodies.
No. 11330 ID: 398fe1

Well SOMEBODY start it!
No. 11460 ID: fb21be

Well Im sad now I saw DF and I was ready to go.
No. 11721 ID: 3d8693

You should have advertised this on /r/DwarfFortress.

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9537 No. 9537 ID: dff5df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hay /tg/chan.

I've been hoping for a /tg/ styled board that isn't full of shitty trolls. Hopefully this place can build a slid user base, and resist the tide of shit that's covering 4chan's /tg/ board.

So, in the spirit of not wasting a post, X-Com thread!

No. 9538 ID: b5c3b4
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No. 9543 ID: 87583b

That's basically what this board was founded upon, yes. But until we get more people you won't find a lot of that here.

No. 9565 ID: 9f9ca2
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No. 9883 ID: 989aed
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May the internet Gods protect this oasis in the sea of shite.

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11438 No. 11438 ID: 67b7d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Banned from the blue boards,
Too hot for /tg,
Allow me to present,
Here girls from across the world come, some of their own free will, some to pay debts, and are sold to you loveley gentlemen as brides, slaves and concubines!
Some girls cost gold,
Some have set their own price,
Some are just looking for love!
Huh, what do I cost! Oh sir you're too forward! <3
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No. 11448 ID: 67b7d6
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For starters, may I reccomend this set?
No. 11449 ID: 67b7d6
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Or if you're looking for something a little meatier...
No. 11503 ID: 8c71fc

Mind if I take the haired one?
No. 11504 ID: d36af7

*cricket noises*

Market's closed, pal.
No. 11507 ID: 9876c4

I remain annoyed at that thread for selling my rightful wood elf.

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11478 No. 11478 ID: c31aac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Howdy hey lads and ladies, it's me! The riot man!

I'm gonna be starting up a campaign soon, set in a high-fantay modern-day analogue since I think sword and sorcery tolkien style is boring.

Expect weird lore and weirder set dressing, copious amounts of crime and villainy, and potentially a lot of really spooky monsters.

FOR NOW though, I'm taking suggestions for what system to run! Ideally it should be easy to write my own monsters and character stats in, and allow for a lot of non-combat puzzling and maneuvering to be worked in proper.

Go nuts suggesting characters too! I'll probably drop some more info once I know who's in and out on this!
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No. 11493 ID: d36af7

No. 11494 ID: b4793d

Magical Climate change is causing it to rain toads more and more often and nobody is doing anything about it
No. 11496 ID: ab737a
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Seppa Greensnake yuan-ti bard. She's gonna be a ssstar!
No. 11497 ID: f30be2

run shadow of the demon lord ha ha ha
No. 11498 ID: d36af7

It occurs to me that Unknown Armies might be worth looking at, depending on how you want to prioritize themes. Very easy to design monsters and accommodate unconventional solutions to problems. Core mechanic is percentile, and several important skills are derived from a character's psychological condition rather than, say, steadily increasing with training and XP. For example, seeing enough appalling violence that they become desensitized might make a character worse at making friends, but better at dodging. Then, later, going to therapy could make them better at making friends again, but worse at dodging.

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11245 No. 11245 ID: 4dc2d2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Advancing the setting in 40k means that the Tau have taken over the entire galaxy. But don't worry, all your favorite factions still remain because the Tau are the most accepting and obviously logical race in the setting!

Unfortunately a lot of very unique tactical geniuses all want to control the empire because they all have different ideas of what the greater good actually is. Each one leads a different tau army with a xenos detachment.

This does mean that in order to take anything non-Tau you would have to take them as allied detachments to your primary Tau detachment.

Space Marines
>Now wear Tau-style power armor
>culled into 5 pre-heresy style legions, all are Ultramarines successors
>Dreadnoughts are scrapped and the occupants are put to sleep as it is seen as abhorrent

Chaos Space Marines
>The Tau have become so prevalent that their Greater Good Gods have usurped the chaos gods in the warp. CSM now take Tau god marks.

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No. 11422 ID: b3f8f4

This is some high value comedy at the least.
No. 11429 ID: 23b7e2


This is obscene, Anon. In the wildest depths of Slaanesh's depravity, not even he/she/it would sink this low.
No. 11459 ID: fb21be

Extra heretical.
No. 11476 ID: d80eee

>superior Tau Technology
You know that the tau are the lowest tech race in 40k, except for deamons (which are magic not tech). And I guess tyranids, unless you count bioengineering as tech.

Yeah the tau treat their technology like technology (as opposed to like art the way the elder do, or like mysticism like the imperium). But there is nothing that tau tech can do that the other races arnt capable of (and the other races can normally do it with smaller devices).
No. 11495 ID: 52f197

My favourite Adeptus Mechanicus / Tau thing is how the last crusade apparently ended by the tech priests getting sick of Tau bullshit so they just set a few cubic light years of space on fire. Because that is apparently a thing they can do.

Tech levels in 40k are beautifully wonky.

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1995 No. 1995 ID: 1b3493 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Everybody else has a thread on it, why not /tg/chan?

Glad to see transhuman gaming getting some love. Hopefully it will spur Steve Jackson Games to release more Transhuman Space.
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No. 11236 ID: bfbff9

EP looks really neat but unfortunately the two games I've been kind of fell apart more or less in the first session.

One, alas, was more or less due to the strain on the GM of arbitrating space-google and our team was... not very coherent. We had a megalomaniacal socialite, a stealth operative guy with no feelings (which made him very sad) who wanted to take his sniper rifle everywhere, a small annoying child, a psychic OCD space gypsy, Cortana and an octopus.

Unfortunately they couldn't all be the best character like the space gypsy.
No. 11435 ID: 9d1e7c

I'm trying to run Cowboy Bebop/Futurama in the vicinity of Mars, sounds like some overlap.
No. 11436 ID: 9a7d5a

Has anyone tried the Fate hack of Eclipse Phase? I like the setting but feel the game system's really clunky.
No. 11437 ID: af6e04

Yeah, it is pretty clunky. (especially combat is awful)

I'd like to give the Fate hack a try but haven't had the chance.
No. 11475 ID: 96ad17

>Glad to see transhuman gaming getting some love. Hopefully it will spur Steve Jackson Games to release more Transhuman Space.

do not wat

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11228 No. 11228 ID: a107fd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I've been working on designing a GURPS rule module for sex.

I am aware that such things already exist, but... I wanted something that actually lives up to the standards of official GURPS stuff. Simple, elegant math that meshes with the rest of the system to produce intuitively reasonable results. Someone who didn't know anything about hypothermia could easily apply the basic rules for exposure to cold environments, and similarly, somebody who doesn't know anything about the mechanics of human sexuality should be able to use my ruleset. The goal is not to compile a spreadsheet of dirty words and spaghetti code, but rather a gameable approximation of the day-to-day challenges of life in a "pornoverse."

I've got a beta version of the mechanics, but no specific scenario in mind. Who's interested in playtesting?
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No. 11250 ID: a107fd

My thinking was that it makes the math simpler, since food and water are also 3/day, and the average 'pornoverse' character behaves like a horny teenager regardless of nominal demographic. The sex-drive equivalent of the Reduced Consumption advantage would be reasonably cheap, and could be increased over time as a learnable advantage.

Also, thank you very much for that clear and concise criticism focused on the actual mechanics!
No. 11471 ID: 5694dc

I'm not sure if it's a lack of in depth knowledge of the gurps rules, but I'm having trouble parsing the information on the basics here. The only thing I can think of that I didn't see immediately outlined was proximity rules, but being easily confused I may have just missed them. Assuming I didn't though, I would wonder if you might want to build off the list system and include an environmental system. Much like food and water are not nessicary 3 times a day, but with you're not getting that much you're likely to suffer in other areas, being in an environment that's "too hot" or "too cold" is also detrimental. Maybe an accelerated accumulation of lust points based on proximity to sexy stuff?

Assuming that sex is a standard like food and water, other stuff still goes on in the world- there's societies, war, class strife, jobs, etc, and there's just more sex than average, then sex is a resource that is distributed unevenly based on who has power. Under this assumption, there would be institutions enforcing the inequality so that those in power are more likely to continue to benifit, and face reduced risk of loosing their privledges. In most systems there is a casual nod towards poverty and resource inequality- poor/rich people are present, usually easy enough to spot, and there's perks/quirks that determine where play characters fall on this spectrum. I would also be curious as to how that falls under this system. Are sex-restricted people likely to continue to be sex-restricted for the majority of their lives? Are there Traits with fixed point values that represent how a player falls on this spectrum?

Overall, it seems like you've covered the basics for most normal skill checks in a D&D game- how hard is this to accomish? How good am I at doing this kind of thing? What kind of tools do I have? Are there factors making it more difficult or making it easier?
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No. 11472 ID: d36af7

>accelerated accumulation of lust points based on proximity to sexy stuff
Fetishes could use the phobia mechanics, but rolling on the 'awe' rather than 'fright' table, and with a note that any failed check also adds a lust point, same way failed fright checks reduce how long an oxygen tank lasts. Tack a similar mechanic onto the Sex Appeal skill.

>Are sex-restricted people likely to continue to be sex-restricted for the majority of their lives?
Amusing factor there is the training time mechanics. If somebody's really bad at sex, or lacks adequate equipment, the way the probability curve for stamina goes, it's possible for them to stay at a relatively low equilibrium level of lust if they're willing to go slow and steady (maybe with bondage, which, yes, IS possible to do solo) and spend several hours a day masturbating. All that practice soon adds up to more points in the skill.

Somebody who's had an easier time of it from the outset can get by without much actual skill, trading off stamina for satisfaction bonuses from rough play, maybe 'jerkish' mental disadvantages to push that further. Not much time in practice, not many points in the core skill. If they ever loose access to those bonuses, say if the Status 2 (or higher) dom with Bad Temper and/or Sadism gets outwitted, captured, and kept as a Status -2 slave or pet. maybe even including a stainless steel chastity belt? Stamina plummets, since those bonuses from equipment and relative status have become penalties, so now if they tried to keep lust at a tolerable level they'd be passing out from exhaustion before satisfaction was a realistic possibility. Someone thus humbled would have good reason to beg and plead
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No. 11473 ID: e16686

>Training time mechanics
These make a lot of sense, but I think that there's got to be a flaw in the system if people who have sex less get better at it than people who have it more; Perhaps you disagree, or perhaps that's not what you meant, but it seemed like that's how the mechanics could work based on your description of them.

Personally, it seems to me like training in a specific skill should outpace generally applicable training; that is to say, it's easier to get skill points than it is to improve your ability modifiers. Someone who masturbates regularly but doesn't have reliable access to sex would probably increase their stamina and maybe some other broadly applicable bonuses, but shouldn't they suffer skill wise overall compared to someone who has sex 3 times a day every day? From my individual experiences, there's a bit of a cognitive disconnect with the idea of the individual who has little sex but masturbates a lot being better at sex than the individual who gets regularl practice every day, several times throughout the day. Am I missing something in the mechanics?
No. 11474 ID: d36af7

Training time is just basic GURPS rules. 200 hours of training => 1 character point in the skill. Intensive training (with expensive specialized equipment and a highly skilled tutor) counts as double time, regular instruction from someone competent is the default, self-directed study counts as half, and on-the-job practice counts as quarter time.

Somebody who was only masturbating, and doing so as efficiently as possible rather than seeking out new techniques and challenges, would likely be learning at on-the-job rates and taking an optional specialty for the skill, meaning uses outside the specialty would be at a penalty.

If someone's spending the same number of hours per day on sex, but in more varied ways, facing difficulty, or better yet receiving instructions from someone who knows how to do it at least as well as them, yes, that's going to improve the skill more broadly and more quickly.

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11468 No. 11468 ID: f10010 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Do you like Shadowrun? Do you like MUDS? Nova.
If you don't, then frag off.

This is an RP heavy MUD I found recently and I'm thinking I might as well promote it. More people could liven it up, and I think that could be alright.

It's got a whole lot of cyberware, bioware, and magic or whatever too. Be an ork rigger with a drone army mounting shotguns with explosive slugs. Maybe be a street samurai with a monowire whip or a monokatana. You can get away with a lot of character concepts in shadowrun. There's a shortband radio system for IC mudwide communication, cell phones, and self-piloting vehicles with GPS coordinates to get you places you want to go. Build your own goddamn cyberdeck if you're patient enough. (but it takes a lot of stuff to get started)

But remember the 'Shadow' part of Shadowrun too. There's wetwork, but if you do dumb shit and go on a murder spree you're not a shadowrunner, you're a serial killer and you probably won't last long. Even Lone Star notices if you're coming down the street with a gyromounted autocannon.

Another cool deal is there are RP runs. Player driven or staff driven, they take it from a mud with mobs and stores and autojohnsons to full on tabletop, the NERPS stuff that might not have a code implementation work just fine by diceroll.

If that sounds like a good time to you, grab some mud client. They have Duckclient for chrome, mushclient for windows, mudlet for whatever the hell else. Some of you might have some others already.

Grab one, and point it at: mud.seattle2064.net : 4000

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10456 No. 10456 ID: 5b4b49 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Is there anyone out there who knows Photoshop/GIMP/whatever enough, and of course is into tabletop RPGs, that would be capable of making a character sheet for me? I would like to commission that person and start up a correspondence for future sheets (I write a lot of RPG stuff).

If anyone knows someone skilled in this art, please direct them to this thread; we can correspond further by e-mail if needed.

Pic sort of related
No. 10457 ID: 2f4b71


Try Excel. Seriously, it's going to be dramatically easier than trying to create a spreadsheet in an image editing package.
No. 10485 ID: df620b

I do a lot of my own sheet work and can send you some examples. Most of my work is done in Open Office Draw so I can get very professional arrangements.
No. 10762 ID: ab0ecc

No. 10830 ID: bc7b81

No. 11467 ID: 35add2

Seconding Excel or some other spreadsheet program that can do the math for you.
There's Inkscape if you want FOSS. It won't do math for you but it'll look nice.

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10630 No. 10630 ID: 53548a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Swear to God there was a kobold picdump on here. The fuck happened to it?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 10657 ID: 4c2072

Found this hiding in the general discussion board.

No. 10666 ID: 2fd516

Bless you.
No. 10770 ID: ab0ecc

No. 10836 ID: bc7b81

it got censored.
No. 10847 ID: 4c2072


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1000 No. 1000 ID: 0816e7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi, /tg/ I've been playing WFRP for first time recently. Most of us rolled somewhat combat orientated character (mercenry, toll keeper) while one guy rolled agitator which sadly doesn't fit well with fighty attitude of rest of party...

How do you solve such problems in lolrandum RPGs like WFRP?
No. 1012 ID: 1afd58

Well, WFRP as I recall is a fairly lethal system.

The agitator, being less combat-ready than the others, will likely die on combat.

Problem solved.
No. 1015 ID: 9155ad

Is he better in social situations? Get him to do some more social situations. Find his strengths, play a bit towards them, that way he serves a purpose outside of combat. I've played a shitload of non-combat-oriented characters in WFRP. Shit was so cash.
No. 1073 ID: f74047

I wrote a long, well thought out reply once. The server shenanigans ate it.

Here's the gist of it:
1) You can make the agitator a fighter: either by taking BS, Flee! and a buying a crossbow or taking WS, Streetfighter and buying some armour.
He can later on continue to Zealot, who is a fighty class and can be upgraded to Judicial Champion, who is a fighty character supreme.
2) Make use of his talky abilities. Versatility never hurts, unless you are dungeon crawlan (= doing it wrong).
No. 3108 ID: 046432

>How do you solve such problems in lolrandum RPGs like WFRP?

uhm, you CHOSE. what a radical concept, choosing.

set a theme for your story/campain and actually make characters that works with that theme n some way. let the players talk through their concepts and ideas with the GM and each other.

in teh end, shape the campain after the players and their characters, don't let yourself get tied down by what any book or "rule" says, experiment.
No. 3391 ID: c3ce7f

>How do you solve such problems in lolrandum RPGs like WFRP?

A) You don't have to roll. Rules are just suggestions, nothing more.
B) ROLEPLAY! Act. You're not your weapon, you are a person with dreams, opinions, personality and a full life with a history, act it out!

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11132 No. 11132 ID: 265534 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Herein is chronicled the exploits of all those furries that do things.
25 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 11205 ID: 265534
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The next night at dinner, Coi mentions that the manor might be haunted. He then asks if ghosts can have sex.
This upsets the more polite company and Charlotte's uncle, Feargal asks him why the hell he would want to know that.
Coi-Shi responds that the ghosts sounded suspiciously like two men humping, but Pepper dumps him off of his chair before he can finish his sentence.

Feargal's brother who will be leading the new church being built in town gets into an argument with Daigh, the wolf lord's son about his devotion to the religion and the wolf storms out.
No. 11207 ID: 49f18e
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Diqiu Xeizi a scorpion merchant, from an offshoot Yaffclaw Adventure

here she is showing off her stylish undergarments
No. 11212 ID: 49f18e
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Before entering the town some very important things happened!

The party stayed in a fancy tavern
Charlotte ran into an old Suitor, some snotty skunk named Antoine
She managed to drive him off by pretending Coi was her Lover, the bird was confused but appreciated the attention
Antoine left in a huff, Charlotte decided to forget the whole thing by drinking excessively.

Meanwhile Shan-Dian went about her usually business of cheating people out of their money via fortune telling.
Coi-Shi Pranked Shan-Dian by clamping her dress to the stone floor via earth magic
hilarity ensued (also hot lewdness) when she got up from her table.
Shan got super pissed and tried to mind control the awful little bird, but her magic failed
Coi was forced to spend the rest of the stay outside for bad behavior.
No. 11218 ID: a788b7
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Pepper said that Coi-Shi never did anything weird when they were sharing a room.

That's partly because she tends to sleep in.
No. 11434 ID: d1d42a
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Pictured is the fancy clothes Coi-Shi was given by Feargal(original an outfit for a child)

After the dinner mentioned here
Shan went around town in borrowed clothes looking for clothing to call her own

she went to the warehouse and the rabbit dockmaster told Shan he had only bulk orders which Shan could not afford.

She went to the tailor, a fellow native of Zhongguo ran the shop, but the dragon woman told Shan-Dian she only had Calabrian clothes, which weren't good enough for Shan as the stuck up fox desired nothing but imported clothes from her oriental home.
Shan continued to wander to less and less likely places and hope was quickly giving out.

It was Coi-Shi who discovered the shop of a collector of exotic goods.
The porcupine man who ran it became completely flabbergasted when the Curvaceous forms of Charlotte and Shan-Dian enter the store
The perverted collector seemed unable to do much other the gape at the blossoms of the two women before him.
Even when Coi-Shi sought to purchase a very strange box and chalice the Porcupine brushed him off entirely.
leaveing the phoenix no choice but to swipe the artifacts.
ultimately Shan wasn't pleased with the selection in collectors store either, despite having a robe from Zhongguo Shan found it complety unacceptable as it was the robe of a courtesan.

Coi-Shi tried to convince the fox that it suited her, but the snooty fortune teller would not hear it and went back to the manor empty handed.

Charlotte's uncle Feargal promised to have the dockmaster import a dress for her specifically, but it would have to take several weeks to arrive.

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