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134350 No. 134350 ID: 6f7a5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Chinzebeth VII will be a NSFW clothing damage quest featuring YCH cameos as both controlable characters and enemies

Suggestors will aid Chinzebeth and her royal guards and fend off invaders

this thread is for discussion and sign ups
91 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 138641 ID: c5b936

I agree with pretty much all of this, though I'd trade Sawrog for some new blood.
No. 138804 ID: e51896

Lord Lung: as you and your troops march to the cathedral, order your army to start a battle chant, or song, or sound off to hype them up for the upcoming carnage you all are about to cause, and to strike fear into civilians as you pass by and intimidate your opponents.
No. 138888 ID: 9b127b

I need to design the high priestess (human). anyone have thoughts/ideas/preferences?
No. 138889 ID: a7a180

A long, slim servant of the space pope whose robe has so many ring piercings it looks like a shower curtain.
No. 139319 ID: 9b127b
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Chinzebeth trying out a new look

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139073 No. 139073 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Welcome to the fourth annual Questden Romance Festival, where eligible Questden belles come to get tied up with beaus! Puns aside, all Questden characters have the opportunity to find true love (maybe), and for characters that are already in relationships, there’s plenty of free sweets and drinks to have a great time!

Just like the previous years, draw your quest characters looking to mingle with other participating quest character looking for love. Woo and flirt to test the waters: will the duo be compatible, or will it fail spectacularly? Singletons are also welcome, as are established couples on a date.

Also, whether you’re a quest author or a suggestor, here’s the place to draw or write a valentine to send to your favorite quest character! Who knows, they might even react (or write back)!

2020 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/132009.html
2021 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134801.html
2022 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136948.html
70 posts and 69 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139257 ID: 681cb5
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Sebak: Afterwards, Sebak returns his attention to the rabbit still lying in his grasp, “So, little wrestler, seeing as I can’t find that metal gentleman anywhere, I have to ask... may I still have a dance with you?” the large lizard blushes a bit as he avert his gaze, “Though, you will have to teach me the moves, little opal.” Then, taking a deep breath, Sobak collect his courage and go all in, “…or maybe you want to go somewhere a bit more private, where we don’t have to listen to these foxes yelling, hmm?”
No. 139261 ID: 6ad04b
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“How bold,” Ignacia says, tracing a finger along Sebak’s shoulder. “I see you prefer one dance to the other. Do not worry, I will lead you…”

Ignacia hops out of Sebak’s arms and takes the lead, parading him around the dance floor.
No. 139262 ID: 6ad04b
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Soon the music slows, and their dance is at an end.

“Ah, pobrecito!” Ignacia laments. “The night comes. I must remain alone, for I cannot risk you being made a target of my many ninja and vampire enemies. Such is the lonely life of a luchadora.”

Ignacia dramatically steps into the shadows, where there is an alleyway exit.
No. 139276 ID: 681cb5
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Sebak: “Wait!” Sebak shouts after Ignacia, reaching out towards her in desperation, “For someone as strong as you, Luchadora, I am willing to stand my ground against any evil or villain that might mean you ill, no matter how hard it will be!” but his pleading falls on deaf ears, as the rabbit leaves through the door, disappearing with it to who know where. A single tear slide down the Volin’s cheek, but it is followed by a slight smile, “Goodbye, little wrestler, our short time together was lovely…”

But as he’s about to turn around, he spots something on the ground! I seems like the Lucha left something behind for him to remember her by, a small memento for their time together! An artifact formed from a strange metal that Sebak has never witnesses before; a near perfectly symmetrical cube created by what he can only assume is an expert blacksmith. Then, on the side, there is a perfect likeness of the stunning lady he just met, something that can only have been carved by a master! Clearly, a masterpiece like this can only be commissioned by royalty, making the mysterious masked rabbit none other than the queen of her nation, the nation of Luncha! But, what does those cryptic words carved into it means? It has to be some kind of ancient spell written in a long forgotten arcane language, right? Better show it to our Warlock, Sebak thinks to himself…
No. 139277 ID: 681cb5
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With a light touch, Sebak picks up the ancient artifact and hold it against his chest, content to know that a powerful royalty was willing to gift him such an amazing and awe-inspiring object.

Sebak: “I swear to you, little rabbit, that I will keep you in my memories always…” the Volin muses to himself, “…until we meet again, Queen of the Lucha!”

And with that, Sebak leaves the festival of love, happy in the fact that even if he did not find a beautiful maiden or a strong warrior to bring back as a mate, he found something far greater in his new connection with the Lucha Queen, not to mention the powerful artifact she gifted him, which will surely aid his tribe!

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124957 No. 124957 ID: c1eaac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

To discuss demons, hell politics, and dating! And maybe even worldbuilding questions.
54 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133581 ID: 5b93d3
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>How are you?
No. 133587 ID: b488b1

Well I mean they're not vampires, they don't need an invitation.
No. 133604 ID: c1eaac

i cannot express how much i love this
No. 139270 ID: f581d4
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yeah this is good enough to revive the disthread with
No. 139275 ID: f69af6

To be fair, we never met someone quite as horny before.

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137263 No. 137263 ID: 629f2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discuss the mysteries of Cattenom, ask questions, or just post fanart of your favorite Perp characters!

Link to quest: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
12 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 138202 ID: 22eda9

Personally, I think the whole potential propaganda part means that it's a bit further than that.

A few things I'm wondering about but not sure there's a good chance to explore;

What do these kids learn in class? (Do they have a history class at all? I'm guessing that there's something really off there, but nothing we'll be shown.)

People from Outside (Are they real? Are people allowed to come into Cattenom, but not out? What happens to Adults not in the know?)

Where do they get their produce? (Is everything made in town/nearby? Do they get shipments from... Outside?)

The Library's Forbidden Section (A goldmine of information most likely, with some reasonable things to be forbidden mixed in, but I'm not sure anyone's going back or would know what to look for. Hell, I don't think I'd know where to look, but... y'know?)

...But I gotta keep myself impartial, it's "Just fiction", right?
No. 138358 ID: 73a94c

Yeah, so I'm thinking if we want Frankin to enter his "mother's room" getting him to lower the temperature on the thermostat to get him as cofortable as possible to convince him to go in his mom's room, and to prepare him for what he is going to witness is going to be super important. I think we're at the point where we'll need to take risks and small sacrifices if we are going to make significant progress, and i feel while it is garuanteed he is going to get in trouble, it probably isnt going to be a huge loss (maybe at most grounded for a day, much like how Roger was out of commission for a day) but this is going to be worth it if we want Franklin to maintain his composure and convince him to do things he doesn't want to do.
No. 138506 ID: e51896

I'm not going to mention this to Franklin just yet until we dealt with the dr. dad situation. Don't want Franklin's mind to wander while dealing with Dr. Dad

but doesn't Franklin's dad's from the flashback sound a bit different than his current dad? the present dr. dad sounds a bit more eccentric than the dad from the flashback.

I think this is leaning towards the doctor turning out not being Franklin's real father, which could mean the mother we saw on with him picture was probably not Franklin's real mother...
No. 138579 ID: 22eda9

Perhaps now would be a good opportunity.
I wouldn't say it's quite "dealt with" but now at least in the safely discussable zone.
No. 139269 ID: e51896

I posted this in questden discord, but ill post it here too (spoilers) i noticed that Franklin, or Jordan in his past life on that recent flashback in the hospital was bald in the hospital bed, and earlier in Jhonen's notes on Franklin's skin samples, he had erased words that there were traces of radiation on them... from that info, i think Jordan may have died of cancer, and the traces of radiation Jhonen may have discovered on Franklin's skin samples were from radiation therapy.

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134892 No. 134892 ID: afe7de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There's been some speculation of stuff on the discord and on the thread itself so I thought, hey! Why not make one of these. Have fun!
167 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 135734 ID: e51896

Just theorizing, I was thinking about similarities between awakening, Cat's power, and Magitech runes

Awakened people's power has an element affinity that are categorized by color according to Mint, while magitech's scripting manuals each represents by color what kind of rune it is as well.

Also, it seems whenever Cat awakens someone, they sometimes have a vision before receiving their power (Willamina seeing her great grandmother in her vision) and when Chi finished her rune, she had a hallucination of a node in the sky sucking up the light in a grassy field.

maybe these are just awakened powers in rune form or something.
No. 135737 ID: afe7de

>> 135733
Made an EDMANGO’s QUESTS thread. So feel free to speculate there now.
But, as clarification. The AVERAGE human soldier is like a normal human person who doesn't exercise at all in this setting. Just a normal person who was conscripted to be a guard for a town. Which, is still pretty fucking crazy for a 9 year old to be that strong. But you did pay for it, so you get what you paid for!

>> 135734
Interesting theory.
No. 135750 ID: afa6f6

I have two questions for ya, Edmango.
First off, is there any overlap of concepts between Shards and Catalyst? Stuff like Karma and Soul quality and such, im wondering if theyre a thing in both, mostly just for artifact purposes.
And second, How do you feel about uh, Non character specific Awakened ability suggestion? Just like ideas for ones that might be around in the future somewhere.
No. 135751 ID: afe7de


There’s overlapping concepts yeah. Soul treasures are just like extremely rediculously rare. And sure I love awakened power ideas. The more the merrier! And if you don’t mind can you suggest in the Edmango’a Quests thread? Wanna have that one be the main one convos happen in now if possible.
No. 139265 ID: 273c18

Cat can get an ability that lets him Awaken someone who's already got a power, right?
He should do that, and then see if he can Awaken each of Myriad's clones.

Also, Myriad needs to find an artifact that can erase memories, that'll allow her to avoid the "trauma issues" involved in absorbing clones. Split before absorbing, absorb a bad-memory clone, erase the memories of the clone who absorbed, then un-split. Result: recovered clone slot with no new memories recovered, good or bad. The absorbing clone could report anything important before it gets erased.

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139260 No. 139260 ID: 6f6dd0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

AnnaQuest discussion: whereone can discuss about AnnaQuest.

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139025 No. 139025 ID: b3eef1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A time for hugs! Do the thing /quest/ always wants to do! Coming early this year because I won't be around to post it on time. Just think of it as the Australian 25th.
No. 139026 ID: b3eef1

Alternate timeline where coil gets hugged. He puts up a fuss but you know he loves it.
No. 139028 ID: 9ea24b
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mother and daughter and god and resurrectee and inadvertent grandparent and frankenstein creation hug
No. 139029 ID: 38349b
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Cob and An get a little LEWD with some HOT HUGGING ACTION every day at NOON now, guess that's why they call it a nooner....
No. 139039 ID: 1015ea
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Wear someone around your neck long enough and they'll wrap you in a nice, if familiar strangling embrace once again.
No. 139075 ID: ccbbb0
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Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are the most wise. Everywhere they are the wise ones. They are the magi.

No. 62615 ID: 5bf190 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Alright, so: Titans are super ridiculous powerful. Almost anything that it is possible to do, most Titans can do.

Each individual Titan, then, has their own particular nature: Autochthon is the Great Maker, Gaia does Life, the Ebon Dragon is the original Creature of Darkness, et cetera. Having a particular nature confers certain disadvantages: if you gave Gaia a steam engine she would go WHUH WHAT IS THIS and break it by accident or something, because anything synthetic is antithetical to her nature. But contrariwise, within the bounds of their particular nature, they can do literally anything, possible or not.

For an example from the Exalted source material: time is unbreakable. You can bend it to make time go faster or slower, or you can skip ahead, but you can't go back. What was done remains done. This is the ultimate order, the ultimate hierarchy: one moment follows another. But what ho, the one example of the past being messed with comes from She Who Lives In Her Name, who as the Principle of Hierarchy is specifically bound to these concepts. By destroying part of herself, she released flames which retroactively burnt things from existence from the moment they had come into existence. It was a subversion of her nature, which is why it was a self-violent act, but nevertheless part of her nature and so something that she, but not another Titan, was capable of doing in defiance of its impossibility.

So Saulanna can potentially do anything, with enough Titan's Will, if her eventual nature as a Titan encompasses whatever impossible thing she wants to do. And if said impossible ability is not countered by another Titan's impossible ability? But then it would probably just be a question of which Titan is stronger.
1620 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 67917 ID: 520816

Hello! It's great to see that this story is still going on.

It's probably already been brought up before, but notice how the selection of slaver souls is going from "outright evil" to "only tangentially involved in slavery" to see how far Saulanna will go?

Seems like Saulanna's motivation so far has been to remain independent and not be manipulated. If she ever hangs out with the Lu -- uh, Moon Heroes, she could learn about a (massively hypocritical) project of theirs that's meant to help everyone become independent of Heroic meddling. Might be a worthy cause.
No. 67918 ID: 520816

Hello! It's great to see that this story is still going on.

It's probably already been brought up before, but notice how the selection of slaver souls is going from "outright evil" to "only tangentially involved in slavery" to see how far Saulanna will go?

Seems like Saulanna's motivation so far has been to remain independent and not be manipulated. If she ever hangs out with the Lu -- uh, Moon Heroes, she could learn about a (massively hypocritical) project of theirs that's meant to help everyone become independent of Heroic meddling. Might be a worthy cause.
No. 67939 ID: 52d91f
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No. 67940 ID: 52d91f
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Welp. I'm worried.
No. 67941 ID: 52d91f

I don't think we can post images in this thready anymore.

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137688 No. 137688 ID: b05c1d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Time to start up one of these dohickeys to answer peoples questions, dump lore and any extra art i done did do.

First question yoy most likley have "where the hell are we?"

Welcome to Tharn, a world dreamed into existence by a mysterious and powerful being known only as the Dreamer.

The being's thoughts, emotions and subconscious concepts manifest as places, people and Gods while its imagination flows through the land as the winds of Magic, ebbing and growing to thebrythm of the dreamers life outside.

In this Almost Real world, anything can happen. And probably will..
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 137928 ID: 9c9cb2

Been a bit of a delay as ive been sick as fùuuuuuùùuuuuuùk the last week, felt luke i was gargaling razer blades, but im almost back to full strength and should have the new pages up by friday.

Thanks for your patience
No. 137929 ID: 9a2966

Best of luck recovering!
No. 137934 ID: 2aa5f0

yeah I think their is some kind of bug going around. Last week I was bed ridden for a day and then felt like crap for the rest of the week. Just finally getting over the damn cough that won't go away in the last few days.

Hope you recover soon.
No. 138170 ID: 4286ca

Waking/Sleeping Ages.

The waking/sleeping age refers to the state of the Dreamer at the time, during a waking age the dreamer is awake, magic slows to a trickle and things get boring. Boring but stable, its a good time for farmers and miners as you can be reasonably certain that the crops/gems you found yesterday will still be there tomorrow, and that the only threats you'll face transporting them are bandits and rival guilds.

During a sleeping age magic surges to a torrent, miracles become commonplace and things get..interesting, your crops may grow a hundred foot tall overnight or uproot themselves and run away while the gems you found hatch into carnivorous bugs half way to town..
A good age for the adventurer as monsters and dungeons are Everywhere, good coin for those tough (or dumb) enough to face them.

These ages last roughly a thousand years each, and seem to correspond to a single day in the Dreamers life, 2000 years equalling (what is believed to be) 24 hours dreamer time.

During a waking age the odds of rising after death grow to about one in a hundred thousand, in a sleeping age they fall to one in a hundred, right now Sidah has good odds for coming back as long as no one beheads her...
No. 138918 ID: b066d7

The edge and the dome.

While large, the Dreamland is not infinite (unless your in the land of the dead but that's a special case).

Go far enough from the mainland and you will begin to see things become increasingly unreal, eventually reaching the "Edge".

This marks the place where Tharn dissolves into pure Dream stuff, the weave unravels and everything becomes nothing.

Surprisingly, it has been found that this fringe is inhabited, signs of camps, towns and Even small cities have been discovered by the few willing to explore that far, and the dwarves of the frozen north whisper tales of "boarder folk" who watch at the edge of vision.

The truth of these claims has yet to be verified.

This dissolution also occurs when you travel upwards, into the sky.
Interestingly explorers have reported that even as their forward probes begin to dissolve the stars and moon are no closer.

This raises several questions as to the exact nature of the stars, moon and sun, with the previous hypothesis of a "dome of the sky" being proved false.

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85202 No. 85202 ID: d470e9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The ITQ for all Lagotrope quests.

Previous BTE:

Current main ITQ:

Previous ITQs:
632 posts and 215 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 96126 ID: 2334b0

Hoy, Penn! I have questions about AI development.

First, are there different grades used to classify how "strong" an AI is? Like, maybe at the bottom you just have your regular chatbot that isn't really intelligent, and as it goes up you go to things that are smart at their jobs but not good at anything else, and up near the top you'd have things that can at least try to comprehend and figure out how to deal with things they haven't been prepared for before? Or maybe there's a different system.

Second, how simple is it to make an AI? The method to make CAI AIs, at least, seems to be very organic, as it were. It seems like it's less putting together a mechanism and more like growing, or cooking, or... fermenting? With something as complicated as an intelligence, something that can learn and adapt, it has to be a process that takes time, and must be sensitive. So I wondered: if, for example, you took the same base AI generating program and gave them to two people, and one was someone with a proper professional setup who kept a clinical distance and was always observing the AI as it grew, and the other was some dude cooking it up in his back room computer who liked just chatting with it about anything in a friendly casual way, and sometimes just left it by itself for long periods, would you end up with two significantly different AIs? Would they be different at more than a superficial level?

If so, can AI developers be identified by the AIs they've made? What I mean is, could a certain AI's quirks and mannerisms act as a sort of "signature" for their creator. Like, if you lost a usb drive with one of your AIs on it, and Arza found it, and we assume for this scenario there aren't any tags or notes or other identifiers on it, could Arza interact with/study the AI for a while and eventually go "hmm, this looks like it might be one of Penn's"?

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No. 96167 ID: cee89f

it comes from neurology and mono (as in 'one') iirc.
No. 96171 ID: cee89f

Any character: Asking for a friend who has a knife to my throat.

If you have a baby in your hand, and you know someone who hates you is about to burst into the room, which of the following scenarios would be the funniest:

-You're about to bite into the baby
-You look up and say "Ah, perfect timing! Could you get me some barbecue sauce?"
-*spitting and gagging* "THIS TASTES NOTHING LIKE CHICKEN"
-Throwing it at them

He's asking because he's not good at telling what crosses the line twice.
No. 96181 ID: e637fe

Belenosians: Does a tendency towards certain horn shapes tend to run in families? Milo and Navanna were siblings, for example, and seemed to both have a front-two-small-back-two-large shape.

Speaking of horns, are there any cultural connotations to using horns in a certain way? Like, is grabbing someone by their horns considered especially rude, or is it considered particularly vicious to actually attack someone with them, when size/shape/situation makes that possible?

Finally... have you guys come up with special pillows to accommodate horns when sleeping? Because it seems like a lot of you would have trouble lying on your back, and others trouble lying on your sides. Lying on your front seems the only position where they couldn't potentially be a problem, but that's not usually the most comfortable for most species. Unless it is, for you guys?
No. 138872 ID: e5709d

I see that rogues have generation numbers. Does that mean the number of generations since their ancestors went rogue? If an x-gen and a y-gen have a kid, what generation are they on? Are there any significant differences in behavior and empathic dependency between generations?

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131505 No. 131505 ID: e5e15e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Discuss The God Damned.

Supplemental material may be posted here.
Feedback or critique is appreciated, and questions will be answered if asked.

This project is a collaboration and every contributor will be noted here.


Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
53 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 137345 ID: a36647
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Quite rude, to be honest.
No. 137346 ID: 9a2966

But quite the attention to detail.
No. 137349 ID: 96c896

>"why are they the military?"
Obedience and lack of empathy, I'd bet.
No. 137735 ID: 10a721
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Just leaving this here real quick...
No. 138854 ID: b90810
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I hope you had great fun in the holidays this year and enjoy the ones about to come!

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138531 No. 138531 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This worm is a professor who is named Worm and he has a diploma. If you are interested in self-betterment, apply for this survey and he will single-handedly make your life 5% better. Simply fill out his survey, follow his instructions and we all can achieve the happiness that we all deserve.
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No. 138589 ID: c96f56

Aaah! That's not Professor Worm at all!


A data mining bot from Google!
No. 138614 ID: e51896

1: 3, if I didn't make so much pictures for each update, I would be able to update faster
2: 2, I have not drawn characters doing sexual activities, but I have draw nudity from time to time, but not a lot.
3: 5
4: 7
5: 7
6: 3
7: depends on death. if it's painful, 10. if it's peaceful, 3-5
8: 10 when I'm asleep and dreaming, 3 when I'm awake. more real than you tho ;)
No. 138631 ID: dc13c4
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What do you think Wikipedia is constructed from? People who built it turned themself into bots to accomplish that task. Is their life a success or did they fail at living? How can one quantify the value of one's life? This world is a circus, the tent is on fire, the ringleader still uses animals, the clown does crack, and the underage trapeze artist. My ass is having a panic attack.
No. 138632 ID: dc13c4
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As for you my friend I suggest you self-reflect. Look in the mirror and as yourself do I make enough money could I do better or should I recycle plastic? But the truth is to not use mirrors because they steal human souls. The things that you see in the mirror are just dubblegangers, humanity should never have looked at its own face or its own refraction. What is skin but a piece of paper that the world uses to write your life, with every scar that time won't heal your mind will remember forever.
No. 138633 ID: dc13c4
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Let's continue to the next step of our ritual, just simply answer the next questions with the colors how you feel. This time around the questions will be focused more on the worlds that you create.

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138405 No. 138405 ID: 0f4812 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Today is Ass Day, the day where it is morally imperative to draw the asses of various quest characters.

It has happened every October 27 without fail since first it was conceived in 2009.

The cheeks of previous asses can be found here:
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No. 138462 ID: 9ea24b
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the girl you broke up with's butt
No. 138472 ID: 9ea24b
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cursed cake
No. 138473 ID: f5a0c7

Thank you again for taking ass requests tippler!
No. 138560 ID: ca2950
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No. 138563 ID: dc13c4

But what about the book that is missing from the shelf?

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64825 No. 64825 ID: 4740a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

That one quest about the pantsless imp-thing.

Direct all questions and feedback here.
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No. 123069 ID: d2e2ce


is this dead: yes
is it over: no
will Enchilada update: no
should you post about it: no
No. 138254 ID: 0baf3b
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Happy Tenth to this quest I was too self-conscious to finish!

Half-jokes aside, this was my first original creative project, and I think the most influential one on me as a creator.

As for if I'll ever come back to it, I don't know. I've thought about it here and there. My conception of these characters has changed pretty dramatically past their depictions here, but sometimes it is fun to think about coming back and seeing what I would do now, compared to what I would do then.

The biggest difference would probably be just letting the audience have fun with these weirdos. The original idea of the quest was just to be a dark comedy about an angry lady, but obviously it became something else. It became more about telling this big, grand, important narrative, and I got way too wrapped up in that to the point where I felt like everything I was doing in the threads just felt wrong. I didn't know if you guys were more in it for the story, or the characters. Nowadays, I just wanna have fun telling stories ABOUT characters, and I realized KQ was at its most fun when it was just that.

Thanks to all the guys who read and participated back in the day. Even when I was at my least confident with what I was making, you all really made this project fun for me.
No. 138255 ID: 19da02

I love(d) Knife Quest with all my heart. Glad to see it still totters around in your mind from time to time.
No. 138323 ID: f43935

It was quite fun when it was here I remember, nothing stopping you from restarting or making a new quest if you feel like it, also "first" have you made some other things, I feel those would be interesting to know too
No. 138487 ID: 421554

I'd be more than happy to see you back!

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138481 No. 138481 ID: 4286ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The map of Quiet Lake, individual houses are scattered all along the road but ive only shown a basic over view of the streets for now.

Important locations known to jenny are:

1: The rest stop, a small spot for tourists to rest up and take pictures of the lake.

2: Downtown, small but growing development area. Mostly new shops and bars with a few apartments

3: Old town, the original town with the oldest houses and historic sites. Also contains the town hall, libary and catholic church

4: The camp site, jennys ranger station is located not too far from here.

5: The Old Mine. owned by the Johhansan family, a old money family in town. despite the implications of being a "old money" family they are actually chill people.
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No. 138482 ID: 2aa5f0

the trees are encircling us all, soon there will be no escape from them!
No. 138483 ID: 4286ca

Your never more then ten foot from a tree.
you just cant always see them.

but they can always see you
No. 138484 ID: 2aa5f0

as long as this doesn't turn into darkwood we should be fine.

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138239 No. 138239 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The time has come for a congregation of spookiness in a place so incomprehensible, so terrifying it drives mortals to insanity;

Rural Ohio.
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No. 138416 ID: ca2950
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Keimi: "Alright! Time for a quick costume change because a drunk lizard slopped booze all over the place and I want to wear a costume that somebody will actually recognize.

Who's sassy and lost now?"
No. 138418 ID: 9b127b
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No. 138419 ID: 9b127b
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Torique: "Wow look at all these freakeshly tall warm bodied blood bags culturally appropriating from real creatures of the night"
No. 138421 ID: dc13c4
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Vampire Watermelon: Hey I recognize your costume! It is from an anime where a guy beat his every opponent with one punch and you are dressed as a girl with powerful psychokinesis abilities. There is no mistaking it, you are dressed as Fubuki, and the costume completely suits you!

No. 138459 ID: 681cb5
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Sebak: So… my place next time, beautiful?
Wendigo: *Growl*?
Sebak: You’ll like it… a lot more light, close to a river… lot of things to hunt…
Wendigo: *Snarl*!
Sebak: Then it’s a date.
Wendigo: *Grunt*…

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84312 No. 84312 ID: d470e9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

For, as one could guess, discussing Fen Quest.

Some of you may know that Fen Quest was an intermission for Chee Quest. This may be a reboot, but other than that, it will have nothing to do with Cheelop. It will not even be part of the same universe, so the rules of cheeverse (what rules there were) will not apply.

To elaborate this, which requires heavy CheeQuest spoilers, Cheequest steamrolled into Fenquest near its ending, crushing any sort of proper ending. It was most likely my biggest mistake questing, and did play into my deciding to reboot it. Secondly, the reason why it doesn't take place in cheeverse is a matter of constraints. At the end of Cheequest, her world was effectively rebooted, promised by the gods to have it play out approximately the same, with the promise of Fen and Lily living happily ever after and so on. I'd rather not have that promise, among other things people could safely make assumptions about. Nor do I want to just redo it as-is while still in the chaos god's dream, if just because the looming threat of Chee inevitably crashing into Fen's life isn't something I want even if it occurred after the end.

I would much rather start on a clean slate.

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No. 134693 ID: a9af05

Right, that's what I meant. Fen coincidentally runs into Cheese there, she tells him about the mine with undead in it, and he reports to Zall. And if Zall thinks it's important enough, he'll send Fen and a few others to deal with it.
No. 134695 ID: f39ded

We can only hope then.
No. 134724 ID: 5e7072

Imagine if Fen had killed Cheese.
No. 134725 ID: 19b466

That would have been wack. Look at all the fun things Moss is doing because of Fen spearing her.
Besides, she is a great ally, when she doesn't get into deep shit... like she is right now.
No. 138291 ID: 597746

So uh, I hope I’m not being too selfish but I really needed to tell you something Lagotrope. Like, something personally important you did for me. After reading about all of Fen’s adventures and brushes with death (which I must admit you almost gave me a heart attack with worry over leaving our precious boy’s life to a dang dice roll!) It actually has given me a lot of confidence. Like, confidence that maybe with all the actual privelage and opportunity I have that maybe someone as stupid as me actually can survive without my parents. And I know that know because if Fen can do it with everything that’s going against him, what excuse do I have? I’m gonna take charge of my life, and actually learn to be a adult who can take care of themselves without there parents! I’m gonna learn and stop being so lazy! And it’s all thanks to you Lagotrope. Fen is very much a role model to me, as we basically think a lot alike. And I want him to do well, So I’ll do well to stay around and help him! So let’s all do our best to keep Fen safe, since he’s counting on us and I’m in a way counting on him. Hope I didn’t break any rules to say all this Lagotrope sir!

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134344 No. 134344 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I guess having one for them all makes more sense with how often I start and stop.
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No. 138167 ID: 2eaeea
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But this size is really funny to me
No. 138168 ID: 2aa5f0

>see a Nubru in the distance
Aw it looks adorable, like a big old chicken nugget. Wonder what the little guy is doing all the way out...
>Nurbru notices you and comes closer so you see it's actually this tall
No. 138169 ID: e5709d

Make it so they grow bigger during mating season.
If ya know what I mean.
No. 138186 ID: 36784c

I'd like to think that both sizes are canon, but the larger than human sizes are very rare because Nubru usually end up somehow getting killed before they grow old enough to get to that size.
No. 138219 ID: 2eaeea

So there was an error in the last post here https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1043351.html#1044620.
I misread one suggestor's two separate posts as two separate suggestor comments and it caused a tie I thought needed breaking instead of just the vote for the kitchen in the top left. Sorry about that.

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137659 No. 137659 ID: 9b127b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Post Chest of all variety! (except treasure chests, those are forbidden)

Previous Chest Days:
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No. 137916 ID: 12b116
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No. 137927 ID: 12b116
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No. 137946 ID: 899c9f
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Stang this weather, the heat is unbearable and you still have to man the drive-thru window. Good thing it’s a slow day, you’d die before the heatstroke got to you if anyone saw you like this-

Uhh… next window, please.
No. 137956 ID: 12b116
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No. 137981 ID: 11f77a
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Did a little reading on some old quests for chesty candidates.

Marisa the Runepuncher
from Artifact Quest

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136510 No. 136510 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Thread for discussion of things difficult to fit in the main thread like how to organize societies, reference pics and stats for races, Q&A, etc.
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No. 136679 ID: cdbcf8


Blemmggalan's: You know how elves and dwarves are just humans with some minor and major changes made to them? This is one of the latter. Sexual dimorphism is cranked to the max for them. For the males are 6 feet tall humanoids with faces on their torsos(Eyes over the nipples, mouth over the belly), and the females are winged women heads with all the internal organs still attached to them. (If you need more refences on them, look up Headless men and Penanggalan)
The males brains are located right next to the heart, only separated by a tin muscle of muscle, but because of this they have worst breathing then a normal human's. The females have a impressive bite strength of 1,000 pounds, making them able to bite though most creatures bones. They also secrete this weird vinegar like substance that covers all their organs, it acts as a disinfectant, stopping bacteria from growing in and on them, and helping heal injury's when they do happen.

And un the topic of intercourse. You know how men have keys and women? Well Blemm's (Calling the men that now) have ovens and Ggalan's have turkeys. What happens first is the Ggalan inverts her body into the Blemm's though the neck hole they have (Think what a human has, but not that at all what so ever dear god it's not like that at all) and when the Ggalan is fully in up to her neck, the Blemm hibernates for 8 months while the Ggalan takes control over the body. After the months are up, the Ggalan leaves the Blemm with the baby. The baby is...just like a normal human baby. That is until they reach t
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No. 136680 ID: 8483cf

The unfortunate news is that I almost certainly am not good enough at drawing, or anatomy, to figure out how to make this work. I've only been doing this for a year- please take it easy on me.
No. 136683 ID: cdbcf8

Oh dear lord I was never thinking about you drawing all of that! If you were going to draw anything I was thinking you would draw just the Headless men and Penanggalan, nothing more. I was just putting all of it into deep detail in how they work...And now I see I may have over explained them. Hm. Sorry.
No. 137966 ID: cdbcf8

Why the fu*k is Lidora such a horndog on seeing every single mortal naked??? Like, I mean, sure, I get it. But they’re so hell bent on it and in such a way that, that it’s a kink that they may take too far one day. Am I right? Or is it all just me how weird they’re acting on it?
No. 137967 ID: 8483cf

Partly self-consciousness (attendants doesn't wear clothes, so why should mortals?), partly pride (she helped make pretty fur and scale patterns, and mortals will evolve those away into more skin, less fur and scales) and partly because she sees Farien as the horny one for designing skimpy clothes, which to be fair, she is.

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