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File 167414493128.gif - (50.05KB , 600x600 , disthread.gif )
139007 No. 139007 ID: b09191 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A thread for discussion, questions, and other chatter pertaining to To-Do List:
No. 139008 ID: b09191
File 167414500854.png - (8.04KB , 600x600 , lewd bunny.png )

Hey, it's been a while huh.

This is mostly just to serve as a heads-up that I didn't die or anything and explain what the deal is. I already planned on making a discussion thread for some time now, but a lot happened.

And by a lot I mean I was working on the last update in the middle of a gradually worsening fever, so if you were wondering why it felt so hurried compared to previous updates well there's your answer. Then next morning I stood up out of bed and immediately had to puke. Very fun.

After that, my usual "monthly subject of hyperfixation" began to cycle again, and my interest just kind of fizzled out. It was probably for the best though, because I really needed to ruminate on how I should be doing the quest.

To phrase it in a way vague enough that it makes any spoilers impossible, I have a good general idea of how I want the story to go, but the finer details are in a constant flux. I need everything to be more concrete before I can keep pace again.

I know I should keep it simple for a first quest, but this is my element. I always enjoy letting my imagination run wild and pump out as much weird shit as it can conceptualize. Even if the quest doesn't turn out particularly great in the end, I'll still have a blast doing all the drawing and worldbuilding.

Anyways, expect updates eventually™. Have a sexy Raphael for your time.
No. 139009 ID: 2aa5f0

glad you're feeling better at least.
No. 139010 ID: b90810

Do not worry, as long as there is method behind the madness, this website has always thrived on weird. It always keeps folk wondering.

Thank you so much for letting us know and for the quest so far, we are really intrigued what this crazy world is about.
No. 140158 ID: 79582c
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See? Eventually™. I hope you enjoy this old drawing made out of boredom that would go on to become Raphael, which is definitely not a way of apologizing for me disappearing for a period of time probably not close to half a year.
No. 140223 ID: 8f9bc4

See you next year!

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140183 No. 140183 ID: 79582c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Coinciding with the real-life holiday in Japan because it's funny, and also gives me plausible deniability about the intent.
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No. 140191 ID: 4c40d6
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I don't remember why I originally made this.
No. 140192 ID: 9ea24b
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gail falls victim to a vicious gale
No. 140195 ID: 71143c
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Melody picks a poor place to stand.

I'm cheating but hey, what ya gonna do.
No. 140196 ID: 19de8b
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dotti falls victim to a vicious gale
No. 140208 ID: 1963da
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Swiggity Swanties, I cast Summon Panties!


As you can see, I didn't specify where I wanted the panties to appear on my body, so they appeared on my head!

Let this be an important lesson to all of you.

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138571 No. 138571 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Oh good! You all arrived! Another year brings another special Secret Santa to Alp Daga! I’ll be joined by my husband to help set up this wonderful event. It just so happens that it overlaps one of our chupian holidays in honoring the end of the year our psychopomp goddess--so please excuse the excessive make-up on our faces!

Here are the previous years of gift-giving!
(2016) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106091.html
(2017) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/118595.html
(2018) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/126663.html
(2019) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/131539.html
(2020) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134434.html
(2021) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136526.html

What do you do? You can participate in many ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
For authors, all you need to do is declare which of your quest characters will partake in this exchange. Include their name and a link to the quest or wiki page. A picture is helpful as well. If posting multiple characters, you must state whether they’re a GROUP or INDIVIDUALS. Once we reach an appointed date, everyone will be randomly assigned their partner.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
194 posts and 187 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140171 ID: 48c015
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No. 140172 ID: 48c015
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No. 140173 ID: 48c015
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No. 140174 ID: 48c015
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No. 140175 ID: 48c015
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Huh? Hey, I feel better now!

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4788 No. 4788 ID: 5eea01 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, seeing as this is my first real attempt at writing a story that sort of makes sense AND making any sort of art, I would very much like to hear feedback on what you like or dislike about my rather amateurish quest, as well as what you think I'm doing wrong.

Fire away!
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 12279 ID: 5eea01

Bartholomew it is. Voting closed.
No. 12281 ID: 61d96f

how meta would it be to tell Tycho that i have a degree in computer/networking repair and maintenance? (i really do have one, it's framed and on my wall.)
No. 12282 ID: 5eea01

That would only matter if the Grid worked like the Internet or modern computing in general. It doesn't. But yeah, that'd be weird.
No. 13157 ID: 1ac39d

i finally figured it out! gridlock is like the RPG segments of Mr. Robot!
No. 140138 ID: 8a1bb0

Locking thread due to a persistent spambot

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138265 No. 138265 ID: d98cb8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A disthread for all things Unbalanced or Divided!

(Or god forbid, questions about Frontier from like the one or two people who remember it.)

:momotalk: You know they’re all just here for me.

:crows: Probably true, but feel free to ask anybody questions about the quests.

:crows: I (crows) am open for discussion on the setting, characters, etc. Will basically tell you anything that’s not an outright spoiler.

Milquetoaster is the go-to guy on design choices and art, being the person who has the visual talent here.

:momotalk: “He designed me, thus is worthy of your praise!”

:crows: Very true, though I like to think my shoving my hand up your backside and making your mouth flap like a handpuppet helps. Personality is important too.

:momotalk: “I don’t suppose you could convince Milquetoaster to draw an art of you-”

:crows: Not doing that, no.

:crows: Anyway, disthread open!
34 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139046 ID: 8e63d2

Not backpain, that's for sure!
No. 139047 ID: e51896

Momo, have you ever eaten a peach?
No. 139049 ID: a758c7

momo, how many bitches have you tapped
No. 139050 ID: 4e40d0


Is that an innuendo?
No. 140129 ID: e51896

Momo! How you doing?
Thats not my question tho. My actual question is, how did you meet DONJON's beloved news anchor, Polka D. Artep? In what ways have you messed with her during your visit in DONJON? It's too bad she isn't as sweet as Dotti unfortunately.

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140123 No. 140123 ID: 834aaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I now call to order this meeting of the Board of Directors ofMagical Solutions INC. (That's you. You're on the board of directors.)

In this thread we'll discuss business strategies and try to set reasonable prices for our magical goods and services. We'll also discuss the state of the magic industry and all kinds of other magical business things.

(OOC discussion is also allowed and encouraged.)
No. 140124 ID: 834aaf

I was thinking that for the next round we'd start off with a consultation fee of 500gp.

Then we'd get bids from different players who list their ideas and any ingredients or spells their idea might involve. I'd cover the rest by speculating on what the player might have left out and what it would cost.

I'm thinking magical components will be priced according to tiers. Something like:






Some components will be one of a kind or priceless and require missions to retrieve.
No. 140125 ID: 834aaf

Are we good with spells costing 25gp per casting or should it be higher?
No. 140126 ID: d21fb9

I think it's fine, you could always put a higher price on premium spells.
No. 140127 ID: d21fb9

I think it's fine, you could always put a higher price on premium spells.
No. 140128 ID: d21fb9

I think it's fine, you could always put a higher price on premium spells.

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126175 No. 126175 ID: a451fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/D3:_Slight_Return

I should've done this sooner.
246 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 136311 ID: 8fb3ba

>Is there gonna be another update?
I'd hate to say no, but probably not. Sorry.
No. 137644 ID: 7333f4

No. 137745 ID: cdbcf8

Quick question, and sorry if I'm being rude posting here, but what would being A Priest would've been like? I mean, we've seen what they would be able to do and how they do it, but what would've it been like for US to do it?
No. 140101 ID: 7333f4

Dead Quest?
No. 140122 ID: e139aa

nah I'd say the fact the guy running it said he wasn't gonna return to it (>>136311) and the quest's been graveyarded for years and this questdis thread was dead for at least a year until you brought it back from the dead means an update is coming any day now, for sure, for sure

yes it's dead

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139280 No. 139280 ID: 02d159 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A thread for discussion related to O/I/R, because you guys seem to need it ahead of schedule.

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/O/I/R
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No. 139892 ID: 8f9bc4

Just want to point out that the research notes explicitly say they had to build a voice synthesizer for moths, so it's not something Kuvusha has to discover or anything.

...she's already forgotten everything in those research notes by now, hasn't she.
No. 139916 ID: cce6c4

Hey all — going to take a little break for a couple weeks. The last, like, two months' worth of updates have been harder to write than they should be and also chronically behind schedule so I'm going to see if this helps.
No. 139921 ID: 8f9bc4

Take care, Typo. Thanks for doing this.
No. 139955 ID: 242107

As if on cue, I'm now experiencing my third extended power outage in the last year.
No. 139970 ID: 443b73

Maybe you are cursed.

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133236 No. 133236 ID: 7ae189 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Just realized that I should probably make one of these. Discuss away
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No. 139796 ID: f84b6b

exciting to see you return! I was a bit worried when you dropped off, reminds me I should get your discord haha
No. 139797 ID: f84b6b

exciting to see you return! I was a bit worried when you dropped off, reminds me I should get your discord haha
No. 139800 ID: 9a2966

Hey, nice to have you back!
No. 139823 ID: 836cff

Hey, any chance we can get permission to feature BAN as a cameo in the crossover Questden Duelist Invitational? Just as a quick one-off fanart or three.


No. 139888 ID: ae8ec4

Lovely story BAN. I gorged myself on it all day yesterday and finished it. Great stuff.

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139801 No. 139801 ID: 4314ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Main Thread Here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1063597.html

If you have any questions, theories, constructive criticism, fanart, etc, it can go here.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139811 ID: 4314ed

I've got some questions about how to improve a little.

I suspect that my characters seem a bit flat.
As the viewpoint character, there should probably be more of an emotional slant to the descriptions of things that matches Frankie. I'm planning on going for an eager-to-be helpful, but somewhat neurotic personality.
I figure I can achieve that, by describing his reasoning for why he does things, & inserting some emotional language there. Does that sound good?

As for other characters, I'm not quite sure how to do that.

For the Monitor, I can write in a certain voice pretty easily, but I'm not sure how well I can get a sense of pessimism across.

Similarly, I'm not quite sure what to do with Cerendi. I think part of it is that I don't have a concrete description of her personality.
I'm trying to go for a hardcore "gamer-girl" type of thing. Strong opinions on games, etc. Knows what she wants, headstrong. Friendly, but not nice/soft enough to be a mother-figure.
Maybe just writing it out here will help?

Besides that, I'm not sure about pacing (not that there's any pace to measure yet). Obviously, updating more frequently would be good, but that'll probably come with time.

Also made this quest more in-depth than I originally meant to. Not sure if that will be good or bad yet. This is my first quest, so I'm worried it'll be a bad thing.
No. 139812 ID: 4314ed

I mean, I could make that part of the quest-for-a-power-supply.
Frankie finds several different options, each with different pros/cons?

I was thinking of a more general shopping-spree happening later... Hmmm... I'll think about that.
No. 139821 ID: e7c7d3

Not sure we could give accurate critic one way or another on characters at the moment. We've barely just met them so it's a bit early to say if you're succeeding or failing to get their personalities across. You might be overthinking it. Give it a few more updates before we start analyzing things.
No. 139822 ID: 273c18

Don't overthink it.

Just Update.
No. 139869 ID: 4314ed
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Does anybody wanna play with ideas for "Tiny Animals Fantasy Battles" (basically Warhammer Fantasy/40K, but furry)?

I've got three submissions for Frankie's fave figurine, but no images/detailed descriptions. I think I'll go with the "Shark Week chapter" option. Honestly, I figure I'll keep the ideas from the ones I don't use immediately, too:

> ... CATMARINE that you painted in BATTLE CAT SQUADRON colors.
I figure I'll take Spacemarines, slap some cat features on-em, & fantasy-ify them. For the colors, I'm thinking mostly black, with orange/yellow & white secondary colors.

> ...Shark Week chapter figurine - this one's a female brute unit, which is only slightly less jacked than the male version, and you find the contours of the skin-tight wetsuit...
I think this might be another Catmarine, but with some added shark-features & gear designed for water. I'm thinking mostly slate/shark blue, with blue/white/black 2ndary colors.

> ACE PILOT figurine.
I dunno, bird-person? Thinking of leather aviator-jacket look.

Also, if you have ideas for factions, lore, etc, I'm all ears. I can also just reskin stuff from WH40K/WHFantasy, too.

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95999 No. 95999 ID: 3e2cae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Questions, Comments, Tips, Tricks and Lore Unlocks for Horny Futa Adventures go here.
191 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 130816 ID: 1f812f

Nobody has posted in this thread for almost 3 years. Why in the flippity fuck do you need to ask that?
No. 132337 ID: 10e2fc

I didn't look at the dates so me big dingus I guess¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 132366 ID: 432eee

..you just did it again, it's been half a year since gnoll answered.
No. 139283 ID: 1704f7

Is there going to be any more Horny Futa Adventures in the future?
No. 139861 ID: 435f13


The future is now.

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45334 No. 45334 ID: 5004a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Here lies the discussion thread for Steel Wars, the sci-fi mech warfare setting and quest. It is a collaborative project by MrBrush and EvilP.

All comments and questions are welcome.
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No. 45758 ID: 3fd4fb

Replying to a few reasonable battle strategy suggestions with "draw the battle plan" after several days isn't really that great. A requirement like that should really be presented up front, because now the sense is that all the effort put into the original suggestions as to what to do was completely wasted.

Besides, with precious little information on that map- elevation's kind of important, as is weapons range, mech speed, and a half-dozen other things- the map is hardly useful for anything other than reducing what seemed a fairly detailed combat situation into a bunch of boxes and lines.
No. 45830 ID: c3ec0a

The late map inclusion was a bit of a fuckup on our side. It was originally intended to be submitted with the update before, but got put on the backlog due to various reasons *coughskyrimcough*
No. 49096 ID: c3ec0a
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Do you guys want to stick with Marius or play as another faction?
No. 49106 ID: 431fa8

I was cool with Marius. Jumping around between factions when we've hardly gotten to know him that well seems like it would only truncate the tentative bits of characterization that this quest has already managed and abort the opportunity to develop them into something compelling.
No. 49108 ID: b6edd6

Same here. I think switching factions is generally not that good an idea narratively.

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137800 No. 137800 ID: 899c9f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's the sandiest day of the year again! Every quest character is invited to come and enjoy the cool ocean breeze and sandy shores. Come splash in the ocean surf, and don't spare the sunscreen!

This year: A day at the beach, on a budget! With a little imagination and inventiveness, you too can enjoy a stay-at-home beach bonanza! and with the magic of patented Formican Reducer technology, this pint-size beach can feel full-size!

Just remember, try not to be too lewd.
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No. 138355 ID: a7a180
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-Oh, dear oh dear. Too slow, Tina…
No. 139751 ID: e5709d

Dotti should simply compare swimwear to bra sizes and see which types hold the most volume under stress tests.
No. 139753 ID: cc8588
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The fox puddle is perfect for pondering deep, difficult decisions. The Momo-Dotti armistice still holds. For now.

"Hey, Momo," Dotti says, quietly enough to not freak out the considerate lady. "There are lots of people here in their underwear, but no one is making fun of them for it. And some people are wearing more clothes than others, like this very considerate lady petting us."

"It's swimwear," Momo says. "It looks like underwear, but it's stuff people wear around big pools of water. Some people have competitions to see who can wear the least amount of clothes and not get kicked out."

"You can win that one," Dotti says. "So you're saying I can wear stuff to encourage tummy rubs?"

"Among other things."

Tummy rubs are important. So is shapeshifting flexibility.

So many choices... if only there was someone on the beach who could help her decide on what not-underwear is best.
No. 139802 ID: a7a180
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From across the beach, Tineola hears an urgent cry for help with fashion! But there’s a big obstacle in the way: it’s a big, big world out there. She’s going to need to catch a ride.
“Excuse me, miss Landi? Down here! I need to borrow your wings!”
Landi blinks at the fairy’s fairy sized moth flittering about. “Wow, are you a talking gnat? So this is what it’s like to be Serah!”
“I um, may have used the shrinker one too many times. Could you get me over to that fox? I want to help her with her fashion crisis in any way I can, no matter how microscopic I may be!”
“Oh, are you sure you want me to take you closer to that stinky fox? She isn’t exactly my biggest fan.“
“Please, you’re the only one who can help me! …And I can’t hit the buttons on the shrinker anymore.”
“Eh, alright. Try not to get lost in there!” Landi shoots skyward, clutching Tineola tight!
No. 139803 ID: a7a180
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Landi zips over to Dotti and flies a loop around her head, earning a glare from the fluffy fox. While the fairy keeps the vindictive vixen distracted, Tineola leaps out of Landi’s hands and glides toward a giant, pointy ear, nestling at its base completely unnoticed.
Ahem! Dotti? Dooottiii… Can you hear me? This is your fashion-conscious conscience speaking! If you want to maximise your tummy rubs, you want an outfit that looks cute, just like you! One that keeps your belly exposed and pairs nicely with your wonderful orange fur! What you need is an itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, purple polka dot bikini!

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139727 No. 139727 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion thread for System Boot Zero!

Discuss your theories, questions, or anything you've noticed about System Boot Zero!

Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1000552.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/System_Boot_Zero

Oh, and be sure to support me on Twitter! https://Twitter.com/LiterallyJumble

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23278 No. 23278 ID: 3416ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hello folks! Since this is the very first quest I've ever done, I'm looking for feedback and constructive criticisms. I want to make this quest a good one, and I welcome anything you can offer.

Also, feel free to discuss plot matters here too.

OP pic was requested by Shot.
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No. 89898 ID: 1f8505


Also, that's technically a smart watch. Not a plain ol' early 90's digital watch.

Just FYI.
No. 89981 ID: 2839a0

smart watches are bad and Cherie should feel bad for having one.
smart glasses are where it's at.
No. 90119 ID: 1f8505
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Five down, two to go.
No. 90827 ID: 1f8505
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Hopefully the last new character sheet.
No. 125037 ID: b5fb67

Why did this thread get bumped? I have a newer one.


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139581 No. 139581 ID: 1173be hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

KephoQuest is over now guys.

Tell me if you loved it.
Tell me if you hated it and why.
Post any fanart you may have lying around.
Discuss loose ends with others and me.

I'm gonna post some kq related shitposts I made first.
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No. 139585 ID: 1173be
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also here's the map of the ship i used
No. 139586 ID: 1173be
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and here's damien and nicoletta's first designs (other characters were designed on the fly)
No. 139587 ID: 1173be
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and here's kepholet
No. 139588 ID: 5317c2

Congratulaciones on finishing the story. Or at least this thread, it looks like the characters' problems are not really over yet.

I really liked this Nanquest-inspired quest, and I'm honestly left with plernty of questions.

What is the inspiration for the titular demon? And for the dark visions in the depths? What was the moved you to make the evil force behind it all overtly satanic rather lovecratian? What will happen to Maria and the ship's cook? Won't people in the mainland be spooked at a ship full of talking sheep?
No. 139589 ID: 1173be

Thanks for your words of kindness!

>What is the inspiration for the titular demon?

Like any good author, I don't plagarise from just one source. I plagarise from many. With that being said, Kepholet's primary inspiration was Baphomet. This can be seen in their names, cause Kepholet (קפולט) was derived from Baphomet (בפומת).

As for the Kepho- bit, that's tangentially derived from "encephalopathy" (the wasting caused by the black water), but I decided that "Cepholet" would be too on-the-nose, so I went for "Kepholet", directly derived from the (different but related) condition of encephalitis.

As for the way I've drawn her, there's no particular rhyme or reason why I designed her that way, I just thought it'd look cool.

>And for the dark visions in the depths?

All of the visions that Nicoletta had in update 42 were directly taken from John Milton's Paradise Lost, a work often credited with being the root cause for a romantic conception of Satan. The first two visions are scenes from the poem but with Nicoletta instead of Satan, and the last one is a scene from the poem but with Nicoletta nearby Satan. I would recommend giving Paradise Lost a read if you have the time, it's a good story.

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121473 No. 121473 ID: e77725 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You can talk about my quests here!

Current Quests: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Audit_Quest

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Larro

Feel free to discuss my quests here or post character questions!
295 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139565 ID: 58c090

So when your DM decided to let us keep a primordial, you were aware that she was giving us an infinite rune engine, then? Was she aware herself?
No. 139566 ID: 1effd3

If we get a big enough swarm of lagmites, can we make a time primordial?
No. 139576 ID: a7a180
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I had an idea for a new monster to act as a boss/mother figure for the Hoodlum gang: the Wooly Mammoth. Dungeoneer for scale. She can fuse Hoodlums into her hoodie to power up so she doesn't need many base runes. Instead of shaking dust from her wings like other moth monsters she has a lint attack. Gross!
No. 139577 ID: 67d7af

For some reason this gave me an idea for the next raid. A hoodlum somehow manages to fuse/capture curi and has taken over the castle. All the slime mobs have been forced out of the castle and the rest of the mobs are fused with hoodlums. You need to help the slimes siege the castle and save curi.
No. 139578 ID: d12415

Making it in the style of hoodie quest would be awesome.

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139221 No. 139221 ID: a7e32a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The discussion thread for Apostate, my first try at a quest. I have no idea what I'm doing!

The quest is marked NSFW because I have no clue what it'll contain, but probably violence and some nudity.
6 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139246 ID: b57fea

Loving the quest so far Spinwide! Keep it up
No. 139329 ID: a7e32a

I've had the most recent update written for nearly a week, but I was too sick to draw. I sorta rushed this update's art just to get something out, but it should be good enough.
No. 139469 ID: a7e32a
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I'm not good enough at drawing to skip on the body just because it'll be obscured by the cloak, so here we are without the cloak. I spent so long on this... I did skip the left arm, though. I had a busy week, so I'm sorry for taking so long for this most recent update.

That's the prologue done. I'm pretty proud of what I've got. Initially it was going to be all black-and-white with important moments in color, but I think I'm really satisfied with colors as is. Switching to a pixel brush was also another good decision, so I can fill colors much more easily.

This quest is definitely intended as almost a TTRPG through questing. I like the idea of DMing, but I haven't had great success with it so I'm hoping this will scratch the itch. The Threat system is hopefully a simple abstraction of all the nuance of a TTRPG ruleset, and I'm eager to see how it goes.
No. 139485 ID: a7e32a

Gonna put this on hold for now, and probably do smaller one-shots to get into the groove of questing before trying something this grand for my first quest. I've been thinking about it, and in my excitement to create something, I acted too hastily and didn't plan enough to my satisfaction. I want to share good stories, not ones I just improvise. I still like the idea I've cooked up and want to share it one day, but right now isn't the time.
No. 139494 ID: e7c7d3

Can fully relate. Excited to see what else you put out

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137321 No. 137321 ID: c92a02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Questions? Comments? Concerns.

A NOTE FROM THE TIPPLER: I like money. And fish. https://www.patreon.com/join/tippler
No. 137322 ID: c92a02
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Mostly needed somewhere to put this thing. This face just had that same feeling to me.
No. 137323 ID: c92a02
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Oh, and have some Original Flavor Jynn on the side.
No. 137332 ID: c92a02

An important message regarding thread 2:
No. 137732 ID: 899c9f
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Woo, first thread down! As a bonus, here's the full map of the tunnels. You managed to avoid a lot of the early obstacles!
No. 139468 ID: a7a180
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ANET FREEMANT who was JAINA FREEMANTS sister, was one day an OFFICE. She got an email from her sister that said that ALIENS and MONSTERS were attacking his place! So she had to go.
'Thanks i could help sis!'
'U shuld update earlier next time!' And they laughed.


Small Quest will return in May.

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139368 No. 139368 ID: f914a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Happy Thigh Day! It's never too late!

4 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139379 ID: 681cb5
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Icaro doing his morning stretches...
No. 139381 ID: 9ea24b
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that is a very beautiful vibrava thigh op. tremendous
No. 139384 ID: 11f77a
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Rina is excited for her trip with her buds Kevin, Langley, Evan, Tiffany, Veronica, and especially Glade!

from Rina Quest
No. 139389 ID: 08229c
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The strongest adventurer
No. 139390 ID: dc13c4
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If you can't handle me at my best you got no chance when it comes to my fluffy side. It has crippling depression and likes to sniff butts.


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