Uploads by Asplosionz

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
22:40, 17 September 2011 InWhichACharacterIsUnexpectedlyThrustIntoAFantasticalAdventureTitle.png (file) 17 KB Title for IN WHICH A CHARACTER IS UNEXPECTEDLY THRUST INTO A FANTASTICAL ADVENTURE by Seal 1
22:28, 17 September 2011 RhodesQuestTitle.png (file) 3 KB Title for Rhodes Quest, by Typo 1
12:53, 15 September 2011 PassageTitle.png (file) 213 KB Title for Passage by Starit 1
08:11, 13 September 2011 CirrLogo.png (file) 12 KB Cirr's logo 1
13:10, 11 September 2011 ThisIsAStoryTitle.png (file) 4 KB Title for TIAS by Typo 1
13:03, 11 September 2011 FishTitle.png (file) 55 KB Title for Fish by Typo 1
11:54, 11 September 2011 BeforeTitle.png (file) 12 KB Title from Before by Cirr 1
18:20, 6 September 2011 BeneathARedSkyTitle.png (file) 209 KB Title for Beneath a Red Sky by Cirr 1
18:17, 6 September 2011 AbyssTitle.gif (file) 8 KB Title image for Abyss by Cirr 1
18:15, 6 September 2011 TenUpdatesTitle.png (file) 25 KB Ten Updates Title image by Cirr 1
18:08, 6 September 2011 Seto.png (file) 133 KB Seto96n 1
18:07, 6 September 2011 Rito.png (file) 118 KB Rito112a 1
18:04, 6 September 2011 Tene.png (file) 105 KB Tene157ot 1
18:03, 6 September 2011 KataNoHelmet.png (file) 142 KB Kata with no helmet 1
18:01, 6 September 2011 Kata.png (file) 210 KB Katakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatakatati 1
17:50, 6 September 2011 ThroughTheChaosTitle.png (file) 360 KB Title image for Through the Chaos by Cirr 1
17:46, 6 September 2011 InfiltrationTitle.png (file) 64 KB Title image for Infiltration, by Cirr 1
17:25, 6 September 2011 ThroughTheChaosOnceMoreTitle.png (file) 335 KB Title of Through The Chaos Once More, by Cirr 1
17:09, 6 September 2011 StrangeLightsTitle.jpg (file) 95 KB Title for Strange Lights by Cirr 1
17:00, 6 September 2011 TheJobTitle.png (file) 329 KB Title from The Job by Cirr 1
16:31, 6 September 2011 TheCageTitle.png (file) 31 KB Title card from The Cage by Cirr 1
16:06, 6 September 2011 Relk.png (file) 46 KB Sinter's landing in the city of Relk, from The World Is Mine. 1
16:03, 6 September 2011 TWIMMap.png (file) 34 KB A map of the nearby cities in The World Is Mine 1
14:58, 4 August 2011 Sinter Saikhan.png (file) 47 KB Art by Cirr from a stream of Sinter inexplicably meeting Saikhan from Hugs Quest. Author's notes: "Sergals are not a known species to the areeni, but when Sinter saw that Saikhan wasn't wearing any clothes, she assumed it not to be an act of misfortune b 1
14:56, 4 August 2011 Sinter throne.png (file) 73 KB Art by Cirr from a stream of Sinter, sitting on a throne made of fire after she set the world alight with her reign. 1
14:53, 4 August 2011 Enesi.png (file) 84 KB Rejected concept art by Cirr of a race he was considering adding to his setting called enesi. Author's notes: "Rejected design for a species that may be turning up in The World Is Mine. (Reason for rejection - needs more thinking through) (also oh god 1
14:47, 4 August 2011 Areeni breasts.png (file) 48 KB Art by Cirr from a stream of an areeni who's biomodded herself with breasts to look sexier to humans. Besides the obvious merit of this image, it also provides insight into how areeni might modify themselves superficially. 1
14:43, 4 August 2011 PSI PILLOW Ω.png (file) 55 KB Art by Cirr from a stream of a keletian winning at a pillow fight. 1
14:41, 4 August 2011 Keletian.png (file) 125 KB Concept art by Cirr of keletians. Author's notes: "The keletians are a strange species. They are the sole species known to possess abilities that seem to transcend the physical and rational. Specifically, they as a species appear to have the gift of tele 1
14:39, 4 August 2011 Old areeni hug.png (file) 52 KB Some older concept art by Cirr of areeni, hugging. 1
14:37, 4 August 2011 Old areeni.png (file) 100 KB Some older concept art by Cirr of areeni. Author's notes: "I was bored and drew aliens and had nowhere else to post them. Here's an example of a species I might in the foreseeable future use for yet another quest. The species name is "areeni". As a s 1