The cast and characters of Fen Quest, arranged approximately by order of introduction.
This article contains spoilers! You were warned.
Thread 1
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): none
The protagonist!
A forest dwelling barbarian who led an uninspired life of quiet dissatisfaction until the day he fell in love, and found a reason to strive for greatness.
Fen is a member of the "white eyed tribe", so called as they are unaffected by the influence of the shroomleaf forest, which should turn their eyes yellow. No one knows why this is.
In addition to Zizi and Kiki, Fen had 3 other siblings, one of which died young from disease, and two of which died after conscription by the northern empire.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): none
Fen's older sister. About a good a communicator as Zizi is a teacher, which is a nice way of saying not very good at all. Conversation with her is prone to end up frustrating and angry as a result.
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): none
Fen's older brother, from the same litter as Kiki.
A skilled fighter with a either a surprising lack of personal ambition, or who knows exactly what he wants from life and has already found it. Despite his own somewhat laid back attitude (and his own failings as a teacher), he's been pushing his younger brother to improve.
Zizi's claim to fame in his home village is returning home alive after being conscripted into the northern empire's army. His claim to fame outside his home is somewhat harder to pin down, but he sure seems to be respected by outsiders.
Not the most useful source of information on his own exploits, or life outside the forest in general, as he is notorious for being the worst storyteller this half of the continent with good reason.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Dragon's Fall
Fen's Mother. Values happiness and meaning in one's life over mere safety.
Has some skill with a needle and thread, but falls short of an actual tailor.
Race: Draconic Kobold (presumably) (male)
Region Influence(s): unknown
Fen's father. Currently away from home, doing labor for the southern empire.
Stubborn, with a can-do attitude.
That Guy we Robbed
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Shroomleaf Forest
A member of a neighboring, rival barbarian tribe that wears feathers to distinguish themselves.
Fen held him up at bow-point and stole part of his kill.
Race: Draconic Kobold (presumably)
Region Influence(s): unknown
A member of Fen's tribe.
Race: Draconic Kobold (presumably)
Region Influence(s): unknown
A member of Fen's tribe.
The Shaman
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): none
The eldest of the tribe, and with the most say of anyone, second to the chieftain. He practices a kind of spiritualism and mysticism that doesn't seem to actually be real magic, at least compared to the wizards of the northern empire.
Good at carving, and has a collection of figurines.
 | Self styled harem girls |  |
Luuvi and Theelee
Race: Draconic Kobolds (female)
Region Influence(s): none
Members of Fen's tribe, and a pair of literal hangers on who gravitate towards whoever the hero of the day is. Fen tolerates them, but doesn't actually like them very much.
 | Utchali, Zizi and Fen |  |
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): none
A member of Fen's tribe.
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Dragon's Fall
The Chieftain of Fen's tribe.
Lord Shup
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Goldyard
The Mithril Noble of the Goldyard, and one of the most powerful individuals in the northern empire. Lord Shup has created an atypical system of treating workers and slaves well, while simultaneously making them dependent on him and his industry to survive.
He might initially come off as something as a jerk, but by the standards of ever other noble we've ever seen, he's amazingly good natured, tolerant, and understanding of those around him.
Shup is a powerful mage, and not one by blood or birth, which is really impressive at his age. There's a reason the stereotypical mage is old- magic takes a long time to master if you don't luck into it by birth.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Lord Shup's fiancée. Earnest, kind and naive.
The great granddaughter of an aged wizard and wood noble who spent his life ensuring that crops and livestock flourished. Now that he is close to the end of his life, Lily is unashamedly marrying Shup not for love, but to see that her family is provided for.
Her pink coloration is simply a rare scale color, not a result of region influence.
A Soldier
Race: Mountain Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Dragon's Fall
A soldier in Lord Shup's employ, and Lily's escort when she first visited Fen.
 | Lopana and Fen |  |
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Lily's attendant and stonebearer.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Lily's other attendant and stonebearer.
Race: Mountain Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Poluputus
A soldier in Lord Shup's employ, who worked his way up from army grunt.
He becomes Fen's sparring partner and something of a mentor. In defiance of his appearance as something of a brute, he manages to be surprisingly insightful at times.
Race: Oceanic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Fisher's Run
Another soldier in Lord Shup's employ, and Fen's other sparring partner.
The distant relation of a wood noble, and formally trained in martial arts. This relation is both a boon and detriment- it earned him his posting and training, but also all but guarantees he's given uninteresting, safe assignments where his skills will be wasted.
Race: (???) Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): unknown
A friendly rival from Zizi's past who likely still wants a rematch, and a war hero of the northern empire.
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway, Dragon's Fall
An arrogant member of Shup's retinue who challenges Fen to a fight, and is enraged and humiliated when it ends in a draw.
The child or relative of a noble, with formal sword training.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Dragon's Fall
One of Lily's ninjas.
Yes, Lily has ninjas.
Race: Field Kobold, Mountain Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Goldyard
An example of a mixed breed kobold, introduced by Shup in ITQ. Such mixes are uncommon, as pairings between kobolds of different races usually result in children who take after one parent or the other.
Pomnivi is furry, but each strand reflects light as though it were a scale, leading to an enviable sheen. Unfortunately he also has far too much fur growth in his ears, and without constant grooming, he becomes hard of hearing.
Thread 2
Nonyour Bizniss
Race: Field Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
An irritable and loquacious field hand Fen had the (mis)fortune to be tongue lashed by when he attempted to leave the path.
Despite the poor reception, she did relent so far as to give some good advice after she realized who Fen's famous and famously unhelpful brother was.
Race: (???) Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): unknown
A potentially hypothetical resident of Erja Nokol who would go hungry if the farm workers neglected the patch of land under their rotting warning corpses.
Race: Field Kobold (presumably) (male)
Region Influence(s): unknown
The unfortunate individual who has to play glorified gravekeeper minus the grave and keeper, hanging barbarian corpses as a waning to would-be thieves.
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A bandit who wasn't very good at deceiving Fen, distracting Fen, or keeping Fen surrounded. He was a lot better at being a hostage.
Initially lied and claimed his name was Zabza.
 | Rals and "Hun" |  |
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
The apparent leader of the Actually Terrible Bandits. Blusters a lot, but he actually cares about the well being of his allies.
He considers honor among thieves a joke, though.
According to Cheese, the two leaders are actually "really good fighters" even if they are terrible bandits.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway (?)
The sassiest member of the Actually Terrible Bandits (and the source of their ignoble name), and probably the second leader. Engages in verbal banter with Rals, undercutting him. She claimed barbarians have terrible hearing, either out of ignorance or as an excuse to mouth off.
Possibly romantically involved with Rals.
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A former soldier, and current town guard. And an honest one at that! He befriends Fen and shares a lot of useful information and advice with him.
Moss was originally caught up in a rebellion during a poor harvest year, despite the fact that his village had been sensible and saved up for lean times. The rebels made it clear you were either with them or dead, so he sided with them. Those of his family that didn't died. Moss and his brother took the first opportunity to desert and hide out on a deadland island. When they were eventually forced to return to the mainland, Moss' brother was caught and killed by rebels. With his big family virtually annihilated, a pissed off Moss joined the Turtle's army and spent several years putting down rebellions.
The original leader of the rebellion Moss got caught up in was Warlord Krix, who eventually cut himself a deal with the government and bought his way into the nobility. And then turned around and started stomping on other rebellions for the army, so Moss had the questionable honor of serving almost his entire career under Krix's chain of command.
Moss' wife lives in the province capital, Graskin.
 | sneak sneak |  |
Race: Cave Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Erja Nokol
Mutation(s): Squishy body, purple coloration, lumpy, defense mechanism, pronounced posterior proportions
A friendly, enthusiastic and talkative merchant with a soft spot for barbarians, who seems thrilled to pass time with someone who legitimately isn't bothered by her appearance.
In truth, she's actually a spy and information trader, in bed with several different nobles at the same time. (Although maybe more "having her leash held by" than "in bed with"). She's carrying some serious doubts and guilt over the kinds of things she'd had to do, and the way misfortune seems to follow her around.
Perhaps it's no surprise, but Cheese suffers from some serious self esteem and self worth issues.
Cheese's Guards
Race: Mountain Kobolds (male)
Region Influence(s): Poluputus, Goldyard (both share the same two influences)
Cheese's merchant guards, who help her move product around and prevent theft. Not good sources of conversation.
In truth, they actually work for Lord Bardo, and are here to keep an eye on his spy and investment.
The Farmer
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A laborer with a beef against barbarians in general and Zizi in particular. He had family in a failed rebellion Zizi helped put to the sword in his conscript days.
Tried to make trouble with Fen, but Moss shut him down pretty quick.
 | Hey, fuzzbolds have chests |  |
The Insistent Bathing Critic
Race: Field Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A girl who insists on making sure Fen cleans himself and his clothes properly.
No, that's literally what she does. It's not double entendre for anything.
A Waitress
Race: Oceanic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Fisher's Run
A waitress who works in the tavern where Fen had dinner with Moss, and served Fen's meal.
Another Waitress
Race: Field Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A different waitress who works in the same tavern.
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Poluputus, Turtle's Hideaway, Fisher's Run
Moss' friend.
Moss' Maid
Race: Field Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A girl Moss pays to clean his place once a week. Totally not a thief.
Barely escaped getting murdered by /quest/'s paranoia. Lucky for her Moss woke up in time to inform us what fogheaded doofuses we were being.
The Inkeeper
Race: Field Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Moss questioned her for lead on suspicious out of towners the morning after Cheese's betrayal.
She pointed us in Lord Rasyan's direction.
Rasyan's Guard
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway (?)
Initially tried to keep us from meeting Lord Rasyan at all, and then later took an arrow shot at Fen.
Ended up on the wrong end of the one the farm dogs.
Lord Rasyan
Race: Field Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway, Goldyard
Gold Noble in charge of the eastern portion of Turtle's Hideaway. Aka, the merchant wizard of Pocktown. Or more irreverently, Pocky.
Curiously, Pocktown is geographically right in the middle of Warlord's Krix's territory (on the western side of the province), but Rasyan controls it anyways, by merit of it being his hometown.
Raysan fights in a dual handed sword and dagger style, relying more on speed and skill than strength. His weapons were sharp enough to cut without immediate pain, and were enchanted to trigger vibrations in other weapons they came in contact with.
Rasyan's Other Guard
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
He was never the same after that arrow to the leg. Or the sword through his vitals.
Cautious Passerby
Race: Draconic Kobold (male)
Region Influence(s): (???)
A traveler on the roads in Turtle's Hideaway.
Fen asked him if the farm dogs were still active in the harvested areas. (Not really, but they're still there).
Friendly Passerby
Race: Field Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Another traveler on the roads in Turtle's Hideaway Fen stopped to ask directions.
She was a lot more willing to help than the first guy.
Race: Crows
Region Influence(s): none
Inhabitants of the Crow Zone. They're forbidden to leave on pain of death, so only do so under the cover of fog.
Fence guards
Race: Field Kobolds (male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
If paid, they'll provide some good advice. They have a justifiably low opinion of their city.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
An overworked kobold who runs the information booth.
Loyon and friend
Race: Field and Mountain Kobolds
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Accomplices of a pair of thieving kids, they're Fen's first contact with the Fence's underworld.
Pon and Non
Race: Field and Draconic Kobolds
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
A pair of thieving kids.
Blasphemer's Stash receptionist and boss
Race: Field Kobolds
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Restaurant staff, they happen to know Cheese and how to contact her.
Race: Draconic Kobold (female)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
Waitress at the Blasphemer's Stash.
Race: Mountain Kobold (Male)
Region Influence(s): Turtle's Hideaway
One of those who make the Fence's streets dangerous.