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File 1241816250699.gif - (39.84KB , 350x350 )
9008 No. 9008 ID: 38d59b

Expand all images
No. 9009 ID: 411d5e

Sure is deafeningly quiet in here. What do you want to talk about? Maybe we can have a chat, to make this place look busier than it is.

No. 9010 ID: 4f58db
File 1241828657417.png - (77.34KB , 600x400 )

Well lets see. I'm going to eventually be doing a Quest here after Dorf Quest ends - might as well mention that here at some point. It will involve such amazing things as a children's picture book and lots of SCIENCE.

No. 9011 ID: 1b04f1

This sounds like a cool thing. Let us know when you get around to it, yeah.

No. 9012 ID: 8bf38c

Problem is no one except some dudes from #rubyquest even know this place exists.
I still think starting a Quest and posting a polite invitation on /tg/ would be the best way to get some new people. Could attract trolls, but even trolls are better than nothing at all.

No. 9013 ID: 38d59b
File 1241873313166.png - (31.63KB , 350x350 )


>>Hug yourself
>>Problem is no one
>>invitation on /tg/
>>best way
>>Could attract trolls
>>trolls are better than nothing at all
No. 9014 ID: 8bf38c

Sorry about the stupid catchphrase, but the point stands. No people no activity.
Not sure about a good way to advertise the board.

No. 9015 ID: 4f58db

Well isn't the point of moving here to have some moderation? Trolling shouldn't be a huge problem.

No. 9016 ID: 2a6789

Hey John! What are you looking at on your computerbox?

No. 9017 ID: 2a6789


It shouldn't be. We need some mods enacted before people advertise though.

Then we can issue bans left and right to anyone who trolls.

No. 9018 ID: 126f6c

Silly John, that's not the computer.

That's the microwave.

No. 9019 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9020 ID: 2a6789
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Oh I get it! John wants us to amuse her!

What do you want to do, girl? Where's Joan? Can you point your webcam towards her and Naga?

No. 9021 ID: 5e7389
File 1241914352439.png - (23.36KB , 350x350 )

Yeah, we can ban people and delete posts as it is. The interface is absolutely horrid. One guy could post faster than I could delete them.

If we get a good moderator interface it should be no problem to deal with several people.

pic: we need more of this outfit. Just give a nice whole front view and I won't ask for anything else. Be nice for once ;_;

No. 9022 ID: 2a6789

Hey, with multiple moderators from #RQ and #Joandventure, it should be easy to manage people.

No. 9049 ID: ebf8f1

John's hollow, empty, disapproving face fills me with pity for SDF's 4chan-deprived life.

No. 9050 ID: 5e7389


That is an actual screenshot of this thread. Nice.

No. 9054 ID: 03e598

Hey John, do you have a little smile for anon? Sad Sergals make me all depressed.

No. 9055 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9056 ID: 03e598

That's not smiling.
I'd give you a hug if you weren't a carnivorous and potentiality dangerous monster.

No. 9057 ID: 38d59b
File 1241989522945.png - (27.38KB , 350x350 )

No. 9059 ID: 03e598

You see an Almond colored board and want to paint it red?
Is this about your experience in the DwarfSergal Wars? Poor girl.

No. 9060 ID: 411d5e

Maybe she's trying to leave a message!

No. 9061 ID: 03e598

Probably, but what?
SadSergalQuest is interesting, but kind of depressing.

No. 9062 ID: 2a6789

Hey John, you wanna go kidnap that girl from Naga quest and do things with her?

No. 9063 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9064 ID: 03e598

Now it makes sense.
I just don't think there are any Orks around, so it won't work.

No. 9065 ID: 2a6789

It's true, there's no orks around.

I can understand why you want the board to go faster, girl. It'll never thrive at this rate.

We need the owner (Flynx?) to make mods first, and then we can invite people over from /tg/ at Weavertime for maximum non retardness, and ban the ones that slip through.

No. 9068 ID: 5e7389
File 1241995997104.jpg - (156.82KB , 620x877 )

Like I said, I can ban/delete posts. It's just very tedious. Warn me with a pm in irc or whatnot.

No. 9069 ID: 2a6789


I can too.

No. 9071 ID: 03e598

It's tedious, but the del all by ip function should work well against spammers.

No. 9072 ID: 78c5d2

If I thought SirDF would care, I'd try to fix what I broke. But I know he don't

No. 9073 ID: 2a6789

Do it anyways. It seems like he does but refuses to admit it.

No. 9074 ID: 78c5d2

till he says something to that effect, I don't believe it.

No. 9076 ID: 1b04f1


As can I, lawl.

No. 9077 ID: 2a6789
File 1241998149756.jpg - (10.40KB , 251x200 )


>refuses to admit it
>until he says something
No. 9079 ID: 78c5d2

he talks, just not here.

No. 9081 ID: 03e598

SirDF is part of a stoic Eastern European tribe, he won't ask for help.

No. 9084 ID: 78c5d2

I didn't say "ask for help" I said "care"

No. 9085 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9086 ID: 78c5d2
File 1241999403923.jpg - (150.96KB , 577x474 )

guess my gay ass better get working. We'll see how it goes when ALT gets active...

No. 9087 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9089 ID: 78c5d2
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No. 9090 ID: 126f6c
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No. 9091 ID: 5e7389
File 1241999673553.jpg - (50.12KB , 700x443 )

No. 9092 ID: 03e598

This made me laugh IRL. And I see John is happy again.

No. 9093 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9095 ID: 2a6789


Oh my god I laughed harder than I have in a long time

No. 9100 ID: 2a6789
File 1242002891622.jpg - (23.81KB , 400x300 )

Now John, don't touch it until it's done, the hibachi grill is very hot.

No. 9101 ID: d67f48

Are we leading up to this http://tgchan.org/tg/res/83.html#378 or what?

No. 9102 ID: 2a6789

Hibachi is very healthy ya know.

No. 9103 ID: d67f48

Not if you eat all of it.

No. 9104 ID: 78c5d2

<ALTERNATIVE> no, you can't appeal the ban of another person
Sir, get on IRC

No. 9105 ID: 7d87d9

What you break again?

No. 9106 ID: 5e7389


>Sir, get on IRC
No. 9107 ID: 2a6789

I don't think SDF has the potential to not be a faggot for five seconds.

Real shame, I'd love to see Joanquest again.

No. 9108 ID: 5e7389
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No. 9109 ID: 78c5d2

I accidentally caused an admin to "accidentally" ban him. Got same admin to unban him by being polite. I'm fuzzy around here but word is he was banned for ban evasion shortly after this, so I am reporting to the one and only admin.
I believe in him... kinda

No. 9110 ID: 2a6789

Why don't we just do Joanquest in here?

Get all of #RQ in here, it'll be a swell time.

No. 9112 ID: 1f67e0
File 1242011823811.gif - (16.39KB , 701x683 )


No. 9113 ID: 2a6789

I wish we could have seen more of JOHN THE FOREST AVENGER

That would have been funny.

No. 9115 ID: 38d59b
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No. 9116 ID: ebf8f1
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I thought it was FOREST MARAUDER?

No. 9117 ID: 7d87d9

Painting things red?

Do you think you're a Char?

No. 9118 ID: b6a291

I see a smile!

No. 9119 ID: 7d87d9

Who wouldn't when you realize you got that gun!

No. 9121 ID: 1f67e0

John was indeed referred to as "FOREST MARAUDER" in the spin-off April Fools' day Ruby Quest.

No. 9122 ID: 2a6789


Regardless, I want to see more foolsdayquest. I know they already saved Tom but... yeah.

No. 9123 ID: ebf8f1
File 1242102806080.gif - (10.88KB , 585x508 )

No. 9163 ID: 35489f


There's no problem in the world that snuggling Joan's tits won't solve.

No. 9171 ID: dddccd
File 1242304603873.gif - (142.72KB , 500x500 )

Hey Double Faggot, what about a little spin off quest based on this animation.

No. 9172 ID: 35489f


I don't think SDF is that furry.

I wish I had known someone was going to animate that. I would have put more effort into the sequence.

No. 9173 ID: 2a6789

You could go back and touch it up anyways if you want.

No. 9174 ID: 183b27
File 1242315757282.png - (85.17KB , 350x350 )

And what a quest it was!

No. 9176 ID: ebf8f1

You blew up the porn dimension. :C

No. 9180 ID: 35489f
File 1242363251100.gif - (52.94KB , 800x551 )

No. 9182 ID: 1ced0d

Looks good, I like your style. Only problem are the puny looking arms.

No. 9208 ID: 35489f
File 1242612827805.gif - (33.33KB , 519x600 )


So the sergal went to talk to Manny Ramirez about that problem. He gave her some pills he thought might work.

No. 9217 ID: 7eda8b

sergals all have narrow arms

which is fine. chimps do too, and they're way stronger than humans

No. 9237 ID: 7d87d9

Games Sergals are good at...
Hockey (if they can get skates in their feets)

No. 9242 ID: 87583b


Please. Methinks that if sergals were to have a sport that is anything like one of ours, it would have to be rugby.

Or really, Blood Bowl.

No. 9243 ID: 35489f
File 1242972176746.jpg - (23.83KB , 300x475 )


Mmm, delicious rugby. A sergal's favorite sport.

No. 9246 ID: 411d5e

I wouldn't think they'd be bulky enough for rugby, or at least to be one of the.. damn I forget the terminology, but yeah at the centre of the scrum

No. 9252 ID: 87583b

Where did John go?

No. 9255 ID: 183b27

In your mom.

No. 9256 ID: 5e7389

Hi SDF. Stop posting anon, you are welcome here.

No. 9257 ID: 183b27

But y'all recognize me anyway, so I don't need to bother with trippin' fags and faggin' trips.

No. 9258 ID: 35489f

I'm seeing a distinct lack of recnet Joan/John hijinks in this thread.

No. 9260 ID: 6ab394

I missed you, SDF

No. 9266 ID: 183b27
File 1243376495370.png - (36.05KB , 450x450 )


No. 9273 ID: 227d44

To be honest, this place seems the best to do a quest. Not much traffic, so you can draw with more detail and take your time.

No. 9293 ID: 39b2da

bumping just to support this inactive shithole

No. 9412 ID: 9891a9

I'd have to agree, this does seem to be just what you'd need, if you're up for it.

No. 9432 ID: 64dd34
File 1243737636074.jpg - (230.73KB , 1824x1368 )

thinking of you, you fucking double faggot

No. 9472 ID: 183b27
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No. 9473 ID: 4470ad

Requesting John and Joan out in early model car, in era-appropriate clothes.
I'm talking like 30s here.
Goggles, driving gloves, the whole shebang.

No. 9479 ID: 183b27
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No. 9483 ID: 4470ad
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No. 9487 ID: 183b27
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No. 9488 ID: 4470ad

Now that's just mean.

No. 9491 ID: 64dd34
File 1243902422078.jpg - (52.94KB , 500x375 )

there's only one thing that wakes up SDF...

No. 9499 ID: 87583b

Hey John, wanna go to the Bar? Joan's probably left by herself by now.

No. 9519 ID: 5e7389

What comes after quintuple?

No. 9520 ID: 5e7389
File 1243911053220.jpg - (110.42KB , 360x500 )

I'm just going to skip a few numbers here.

Sir Septuple Fagot

No. 9522 ID: 2b0deb


No. 9566 ID: 9f9ca2
File 1244042756105.jpg - (69.91KB , 680x519 )

This whole thread is quite depressing

No. 9567 ID: 183b27

Your mom is quite depressing.

No. 9568 ID: ae627f


your joke is quite depressing

No. 9569 ID: d6b212

Your mum's jokes are depressing.

No. 9571 ID: 183b27
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No. 9572 ID: 9f9ca2

Sooo what did you get the B& for anyways?

No. 9574 ID: 183b27
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No. 9575 ID: 9f9ca2

Well that sucks.
Have you tried to talk to moot?

No. 9576 ID: 183b27
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No. 9577 ID: 9f9ca2


No. 9580 ID: 183b27
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No. 9581 ID: 9f9ca2

Ok ok forget I asked.

No. 9582 ID: c6c9c4
File 1244074059491.jpg - (26.67KB , 215x233 )

moot does read the email

No. 9583 ID: 183b27
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No. 9585 ID: c6c9c4
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No. 9588 ID: ebf8f1
File 1244074974189.gif - (16.48KB , 701x683 )

This is the best drawfag thread ever.

No. 9597 ID: 183b27
File 1244077360443.png - (32.92KB , 450x450 )

No. 9600 ID: 87583b

Well maybe if you did a quest so that we could attract more people with "hey look! Joanquest!" we would have more posts around here.

It's not like I can't ban trolls on sight with my heat vision anyways.

No. 9601 ID: c6c9c4
File 1244077828749.png - (48.80KB , 750x750 )

crush the germans with your mind, US dept of psy ops

No. 9611 ID: d6b212

Terribly sorry.
I have to sleep and eat, you know.
And I hate monopolising boards.

No. 9615 ID: 87583b
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No. 9663 ID: d6b212

Man, I don't care what you call me.
I'm sick every other week.
I'm pretty sure I have a negative fortitude save.

No. 9682 ID: 64dd34

I assure you if you brought up the case with ALTERNATIVE you would be unbanned, if you were careful, brought the logs I gave you and not a complete double faggot while speaking to him.

No. 9705 ID: d6b212


Sorry, I think that was a reflex.

No. 9710 ID: 87583b
File 1244088324416.png - (29.39KB , 336x336 )

GET canceled, interrupted by mods

No. 9717 ID: 9f9ca2
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No. 9722 ID: d6b212


No. 9730 ID: 87583b

Because the previous comment is NOT ALLOWED ZOMG.

Didn't you read the rules?

No. 9754 ID: ebf8f1
File 1244090944171.jpg - (35.74KB , 800x800 )

I believe we have our mascot, ladies and gentlemen.

No. 9763 ID: 87583b


Nah. I'd rather have Ruby be our mascot.

No. 9764 ID: ebf8f1

That's too bad. :(

No. 9765 ID: c6c9c4
File 1244091768127.jpg - (68.82KB , 640x480 )

ooohhh nooooo

No. 9768 ID: 64dd34
File 1244091838216.png - (113.50KB , 254x348 )

Beakie is now more of a controlling evil overlord than ALTERNATIVE


No. 9769 ID: d6b212
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No. 9774 ID: 87583b
File 1244092253597.gif - (7.58KB , 184x243 )


Short, insulting replies are indeed against the rules.


That'll do, Pig, that'll do. Though this would also work.

No. 9775 ID: 87583b


My one task is to ban trolls on sight, what do you want me to do?

No. 9776 ID: c6c9c4

permabanning someone that posts an insult isn't a good idea.

at all

No. 9778 ID: 87583b


Read the rules. It's not that they insult, it's that they insult and do not contribute.

Besides, the guy's ban is up anyways.

No. 9780 ID: ebf8f1
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No. 9782 ID: 87583b


Oh my god I laughed so hard looking at that.

No. 9784 ID: c6c9c4
File 1244094592977.jpg - (26.02KB , 488x314 )

oh dear

No. 9825 ID: 5e7389

We need to get a "User banned for this post" thing going. I'd like to see what they said to get themselves banned.

No. 9828 ID: 7b284c

Just ask our beloved fascist mod.
Funny, but I don't understand what the clay label is about.

No. 9829 ID: 5e7389

Ceramic armor.

No. 9830 ID: 87583b


When Flynx gets a better version of the board going we'll have those, don't worry.

No. 9835 ID: 7b284c
File 1244143045865.jpg - (31.16KB , 370x500 )

Cutebold Propaganda

No. 9845 ID: 9f9ca2

so lonely here.

No. 9846 ID: 87583b


Go to the new board, idiot.

No. 9847 ID: 9f9ca2

I dont like it and it seems even slower.

No. 9848 ID: 87583b

If you posted there it would not be, now GET!

No. 9849 ID: 9f9ca2

B-but its all yellowish and java scripty

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