Moon Rose
Okay, since this old post I've bought 2 other Lego games because they were on sale: Magikus and Monster 4.
Magikus has you collecting spells from a spell rack, rolling the die to see which ones you take from the rack (red, yellow, blue and green). You can also pick if you roll white, and steal from another player if you roll black, and you get nothing if the spot is empty. You can choose a row or column before rolling, so your almost assured a few components the first few turns. I can actually see an interesting little way of adding this to a roleplaying game as a random casting system. But for now, it's a nice simple game, probably on clearance in most stores.
Monster 4 is also real simple. You want to get 4 monsters in a row on the 4 x 4 board. Rolls can place you on a light or dark gravestone, allow you to switch with another player, scare all monsters out of a corner of the board or place skeletons. Skeletons are 'jokers/wildcards' that count for anyone who lines up with them, so the key of the game involves making them work for you most of the time. It's pretty good, and my 7 year old picked up on both games pretty well. If I remember, and if there are any left, I'd pick up more copies of both just for the Lego Dice, since I still want to see what ideas I can come up with for a game involving switching die faces as part of the game. I'd probably start with a risk variant and move from there.