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File 172670308659.png - (316.69KB , 1391x1200 , Lagoquestsdis.png )
142681 No. 142681 ID: ce93a7

A thread to post any questions or discussion regarding me or any of my quests, active or not.
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No. 142682 ID: 90ae6c

To open the questioning, what's got his goat?
No. 142683 ID: 99f29a

Does Delli floss?
No. 142684 ID: 19c2a7
File 172670646981.png - (10.31KB , 648x794 , PilletPaperdollBW.png )

It might still be a little crunchy, but here's a quick Pillet paperdoll thing for your amusement
No. 142696 ID: ce93a7

Having spent months on end without spoken dialogue

Only in private

No. 142697 ID: debc82

Actually a question for Deli (and Pillet):

Infinite chocolate or infinite power?

(I know they're ultimately the same thing, but ...)
No. 142710 ID: df45e0

So Delli. You gonna fight for your girl when you all get out and her fleet admiral husbando shows up to get her back?

What if you are a secret goat wizard?

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