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File 172316690413.jpg - (270.34KB , 1800x1200 , beachday 24.jpg )
142536 No. 142536 ID: 44c167

You are invited to a day at glorious Beach, Britain's premier seaside getaway.
Paddle in the water, collect rocks, jump off a cliff. The fun never ends, until the sun goes down.
Bring snacks and a dish for the afternoon potluck.

Remember, kids will be here so dress appropriately and no lewd behaviour.
And bring food.

Previous Beach Days: https://questden.org/wiki/Beach_Day
26 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 142604 ID: 355e44
File 172516084981.jpg - (771.73KB , 800x600 , 04 the bounding main.jpg )

The basket of mice (and one rat) bobs merrily on the surf. Its bedraggled crew cling to the soaked lining.

"A metal man, could you have even imagined such a thing?" Lisel sighs "If only I could have gotten a look inside."

"Well, so nice yer having a jolly time of it." Jasper sputters as another swell drops the basket with a splash. "Ye owe us a nice dinner Lisel! Lets just rescue that bug and get out of 'ere."
No. 142605 ID: 355e44
File 172516087223.jpg - (771.41KB , 800x600 , 05 rescue or not.jpg )

The wicker vessel drifts close to the stricken Silv. The rodents see that she is much larger than the bugfolk they are familiar with.
"Oh" says Jasper. "Ah" says Lisel. "I see" says Tem'rty
No. 142606 ID: e46b34
File 172522548934.jpg - (533.42KB , 1434x914 , Core 170.jpg )

Clara: "Greetings, I didn't expect to see another aquatic creature at the beach. At first, I thought that you were a mermaid, well you did the whole famous mermaid pose but on deeper inspection, it is clear that you are not."
No. 142607 ID: e46b34
File 172522554883.jpg - (149.38KB , 512x464 , Core 171.jpg )

Clara: "It is a pleasure to meet you my name is Clara and I am a paladin."
No. 142608 ID: e46b34
File 172522558095.jpg - (187.12KB , 678x462 , Core 172.jpg )

Clara: "I know that it is a little bit weird that I practically flew towards you instead of simply swimming. the thing is I lived so long on the land that I forgot how to swim, it is a little bit humiliating."
No. 142611 ID: 4591f8
File 172526376786.png - (40.90KB , 548x549 , beach day 2.png )

(???): "That is pretty weird, I won't lie. I'm merely an actor and a surveyor. Just pretend I was never here."
No. 142612 ID: 4591f8
File 172526378762.png - (46.16KB , 546x538 , beach day 3.png )

The seal lady departs abruptly, maybe a little rudely. Not even a name? Doesn't she want to know anything? Oh well, she's in the sea now.
No. 142613 ID: 42311e
File 172527437274.jpg - (606.55KB , 1914x886 , Core 173.jpg )

Clara: "Well she gets my seal of approval. I wish you the best of luck in your acting performance and from what little I saw of your screen performance I have a feeling that you will knock them dead."
No. 142616 ID: 42311e
File 172529511679.jpg - (466.46KB , 1382x824 , Core 174.jpg )

Ratislav: "Well well well, look what the cat dragged in."
No. 142617 ID: 42311e
File 172529518078.jpg - (82.35KB , 432x312 , Core 175.jpg )

Ratislav: "Guys stop the engine we have some passengers overboard."
No. 142618 ID: 42311e
File 172529526172.jpg - (276.84KB , 806x590 , Core 176.jpg )

Rat 1: "Што носе одећу?"

Rat 2: "Желе да се представљају као људи. Напољу је довољно топло без ствари и они су одлучили да се обуку, чудаци."

Rat 3: "Поздрав свима, да ли имате лепо пливање?"
No. 142619 ID: 42311e
File 172529531822.jpg - (125.28KB , 704x398 , Core 177.jpg )

Rastislav: "So do you all need a ride? There is free space on the jetski."
No. 142624 ID: 1effd3
File 172539817527.png - (305.08KB , 882x736 , 090324_BeachDay.png )

Silv manages to pull herself up onto the strange machine.
"T-thank you..."
She pulls up the small basket full of would-be rescuers onto the jetski with her and Tetsi.

No one can hear Tetsi, but apparently they are seasick.
No. 142626 ID: 42311e
File 172544374414.jpg - (280.81KB , 899x674 , Core 179.jpg )

Rastislav: "When you climb on this mechanical chariot why don't you drive it as well, come on it will be fun."
No. 142627 ID: 42311e
File 172544384384.jpg - (141.61KB , 550x450 , Core 180.jpg )

Rastislav: "Simply put your two hands on these steering handles and use the lever underneath to make this device move. Imagine this like riding a mermaid, go easy on the lever, this thing can pick up speed really quickly and even the smallest wave can make this thing jump high in the sky."
No. 142628 ID: 42311e
File 172544391823.jpg - (109.39KB , 370x360 , Core 181.jpg )

Rastislav: "Don't worry you will get the handle of this thing in no time it will feel like second nature to you. You can do it but before you start there's one thing that we need to do first."
No. 142629 ID: 42311e
File 172544397365.jpg - (178.77KB , 479x468 , Core 182.jpg )

Rastislav: "Everyone, throw that flotation device in the water!"
No. 142630 ID: 42311e
File 172544401782.jpg - (219.03KB , 594x602 , Core 183.jpg )

Rastislav: "A perfect throw, as always."
No. 142631 ID: 42311e
File 172544405916.jpg - (142.13KB , 442x630 , Core 184.jpg )

Rastislav: "For everyone who doesn't want to swim back to the shore grab on and we will take you for a ride!"
No. 142637 ID: 355e44
File 172559322477.jpg - (667.68KB , 800x600 , 06 into the sunset.jpg )

"Oh, I hope that monster will be alright with those fellows." Lisel remarks. Their vessel slips away while the strange rats are distracted. "They look a rough sort."

"Shameless." sputters Tem'rty "Not a stitch on them, and on a public beach no less."

"Bah, you woods rats don't know how t'ave fun. Too serious b'far. Though they did seem a touch foreign."

"Y'know, my cousin said the humans got some kind o' palace on the sea, down place called Brighton." Jasper offers "Whyn't we try our hand there?"

And so the three drift away, to seek vittles elsewhere. The day hadn't gone as they had hoped, but as the saying goes; The best laid plans of mice go oft awry.
No. 142639 ID: a4b18e
File 172565846282.jpg - (177.44KB , 569x365 , Core 185.jpg )

Rat 4: "It seems that they are swimming away from the beach traveling to the great unknown. They might be the bravest mice I ever seen.

Ratislav: "So it would seem."
No. 142640 ID: a4b18e
File 172565851299.jpg - (101.47KB , 370x334 , Core 186.jpg )

Ratislav: "As I would always say, why let a good thing go to waste."
No. 142641 ID: a4b18e
File 172565857078.jpg - (240.74KB , 646x646 , Core 187.jpg )

Ratislav: "Only fools pedal, I prefer to be pulled."
No. 142672 ID: df64c0
File 172661977486.jpg - (114.52KB , 444x422 , Core 188.jpg )

Abdle: "Well it looks like nobody is coming to this match! I guess that means we can leave!"
No. 142673 ID: df64c0
File 172661986513.jpg - (164.98KB , 428x430 , Core 189.jpg )

Maya Din: "I am sorry to disagree with your opinion Abdle, but since Vance is sponsoring this event he will assure you that there will be somebody who is willing to enter the ring. And she is already here ready for a fight."
No. 142674 ID: df64c0
File 172661993557.jpg - (576.69KB , 874x1770 , Core 190.jpg )

Maya Din: "Her name is the Annoised and she is powered by her hatred of pizzas."

W2K: "I hope that you will be able to give me a fun fight."
No. 142675 ID: df64c0
File 172661999102.jpg - (92.09KB , 396x406 , Core 191.jpg )

Bobbie: "Well I agreed to this expecting for a fight to happen so this is what I wanted to happen. Please take my cape, time to get ready."
No. 142676 ID: df64c0
File 172662013119.jpg - (112.03KB , 302x464 , Core 192.jpg )

W2K: "That is what I want to see, but you aren't the only one who have an assistant."
No. 142677 ID: df64c0
File 172662017404.jpg - (240.86KB , 622x594 , Core 193.jpg )

A small cat jumped out of nowhere and caught the cape in its mouth.
No. 142678 ID: df64c0
File 172662024742.jpg - (240.50KB , 503x539 , Core 194.jpg )

W2K: "Now let me show you how we tenderize the meat of our burgers! Fast, hard, with a reasonable price and we don't do house delivery!"
No. 142685 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670652531.jpg - (158.90KB , 483x641 , Core 195.jpg )

W2K: "Your, in luck we have a special deal on ass-whooping. One serving coming right up!"
No. 142686 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670656993.jpg - (350.12KB , 798x574 , Core 196.jpg )

W2K: "Hope this hits the spot!"

Bobbie: "AHHHH!"
No. 142687 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670662350.jpg - (437.15KB , 698x767 , Core 197.jpg )

W2K: "And if any of you watchers are interested in possessing a sturdy and reliable chair like this all you need to do is buy three of the most expensive orders on the menu in any of our Burgervania establishments. Get them while the supplies last."
No. 142688 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670666378.jpg - (177.13KB , 515x455 , Core 198.jpg )

Bobbie: "That sounds like a good offer, I will take one."

W2K: "Hey give that back!"
No. 142689 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670671666.jpg - (102.38KB , 379x289 , Core 199.jpg )

Bobbie: "Is this one of those take one get one free deal?"

W2K: "No it is not, let go of my hands!"
No. 142690 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670676592.jpg - (276.90KB , 815x479 , Core 200.jpg )

Bobbie while still holding on hands of W2k proceeded to slide under her legs.
No. 142691 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670681647.jpg - (225.60KB , 593x412 , Core 201.jpg )

This pulled W2K off her feet.
No. 142692 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670685261.jpg - (472.16KB , 1178x706 , Core 202.jpg )

And she somersaulted onto her back in a really painful way.
No. 142693 ID: 3a75c4
File 172670688968.jpg - (302.39KB , 556x610 , Core 203.jpg )

W2K: "That does it you slippery eel, time to throw you into the deep fryer!"

Bobbie: "Come and show me what you got, I am hungry for more!"
No. 142699 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682812919.jpg - (280.59KB , 678x676 , Core 204.jpg )

Bobbie: "But I must warn you, anything you throw at me I will able to see coming and react accordingly."
No. 142700 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682816750.jpg - (220.22KB , 510x512 , Core 205.jpg )

Bobbie: "What is your cat doing in the ring?"

W2K: "It is distracting you!"
No. 142701 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682828396.jpg - (265.67KB , 650x616 , Core 206.jpg )

Before Bobbie could react W2K dropped kicked her straight in the stomach. Knocking her wind out and knocking her on the ground.
No. 142702 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682833093.jpg - (314.40KB , 930x534 , Core 207.jpg )

Bobbie: "That was a dirty tactic, can you get your cat off my chest or is this how you are trying to pin me in this match."

W2K: "Do you honestly think that I can give commands to a cat? Don't be ridiculous?"

Bobbie: "Gramleza get that cat out of this battle!"
No. 142703 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682837765.jpg - (288.71KB , 678x602 , Core 208.jpg )

Gramleza: "Hey little kitty, look at this little toy! Don't you want to scratch it?!"

Mr. Yakbeet: "No don't let that thing near me!? Oh no, it noticed my presence and now it is coming closer to me!"
No. 142704 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682842533.jpg - (213.11KB , 428x452 , Core 211.jpg )

W2K: "Oh what's the problem, was the little cat too much for you? Or did I hit you too hard?!"
No. 142705 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682847130.jpg - (137.01KB , 408x520 , Core 212.jpg )

Bobbie: "Just you wait until until I get back on my feet!"
No. 142706 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682850554.jpg - (91.99KB , 302x356 , Core 213.jpg )

Abdle: "You still want to go?! Didn't you have enough!?"
No. 142707 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682856446.jpg - (230.04KB , 630x566 , Core 214.jpg )

Bobbie: "I still have a fight in me and yes I am ready for more!"
No. 142708 ID: e1f2ed
File 172682863025.jpg - (258.17KB , 580x540 , Core 215.jpg )

Worm Work: "I like that attitude keep it up!"

Bobbie: "So what are you doing now, betting against me?"

Worm Work: "Now that you mentioned it, that is something that I can do. Thank you for inspiring me."
No. 142709 ID: e1f2ed
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Bobbie: "So what next cheat trick you are going to use you cheater!?"

W2K: "What can I say that is the whole vampire lifestyle for you, cheating against the whole concept of reality. But don't worry I don't need any more tricks to beat you, your highness!"
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