High Dreamer
You have:
Three large bottles of water, a water skin, a backpack, a good Novel(yet to be named), a versatile knife and a leather sheath to hold it safely on your person, a brand new pair of hiking shoes, A set of khaki warm weather clothes, a thermal sweater and military surplus field jacket. Bags of jerky and trail mix(two each), and simply survivalist handbook in lieu of the boyscout handbook,30 feet of climbing rope,a flashlight(hand crank light),several small novelty lighters along with camp stoves amongst the gas station and supply store,a decent hatchet its a little big and heavy for you. ,A waterproof notebook and several pencils(these are a common thing at camping supply stores),For your books, Zen and Watership down,a children's guide to mythology, little Brown book a college level essay writing textbook, some sunscreen, some aviators and a few lighters. Also a Duffle bag to carry all this crap.
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