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297174 No. 297174 ID: d93696

This is a "re-vamp" of Ink Quest. Background of the quest will be explained gradually throughout, so I encourage new readers to ask Muriel questions about anything that you do not understand. It will resume roughly where it left off.
40 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 299586 ID: d93696
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No. 299587 ID: d93696
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No. 299588 ID: d93696
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My ears are ringing. I can not breathe...



Now it is quiet.
No. 299590 ID: 8c73c8

pull shirt over mouth. use cloth as a low tech filter.
No. 299615 ID: 1854db

You've got to breathe. You need air to live! Try the cloth face covering, yes. Also, look around. Try to get up.
No. 300018 ID: d93696
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Uh... ok. I think that my arm is moving but I can not feel it. Is that it? I think that the ground is rocking back and forth.

The guards are yelling still. I can not understand anymore...
No. 300019 ID: d93696
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"Haah!" I shouted and took a deep breath of very fresh and dry air. My surroundings are a freshly drawn tent, and the guard who had my things was standing in front of my. I can see past him outside, and it looks dark.

Guard: "Are you awake for real this time?"


Guard: "You woke up a couple of times shouting about someone named Peter Lucky, but went back to sleep."
No. 300023 ID: 728d34

Sarcastically respond that you are not awake, and this is all an elaborate "talking in your sleep" situation in which you can respond to the other person.
No. 300024 ID: 868a23

ask them what the hell happened
No. 300435 ID: d93696
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"Who are you? What happened to Pang?"

Guard: "I'm Norbert Hong, of the 134¬th Polis Guard. It is not easy for me to explain what happened."

Muriel: "What were those things, then? Where are we?"

Norbert: "They came from the flats without warning. The watchmen on the wall did not even see them until it was too late. I remember hearing quacking after the first wall breach. None of us had ever seen anything like them before.

Sergeant Shuk ordered us to protect the ink well at all costs, but it was a slaughter. All of our best men and civilians were just being mowed down. I gathered my best friends Rowen and Dick and we mutinied. We started to round up everyone that we could find - starting with women and children - and led them out of the walls.

The beasts did not make any attempt to follow us. Captain Leo Sun joined the mutiny, and he was the last one out of the city. He told us that the monsters began to demolish the ink well and spill all of the ink over the ground to dry."

I began to cry. I am not sure which part of it came over me first, but much of it involved Penn. I am glad that he was put to rest before this catastrophe.

Norbert: "Cry fully, Muriel. None of us have any tears to hide tonight. There are around three hundred Liites left from Pang. Anyone who was seen by the beasts was attacked. The soldiers defending the ink were killed with special ferocity."

Norbert stopped for a moment, looking at me with curiosity, "How do you feel? That thing hit you pretty hard."

I had not even thought about it yet. I do not remember being hit. "I feel fine," I said. No broken bones - just a few scrapes and pulled muscles.

Norbert: "You are a girl Sefa blessed. If you are well, drink water, and then you may do as you want to, but do not try to return to Pang. It is not safe."

I wish that I had direction. I have felt like a failure ever since I realized that I would be spending the rest of my life in a hole outside of Pang.

What should I do? I could stay here in the camp for a while. I could run away, I guess. It looks like my things are here in the tent with me, including my nearly empty ink jar and Penn's brush.

For some reason, I do not want to leave Norbert. Should I thank him? I think that he carried me out of the city. He and his friends must have saved like a hundred old ladies, too.
No. 300471 ID: 868a23

take a look around the camp
No. 300480 ID: 1854db

Yes, you should thank him. Even though he mutinied, it was the right thing to do. The only thing to do, really.

Stay here a while. Get an idea of the state of the surrounding area, maybe fish up some more rumors about Peter Lucky.
No. 302259 ID: d93696
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I thank Norbert rather daftly for saving my life, and he gives me a smile. I then tell him that I want to look around the camp for anything to do.

Norbert: "I think that anyone who can will be going to bed, but the bonfire will be on during the night. I would not be surprised if a few people cannot sleep tonight."

He reaches into the pocket of his uniform pants, and gives me a folded up map that looks like he just drew it in pencil in a few seconds. He is not a very good artist. Before he forgets, Norbert draws up a circle and writes 'you'. It looks like I am in the barracks for some reason.

The camp is strategically tucked away against the canyon wall. It looks like we are on the far east end of the Li Flats. This is the farthest that I have ever been.
No. 302260 ID: d93696
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There is the bonfire in the middle. There is another small fire between the barracks tents. There are some soldiers walking around smoking and talking. I have no idea where to begin!

Norbert says that he has to go, but he will be around if I need him. I wonder which tent he is staying in?

With the city eviscerated, I feel like I have only a small chance of finding anyone here who knows about Peter Lucky. I really wish that I still had Penn to talk to, but he was always very uncomfortable talking about Peter.

Any ideas?
No. 302274 ID: 868a23

did he say how long you where out?
No. 302447 ID: 0917ee

Why don't you head to the Mess and see if its still open? A little comfort food might do you some good.
No. 302448 ID: 1854db

The Mess hall likely has the people most willing to talk while being the least busy, and there's also food there. So let's go there.
No. 311503 ID: cb0eb1
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The mess hall is alive with the sounds of chewing, anxious chatter, and silverware striking against trays.

There are two people sitting to my left. I can kind of hear their conversation - they are talking about someone named Falsto who was apparently in the army.

There is another guy sitting farther up. It looks like he might be missing an arm, and he is having trouble eating with his opposite hand.

There is an older woman sitting the farthest up the table to my right.

It smells like food.
No. 311821 ID: 9c538a


The older woman may have seen Peter. It seems he came to the city with gusto, but it was a very long time ago. You should focus on food right now, and then perhaps some way to survey what's left of Pang, and surrounding areas. Where relative to you was the Sefa laid to rest?
No. 311825 ID: 1854db

It seems that Peter is most likely to be known by older people, so try asking the lady. Unless you can gauge how old the guy missing an arm is? Maybe he's a veteran or something.

Also get some grub.
No. 312260 ID: fbb44b

Listen in on the conversation. They information they have to convey might be relevant. Who knows, they may even speak of Peter.
No. 313008 ID: e1359e
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>Where relative to you was the Sefa laid to rest?

Laid to rest? That... is a very frightening thought. I do not think that it is possible for the Sefa to die. Where? Um... I have not been outside of the Li Flats. I have no idea.

Now, onto the others. Hm, hm. Don't mind me, just a girl with a crowbar.

Luckily, my ears are quite large. I can hear the people speaking even behind me:

"... he was stationed outside of the Li Flats with otherlanders. He wrote, but I don't know why he's not back by now. Silly me - I thought the war had been over for sixteen years."

The other person waits a moment before responding, and sounds a bit concerned, "Don't worry. Falsto's a tough son-of-a-bitch. Besides, there is always some border to guard."

It sounds like they are talking about someone who is close to them. No one that I have heard of, but they might be worth talking to.

"Eavesdropping is a one way ticket into a not-your-problem. Don't you know that?" The woman in front of me says suddenly. Perhaps I need a better poker face.

She is not so old after all - probably in her mid thirties. I give her a sour look, and she smiles, "You remind me a bit of myself, don't you know? When I was younger. I just hope that you're smarter and don't get yourself knocked up."

I nod absently through her warning, and ask her about Peter Lucky.

She immediately chokes on her current bite, hacking it up onto her plate.
No. 313014 ID: 35e1a0

yeah, that is pretty bad for a poker face. anyway pat her back so she doesn't choke. sounds like we got a lead.
No. 313020 ID: 1854db

Oh shit, don't let her choke.
No. 313110 ID: 294859

Save here! Then, give her some water. Ask if she's okay then idly steer the conversation back to Peter.
No. 313115 ID: a41aaf

She just coughed it up.
Offer her a napkin if there's one handy.
No. 314130 ID: e1359e
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I ask her if she is alright, and she snaps back at me that she is. After I ask her about Peter again, she clears her throat and begins to talk. She seems to be sour toward me now.

"I don't know why you would want to know anything about him. I don't know you, so I don't have to say a word to you."

Well, she clearly knows more than a few things. How can I get her to speak?
No. 314132 ID: 35e1a0

"he was with my brother, and peter is more famous then him so if i find peter i find my brother"
No. 314136 ID: 1854db

Ask her if you can sit next to her and talk, so that you can change the fact that she doesn't know you.

Or you can just tell her that you only want to find Peter Lucky to find your brother, who was with him last you knew.
No. 314154 ID: 9c538a


Wait, what? Why are there ink wars then, if you can still get ink from the Sefa? Nevertheless as it is probably the biggest thing, Peter would probably have been interested in it. Especially if he wanted to "end the fighting".


Haha Peter was the one who knocked her up I betcha. You could say you don't know much about Peter. That should calm her from allying you with the scoundrel. Say you're a relative of one of his friends and have been trying to bring him the news that Penn has passed away.
No. 314155 ID: 35e1a0

cause the sefa VANISHED. as in POOF gone to nowhere. they didn't lay it to rest cause there is NO BODY.
No. 315282 ID: e1359e
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I know where my brother is. He died of a sickness last night and I buried him outside of our house.

>Say you're a relative of one of his friends and have been trying to bring him the news that Penn has passed away.

I tell her this, and she appears unconcerned, though she expresses some half-assed sympathy for my loss.

"Look," she says, "If I am going to make your life easier, I would expect the same. Bring me some ink, and I'll tell you what I know. Now go run off with a soldier boy and let me finish my food."

Squid, what a bitch
No. 315321 ID: 1854db


Okay. Whatever. Get some food, sit near that other guy who might be missing the arm.
No. 315793 ID: a8159f

Kindly (perhaps not so kindly) inform her that ink is in short supply and acquiring some would be difficult. Then, propose an alternative, like alcohol.
No. 315810 ID: 9c538a


Ooh vanished. That is a good deal more serious. Please disregard my ignorance then.


BLuh. Good advice though. Go talk to someone else. You'll have to find out more about this lady before bugging her more about it.
No. 315819 ID: 46c430

...I think the rarity of ink is the point of her asking, mate.
No. 316158 ID: e1359e
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>Get some food

Well, I have some Choop bars in my backpack, but I guess it could not hurt to get some real food. I will go grab some of that broth and a muffin.

>sit near that other guy who might be missing the arm.
>Go talk to someone else.

Ok, I will just go talk to the one-arm guy over


He is really kind of fucked up.

I sit down with my tray of food, greeting him, "I'm Muriel Ming. I want to ask you a few things, if you'd let me."

His lip twitches once, but he does not make any objection.

I think that I should be careful about how I word my questions, or I might offend him.
No. 316165 ID: 1854db

Just say that you're asking around about Peter Lucky and he didn't seem busy.
No. 316422 ID: 5c8741

Get down to brass tax and ask him about Lucky.

Also, ask him if he has any spare ink that you could borrow. I have a hunch.
No. 316685 ID: 9c538a

No. 318759 ID: e1359e
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As much as I want to, Penn told me not to ask about the war unless the veteran initiates the subject. If he was even in the war. He might have lost an arm in the DRENK factory or something.

I ask him about Lucky, repeating the now practically rehearsed words and feeling like a door-to-door saleswoman.

He looks at me in silence yet for a few more seconds, then says, "Lucky... hm, that is a name that I have not heard for a while. The fuck do you want to know about him for?"

I tell him that it is for personal research. I do not really even know what that means but it sounds legitimate.

"Lucky lived in the same barracks as me for a period of about three weeks, but I never saw him more than once, probably in the bathroom or somethin'. He was big shit back in the day. People were always talking about him. His regiment had its own fancy tents drawn up and everything. They were stoppin' there on their march to the Battle of Zikur."

I ask him where Lucky is now, and he shrugs. I think that his lazy eye is looking at my boobs but I do not want to say anything about it

Oh, and one more thing, I say. "Do you have any ink to spare?"

The guy looks over his shoulder, then leans toward me, lowering his gruff voice, "No, I don't got any ink for you, but..." he looks around again, then clears his throat, "I saw a group o' four guardsmen carrying a tank of it when they left the city. They put it somewhere in the camp, but I did not see where. I had to lead a pregnant woman and her dumbass husband out of Pang."

There is not much to do other than thank him, and he grins and calls me "cheeks".

I need to find and somehow acquire some of that ink. I have a hunch that it is the only supply of it for miles. To be honest, if I had been this pro-active during my youth, I would probably be a doctor or something

There are a few ways I can go about this:

A - Stealth (find the ink, sneak in, and take some)
B - Barter (find something to trade for ink from the soldiers)
C - Connection (befriend someone in the town guard, bum ink)
D - Violence (threaten a guard into giving me ink)
E - Seduction (seduce a guard for ink)
F - Service (do work, get ink)
G (additional suggestions) - ??? (???, get ink)

Your decision here will help to influence how Muriel approaches problems in the future
No. 318822 ID: a3e92f

Let's not go with seduction. :/

I'd be all for barter or service, but we are in a kind of end of the world scenario here, and I guess trade goods and money will lose value soon (same goes for ervice).

Violence and stealth will be most useful tools in the future, when society goes to hell, but we can still be violent or stealthy with the help of a friend. A friend is useful and has long-term benefits (no, not that kind of benefits).

I say Connections, C.
No. 318826 ID: 0d4861

hmm it's tough choice but I think I'd go with Service. It's simple and useful to be ready to get work hard to meet your goals, and a healthy respect for hard work is always a good trait. Plus Service can work well with Connections; by doing jobs for others you are meeting new people, forming connections and perhaps gathering a few favours in the process. People remember those that get jobs done.
No. 318845 ID: 6e44d2

If this were a proper video game, I'd create a second save file and choose seduction. Since it isn't, I'll go with connection.
No. 319051 ID: 07416a

I'd vote for A or E.
No. 319055 ID: 55c4cf

seduce everything
No. 319058 ID: 221021

Seduction is always the answer, of course!
No. 319065 ID: 180ec2

Is this a trick question? If you give the option people will pick "Seduce". Consequently, that has my vote.
No. 319066 ID: 35e1a0

No. 319080 ID: 547c7c

Herp derp seduction
No. 319109 ID: e1359e
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oh god, that was just supposed to be to troll prudes. Welp, here we go.

I am not sure how much I am cut out for this. There are far better looking girls in this camp who didn't grow up in a hole in the ground. I have no social skills, so I will need some kind of help. The only reason I even know what boys look like in the pants is because I walked in on Penn with an intern from the city center once

Ok, I have to get out of this box. This is just another way to make connections, right? It does not make me any kind of whore or anything. People do this kind of thing all the time. I can fake confidence and maybe show off my drawing skills. I mean, the crowbar is not my best work, but it will show them that I can at least make metal. That is not as easy as it sounds! Ok, ok.

The first step, even before I get to the hard part of interacting with boys, will be to find out who knows where the ink is. I mean, they would not have that kind of thing out in the open, would they? No, of course not.

Ok, where to start. Where do I start? I only known Norbert by name. He was carrying me, so I do not think that he was with the ink tank. Maybe there is a clue, like an ink trail or something? No, that would be too obvious.

I can look at the map that Norbert gave me again to find out where to start, but I would have to guess if every soldier is even in on this.

At least people are out talking. It takes some attention off of me. Everyone is shaken up. There is an unusual amount of both laughter and crying, and I can smell some alcohol from somewhere.

This is just like before, though. Nothing complicated. I just need a lead.
No. 319124 ID: 0d7a83

Consider the prudes thoroughly trolled

Ehh relax this will be easier than you think. You just have to use your natural feminine charms. These are soldiers your dealing with after all; guys who spend a lot of time with only other guys as company. They'll be highly susceptible to your mystique. Plus, if this fails horribly you could then try a MORE REALISTIC AND REASONABLE METHOD.
No. 319128 ID: 35e1a0

it's cause you stated it in irc before tallying the votes, meaning you brought attention to it.

if you really don't think you can do it then don't. seriously. friends (connections) are much better because the odds of them stabbing you in the back go down. while if you use seduction and don't put out they could get angry.
look around for a tent that seems to have more guards then the others.
No. 319141 ID: e6b6b9

The chances of a virgin who has questionable social skills, and who's brother is the only guy she's seen naked, successfully seducing someone are slim to none. Sorry to be blunt there, but I don't want you wasting time or getting yourself hurt when there are better ways to do this.
No. 319326 ID: d0d439

How about keeping this as a backup plan?

I mean >>319141 has a point.

You can go the comrade route first, and if this does not yield the expected results, go down the bed-comrade route anyway.

Herpderp final solution joke
No. 319349 ID: 6e44d2

Oh, you're a virgin? Jeez. How'd that happen? Anyway, forget seduction. That's a bad call. Connections. Learn to flex those social skills!
No. 319416 ID: 8555c2

Say you're a country girl looking to trade a good time for some info. You don't have to seduce anyone. Make yourself out as a piece of fresh meat and they will fight over you.
No. 319435 ID: 1854db

Might want to shelve the seduction bit. Try to trace the smell of alcohol.
No. 321081 ID: e1359e
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Yes... yes. I like this idea better. What could have been may have been horrific.

I have always felt trapped, as if in a box in social situations. It is not so bad with only one other person, but in a crowd, I feel by myself. Boys do not really dig that. Plus I live in a hole and kind of only get to shower twice a week when I am in town.


This leaves me with a few options. I feel like I already have a friend here. Norbert the watchman seems nice, and he saved my life, so at the very least he is an ally. I could go find Norbert, or trace the alcohol smell. Or I guess anything else, but I can not think of anything smart right now. Where to?
No. 321438 ID: b6ca92
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>me gusta
This is your expression. To this day I still have no idea what it's supposed to convey.
No. 321506 ID: 9feb97

Find Norbert for now. I don't know how drunks could help you in this situation.
No. 321547 ID: 1e9d01

In the interest of not causing another tie let's talk to Norbert and find out if there's anything we can do for him in exchange for ink.

Or maybe HE knows about Peter Lucky?
No. 321843 ID: 457890

Go the drunks. They're often loose with information with only a minor amount of coaxing. Plus, any social problems you may have would be less recognizable in their stupor. Hell, maybe alcohol might loosen you up as well.
No. 321943 ID: d70e07


Liking something that usually isn't likable but you like it anyway cuz you're a creepy fuck.
No. 323836 ID: 539968

Go find Norbert again and tell him you need to find Peter Lucky, or someone who knows about him. Names are good. Personal leads are better than ink theft.

I totally forgot about quests for a while. I'm happy this one is still going!
No. 326468 ID: e1359e
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Bam banna badda (travelling music)

The alcohol smell is starting to fade, even though there is still a faint taste of the week lemon-lime fizz that I drank earlier buried somewhere beneath the crust of dust.
No. 326469 ID: e1359e
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It looks like the smart soldiers are in bed already. It must be a lot of work to manage a camp this size.

I would bet that Norbert is in one of these tents. I can call-


I look around my feet for a FLATS SNAKE, but there does not seem to be one. Which tent should I look in


No. 326470 ID: e1359e
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That guard is calling me from between two tents.

"Here is a bit of friendly advice: do not go sniffing around the barracks at night. You'll get in big trouble."

"From you?" I ask, since she seems like the one who should be yelling at me right now.

"No, no. Come here, I want to talk to you."

I go over, and she speaks. She seems to be very friendly, and sincerely out for my safety.

"My name's Layla, sharpshooter for the 134th Polis Guard. Listen, I need you to do something for me right now. Keep your voice down. I have a parcel that I need delivered for a very important matter. I can not deliver it since I am on night watch, and I can not have anyone see me go."

"What is it?" I ask, not expecting an answer. Surprisingly, her expression dissolves to concerned seriousness.

"You are a citizen, and you deserve to know. It is a court-martial charge against Captain Leo Sun and his men. Listen, the mutiny was well-intended. People's lives were saved, but this camp can not survive under the law of a bunch of mutineers. It is just not how the military works. If they double-crossed the sergeant in the city, then they can do the same to the people. I want you to deliver this to the second in command, Lieutenant Gerald Shin. He is part of a reorganization group, and he can help restore proper balance before Sun and his men become corrupt. This court-martial order will relieve Captin Sun of his duty."
No. 326472 ID: e1359e
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I take a moment for my spinning head to absorb the information.

Layla then says, "This would be a great service to the Liite people. Oh, and I will make it worth your while with a nice jug of ink, too. What is your name? I will make sure that it is appointed to you."

Norbert will want to hear about this. He is one of Sun's men. But still, a whole jug of ink...
No. 326473 ID: 35e1a0

no, while it is a nice prize you would get a LOT of soldiers here against you if you did it, while informing sun and giving it to him will earn a lot of gratitude and while they may not give you a jug i am sure they will be willing to part with some.
No. 326475 ID: 3416ec

Deliver that letter.
No. 326488 ID: 252e1b


Give a false name, take the letter, give it to Norbert.
No. 326489 ID: 0d7a83

Don't deliver it. She's talking bullshit. These guys disobeyed orders to get people out of the city alive. You owe your life to one of them, and you need to go tell him about this.
No. 326492 ID: 1854db

Give out a false name, take the letter, and deliver it to Norbert.

'reorganization group' my ass. This is a SECOND MUTINY. This time it's not just abandoning your post to evacuate citizens. This is the classic 'take over the ship' mutiny.
No. 326517 ID: 696dd8


Do it.
No. 326529 ID: 07416a

You're leaving anyways. And a JUG.
No. 326717 ID: 9c538a

A jug of ink won't help you if you're dead. Your life comes before ink... sort of. Honestly you might not want to get involved in this at all, but if you tell Layla she probably will kill you so you don't rat her out.
No. 327798 ID: e1359e
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I should take this to Norbert. Layla gives me the letter, her face glowing with what appears to be sincere delight.

"You are smart to be skeptical. Change is not an easy thing, but you must think of the Liites. Captain Sun and his men are bad people that happened to do one good thing. Now, what is your name?"

I look behind my shoulder, pretending to be distracted in order to offer myself a bit of time to think up a name.

"Tsu. Mary Tsu." As I speak the name, Layla squints for a moment, but then her bright smile returns.

"Our people will owe you a debt of gratitude, Mary. Lieutenant Shin can be found in the eastern-most barracks tent. Keep your head down, if you can help it."

I am not sure how I will ever find Norbert. If he happens to be in a different direction than Shin, then I will have to avoid being spotted by Layla.

Any bright ideas?
No. 327801 ID: 252e1b


"I'm going to head back where I'm expected first, and then sneak off to the right tent, ma'am. That should keep anyone from getting too suspicious."
No. 327813 ID: 35e1a0

"think i've lingered around here too long already. will leave a bit then come back when the suspicions have died down.
No. 327845 ID: 1854db

If he's in the easternmost tent, then circling around the tents would be the best way to 'keep your head down'. Tell her you're gonna do that, except keep circling around until you find a different guard and ask them where Norbert is.
No. 327930 ID: e3f578

IF you get caught by her, act like you have no sense of direction. She said easternmost so just pretend you got mixed up direction by looking at your map continuously and kinda just going around in circles, stopping every now and then before switching a direction.
No. 330370 ID: e1359e
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>If he's in the easternmost tent, then circling around the tents would be the best way to 'keep your head down'. Tell her you're gonna do that, except keep circling around until you find a different guard and ask them where Norbert is.

I tell her this, and she seems to think that it is a wise idea. I wave good-bye and crack off with the court order in hand.
No. 330371 ID: e1359e
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I wander around for a while, seeing less and less people walking around the camp. It is quieter now, which makes my footsteps on the graveled flats floor seem much louder. I also eat a Choop Bar because I am really hungry. (I have ELEVEN Choop Bars remaining). I am close now to the eastern barracks block, so I start to look around for mop-headed soldiers of average height that might resemble Norbert.
No. 330372 ID: e1359e
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It is a bit spooky out here at night. Maybe it is because I grew up in a hole, but wide open spaces make me feel like an ant in a magnifying glass. Trapped in space with no place to hide.

"Oh, hey Muriel! I was looking for you."
No. 330374 ID: e1359e
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Wow, he looks pretty bad!

"I couldn't really sleep, and it looks like you're still up too. I wanted to ask you something..."

I guess I would look pretty bad too if I could not sleep after a day like today. This is my last opportunity to change my mind, or I can show him the order now. Then again, I wonder what he wants to ask me. I do not want to sound like a bum, too, but I still need ink. If that weird-face guy from the mess hall was not making shit up, there should be some at the camp.
No. 330378 ID: 1854db

Ask him what's up. I think we should hold off on the letter business until we know what he wants. Also if we talk to him about the letter you're gonna want to do it quietly.
No. 330408 ID: 252e1b

Just show it to him now, you've got a time limit. Layla will eventually get suspicious, and Norbert's commander will need as much time as he can get to prepare to outmaneuver Layla's faction.

Whatever personal stuff he has on his mind can wait.
No. 330415 ID: 9c538a

It might do to pretend that you're hiding it from Norbert, so a certain sniper with a high powered rifle won't get any ideas that you actually intend to give up her agenda. Just do a really unconvincing attempt at hiding the letter. "Oh uh *stuffs it in pants* nothing, never mind! What letter? I didn't see a letter. Why don't we change the subject?"
No. 330440 ID: 1854db

Do you really think she would murder someone in the middle of a camp of soldiers, right in front of another soldier?
No. 330522 ID: f0acad

>kill both witnesses very quickly/skillfully
>plant evidence on one body
>use military grade silencer
No. 330536 ID: 1854db

A suppressed sniper rifle is still REALLY loud.
No. 331942 ID: e1359e
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Re-update with minor logistics correction

>Just do a really unconvincing attempt at hiding the letter.

I do not think that I will have much trouble with that. You saw my poker face.

Ok, I will give it to him, but do so inconspicuously.

"Yeah..." he says, "well, since you're ok, that is good. I found out that my parents and my little brother are all alive and in the camp, which is also cool. I thought that maybe you might want to go get some tea or something. Maybe you don't like tea. That is all that Captain Sun lets us drink so I kind of developed a taste for it. Uh... well, whatever, I mean"

"Do you see this thing in my hands?" I interrupt in whisper, not making any gesture toward the envelope. I really hope that Layla can not read lips through a gun scope. Actually, fuck that. I would prefer that she is not looking at me through a gun scope at all, lips or not.


"I am going to drop it on the ground accidentally, and you should pick it up for me."

He nods, and we execute the motion. I walk toward a gutter between two tents, and he follows to open the envelope.

"This is bad. This will hold up in the Pangese legal system easily if a jury can be assembled under a judge here at the camp. There is no signature under the warrant. Where did you get this?"
No. 332022 ID: e3f578

Some lady that thinks Sun and his men have a decent chance of being corrupt and will take advantage of the camp. Said she'd give you ink in exchange for the favor, don't give out the name though. She's just some lady.

Drop a hint you need ink for bribery to help in your quest for Lucky Pete and just turned down a convenient deal, but don't make it too strong a hint. Gotta make him guilty. Give the hint a subtle lament tone to it in structure and voice instead of the standard bitchy "I want this and I'm gonna get it from you" hint.
No. 333336 ID: e1359e
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I tell him that another soldier offered me a jug of ink to put this order through the surviving legal system to overthrow Captain Sun's incumbent justice (my actual words are not that fancy and I think that I used a few wrong words but Norbert understands)

>Drop a hint you need ink for bribery
I don't know, asking for a reward for doing what I think is right seems a little sleazy

Plus, Captain Sun will probably not let me go unpaid for saving his ass and all of the asses of his soldiers from a skewed court trial and possibly a firefight.

"Who were you to take it to?"

"Lieutenant... Shin," I could not remember his first name. He nods

"Get some sleep, Muriel," Norbert says, "if you can. This will be cleared up by morning. Come see me in the mess hall at breakfast. I will be in uniform... uh, if that makes it any easier to find me."

Bed does sound pretty good. I need to get a change of clothes soon, too. I would have taken some from home, but I did not expect to be out long. Guess I'm not going back.

Where can I get some new clothes for tomorrow? I should try to avoid Layla. I can easily tell her that I delivered the order, but I am not a good liar and it would be very awkward
No. 333423 ID: 1854db

Gerald Shin. Though I doubt there's more than one Shin.

New clothes? Oh crap. Do you have any money on hand? We can just go buy some from... someone. Shit, I doubt anyone actually brought clothes. You may have to ask whoever's running the official civilian services.
No. 334012 ID: e1359e
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There are tons of Shins, but only one General by that name, I am sure.

You are right. This is just day one... I am sure that some order will come out of this once the power struggles have all come to rest.

I'll just talk to Norbert tomorrow. He'll probably know a bit more about how this place is going to be run.

Just day one. I am going to get some sleep now. Wake me early.

End Chapter 1
No. 334044 ID: 1854db

You got it, toots.
No. 334265 ID: 9c538a


Are you asleep yet?

Are you are you are you?

Is it time to wake up?

Is it time for presents? =D
No. 335936 ID: 3b9af0

Lean harder, you're almost there.
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