Gypsy Giggling Sea
OF COURSE it was flirty! You've been doing a LOT of flirting with her!
You noticed how her ear twitched, right? How she blushed after you said the show was worth the cover charge? How quickly she calmed down and made amends for her outburst?
She likes you, you goof.
Completely aside from that? Flirting really, really helps her.
You saw what kind of scum her father is. He doesn't give a damn about her beyond what he can from selling her. She's spent her entire life being treated like property; constantly seeking his approval in vain, because he doesn't think you should compliment 'property'.
She has poor self-esteem and a shaky self-image. She doesn't even hide it well, you're just thick as a brick. That's not even going into the shame that results from having to cover up body parts out of fear of discovery.
Flirting with her sends her messages like "You are physically attractive and the sort of person I like to be around." in a way that just saying it or trying to talk her up doesn't; it goes beyond words into the realm of actions, which are far more powerful and convincing.
She's also feeling isolated, which would have been helped by knowing that you have a similar need to prove yourself because of your family.
She's also afraid of being weak, and is prone to doubting herself.
There are other factors, but these are the major ones. Recent events have made everything worse, which is one of the reasons why we're pushing like this.
Do you understand why we're suggesting the way we are? What our motivations are?
Are you going to help us help Saisai?