Ice Breeze
I am not defensive about incest, I am simply a little tensed due to the manga-incident that happened less than 24 hours ago as you may recall. So please, enough about my sister already.
Very well. I get it. I understand.
It does not really make any difference if I lay in bed the whole day or spend time with my father as both are equally uninteresting.
>"Hey Marcus."
>"Fiftyeight! Hey, thanks for calling me back. Are you coming to the barbeque today?"
>"I wasn't told there was going to be a barbeque."
>"W.. Well, it's nothing big. I just thought that perhaps we could do something manly together."
>"I won't be eating."
>"A-allright, that's fine, Fiftyeight. Your company will make us very happy."
>"Then I shall see you soon. Goodbye, Marcus."
>"See you later, Fiftyei--"
Allright. I guess I should get ready.
My t-shirt is beginning to smell a bit. Actually, it smells like Janine, which is kind of relaxing, but is far from appropiate barbeque wear.