Lucky Breeze
"Always for you," he says.
His arms wrap around her, drawing her close. She adjusts herself, lets him slide into her, adds her own motion to his. An ear brushes against his lips, and he's happy to oblige it.
They take it slow (since they're both still aching like hell) and they're quiet for a few minutes, until Squires speaks up.
"We haven't actually said anything about us us, really, have we?" she says, between strokes.
"Mumph," says Oren, his mouth full of ear.
"I mean like pretty much we're just fuckbuddies, right? And that's perfectly fine."
"But, um, Sheriff?"
"I think I love you. Have I ever said that? I don't think I have. But I think somewhere between the constant threats of murder and the making fun of each other I really mushy-gushy, cloyingly, happily-ever-after-etc fell for you. And you don't have to say it too cause I don't want to rush you or anything but I just thought I should let you know. Oren?"