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141788 No. 141788 ID: cf68aa

>Okay, we made it to the Tigerfolk city. Nari said she was feeling really sick so I left her outside. it's pitch dark here and no one seems to be outside. There's no guards so I don't think there's a curfew mya.

>Where's Cecil though?
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No. 146436 ID: cf68aa
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>"Have you heard about any battle against Dart taking place lately?"

"Hehe. I'll let you figure that out on you own stranger. Have a nice day."


She starts heading back to the tent gives a small smile

>It would be a nice surprise for him mya. And she's gonna look so shy giving me a kiss!

>I can'
>Mya...? How does this thing even work?
No. 146439 ID: 1ac39d

No. 146447 ID: 2eac65

Hello. You must be the catfolk leader. We've heard about your recent conflicts, and we'd like to learn more about them so we can come to a peaceful solution.
No. 146449 ID: 632862

What's your name? We aren't very well informed, I'm afraid.
No. 146452 ID: 701a19

Do not presume her position; there are many others who we may be speaking to.

Our apologies. We are a fragmented being, and the many fragments can be strange, confusing, or repetitive at times. For simplicity, please call us Geist.
To whom are we speaking?
No. 146470 ID: 11df9c

Let's not be so pretentious as to have a name.
"Voices" is fine.
No. 146471 ID: cf68aa
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>Hmm... Interesing device. So I can assume you have direct connections with the leader of this group? Please inform him that if he or she acts with any hostility I will to more then glad to cut him down and eat him.

>You ask my name? Since you were so kind to introduce yourself first I shall tell you mine. I am Shera, leader of this city.

>Now, before I answer anythig more tell me of your group. Who are you and what is it do you desire? Do not say peace for I highly doubt that is what mercs like you would want.
No. 146472 ID: 11df9c

Well, for now? We want to know what you think of Dart.
Why you didn't help the Tigerfolk in a battle against Dart.
Other than that, I like your hair.
No. 146481 ID: 2eac65

Believe it or not, peace is what we want. Our mission is, in as many words:

>"Bring Peace Between the Catfolk and the Tigerfolk"
>"I am tired of our two cities fighting! If anyone wants to help bring them together be at this bar at 3"

That is the job offer we accepted.
No. 146482 ID: 632862

We seek truth. Then we may decide who needs killing. We may be mercenaries but we don't like getting paid under false pretenses.

We heard you sent an army to fight Dart. Care to give us some details?
No. 146500 ID: cf68aa
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>I never liked my hair...

>A mission of peace... Only fools believe in that. There's either was or a temporary truce. Never peace.

>As for the fight against Dart... That was many years ago now. I sent my family to help our cousins in their struggle. However we were tricked and went the wrong way. After traveling for days on end some of us began to die of a mysterious illness. It caused us to lose our limbs one by one and ate our minds. We soon discovered we were in the Forbidden Zone. A lawless land where the only the most evil survive. We ran out and escaped.

>But even so we lost many people that day and it hurt our cousins faith in us.
No. 146503 ID: 632862

There's no way you can prove it, is there?

...not even showing them your missing limbs?
No. 146504 ID: 701a19

Hello, Shera. It would be more correct to say we are the leader of this group.
There's no need for threats, however, if for no other reason than because you restated the basic premise of law and order.

Our group is composed of:
A human wizard who is seeking vengeance upon Dart for murdering his family and placing him under the Shoujen curse.
His life-long half-catkin friend who is trying to help free him from the curse and kill Dart.
And a young dark elf girl who he saved from an abusive father who was about to use soul petrification to turn her into a living doll for his carnal desires.

There is also a street rat, but she isn't part of our group. She was interested in easy money and got caught up in all of this.
The nearly dead girl we brought in was possessed by some Dark Mage, and we rushed her here to get her medical attention.

Although the title of 'mercenary' may technically apply due to our responding to a job board ad, it carries a very wrong implication.
While our goal was a paycheck, the job listing read "Bring peace between our peoples!". Your spies in Resad should be well aware of the listing, and what it said. Naturally, that left us under the mistaken impression that they were asking for somebody to mediate a dispute.

A small conflict showed off our wizard's power, and upon reaching the tiger's lair we discovered that the job was actually to be sacrificed to power a Dark Mana spell of some sort.
However, the show of force convinced her to offer us as job as assassins instead - at the point of a sword. Fighting our way out of a very hostile group of murderers didn't seem like a wise idea, so we played along until she decided to give us half the backstabbing she planned as a down payment. Then we skipped town, spent the night in hiding, fought the possessed girl, and came into town.

While we would still like to get a paycheck out of this, we have moral objections to needless violence.

The reason we came to you is exactly what we said. The tiger accused you of agreeing to aid her people, then leaving her to be slaughtered by Dart. Since she was clearly not thinking rationally, we thought it best to ask you for your side of the events.

We figured somebody would pay us for resolving this mess.
No. 146508 ID: 2eac65

You don't believe in peace? Even in principle? That's very depressing.

Right now, a few of the tigerfolk are feeling angry because they believe you abandoned them to Dart. Perhaps this particular conflict can be averted if you explain yourself.

Don't give away information so readily. She's been quite hostile to us.
No. 146509 ID: 701a19

Hold on, let us show you something.
[Plays back the following memory]
"A while ago the leader promised to send troops to aid my family to fight against a powerful dark wizard. But when we were supposed to meet the front lines we discovered we were alone. The dark wizard killed everyone.. My troops were like my family and they all died. I survived only because I played dead. When I returned I found that she had never sent her people out. No one even knew about our fight! I wanted her to die from the same magic that killed my family."

>"Was the wizards' name Dart?"

"!? How did you know?"

[End playback]

We can show people things we see, but we've never tried to memorize an old memory.
If you know of a way to show us your memories of the trip then we can in turn show those to her.

I believe that would be enough to convince her, and once that is done her murderous group should dissolve back into normal people.
No. 146512 ID: 701a19

She's laboring under the impression that we're here to kill her; she has every right to be hostile, and we need to prove our intentions otherwise.
No. 146515 ID: a85626

Oh, and the tigerfolk leader has promised our noble human wizard Cecil to cure his Shoujen curse should he bring to her your head. She's pretty pissed off. Cecil probably won't do it, but if we could guarantee that, we would be able to undo Shoujen ourselves. Watch out for him (I mean her). Cecil is powerful even for an elementalist.

You don't have to worry about us being swayed overly by such talk, since obviously we have no body to Shoujen in the first place. We're quite satisfied with the current situation actually, except for one problem. Dart seems to still have an interest in our dear Cecil and is under the impression that Shoujen will have turned Cecil into his obedient slave by now. (We stopped that aspect of the curse at least.)

We probably shouldn't even be here in fact, except that you needed to be warned, and Cecil can't leave the city without the tigerfolk leader engaging in her original plan which was to kill you dead with some sort of dark mana curse.

We're also trying to get Cecil buffed enough to kill Dart like he/she wants to, since frankly the guy's only been an ass so far as we've seen. That might not be possible though. Cecil was wise to be on the verge of killing himself when we happened upon him. Alternatively convincing Cecil to leave Dart the fuck alone (and correspondingly Dart, Cecil) would be an acceptable plan.

Oh also there's a guy here selling dark mana spells down in one of the store tents. You might recognize his shit eating grin, and the sign on his tent that says "don't fuck with me". Not much you can do about that; mostly he seems focused on the sale of birth control for the upcoming festival.

No. 146520 ID: cf68aa
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>And leave my city? Sorry I cannot do that.


>Interseting group... They say Dark Elves taste quite good.
>I find it odd that you would all band together. and you keep a half breed. Probably the result of one of our festivals..


>I know how she feels and to be frank I don't care. Her army is gone. She's let her emotions take over and given up the fight. She'd been reduced to mindless revenge. If she wishes to carry it out I will show her I am still a capable fighter.

>The truce between us has disolved and I have to desire to humble myself just to win the allience of a broken army.
No. 146522 ID: 632862

Is that really how you feel? It seems we are in a hopeless situation.

I urge you to reconsider. This isn't just to gain an alliance. She's willing to use Dark Mana to get revenge, and could harm innocents. If we act against her, we're going to be in a lot of trouble. Already one of our group got in a scuffle with one of her guards and almost died.
No. 146523 ID: 701a19

Are you familiar with the Dark Magic spell Meteor?

Let me tell you about it, then.
Once the spell is cast, a very large rock starts falling from the sky towards your target.

After five minutes, the rock hits and everything within a four mile radius is shredded and the fragments are burned into ash, leaving only a giant crater and ash.
The Dark Mana cost to power this spell is one soul, and it can be cast by a single person from a goodly distance away.

Do you understand the concern, now?
You're a general, and you're alive. It's pretty damn obvious you haven't made a history of scoffing at magic, but Master L is in town if you wish to have him confirm what we have just told you.
This is not about winning an alliance, this is about saving your city from utter annihilation.
No. 146527 ID: 2eac65

For someone who spoke of "coming to her cousins' aid", you suddenly seem rather callous. Doesn't it matter that they have lives and loved ones to protect, just like your people? Or is it only their utility that matters to you?

It's not strange that our group has people of many races. We don't let racial boundaries limit our compassion.
No. 146536 ID: cf68aa
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>... These are all very good reasons. I was not aware that she had meteor in her aresenal...

>Perhaps a truce is in order.

>I want you to tell her that I will speak to her personally and that we should settle this dispute on our own. I also want her to know my side of the story.

>After that I would like you to leave matters into our own hands. Your group has done enough.

>You expect a pay check correct? Tell my guard to lead you to the treasury. Pick out something shiny and leave. I doubt my cousins actually have enough gold to pay you for the things you've done.
No. 146541 ID: 701a19

Very well, but I would advise against using it as means to lure her out and kill her, as their group would persist without her and she appears to not be their only dark mage. We shall inform the rest of our group and see to it.

[Switch to Alex]
No. 146544 ID: 288dda

All we're asking... is that you give peace a chance.

None of our group want to see lives lost because of a misunderstanding.

No. 146552 ID: cf68aa
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>I understand. Please go now.

>"Come on Cecil, just one little kiss~"
"N-No. No more kisses"

>She looks so cute when she blushes~ Oh, you're back. I feel alot better now. RJ's inside the tent playing some card game with Nari and the frozen girl's being worked on as we speak.
No. 146554 ID: 632862

"I guess seeing that cute blush will have to do."

Give Cecil the present!
No. 146562 ID: 701a19

Tell Cecil "They're telling me I could get a LOT more than just a kiss from you out of this, and that they've done right by you so far."

Also, we need somebody to deliver a Cell stone to the Tiger leader. We don't want to be around her when she finds out the result, but things should work themselves out ok after that.
No. 146565 ID: 632862

Oh, and I'm glad you're feeling better, Alex. It's always difficult to come to terms with this sort of thing.
No. 146567 ID: 701a19

Actually, would you care to tell us what you decided?
No. 146569 ID: cf68aa
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>"I guess seeing that cute blush will have to do."

She hands him the scrolls

"Will of the Kings? Zeroon? !!! Debaraast!?! Thank you Alexis! This is perfect!"

>"Mya, no problem Cecil."

>She looks so happy now~

>I know. I'm going to make another one to give to her. I don't like handing out so many though..

>Come to terms with what mya?
No. 146570 ID: 632862

Um... did you decide on whether or not you like girls?
No. 146574 ID: 701a19

About your sexuality - what did you decide?

Also, right now you could kiss him, and I doubt he would resist.

As far as the cell stones go, couldn't you make them so that they can be destroyed remotely? Or after a certain number of uses? Or after a period of time?
We could also request that the stones be returned.
While I can think of a few reasons you wouldn't want so many out there, you're the creator so it would be nice to know why you hold that opinion.
No. 146578 ID: 11df9c

"So, how about a kiss now?"
No. 146580 ID: cf68aa
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>Oh she so owes me mya. I'll save it for later.


>oh... That...
>I think I'm

Nari stumbles over and leans against Cecil

"Cecil... I feel funny...."
"??? What's wrong?"

>"She looks like she has a fever or something mya."

>I hope this isn't cause of the medicine they gave her. She might be allergic.
No. 146581 ID: 632862

...Better go check at the hospital to make sure.

Would a Heal spell help?
No. 146584 ID: 1ac39d

wait... feeling funny. blush on face. sex-fest. she has a case of taking an aphrodisiac.
No. 146585 ID: 701a19

It might be due to being in the city.
OR it might be that somebody hit her with an aphrodisiac.

We can find out faster than you. Hold on.

[Switch to Nari]
No. 146586 ID: 701a19

That's unlikely. If it was, then Cecil would be feeling it through their link.
No. 146588 ID: 79fd87

No. 146591 ID: 11df9c

Offer to have a look and see what's wrong.
No. 146595 ID: cf68aa
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>I've never felt this.... Gods...

>"Cecil... Can you feel it...?"

"No Nari I can't.. what's wrong?"

>"My head is all spinny and I don't know..."

>I can't even... What is this...?
>Cecil can't feel it... This is not a real....
>My head....
No. 146598 ID: 632862

Does your eye feel any different?
No. 146602 ID: 701a19

Did anybody give you something to eat or drink?
Or have you smell something?
When did this start?

Don't worry. We have an idea what's wrong, and you'll be fine. Feeling strange for awhile, but fine.

Now that you know it's not something to worry about, is it a good feeling or a bad feeling? What does it make you want to do?
No. 146604 ID: cf68aa
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>A man gave me juice before.

>It feels werid... I don't know..
>I wanna do something. I don't know what it is though..
>I feel sick... Like i'm gonna explode or something..
>My head's fuzzy...
>Everything's warm..
No. 146607 ID: 632862

Oh hell.

Please don't drink anything anyone in this city gives you, Nari. They like to put mind-altering chemicals in their drinks. It's hard to say exactly what kind you got given, but if I had to guess it's an aphrodisiac.

I suggest going to lie down for a while. Have Cecil or Alex stand guard so nobody does anything to you while you're in this state.
No. 146609 ID: 701a19

Ok, what you're experiencing is an overcharged libido, and what it makes you want to do is get naked with somebody and do... intimate things with them.
We're going to have Cecil take you someplace quiet and stay with you until you're back to normal.

[Switch to Alex]
Some jerk slipped her an aphrodisiac in some juice. Cecil's fine because it's not a real emotion so it doesn't travel through the link.

Tell Cecil what's going on with her, and have him take her just outside of town and set-up the tent for her. Tell him you'll be along shortly, and he should let RJ know where they'll meet.

While he's off doing that, go back to the castle and tell the guard that Shera said you could go to the treasury and pick-out 'something shiny' as payment.
While your initial reaction would be to take the most expensive thing there, I think it would be best to go with either something useful or a single platinum coin. For good reason.
No. 146611 ID: 11df9c

You'll start to understand what you're feeling if you kiss someone.
Maybe Alex? She's been wanting a kiss for a bit, and she hasn't gotten any today.
No. 146615 ID: 934ef5

Well let's not worry about that right now. Alex is a better idea to keep watch over her though, since Cecils soul link might... complicate matters.
No. 146616 ID: cf68aa
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>Kiss...? Yes that's it. I want to kiss someone 'right now'.
>I need to..

>Mya? Someone slipped her some happy drugs huh? They'll be out've her system in a day but she's gonna go through hell.

>I'm not sure I should drop by the treasury now. I think the festival's starting up soon.


>Did it get warmer mya?
No. 146621 ID: 701a19

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