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File 12676664963.png - (6.15KB , 640x480 , Splash1.png )
141591 No. 141591 ID: e31d52

Special AI interface "Legion" installing...


Please enjoy the GILB-certified Legion decisivity module, installed by Dr. Delarosa. Now examining vital statistics.
Name: Anthony Sire
Age: 18
Specialties: N/A
Abilities: N/A
Goal: To participate in a Gearhead Match against elder sibling Sarah and acheive victory.

Thought link-up starting....


Ugh, they aren't kidding about the sting.

I hope this was worth the money. That job at Carl's is not something I want to repeat. Let me see here, what was the command to get you folks going...

Oh, I'll remember sooner or later. My name is Anthony, and I'm 18. Today is the day I've decided to enter the wonderful world of the League. Mom's angry as hell but, hey, I have to have some talent. I mean, my sister got to be a Cog in a year and a half!

So I need to decide... Entertainment circuit, or Military?
193 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 142888 ID: d1210a

Any actions that might be tactically sound but the audience dissaproves of?

And for videos, I have more interest in videos demonstrating what someone in a starter heavy mech like our can do in terms of creative body movement/improvisation that would be possible with our current suit.

However, any high level tapes in general where someone uses a suit similar to ours would be useful, to give us ideas in what directions to progress.

The 8-Ball invitational.... does 8-ball always participate in this?
No. 142889 ID: e31d52


Entertainment Rookie Leader: Antione
MCU: Slaver Mk. V
MCU is notable for creative use of Spike extension, and for utilizing the Plasma Shoulder armament in strange and sometimes odd ways. Be forewarned of melee attacks.
Suggestion: Aiming for the Hover system's control or thrust system may be advantageous.

Entertainment Intermediate Leader: A. C. Randon
Core: Chariot
Core is noted for exclusive use of a single weapon combination: Spike in one arm, magnetic sheild on the other. Outpaces all speed values in all brackets, at the cost of very minimal armor. Quickly destroys opponent's sensory abilities, then forces a surrender to the pilot when they open 'pit. Has never killed a pilot.

Entertainment Professional Leader: Gerald "Blazing Sword" Forge
Gearhead: Durandal
Noted for Custom Weapon, the Sword. Is the only known instance of a non-vibrating, non-toothed blade to ever peirce an opponent's armor. Showy, over the top. Uses heat venting system ALPHA to overheat the arena, usually damaging sensitive equipment outright. He then uses the Sword to assault the opponent, relying on surprise and overconfidence of foes to win the day. Noted for being offered Coghood and denying.

No. 142893 ID: e31d52


>The 8-Ball invitational.... does 8-ball always participate in this?

The 8-ball invitational is an event that occurs once a year and has seen competition from all brackets. It is hosted and sponsored by 8-Ball, the prize being a match against him. There is not prize for beating 8-ball beyond notoriety. 8-ball selects what he considers 'the best and most incredible' pilots each year, according to his own whims. The event is highly regarded as being the best place to veiw new piloting techniques and meet strong players.
It should be noted that every winner of this even has been given a Coghood invite between a day and one month afterwards.

>I have more interest in videos demonstrating what someone in a starter heavy mech like our can do in terms of creative body movement/improvisation that would be possible with our current suit.

Heavy arms are capable of lifting and moving heavy terrain. The first victorious match of Gerald Forge saw him utilize this tactic to pick up a large piece of cover, a concrete barricade with titanium mech reinforcement, to advance on an opponent when his weapon was destroyed.
No. 142894 ID: e31d52

He then beat the opponent with a single overhand blow with the same peice of scenery.
No. 142942 ID: d1210a

All levels of matches have barriors/debris of a relatively similar weight/size, at least until we get to Gearheads, yes?

So our suit should have this as a viable tactic as long as we keep it a heavy.

At this juncture, as a new Legion protocol we don't have enough knowledge of live combat in mechs, so I think further questions can wait till after a field test of several of the principles we have been working on.

---Using Speed Feet (Wake up early, if you can try and get some practice with the Speed Feet prior to your match.

--Using heavy mech's strength, barrior appropriation.

--Use heavy mech's durability and Speed feet to close and melee small, lightly armored mechs, as disparate armor levels were mentioned as making unarmed melee viable. Any other situation, just go for limbs, either to tear off with you reasonably large amount of torque, or failing that keeping them and whatever armaments they have out of your way.

--If possible, try to cripple movement, to then follow up with rifle shots to joints, should bring down even heavier targets than us.

I figure if we try to add any more to our to do list at this juncture,. we'll be spread too thin for our match.
No. 142961 ID: e31d52

This is indeed a viable stratagem. However, be advised that over-reliance on GILBN is a weakness in and of itself.
No. 142968 ID: d1210a

If this is an implication that we as Legion protocols should pay attention to insuring the pilot himself is sufficiently capable that even lacking our advice he could perform, then this is already understood.

If this is to infer that using the connection to the network to learn of our foes and such could become a weakness to the pilot if they grow overreliant through us, this is also understood.

If there was a tertiary meaning, this protocol missed it.

What is the current time, when did the host go to sleep, and when is the match? Human biology standards dictate that we should attempt to insur Sire gets only sufficient sleep, as oversleep can dull responses just as lack of sleep can distort them.
No. 142972 ID: e31d52

This legion protocol cannot intterupt sleep patterns. It should also be noted you can be forced into the Network at any time, whether it is available or not.

I blink awake. It's six in the morning. Ugh... My current plans are:

-Tell mum
-See Ashley and complete my training
-Win the match
No. 142978 ID: d1210a

Hm... still not sure about telling her now, versus after the match.

Both ways of approaching this have ups and downs, but idyllically, I think your best chance at a favorable reaction is to either tell them now, or even better, after you win your first match. Telling them after losing would be the worst case scenario.
I stil say put off telling them till after the first match, so you at least have a reasonable idea of whether this is going to work or not. But get someone to record it, and bring th tape when you tell your parents.

That's about as close to having your cake and eating to as I figure you can get.

Plus it frees up more time for training, since this conversation could take a while, and before a match is not the best time for that.
No. 142984 ID: e31d52
File 126791102698.jpg - (115.46KB , 884x1024 , Hannah.jpg )

Yeah. I'll eat at Ashley's place.

I slip out the window again, making my way to the garage.

I bump into a girl on the way there. I must be hurrying without even noticing... I need to calm down.
"'s alright." she mumbles, and we continue on.
No. 142985 ID: 701a19

Your wallet's gone.
No. 142987 ID: e31d52

What do you mean my Wallet's go-
Fuck. FUCK, IT IS! My badge is in there!
"Hey! HEY!" I turn and run after her, and she's already sprinting. Damnit, if I can't catch her I lose by default!
No. 142989 ID: d1210a

Well that means catching her is of rather tantamount importance, isn't it?

Sprint full speed after her, paying attention to obstacles in case she tries to slow you down with debris. Once you get close enough, flying tackle to take her down, I somehow doubt you don't have enough weight advantage to make this a finisher for the run.

No. 142990 ID: 7a5e3f

Might be brutal, but if you can find something on the ground, snatch it as you run and see if you can bean her in the head. I mean, don't kill her or anything by using a rock or something stupid heavy.
No. 142991 ID: e31d52

"Hey, come back here!"
"Do you really think that'll help?" she calls back, gripping the top of a fence and flipping over it.

Damnit! I leap onto a nearby dumpster and over the fence, finally catching her and pinning her by the shoulders.
No. 142998 ID: 701a19

Don't rape her, that would make us lose approval from the Ashley faction.
Instead, take the wallet back and drag her to Ashley's place. From there you can call the cops, or whatever.
No. 143001 ID: e31d52

"Where's my wallet?"
She laughs.
"Guess, you idiot."
No. 143002 ID: d1210a


Take your wallet back, and jack hers while smirking.

Then leave.
No. 143003 ID: d1210a

"If you want someone to fondle you, there are easier ways to go about it."
No. 143008 ID: 701a19

Flip her around so she's facing the wall, then use one hand to search her.
Be careful to make sure she can't kick or elbow you.
No. 143012 ID: e31d52

"Look, if you wanted to be fondled, there's easier ways to go about it."

I lift her up and shove her against the wall, patting her down carefully. I take my wallet out and check it, holding her against the wall with my foot.

Then I take my badge from between her breats, without touching either of them.
Then she scrambles away, laughing.

I shake my head and begin to make my way back to Ashley's.
No. 143013 ID: d1210a

Double check it actually is your badge before she gets too far away.
No. 143017 ID: e31d52

Yeah, it's mine.

The front door is locked, so I make my way around the back to see Ashley working on my mech in a stained bathrobe. She's yet to notice me.
No. 143018 ID: 701a19

Walk up behind her and hug her, then kiss her neck.
No. 143029 ID: d1210a


Quick double check the girl that jacked your wallet didn't have some scent on her, shit rubs off crazy easy, and even though you have a legitimate explanation, most lie and come up with stuff like what actually happened to you.

So try and avoid that if possible. Check your scent. Do it.
No. 143031 ID: 601a90

oh man, yeah. that is super important.
No. 143033 ID: e31d52

Naw. She was a just some thug.

I slip behind Ashley, wrapping my hands around her waist and kissing the back of her neck gently.
"Good morning." I murmur. She leans back into me.
No. 143037 ID: 701a19

That's fine. Hold her close and keep planting kisses until she says or does something.
No. 143040 ID: e31d52

She giggles and turns in my arms and kisses me back.
"Good morning." she replies. "I wasn't expecting you so early. Sorry if I'm underdressed."
No. 143043 ID: d1210a

Okay, as fun as a quick fuck would/could be, tell your dick to shut up, you have you're first match TODAY, and Ashley will still be hear when you get back.

So prove you meant it when you said you take piloting seriously, and ask if you can help her with the calibration/testing, partly to make it go faster, partly to bond.
No. 143045 ID: e31d52

"I think I should get back to training."
"So very dedicated." she says with a giggle. "Hop right in. Burn is ready for you."

I get in and stand up.
{Okay, today we're going over secondary weapons and locking on.} she says, her face appearing to one side. {I'm turning on the locking system now...}

A large square appears in my feild of vision, a small cursor scanning the area.
No. 143048 ID: d1210a

Hm, how does the lock on function?

I mean, there are several disparate systems that can provide lockon, ranging from analyzing camera feed to select what is likely to be a target, to laser guiding, even some limited [at 2010 era] Target prioritization programs.

Also, how much does Maximum Burn weigh, with and without missiles? If they (the missiles) have enough mass, launching them could lighten us enough to amplify the effects speed feet has.

To build on that, since mech design is modular, is there some way to trigger the release of parts mid-fight? Say, run out of missiles, jettison missile launcher, since it doesn't do anything but weigh you down at that juncture?
No. 143050 ID: 19b50e

Start playing around with it immediately.
Don't shoot anything yet, but get a feel for how the system works.
Pay close attention to the feedback it gives you; color changes, sounds, vibration, everything.
No. 143052 ID: e31d52

Locking on seems based on a part that is inherent in all mechs, that is to say the pilot. It then can lock on to different areas of a mech.

As for the weight of Burn? I have no idea. I imagine it's in the range of tons.
((Locking on: Locking on allows for a +3 bonus to certain actions. Some weapon systems need a lock on to function. In order to lock on, oyu must be facing the target, and maintain LOS for at least three seconds.
Multilock: Some weapon systems launch multiple projectiles based on the amount of time you are locked on. Traditionally, these take about 2 seconds for each projectile.
Breaking Locks: In order to break a lock on, you must leave the opponent's feild of vision, or activate anti-lock tech.

Range of lockon is dependant on your system.))
No. 143055 ID: d1210a

Oh, range has some impact on lockon?

And we have a mild anti-lockon item, WITH a long range rifle? And we have armor as well as a method to boost our speed?

Perhaps our initial outlook to this upcoming match could be to play to those strengths, staying mobile with anti-lock active, and trading shots with rifle while relying on armor to shrug off the shots that hit? Basically, act like a Dom.
No. 143056 ID: e31d52

Well, the antilock system is only good for disrupting lockons that can't be made again soon. Not to mention it can't be activated at the same time as using other systems.

{Okay, I'm going to activate the sensors for lock-on now. It should train on the cockpit in front of you, on that pile.}
It does, beeping quietly.
{All right, shoot it.}

No. 143059 ID: 632862

Hey. Reviewing earlier events, I noticed we caught the thug's name. Hannah. We're designed to recognize other competitors, soldiers, and GILB officers? Does that mean she's one of them?
No. 143069 ID: 632862

rolled 10 = 10

Also, shoot that cockpit.
No. 143071 ID: 7a5e3f

rolled 14 = 14

Show her how a man shoots out a cock.
No. 143076 ID: b69168

rolled 8 = 8

Now practicing ventilating enemy cockpits. We should do this in front of people. Scare out opponents a little.
No. 143080 ID: b69168

rolled 2 = 2


FFFFFFF. Not like that we're not. If I roll again, do both count?
No. 143082 ID: 601a90

no, but why did you roll at all? we already had 2 good ones.
No. 143084 ID: 632862

Well, I guess there's always the chance for a 20, which overrides all other rolls. But no, we can't reroll. Besides, an 8 + 4 is still 12.
No. 143087 ID: 7a5e3f

The average of all the rolls with the bonus is 12.5 at the second, so we'll kinda succeed. Unless someone wants to try for a dramatic success.
No. 143088 ID: 903f16

Ashley mentioned her on our date. She has a mech with quad speedfeet and she's found several creative uses for them.
No. 143092 ID: b69168


Assuming they are the same people, we should make a note to ask Ashley for more information on her, if she has any. Or, we could do that network thing again and look her up.
No. 143096 ID: abba4b

:Retrieve information on Hannah from the network:
No. 143124 ID: e31d52

(Average success)
The rifle thunders, and the bullet slams into the cockpit, annihalating the seat and leaving a round hole in the back.

{Very good! Now, I'll lower a constructed MCU. Don't worry, it's been ruined by overheat abuse. Once you ruin a limb, we'll move on to speed boosters.}

((Wounds are a measure of the status of a part of the mech. Each limb (arms and legs) has 4 wounds. The head has two, and the chest has six. If the cockpit is seperate from the chest, it has a single wound. Wounds are determined by the degree of success you acheive, to wit:
1= 0 wounds, miss. 5= 0 wounds, miss. 10= 1 wound, glancing blow, 15= 2 wounds, direct blow, and 20= 3 wounds, a precision hit.))
No. 143125 ID: e31d52

<<Not possible at this point. GILBN is only accessable at certain times.>>
No. 143127 ID: d1210a

rolled 7, 13 = 20


Let's see if we can snap off two shots from the rifle to the same limb, a mech equivalent of a double tap. Even with a single fire, this should still be viable, if not as quick as it could be.
No. 143130 ID: e31d52

((-2 penalty applied for rapid fire attempt. Bonus lowered to +2.))
((-2 penalty for aiming for an armored area. Bonus lowered to 0.))

My first shot misses, but I quickly correct and score a shot on the edge of the arm. The armor there peels back from the impact.

I reload.
No. 143134 ID: 632862

Let's try a little melee combat. Rush up and grab the upper arm with one hand, and take the lower arm and bend it backwards against the joint.
No. 143136 ID: d1210a

rolled 16, 8 = 24

Try and keep with this double tap idea, it's a simple way of irking a bit more firepower out of a single fire weapon, without losing much of the accuracy.
No. 143141 ID: e31d52

((Please remember to roll on your actions!))

((-3 total penalty applied.))
Again, I manage another shot that barely hits, but the next one goes wide. The armor plate on the arm flies off completely, revealing the synthetic musculature of tubing and thick wiring beneath.
No. 143143 ID: 632862

rolled 4 = 4

Grab that tubing and wiring, then yank it out.
No. 143145 ID: e31d52

I grab it, leaning forward, but my atempts to tear it free yeild no result.

Maybe that's why I should use both arms next time.
No. 143146 ID: 632862

rolled 2 = 2

Brace yourself with your other arm for more leverage.
No. 143147 ID: 701a19

rolled 8 = 8

Brace yourself with your LEGS for greater leverage AND BALANCE.
No. 143148 ID: 601a90

we are going to bomb this match if these dice don't stop acting like this!
but also, having something that important be dependant on luck.
No. 143150 ID: 601a90

*doesn't seem like a good idea.
No. 143151 ID: e31d52

((Hand-to-hand skill is now at +2.))
I try a little harder, but it's not working out.My hand's too big for the opening I made.
No. 143155 ID: d1210a

rolled 13 = 13





No. 143158 ID: 632862

rolled 17 = 17

Take a precision shot at a structural weakness surrounding the opening.
No. 143160 ID: d1210a

I support this since Shiitake has been waiting for a good roll for a while.

Maybe next time Ryoma
No. 143162 ID: e31d52

((Direct hit!)

I fire again, the bullet slamming through the connective tubing and wiring, leaving the arm hanging by relay wiring.
No. 143164 ID: 632862

rolled 2 = 2

So rip it off. Use proper bracing, with legs and arms.
No. 143165 ID: 601a90

that right there is what i mean! we could be rolling really well and then on the last shot we get a 1 and lose! leaving things like this to chance makes it feel like no matter what we do it's hopeless! graAAAAAAAA!!!
No. 143166 ID: e31d52

I sigh and simply pull it off, placing it on the ground.

((No roll needed.))
{Alright! So you can see now that it's not as simple as taking a shot like on television. A lot of fights get heavily edited.}

((Shooting skill is now at +2, or +5 with lockon.))
No. 143169 ID: d1210a

Say, any danger to the gun if you fire it point blank? Or is it too cumbersome for that to work?

Further, what kind of modifiers could range have on shooting?
No. 143176 ID: b69168

We need to work on our Melee skills. Punching and Ripping will be to our advantage in the future.
No. 143239 ID: e31d52

"Say, uh, is there any danger to firing the gun point-blank?"
{Guns are really fragile, Tony. At the very best you'd be able to blast a hole in them, but that would be really rare. It's more likely that they'll disarm you.}

That's true... But for now let's cover the basics.

{Okay, on your main controls is a small green button. This switches your targeting system between weapons. Switch to your missiles.}


{Now, these missiles are dumbfire with automatic lead projection. You'll note when you lock on, you'll see numbers appear one by one over the lock. I want you to destroy another limb for me.}

((Missiles treat all hits as Direct blows. Homing missiles treat shooting as if it were Routine. Dumbfire autolead have the same score as your shooting ability.))
((Choose a number of missles, a target, and shoot with a +5.))
No. 143247 ID: 632862

rolled 2, 14 = 16

2 missiles, leg.
No. 143258 ID: e31d52

The first missile blows open the knee joint, and the second one blows the leg apart completeley.

{Unfortunately, in order to rack up locks like that, you need to stand still while aiming and firing. Last part, Tony.}

The dummy lifts.

{The speed feet are activated with the normal movement system. Just double the normal movements.}

((In order to activate special extensions like the Speed Feet, you must make an initial check to get them running. Higher success allows them to be used for longer periods of time. You may treat this as a Routine action, but you will have access to the bonuses granted for a shorter period of time. The bonus to Activation is +4.))
No. 143322 ID: d1210a

rolled 8 = 8


try and build a more pronounced lean forward when using speed feet to dash forward, for this first test. It should make the transition to a higher speed and output from legs easier due to orientation.
No. 143324 ID: e31d52


I lean forward, then turn them on. I hear a loud sound of fire, then Burn's feet seem to move faster than possible. I dash forward, each footstep a quake that shakes the piles of dead parts.
It's short-lived, however, ending only about half a minute later.

{Sorry. With the weight they are working with, they can't hold up long. Come on back.}
No. 143325 ID: d1210a

30 seconds is a LONG time in a fight, if you act decisively. This could be critical.

Give them a test for abrupt direction changes, and for dodging to either side. See how much it can improve performance in those categories.

This amplification should be reasonably flexible, if I'm interpreting how it works correctly. This could be very, VERY useful.
No. 143329 ID: e31d52

I try again, this time with strafing and dodging.

I can make small hops, maybe five seet into the air, and dive. It's really nice how veratile they are.

{Alright. Since this is your first match, we'll be heading in an hour early. It's seven now, I think you should eat. Kneel him down, I have breakfast ready for you.}
No. 143337 ID: d1210a

Kneel is routine to us now, go with your experience and just do it.

Get out with a smile, and ask her what she thinks of your chances as a rookie.
No. 143345 ID: e31d52

I get out and take the meal, happy for warm food.
"Your chances are a little better than most." she says. "You'll be a risky bet, but the only two people in the bracket I can think of that can best you are Hannah and Antoine. And the former relies on a lot of tricks, you should be able to beat her with pure muscle and firepower."
No. 143348 ID: 601a90

perfect! mention Hannah tried to steal your stuff on the way over but you managed to get it back. if you have to fight her today it would explain why she did it, steal your card and you have to forfeit.
No. 143350 ID: d1210a

Make immediate connection girl who jacked wallet was Hannah, both on instinct from mention of tricks and her mannerisms, and from our info.
No. 143352 ID: e31d52

"I think she tried to steal my wallet on the way here."
"Had to chase her down to get it back."
Ashley raises an eyebrow.
"It's said that outside the arena, anything goes. GILB only really pops its head in during a few instances, everything else is up to local police. You did report it, right?"
"Ugh, you're so gormless..." she shakes her head. "Well, at least you have the badge still."
No. 143363 ID: d1210a

A good thing.

so, what are you supposed to do with this extra hour, here?
No. 143366 ID: e31d52

I, uh...
I don't want to train, because... uh.
Well, I mihgt die in there. I don't want any, uh... Regrets.
No. 143370 ID: d1210a

Okay, valid concern.

But if that concern really is valid, do you have time for hesitation, for uncertainty?

As you just stated, you could die out there. What could be worse than that?
No. 143371 ID: 632862

Alright. How about a little more sharpshooting practice, then heavy lifting and melee techniques.
No. 143373 ID: e31d52

L-look, it's only now dawned on me that Im heading into a possibly lethal game at the age of 18 and a virgin and without having told my mother what's going on!
No. 143380 ID: d1210a

rolled 11, 13, 7, 9, 15, 12 = 67

Okay see? The virgin thing? Highly relevant for us, part of a pilot's performance is psychological condition, being hung up about that now is a bit late to tell us.

But think about this.


Just beat one person, and noe of these fears will be an issue right now. One single individual. That isn't impossible, not by a long shot.

So, if you don't WANT to have to worry about dying, get in some more rapid-aiming practice with your rifle. You want this match over as fast as possible, so quick strings of double taps, letting your nerves drain away, could work. Just shoot, reload when you need to, and watch the maintenance of your equipment.
No. 143386 ID: 601a90

agreed. practice. win your match. tell your mom you are a cog, and you have a girlfriend, but you will still come home for Christmas and stuff. celebrate with ashley, maybe just making out for a while or actually doing it, her call. we'll think of the rest later.
No. 143390 ID: e31d52

Right. This match is all that matters now. I just have to do it!

Trait earned: Relentless
When making multiple attacks, you suffer no penalty, to attack rolls.
Normal: There is a -2 cumulative penalty for each attack beyond the first.

Trait earned: Smash and Bash
When making melee attacks, you count the Lock On bonus.
Normal:Lock-on does not affect melee.

I have an hour free.
Should I Spend time with Ashley, or Leave early?
No. 143391 ID: e75a2f

Normally I'd say leave early, but given the nature of this sport and the fact that you may be up against a cockpit-shooting douchebag, you may want to spend time with Ashley instead.
No. 143392 ID: d1210a

I still stand by >>143380, get in some last practice with the rifle.

But if that isn't an option, then spend time with Ashley, but only if this time couldn't be spent relentlessly preparing with every last second you have to insure your victory.
No. 143394 ID: 601a90

divide it. a half hour with ash. going a little over will be fine. then go to the match, you will be early but no so early that it makes you look bad.
No. 143395 ID: e31d52

I only have so much ammo and money to buy it with.
I might dig into maintenance if I keep training like I have.
No. 143396 ID: d1210a




The arms and legs have thicker armor than the chest because we got the medium cockpit, right?

Well, to hold the rifle, one arm has to brace it. That already provides partial cover to our cockpit, real handy to offset lessened armor.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, and sort of extension on our preferred bracing arm about the forearm can act as an active shield while we are sighting our gun on something

That is a critical advantage right there. Hell, if at some point we can get a way to get sensory dat from said shield, we wouldn't even need to expose our head.
No. 143398 ID: e31d52

You mean like... ooooh! I get it. I know there are metal sheilds available at Proven. I'll just get one of those!

I'll be staying with Ashley a little longer. I sit beside her, and she leans against me, looking up at me.
"You know... me and my dad have sent off a lot of rookies to their first match." she says softly. "A... A lot of them don't come back." she says, gesturing at the ruined cockpits in the parts yard. "Tony... you... you will come back, right?"
No. 143403 ID: 601a90

say "well, since you asked, i guess i have to."
then when she gets all flustered say "seriously though, i will. even if it means losing my fisrt match i will come back."
No. 143432 ID: d1210a

I don't know if we should go that route, since Sire could be up shit creek with a loss here, even by forfeit, if I understand this right.

Rather, stick with telling her you'll be back, since you know you have to win anyway.
No. 143439 ID: e31d52

That's right. A loss here means starting all over again.
"I'll be back, Ashley. You can count on it. I'll win and we'll upgrade Burn together."
She smiles and hugs me tightly, content with that answer. I gently pet her long hair.
No. 143536 ID: e31d52

After a few moments, Ashley looks up at me.
"It's time for you to go." she says softly, kissing my lips. "I'll be watching." she says, then rises. "They'll pick up Burn seperately and take him to the match. Get going."


"Tony, in case you don't make it back..." she says, as I reach the door. I turn halfway to hear her. "I... I've liked you since middle school. I thought you'd... you'd like to hear that."
I nod, and run. The stadium looms in the distance.

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