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1096333 No. 1096333 ID: 15a025

Hi, I’m the Lock Picking Poodle.
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No. 1096334 ID: 15a025
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and today we’re picking a lock for my three foot tall fence.

Now, you might be asking. “Couldn’t someone jump over a fence that small?”

No, because jumping is outlawed. You can’t do that. I know this, because I’m a lawyer.

Can you help me pick a lock?
No. 1096335 ID: 273c18

Do you have a rake?
No. 1096336 ID: 355e44

A nice vintage lock to match the rustic aesthetic.
No. 1096337 ID: 4c750c

Check for clicks on one, and whether or not two is catching.
No. 1096339 ID: 9f8647

Oh no, we broke the pick. Don’t worry, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents.
No. 1096340 ID: eb0a9c

If it's a padlock, buy another lock and smash the first one with the second until the hardness breaks one open.

you know
look for your hidden key?
You're supposed to place a key in a hard-to-spot location that you can retrieve. Mix that with a biometric scanner, and you have two-factor authentication that would be hard to flub.
No. 1096345 ID: 77fb08

Use a hairpin and jiggle it inside the keyhole until it works.
No. 1096347 ID: 4591f8

would you perchance happen to have in your possession a single sided jiggler
No. 1096348 ID: bc62fd

Is this a tv show about lockpicking?, or a youtube series?
No. 1096350 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1096365 ID: 2f41db

Selecting, jimmying or just poking around, we can surely help.
The answer is
No. 1096388 ID: 15a025
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>Do you have a rake?
Why, are you saying my yard is messy? How’s a rake going to help.

>would you perchance happen to have in your possession a single sided jiggler
A single sided jiggler? I don’t even know what that is.

Well, I’m sure it might be tasty to lick. I haven’t had my tetanus shot yet.
No. 1096390 ID: 15a025
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>Is this a tv show about lockpicking?
Yes! Yes it is. Finally, someone here who understands things.

>A nice vintage lock to match the rustic aesthetic.

Oh that’s a wonderful idea! I dig into my pocket full of locks and lock up my fence.

Lock Picking Poodle: “Here we have a vintage Mastiff Lock dating back to the 1930’s. Listen to that wonderful click makes as I lock it into place, securing my fence.”
No. 1096391 ID: 15a025
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Lock Picking Poodle: “For all your locking picking needs, this is the Lock Picking Poodle signing off! Thank you for joining our wonderful showing!”

End Score:
Locks picked: 1/1
Fences Secured: 1/1
Locks licked: 0/1
Total Views: 10
No. 1096393 ID: 9f8647

Congratulations! Now to go back to work as a lawyer poodle.
No. 1096397 ID: 9ab918

Cant wait for episode two where we see how to lockpick a wheel clamp
No. 1096398 ID: 355e44

I will smash the subscribe button and ring the bell for notification of the next exciting episode.
No. 1096404 ID: 3c8716

Close the lock and pick it again to make sure that wasn't a fluke!
No. 1096466 ID: 4c750c

10/10, would quest again
No. 1096527 ID: 4fcf12

I once had somebody in person misunderstand "pick locks" in just that way. It was weird to try to explain.

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