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1076106 No. 1076106 ID: 46e818

>"Master... I mean this with all due respect, but..."
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No. 1079509 ID: cb31fa

To be fair I don't think we've asked about the parentage of ANY of our minions.
No. 1079511 ID: 9a1743

We really need a family dinner with all of them and their families
No. 1079514 ID: 1034ad

I think the amulet is just the emblem of tsar bomba
No. 1079541 ID: 421554

That honestly is kind of impressive. Did she just intentionally ignore her dad's job for years, or...?
No. 1079560 ID: 46e818
File 170309534764.png - (15.10KB , 800x600 , 1893.png )

Tislomer fumbles for an explanation.

>"Uh... oh. No, I... doooo, I did, I ummmb."
No. 1079561 ID: e01d4e

No weaseling your way out of this one, Tis.
No. 1079562 ID: 3b45d0

Whoops. Perhaps this would be the time to ask her father to re-educate her as well as ourselves about the practice and customs associated with the sacred beast?
No. 1079565 ID: 46e818
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>"Come on sweetie! You remember! He was your favorite! You had the little wood doll of Him?
>Remember we had that little song you liked so much? You used to sing it in the bathtub!
>The Red One! Remember?"
No. 1079566 ID: 46e818
File 170309932266.png - (12.61KB , 800x600 , 1895.png )

No. 1079568 ID: eb7ce4

that is one head empty expression if ive ever seen one
No. 1079569 ID: 3b45d0

Whisper in her ear "Fake it till you make it."
No. 1079570 ID: 8f9bc4

Carry Tislomer's unresponsive body outside before she goes full doobie.
No. 1079571 ID: 421554

That's the expression of a man who desperately wants to believe his daughter just has her head in the clouds, not out of the stratosphere and orbiting the moon.
No. 1079573 ID: c1d3d1

this is... actually kind of concerning. does tislomer potentially have some kind of brain damage?
No. 1079575 ID: 8f9bc4

What's concerning is why everyone is pretending she's from this village. Because she is from this village. You know she is! Then why does it seem like they're all pretending?
No. 1079582 ID: 93d066


I blame the tree licking, one was bound to mess with her head.
No. 1079584 ID: 3f3d5c


No. 1079596 ID: d991ad

Tislomer? Charmedfrighted? Charm? Everything alright?
No. 1079620 ID: ce619a

Maybe she needs to hear the song again to jog her memory.

No. 1079621 ID: debc82


That is the face of someone taking a truly inconceivable amount of psychic damage.

Or just really, REALLY wishing they weren't here right now. One or the other.
No. 1079623 ID: 46e818
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>"You remember how it goes--"

>"Dad please don't sing"

The advisors lean in.
>"Ceremony Master, I don't think our honorable guests came here for this--"
Finesse sighs loudly.
>"I agree, Master Muschio. We're wasting time when we should be--"

"No no, this is valuable intelligence. Please proceed, sage."

>Come on, sweetie, you remember!
>♫ He's the best, He's my friend,
>I hope he brings me candy soup tomorrow ♪"
No. 1079624 ID: 46e818
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No. 1079625 ID: 46e818
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No. 1079626 ID: 42c79f

> Mister Lollipop

Slow clap. Brilliant. Our divine beast is named for candy. Brilliant.
No. 1079627 ID: 8f9bc4

That's Doctor Lollipop to you, young lady!
No. 1079628 ID: 273c18

Now, why is he called that, exactly? What is the association with candy?
No. 1079637 ID: 53560f

Did healing tislomer’s face cure an undiagnosed case of colourblindness? Ask her what colour the room is now and what colour she remembers it being in the past. That’ll give us all the confirmation we need.
No. 1079642 ID: 1034ad

‘Cause he’s red
No. 1079645 ID: 273c18

Lollipops come in many colors.
No. 1079650 ID: f14228

Smile, clap your hands once and state that with this the confusion appears to have been resolved. You see now how it occurred, and, frankly, it seems to the divine guardian's credit that it is on such good terms with the village and their children that they are afforded an affectionate nickname. Which makes its disappearance of late all the stranger, no?

Now, shall the due respect and considerationing continue, or has the formal air gone out of the meeting? You may be here in official capacity, but one need not at present stand on ceremony unless it is required. You would certainly love to learn some more of their missing guardian before you go to seek where they may have ended.

Is there any clues as to what they were doing recently, for example?
No. 1079653 ID: ce619a

Once we're done embarrassing the cutekold let's show the ceremony master the amulet replica
No. 1079655 ID: 46e818
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>"I remember hearing those words, when she turned to me. After everything I had worked for, after everything we had discussed, she stared straight into my eyes."
No. 1079656 ID: 46e818
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>"Then she called me by the wrong name, knocked the drink out of my hand, and threw up all over my shoes."
No. 1079657 ID: 46e818
File 170327669339.png - (10.70KB , 800x600 , 1901.png )

"Okay, but whose name did she call you?"

>"Her brother's."

"Oh. Yeah, okay. Whoof."
>"See? I told you!"
>"F--f-ff-ffrankly, you d-d-dodged a dark f-fate."
No. 1079658 ID: e87a15

Oh, hey Ona. How's Pendle holding up?
No. 1079659 ID: 3f3d5c

Hey, I think we got a wire crossed. It happens. How's the analgesic going?
No. 1079660 ID: 93d066

You can almost see the synapse activation of her neurons.
No. 1079661 ID: 8f9bc4

Might be a little uncouth to say that Pendle dodged a dark fate. Or whatever his name is.
No. 1079663 ID: ce619a

Testing testing... 1, 2, 3
Can any of you hear us or are we in listen-only observation mode again?
No. 1079665 ID: 14ce63

Dodged a dark fate indeed. How's everyone been holding up?
No. 1079668 ID: aebd26

Next time we're back at the Lair, let's float the idea of maybe upgrading Vittima's cell.

Not that we're rewarding her for any sort of behavior. It's just that, you know, as we gather allies and amass power, our status grows too. So our esteemed prisoners should spend their time in more comfort as a consequence.
No. 1079673 ID: 1ca098

Have we ever gotten any information out of Vittima? Maybe we should ask about the forest.
No. 1079683 ID: 4d8b77

Ona, you should probably let him know that painkillers only work on physical pain. I believe booze is the prescription of choice for emotional baggage...

Oh. You just liquored him up, didn't you?
No. 1079688 ID: 46e818
File 170336513750.png - (15.30KB , 800x600 , 1902.png )

Oh. Hey. Are you-- hold on let me put you on speaker mode.

"Hey, guys. Boss is checking in."
>"Hey b-boss."
>"Hello, Prince Muschio."
"So, I guess everything's going okay over there? Not an urgent call? That's a relief.
Hey, so, don't think we've just been slacking off okay? It's just our lunch break.
Pendle's on a proper suite of painkillers and I've been drawing up every rune I know to put something together for the exorcism. God, I really hope it's not still in there, because we've been shooting the shit and it would suuuuuck if this is just the demon fucking with us still."
>"T-tell them ab-bbout the s-sword."
"Oh yeah, Wes is workin' on a killer sword for you. Finnie left some plans so I guess we'll see what comes of that."
>"I'm also w-working on some ar--rr-armor for D-Dompag."

>"And I'm waiting patiently."
"Pendle is waiting patiently."
No. 1079690 ID: debc82


Man, Wes is the Bes(t).

I can't wait to see this sweet loot we're about to get from him.
No. 1079691 ID: 1c790e

Thank you for your patience, Pendle. We know this isn't easy. Your bravery in providing us the antidote and a solution for subduing the demon cannot be overstated. Please bear with us just a little longer.

It turns out the Kobold village's religious leader is Tislomer's father. Perhaps he can provide some insight for the exorcism.
No. 1079693 ID: ce619a

>"So, I guess everything's going okay over there? Not an urgent call? That's a relief.
We hope so???
We were kind of randomly shoved into you with no prompt. Nothing bad was going on and this has happened before, so I'm guessing everything's cool?

Anyways, ask Wes is he's making use of the magic ore/crystal we've been digging up. If not tell him Erisol might be able to help him work with the material.
Also, how's your recovery going?
No. 1079694 ID: aebd26

Not an urgent call, no. Tislomer is sort of going through an epiphany right now, so expect her to have a lot to share when she's back.
No. 1079695 ID: eb0a9c

Have you ever heard of a bloodline power that literally turns your blood into a sword?
No. 1079702 ID: 93d066

Hope we can add some fire runes to the sword or something that allow the Boss to take advantage of his fire magic.

Also how are the princesses doing?
No. 1079713 ID: 46e818
File 170344782149.png - (15.17KB , 800x600 , 1903.png )

"What about you, Wes? Any dates from hell?"
>"Oh, uh... I-I guess, uh... I haven't r-really had tt-t-t-too many b-bad exx-experiences. B-but I haven't been on too many dates, either."
"On the lookout for someone huh?"
>"I guess? I'm r-really here for my work more thh-than a-anything."
No. 1079714 ID: 46e818
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"Pendle? Now that you got your mind and body back, are you going to try to find someone? Or are you taking some time to get your life sorted?"
>"Oh... I... well, this is all so new to me. To have clarity, lucidity, for the first time in so long. I've not even had 24 hours to gather my thoughts yet.
>I suppose I've always been the type to seek companionship, but... after everything I saw..."
"I can't even imagine."
>"With such memories in my head, I'm... honestly not sure I'll ever be able to look at another woman in that way."
No. 1079715 ID: ce619a

I see the princess is not enjoying herself.
What time is it? Why is she even trying to sleep right now?
Poke her with a long stick and ask her why she's trying to sleep.
No. 1079719 ID: 273c18

What about men?
No. 1079721 ID: bf3749

now that you have your freedom, what do you really want to *do* pendle? theres a lot to catch up on were sure, now that its over everyone in here is eager to understand and help if & how we can.
No. 1079722 ID: 3a3ebd

Even though it would too quick with the situation we are currently in with Pendle, I shall ask the same question. What about men?
No. 1079723 ID: 3a3ebd

Would be* apologies
No. 1079724 ID: 8f9bc4

He's in mourning, not gay.
No. 1079725 ID: 46e818
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"Of course, of course. I understand.
Another woman."
No. 1079726 ID: 46e818
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No. 1079727 ID: ce619a

Yeah, Ona, he's not Wes' type.
Wes is more into beefcakes like Dompag. Why else would he be making some bikini armor for him first?
No. 1079728 ID: 0ba3af

Nonono, go on Ona...
No. 1079730 ID: db231e

Is the princess... Okay? She seems distressed. Last thing we need is her getting demon-possessed (or BEING demon possessed), or otherwise traumatized by all the demonic shenanigans.

We might need to consider more isolated cells for prisoners as well. For their privacy and to avoid them interacting with each other when it's not needed, or special case prisoners (magic users, anyone who needs to be muffled/noise-cancelled, suicidal prisoners, anyone who can shapeshift out of manacles or through prison bars...
No. 1079731 ID: db231e

Ona, I don't think traumatizing de-limbing of someone allows any chance of romance with them unless they're into extreme BDSM.

...Pendle isn't secretly a masochist, is he? And Wes seems like a 'top' kind of guy...
No. 1079732 ID: db231e

Check/ask if the princess needs anything. She seems a bit irritated and restless. Maybe talk quieter if she's trying to sleep.

Maybe we should relocate her cell away from a potential demon-possessed victim as well. Who knows if he might be able to use some kind of vocal-only magic on her.
No. 1079733 ID: 6df6b3

Ona, get your mind out of the gutter
No. 1079736 ID: 006510

hold on, let’s hear ona out on this one. i’m listening
No. 1079737 ID: eb0a9c

Okay but which girl gets to kiss the princess.
No. 1079758 ID: 3a3ebd

Do, Ona, do
No. 1079762 ID: 4d8b77

Oh wow, yeah Ona, I can practically already see it. The two of them meeting, in some dark secluded room maybe, just talking at first, then it gets more and more heated. Then suddenly Pendle's on the floor with Wes on top of him, and then Wes just... just hammers him 'til he can't even walk anymore.

Who knows, you might even walk in on one of them tied up in a dungeon or something, if things get really kinky.
No. 1079763 ID: 9ef3bc

No. 1079778 ID: 969209

HAH! So afraid of rape caves yet so unafraid to be lurid. Ona you are hilariously messed up.
No. 1079784 ID: 1034ad

Wes is meant for embraddeus and we all know it
No. 1079785 ID: 1034ad

She’s a drug dealer that paints barbed wheels in people bedrooms while they are away
No. 1079794 ID: 46e818
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"Pendle we'll b-be back s-ssh-shortly, a-all right? I just n-need to have a word with mmm-mm-mmy colleague in the other r-room for a mom--momm-moment a-about the dd-difference between being l-lovesick and t-traumatized. W-won't be long."

>"Hey okay look I'm sorry, all right? That was way out of line, I get it. I just thought it'd be--"
"Shhhh no okay shut up stop talking"
No. 1079808 ID: 312b20

I see Ona has the elusive schrodinger Booba, with the bra size that fluctuates according to the hilarity of the situation.
No. 1079854 ID: 3a3ebd

As I was prompted to do, I shall say:
Lovesickness and trauma don't really cancel each other out, do they? They can and will coexist, it's not like you can't be both at the same time
No. 1079864 ID: 1ab976

I’m sure there’s a joke about making one’s legs shake and being weak in the knees for a man in here somewhere. But that kinda cancels out when the trauma of the event is caused by the one who smashed up his legs to begin with.

Let’s just… move on.
No. 1079866 ID: 46e818
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>"You can be lovesick and traumatized at the same time! We're all traumatized. We're like -- trauma buddies! Isn't all of us talking it out together helping?"
"That ddoesn't mean you need to t-try hook-k-hooking us up!"
>"I'm sorry! I just thought-- well okay I thought you'd be cute together but I also thought it might help!"
"What mm--mm--m-m-mak--makes you think he's e-even mmy tt-type??"
No. 1079867 ID: 46e818
File 170371108823.png - (22.00KB , 800x600 , 1909.png )

>"Hold on, what's wrong with him? Is he ugly?"
"Uh--? Nn-n-no, he's actually kind of--
Ww-wait, th-that isn't the p-pp-point here!"
No. 1079868 ID: 46e818
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"Look, I didn't tt-t-tell you my i-interests so you c-could use them f-for your own p-pers-p-ppersonal entertainment!"
>"You're right, and I'm-- I guess I am sort of doing that. Sorry."
"It's f-fine.
I... T-to be honest I-I'm n-n-nn-not used to p-people playing mmm-mm-matchmaker ffor me. It's...
A-anyway, y-you need to gg-give this s-some space and t-ti-t-time. He's nnot even out of t-the c-cell!"

>"No, you're right, you're right. Poor guy needs a little breathing room."
No. 1079869 ID: 46e818
File 170371132220.png - (17.76KB , 800x600 , 1911.png )

>"Okay, I admit I haven't been keeping up with all this that well, but if you ask me, he's pretty tough. I mean, the way he ended it? That was hardcore.
>He seems like he's just happy to be himself again. I mean, assumin' that's him, which I think it is."
No. 1079871 ID: ce619a

Sooo.... Wes!
About that armor you've been making for Dompag:
You have been properly sizing it on him, yes? Making sure to get all~ his measurements, going over every nook and contour of his body, riiiight?
No. 1079872 ID: 3f3d5c

Yes, this is very important. Wes, we really need you to get in there and take proper notes.
Extensive & personal notes. Extensively personal, even. It's the only way to be sure.
No. 1079874 ID: 3a3ebd

Don't rush anything! Pendle needs some time to rest in general after all of... That
No. 1079897 ID: 734845

Do not the rat
No. 1079904 ID: a97f7c

Waste of efforts. Dompag is very straight so leave it be.
No. 1079921 ID: eb7ce4

hmm, how heavy will the armor be? i know dompag isnt like agile, but considering how tough he is (man took fire like a CHAMP!) how effective will the armor be, lest it restrict his movements? Is it meant mostly to protect vitals and such? Or is the armor made to give Dompag magical protection?
No. 1079926 ID: 2a1ac6

Does "speaker mode" mean the princess can hear us or everyone with a shard nearby? Everyone should be careful not to let her overhear sensitive information, regardless.

Armor for Dompag does sound a little redundant without more detail on what the goal is. What are his weaknesses?
No. 1079945 ID: 4d8b77

Oh boy, did Dompag's ladies man senses alert him that you were keeping the fair maiden the next cell over from sleeping? Party might be over folks.
No. 1079948 ID: a3fe2e

Getting stabbed, I imagine. I think, generally, the goal of armor is keeping pointy bits on the outside of your body.
No. 1079984 ID: 46e818
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Forgive me, but the details are wrapping up here and I thought I'd catch us all up to speed.

The divine beast is in fact a minor god, at least according to the natives, given flesh and walking among the living. Thus it is mortally vulnerable and could potentially be killed by those wishing to harm it and its chosen people.
It is generally well-tempered but seen only rarely by the living, tending to keep to itself and let its influence be known by gifts, boons, and guardianship of the forest, all of which have mysteriously dried up in the last few months.
We've been given a map to the glade where it is believed to make its sacred home. The locals have a conditional oath not to go there, so as we are currently free agents we have a unique opportunity to investigate, ourselves.

The beast goes by many names but is, I am told, well revered by all people of these woods. We will be heading to Finesse's old village before heading on to the glade, unless there are objections.
A few other details and fables which I can impart along the way if necessary, but that should be the most vital summary of our meeting.
No. 1079985 ID: 46e818
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"Pardon my asking, esteemed ceremony master, but Scfarr-Uuragg... He is a god, as you say. Does He have a particular domain? Is He the God of something?"

No. 1079988 ID: 46e818
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>"Why, my young dear, of course!"
No. 1079989 ID: 46e818
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>"He is the God of Love."
No. 1079990 ID: 82f77e

Hm. Finesse and you might be free as far as the religion is concerned but Tislomer is technically not. Being employed by you doesn't mean she's not of this village.
Is it still a good idea to have her tag along to the glade?
No. 1079994 ID: 7550f8

Good. Maybe this God of Love can help Muschio finally get laid and/or find a romantic partner.
No. 1079995 ID: db231e

Oohh boy. A god of love is something you should not underestimate. Since love can entail almost anything (love of violence, romantic love...), tends to turn people into fools and hideously reckless and single-minded/obsessed.
No. 1080000 ID: 273c18

He's gotten laid. Multiple times. Muschio fucks.
No. 1080021 ID: 831c0e

Muschio despises love though, and love almost got him killed before he was deus ab orbed to life
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