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1020567 No. 1020567 ID: 681cb5

These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!


Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1020568 ID: 681cb5
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You are Captain Zento of the Sakkilian inter-galactic colony fleet. Your duty was to escort and ensure the safety of said fleet as it made the first ever inter-galactic hyperjump to the nearest galaxy before colonizing it. But something went wrong… in the middle of the jump all hell broke loose and you were forced with a handful of other Sakkilian to make an emergency launch out from hyperspace. So now you find yourself with only a half-finished flagship in completely alien territory, far away from any possible rescue or reinforcements.

But the last week has been favorable to you, as you not only managed to rescue a pair of aliens, Tozlan and Tizli of the Raolme species, as well as capture and convert a Kelshin pirate called Ikekeki, but you also managed to find a friendly mining colony run by a third new alien species called Flaûgnir. Their High Magistrate, a lovely woman called Vul Wrok, has promised to help you if you help her with her needs ensuring that you have at least one port to land on that’s friendly. Of course, there have been some problems, as you’ve heard a lot of murmuring about a species called the IOD, who is currently the de-facto ruler of this sector of the galaxy, and they don’t seem to be pleased about any newcomers that might change that fact.

So, to iterate… your primary goal is to find and assist the 3 colony ships that were in the fleet, or at least find out what happened to them.
Your secondary goal is to ensure this sector of space is safe for them to colonize, which might mean that you’ll need to deal with the IOD’s in some way…
And your current goal is to ensure that you’re on Vul and her mining colony good side, so you’ll have at least one ally in this harsh galaxy. Currently you’ve promised to scan the nearby system of Tarkus Gamma for minerals.

:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, anything to report?
:DoxySA: I do have a few things, Captain. The Brig is completed, allowing us to capture and detain prisoners in the future. We also constructed a planetary lander and sold it to the colony for 12Mc as you ordered.
:ZentoSA: Good… anything from R&D?
:DoxySA: Our son Vex has finished a report about the Flaûgnir species, sir. We have already taken the necessary precautions to ensure their stay on our ship will be pleasant, including installing large sunlamps and a moisture machine in our resident Flaûgnir room. If you want to know more, then Vex has written a short report on the subject… but it’s mostly about how something made out of solid rock shouldn’t be able to fly with such small wings and how rock shouldn’t be able to grow or be almost organic, sir.
:ZentoSA: I’ll look at it later, Doxy.
:TizliSA: Pff, they are living rocks, what more do you need to know? Now sit still.
:DoxySA: Oh, and one last thing. Tara, your clone, has started a union, sir. Majority of the crew have already joined it as well.
:ZentoSA: …I was expecting something like this. I hope they are still rather cordial?
:DoxySA: So far she’s just collected a few request from the crew on what they want built, sir. I’ve already updated our system with said requests as well. If you want to know more, you might want to talk to her yourself.
:TizliSA: Bah, this union stuff just sounds weird if you ask me.
:ZentoSA: Hey, watch it! You almost licked my eye!
:TizliSA: Then sit still!

>Our next stop was to scan Gamma.
:DoxySA: We’re ready to depart on your mark, sir. After breakfast, of course.
:TizliSA: Aw, we’re leaving already?
:ZentoSA: We’ll be back soon enough. Any last minute decisions I need to know about, Commander?
:DoxySA: Well… if you want to do any last minute purchases, now would be the time, sir. I’ll forward the colony’s price list.

Organic Materials: 5 Mc per Unit.
Corrosives: 8 Mc per Unit.
-Special requests-
Looking for Crew with Mining specialization x4, will pay 20 Mc per crew member (+5 Mc if they are Flaûgnir).
Looking for small Mining ships x3, will pay 12 Mc for each.

Basic Metals: 1 Mc for 2 units.
Fuel: 1 Mc for 2 units.
-Contract Workers-
Uvo Tol [Security] (Female Flaûgnir): 10 Mc.
Kahn Uruk [Mercenary] (Male Flaûgnir): 62Mc (Includes a Bulwark Class ship).

:DoxySA: And… is someone there with you?
No. 1020569 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: It’s just Tizli… though she refuses to stop licking me.
:TizliSA: Hey, I’m just trying to make you smell like pearls again.
:ZentoSA: I came out from the shower like 5 minutes ago, aren’t I clean enough?
:TizliSA: That’s exactly the problem! I’ve been nuzzling you all night to make you smell nice and then you immediately go and wash it off! Rude!
:ZentoSA: Oh… I didn’t actually know you were… um… doing that? I apologize?
:TizliSA: Just sit still and let me lick you, you dolt. I’ve made this aroma just for you, Captain.
:DoxySA: …should I call you later or…?
:ZentoSA: No, no, its fine… I’m just a bit distracted, that’s all. Continue with the report, Doxy…
:DoxySA: Um… okay?
:TizliSA: Now be still, you doofus. Got to make sure you’re really clean.

>Introduce our new farmer to the farm. Stocks are full so we don't need double duty there.
:DoxySA: I already gave him the tour yesterday, boss. He’ll always work in the hydroponics bay unless you state otherwise.
>Take a volunteer for mess hall and security (Sharah no doubt) and fill up research (next research project was Hanger) and misc tasks.
:ZentoSA: Make sure those that know about ships are assigned to research as well, so Regina, Tes, my daughter Iris, Zell and maybe… Eki?
:DoxySA: I’ll make sure everyone has something to do while we’re in transit, sir.
>We might want to put a second person on security duty so that we can have a night shift. Now that we've hired some outsiders we need to make sure the ship is secure.
:DoxySA: Um… while it would be good to have extra security, we’re still a bit low on womanpower, sir… but I’ll see what I can do.
>With how many new crew we’re going to be getting, we’d better invest in the Storage Upgrade so we can store more food and the Crew Quarters Upgrade so we can have room for all of the crew!
:DoxySA: We’re going to need a lot of Noble metals and Organic materials for that, sir… and Basic Metals, but at least we can buy those here at the mining colony.
>We should also consider better methods of making more food at a faster rate.
:DoxySA: I do believe Car Zuk, our new hydroponics expert, did request an upgrade to the food production facilities, sir. Will cost us 10 Basic Metals and 10 Organic Materials though.

>You may have Doxy report to you from Medical on that front, after she meets some surprise guests there.
:DoxySA: Wait, how did you know I’m in medical, sir?
:ZentoSA: Because I just guessed that last night with Tozlan went well, Doxy.
:DoxySA: Oh… right….
:ZentoSA: Glad you and Tozlan are getting along well. I'd hate for your new project to have any complications.
:DoxySA: Thank you, sir.
:TizliSA: Wait, you’re telling me that my brother is… is going to be a father?
:ZentoSA: Yes, yes I am.
:TizliSA: …but… he just met her!? I’m the one that’s supposed to be the spontaneous one, not him! And he’s already gone and made a cub?
:ZentoSA: Indeed he has, Tizli.
:TizliSA: …by the eternal dark, he must really been desperate…

:ZentoSA: And… I got this gut feeling… someone else is there with you as well?
:DoxySA: Um… several people, actually… both Regina and Tes are here for… similar reasons, boss.
:ZentoSA: I did forget to mention to Tes that the gargoyles are compatible now before she went out with those racers…
:DoxySA: I think she already knew, sir.
:ZentoSA: I’m mostly surprised she was so quick… though she did like to race… heh… and how is the father? Does she know who it is?
:DoxySA: You’ll have to ask that her that yourself, sir.
:ZentoSA: And Regina… everyone else was busy and I’m pretty sure she didn’t leave the ship…
:DoxySA: Well… there was one other person on the ship, sir, that didn’t go down with you…
:ZentoSA: There was? Who?
:DoxySA: I’m sure you’ll figure it out, sir.

>How do murgh reproduce? Try not to panic anyone about spores or anything, but we should send Gherni to Research.
You mean the Mrrgh? Or whatever those mushrooms are called? You certain that no matter how they reproduce, they won’t be able make hybrids with any of your other crew just yet. Still, you might want to research Gherni’s species… though thinking about it, you need to research the Kelshin as well, seeing as you have Eki in board.

Right, first thing first, anything you need to do before you leave for the Gamma system? Anything you need to buy? And is there anything you need to deal with while you’re in jumping between the systems?
No. 1020575 ID: 96c896

How were the gargoyles compatible before we finished research?

Buy some basic metals. 10 for now.
Hire the security officer, so we have a night shift. Also I guess we're still a little short-staffed, so...
Buy fuel. 20 for now.

Hmm, I get the impression we can choose what specialization our clones/babies have memories for. Can we just whip up four clones to satisfy the request for miners? Well, we could wait until cloning flaugnir is possible.
No. 1020577 ID: c09f5e

>Tara, your clone, has started a union, sir. Majority of the crew have already joined it as well.
I see no reason not to recognise her union. You've done great a raising morale that you may have to maintain a higher recreation budget than most other ships. There may be minimum crew requirements for missions now, if you'd send them against risky mining runs or man-eating plants, but you haven't exactly thrown crew to forward personal ambitions. A lesser captain would read this as a pretext for her to lead a mutiny. A lesser captain wouldn't have built a pool in a survival scenario.

>I’m the one that’s supposed to be the spontaneous one, not him!
To be fair, she's also the one less likely to tie herself down with a kid. Her brother? Probably called him "Dad" sarcastically more than once.

>I’m sure you’ll figure it out, sir.
Resist the urge to freak out about Regina sleeping with your son by considering the example you've set so far. Also, ask about how well your son is holding up after his first encounter. Send reassurance that he doesn't have to contribute to the vats if he feels pressured.

Let's hope the situation stabilises and the crew settle down with their partners soon. Don't think the ship can hold together if the women are getting into a competition for the biggest nest.

>Anything you need to buy?
The obvious temptation is the merc with ship. A lesser one is hiring the female to see if she hooks up with the male. But no we don't need to buy anything.

>How were the gargoyles compatible before we finished research?
Now I imagine the speed racer wasn't the only thing Tescia was testing out. Maybe her doctor hatchmate asked.
No. 1020587 ID: 36784c

Spend 5 Mc for 10 units of Basic Metals.

Spend 10 Mc for 20 units of fuel.

We don’t need to hire anyone yet.

>Tes possibly had sex with one of the gargoyles
So how is Tes’ father handling the news that his daughter is pregnant? He seemed to be a bit overprotective of her, so he might not be handling this situation very well.

>And Regina…everyone else was busy and I’m pretty sure she didn’t leave the ship…
>Well…there was one other person on the ship, sir, that didn’t go down with you…
>There was? Who?
>I’m sure you’ll figure it out, sir.
Your son, Vex. He didn’t go with your group and he didn’t go with Tizli’s group.
No. 1020597 ID: c09f5e

Actually, we could buy 20 BM here while it's still cheap, and collect OM at next system. Build a gym now, build a pub or animal farm later.

A gym could help stem off excess feminine aggression, and thus keep "egg production" in check.
No. 1020617 ID: 96c896

Oh buying more than 10 BM isn't a terrible idea. We'll probably be able to mine some in Gamma though. I'll go for uh, 16.

I don't think we want to reduce egg production just yet. With the new eggs, we'll be at 17/20 crew, and it'll be a few days more before I expect a new round of eggs. By that time we can look into buying the crew quarters upgrade to increase the crew cap.

...what benefits does the alien autopsy research have, again? I seem to remember that was the requirement for crossbreeding but I guess not.
No. 1020634 ID: c09f5e

>We'll probably be able to mine some in Gamma though.
We don't know what else besides OM going to find over there yet. There could be complications to mining BM, or we might need extra hands. I say spend the creds while they're still useful.

>...what benefits does the alien autopsy research have, again? I seem to remember that was the requirement for crossbreeding but I guess not.
Probably to keep an Aliens the movie situation with the drugs from going off, or more plausibly less stillbirths. Doc must be working extra hard to patch up her up.
No. 1020639 ID: a9af05

>though thinking about it, you need to research the Kelshin as well, seeing as you have Eki in board.
Yeah, go ahead and scan Eki after the hanger upgrade is complete.

>..what benefits does the alien autopsy research have, again? I seem to remember that was the requirement for crossbreeding but I guess not.
Crossbreeding is from just scanning a living species normally, like we've been doing.

An autopsy let's us learn more about the species and how their insides work by cutting them open. Its recommended to only cut open the dead, since cutting open someone that's still alive is considered murder. The exception to the rule is when performing surgery to try and keep them alive.
No. 1020749 ID: 681cb5
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>Spend 10 Mc for 20 units of Basic Metals. Spend 10 Mc for 20 units of fuel.
That does sound like a good amount… especially with how cheap it supposedly is here. You’ll forward it to Doxy.
>We'll probably be able to mine some BM in Gamma though.
While Basic metals are the most common material we can find and easily mined, it’s not a given that every system will have some we can get our hands on. Not to mention, there might be some danger in the way or just a very limited amount of it as well. Better safe and sorry and all that.
>The obvious temptation is the merc with ship.
Which you still have nowhere near enough Credits to afford. Maybe after you’ve done some missions here…
>A lesser one is hiring the female to see if she hooks up with the male.
They aren’t going to hook up just because they are the same species. But still, having more crew is always a good thing… hmm… maybe when you return from Gamma…

>Build a gym now. A gym could help stem off excess feminine aggression, and thus keep "egg production" in check.
:DoxySA: A gym? A good idea, sir, as it will give people the opportunity to let off some steam… without increasing the crew. I know for a fact that Shara has been talking about it a lot, so it is probably she who requested it.
>Build a pub or animal farm later.
:DoxySA: We’ll need some domesticated animals if we want to build a farm, sir… preferably ones that produces milk or similar substances.
:ZentoSA: I was hoping we’d find some on this colony, but if we’re lucky there might be something on that planet in the Gamma system we heard about.
:DoxySA: It’s possible, boss. As for the pub… we just need some Organic materials for that.

>I see no reason not to recognize Tara’s union. You've done great a raising morale that you may have to maintain a higher recreation budget than most other ships.
:DoxySA: As long as the crew are content, then you’ll probably have nothing to fear from it, sir. If anything, it might be useful to keep people happy and productive. They are bound to be the first ones to notice if something is amiss, Captain.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… while it’s a clear grab for authority outside the normal rank system, I won’t stop her as long as she’s helping the ship prosper.
:TizliSA: So what is this yninon thing anyway?
:ZentoSA: You mean Union? Wait, this was what you were talking about yesterday?
:TizliSA: Of course. Tara refused to shut up about it. But it just sounded complicated if you ask me.
:ZentoSA: Well… it’s just there to make sure the crew has a voice as well… to ensure what you want is considered.
:TizliSA: Huh… that’s why she asked us what we wanted next. I just told her I wanted our ship fixed. Eager to swim through the star again…
:DoxySA: Tozlan had a similar request, sir.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… might be a good idea to fix up their ship when we get the chance, then…
>A lesser captain would read this as a pretext for her to lead a mutiny.
A lesser captain would have an unhappy crew whom might munity anyway.
>A lesser captain wouldn't have built a pool in a survival scenario.
A greater captain wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. Let just hope you’re good enough captain to keep everyone alive while you get out of this mess.

>To be fair, Tizli is also the one less likely to tie herself down with a kid. Her brother? Probably called him "Dad" sarcastically more than once.
:TizliSA: *snrk* yeah, you’re right. That scumsucker is a real dad, boring and always saying no. Still, while he’s always talked about settling down and starting a family, I honestly though he would actually take his briny time before putting a pearl in gals tummy.
:ZentoSA: Maybe he saw the opportunity and didn’t want to miss it?
:TizliSA: Or he saw the opportunity and dove towards it because he’s just like me, eager to get what we want without thinking about the consequences.
:ZentoSA: Heh, yet you didn’t become a mother last night, did you?
:TizliSA: …maybe I’m a little better than him after all, then… hehe…
>Resist the urge to freak out about Regina sleeping with your son by considering the example you've set so far.

:TizliSA: What’s up? You seem a bit lost in the eternal dark there, Captain.
:ZentoSA: I… I just realized who the father of Regina’s child is. It’s my son, Vex.
:TizliSA: …wait, doesn’t that make it your grandchild?
:DoxySA: Indeed it does. We’re going to be grandparents, Zento!
:ZentoSA: …I’m way too young to be a grandfather.
:TizliSA: So… you’re not only a real DILF… but you’re going to be GILF to?
:DoxySA: That’s one way to look at it.
:TizliSA: You’re really brine covered for an old man, you know that?
:ZentoSA: I’m not that old, dammit… and brine covered?
:TizliSA: You know… attractive?
:ZentoSA: Because I’m covered in salt?
:TizliSA: Which means a gal would have a hard time not licking you, silly.
:DoxySA: Either way, Zento, I hope you’re super excited to have grandkids with me, because I am!
:ZentoSA: I… I’m going to need a moment to digest this…
No. 1020750 ID: 681cb5
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>Let's hope the situation stabilizes and the crew settles down with their partners soon. Don't think the ship can hold together if the women are getting into a competition for the biggest nest.
As our crew expands things will probably slow down a bit. What we really need to find is a colony where we can load / unload people at, to ensure that we’ll never run the risk of either running out or getting to much crew. Worst come to worst, though, we can always put the eggs on ice until further notice. We still have a functional cryobay, after all.
>I don't think we want to reduce egg production just yet. With the new eggs, we'll be at 17/20 crew, and it'll be a few days more before I expect a new round of eggs. By that time we can look into buying the crew quarters upgrade to increase the crew cap.
Indeed, getting new crew is never something to scoff at, at least as long as we have room for them. Not to mention… well… we are in a dangerous situation… we’re bound to lose someone at some point. Also, it’s going to be 18/20. We have 4 people pregnant right now; Doxy, Regina, Tes and Shara… who’s seem to be going for an extra day.

>I get the impression we can choose what specialization our clones/babies have memories for.
Somewhat. We can increase the chances of someone gaining a certain specialization, but sometimes they’ll just have a real affinity for something else, ignoring our input completely.
>Can we just whip up four clones to satisfy the request for miners? Well, we could wait until cloning flaugnir is possible.
Indeed it would be possible to clone four flaugnir miners right now, as the only thing we need is a willing flaugnir to clone. Though, it might be odd if we come in with four identical miners… we might need to talk to Vul about it first, to see what she thinks about cloning. Then again, we can also do it the more old fashioned way… of course, we probably still need to ask Vul what she thinks about it first anyway…

>...what benefits does the alien autopsy research have, again?
…you’re actually still unsure about that. All you know is that Vex was really interested in doing an autopsy on… well, everyone. It would help us understand these aliens better… and maybe how to kill them more efficient, if needed. Hmm… didn’t Vex mention something about wanting to know how the Raolme “grow” their bones and splicing said skill it into a Sakkilian? Having someone that can regrow their limbs would be handy after all.
>Yeah, go ahead and scan Eki after the hanger upgrade is complete.
Eki is next on the list then. Hopefully all these ladies will have an easy time upgrading the Hanger, giving us more time to research other things.

>How were the gargoyles compatible before we finished research?
We finished our research of them during the day, the one requiring a live subject, before we even went down to the colony. Though, this means Vex must have been quick to synthesize the necessary medication for crossbreeding… and that Tes must have been quick to take it. You wonder… did she take it before or after she went down to the colony… was this her plan all along? Hmm… either way, you should see if she’s doing okay after you’re done with your other duties… she and Regina both.

At the end of your shift, you find them both in the hanger doing some last adjustments for the day to the coming upgrade.
:ReginaSA: Captain, dear, what a pleasant surprise!
:TesciaSA: …sir.
:ZentoSA: Regina, Tes… everything well?
:ReginaSA: Why, things are just splendid, love.
:TesciaSA: …’fine, Ah suppose.
:ZentoSA: …I see that the two of you had a pleasant evening last night?
:ReginaSA: Oh, you know how it is, hun. You’re taking the night off and just relax… and you just happen to notice this cute little boy that can’t keep their eyes off you…
:ZentoSA: You mean my son, Vex?
:ReginaSA: I have this weakness for adorable, younger boys like yourself, Captain. I just shouldn’t keep my tail off him. I do apologize, dear, if it’s made things awkward for you.
:ZentoSA: Don’t. Vex is an adult and may make his own decisions… even if it is a bit awkward that both father and son has made an egg with the same woman, indeed.
:ReginaSA: Oh, just see it as having a tightly knit family, dear. And I do hope you’re looking forward to being a grandfather as well.
:ZentoSA: I… I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that fact, Regina. And you Tes, had fun last night?
:TesciaSA: …Ah guess? Found some pretty good racers down there… was fun.
:ZentoSA: …that’s all?
:TesciaSA: Might have done some bets. Big bets.
:ZentoSA: …and you lost?
For a second Tes looks just like her mother Shara as she flashes a huge, toothy grin.
:TesciaSA: Ah fucking won, sir.
:ZentoSA: Oh. Of course.

>Now I imagine the speed racer wasn't the only thing Tescia was testing out. Maybe her doctor hatchmate asked.
:TesciaSA: You mean Vex? We talked about it. He was eager to find out if the formula for the hybrid formula was correct and as Ah had just been with a few of them… Ah volunteered, Ah guess?
:ZentoSA: So it was just a spur of the moment thing?
:TesciaSA: …a bit?
:ZentoSA: And the child’s father?
:TesciaSA: *shrug* Don’t know. All four of them took turns… well, one did it in my rump, so probably not him? Didn’t get their names either. Didn’t ask. None of them probably know as well. They were rather confident that they shouldn’t knock me up, sir… though with how they kept going it was almost as if they were trying to prove themselves wrong.
:ZentoSA: …I don’t need the details, Ensign. Still, we should find the father when we return to the colony and inform him about it. He deserves to know.
:TesciaSA: …you know, when Ah’m thinking about it… Ah might have agreed to Vex’s test just to prove them wrong. Among other reasons.
>So how is Tes’ father handling the news that his daughter is pregnant? He seemed to be a bit overprotective of her, so he might not be handling this situation very well.
:TesciaSA: Pop? Oh, he was excited about the news, sir. Shouldn’t stop telling me how proud he was and that Ah would make a great mother.
:ZentoSA: Really?
:TesciaSA: Though he said he would murder the father if he didn’t take responsibility.
:ZentoSA: Of course…
:TesciaSA: …might have forgotten to tell him I don’t know who the father is exactly.
:ZentoSA: …right. I’ll let the two of you solve that on your own then.
:TesciaSA: Of course, sir.

>Ask about how well your son is holding up after his first encounter. Send reassurance that he doesn't have to contribute to the vats if he feels pressured.
:ReginaSA: He was doing fine last time I saw him, dear. He’s a real darling, that one.
:ZentoSA: I’m sure he is.
:ReginaSA: While you were more experienced, he was a lot more eager, hun.
:ZentoSA: I really didn’t need to know that, Regina.
:ReginaSA: But he was happy about the news, love. Though, I wasn’t able to get a good read on him when I suggested that we may put the egg in cryo, so it can grow up the slow way later. The dear just told me to do as I wished, hun.
:ZentoSA: Uh huh…
:ReginaSA: But I’m sure it’s just a lot for him all at once… just like it is for you right now, dear.
:ZentoSA: I just hope he’s doing fine, Regina.
:ReginaSA: I’m sure he is, dear. I’m sure of it.

You’re not going to reach Tarkus Gamma until the day after tomorrow and currently the ship is sailing smoothly, so no need to do anything drastic. Is there anything else you wish to do or anyone else you want to talk to before tomorrow? Because otherwise you’ll call it an early night.
No. 1020756 ID: bb78f2

You know, the family Christmas parties in the vat sims are gonna be wild for this generation of eggs.

Go chill with Tara for a bit. Get to know yourself a little better.
No. 1020759 ID: 96c896

>don't know the father
Gonna need a paternity test, I guess. I wonder what the father's reaction will be like? There seems to be some kind of accepted long distance child support system in their culture.

>anything to do?
No. 1020766 ID: 96c896

Oh, congratulate your son on his egg, and ask if he needs any advice.
No. 1020767 ID: 286be8

Say what you will, but that is a good look for them, especially seeing as they've both had a successful 'hunt.' Then again, what isn't there to love about a pair of blue scaled ladies with round bellies, half undressed and covered in oil?
Gonna need to find a way to celebrate Vex becoming a dad though.

Meet with Tara. Could say that to know yourself is to know your enemy, and keep your enemies closer, but an adversarial mindset may only hinder you. Could tell her she's now a Grandmother/Great Aunt and bond over the strangeness of it all. Really though, you should probably get to know her as a person just as much as a subordinate, considering you're (potentially technically) family.
No. 1020773 ID: 200968

I second this.
No. 1020787 ID: c09f5e

>They aren’t going to hook up just because they are the same species. But still, having more crew is always a good thing… hmm… maybe when you return from Gamma…
True, it's not like hiring them would get results immediately. Not unless they divorced only due to infertility issues, I suppose. But you may want to consider if outside hires get free perks to the vat treatments for their family.

>Hmm… while it’s a clear grab for authority outside the normal rank system, I won’t stop her as long as she’s helping the ship prosper.
Exactly. Either this'll blow up in her face (hopefully not literally) or it proves she deserves a promotion anyway.

>Shara… who’s seem to be going for an extra day.
Woah, that'll be a big egg.

>Is there anything else you wish to do or anyone else you want to talk to before tomorrow?
Be the concerned parent good captain and check up with your son. Keep in mind he's about as shocked, but not as stoic, as you are. Likely, he's focused on work. Here's what you can talk about:
- We're going to have hybrids soon. Does he know they'll turn out?
- We could lose people to hazards. Could portable medical tech help? Would you need to upgrade the med-bay for that?
- OK this is unprofessional you've got to know what's his relationship status? does he like her, if he likes her you'll back off, if not you'll hop on her to protect him, or does he want to do a round robin with the crew like you did, or does he even like girls or sex, you'll support him no matter what (breathe)

Also, congratulate Doxy in person on making on making the first hybrid of the ship. Even if it's murky whether she or Tescia was first, you already saw the latter about it so it'd be fair to see her as well. Doting on her would be nice too. Probably how Tozlan got hooked in.
No. 1020792 ID: 36784c

>Shara…who seems to be going for an extra day.
I thought she was supposed to be laying her egg today? So if her egg isn’t being laid today, then it’ll be laid tomorrow, right? Does this mean that she’s now going to have a really big egg to lay?

Huh. From the looks of things, it looks like Tes might have a live birth instead of laying an egg.

I wonder if Doxy will also have a live birth? Or will she still end up laying an egg?
No. 1020886 ID: a9af05

>Hmm…didn’t Vex mention something about wanting to know how the Raolme “grow” their bones and splicing said skill it into a Sakkilian? Having someone that can regrow their limbs would be handy after all.
If you could splice other races' skills into Sakkilians, would the Sakkilians need to be growing in the Vat? Or could someone, yourself for example, step into the Vats and have the skill spliced into them?
No. 1020897 ID: c09f5e

Spicing an away team is practical for obvious reasons, but be careful about splicing the captain. Something that's 18 Charisma in theory could end up as something people want locked up in a chest in practice.

Be cool if we can splice wings, though. A jetpack may be more practical, but I'll be damned if there's no aesthetic there.
No. 1020969 ID: 36784c

>splice skills into someone growing in Vat or someone that’s already an adult?
I’m pretty sure it’d have to be a volunteer that’s already an adult, since they’re the ones that would want something like that put into them.

No one would want to try splicing something into a still growing baby.
No. 1020978 ID: 681cb5
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>Meet with Tara. Could say that to know yourself is to know your enemy, and keep your enemies closer, but an adversarial mindset may only hinder you.
Right, it’s time to actually meet Tara and see who she is. While she might be your clone, her experiences and education should be vastly different… so you better make sure you know where you have her, to ensure she doesn’t surprise you later either in a good way or a bad way.

You find her in the crew quarter common room, playing board games with the rest of your… um… family. She, Doxy, your son Vex and your daughter Iris are all sitting around a table playing that Terraform Colony game.
:TaraSA: -and I build another city over here, near the water. Vex, it’s your turn.
:DoxySA: Which means I’ll get another credit production *giggle*
:IrisSA: And I’ll get another Wolfhound! Yay! More points to me!
:VexSA: *mumble* -missing two steel or one titanium if- *mumble*mumble*
:ZentoSA: Who’s winning?
:IrisSA: OH! HI DAD!
:VexSA: Father.
:DoxySA: Captain Zento! Super nice to see you!
:TaraSA: Captain…
:IrisSA: We’re almost done with this round if you want to join, dad, just need to increase the temperature one more step and then it’s the final generation. We’re just waiting on my brother, Dr. Slowpoke over there, to take his damn turn already!
:VexSA: I need to consider all the possibilities, sister.
:TaraSA: You’ve clearly already won. Do you really need to take such a long time every turn?
:VexSA: Yes?
:DoxySA: Let little Vex take his time.
:IrisSA: Ugh… fine… but join us, dad.
:ZentoSA: …I guess I can play one game before bed.

:ZentoSA: Oh, and while we’re here, I wanted to ask you this union thing?
:TaraSA: Hmm? Oh yes, that. I simply saw the need for someone to represent the crew as a whole. You will be glad to hear that they are rather content with the current situation… mostly because they understand how dire it actually is.
:DoxySA: That’s super good news, right captain?
:ZentoSA: I sense a “but” though…
:TaraSA: I’ve talked with every member of the union and asked them if they had any requests on what we focus on next.
:ZentoSA: And…
:TaraSA: I’ve already forward the list to the Commander, but if you wish to hear it from me personally. *Cough* Zell wishes for a pub, Ikekeki wants to fly a ship, Shara wanted that gym you just built, Tescia wanted a proper Holo-bay for games and training while Regina wanted a long range comm…
:DoxySA: So that we can have some kind of contact with colonies we visit, even if it is only in message form, sir.
:VexSA: I requested an upgrade of the med-bay and its equipment.
:IrisSA: And I wanted us to actually do something with that Observation deck we have. It’s just an empty space right now!
:TaraSA: And while Tozlan, Tizli, Car and Gherni aren’t officially part of the union yet, I also took their requests. The Raolme siblings want their ship repaired as soon as possible, Car wanted some upgrades to the hydroponics bay and finally Gherni wanted a proper garden to… as she put it, “Put down her roots in and pollinate”…
:ZentoSA: I see that you’ve worked hard, Ensign Tara.
:TaraSA: Someone have to, Captain. I do wish that you’ll consider these in the future, to ensure our cooperation remain as effective as this.

>We could lose people to hazards. Could portable medical tech help? Would you need to upgrade the med-bay for that?
:VexSA: All ships and most part of The Shed Scale already have emergency medical packs installed, father, but upgrading the med-bay will drastically increase the survival rate of anyone wounded as well as ensure that the crew is healthy and not bearing any sicknesses.
>Oh, congratulate your son on his egg, and ask if he needs any advice.
:VexSA: Thank you. And no, I already have an expert on the subject to help me.
:DoxySA: Oh? You want to ask mommy instead?
:VexSA: I was referring to Regina, mother.
:IrisSA: …you’re letting her do all the work, bro?
:VexSA: I will aid her where she see fit. I trust her judgment on this subject.

>Could tell Tara she's now a Grandmother/Great Aunt and bond over the strangeness of it all.
:IrisSA: See! You are our aunty! Just as I said!
:TaraSA: Ugh… fine, we’re technically family… happy now?
:DoxySA: Super happy!
:VexSA: I guess it’s a positive outcome.
:IrisSA: YAY! The more the merrier!
:ZentoSA: …this is rather odd, isn’t it Tara?
:TaraSA: Yes. Which is exactly why I don’t want to talk about it.
>From the looks of things, it looks like Tes might have a live birth instead of laying an egg.
:VexSA: My hatchsister does indeed have a live Flaûgnir offspring residing in her womb currently, and while there seem to be some hybridization she will still give birth to the female in the same way a Flaûgnir would. Similarly, mother is also carrying a Raolme female and will not lay an egg either.
:DoxySA: It’s really odd feeling it kick around in there but… I like it…
:VexSA: May I request that I take tomorrow off so I can help them with the delivery, father?
:ZentoSA: Granted, Vex, of course you should help.
>Congratulate Doxy in person on making on making the first hybrid of the ship.
:DoxySA: Thank you, but I believe Tes beat me to it, sir.
:VexSA: She did indeed return to the ship long before mother did.

>I thought Shara was supposed to be laying her egg today? So if her egg isn’t being laid today, then it’ll be laid tomorrow, right? Does this mean that she’s now going to have a really big egg to lay?
:VexSA: It might be slightly bigger than the average, father, but not that much. It is rather normal for Sakkilian females to time their egg laying together, similarly to how their heat tends to happen at the same time. Its old instincts that the body does automatically, you know.
>OK this is unprofessional you've got to know what's his relationship status?
:VexSA: Hmm? With me and Regina? We are friends, father.
:IrisSA: Aw, come on, it has to be more than that!
:ZentoSA: Do you like her?
:VexSA: I find conversation with her intellectually stimulating, she is very caring and sweet, her posterior is amply formed for egg laying and she has experience in the subject. She is perfect for passing my genes further with.
:TaraSA: …okay, that has to be the driest answer I’ve ever heard.
:IrisSA: So… you… um… like her?
:VexSA: *Sigh* Yes, I like her. She likes me. Yes, we will spend more time together. No, we aren’t an official couple. I still wish to continue experimenting with these new alien species we’re discovering while Regina whole reason for joining the colony fleet was to be free from those relationships.
:ZentoSA: So it’s complicated then.
:VexSA: No, it is not.
:IrisSA: Ugh, come on, stop talking about relationships and play already! Dad! It’s your turn!
:ZentoSA: Oh! Sorry.

You spend the rest of the evening playing the game, and as time goes on, more and more of the crew join you in the common room. When you leave most of the ships residents are there, having fun. You can only hope a few more friendships will be born today.
No. 1020979 ID: 681cb5
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>Say what you will, but that is a good look for Tes and Regina, especially seeing as they've both had a successful 'hunt.' Then again, what isn't there to love about a pair of blue scaled ladies with round bellies, half undressed and covered in oil?
The one thing that might be criticized about their looks is the fact that neither belly was made by you personally… but you digress, having such beautiful sights are still highly enjoyable, even if they aren’t of your own making. Hmm… maybe you should ask Vex if he can make the growth period a bit longer, so you can have more time to enjoy it? Just a thought…
>If you could splice other races' skills into Sakkilians, would the Sakkilians need to be growing in the Vat?
If you want to do gene splicing or other upgrades, cybernetic or biomodular, then you’ll need a proper Enhancement bay. You’ll need to research a bit to figure out how to build it without the usual facilities and factories though.

>True, it's not like hiring the other Flaûgnir would get results immediately. Not unless they divorced only due to infertility issues, I suppose.
…wait, are you missing something? Because you have no reason to believe that your farmer Car Zuk would even know this Uvo Tol person, let alone be divorced?
>Gonna need a paternity test, I guess. I wonder what the father's reaction will be like? There seems to be some kind of accepted long distance child support system in their culture.
Doing a paternity test is easy enough… but actually finding the ones who were with her might be a bit more difficult, as she didn’t even get their names, remember? As for reaction… you have no idea. You can only hope it will be a positive one.
>But you may want to consider if outside hires get free perks to the vat treatments for their family.
Hmm… the vats become more and more of a selling point, don’t they? Might be something to consider…

>You know, the family Christmas parties in the vat sims are gonna be wild for this generation of eggs.
The Christmas parties on this ship are going to be wild… and it’s just going to get worse and worse.

:TizliSA: *Snore*

Tizli’s softly snores right into your ear, waking you up from the sweet oblivion you were experiencing. For a moment you wonder how she got there, but then some vague memories of you letting her in late last night resurfaces in your mind, though you’re not sure if it was a dream or if she actually woke you up. But another day has dawned and with it, more problems to solve. You know for a fact that Doxy will take the day off today, but luckily she should have already made a quick roundup of what happened yesterday… you better take a look.

Dawn of Day 11
Your crew consumes 6 unites of food more than your total food production.
Your ship consumes 5 unit of fuel while hyperjumping.
Ensign Zell construct a brig, allowing you to detain captured crew.
Upgrading the Hanger is moving along faster than expected thanks to having the right crew for the job (Regina, Tescia, Iris and Ikekeki).
Your crew has not been able to keep up with all the cleaning that needs to be done and it starting to be noticed. Morale has slightly decreased across the crew.

Ensign Regina has taken the day off tolay her egg.
Ensign Shara has taken the day off tolay her egg.
CDR. Doxy has taken the day off togive birth.
Ensign Tescia has taken the day off togive birth.
Ensign Vex is on medical duty thanks to everything above.

Most of your crew decides to hold a board game night. It ends in disaster.
Ensign Tizli and Ensign Tescia got into a heated argument and now dislike each other.
Ensign Tozlan and Ensign Vex got into a heated argument and now dislike each other.
Ensign Shara and Ensign Car Zuk got into a heated argument and now dislike each other.
Ensign Regina and Ensign Gherni got into a heated argument and now dislike each other.
Ensign Regina and Ensign Vex spent two pleasant evenings together and are now mates.

…and here you were hoping today would be simple…
No. 1020984 ID: c0da06

Gods damn it. Ok, will have to take care of the maintaining, so we should put people on that. A shame about the game, but is to be expected, as long as they maintain it profecional and dobn't start hating each other.
No. 1020986 ID: 5f70a7

Hm. At this rate, we're going to reach a food breakpoint where we'll need more than one person per day on hydroponics. I think we can finally slow down on reproduction.

Set most people to cleaning duty today, followed by maintenance.
No. 1021005 ID: 96c896

Thankfully bad feelings over board games tend to blow over quickly. I think you can just kindof ignore this.
Can't ignore cleaning duty though.

Five people being unavailable today is a real pain in the ass! I don't suppose Doxy and Zento could help out a bit like they did at the beginning?

Hmm. Looks like some people don't want to move off their duties. Farm and Research already have people in them. Ok, leave them there. Research is ahead of schedule so we don't need it full. That gives us 4 people to assign wherever.
How about: 2 on cleaning, 2 on maintenance. If Doxy and Zento can get off their asses, they should help on both.
No. 1021016 ID: 36784c

>consumes more food than can be produced.
I was afraid of this. We’re going to start running low on food pretty soon, if we’re not careful!

>have Doxy help out
She’s too busy giving birth, so she can’t help out!
No. 1021046 ID: c09f5e

>Hmm… maybe you should ask Vex if he can make the growth period a bit longer, so you can have more time to enjoy it? Just a thought…
They can still be put to work, right? Because pregnant Sakkilian woman are notoriously resilient? Like they won't die, but could get captured, get lost on a planet, or get a "joyride" (by choice or accident). Or would you rather have pregnant lizard girls safely working on ship?

>And while Tozlan, Tizli, Car and Gherni aren’t officially part of the union yet, I also took their requests.
So our more alien friends are reluctant to sign up with her, right away at least. Could that be telling of something? (Eki did, but that can be written off because she's a pirate, she has a submissive mindset, she looks up to the captain so she likes your clone...)

>…wait, are you missing something? Because you have no reason to believe that your farmer Car Zuk would even know this Uvo Tol person, let alone be divorced?
You'd agree that, given that he's coming from an infertility epidemic, he fits the profile of someone falling into his work as distraction. (Given the galactic situation, that's probably a common sentiment among contract workers.) That kind of stress cannot be good for forming long-term relationships. This may not apply to him, Car Zuk is likely has no relation to Uvo Tol, and speculating any further is pointless until you get back, but he could be happier here if there was someone around he can relate to.

>Ensign Tozlan
Isn't that Lt. Tozlan now? You better have that cleared with everyone, or you are not going to hear the end of it.

>Upgrading the Hanger is moving along faster than expected thanks to having the right crew for the job (Regina, Tescia, Iris and Ikekeki).
Cool. Don't fix what ain't broken. Oh right two of them are off duty today.
Could we have the Ralome siblings sub in today? The hanger upgrade would make it easier to have their ship fixed, after all. Maybe that would motivate them enough to prevent issues from working with Eki.

>Most of your crew decides to hold a board game night. It ends in disaster.
Reserve the gym tonight so you can resolve everyone's differences with some real sports.

Keep in mind if those tensions last for more than one day, there may be more underlying issues that need to be addressed.
No. 1021054 ID: c09f5e

>Ensign Regina and Ensign Vex spent two pleasant evenings together and are now mates.
Good for them, literally the only good thing to come out of board game knight. Now that the bachelorate and doctorate have joined forces, what wonders and horrors will they spawn on the galaxy?
No. 1021131 ID: 681cb5
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>Five people being unavailable today is a real pain in the ass! I don't suppose Doxy and Zento could help out a bit like they did at the beginning?
Doxy is a bit preoccupied right now, but you guess you’ll have to work a bit extra in dire times like these, yes. Things are rather calm while in transit anyway.
>Looks like some people don't want to move off their duties. Farm and Research already have people in them.
That would be Car Zuk, our resident farmer, who Doxy said will always volunteer himself for farm duty unless you specify otherwise. As for Research, you did personally assign Eki and Iris to it yesterday, so they are probably planning on continuing their work.
>Could we have the Ralome siblings sub in today? The hanger upgrade would make it easier to have their ship fixed, after all. Maybe that would motivate them enough to prevent issues from working with Eki.
Getting that Hanger upgrade completed do seem like a top priority, and you’re sure the Raolme siblings will be sufficiently motivated to finish it as soon as possible. You’ll make sure they are assigned to Research then.
>How about: 2 on cleaning, 2 on maintenance.
…hmm... there’s only Zell, Tara, Gherni and… yourself? Wait, did you accidently miss counting someone this morning? No matter, you’ll assign Zell and Gherni to cleaning and Tara and… actually, you’ll only assign Tara to maintenance and you’ll do some extra cleaning yourself. You haven’t done a proper EVA walk in ages and it will do you good to get out of this ship for a bit, even if it just to clean the hull.
>Isn't that Lt. Tozlan now? You better have that cleared with everyone, or you are not going to hear the end of it.
Right, he’s a Lieutenant, not an ensign. Better update his bio before he notices.

>Hm. At this rate, we're going to reach a food breakpoint where we'll need more than one person per day on hydroponics. I think we can finally slow down on reproduction.
Our current maximum output with our newly acquired farmer is 22 units, so we can still increase our numbers a bit more. Of course, he’s only producing 12 units on his lonesome, so assigning someone else to food production will be necessary soon enough.

>They can still be put to work, right? Because pregnant Sakkilian woman are notoriously resilient?
Sakkilian woman are notoriously stubborn as well, so you probably won’t be able to keep them away from work even if you wanted to. You have no idea about the aliens, though…
>Like they won't die, but could get captured, get lost on a planet, or get a "joyride" (by choice or accident). Or would you rather have pregnant lizard girls safely working on ship?
…of course they’ll need to be kept relatively safe… hmm… maybe it’s not the best idea to cripple your own workforce right now, though, is it?
No. 1021132 ID: 681cb5
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When you’re done cleaning the outer hull you take a quick look on the star map to see how far you’ve come. If everything is going well then you’ll arrive at Tarkus Gamma early tomorrow morning.

>So our more alien friends are reluctant to sign up with her, right away at least. Could that be telling of something?
Hmm… either they can feel that she has ulterior motives or… they simply don’t know what an union is. Tizli clearly doesn’t.
>Eki did, but that can be written off because she's a pirate, she has a submissive mindset, she looks up to the captain so she likes your clone...
She has also shown signs that she wants the lower ranks to have certain rights… though, she expressed it by talking about slave rights, so… um… you can’t really say for certain what she wants?

>You'd agree that, given that he's coming from an infertility epidemic, he fits the profile of someone falling into his work as distraction. (Given the galactic situation, that's probably a common sentiment among contract workers.) That kind of stress cannot be good for forming long-term relationships.
The more you learn about this galaxy, the more broken and wounded it seem to be. You need to improve things… for the future of the Sakkilian colonies, of course.
>This may not apply to him, Car Zuk is likely has no relation to Uvo Tol, and speculating any further is pointless until you get back, but he could be happier here if there was someone around he can relate to.
Hmm… you might be right. So far his only real interaction is getting into a fight with Shara, which is a rather bad start. Not to mention, you need more crew anyway…

>A shame about the game, but is to be expected, as long as they maintain it professional and don’t start hating each other. Thankfully bad feelings over board games tend to blow over quickly. I think you can just kind of ignore this.
While they will probably keep doing their duties, being stuck on a ship together with someone you dislike is not good for long-term morale. You rather deal with it properly than hope that it pass on its own.
>Reserve the gym tonight so you can resolve everyone's differences with some real sports.
Sadly, four of the eight that were part of yesterday kerfuffle are current busy elsewhere, what with them being in med-bay and all. It’s a really good idea, though, and might be prudent to do it tomorrow instead, when everyone is available.
>Good for Regina and Vex, literally the only good thing to come out of board game knight. Now that the bachelorate and doctorate have joined forces, what wonders and horrors will they spawn on the galaxy?
They spawn a child, apparently… a little boy, to be exact. You’ll have to see what kind of horrid wonder they’ll turn out to be.

…Tizli has gone back to sleeping in her own quarters again, so it seems that Tozlan has finally stopped hogging Commander Doxy. Just something to note.
No. 1021133 ID: 681cb5
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Dawn of Day 11
Your ship has arrived in the Tarkus Gamma system.

Your crew consumes 5 unites of food more than your total food production.
Your cleaning duties have paid off and the ship looks better for it. Morale has increased to normal values again.
One of your Cruisers have been completely repaired and is ready for duty.
A Sakkilians egg, a Raolme hybrid and a Flaûgnir hybrid are growing in the vats and will be “hatched” tomorrow morning.

The Hanger upgrade is completed a whole day early, thanks to strong motivations and experienced crew (Tozlan, Tizli, Iris and Ikekeki).
All ships will be constructed and repaired quicker (Minimum 1 day) as well as be cheaper to build.
Your next research subject will be the Kelshin (Requiring a live Kelshin), unless stated otherwise.

Some of your crew got into a fight and with no security to deescalate the situation it turned physical.
Lt. Tozlan and Ensign Vex got into a tussle and now hate each other.
Ensign Iris and Ensign Ikekeki worked as a team on the new hanger and became friends.

:DoxySA: Welcome to Tarkus Gamma, sir. Remember, where here to get a mineral scan on all the planetoids in the system, sir.
:ZentoSA: …is that a pirate ship, Commander?
:DoxySA: It is a Kelshin Pillager class ships, boss, the same model the pirates had but with a different paintjob. It hasn’t noticed us yet, so I can’t say if they are hostile or not… or if they even are pirates, sir.

…you don’t know why, but you got a bad feeling about this system…
No. 1021136 ID: 96c896

>the hybrids went into the vats too
Huh, so... babies work, not just eggs? I wonder why adults can't use it.

>Lt. Tozlan and Ensign Vex got into a tussle and now hate each other.
Okay we need to deal with that immediately.

As for this system... did a planet just get blown up? The debris field isn't orbiting anything so that must have been recent!
Scan nearby things, see if Eki recognizes the vessel. Also, I wonder if we could pretend to be pirates to avoid confict here...
No. 1021152 ID: c09f5e

>…you don’t know why, but you got a bad feeling about this system…
Well, there goes dodgeball night. Would've been nice to organise it with/against your twin.

...is that pirate vessel sporting IOD colors? Based on what you know of them, they cannot be of sound mind, or any mind, doing that. My guess is drones are not going to be interested in dodgeball.

Guess what moved to top of your build queue? Get someone on scan, get your miners, tell him to suit up for the next noble or corrosive mine you find. See if you can build new mining ships. If they give any lip, point to the cracked planet and say that's going to be the Flaug colony we don't have a Long-Range Communicator yesterday. Dammit, we should've had their cannon online when we left.

Claim to be the exact opposite of a pirate, if you wish avoid conflict. Perhaps the lieutenant and his ship can help there.
No. 1021176 ID: 36784c

Start scanning the planets and hope they’ve got materials that you need for upgrades.

>…is that a pirate ship, Commander?
>It is a Kelshin Pillager class ships, boss, the same model the pirates had but with a different paintjob. It hasn’t noticed us yet, so I can’t say if they are hostile or not…or if they even are pirates, sir.
If they aren’t hostile to you, then you don’t need to be hostile towards them. And just in case they aren’t pirates, don’t immediately attack them for no reason.

Might as well scan them to see what their specs are.
No. 1021190 ID: c09f5e

Now that I've calmed down, I think it could be better to keep the scan results on the down low, at least for today. Morale will drop when they see what's outside, so let's not pile interpersonal drama on top of that and have the crew do dodgeball in the gym tonight. Perhaps Tara can organise it, while you settle the dispute between Vex and Tozlan.

Don't forget to assign Maintenance, Cleaning, Security, and Research either.

>Your crew consumes 5 unites of food more than your total food production.
I'm sorry is that food production counter, right? If so, something is very wrong with consumption. If not, double up on on that today.
No. 1021191 ID: a9af05

No. 1021316 ID: 681cb5
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>Did a planet just get blown up? The debris field isn't orbiting anything so that must have been recent!
:DoxySA: That planet has indeed been artificially cracked, though I don’t believe it happened recently. If it did, we would have detected a massive energy spike from this system.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… but how long ago was it destroyed? And why? And by who? The IOD? It can’t be that far back, as the debris isn’t orbiting anything.
:DoxySA: I’m no expert on the orbital data of debris from a cracked planet, sir, but as we can’t detect any major Elerium residue or similar by-product, I can only guess it’s been at least a month or two at minimum… possibly even years?
:ZentoSA: …either way, we should be careful. While whatever did this might be long gone, it’s still a warning.
:DoxySA: Of course, sir.
>Point to the cracked planet and say that's going to be the Flaug colony we don't have a Long-Range Communicator yesterday.
…that seems unlikely. If they wanted to attack the mining colony you doubt they would first blow up a random planet in a nearby system that we know the colony haven’t even properly visited yet. Besides, Vul already said that the IOD would easily conquer them if they wanted to, sending them a warning might just be completely pointless. Her plan is to not draw their attention in the first place, remember?

>Start scanning the planets and hope they’ve got materials that you need for upgrades.
:ZentoSA: Commander, put Iris and Tizli on mineral and energy scan so we can know what we’re dealing with.
:DoxySA: Got it, sir.
>Get your miners, tell him to suit up for the next noble or corrosive mine you find. See if you can build new mining ships.
:ZentoSA: Get Zell and Tes ready with the landers, I want them mining as soon as the scan finds anything.
:DoxySA: I’ll get them ready, boss.
>I'm sorry is that food production counter, right? If so, something is very wrong with consumption. If not, double up on that today.
We’re consuming more food that we’re producing, meaning that we’re slowly running out of food unless we produce more of it. We’re not consuming more food that we should.
:ZentoSA: Dox, put Tozlan on farm duty so Car get some extra hands.
:DoxySA: I’ll see to it, sir.
>Don't forget to assign Maintenance, Cleaning, Security, and Research either.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… assign Gherni to cleaning, Shara to Security and… Eki, Vex, Regina and Tara to research.
:DoxySA: Of course, sir.
:ZentoSA: And I guess we’ll have to take Maintenance duty again?
:DoxySA: I… would rather not, sir… it’s really starting to wear on me to pull double duties like this, Captain Zento.
:ZentoSA: I know, but until we get more crew we’ll just have to weather the storm.
>See if you can build new mining ships.
While you have the resources, you’re kind of low on crew right now, sadly. It has to wait until later.

:IrisSA: I got something to report from the scanner bay, dad!
:ZentoSA: Then go ahead, Ensign Iris.
:IrisSA: We detected a small amount of Corrosives on the red planet’s surface… and there were some noble metals on its moon. The mining team has already been dispatched for it, dad.
:ZentoSA: That’s good to hear, sweetie… and the energy scan?
:IrisSA: Oh! That’s one is the really exciting one! Obviously, we detected the pirate ship… but we also detected several smaller ships flying around in low orbit on the planet below.
:ZentoSA: Really?
:IrisSA: And all that junk around the cyan planet? It’s a bunch of old destroyed ship hulls. Tizli thinks it might be an old battle site of some kind. And then there’s the best part! We’ve detected a really faint energy signature buried deep inside what’s left of the cyan planet and we think it might be some kind of old facility that survived the cracking, daddy!
:ZentoSA: An old facility? Really?
:IrisSA: Well… Tizli thought so… we’re not sure, we only detected some odd energy readings…
:ZentoSA: Either way, continue the good work, Iris.
:IrisSA: Will do, dad!
No. 1021317 ID: 681cb5
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>Huh, so... babies work, not just eggs? I wonder why adults can't use it.
...you’re not sure what you mean with that adults can’t use it? You can use the Vat system to regrow limbs and like, no matter how old you are. Of course, you need a still developing brain for it to properly simulate an education, if that’s what you mean. Doing that on an adult mind is… let just say it isn’t a pretty sight.

>...is that pirate vessel sporting IOD colors?
IOD colors are blue and… white, you believe? That thing is painted in a very garnish yellow, so no, those are definitely not IOD colors.
>See if Eki recognizes the vessel.
:IkekekiSA: Ugh, yeah, I recognize that goldish yellow anywhere. That’s a Flashy Freebooter ship! Don’t believe a word those scallywags tells you!
:ZentoSA: Flashy Freebooter? Is that some kind of clan or…?
:IkekekiSA: They are part of Pirate Lord Gold Claw’s crew, just like we in the Bloody Buccaneers are… um… used to be part of Lord Krem’s crew. They are well known for their love of everything that glitters and are experts when it comes to swindling planetlubbers like yourself out of their doubloon filled coffers.
:ZentoSA: So they won’t try and plunder us?
:IkekekiSA: Oh, of course they will, if they think they can take you without too much problem. Either way, hold on to your booty, captain, if you’re planning to going up against them. They will get your booty either by force or trickery.
:ZentoSA: I see…
>I wonder if we could pretend to be pirates to avoid conflict here...
:IkekekiSA: …well, if you’re wearing my pirate hat they might not try and swindle you, cap’?
>Claim to be the exact opposite of a pirate, if you wish avoid conflict.
:IkekekiSA: Then they’ll definitely try and swindle you, captain.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… still, you don’t think they will actually attack us, do you?
:IkekekiSA: You’re sitting in a huge flagship while they got a medium sized pillager. They aren’t suicidal. If anything you’re the one who’s supposed to plunder them! KEKEKE! That’s it! Let’s board their ship, enslave their crew and plunder their coffers!
:ZentoSA: We’re not enslaving anyone, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: Aw… can’t we at least plunder their booty? They’ve definitely stolen it from someone else already, so it’s not like we’re doing something bad?
>Perhaps the lieutenant and his ship can help there.
…you have a feeling sending someone that we know hates the pirates and probably is just as hated by them will probably just make a conflict more likely.
>If they aren’t hostile to you, then you don’t need to be hostile towards them. And just in case they aren’t pirates, don’t immediately attack them for no reason.
You’re not going to just blast them out of the sky unprovoked… though Eki did bring up a good point… they are pirates, so stealing their stuff won’t be that morally questionable, will it? Just a thought.
>Might as well scan them to see what their specs are.
If we get close enough to scan them like that, then they’ll definitely know we’re here. Let’s decide how we should approach them first.

>Well, there goes dodge ball night. Would've been nice to organize it with/against your twin.
…why would you cancel dodge ball night? You’re not in any immediate danger, are you? And your crew needs time off anyway.
>Have the crew do dodgeball in the gym tonight. Perhaps Tara can organize it, while you settle the dispute between Vex and Tozlan.
:TaraSA: As you command, Captain. One question though. Do you want the people that were fighting on opposite teams or do you want them working together?
:ZentoSA: Hmm… wait, I’ll need to get back to you on that, Vex and Tozlan just arrived.

>Okay we need to deal with Tozlan and Vex immediately.
You called both Lt. Tozlan and Ensign Vex to you so you can deal with both of them at once… but as soon as they spot each other they go for the throat.
:VexSA: What is this dim-witted buffoon doing here?
:TozlanSA: What’s wrong, scumsucker. Here to cry to papa about our tussle?
:VexSA: You punched me in the face, you dullard!
:TozlanSA: And you knocked a tooth out from me right into the eternal dark!
:VexSA: You’ll just regrow it, you incompetent fool.
:TozlanSA: And you’ll just regrow that eye, you sludge dweller! …psst, captain, you guys can regrow eyes, right?
:ZentoSA: We can’t regrow eyes naturally, but that black eye will heal. Now, will you two stop acting like children and tell me what’s going on?
:VexSA: This nincompoop was cheating with his sister at Colony Transformation!
:TozlanSA: She was losing anyway so she just helped me out, that’s all! This tedious wanker on the other hand droned on and on about the most boring stuff imaginable before insulting my sister!
:VexSA: That was not my intention. Your intention to insult me was pretty clear on the other hand.
:TozlanSA: You insult her, I insult you, scumsucker. And then you insulted me right back anyway!
:VexSA: And then this simpleton whispered in my ear that he fornicated with my mother!
:TozlanSA: Well, I did fuck her, you one dicked squid!
:VexSA: Eat feces!
:TozlanSA: Eat sludge!
:ZentoSA: *Sigh*…
No. 1021318 ID: 96c896

Tell both of them they can't use regeneration as an excuse for physical violence. Fighting between crewmembers is expressly forbidden on your ship! They will stop attacking eachother this instant unless they want a day in the brig. We're gonna have an influx of crew real soon so don't think their positions are so precious that you won't do it.
As for their disagreement, you don't want any more cheating on game night, and Vex should repeat what he said so that he can clear up the misunderstanding about Tizli. Vex could stand to work on his social skills in general, I think. Being smart is no excuse to call other people stupid. Plus, if someone is offended due to a misunderstanding, you should clear up the misunderstanding, not escalate.
Tell Tozlan you expect better behavior from a lieutenant. He could have chosen not to escalate as well. Seems out of character for him, even. In addition, you don't think Doxy will be pleased that he's shoving their private business in her son's face.
No. 1021328 ID: 36784c

No more mister nice captain. It’s time for Zento to be the tallest, scariest, most cryptic looking Sakkilian imaginable multiplied by 2.

Shout, “SILENCE!!!” or “ENOUGH!!!”, which ever gets their attention the best.

Let them know that you don’t care who started it because physically fighting each other over a board game is fucking stupid! Tell them that if the ship didn’t desperately need as much crew as possible, you’d throw both of them in the brig! But since you need as many available crew as possible, you’re not going to do that. This is the only warning they get.

Then remind both of them that neither their rank (Tolzan) nor who they’re related to (Vex) will protect them from you next time. Because if there is a next time, you’ll make them share a room in the brig, you’ll start stripping ranks, and you’ll reduce their next paychecks by a significant amount!

>you don't want any more cheating on game night
Was it cheating? Is there anything in the Colony Transformation rule book that says that what Tizli did is considered cheating? Because if there’s no rule against it, then it isn’t cheating. So unless we know the rules of the game, we can’t exactly call it as cheating.
No. 1021336 ID: c09f5e

>It’s a bunch of old destroyed ship hulls.
>We’ve detected a really faint energy signature buried deep inside what’s left of the cyan planet
Could be worth sending a properly manned Cruiser over there, when we have the time. Worst case: you find out why the planet was cracked in the first place.

>Obviously, we detected the pirate ship… but we also detected several smaller ships flying around in low orbit on the planet below.
This has looting the natives written all over it.

>Do you want the people that were fighting on opposite teams or do you want them working together?
Together. There could be no better lesson in teamwork than the risk of losing if they don't get it together. Of course, if they lose new resentments could form...

>Aw… can’t we at least plunder their booty? They’ve definitely stolen it from someone else already, so it’s not like we’re doing something bad?
If we want to avoid direct ship-to-ship combat, we could run a con using their reputation against them. If we can pretend we know nothing about them, they'll believe they're swindling some easy marks. The catch is if Eki is around it would give the game away. While she could take a Cruiser, they wouldn't think Ralome would let a shrimp borrow their Defender.

From there, we just need a cover story/distraction for an opening to loot their ship. What if you invite them to dodgeball... with live shock grenades? Best part: you can tip the odds in your favor if you can rig them to detonate by remote control, and thus only on their side.

>And then this simpleton whispered in my ear that he fornicated with my mother!
>Well, I did fuck her, you one dicked squid!
>Eat feces!
Is his discomfort coming from Tozlan's attempt at paternal dominance, his parents seeing other other people, or his insecurities over his mate? Your son may be more sensitive about these than he lets on.
No. 1021339 ID: 96c896

Oh let me respond to the rest of the update too.
Seems like we can just ignore the pirates, we should check out the energy reading next, and then scan the remaining space objects near the pirates' planet (we'll probably wind up doing that tomorrow). The smaller ships are probably pirate vessels, doing mining or something.
We could go try to bully the pirates but uh, if we do things like that too often the pirates might put out a bounty on us or something. I think we should just focus on the mission, and if they try to scam us we can turn it around on them, but we shouldn't instigate.

Hmm, after we get corrosives we won't be able to repair the raolme defender immediately. We don't have enough BM.
No. 1021352 ID: 36784c

That sounds like a bad idea. I don’t think we should invite pirates onto our ship for a game of dodgeball.

It gives them a chance to look around our ship and they can see how little crew we have and how few defenses we’ve got. They’ll realize they’ve got an advantage over us when they decide to get back in their ship and just start attacking us when they don’t like how they lost the rigged game of dodgeball.
No. 1021369 ID: c09f5e

Then send whatever pirates you stunned to the brig, that's what it's there for. If you can take out at least half the crew, or better yet the captain, boarding actions go along much smoother. Especially if you get Ikekeki to sabotage their comms.

Maybe instead of hiding, she can run a double bluff if she claims this was her idea. That she "tricked" our crew into this, not that she wouldn't be into this kind of dodgeball anyway, and she'd "let them in on the con" for "a spot on their ship". Good cons are sold on confidence after all, both yours and theirs.

Also, it should be said we're not inviting them over today.
No. 1021370 ID: a9af05

Would it be fair for the Raolme? Should we make a ball that they can hear coming?

Tell both of them to stop acting like children. You expect them to be better than that.

So the plan involves trusting them to not just immediately start shooting us as soon as they come onto the ship? Because that's what it sounds like.

It's really stupid to expect pirates to come on the ship and play dodgeball, since they're more likely to just kill us as soon as the door opens and not bother playing the game at all.

You're assuming that these pirates know who she is and would immediately trust her, when she already said that her group and this group of pirates don't like each other. If they do know who she is, just knowing she's on the ship would make them want to start shooting at us immediately instead of waiting until they got on our ship to start shooting us.
No. 1021371 ID: bb78f2

While its important to not take sides, and I understand that Tozlin is probably very attached to Doxy, its important to lay down the law with him that he can NOT leverage relationships like that, especially under the current situation where we need to produce crew like this, and how delicate everything is.

This is NOT the behavior expected of a lieutenant. Tozlin's position holds him to a higher standard than anyone he outranks, and he is SHAMING himself.

To be frank, this childishness starting over a game is extremely unbecoming of a doctor, Vex, and that you've also participating in conflict escalation is extremely concerning. He needs to understand how important maintaining good relationships with his patients is, and that includes Tozlin. This expectation will continue after we've achieved more relaxed conditions.

We should have been able to conduct this meeting civilly at the same, but now we're starting to regret not meeting each of you individually. How dare the both of you put your captain in this situation. What if we were forced to delegate this mediation to Doxy instead? Would the two of you embarrass yourselves the same way?

You know, all this dad calling from Iris puts a concern in my mind. It's nice for us, but I'm worried about a scenario where a parent is far more colder outside the vat then they were inside and takes affront to that. What if Tescia doesn't like being called a Mom from a complete stranger when vat Tescia did? I hope the vat simulation accounts for different personality profiles and can anticipate a detached parent, otherwise the child could be in for a cruel reality check once they emerge. We can't even shame such a parent, they didn't really raise their kid! There could be no attachment between the two of them at all! What if we have to mediate a parent and child hating each other over this? That would be much worse than what we're doing now!
No. 1021397 ID: 96c896

Oh I hope we can recover some corpses from the wreckage!
No. 1021456 ID: c09f5e

If this seems dumb, consider it like taking advantage of their greed the same way we took advantage of Ikekeki's "sense of honour" to shoot her ship down during parley. If they start shooting we'll start shooting back, and they don't strike me as bloodthirsty as much as greedy. If they can see an opportunity to (seemingly) loot us without casualties, they go for that first (if we don't raise suspicion).

Technically speaking, her last crew abandoned her and she's been taken prisoner. It would not be unreasonable for her to sign up to that ship, but in return they would ask her to betray us as a sign of loyalty, regardless if they would really welcome her. That's our in. Dodgeball may or may not be involved.
No. 1021457 ID: a9af05

You're making a lot of assumptions about one faction of pirates we haven't met yet. It's really dangerous to just assume all pirate factions will act the same way or can be manipulated as easily as Eki was.
No. 1021700 ID: 681cb5
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>You know, all this dad calling from Iris puts a concern in my mind. It's nice for us, but I'm worried about a scenario where a parent is far colder outside the vat then they were inside and takes affront to that.
As much as you’d like to give them a perfect world to be hatched into, the current situation you’re in sadly just can’t be that world. You simply have to have hope that the Vats will prepare them to deal with a situation like that… and maybe you should see if you can get a therapist or something on the ship?
>Was it cheating? Is there anything in the Colony Transformation rule book that says that what Tizli did is considered cheating?
You’re certain it’s against the rules in Colony Terraform to give other players your resources outright… but she might have simply been playing in a way that helped her brother grab more points… like by building a bunch of forests around his cities or something. But this is irrelevant in the end.

>Vex could stand to work on his social skills in general, I think. Being smart is no excuse to call other people stupid.
It’s clear that Vex has… troubles with social skills. He clearly dumped charisma in favor of intelligence on the character creation screen.
>Tozlan could have chosen not to escalate as well. Seems out of character for him, even.
There’s clearly something more than just a board game behind their feelings for each other. While the board game was the thing that finally broke through the floor, there has to been other things digging away the sand underneath it.
>Is Vex discomfort coming from Tozlan's attempt at paternal dominance, his parents seeing other people, or his insecurities over his mate? Your son may be more sensitive about these than he lets on.
Hmm… it’s clear that Doxy is a big cause of the friction between them… and what she means to both of them. Then there’s Vex and Regina… and you’re sure Tozlan is a bit frustrated still after being shot down by Eki. That’s the problem of being stuck on a ship like this… things tends to build up over time.

>No more mister nice captain. Shout, “SILENCE!!!” or “ENOUGH!!!”, which ever gets their attention the best.
No. Shouting means you’ve lost the authority of the situation. Instead, you’ll straighten your back, furrow your brow and raise your voice enough to sound stern yet calm.
:ZentoSA: That is enough.
:TozlanSA: But-
:VexSA: I-
:ZentoSA: No. I will not hear any more excuses.
:VexSA: He started it!
:TozlanSA: I did not! Yo-
:ZentoSA: I am very disappointed in the both of you. You’re acting like children. I expect you to be better than that!
:TozlanSA: Bu-
:ZentoSA: That the wounds aren’t permanent is not an excuse for physical violence. Fighting between crewmembers is expressly forbidden on my ship! You will cease this foolishness or I will throw both of you into the brig.
:VexSA: Daddy?
:ZentoSA: Neither your rank or who you’re related too matters here. I will start stripping ranks and reduce your next paycheck if you cannot act like grown adults. Vex, this is not how a doctor should act. I need to trust you to help and save the crew, not to have childish fights.
:ZentoSA: And Tozlan, this is not the behavior expected of a lieutenant. If you want your rank so badly, than act like you’ve earned it! I will hold you to higher standards than those that you outrank, and currently you’re shaming yourself.
:ZentoSA: And how do you think Doxy would feel about this, knowing that her own son and the father of her coming daughter was fighting like this? That you Tozlan were shoving your private business in her son's face? Or that you Vex was picking a fight with someone she cares about? What if we were forced to delegate this mediation to Doxy instead? Would the two of you embarrass yourselves the same way?
:ZentoSA: I will not have any more fighting on my ship, do you understand?
:VexSA::TozlanSA: Yes sir…
:ZentoSA: Good. Dismissed.

That should keep them from at least trading any more blows… now, let’s see if we can get some dodge ball going.
No. 1021701 ID: 681cb5
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>Let them play dodge ball together. There could be no better lesson in teamwork than the risk of losing if they don't get it together. Of course, if they lose new resentments could form...
:TaraSA: I’ll make sure they are in groups of two, sir, and rotate them between the teams so the games will be more even.
>Would it be fair for the Raolme? Should we make a ball that they can hear coming?
:TaraSA: I have already discussed the matter with Tizli. Trust me, I have it covered.

It’s clear Tara knows what she’s doing, as it barely takes a few minutes before everyone has changed into training clothes and started throwing balls around. As the games starts, you make sure to keep an eye out on what the others are up too… even if it means you’ll lose a game or two because of it.

The first thing you notice is how both Shara and Car Zuk are horrible at the game. While they have a mean throwing arm, both of them are rather big and slow, making them easy targets for the others. The Flaûgnir has a hard time noticing that they are hit as well, complicating things further. Either way, it’s clear this little exercise won’t do anything to their current relationship.
:SharaSA: Hey! Didn’t you notice that you got hit? It hit you right on the shoulder hard enough to wake up people in the next system over.
:CarSA: Huh? I did?
:SharaSA: Geez… just how fucking thick skinned are you rocks?

Tizli and Tes on the other hand hit it off pretty quickly. Both of them are quick, have good aim and are rather competitive, ensuring that they almost immediately start working together as an actual team. Tizli is even dominating the game for a while, until people notice that she has a hard time figuring out where people are if they are quiet. Not that it matters, as she’ll simply slither across the floor, grab a ball and pass it over to Tes instead.
:TesciaSA: Nice shot.

Tozlan and Vex… well, their distaste for each other is rather noticeable and it’s clear that some dodge ball will not remove the animosity between them. At least they aren’t’ openly insulting each other anymore.
:TozlanSA: Ow!
:VexSA: HA! Are you trying to catch the ball with your face or what?
:TozlanSA: Shut it.

A pleasant surprise is that Eki and Iris is really hitting it off. They even become the stars of the game, as they manage to combine their strengths by having Iris ride around on top of Eki. Eki might be fastest player on the crew, but she doesn’t really have the arms to throw a ball. Iris on the other hand is rather slow and unagile, but her throwing accuracy is something else. Combined they become a monster.
:IkekekiSA: Tara, ten o clock! Take her down!
:IrisSA: I see her! Get me closer!
:IkekekiSA: Hold on! KEKEKE!

As the games goes on, you notice Zell and Car sneaking away, so that they might take it easy together. Tara clearly doesn’t care that they did, as long as they are social with someone.
:ZellSA: -with a bit of elderberry in it. You have to try it… as soon as we get a bar, that is.
:CarSA: It does sounds nice… Personally, I prefer a bit more of a bitter drink, that’s-

Then finally, there’s Gherni and Regina… who just keep their distance and doesn’t say a word to each other.

All in all, not a bad evening of dodge ball…
No. 1021702 ID: 681cb5
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Dawn of Day 13
Your crew produces 5 unites of food more than your total food consumption, giving you +5 food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Your planetary landers return with a total off: 17 NM and 12 Corrosives.
The maintenance team managed to locate and repair a leak in one of the fuel storage modules. 1 unit of fuel was contaminated and lost before the repairs were completed.
No one manned the Messhall, making lunch and dinner into a tasteless slob. Morale has decreased ship wide.
A Sakkilians egg, a Raolme hybrid and a Flaûgnir hybrid have completed growing in the vats and are ready to be “hatched”.

Ensign Tara organized some games of dodge ball, ensuring that your crew let out some steam and socialized a bit. Morale has normalized ship wide.
Ensign Regina and Ensign Gherni played dodge ball together and became indifferent to each other.
Ensign Zell and Ensign Car Zuk dodged playing dodge ball together and became friends.
Ensign Tizli and Ensign Tescia worked as a team and became friends.
Ensign Iris and Ensign Ikekeki worked as a team and became good friends.
Lt. Tozlan and Ensign Vex still hate each other though.

Research has successfully analyzed the Kelshin Ikekeki and crew quarters/ships/food as well as the hybridization formula has been modified to suit their needs.
Kelshin can now be used in all facilities and ships.
You haven’t stated your next research subject. Some possibilities are:
-Planetary lander upgrades (Heat resistance, Atmospheric protection, Tectonic stabilizers, Shielding against hostile fauna and flora or an increase in material gathering efficiency. Choose one).
-Sakkilian Cruiser upgrades (More weapons, more room for crew and better shields).
-Better shield generator blueprints (Will require building said generator afterwards).
-Cybernetic/Bio-enhancement bay (Will require building said bay afterwards).
-Quick growth and hybridization formula improvement (For quicker crew “construction”).
-Any alien space craft or artifacts.
-Any living aliens we have yet researched.
-Any dead aliens we can find.
-Leave blank in case I come up with something else –Vex.

:DoxySA: Other than that… um… Vex made a report on Kelshin if you want to read it… but the short version: They are crab/shrimp things that lives underwater, who are super quick and have strong claws, but otherwise rather weak. Ambush creatures by nature, they generally favor hit and run tactics, be it between soldiers or ships.
:ZentoSA: Thank you Commander Doxy.

>Hmm, after we get corrosives we won't be able to repair the Raolme defender immediately. We don't have enough BM.
We do have a massive graveyard of ships nearby, which is bound to have some useful metals in it. BM is the most common materials we’ll find, after all.
>Could be worth sending a properly manned Cruiser over there, when we have the time. Worst case: you find out why the planet was cracked it the first place.
Actual worst case: We anger whoever cracked the planet. But that seems unlikely they are still around. You are correct, though, that you really should send someone over to there to check it out when you have the time. Who knows what treasures might be hidden there.
>Oh I hope we can recover some corpses from the wreckage!
You’re no expert on the prolonged effect of hard vacuum on a dead body, but there might still be corpses to claim… it’s not like they’ll decompose, you think? You’ll make sure to instruct whoever you send there to keep an eye out.

>Seems like we can just ignore the pirates.
For the moment, yes… but we can’t say how long they’ll stay ignorant of our existence and how they’ll react when they notice us. We might need a plan.
>Scan the remaining space objects near the pirates' planet (we'll probably wind up doing that tomorrow).
If we do that, then we’ll definitely show ourselves to the pirates.
>The smaller ships are probably pirate vessels, doing mining or something.
Hmm… it seems like it. They are returning to the larger ship today.
>This has looting the natives written all over it.
…are there even natives down there to loot? The planet clearly supports life, but more likely there’s just animal life down there.

>If we want to avoid direct ship-to-ship combat, we could run a con using their reputation against them.
Hmm… tricking them would be preferable to direct combat… that way we might capture both the crew and ship unharmed. Now, Eki said they were greedy…
>We just need a cover story/distraction for an opening to loot their ship. What if you invite them to dodgeball... with live shock grenades?
Dodge ball? No, there’s no way they’ll willingly risk themselves like that for something so frivolous. Besides, you rather not have them aboard the ship before they are naturalized… not to mention they might just start shooting as soon as they get onboard. No, you need a better plan than that…
>If we can pretend we know nothing about them, they'll believe they're swindling some easy marks.
Try and barter with them, before turning around and ambushing them? Might work… but surely they will be expecting that. You might need to be slightly cleverer, but it’s a good start. Then again… we can just blow them up and grab whatever survives?
>The catch is if Eki is around it would give the game away.
You’re pretty sure they have no idea who Eki is… or that she might have been a pirate. She was just a low ranking recruit, remember?
>We could go try to bully the pirates but uh, if we do things like that too often the pirates might put out a bounty on us or something.
Indeed, they are bound to start retaliating if we pose too much of threat to them… but then again, there is that old saying… “There’s more than one way to not leave any witnesses”. Just food for thought.

Alright, it’s time to come up with some plans. Are you dealing with the pirates today or not? And if not, what will the rest of the crew do? Remember, our main mission is just to scan all the planets for minerals, nothing more.
No. 1021704 ID: 094652

Upgrade Long Range Comms
Upgrade Cruiser

>What do
Old Battlefield. Harvest all those basic materials floating around in space - clean up the trash and you can improve your rep.

They're busy raiding the planet, but we don't have the gear to take them on. We need to distract some into coming here so we can ambush, raid their stuff, and use it to even the odds.

Can we get a list of crew on the Wiki? It's getting crowded in here.
No. 1021706 ID: 96c896

Research: Something that will let us do the cannon mission safely. Cloaking device? Pirates had one of those, maybe it's in the blueprints we stole. Could also just get really good engines so the pilot can dodge its shots.
If we can't do any of that I vote for researching a lander upgrade so we can mine stuff better. I believe flora/fauna defenses are in order, because we know of a planet with OM that requires that, and we're definitely lacking in OM.

>where next?
Let's scope out the old battlefield.

>pirate plan?
Uh. Whatever we do it'll need to try to prevent the ship from running away. Ask Eki how best to target the pirate ship's engines to block its warp drive.
I wonder if we could just mind our own business while doing scanning near them, and let them approach us? Be unfriendly, but allow yourself to be swayed by whatever scam they try, then attack them when they're most vulnerable. Set up some kind of code word ahead of time.
No. 1021763 ID: 36784c

Let’s go check out the old battlefield.
No. 1021791 ID: c09f5e

>No one manned the Messhall, making lunch and dinner into a tasteless slob. Morale has decreased ship wide.
D'oh! Reminder to have at least 5 members on strand by to fill up the gaps. Consider assigning certain crewmembers job titles, so they have a fallback task if not assigned to anything.

A harsh yet important reminder of sometimes being starship crew first, family second. Hope he leans the right things from this, or at least forgives you for it. You may have done the psychological equivalent cutting off your own hand to spare the body.

>A Sakkilians egg, a Raolme hybrid and a Flaûgnir hybrid have completed growing in the vats and are ready to be “hatched”.
Which one will be the better qualified mediator/therapist/empath*? I'm torn between the blind seer or the stone angel.

*which would help in building a psyche profile of our enemies to predict their actions. Much better than inventing one before we've even met. Sorry everyone.

>Ensign Tara organized some games of dodge ball, ensuring that your crew let out some steam and socialized a bit. Morale has normalized ship wide.
Bonus, you know who's good for away missions now: Tizli, Tescia, Iris, Ikekeki. Shara too, if you have power armor. They'll protect the nerds scientists and diplomats.

>Alright, it’s time to come up with some plans. Are you dealing with the pirates today or not? And if not, what will the rest of the crew do? Remember, our main mission is just to scan all the planets for minerals, nothing more.
It may not be necessary to play the hero (yet), there are guards you can reach, but:
1. You're not done yet. Your scans missed a small brown planet, at least. They could pick your activity if they're paying attention. They could have cloaked scouts on us. Have Eki be on the lookout for stealth ship signatures. Could be worth researching an upgrade to the scanner scanner.

2. The high magistrate would probably appreciate a more detailed report on what happened here. If a battle took place so close to their own system, it's unlikely they wouldn't have heard about it, and if they didn't they should.

Are the ships in the battlefield modeled similar to the unknown ships by the planet? Could there be survivors or deserters from this battle? Would it be possible for them to survive being marooned on the organic planet? Yes there's no distress signal, but their "rescuers" are right there, aren't they? The people the pirates are interested in swindling might not be you.
No. 1021873 ID: 61b860

Make Eki pretend to be captain when we trick tje pirates.
No. 1021876 ID: 96c896

Oh right we need to assign duties.
1 on farm is fine, we'll only lose 3 food.
1 on mess hall
let's put those who performed well last time on Research again
1 on Security
3 on Cleaning
3 on Maintenance
That's 14. We have one extra... oh, we need a pilot for exploring the battlefield, so that covers everything.
If we need a second pilot to also investigate the energy signature, then take one off of Cleaning.
No. 1021878 ID: 36784c

No. If we’re going to trick the pirates, we should do it ourselves instead of having Eki pretend to be the captain.
No. 1021908 ID: 681cb5
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>Can we get a list of crew on the Wiki? It's getting crowded in here.
A wiki is now under construction. I’ll fill it out when I have the time later. Any help would be appreciated, though.

>You're not done yet. Your scans missed a small brown planet, at least.
You’ve barely started. Vul wanted a mineral scan (Green) of every planet, not an energy scan (Blue). Your current Mineral scanner is rather short range, so you’ll need to scan each planet individually.
>D'oh! Reminder to have at least 5 members on standby to fill up the gaps. Consider assigning certain crewmembers job titles, so they have a fallback task if not assigned to anything.
They already have job titles, the problem is that you lack things like chefs and janitors. But keeping some crew on standby for the less glamorous jobs is a good idea, as long as we’re not in a hurry to do something. Though… you do have this feeling you rather not stay here for too long…

>Research: Something that will let us do the cannon mission safely. Could also just get really good engines so the pilot can dodge its shots.
There’s no way you’ll get close to that canon with The Shed Scale, so if you want a better ship for that mission, then you’ll need to upgrade the cruisers. You’ll put it on the “to research” list.
>Cloaking device? Pirates had one of those, maybe it's in the blueprints we stole.
As you stated before, you’ve already checked for those blueprints. If you want to replicate their technology, you’ll need a intact Kelshin ship with a cloaking device installed. …or just buy a cloaking device somewhere. Maybe that black market Eki mentioned?
>I vote for researching a lander upgrade so we can mine stuff better. I believe flora/fauna defenses are in order, because we know of a planet with OM that requires that, and we're definitely lacking in OM.
And said planet is the very one the pirates are orbiting, but one step at the time…
:DoxySA: I’ll forward the request over to R&D, sir. I’m sure whoever is over there will figure something out.

>Let’s go check out the old battlefield.
:ZentoSA: Send Zell and Tes out to see if there’s anything that hasn’t already been looted in that old battlefield. That includes bodies.
:DoxySA: Right away, sir.
>Clean up the trash and you can improve your rep.
This is an empty system, no one would care if you did clean it up… besides, you rather not be known as a trash collector, either.
>The high magistrate would probably appreciate a more detailed report on what happened here. If a battle took place so close to their own system, it's unlikely they wouldn't have heard about it, and if they didn't they should.
:DoxySA: If anything, sir, she might know more about it. But we’ll need to upgrade our comm station first.
>Upgrade Long Range Comms.
:DoxySA: Well… we still lack some Corrosives, but I’ll get Tozlan started so most of the job will be done by the time we get more.

>Oh right we need to assign duties.
:DoxySA: Yes, sir?
:ZentoSA: Keep Car on farm duty. We’ll only lose 3 units of food then.
:DoxySA: We’ll lose 5, sir. He only produces 12 units a day. But right away, boss.
:ZentoSA: Put someone on MessHall duty.
:DoxySA: I guess Vex might need a bit of a cool down…
:ZentoSA: And put… let’s see… our two engineers on research, as well as… Eki and... hmm… Tara can be in charge of them.
:DoxySA: Roger.
:ZentoSA: Shara on security and… let’s put our three “newcomers” on cleaning and maintenance, with a fourth from our original crew.
:DoxySA: Very well. I’ll make sure they get a proper tour of the ship as well, sir. Now, we got one crew left, boss.
:ZentoSA: Oh, and have someone man the Scanner bay. We need to scan for minerals on the battlefield, so that Zell and Tes will know where to look.
:DoxySA: Alright, sir. Got it. That is all the crew assigned and accounted for, boss.
>Investigate the energy signature.
…you’ll probably need a whole team ready if you would want to explore it. Who knows how big that facility might be… or what dangers might lurk down there.

:GherniSA: Captain? I have a primary report on the mineral Scan.
:ZentoSA: Let’s hear it, Ensign Gherni.
:GherniSA: To know ones shock, the graveyard is full of basic metals, as boring as that can be. But changing the subject to something more intriguing, I’ve detected a large quantity of all kinds of pretty baubles and substances down on the planet, located near that energy source we found earlier somewhere just below the surface.
:ZentoSA: Oh? Hmm… might be some kind of underground storage? Thank you, Gherni, you did a splendid job.
:GherniSA: Ohoho! Why, thank you my handsome gentleman.
No. 1021909 ID: 681cb5
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>Are the ships in the battlefield modeled similar to the unknown ships by the planet?
No, no they are definitely not. Now that you’ve observed those ships for a few days it’s clear they are part of the pirate crew, as they’ve landed and departed from the larger ship. You guess they are similar to your planetary landers?
>They're busy raiding the planet, but we don't have the gear to take them on.
We do have the gear to take them on, no question about it. What is questionable is if we can take them on without incurring losses. It would be for the best if we should take them out without engaging them in a fair fight.
>They could pick up your activity if they're paying attention. They could have cloaked scouts on us. Have Eki be on the lookout for stealth ship signatures.
If we could detect them, we would have already done so. The only reason Eki detected them last time was because they were charging their weapons… so it would already be too late if she detected the same thing again.

>We need to distract some into coming here so we can ambush, raid their stuff, and use it to even the odds.
Hmm… we definitely need to do some divide and conquer here… but how?
>Whatever we do it'll need to try to prevent the ship from running away. Ask Eki how best to target the pirate ship's engines to block its warp drive.
:IkekekiSA: Any cannon powerful enough to penetrate the shell wouldn’t so much shuttle the sail as detonating the fuel.
:ZentoSA: So giant boom, no loot to find?
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE! Now you’re getting it, cap’! Yeah, shooting the engine is a bad idea if you want to grab their booty.
>I wonder if we could just mind our own business while doing scanning near them, and let them approach us? Be unfriendly, but allow yourself to be swayed by whatever scam they try, then attack them when they're most vulnerable.
Hmm… that is a possibility… let them think they are in control and then... zap, they are in our trap! Might work.
>Make Eki pretend to be captain when we trick the pirates.
...yeah, no, that’s a bad idea. Eki is not someone you should trust talking to anyone, as she always blabbers on way too much, remember? You better do it yourself.

>A harsh yet important reminder of sometimes being starship crew first, family second. Hope he learns the right things from this, or at least forgives you for it. You may have done the psychological equivalent cutting off your own hand to spare the body.
What you did was to tell your son that you were very disappointed in him… and that you expect better. Nothing more.
>Bonus, you know who's good for away missions now: Tizli, Tescia, Iris, Ikekeki. Shara too, if you have power armor. They'll protect the nerds scientists and diplomats.
It depends on the goal of the mission. Shara, for example, is the only one on board right now that you know have killed someone in close combat before, so she would be useful if we expect a fight. As for the rest, Tizli, Tes and Eki are more fit than most of the others, true… but Iris? Hmm… while being an engineer has made her a bit more muscular, she’s not really the first person you’d consider on an away mission.
Speaking of away missions, you do have one available to you. If you want to explore that odd facility on the planet you should create a group of maximum 5 crew members to go down there… which might include you or Doxy, so they’ll have someone of higher rank with them. There’s also the pirates that you still need to deal with… somehow… you need to make a decision about them soon. Finally, there’s the mission you’re here on, as you still need to get close and do a mineral scan of both the flora covered planet as well as the brown one.

:DoxySA: Sir, we’re getting a transmission from Tes.
:ZentoSA: Patch them over, Commander.
The comm screen lights up and show Tes in a space suit, looking as “excited” as she always does.
:TesciaSA: …sir?
:ZentoSA: I’m reading you loud and clear, Ensign. What’s your status?
:TesciaSA: …we have explored the graveyard, sir. No hostiles or other dangers to report.
:ZentoSA: Good… anything else?
:TesciaSA: Pop has secured a lot of Basic metals, sir, but he says that most of what’s left is useless.
:ZentoSA: …Tes, is there anything I need to know that shouldn’t have waited until you got back?
:TesciaSA: Sir, we detected parts of a ship lodged inside the useless scrap metal of another ship, and it seem to not have been looted yet. It took some time to blast through it, but Ah’ve managed entered it, sir. Here’s what I found.
She turns the camera around and show of what was once clearly some kind of facility on a ship, with both bodies and parts floating around it aimlessly.
:TesciaSA: There should be some acids and gold to be gathered from these wrecked consoles, sir. Should be useful as Corrosives and Noble metals.
:ZentoSA: …and what is that? The alien floating around?
:TesciaSA: Hmm? Oh, Ah have no idea, sir. It’s some kind of snake? There’s also a body of a Raolme floating around here sir. The rest… well, there are some parts… and… liquefied remains splattered on the hull… Ah think? Hard to tell, sir.
:ZentoSA: Right, take whatever bodies that are intact with you when you return.
:TesciaSA: As you wish, sir.

Well… this is one way to make “first contact”. Who are they and why were they here? Hmm… those consoles will probably be completely fried, so you’ll have to figure it out some other way.
No. 1021933 ID: 96c896

>the OM is on that planet right next to the pirates
Well shit, that means we need the lander upgrade as first priority, doesn't it. Like hell we're gonna leave this system without getting it.

>baubles near the energy reading
Other looters would have spotted that. It's got to be trapped or blocked off somehow. Let's not bother even trying to get it. Instead, ask for a cut of the loot when you hand over the data, because the Flaugnir are likely going to have the brute force needed to break into the cache.

>wrecked ship contents
Snag those disks. And any other data storage mediums floating about.
Also yeah loot anything useful off the ship itself.

>can't shoot the pirates' engines
Well they're just going to run away then. Let's not bother trying to ambush them. Keep our cruisers out when near them, as a show of force.

Anyway, after we're done looting the battlefield we can immediately scan the remaining planets. Doesn't look like we can scan both the brown and OM planets at the same time, so go do the brown planet first while the lander upgrade is cooking.
No. 1022010 ID: 36784c

No. 1022041 ID: 16d082

we should ask the Raolme siblings if they recognize the insignia on the hull and the symbol on the purple raolme cadaver’s head
I also second grabbing any data media we can, even if we’re not likely to have anything that can read it now, we’ll probably have something that can eventually
No. 1022057 ID: a9af05

We're probably going to need a good excuse to tell the aliens, since they might be horrified when they see us cutting open these corpses.
No. 1022154 ID: 681cb5
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>Snag those disks. And any other data storage mediums floating about.
:TesciaSA: Sir, this ship has clearly been fried completely. None of the electronics will be recoverable.
:ZentoSA: There might be something that survived the battle. Maybe something was protected from whatever shot the ship down?
:TesciaSA: …you mean like a black box, sir? Ah’ll keep an eye out, but don’t get any hopes up. Unless one of these aliens shoved something up their bum Ah don’t expect to find anything that survived, sir.
>Also yeah loot anything useful off the ship itself.
:TesciaSA: As Ah said before, I might get some Corrosives and Noble metals from this wreck…

>Other looters would have spotted the cache on the planet. It's got to be trapped or blocked off somehow. Let's not bother even trying to get it.
Hmm… would they? It’s rather deep down… and you don’t know what kind of scanner technology these looters have access too. After all, the pirates haven’t detected you yet, have they? They might not even know it exist. But you are right, it might be trapped or blocked off, which means you need to be careful if you decide to pursue it.
>Instead, ask for a cut of the loot when you hand over the data, because the Flaugnir are likely going to have the brute force needed to break into the cache.
But you will probably not be anywhere nearby when they do… not to mention that they might not even be interested. A small cache might not even be worth enough for them to come here.
>The OM planet is nearby? That means we need the lander upgrade as first priority, doesn't it. Like hell we're gonna leave this system without getting it.
…which is why you’re already researching said upgrades?

>Well they're just going to run away then. Let's not bother trying to ambush them.
They did run away last time too, so it’s clear that they won’t be staying around if they think they are in danger.
>Keep our cruisers out when near them, as a show of force.
Hmm… you’ll keep two pilots on high alert just in case they start moving towards the ship for now. You really don’t want to waste the little crew you have if they don’t even know you’re here.

>After we're done looting the battlefield we can immediately scan the remaining planets. Doesn't look like we can scan both the brown and OM planets at the same time, so go do the brown planet first while the lander upgrade is cooking.
We’ll need to orbit the cracked planet for at least a full day to get a full mineral scan on it, but we’ll scan the brown planet first thing tomorrow morning. Speaking of tomorrow… you think you’ll see if Doxy want to spend a quiet evening with you tonight…


Dawn of Day 14
Your crew consumes 5 unites of food more than your total food production (-5 food).
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Your planetary landers return with a total off: 30 BM, 5 NM and 5 Corrosives.
Your storage bay is full and you won’t be able to leave the system with all your current materials.
The cleaning team managed to locate and remove an infestation of foul smelling fungal matter, averting an ill-smelling disaster from happening.

Research on “Planetary Lander Fauna/Flora repellent” is moving along as expected thanks to having the right crew for the job (Regina, Iris, Tara and Ikekeki). [Done in approx. 1-2days]
Lt. Tozlan has finished constructing the “Long Range Communication” facility.

:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy?
:DoxySA: Everything is going well, sir. Tes and Zell managed to get a lot of metals from those shipwrecks. Zell also mentioned that it would be possible to return for more, though it will get harder and more time consuming to find usable metals, sir.
:ZentoSA: So, we can get more Basic Metals, but each time we’ll get less and less?
:DoxySA: Affirmative, sir. We’ve also finished constructing the Long Range Comm, boss, so if you want to contact anyone outside the system we can do so know. Of course, it will take a few hours before they receive said message, but at least it’s a lot quicker than flying there in person, sir. Just say the word if you want to send a message to someone, sir.
:ZentoSA: I’ll do that, Doxy.
:DoxySA: That’s everything, Zento. Do you want to assign people to today tasks?
:ZentoSA: …not yet. Put someone on scanner duty so we can get a mineral scan on the brown planet, and we’ll work from that.
:DoxySA: Will do, sir!

:DoxySA: Oh! And we just received a message from the pirates, sir!
:ZentoSA: …really? What do they say?
:DoxySA: It’s… um… a request to trade sir.
:ZentoSA: …they want to trade?
:DoxySA: I’ll forward it now, sir.

:KpirateSA: Attention unidentified vessel! This is Captain Gold Mandible of the Dread Cutlass speaking! We wish no hostilities! Our coffers are full of materials and we are willing to trade them for credits. I will forward our prices now. Contact us if you wish to buy.

Best prices in galaxy, guaranteed!
Basic Metals: 1 Mc/Unit (Max 25).
Noble Metals: 3 Mc/Unit (Max 25).
Organic Material: 3 Mc/Unit (Max 25).
Corrosives: 5 Mc/Unit (Max 25).
We also have very good ships for sell. Recently maintained, newly installed engines, only been flow by an old lady on weekends. Very good quality, will end all your battle within seconds.
Kelshin Raider Class ship: 10 Mc (Max 2).
-Contract Workers-
There are also hard but cheap workers available. Will work very hard for food, room and small amount of coin. Motivation collars comes pre-equipped and free of charge!
Zerkchankuin tol Kezzak [???] (Male Raolme): 7 Mc.
Togokogi [???] (Male Kelshin): 7 Mc.

…okay, this is not how you were expecting your encounter with the pirates to go… though Eki did mention that they like to swindle people. Either way, this can wait for a bit, no need to respond immediately. Instead, you’ll go see if your alien friends know anything about those bodies you found.
No. 1022156 ID: 681cb5
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You find Tozlan and Tizli on their way to the Mess Hall for breakfast and at first glance you think you see Commander Doxy with them… who’s been turned into a Raolme somehow. Taking a better look, you realize that has to be Doxy’s and Tozlan’s daughter… um… what was her name? You’re sure Doxy mentioned it to you… wait, who’s the Sakkilain behind Tizli? Is that your new son? You… you haven’t actually met him yet, have you?

:TozlanSA: Ah, good morning my friend!
:TizliSA: Captain! Good so smell you!
If it wasn’t for Tozlan lying on top of her, you’re sure the pink Raolme hybrid would bounce of the floor as she spots you.
:NonSA: Hiya, Zento!
Your son looks you up and down before he greets you as well.
:NonSA: Morning Captain.

>We should ask the Raolme siblings if they recognize the insignia on the hull.
:TozlanSA: Can you make the picture bigger? I can’t really hear it…
:ZentoSA: Like this?
:TizliSA: Oh! I know that symbol. It’s the Grand Alliance of the United Stars symbol!
:TozlanSA: Which means this battle took place over 40 years ago.
:ZentoSA: Can it really be that old?
:TizliSA: No one would be caught dead flying with that symbol today, Captain.
:TozlanSA: Well, friend, they would become dead pretty quick if they did. The IOD has a shoot on sight when it comes to the Grand Alliance.
:ZentoSA: So this is a remnant of the old war, huh…
>The symbol on the purple Raolme cadaver’s head.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… that’s odd, it’s not the symbol of one of the four trade clans, so I don’t really know…
:NonSA: What? Daddy doesn’t know something for once? Stop the ship, everyone, we got an imposter onboard!
:TozlanSA: Oh hush you…
:NonSA: *Giggle*
:TizliSA: Isn’t it obvious what that symbol is? If it isn’t one of the four trade clans and they were on a Grand Alliance ship, it can really only be one thing. That’s the symbol of the fifth trade clan.
:TozlanSA: I… I guess it can be, sis.
:ZentoSA: The fifth trade clan? Who are they?
:TizliSA: Today the Raolme are divided into four grand Trade Clans, but before the IOD came there used to be five clans.
:TozlanSA: This fifth clan allied themselves with the Grand Alliance completely and… well…
:TizliSA: The IOD completely wiped them all out.
:TozlanSA: And then forbade anyone to talk about them.
:TizliSA: So… they are gone. Which just proves that the battle field is really old.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… I see.
>We're probably going to need a good excuse to tell the aliens, since they might be horrified when they see us cutting open these corpses.
:ZentoSA: …do you mind if we performed an autopsy on the bodies we retrieved, so we might learn more about how they died?
:TozlanSA: Uh? Oh… I guess not? As long as they get a proper send off to the eternal dark afterwards…
:TizliSA: You better not take any trophies or something.
:ZentoSA: Of course not.
:TizliSA: Then go ahead, Captain. Though… I’m not sure what one of those Korak aliens consider a proper burial.
:ZentoSA: Korak?
:TizliSA: That alien Worm you found. They are called Koraks.

[What is Captain Zento’s and Shara’s son name?]
[What is Commander Doxy’s and Lt. Tozlan’s daughter name?]
[You have 12 crew still unassigned]
No. 1022161 ID: 629f2e

Zento and Shara's kid: Dan
Doxy and Tozlan's kid: Pinkie

We're already near maxed out on crew, but I don't like the sound of "Motivation Collars". Rude as it may be when they have attempted diplomacy, I still want to fight the pirates.
No. 1022175 ID: 61b860

He's a handsome boy who will surely get on the good side of ladies.
No. 1022178 ID: 96c896

We can start repairing the Raolme Defender finally so let's do that. Looks like there's not much else we can build. We could afford another cruiser but maybe it would be better to save the materials.

>energy reading might have been missed by previous visitors
Really? Our scanners would have to be significantly stronger than current tech for that to be true. They've had at least 40 years to find it.
I guess if it's that likely to be overlooked we can send a team down. Adventure...?

>pirates want to trade
Ah, that's their game. Those prices don't look very good. Plus, they're probably going to give us BM mixed in with the other resources if we buy them. Well, ask for a price check from our crew trader specialists to see if any of their prices are reasonable (The BM price looks... "normal" at least, but we can buy it much cheaper at a very close location)
I'm guessing they don't want to BUY anything, either.
Oh, they have some "slaves" on offer, are those prices normal? Ask Eki too. Wait lol one of them is a Kelshin? That one is definitely just a pirate hoping to be bought as a slave to sabotage our vessel, or steal something and escape via escape pod, or something. How likely is it that the raolme is a pirate...? We already have two raolmes anyway. Well, we can buy them, put them in the brig, then sell them to the Flaugnir, since they'll be treated better there. Seems like a decent enough thing to do without much risk.
I guess we could ask Eki how likely it is that the pirates have enslaved one of their own. We could buy both if it's safe, and hand them both over to the Flaugnir.
We'll be taking the collars off regardless.

ugh I can't name them right now

>crew duties
Same as yesterday.
No. 1022201 ID: 61b860

Dante and rosewater would be good.
No. 1022202 ID: c09f5e

Looks like if we want to find out more, we have to investigate that cracked planet. All evidence points to that being an old base of theirs.

>Your storage bay is full and you won’t be able to leave the system with all your current materials.
Looks like it's ship building today. Lt. Tozlan going to be a happy man getting his ship space-worthy. Could be worth building another cruiser for Eki; it's not Kelshin, but it'll do for now.

>Contact us if you wish to buy.
Look tough if you accept the pirate's offer. They'll likely setup for a six-chamber discount. You can come contact the Flaugnir colony now, ask for advice if not for guards. I guess if you show interest in "contact workers, collars not needed", you'll come off as either bleeding hearts or really intense, if it helps.

>Hiya, Zento!
"Er... My lovers call me Zento. If you wish to address me informally, 'Mr. SilverCog' will do." (Resists urge to claim as daughter)

>The IOD completely wiped them all out.
>And then forbade anyone to talk about them.
Give your condolences. It must have been rough for those who married into other clans. Where they ...dealt with as well, or was the IOD satisfied with their estrangement?
>That alien Worm you found. They are called Koraks.
You don't suppose you could use the information you find off the bodies for the cloning vats? Say what you will, it's another way to make first contact.
No. 1022212 ID: 36784c

>Your crew consumes 5 unites of food more than your total food production (-5 food).
We really need to upgrade Hydroponics in order to keep up with the number of crew on the ship! And we really need to upgrade Crew Quarters before we get anymore crew, since we’re running out of room in the ship!

The only problem is we need to get some OM for both of those upgrades and we don’t have any!

>Pirates are selling OM
That’s nice, but we need at least 10 OM for either upgrade and at the price the pirates are selling, we can’t afford 10 OM!

>[What is Captain Zento’s and Shara’s son name?]
>[What is Commander Doxy’s and Lt. Tozlan’s daughter name?]
I like the names that >>1022201 suggested. Dante for Zento’s and Shara’s son and Rosewater for Doxy’s and Tozlan’s daughter.
No. 1022215 ID: 96c896

Hmm, I wonder if those Kelshin ships come with functional cloaking devices? Though, if these pirates are smart, they'll give us sabotaged cloaking devices. Ones that can be hacked into or something. So we'd have to take them apart to figure out how they work and make our own, guaranteed secure versions. Might be work 10 Mc but we can't do that *and* buy the slaves.

We can easily keep up with food use. All we have to do is put two people on the farm and we're making like 25 food a day, and we don't have to do that very often at this point. Hydroponics would lessen the crew allotment pressure I suppose.
No. 1022283 ID: a9af05

What about the 3rd new crew member? Are they with their mother, Tes?

And what are their specialties? Are they pilots, chefs, soldiers, etc.?
No. 1022284 ID: a9af05

I'm also supporting the name suggestions here >>1022201 .
No. 1022398 ID: 681cb5
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We now have a wiki, but it’s still under construction: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow

[Ensign Dante the Security Officer has joined!]
[Ensign Rosewater the Researcher has joined!]
[Ensign Shal the Pilot has joined!]

>Resists urge to claim Rose as a daughter.
While she’s adorable, you have no urge to cuddle her and love her and call the cutest little button that ever- err… you mean, she’s just another Ensign to you in the end.
>Dante is s a handsome boy who will surely get on the good side of ladies.
Just like his father, eh? …well, he might be more muscular than you, but you’re still taller.
>What about the 3rd new crew member? Are they with their mother, Tes?
:DanteSA: You mean Shal? She is at the gym with Tes and Shara, captain.
:RoseSA: Yeah! They are having some morning workouts! Sounds super fun!

>We really need to upgrade Crew Quarters before we get anymore crew, since we’re running out of room in the ship!
And to do so we’ll need more noble metals. Hopefully you’ll find some on the moons on the green planet. Otherwise… well, people can sleep in the corridors for a day or two if it’s a crisis, you guess. Moral will quickly tank if you don’t give them proper rooms, though.
>We can easily keep up with food use. All we have to do is put two people on the farm and we're making like 25 food a day, and we don't have to do that very often at this point.
We can produce 22 food maximum. 12 from our farmer Car and 10 from someone else. Might be prudent to consider upgrading our food production if we’re planning on capturing those pirates, as they are going to need food as well.
>The only problem is we need to get some OM for both of those upgrades and we don’t have any!
Which we’ll be able to get from the green planet… as soon as the planetary lander upgrade is done.

>Give your condolences. It must have been rough for those who married into other clans. Where they ...dealt with as well, or was the IOD satisfied with their estrangement?
:TozlanSA: Everyone who were part of the Alliance fleets were completely wiped out. The rest were kicked off their planets and either turned into drones or shipped off to the other clans as clanless refugees, friend.
:TizliSA: Then they forbade anyone from wearing their mark or even talking about it, so… most Raolme born after the war never know how it looked like.
:DanteSA: These IOD sounds worse and worse the more I hear of them.
:TizliSA: They are horrid scumsuckers!

>Ask for a price check from our crew trader specialists to see if any of their prices are reasonable (The BM price looks... "normal" at least, but we can buy it much cheaper at a very close location).
:TizliSA: These prices… are actually fine? I mean, they aren’t a bunch of pearls in the foam, but they are fair. You’ll probably get the same prices in any of the Trade colonies of my clan. Hmm… these pirates must have some other trick lurking beneath the surface…
:RoseSA: Come on, they don’t always have to be that bad. Maybe they are nice pirates?
:TizliSA: Ha! Finding a nice pirate is like finding a pearl in the eternal dark.
>They're probably going to give us BM mixed in with the other resources if we buy them.
:TizliSA: That’s might be it. You’ll definitely need to check anything you buy from them before you pay for it.
:DanteSA: And then make sure they know that they don’t want to cross us… ever.

>Hmm, I wonder if those Kelshin ships come with functional cloaking devices? Though, if these pirates are smart, they'll give us sabotaged cloaking devices. Ones that can be hacked into or something.
:TozlanSA: Or they’ll just give us junk ships that don’t work, friend. They might just explode as soon as you start them.
:RoseSA: Not you to dad… come on, they might be nice?
:TozlanSA: Your aunt is right, we can’t really trust pirates, sweetie.
>Look tough if you accept the pirate's offer. They'll likely setup for a six-chamber discount.
:TizliSA: If we show that we’re vulnerable, yeah…
:DanteSA: Then we’ll simply meet them with shock rifles and combat gear. No need to tell them they are non-lethal weapons either.
>I'm guessing they don't want to BUY anything, either.
:TizliSA: Oh, I’m sure they are excited to buy exotic slaves. You guys might go for a lot, you know, hehe…

>Oh, they have some "slaves" on offer, are those prices normal?
:TizliSA: How the sludge would I know? Our trade clan doesn’t deal in slaves!
>Ask Eki too.
:IkekekiSA: Slaves, you say? KEKEKE, it’s simple Cap’, don’t buy the cheap ones. Anything under 5MC is clearly someone that can’t do anything but clean the poop deck. Around 5 to 10 is normal and anything above that means they are either exotic species, well trained or important. Why, are you planning to add to your slave collection, cap’? Am I not enough? KEKEKE!
>Well, we can buy them, put them in the brig, then sell them to the Flaugnir, since they'll be treated better there. Seems like a decent enough thing to do without much risk.
:DanteSA: The brig should have no problem keeping them out of trouble, captain.
:TizliSA: I don’t think the Colony want to buy slaves, though.
:ZentoSA: Then we’ll simply free them there.
:TozlanSA: And leave them to starve on the street? Friend, they aren’t going to be better off just because they are free.
:RoseSA: Aw, come on, we have to do something?
:TizliSA: We should just free them and employ them ourselves… at least until they find better things to do.

>I guess we could ask Eki how likely it is that the pirates have enslaved one of their own.
:IkekekiSA: Pirates generally don’t enslave other pirates. Unless they lost all their coin at knucklebones… or did something really stupid. But if you’re talking about a Kelshin… not all Kelshin are pirates, you know. They might just have been a crew member of trading ship that was raided or… borrowed some booty from pirate they couldn’t repay. Kelshin slaves aren’t that uncommon.
>We'll be taking the collars off regardless.
:IkekekiSA: But the collars make them docile… and let you keep track on them… not to mention you can knock them out with a press of a button if they start getting out their cutlasses.
:ZentoSA: …we’re definitely taking off those collars then.
>We're already near maxed out on crew, but I don't like the sound of "Motivation Collars". Rude as it may be when they have attempted diplomacy, I still want to fight the pirates.
:DanteSA: I’m eager to kick pirate ass, captain. I’m sure Shara is as well.
:ZentoSA: Eagerness is good and all, but we still need a plan if we’re going on attacking them.
:TizliSA: I got a plan. Shot them with everything we got so they all blow up into the eternal dark!

>You can come contact the Flaugnir colony now, ask for advice if not for guards.
Guards? They are not going to send anyone all the way out here just for your sake.
:ZentoSA: Doxy, can you take a message? I want to send something to Vul Wrok of the Flaugnir colony.
:DoxySA: I’m ready when you are sir, though be prepare we’ll probably won’t get an answer until tomorrow.
:ZentoSA: *Cough* High Magistrate Vul Wrok, this is Captain Zento SilverCog of The Shed Scale. I am glad to report that we have successfully arrived at Tarkus Gamma and that our duty to scan all the planets is going well. But there are a few things here I have questions about. We have found traces of an old battle, including a cracked planet. Do you know anything about it? We have also encountered a few pirates that are part of the “Flashy Freebooters”, whom has so far not been hostile and only wish to trade. Do you have any advice on the subject? Are they trustworthy? We will return in a few days with our scanning data and I can’t wait to meet you in person. We have much to discuss. Signed, Captain Zento.
:DoxySA: I’ll send it right away, sir.

>Duties? Same as yesterday.
:DoxySA: I’ll sign up most of them on the same jobs… but we’re not mining anything today so… 2 crew members are free, sir.
:ZentoSA: I have some ideas for them.
:DoxySA: Oh, and we’re orbiting a planet with Corrosives, sir. Zell said that while there are some danger with the volcanic activity, sending the right crew with the right ship will at worse just wreck the ship, sir.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I’ll consider it.
>We can start repairing the Raolme Defender finally so let's do that. Looks like there's not much else we can build.
:TozlanSA: Ah, thank you friend, I appreciate that you haven’t forgotten about our ship.
:TizliSA: Aw yeah, finally!
>Could be worth building another cruiser for Eki; it's not Kelshin, but it'll do for now.
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE! Finally I can sail the stars again!
:DoxySA: One Cruiser and one Raolme Defender. Got it, sir.

>Looks like if we want to find out more, we have to investigate that cracked planet. All evidence points to that being an old base of theirs.
There’s definitely a reason why the IOD blew it up in the first place… or maybe the Alliance blew it up themselves? Hmm… who blew up the planet… and who had their base on it?
>Our scanners would have to be significantly stronger than current tech for that to be true. They've had at least 40 years to find it.
So far our technology has been slightly more advanced than anything we’ve seen in this galaxy. We’re also dealing with looters, who probably don’t have the best equipment available.
>I guess if it's that likely to be overlooked we can send a team down. Adventure...?
We better prepare ourselves and have a plan before we go down there, though. Better safe than sorry and all that.

Right, so a few things needs your attention. First, what do you do with the pirates? Do you buy something or try and capture them? Second, what do you do about the facility on the cracked planet? Do you send a team there to investigate tomorrow or do you just ignore it? Third, do you send someone to mine those corrosives on the brow planet? And lastly, what do you do this evening to relax? Hmm… was there anything else you were forgetting? There’s always more things to do after all…
No. 1022399 ID: 96c896

Oh I didn't realize the ship was moved.
Yeah, send a lander down with a Pilot to see if we can get away with corrosives. Repairing it should be cheap enough if it's damaged.
That leaves another crew member to spare... put them on cleaning duty.

Go out on a date with Tizli. She seems quite interested in you.

Hmm, is it possible to make hybrids from a sample of blood from both parents? That way same-sex couples could make them.
No. 1022403 ID: 094652

Put the spare crewmember on Hydroponics. Offer to trade the surplus to the pirates.
No. 1022466 ID: 36784c

I don’t think we should capture the pirates. Prisoners need food and we can’t produce enough to feed our crew and the prisoners, so we’d end up starving ourselves really quickly.

And I’ve got a feeling that the planet the pirates are at right now has the OM we need for some of our upgrades. If we leave them alone long enough, they’ll probably leave and there won’t be any OM left on the planet for us.

Honestly, I’m not sure what we should do about the pirates.
No. 1022477 ID: c09f5e

So how long will we have to wait for the reply? Can we expect it today?

The way they talk about they talk about the fifth clan... Wouldn't surprise me if there's a security door at that base that recognised that symbol. Maybe consider having a Ralome with that symbol on the mission tomorrow.

To be honest, those unknown ships are the big reason to be close up to the pirates. Our decision on how to deal with this hinges on why they are hanging around them, and if they in need of rescue?

Maybe you don't need force to leverage your safety against them. Your mission is to collect map data of this star system. Maybe you can fabricate map data of your first system with a cache of treasure, and use that as barter or leverage for your safety against the pirates.

Ideally, we'd also commendeer their ship, since it should have their own room and food. This would require taking their captain hostage. (Does his even crew even like him? How possible is it to take command?) Here's something an away team could do:
1) Outright raiding their ship... would be walking into home turf on a crew that specialises in gorilla tactics, without the advantage of surprise. Dante would have to come up with something quite special. He have to run his plan by Ikekeki first, for the Captain to even consider redirecting crew from Cleaning (or Maintenance) to make it work.
2) It would also take something special to get the Captain off his ship. Consider making the adventure to the cracked planet a race.
No. 1022483 ID: 96c896

What are you talking about? We can support 25 crew with two people on the farm.
No. 1022486 ID: 36784c

Doxy said that we won’t get a reply until tomorrow.

If we capture the pirates, can you guarantee that the combined total number of crew and prisoners will not exceed 25? Because if it goes over 25, then we’re going to start running out of food and be unable to keep everyone fed.
No. 1022500 ID: 96c896

Even if we're sitting at 30 that's -5 a day, we can survive for 5 days. More if we cut down on rations.
No. 1022568 ID: f18162

I think if we need to do something about the pirates, we should destroy the bridge, where the captain would be. Without a chain of command, they'd panic and not know what to do. Or they'd fight with each other trying to argue on who is the new captain.

For now though, we don't need to worry about them just yet.

>It would also take something special to get the Captain off his ship. Consider making the adventure to the cracked planet a race.
I don't think they'd go for that.
No. 1022632 ID: 681cb5
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>The way they talk about they talk about the fifth clan... Wouldn't surprise me if there's a security door at that base that recognized that symbol. Maybe consider having a Ralome with that symbol on the mission tomorrow.
…who in their right mind would make a security door that can be fooled by a bit of paint? There can’t be anyone that inept, can there? Besides, it’s probably disrespectful to wear someone else’s symbols…
:TozlanSA: Wearing a symbol of another clan is something only scumsuckers do, friend… especially that of a clan that’s not very well off.
:TizliSA: It’s also considered really unlucky to wear a dead clans symbol on their head. Let the dead stay in the eternal dark least they pull you back with them.
:DanteSA: I for one wouldn’t want to paint a green bull’s-eye on my forehead either.
:RoseSA: Huh… what clan symbol does The Shed scale have?

>So how long will we have to wait for the reply? Can we expect it today?
If we’re lucky and Vul writes back immediately then we can expect a reply sometime in the middle of the night.
>I’ve got a feeling that the planet the pirates are at right now has the OM we need for some of our upgrades. If we leave them alone long enough, they’ll probably leave and there won’t be any OM left on the planet for us.
OM is organic materials, which is to say, trees and plant life. The planet they are orbiting is covered by jungles. Thus, the whole planet is covered by OM. There is simply no way a small ship like that can harvest a whole freaking planet full of life, is there? So no, there is no need to worry it will run out.
>To be honest, those unknown ships are the big reason to be close up to the pirates. Our decision on how to deal with this hinges on why they are hanging around them, and if they in need of rescue?
Those ships clearly belong to the pirates themselves, as they’ve been flying between the larger ship and the planet several times. They are probably some kind of mining craft similar to your Planetary Lander. Which means… not the whole pirate crew is on the larger ship currently… hmm… that might be important.

>Yeah, send a lander down with a Pilot to see if we can get away with corrosives. Repairing it should be cheap enough if it's damaged.
:ZentoSA: Send the new gal, Shal, down. I’m sure she’s itching to fly like her mother Tes.
:DoxySA: Will do, sir.
>Put the spare crewmember on Hydroponics.
:DoxySA: Got it, boss.
>Offer to trade the surplus food to the pirates.
Sadly, while fresh food might be worth a handful of credits, we’re dealing with MegaCredits. Selling our whole food supply wouldn’t even make a dent in our current Mc count.
No. 1022633 ID: 681cb5
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>Hmm, is it possible to make hybrids from a sample of blood from both parents? That way same-sex couples could make them.
…in theory, yes? Though it would be a clone of both parents, you guess? But why is this relevant? We don’t really have any same-sex couples on the ship currently, do we? Heck, you’re not even sure you have anyone that’s into same-sex relationships on the ship.

>Prisoners need food and we can’t produce enough to feed our crew and the prisoners, so we’d end up starving ourselves really quickly.
While we might not produce enough food to feed them all, we do still have a rather large store of food for just these kinds of situations. Remember, you don’t only have over 20 units of fresh food, but you also have 20 units of those IOD rations that you picked up. Besides, Vul’s colony is only two days away, so it’s not like you’re going to need weeks of food to get anywhere.
>Ideally, we'd also commandeer their ship, since it should have their own room and food.
That is also true. Not only would we get access to any food they might have, but all their resources as well, the very same they are trying to sell to us right now… not to mention a wicked ship on top of that.
>This would require taking their captain hostage.
Why would it? We only need to take out the crew and fly it into the hanger of The Shed Scale. He can handle a few medium sized ships, after all… and you’re sure Eki can fly one of her own kind’s ships as well.

>We should outright raiding their ship... would be walking into home turf on a crew that specializes in guerilla tactics, without the advantage of surprise. Dante would have to come up with something quite special.
:DanteSA: And said special idea involves not walking into the enemies ships while they know where coming, captain. We need to either catch them by surprise or divide and conquer them. Preferably both. What we do have is the imitative, as well as their belief that we are far stronger than we actually are. We need to use both if we want to do this without losses.
>It would also take something special to get the Captain off his ship. Consider making the adventure to the cracked planet a race.
While you’re right that it would be hard to get him off the ship, suggesting something like a race will clearly not work.
>Maybe you can fabricate map data of your first system with a cache of treasure, and use that as barter.
Hmm… scam the scammers, eh? You like that idea… and if we make it sound enticing enough, then we might just get the captain off the ship as well.
>think if we need to do something about the pirates, we should destroy the bridge, where the captain would be. Without a chain of command, they'd panic and not know what to do. Or they'd fight with each other trying to argue on who is the new captain.
Hmm, that’s another idea. It might be safer than actually raiding the ship, but it will probably render the ship itself unusable. So, lower risk but lower rewards…
>Consider redirecting crew from Cleaning (or Maintenance) to make it work.
If you’re doing anything to the pirates, you’re going in with full crew. Besides, it won’t take 8 hours to fight them, plenty of time for the crew to do their normal duties as well.

The rest of the day goes by without anything important to note… and soon you find yourself near the evening.

>Go out on a date with Tizli. She seems quite interested in you.
And you’re quite interested in her. If anything, you kind of miss having her sleep on top of you. She’s been on maintenance duty today and you find her working feverishly to ensure the ship is flying smoothly, even as her work hours ended a few minutes ago. As you approach, she quickly turns her head 180 degrees to “look” at you, clearly rather annoyed at something.

:TizliSA: Captain.
:ZentoSA: Tizli, just the one I was looking for?
:TizliSA: Huh? You’re looking for me? Why?
:ZentoSA: Well… I was wondering if you had any plans for this fine evening?
:TizliSA: Oh, no, not really… honestly, after the day I’ve been having a really just need to lie down in some water and float around like a pearl in the foam…
:ZentoSA: Is something the matter? You seem… slightly peeved about something?
:TizliSA: Slightly? Ha! I’m not feeling any brine at all, let me tell you! I had to pull double duty today because the other person who was supposed to work maintenance with me never showed up!
:ZentoSA: …they didn’t? Give me a moment, Tizli.

:ZentoSA: Doxy, who was assigned to maintenance together with Tizli?
:DoxySA: Um… Our son Vex was. Why do you ask?
:ZentoSA: Apparently he never showed up.
:DoxySA: Oh… let me check… he did report to duty, sir… and have reported some light maintenance duties in the med-bay… but after that, nothing, sir.
:ZentoSA: So… where is he?
:DoxySA: According to the logs… still in med-bay. He’s actually locked himself in there as well... and left a message that he’ll refuse to let anyone in because they might “contaminant the autopsy”?
:ZentoSA: Great, so he’s refusing orders now to cut up alien corpses…
:DoxySA: Seems so sir. Do you want me to deal with it?
:ZentoSA: I might need to do this myself… but… hmm… give me a second.

:ZentoSA: Sorry about that.
:TizliSA: No need to suck scum, Zento.
:ZentoSA: Where were we again?
:TizliSA: I was complaining that I needed to work too hard and that we don’t have a real relaxation spa on this ship.
:ZentoSA: We do have the beach deck.
:TizliSA: Yeah, but the beach deck doesn’t come with two hunky Raolme men that would massage my would body while I just float around without a care in the world, does it?
:ZentoSA: Heh…
:TizliSA: And why are you grinning like an idiot, dork?
:ZentoSA: Oh… I just like watching you work, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Of course you do, tall boy.
No. 1022641 ID: 96c896

>same-sex couples
There's one budding friendship but yeah no indication of romance there just yet. It's just planning ahead.

>Vex skipped maintenance to do the autopsy
Oh right that's a Research topic isn't it? Nevertheless we can just keep corpses in stasis until the autopsy, so there was no urgency that justifies him disobeying orders, unless there's something I'm missing. Regardless, send him a message telling him that you need to talk to him asap in regards to his insubordination. At the very least he could have spoken to you about it before deciding to change his duty assignment.

We'd need crew members to staff it, sounds like.

Offer to give her a massage as part of your date.
No. 1022659 ID: 16d082

“How would one hunky Sakkilian compare?”
Let’s go talk to Vex personally, as well. He probably thinks physical duties are a waste of his intellect, and should be reminded that he is still military personnel on a military vessel, as strange as the circumstances are.
No. 1022674 ID: c09f5e

>???: 1

>Hmm… scam the scammers, eh? You like that idea… and if we make it sound enticing enough, then we might just get the captain off the ship as well.
Claims of ancient priceless relics do come off as more believable when you're riding one.

Don't be too hard on the boy. Knowing what killed them could come in handy; similar weaponry could be at the destroyed base. He should've cleared it with you first, or Lt. Toz... really just you.

Opfh. Would you like to help clean her in the showers tonight.

Bet she'd be happier to be back on her old ship soon. What does it do anyway?
No. 1022684 ID: 3d8422

>Scam the scamers
We have two things that they would like: rare alien technology and rare alien "slaves". The perfect bait. We just need to make it seem we are willing to trade and a plan of combat once the take the bait.
No. 1022686 ID: 629f2e

Yeah. We need to address Vex's insubordination. That guy is getting into trouble a lot recently, first his childish fight with Tozlan and now this. His failure to show up put more work on Tizli, and the most charitable interpretation would be carelessness. If you wanted to though, you could read deeper and consider that Vex defied orders to avoid dealing with Tizli, either because she's Tozlan's sister or a Raolme. That probably isn't the case, but it's poor form of him to act in a manner that opens up these readings of his behavior. He had better have the best excuse ever if he wants to get out of this without punishment.

As important as the research assignment may be, that doesn't excuse him starting it without notice. If he wanted to perform autopsies today. He should have reported this to Doxy or the captain so that he could be assigned appropriately. Failing that, he at least could have tried to grab the captain after being assigned to explain the benefits and why it was more crucuial than his immediate assigned task. Or at the lowest possible level of courtesy, he should have told Tizli what he was doing and at least gotten her to agree to working maintenance herself. He failed at all levels to communicate his actions, and inconvenienced others out of selfishness.

Other than that, I agree with scamming the scammers and dating Tizli.
No. 1022687 ID: 36784c

I certainly hope he’s not doing this so he can cut up the Raolme corpse and pretend that it’s Tozlan.

Since this is Vex’s second time getting into trouble, we’ll have to actually punish him this time. We’ve gotta reduce his next paycheck.

Even if his research shows amazing results, we can’t go easy on him, otherwise him and the other crew members will think they can get away with doing stuff like this as long as it benefits the ship. He really should’ve talked to us or Doxy first before running off and doing the autopsy.

Should both the Captain and the Commander go have a talk with Vex? Having both of his parents present might let him know how much trouble he’s in.
No. 1022690 ID: 36784c

Actually, there is a way Vex can go unpunished: If he’s discovered some dangerous disease in the corpses and he’s currently risking his own life to stop the infection from spreading to the rest of the ship.

In the very unlikely event that’s what’s happening and his actions end up saving everyone, then I’d be willing to not punish him for skipping out on maintenance duty.
No. 1022693 ID: 629f2e


Yeah, absolutely hear the guy out first. We shouldn't assume fault from the very outset, just don't be surprised if that is the case. Appropriate response to the appropriate situation. If he's being defiant, punishment; if he's doing something important, work with him to get what needs doing done.

Don't ignore the communication failure if the issue he was handling would have given him the time to inform somebody. Don't focus on it, but make it clear that you'd like to be in the know for future incidents.
No. 1022694 ID: 853e89

Yeah that is a possibility.

I agree with all of this. Hear him out and see what he has to say. Give him an appropriate punishment if one needs to be given. And we should definitely talk to him about the failure to communicate.
No. 1023067 ID: 681cb5
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>Claims of ancient priceless relics do come off as more believable when you're riding one.
Hmm… people do seem to believe that The Shed Scale is something special in this galaxy, so you are indeed right that it will give credence to your fake sales pitch.
>We have two things that they would like: rare alien technology and rare alien "slaves". The perfect bait. We just need to make it seem we are willing to trade and a plan of combat once the take the bait.
You have to wonder, how much weaponry can you hide on a slave costume? Because if you would dress up Shara and Dante as slaves, maybe even make fake… what did they call them, motivation collars? If Eki helps us dress up Shara and Dante as slaves, can they smuggle weapons close enough to the pirates to strike?
>I agree with scamming the scammers and dating Tizli.
You’re currently working towards both, don’t you worry.

>There's one budding friendship but yeah no indication of romance there just yet. It's just planning ahead.
There are several budding friendships currently, but either way, same-sex children is a bridge you’ll cross when you get to it. It’s not something you need to worry about for the moment.
>Spa? We'd need crew members to staff it, sounds like.
Crew you don’t have. Besides, we have a, as they say, “wicked sweet” pool which is enough already. A spa can wait until… well, you get a massive amount of crew.
>Opfh. Would you like to help clean her in the showers tonight.
…which is why you’re going to try and get yourself into that position right now.

>Bet she'd be happier to be back on her old ship soon. What does it do anyway?
:TizliSA: While it will be nice to have our own raft to float down the river with, I do prefer this luxury yacht over cramped little dingy.
:ZentoSA: I’m not sure I would call this luxurious.
:TizliSA: Are you spewing sludge? You got a pool the size of a… well, our ship! The pool we have is small enough that your tail is laying outside it if you’re trying to float in it. So no, I’m staying right here.
:ZentoSA: And the ship? Does it have any specialties?
:TizliSA: Why, yes, yes it does! It has one of our patented Raolme defender shields! As long as something hits the frontal part of our ship our massive shielding unit will nullify it completely!
:ZentoSA: That sounds powerful… yet you have trouble with the pirates?
:TizliSA: It has two weaknesses. It doesn’t handle multiple hits in quick succession very well and if you’re able to outmaneuver with a quick ship you can hit us in the back where we’re completely undefended.
:ZentoSA: …and pirates have really quick ships that fire massive clouds of plasma fire.
:TizliSA: So… you hear why we have such trouble with those scumsuckers.
:ZentoSA: And weaponry?
:TizliSA: A pair of Sonic Stingers. They fire a deadly burst of sonic vibration. Slow, but deadly. They are especially effective against larger ships… or even multiple ships, if you’re able to get the hit in, because they just keep going and damage everything it engulfs.
:ZentoSA: …but they are slow, making it hard to hit fast ships… like the pirates…
:TizliSA: Yes! Exactly!

>Offer to give her a massage as part of your date.
:ZentoSA: How would one hunky Sakkilian compare?
:TizliSA: Why, I don’t know… do you know any hunky Sakkilians?
:ZentoSA: Well… I might know one or two…
:TizliSA: Oh! How about new kid? Dante? He sure is a hunky pearl!
:ZentoSA: That’s my son you’re talking about, Tizli.
:TizliSA: …I do keep forgetting you have kids, Zento… though, does this mean I need to call you daddy?
:ZentoSA: Only if I may make you a mommy…
:TizliSA: Tsk, slow down tall boy. We’re not all brine yet… and you know, I might just decide to go talk to Dante instead. After all, he takes so much after his father… just as hunky and handsome~
:ZentoSA: Why, aren’t you just a tease…
:TizliSA: Can’t blame a gal. I said I wanted two hunks after all, hehe…
You give her snout a quick boop.
:ZentoSA: Will I be enough if I promise I’ll be twice as hunky?
:TizliSA: Why, I might just consider it even. So… tonight?
:ZentoSA: I need to deal with something real quick, but yes, tonight sounds lovely, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Then it’s a promise, tall boy. See you soon~
No. 1023068 ID: 681cb5
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>”???: 1”?
That would be Vex doing the alien autopsy in med-bay.
>Oh right that's a Research topic isn't it? Nevertheless we can just keep corpses in stasis until the autopsy, so there was no urgency that justifies him disobeying orders, unless there's something I'm missing.
Until I give the orders to research them the corpses should be stored in cryo, right next to the… med-bay. Let’s hope your son has a very good reason why they still aren’t.
>I certainly hope he’s not doing this so he can cut up the Raolme corpse and pretend that it’s Tozlan.
…surly, that can’t be the case, can it?
>He is still military personnel on a military vessel.
The Colony fleet is technically not part of the military, and thus this is not a military vessel. Not that it makes a difference, disobedience must be punished.

>Let’s go talk to Vex personally, as well. Should both the Captain and the Commander go have a talk with Vex? Having both of his parents present might let him know how much trouble he’s in.
Sadly, he locked himself in the med-bay, so you can’t do this face to face. Instead, you’ll just have to call him from the brig.
:ZentoSA: VEX! What are you doing!?
:VexSA: Hmm? Oh, hello father. Mother. I’m just learning some biology. Don’t worry, I’ll sanitize the med-bay after I’ve concluded. And these worm creatures are quite fascinating, as their bone structure is far more similar to a two legged creature than a snake.
:ZentoSA: That’s not- Why are in the med-bay and not helping Tizli with the maintenance!?
:VexSA: Oh, right, that. I’m sure she won’t mind if I take an hour off. I’ll work overtime this evening even if you’re worried. I need to finish this first. See, I’ve found something quite interesting here… did you know they have several stomachs?
:DoxySA: Vex, dear, while it’s good that you’re super excited about this but… you’ve been gone hours already. Your work shift is already over.
:VexSA: ...it is? Oh. Maybe it is. I guess this took a longer time than expected. Oh, well, I guess I’ll do an all nighter today. It’s not the first time. Now, back to those stomachs… it seems that they can decide which stomach they use… and one of them is apparently made to store their meals for a later date, which m-
:ZentoSA: Vex. What is wrong? First you have that childish argument with Tozlan and now this!? You cannot just ignore your assignment and do whatever you want! I will not tolerate this kind of insubordination, even from my own kin!
:VexSA: My apologies, father, but I simply forgot about the time. If you wish to punish me you may do so, I won’t mind spending time in the brig or having a pay cut, as long as I can finish with this.
:ZentoSA: You “simply” forgot about your duties! Not only did you put extra work on Tizli, but you put the whole ship in danger. This is unacceptable.
:DoxySA: Son, maybe next time you can talk to me if you want other assignments? Or your father? Or… um… Lt.Tozlan.
:VexSA: You two already have so much to do, father and mother, that I rather not disturb you with trivialities. And Tozlan? He can kiss my tail.
:ZentoSA: Does this have something to do with you thinking physical duties are a waste of your intellect? Do I need to remind you that you’re part of the crew of this vessel?
:DoxySA: Maybe it has something to do with Regina and their egg that’s in Cryo?
:VexSA: While I admit I don’t like physical duties, that’s not why I’m here.
:ZentoSA: Then why? You better have a good excuse, son.
:VexSA: I was making sure all the medical equipment was in working order and correctly calibrated. Then I saw this creature in one of the cryo tubes and… um… I needed… I mean, I saw that the computer had detected something inside it, something inorganic. If we let the cryonetic process finish we might have damaged whatever it was in there, so I needed to get it out and… um…
:ZentoSA: …alright, report to me what you’ve found, Vex.
:VexSA: As I said before, they have several stomachs and-
:ZentoSA: Spare me the details.
:DoxySA: No need to be so harsh, Zento…
:VexSA: They were using it to store some of their possessions. I found a locket, a personal datapad, a gun that doesn’t work, a credstick with an insignificant amount of credits on it, a soda bottle (or at least I think it’s soda), keycards and some basic tools. Quite interesting find.
:DoxySA: They had all that in one of their stomachs?
:ZentoSA: …what killed them anyway?
:VexSA: I am about 80% certain it was massive amount of blunt trauma, father.
:DoxySA: Someone hit them over the head?
:ZentoSA: Or they were thrown around the ship when it was shot down.
:VexSA: Most likely, father. They have signs of inner organ damage all over their body.
:ZentoSA: *Sigh* it’s something, I suppose…
:VexSA: Do send my apologies to Tizli, mother. I was so excited about this that I forgot the time. Also, father, do send a punch right in the snout to her brother if you can. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I still got some more organs to retrieve and identify here… hmm… maybe it’s a spleen? No… no, it’s… hmmm… but then again?

>Since this is Vex’s second time getting into trouble, we’ll have to actually punish him this time. We’ve gotta reduce his next paycheck.
While you concur that he deserves some punishment, he doesn’t seem to really care about his pay… at least not at the moment.

:DoxySA: …so… um… your orders, sir?
No. 1023071 ID: 629f2e

His excuse, while better than nothing, was weak. In addition, his attitude during this conversation was abysmal, barely acknowledging his mistakes and repeatedly making jabs at Tozlan. We're going to need a punishment that makes him rethink his behavior.

Let's temporarily ban Vex from the Med-Bay. Inform him that unless he has been assigned there, or an emergency is taking place, he is not to step foot inside. He has lost the privilege to visit freely until he has demonstrated that he understands his errors and will improve.

And since it'd be bad to send him right back there after a conditional ban, maybe add on that he's on Cleaning duty for the next three days.
No. 1023073 ID: 96c896

You know what would really be a punishment, is putting him on cleaning duty for two straight days. He can't do the second autopsy until you say so. If he disobeys THAT order then he'll be fired, and dropped off at the next station you visit.
...maybe maintenance would be better for the first day actually, to make up for his shirked duty.

Also I feel like you should poke at him some more after he's done with the current autopsy. He said he "needed to" do something-- I suspect his intellectual curiosity overpowered his common sense. That could be very dangerous... a mentally unstable doctor is not something we want on our ship.
No. 1023074 ID: 094652

Chain the idiot to his assigned job. Literally.
No. 1023078 ID: 12a0f0

He needs to get his priorities straight, which means doing what he is told. This isn't his house, this is his working place, and you are his superior, ergo, he has to do what he is told.

I am glad that he checked that anomaly in the dead alien, it could have been dangerous, but he needs to inform us about that immediately and not take action on his own.

And this drama with Tozlan has to end, it's getting ridiculous. If he reaches the rank of lieutenant, it's going to cause trouble.
No. 1023091 ID: bb78f2

Hold up, before we do anything, Tara's building a Union, right? Do we have to have a conversation with her to discuss punitive measures for Vex?
No. 1023109 ID: c09f5e

>Raolme defender
Best placement in fleet is either in guarding vital areas (like our ship), or in a setup for an ambush. Maybe your security expert would be the best judge of that. Either way, you shouldn't let the pirates know you have one, or they'll know where to concentrate their fire if things so south. They also look like they're meant to work in groups. (It'd be cool if they pool their shields together somehow.) Ask Tozpan for blueprints later.

>They were using it to store some of their possessions. I found a locket, a personal datapad, a gun that doesn’t work, a credstick with an insignificant amount of credits on it, a soda bottle (or at least I think it’s soda), keycards and some basic tools. Quite interesting find.
So what you got from this is lore from the datapad, and possible research into emetics (medicine to induce vomiting). This is not nothing; the latter may end up being very important, but the former could reveal why they were here and thus have leads about the abandoned base. Not worth a pardon, but this could be worth being lenient on disciplinary action.
No. 1023115 ID: c09f5e

>Oh, well, I guess I’ll do an all nighter today. It’s not the first time.
Has he been getting enough sleep? If he's tired, of course he works slower. Crunch is not good for long-term productivity. Maybe some time off might be good for him.
No. 1023117 ID: 96c896

...oh, lack of sleep will also cause emotional instability and poor decision making. It's a pity we don't have two Doctor crewmembers, because self-diagnosis is notoriously unreliable. Do we have anyone good enough to check up on him?
No. 1023129 ID: 36784c

>If you wish to punish me you may do so, I won’t mind spending time in the brig or having a pay cut, as long as I can finish with this.
Fine. He can finish this one autopsy. After that, he’s getting a pay cut.

The only thing I can think of doing is having Vex assigned to the same job as someone that would make sure he does his assigned job and not wander off again.

How about Shara? We can have her and Vex working the same assignment a few days in a row. We already know that Shara doesn’t like seeing anyone not doing their job and/or goofing off on the job, so she can keep an eye on Vex and make sure he does what he’s supposed to do.

>Temporarily ban Vex from the Med-Bay, unless it’s an emergency.
That sounds like it could work.
No. 1023132 ID: a9af05

Vex is the only doctor on board, right? He might just be overwoked and he's doing this because he's trying his best to help make things easier for his parents. Or he thinks he needs to live up to their expectations of him and he's doing this to prove himself.

Before we punish him, we should have the whole family get together in the captain's office to have a private talk with each other. He might just need to vent his frustrations by talking things out with his parents.
No. 1023149 ID: a9af05

I'm not saying that being overworked is an excuse for his behavior, he fucked up and needs to be disciplined. But if being overworked in Medical is the problem and we ban him from going there as a solution, would that still be considered a punishment for him?
No. 1023184 ID: 36784c

Is there some kinda guidelines from the old Sakkilian colony ship that tells you what to do with this kind of behavior? Like maybe we can threaten Vex with a court-martial or something? Or would that be a bit overkill?
No. 1023255 ID: 681cb5
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>Best placement for the Raolme ship in the fleet is either in guarding vital areas (like our ship), or in a setup for an ambush. They also look like they're meant to work in groups.
Considering these Raolme are apparently big on trading, they are probably designed to protect their trading vessels. Several of these defenders flanking a line of cargo ships would keep them safe from most things, after all. Their ideal position would be, as their name implies, defending something vital… like The Shed Scale.
>Maybe your security expert would be the best judge of that.
Dante’s expertise concerns on board security as well as crew versus crew combat, and not ship to ship battles. You’d need an admiral or tactician for that… maybe the pilots got something on it as well.
>It'd be cool if they pool their shields together somehow.
…wasn’t it the Flaûgnir ships which had that ability, or are you misremembering?
>Ask Tozlan for blueprints later.
Tozlan isn’t an engineer, nor would it make sense for him to carry around a complete blueprint either. What you can do, though, is to let the research team take a good long look at the ship and see if they can replicate it.

>Chain the idiot to his assigned job. Literally.
While tempting, it isn’t really practical. For starters, most jobs require him to move around the ship… not to mention the probable negative reaction from the rest of the crew.
>Hold up, before we do anything, Tara's building a Union, right? Do we have to have a conversation with her to discuss punitive measures for Vex?
You’re sure she won’t mind as long as the punishment isn’t overly harsh, like chaining the idiot to his post. But you should inform her later about though, to make sure everyone is on the same page. She might even help you make sure Vex learns his lesson, as one union member acting like he has done reflect badly on all of them.
>Is there some kinda guidelines from the old Sakkilian colony fleet that tells you what to do with this kind of behavior? Like maybe we can threaten Vex with a court-martial or something? Or would that be a bit overkill?
In your current situation, as a lone ship far from any possible Sakkilian authority, it’s up the captain and other officers to dole out punishments as they see fit. Though, even if we had contact with the rest of the fleet, Vex wouldn’t be court-martial unless he actually put someone in harm’s way with his foolishness.

:ZentoSA: *sigh* Vex, son, while I am glad that you checked the anomaly in the dead alien, as it might have been dangerous, you still can’t disobey orders like that! You need to inform your superiors before you take actions like this.
:VexSA: But it would have been a waste of your time, father.
:ZentoSA: That’s an weak excuse and you know it. It is my job to be informed of such things and make decisions according to said information. No, you need to get your priorities straight, which means doing what you’re told. This isn’t your home, this is your job, your duty, and I am your superior, ergo, you have to do what you’re told or face the consequences.
:DoxySA: Don’t be too harsh on him, Zento…
:VexSA: As I said before, I’m ready to face whatever consequences you may have.
:ZentoSA: And this drama with Tozlan has to end, it's getting ridiculous.
:VexSA: But he’s the-
:ZentoSA: I don’t care. Act like adults and get over it.
:DoxySA: He’s not so bad when you get to know him, son.
:ZentoSA: In addition, your current attitude is abysmal, with you barely acknowledging your mistakes and being more concerned with making jabs at Lt. Tozlan.
:VexSA: I am a bit distracted by the autopsy, father.

:ZentoSA: You leave me no choice but to make sure you rethink think this kind of behavior. Ensign Vex, you are from now on banned from the med-bay, and you’re not to take one step into it unless it’s an emergency.
:VexSA: W-what? B-but… but at least let me move all this information over to the research-
:ZentoSA: Furthermore, you are also banned from the research lab, as well as all the terminal used for research purposes.
:VexSA: Daddy, p-please! Y-you can’t-
:ZentoSA: You will only regain these privileges when you’ve demonstrataed that you understand the errors of your ways and improve.
:VexSA: But I need to know more! I’ve worked all night to set this all up and-
:DoxySA: Vex, have you been getting enough sleep?
:VexSA: Wha- o-of course I have, mother.
:DoxySA: You know, if you’re super tired you’ll just work slower… a maybe miss something important. Not to mention it will make you grumpy too… and someone who’s tired usually doesn’t make the best decisions.
:ZentoSA: Crunch is never good for long-term productivity.
:DoxySA: How are you feeling, Vex?
:VexSA: I’m… I’m fine, mom…
:ZentoSA: You know, maybe some time off will do you some good. In fact, you should take the rest of the evening off and relax. I command you to get some goddess damned sleep right now, Ensign.
:VexSA: Y-you’re sending me to my room!?
:ZentoSA: Yes. And furthermore, I’m going to assign you to cleaning duty for a few days… and to make sure you do your job this time, I’m going to assign either Shara or Dante to the same task.
:ZentoSA: And if you disobeys THAT order then you'll be fired, and dropped off at the next station you visit.
:VexSA: WHAT!? Y-you can’t do that!
:ZentoSA: Yes, yes I can.
:VexSA: MOM!?
:DoxySA: Well… we’ll know you’re safe… and… um… we can always pick you up after a month or two, Vex.
:VexSA: But… at least let me properly go through everything I’ve found…
:ZentoSA: You have your orders. Clean up this mess and go your quarters. I’ll have someone bring you dinner.
:VexSA: Please, at least let me have access to the research terminals! So I can look through what I’ve found!
:DoxySA: Maybe you’re going a bit hard on him, Zento…
:VexSA: Dad…

>So what you got from this is lore from the datapad, and possible research into emetics (medicine to induce vomiting).
Wait, vomiting? Why would we get better at vomiting by looking at a corpse? You’re not sure what kind of odd breakthroughs the research department might come up with after looking through the information we gathered, but vomiting? Eh, at least the datapad is bound to contain some kind of interesting information.
>I feel like you should poke at him some more after he's done with the current autopsy. He said he "needed to" do something-- I suspect his intellectual curiosity overpowered his common sense.
Hmm… you might need to have a talk with Vex in person after he’s calmed down a bit later toni-

[Beep! New message from Tizli]
:TizliSA: Hey, tall boy! I’m heading over to that warm water pool on the beach deck. Care to join me, hunk?

…tomorrow, Vex can wait to tomorrow, right?
No. 1023258 ID: 96c896

Allow him to record whatever data he's collected so far, but to put the cadaver back in stasis for now. He can resume the autopsy at a later date.
Tell him you want to have a conversation about his worrying work ethic tomorrow, after he's gotten some sleep. You both need to cool down, to be honest. (jeez, why did ALL of the suggested punishments get applied?)

Then go on your date.
No. 1023262 ID: 094652

Have him read up on Sakkilian history while he's grounded. See how he interprets it.
No. 1023314 ID: c09f5e

>You’d need an admiral or tactician for that…
Wouldn't that be funny taking orders from your kid. Share it with Vul later.

>tomorrow, Vex can wait to tomorrow, right?
Maybe you should cool it off with Tizli to spend time with your son. You still care about him right? Look at him, you can see who he feels you don't. He may be more uncomfortable with his parents' "personal arrangements" than he's willing to admit or face.

What did Vex do wrong here, exactly? He saw there was an urgent matter and attended to it at the risk of neglecting his current orders. It's not a bad call to make, unless you want your crew so inflexible from straying from orders that it's its' own form of neglect. You can admit that. Let him finish here at least. The issue is a lack of respect for communication protocol. Ironic, given how his feud with Toz started.

Not a psychologist, but I suspect what keeps fresh crew in line is not thinking about things beyond their role. Whatever you think of the ethics of that, his punishment is kind of the opposite of that.
No. 1023317 ID: 629f2e

Let him go through what he found. He's already completely missed his original assignment, it's not like he can get any later than he already is. After that, we're sticking by the punishment we laid out. It's important that he reflects after all, and this is a good way to make sure he does.

Enjoy your date with Tizli. Vex can wait until tomorrow, it'll probably be better to let him cool off after the emotional punch of this punishment anyways. If you're really concerned about him though, you could ask Doxy to check up on him. Though I doubt you honestly need to ask.
No. 1023335 ID: 36784c

>Maybe you’re going a bit hard on him, Zento…
As his father, I don’t want to be this hard on him. But as his captain, I need to be this hard on him.

Checking that anomaly was fine, since there was a possibility that it could’ve been dangerous. But what if it had actually been dangerous and Vex tried to handle it without telling anyone? If he was unable to handle it and he waited until the last minute to call for help, it would've been too late and he could’ve got hurt or killed!

So as his father, I worry about his health, which is why banning Vex will help him get a decent amount of sleep and so he won’t overwork himself. But as his captain, banning him will be a punishment by not allowing him to do something he wants to do.

Tomorrow, after all of us have eaten breakfast and we’ve all had a chance to cool off, all 3 of us will have a talk with each other to determine how long Vex’s punishment will last. If he can show us that he’s learned his lesson for a certain amount of days, we’ll lift the ban on him.
No. 1023347 ID: f18162

Tell your son that you love him and you appreciate his intelligence and how hard he's working, but there is such a thing as working too hard. You worry about his health. So this is both a punishment and it's for his own good.
No. 1023448 ID: c09f5e

>Wait, vomiting? Why would we get better at vomiting by looking at a corpse?
Because of the possibility that the inorganic contents in that stomach may not originally belong to the alien in question.

I don't know how well he could enjoy his date after this. I guess if Vex needs comfort, he could talk with his mom instead. Or his mate, which probably be less weird. Or his egg, of which I cannot gauge the level the weirdness of.
No. 1023457 ID: e7fbdd

It would be a waste to not save all the data we gather from the alien. Let him finish at least that, then is straight to his room. We can spend some time with him tomorrow, do some bonding, but we have to be firm.
We already promised Tizli to spend time with her and i don't like breaking promises.
No. 1023490 ID: 681cb5
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>Jeez, why did ALL of the suggested punishments get applied?
Because you’re rather cross with your son right now, that’s why. Besides, he only seems to care about being banned from the med-bay and research anyway.
>Wouldn't that be funny taking orders from your kid.
You’re only going to take orders from someone that’s a higher rank than you… and it’s rather unlikely any of your kids will surpass you in that regard for quite some time. Of course, if any of them have a tactical mind, you’re still going to listen to their suggestions.
>Share it with Vul later.
Share what exactly? The tactics ideas about the Raolme ships or that you need a tactician?

>Not a psychologist, but I suspect what keeps fresh crew in line is not thinking about things beyond their role.
While it helps to keep your mind focused, your crew should have the training necessary to deal with these kinds of situations mentally. Of course, it’s still going to be rough…
>Maybe you should cool it off with Tizli to spend time with your son. You still care about him right?
Of course you care about him. Do you even need to ask?
>Look at him, you can see who he feels you don't. He may be more uncomfortable with his parents' "personal arrangements" than he's willing to admit or face.
Is that what’s bothering him? That we’re not a couple? Surely, there has to be more to this than that.
>What did Vex do wrong here, exactly? He saw there was an urgent matter and attended to it at the risk of neglecting his current orders. It's not a bad call to make, unless you want your crew so inflexible from straying from orders that it's its' own form of neglect.
What he did wrong was neglecting to report this urgent matter to any of his superiors, even though he has ample opportunity to do so. His blatant disregard of his orders should just as likely put all of you at risk as the opposite. While you don’t want an inflexible crew, you also don’t want someone that can’t work with the rest of the crew either.

>Vex can wait until tomorrow, it'll probably be better to let him cool off after the emotional punch of this punishment anyways.
He needs to calm down a bit and reflect on what happened. Give him time to get his emotions in check… just as you need time to get your own under control.
>I guess if Vex needs comfort, he could talk with his mom instead. Or his mate, which probably be less weird.
Right, he’s not alone in this. He has others he can turn to, not just you.
>Have him read up on Sakkilian history while he's grounded. See how he interprets it.
Hmm… having him read up on how the ideals of Sakkilian kind was molded by history might help him understand why every cog is just as important to the big machine… but you’ve already punished him enough for now. Maybe if he doesn’t learn from this.

>We already promised Tizli to spend time with her and i don't like breaking promises.
That’s right. You already gave her your word… and you’re not going to disappoint her just because your son is a bit of a fool.
>I don't know how well he could enjoy his date after this.
While you didn’t like what you just did, it’s not the end of the world. You’ve disciplined unruly crew before… though; him being your son does make it a bit… harder.

>Allow him to record whatever data he's collected so far, but to put the cadaver back in stasis for now. He can resume the autopsy at a later date.
:VexSA: T-thanks you, dad.
:ZentoSA: After that, you’re to go straight to your quarters and stay there for tonight.
:VexSA: Yes, father.
>Checking that anomaly was fine, since there was a possibility that it could’ve been dangerous. But what if it had actually been dangerous and Vex tried to handle it without telling anyone? If he was unable to handle it and he waited until the last minute to call for help, it would've been too late and he could’ve got hurt or killed!
:VexSA: It wasn’t anything dangerous… and even if it was, I would be able to handle it, father.
:ZentoSA: Really? And if there was some kind of dangerous alien life form in there, what would you do?
:VexSA: The likelihood of that is nearly zero, so-
:ZentoSA: Or if it was some kind of dangerous material? Something toxic? Or radioactive? Or if it was a malfunctioning weapon? Or a bomb? What would you do if there still was a live bomb inside that thing!?
:VexSA: Err… well… um… I don’t…
:ZentoSA: Exactly. This is why you report what you find before you do anything rash. You should have gotten hurt, son… or worse, killed!
:ZentoSA: Son, I love you and you know that. And I appreciate your intelligence and your vigilance… but there is such a thing as working too hard, Vex. I worry about your health, son. So… this is both a punishment and it's for your own good.
:VexSA: Of course it is.
:DoxySA: Zento is right, Vex. You need to relax for a bit.
:ZentoSA: Your job will still be here after you’ve taken a good night sleep, son.
>Tell him you want to have a conversation about his worrying work ethic tomorrow, after he's gotten some sleep. You both need to cool down, to be honest.
:VexSA: Of course father. I’ll… I’ll just finish up here and… goodnight? I guess?
:DoxySA: Sleep well, son.
:ZentoSA: Goodnight, Vex.

>As his father, I don’t want to be this hard on him. But as his captain, I need to be this hard on him.
:DoxySA: I know… but what we want and what we need to do is different things. A father needs to be hard on unruly children as well, Zento.
:ZentoSA: …perhaps.
>We're sticking by the punishment we laid out. It's important that he reflects after all, and this is a good way to make sure he does.
:DoxySA: I concur… while I’m not super excited about this, he… he needs some discipline.
>Tomorrow, after all of us have eaten breakfast and we’ve all had a chance to cool off, all 3 of us will have a talk with each other to determine how long Vex’s punishment will last. If he can show us that he’s learned his lesson for a certain amount of days, we’ll lift the ban on him.
:DoxySA: That sounds good, Zento. I’m sure he will appreciate you taking some time to talk to him properly as well.
>If you're really concerned about him though, you could ask Doxy to check up on him. Though I doubt you honestly need to ask.
:DoxySA: Of course not, sir. I’ll give him some space for a bit, and then I’ll go see how he’s feeling, alright?
:ZentoSA: Thanks Doxy.

>Enjoy your date with Tizli.
Right, time for some R&R. You deserve some time off after everything that’s happened recently… and you have very few people you rather spend time with right now than Tizli. Let’s spend a nice evening with her… and hopefully, and even nicer night. Where did she say she wanted to meet again? The heated pool?

She is indeed waiting for you at “warm water pool” as she called it, having a bit of an argument with Zell and Car Zuk.

:TizliSA: Come on, move your fat arses! I reserved this pool days ago!
:CarSA: Huh? Y-you need to reserve it!? I d-d-didn’t know that.
:ZellSA: Because yah don’t. There’s nah way to reserve anything ‘ere. She’s just making it up, lad.
:TizliSA: Okay, okay, I admit. I made it up. But can you two please leave so I and my… friend may have the hot pool in private? Briny please?
:ZellSA: Well… Ah might ’ave considered it, lass… if yah didn’t call mah friend ‘ere a fat arse.
:CarSA: That was very mean.
:TizliSA: …I’m sorry that I called you a name, I was just… *sigh*, it’s important, alright?
:ZellSA: And it’s just as important that me and mah pal ‘ere get some relaxing done, eh? Besides, this baby can fit at least 6 people… 8 if we sit close together. Plenty of space for yah and ye… brother?
:TizliSA: Ugh… what do you two want for leaving?
:CarSA: I want to relax in the warm waters. Been a very stressful day today.
:ZellSA: Tell me about it. Ah’ve been worried about mah little grand lass Shal all day.
:CarSA: Oh right, she went down to the planet, didn’t she? She made it back alright, right?
:ZellSA: She’s fine… ‘er lander took a real beating but she’s unscathed.
:CarSA: That’s good news.
:ZellSA: Darn tooting it’s good news.
:TizliSA: *Sigh* this isn’t going anywhere…
No. 1023491 ID: 96c896

"It's not her brother she's meeting here."

Don't chase off these two just yet. It's a public bath, you two can talk quietly off to the side. If they get uncomfortable they can leave. You sure won't get uncomfortable.
No. 1023501 ID: 16d082

>If they get uncomfortable they can leave. You sure won't get uncomfortable.
Damn right, it’s captainly antics time: we have to make them uncomfortable to the point that they leave on their own volition
Inform Tizli about the plan to go in and act sickeningly bubbly romantic until they can’t take it anymore
No. 1023507 ID: c09f5e

I'm inclined to let them stay. Everyone's had a hard day, and it's only going to get harder tomorrow.

So how far do we want to take this if they call our "bluff"? We might get an audience for our romantic escapades.
No. 1023516 ID: 36784c

Like Zell said, there’s plenty of room. We can all share the warm water and relax. Even though Tizli wanted some privacy, she’ll just have to share the warm water with others.

>try to make them uncomfortable so they leave
Don’t do that. Everyone has a right to be here, so we shouldn’t try and trick them into leaving.
No. 1023535 ID: a9af05

There's plenty of room for all of you. Don't try to trick the others into leaving. That'd be a dick move trying to do something like that.
No. 1023736 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: It's not her brother she's meeting here.

Tizli outrights jumps into the air as she hear your voice, clearly caught by surprise even though you’re standing right in front of her in full view. Apparently she didn’t hear you arrive?

:TizliSA: Zento! H-hi! I didn’t… didn’t hear you there.
:ZellSA: Ah, so that ‘ow it is, lass.
:CarSA: Um… s-should we leave?
:ZellSA: …If the Captain asks nicely.
:TizliSA: Well, Captain?

She walks around the pool over to you, her sharp claws clinking against the tiled floor for each step she takes.

:ZentoSA: …I’m inclined to let the two of you stay, if you so wish. Everyone’s had a hard day and it will probably be getting harder tomorrow when we deal with the pirates. Besides, it’s the crews bath, not just the officers.
:TizliSA: Tsk… I guess there’s enough room for all four of us…
:ZentoSA: And the evening is young, Tizli. I’m sure we’ll have some privacy later.
:TizliSA: I was just hoping to have a real pearl of an evening with you, Zento, one were we would have some space from the others as well as SNOOPING BROTHERS!

You can hear something submerging in the water behind you, in the deep pool.

:TizliSA: *Sigh* But you’re right. We have the whole evening ahead of us.
:ZentoSA: Well… you know, if you want us to be alone… I’m sure we can come up with some antics to make them so uncomfortable to the point that they leave on their own volition.
:TizliSA: Eh? What do you mean?
:ZentoSA: If we act sickeningly bubbly romantic until they can’t take it anymore.
:TizliSA: What!?
:ZellSA: Heh, the two of yah can try, but Ah’m ‘nown to be pretty stubborn.
:CarSA: …I don’t mind if you’re being romantic either…
:TizliSA: I’m pretty sure I’m the one who’s going to be uncomfortable, you scumsucker!
:ZentoSA: Hehe, I was just joking, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Yeah, no, let’s… let’s just share the warm water bath.

:ZentoSA: Now, if you’ll excuse me for a second, I just need to change into my bathing trunks.
:CarSA: Um… Captain? The sign over there says that you’re not allowed to have swimwear on you?
:ZellSA: That only applies to the sauna, lad, so yah don’t drag a bunch of chloride into the ‘eat.
:CarSA: …then why aren’t we wearing swimming trunks?
:ZellSA: …because there’s no rule about not wearing ones out ‘ere and it feel liberating being bare? Ah’m can’t say why yah aren’t wearing a pair.
:CarSA: Oh, I just… thought… because you weren’t wearing any… um…

Tizli’s ear shoots up as she jumps up and grab the side of the bath, almost as if she’s trying to look in, all the while her tails starts wagging.

:TizliSA: W-wait, you two are naked in there?
:ZellSA: Yes, lass?
:CarSA: I mean… it’s not like you can see through the water anyway…
:ZentoSA: Nevertheless, I am certain the ships rules about proper wear includes the beach deck, Ensign Zell.
:ZellSA: Eh… that lass Shara ‘as been walking around completely bare since the day yah built it and nah one ‘as complained so far. Seems only fair that we would be allowed to do the same.
:ZentoSA: …I’m honestly not surprised that Shara has been doing that.
:TizliSA: Are you sure? I’ve never seen her…
:ZellSA: Of course not, lass. Yah and that crab gal usually ‘ang out in the deep part. She’s usually sunbathing on the hot rocks on the opposite side of the beach. Though, I’ve seen yah brother ‘ang around there at times, lass.
:TizliSA: Of course that little perv has been listening to her sunbathing.
:CarSA: Um… I’d like to remind you that I misunderstood the sign? Y-you know… in case… um… y-you’re angry, Captain?
No. 1023738 ID: 681cb5
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Meanwhile, in the Messhall…

:RoseSA: -so I took the time to check out this odd hand terminal that my step-bro found while I ate, mom.
:DoxySA: Oh? That thing little Vex found in the worms tummy? I’m super excited to hear what’s on it!
:RoseSA: I’m super excited too, mom! Or was. Before I read it? I mean, I’m still excited but I’ve already read it so I can’t be excited about reading it again can I, so I have to be super excited about something else, maybe I’m super excited to share what I-
:DoxySA: Rose, slow down a bit?
:RoseSA: Oh, sorry… where was I? So, daddy helped me get the universal translator going and… um… I kind of just skimmed through the alien’s personal logs while I ate, I guess?
:DoxySA: Did you find anything interesting?
:RoseSA: Most of it was either personal stuff, conversation between friends and complaining about the food, that kind of things. Then there were some stuff about their duty as a comm-specialist for the “Grand Alliance” or what they are called… which isn’t really relevant to us either.
:DoxySA: …but you were excited about something, Rose?
:RoseSA: I’m coming to that, mommy! I did found out what they were doing here… and what was on that planet and why they blew it up.
:DoxySA: Oh? Anything juicy? Surely it wasn’t just some supply outpost or something.
:RoseSA: It was a research colony. And… well, it was kind of depressing to read, but our alien friend and the rest of the fleet we found was doing a kind of last stand to defend it. They knew they didn’t have a chance, but they still wanted to give them more time on the planet.
:DoxySA: So I gather this research must have been super important?
:RoseSA: Get this, apparently they found some kind of Precursor Super Weapon! They thought it might change the outcome of the war and everything!
:DoxySA: …what in the world is a precursor?
:RoseSA: I have no idea, but it sounds super neat!
:DoxySA: So did they do it? Did they manage to get this super weapon online?
:RoseSA: Well… considering the fleet was wiped out, the research colony completely vaporized and that the IOD are ruling the sector with an iron claw… I’m going to go with no?
:DoxySA: Bummer… I hate unhappy endings…
:RoseSA: Me too, mom… oh, right! There’s one final, even more exciting thing!
:DoxySA: Saving the best for last?
:RoseSA: They mention finding some kind of frozen coffins with completely alien corpses in them.
:DoxySA: …that doesn’t sound super exciting, dear?
:RoseSA: But the coffins had this symbol on them!
:DoxySA: … … …that’s the Sakkilian Colony Fleet symbol.
:RoseSA: Yeah, it is… super weird, right?

[You can still suggest things for Captain Zento]
No. 1023741 ID: 96c896

Zento: Tell them you won't punish them this time but they should follow the rules in the future.
Hmm, maybe we can section off part of the beach for nudism?

Doxy: bump investigating the energy reading to the top of our priority list. Ask for more details. Were the stasis pods inside some sort of structure?
I think we're going to need that crew quarters upgrade soon...
No. 1023781 ID: 9d2fb7

>super weird, right?
This is putting it lightly. If there are indeed sakillian corpses on ice in there, then we, as a species have been here long before your arrival.

Some of our brothers and sisters might have actually travel through space AND time when we warped here.

This opens up a lot of questions and possible theories. Way too many.
No. 1023797 ID: c09f5e

"Not at all, Ensign Car. The Commander may have inquiries into this incident though, but they will be far from angry. I fear she will be interested in the personal equipment on display. Should you, any of you, not wish to closely fraternise with her, you may inform me of this now. As captain, I take matters of consent seriously."

"This is a perfect find, really. I don't know if we could delay our engagement for this. Those pirates are leaving tomorrow. Our pods have waited over 30 years, surely they can wait another day, right?"

I don't know how long we can stick around. Could we split our crew out to handle both jobs? We only need an exploration crew to investigate the signal.
No. 1023807 ID: 36784c

>Eh…that lass Shara ‘as been walking around completely bare since the day yah built it and nah one ‘as complained so far. Seems only fair that we would be allowed to do the same.
He’s got a point, it’s only fair. Besides, this is a very minor thing, so I don’t think we need to enforce it, since no one is potentially being put in danger. (Unlike what Vex did.)

>Tizli’s ear shoots up as she jumps up and grab the side of the bath, almost as if she’s trying to look in, all the while her tails starts wagging.
>Of course that little perv has been listening to her sunbathing.
Look who’s talking, little miss “I want to listen to the naked men”. You’re trying to listen to them right now, aren’t you?

>They mention finding some kind of frozen coffins with completely alien corpses in them.
>But the coffins had this symbol on them!
>………that’s the Sakkilian Colony Fleet symbol.
Those might be stasis pods, with living Sakkilians in them. If they’re alive, we’re going to need that crew quarters upgrade to make room for them.

We’ll need to investigate, but not with the pirates still hanging around. They could attack the ship while we’re exploring the facility on the destroyed planet.

Since Vex was the one that discovered this, does this mean we’ve gotta reduce his punishment a little? It was through pure luck that he found this, so I’m not sure if that’d be a good enough reason to reduce his punishment.

>If there are indeed sakillian corpses on ice in there, then we, as a species have been here long before your arrival.
They could be in stasis. Remember, our technology has never been seen before in this part of the universe. So when those Sakkilians were discovered, the aliens might not know what a stasis pod is and just assumed the Sakkilians they found were dead.

>Some of our brothers and sisters might have actually travel through space AND time when we warped here.
That was obvious from the start, since it was stated multiple times that the Sakkilian colony ship that traveled from the Sakkilian home world bent space and time when it was traveling.
No. 1023808 ID: 908530

Show us some dicks.
No. 1023841 ID: a9af05

>Since Vex was the one that discovered this, does this mean we’ve gotta reduce his punishment a little? It was through pure luck that he found this, so I’m not sure if that’d be a good enough reason to reduce his punishment.
Maybe instead of being grounded for a week, we could make it so he's grounded for 3 days? I don't know.

On one hand, a reduced punishment seems deserved for this discovery. But on the other hand, we don't want to send a message that anyone can get away with doing what they want if they're lucky enough to find or do something that benefits the ship.
No. 1024058 ID: 61b860

(Maybe we'll find the other characters mentioned in the beginning in the stasis pods) We could find some of the rest of the fleet like the honorable general Ivanka "Carriage" Widetrunk who was the winner of the most handsome sakkilian of the year award (she is orange and very butch and when younger made fun of as fat, but she is just very big boned and she and her husband have an open relationship) and her husband Dew (bubblebutt) slimscale (he is blue twinkish and sassy) the special ops soldier from the renowned light claw dagger unit. They came on the fleet to retire at the colony they were going to build.
No. 1024062 ID: 61b860

What type of colony would we establish? One that is a barren world with all the resources to build from the ground up? Or an easily defensible world with good trade? Or maybe even a world no one else would want but is good enough for you? What place would the crew want, maybe a mediocre world with as many biomes as you could want for.
No. 1024270 ID: 681cb5
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>Since Vex was the one that discovered this, does this mean we’ve gotta reduce his punishment a little?
He’ll get a reduced punishment when he understand what he did wrong and says he’s super sorry. Even if the outcome was positive doesn’t mean what he did was justified.
>We don't want to send a message that anyone can get away with doing what they want if they're lucky enough to find or do something that benefits the ship.
Exactly. Not to mention people might think you’re letting him get off easy just because he’s your little cutie pie. The crew will not tolerate nepotism, that’s for certain. Speaking of the cutie pie, you really should go and see how he’s feeling soon…

>If there are indeed Sakkilian corpses on ice in there, then we, as a species have been here long before The Shed Scales arrival.
:RoseSA: We still don’t know how long we were on ice ourselves, mom, do we? It is possible that we arrived at the same time as these Sakkilians, but we just took a super long nappy time.
:DoxySA: Hmm… the hyper jump between galaxies didn’t just bend space, but time as well, right?
:RoseSA: Time within hyperspace travels slower than outside it, that’s correct. While the jump would only have taken a full year for us in the fleet, a hundred years would pass for those back home.
:DoxySA: But what if… they arrived before we even jumped? How freaking neat would that be?
:RoseSA: … … …um… mom? While it sounds super neat it seems extremely unlikely. Engaging in hyperspace has never shown even the possibility of actual time travel, let alone letting someone reach the past.
:DoxySA: But it would be so cool…
:RoseSA: It would be super cool, but sadly, no. It’s far more likely that the jump simply took more time than expected… and we arrived 40 years after these people somehow? Hmm… while the effect of delayed jumps has been observed before, they’ve never exceeded that of micro-seconds. Suddenly having a delay of a whole whopping 40 years sounds nearly as unlikely as actual time travel, though still in the realm of possibilities. Then again, it was the first time a jump of this scale was ever attempted, so it’s possible that the variables we’re working with are vastly different from the usual ones.
:DoxySA: …but no time traveling?
:RoseSA: No time traveling.
:DoxySA: Aw…

>Those might be stasis pods, with living Sakkilians in them.
:RoseSA: …the description do sound a lot like cryo-pods… so we might find actually living Sakkilian down there! How exciting!
>Ask for more details. Were the stasis pods inside some sort of structure?
:RoseSA: Sorry, but the details are super vague. This data pad belonged to someone stationed on the fleet in orbit, remember, and not someone that was down on the research colony.
:DoxySA: So it’s more rumours and hearsay than actual facts?
:RoseSA: Exactly.
:DoxySA: Still, sounds exciting to investigate.
:RoseSA: Super exciting!
>I think we're going to need that crew quarters upgrade soon...
:RoseSA: Well… we can always keep them in the cryo-pods until we’ve made room for them?
:DoxySA: Still, the sooner we get more rooms, the better.

>Bump investigating the energy reading to the top of our priority list.
:RoseSA: Of course it’s top priority! What else would we do?
:DoxySA: Deal with those pesky pirates polluting the nearby planet?
:RoseSA: They might have more information too! Maybe we should invite them over for some tea and ask them?
:DoxySA: …I was more worried about them attacking while we’re exploring the facility.
:RoseSA: Oh… yeah, that might happen too.
>I don't know if we could delay our engagement for this. Those pirates are leaving tomorrow. Our pods have waited over 30 years, surely they can wait another day, right?
:RoseSA: …or we can deal with both at once? I mean, dealing with the pirates can’t take more than an hour? Two tops, right?
:DoxySA: So what, split the crew the handle both jobs?
:RoseSA: Or just deal with one after the other. Capture the pirates and then go down to the planet?
:DoxySA: Hmm…
>I don't know how long we can stick around.
Hmm… well, the captain has mentioned that he rather not stay around this system any longer than necessary. You’re unsure why, though… he just keep saying it’s this feeling he keeps getting.
No. 1024271 ID: 681cb5
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>What type of colony would we establish? One that is a barren world with all the resources to build from the ground up? Or an easily defensible world with good trade? Or maybe even a world no one else would want but is good enough for you?
That is a decision for the colony administrators and leaders to make. But considering how much alien life there seems to be in this galaxy you’re probably going to have to settle on the scraps… of course, seeing how your technology seems to be more advance than theirs, you can probably terraform far more planets than they can. Either way, you first need to find and ensure the safety of the colony ships, so let’s focus on that for now.
>We could find some of the rest of the fleet like the honorable general Ivanka.
There weren’t any generals in the fleet and while the name Ivanka is strangely familiar, you know for a fact that she wasn’t one of the five Admirals that was part of this endeavor. Maybe she was another captain? Of course, while you do wish to find some more people of high rank out there, chances are a lot higher that you’re going to stumble upon people of lower ranks first, seeing how they were the most numerous. Then again, it’s possible that you won’t find anyone out here… and that you’re truly the only Sakkilian in the whole galaxy… a terrifying thought, so let’s not linger on it.

>Hmm, maybe we can section off part of the beach for nudism?
While the beach deck is big enough to fulfill most of the crew’s needs, it’s not that big. It is after all just one big room. Well, two big rooms if you count the deep water section… but your point stands. You either need to ban nudity or allow it, you can’t really do both. Hmm… maybe there’s another solution?
>The Commander may have inquiries into this incident though, but they will be far from angry. I fear she will be interested in the personal equipment on display.
If Commander Doxy wants Car Zuk to know she’s interested in his equipment she’ll need to tell him that herself. You’re not going do any flirting on her part… especially without her even asking or knowing about it in the first place.

>Tell them you won't punish them this time but they should follow the rules in the future.
:CarSA: Um… I’d j-just like to iterate, I… um… thought I was following the rules?
:ZentoSA: I know, Ensign Car Zuk, which is why I’m not punishing you.
:ZellSA: Ah’ll keep to the rules, lad, even if Ah would prefer not to. It’s more for the others sake and not mine, after all.
:TizliSA: Speaking as one of the others… I wouldn’t mind seeing two hunks walking around with very little on…
:CarSA: …and if one of those h-hunks of rocks where your brother?
:TizliSA: …okay, I see your point. Maybe everyone being naked is a bad idea.
:ZentoSA: While I will need to prioritize the needs of those that wish to remain in clothed company, I’ll see if I can figure out some other solution that will please both parties.
:TizliSA: Tsk, either you’re naked or you’re not. But yeah, giving people the chance of not getting eavesdropped on while they enjoy the briny water does sound like a good idea.

>Look who’s talking, little miss “I want to listen to the naked men”. You’re trying to listen to them right now, aren’t you?
:TizliSA: What? No, of course not! I can’t listen to something that’s underwater, now can I?
:ZellSA: Yah keep putting ye ‘ead under though, lass. Ah’m pretty sure yah can ‘ear fully well if yah do that.
:CarSA: H-hey! Y-you can see under the water!?
:TizliSA: Heh, of course not. I’m blind.
:ZentoSA: She can “hear” you shape under the water, yes.
:TizliSA: Hey, don’t sell me out to the scum, Zento, hehe.
:CarSA: It’s very rude to… to… peek like that!
:TizliSA: Alright alright, I’m sorry. Can’t blame a gal getting a bit curious when in the presence of such fine gentlemen like yourself. Heh, why, should I be worried that the captain might punish little old me?
:ZentoSA: …I’m not going to punish you unless you’re really breaking the rules, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Then I guess I’ll just have to break the same rules as the rest of you in here.
:CarSA: Huh, what do you mean by that?
:ZellSA: *Huff* And ‘ere Ah was just trying to relax with a friend, no need to get so worked up.
:TizliSA: Hey, I did warn you it would get foamy. All I wanted was to relax and get to known the Captain a bit better myself. I’m sure such an honourable and handsome hunk like himself has many heroics to harken back too, so I just want to huddle close to him while he humbly humour us with his heavy hardships and hectic hassles against the harassing hordes. I know for a fact he saved a beautiful princess from the ravaging hordes of pirates that plagues these systems.
:CarSA: Wow? You really did that, Captain?
:ZentoSA: She’s exaggerating, but yes, I did indeed save her from pirates.
:CarSA: Wait, y-you’re a princess!?
:TizliSA: Yes, kind of. See, this is why I wanted to be alone… no need for inane questions or… BROTHER’S that are eavesdropping. *Sigh* I was just hoping for some good stories…

Once again you hear someone dive under the water in the deep pool. It’s clear her brother Tozlan wants to keep an eye… or in this case, ear, on her, even if she rather he didn’t. Hmm… can you get him to leave tactfully?
No. 1024273 ID: 96c896

>another solution?
We could schedule some hours as being nudity allowed while other hours are clothes-on. Or allow people to reserve the room? For private gatherings, where those involved get to decide what the nudity rules are? Heck that's what Tizli wanted to do in the first place.
Just no sex allowed in the pool, not unless those involved are willing to clean it after.

Heck, let's kill two birds with one stone and implement reservations right away. With the limitation that they must be requested 24 hours in advance. Except for the next 24 hours because nobody got prior warning, so it's first come first serve, and you're going to pull rank to get the first reservation for you and Tizli. Sorry guys you gotta leave.
No. 1024337 ID: f2320a

The cum pool cleaning rule makes sense
No. 1024349 ID: c3e059

>specific times for nudity
Scheduling specific times for nudity sounds good.

>reserve the room
I don't think we should allow others to reserve the entire room.

That would lead to schedule conflicts or someone tampering with the schedule to make someone else lose their time. All of that leads to more fighting and the crew wouldn't get along with each other. Their personal problems start interfering with jobs, leading to lives being risked. (If Tolzan and Vex can start a fight over a board game, something like this would start a bigger fight!)

It'd be better to just schedule nudity for everyone and not allow room reservations.

>pull rank and kick everyone else out
There really isn't a good reason to do that.
No. 1024398 ID: c09f5e

Zell is friends with her brother, right? He can be a wingman and introduce Toz to Shara. It's a step up from just "staring" at her.

We have enough ships and crew to do both in a day, but I wouldn't believe it would take an hour until it's been vetted past her brother. If the pirate captain isn't convinced to go off-ship long enough for a ship-jacking, then plan B is laser to the bridge. Even if time wasn't short, the captain wouldn't want to put more effort and resources into fighting pirates than advancing your primary mission, as exciting you think the former is.

No. 1024423 ID: 96c896

Well, the alternative to reservations is to have certain hours of the day that are nudity-friendly. That way those who are bothered by that sort of thing would be able to avoid it. For those who are bothered by only certain people being naked near them, I suppose there could be a sign-in sheet or something? So people know who's in there before they go in?
No. 1025017 ID: 681cb5
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>Allow people to reserve the room? For private gatherings, where those involved get to decide what the nudity rules are? Heck that's what Tizli wanted to do in the first place.
Hmm… currently, there are too few crewmates on this ship to really make it worthwhile to take reservations. After all, this facility is built to fill the needs of far more people that there currently are on the ship, so having something like three people get full private access to it seem a bit like overkill. Then there’s the problem of actual needs and possible spiteful reservations. We know for a fact that Eki needs these facilities to live comfortable, or she’ll dry up and get sick… while the Raolme has so far visited it daily as well. Combine this with the fact that they despise each other, and you’ll have recipe of both of them reserving this place just to keep the others out, sparking unnecessary conflict. Of course, then there’s the third party, someone that just felt the fancy one evening to visit this place, but can’t because Eki and the siblings are reserving it as often as they can. But you digress, let’s return to the question at hand… do you allow people to reserve the beach deck?
>I don't think we should allow others to reserve the entire room.
That sounds like a good idea, at least for the time being. Maybe allow it for special occasions in the future, but you’ll handle that when it comes up. For now, the beach deck is open for all, as it should be.
>You're going to pull rank to get the first reservation for you and Tizli. Sorry guys you gotta leave.
Pulling rank for inane reasons like that is a sure way to make your crew dislike you… especially when Zell already said he was willing to leave if you just asked nicely. You’ve always preferred to let the captain be who you are on the clock, while you’re just another person when off it.

>We could schedule some hours as being nudity allowed while other hours are clothes-on. That way those who are bothered by that sort of thing would be able to avoid it.
Hmm… like a casual Friday kind of thing? That might work… in fact, that’s a perfect idea. You’ll talk to Commander Doxy to see if you can implement something like that, because it would make both parties happy.
>For those who are bothered by only certain people being naked near them, I suppose there could be a sign-in sheet or something? So people know who's in there before they go in?
…or they can act like grownups and just leave if they get uncomfortable… or just go to the other side of the beach deck.
>Just no sex allowed in the pool, not unless those involved are willing to clean it after.
Why do you even need to state that you can’t have sex in public spaces, especially if you’re not going to clean up after yourself? If you want to have fun, do so in private. No need to get the rest of us involved.

>Zell is friends with her brother, right? He can be a wingman and introduce Toz to Shara. It's a step up from just "staring" at her.
:ZellSA: Ah, so that’s the way yah’re going to play it, lad. Removing all three of us at once, huh? But Ah can’t leave mah brother ‘anging, can Ah? Very well, Ah’ll see if Ah can get the lad doing something else than creeping in the water.
:CarSA: Besides, staring is really rude.
:TizliSA: We can’t stare, we’re blind.
:CarSA: Hearing, Staring, same thing for you eels.
:ZellSA: Going by ‘ow Shara flaunts ‘erself, it’s clear she either wants the lads to stare or she simply doesn’t care… ‘nowing ‘er, Ah believe it’s probably the former.
:ZentoSA: Nevertheless, we don’t want to encourage Tozlan further. Zell, do you want to introduce them to each other?
:TizliSA: You’d be a real pearl if you did, stout boy.
:ZellSA: Ah’m not even sure Shara is even ‘ere right now, but Ah’ll see if Ah can at least get Tozlan to stop worrying and enjoy ‘imself. Come, Zuk, let’s drag Toz over to the sundeck side and see if we can find a nice, flat stone to enjoy the artificial sun on.
:CarSA: Oh, I do like enjoying the sun…

As they leave the bath Car Zuk takes great care to cover himself for Tizli’s sake, before grabbing a nearby towel and wrapping it around his waist. Zell, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to care and leaves himself on full display when he gets out, much to Tizli’s delight, though he does at least have the decency to wrap a towel around himself as well before leaving.

:TizliSA: Finally, we’re alone. It was so noisy with the others here… but now… why, I can settle down on my favourite briny little sleeping spot and just listen to that beautiful sound you’re making…
:ZentoSA: Beautiful sound?
:TizliSA: Ba-dump… Ba-dump… so rhythmic… so… sensual… heh… It’s like hearing a pearl being bathed by the waves… Ba-dump… Ba-dump…
:ZentoSA: Ah, you mean my heart. I’m sure yours sounds just as beautiful, Tizli.
:TizliSA: None of our hearths sounds like this… they barely make a sounds at all, what with them being so small…
:ZentoSA: But surely you didn’t ask me out here just so you could listen to my heart and sleep on my back, Tizli. You already do that most nights, don’t you?
:TizliSA: Tsk, a part of me really just want to lie here and enjoy you, for as long as the river flows and even as the eternal dark consumes us all… but you’re right, I might have several more sinister reasons why I asked you to come here all on your lonesome, which might include belly rubs and head scratches. But mostly, I want to know more about you Captain. I want to hear stories about your heroics deeds and adventures before you came here and found your princess, hehe.
:ZentoSA: Well, I might have a story or two to share…
:TizliSA: Oh, no no no, you can’t just tell me freely. We need to trade, you know.
:ZentoSA: Trade stories you mean?
:TizliSA: Trade information… or stories, if you’d like. Remember, it’s considered rather rude to give freely in my culture, at least when you have something to give back. So… while I might not have any interesting stories about fighting pirates and the like, surely you’re interested in hearing something about little old me or my people?
:ZentoSA: I might still have a few things I’m wondering about you, yes…
:TizliSA: Then ask away, Zento. Let’s just enjoy these calm, warm waters and get to know each other… like for example, how di-
No. 1025018 ID: 681cb5
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:TizliSA: *SCREECH!!?*

And then the bubbles start spewing in the pool, giving Tizli such a freight that she jumps halfway out of the water and loudly screams. It’s clear she has no idea that this was bubble bath… or what even a bubble bath is for that matter.

No. 1025019 ID: 681cb5
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>We have enough ships and crew to do both in a day, but I wouldn't believe it would take an hour until it's been vetted past her brother.
Her brother? Vex? Why would he know? Or do you mean Zento’s second son, Dante? Rosewater and Dante aren’t actually related, you know… but it might still be an super idea to ask him for advice about the pirates, though.
:DanteSA: Commander, I’m a security officer, I deal with on board security and safety, not ship to ship combat.
:DoxySA: Even then, you’re probably the best educated on the ship when it comes to these things, with the exception of the Captain.
:DanteSA: I do have experience on the larger scale ramifications of combat, which might help. Very well, I’ll take a look at least.
:RoseSA: …isn’t Shara a soldier? Wouldn’t she be super good at combat?
:DanteSA: Shara would just suggest to shot at them until they die. She’s not a very tactical mind.
:RoseSA: …okay, maybe you’re right about that.

:DanteSA: So what was the plan? Lure the enemy Captain away before capturing the ship?
:DoxySA: We do have “exotic slaves” and “exotic tech” to sell, so it wouldn’t be hard to get them to trade with us. Then it’s simply a matter of convincing them to trade on our ship instead of theirs.
:DanteSA: They won’t come to us to trade, they are probably too smart for that. But if we suggest a somewhere else away from both ships, like the planet, they might fall for it. As we probably have more crew then they do, we’ll still be at an advantage, as we can leave enough pilots to crew all three of our cruisers and that Raolme Defender ship, leaving them severely disadvantaged if they would try something.
:DoxySA: Still, I rather not start a fight if we don’t have to. If we can capture their captain, we should be able to get them to stand down.
:DanteSA: Why just the Captain? As long as we capture enough of them, we’ll probably be able to force them to surrender. Either that, or show enough force to make them think twice about continue fighting.
:DoxySA: Well, we got a super duper plan then, don’t we?
:RoseSA: It does sound super exciting! This is almost like a holo-vid!
:DanteSA: This does indeed start to sound like a plan, though we’ll need to iron out the details and a few kinks before tomorrow.
:DoxySA: But… how long will this take? Hours? A full day?
:DanteSA: Minutes. We lure them away, take them down and force them to surrender. We need to hit them fast and decisively. We are in no position for prolonged combat encounters. Unless we are having trouble luring them down it would take less than an hour.

>If the pirate captain isn't convinced to go off-ship long enough for a ship-jacking, then plan B is laser to the bridge.
:DanteSA: While introducing the crew that is piloting the ship to super-heated death will ensure that they can neither run or fight back, it will also ensure that all the control modules of the ship will transform into melted slag, thus being rendered useless. The sudden influx of molten metal and hard vacuum will probably damage other parts of the ship as well, possibly destroying whatever storage compartments they have and ruining the materials we need.
:DoxySA: So, you’re saying not to shoot the bridge?
:DanteSA: Shooting the bridge will put an end to the threat, but might ruin most of the spoils. What you chose to do is up to you and the Captain, Commander. We might also consider simply the threat of blasting their bridge. After all, those on the bridge would probably not be very keen of being melted into sludge, would they?
:DoxySA: Stand down, or we’ll shoot? Hmm… might work…
>Even if time wasn't short, the captain wouldn't want to put more effort and resources into fighting pirates than advancing your primary mission, as exciting you think the former is.
:DanteSA: There’s nothing stopping us from simply ignoring them until they leave… or just pre-emptively blowing them up with all our superior firepower before they can get their shields up. But we have very little to gain by doing so.
:RoseSA: We’d secure the system, right? That doesn’t sound like “little gain”.
:DanteSA: In contrast, if we somehow managed to capture the ship intact, we’ll have not only a medium sized pillager ship, but all the resources it has on it as well as the crew that it houses. Heck, blowing up the bridge will still leave us a bunch of resources and crew that we can use.
:DoxySA: Hmm… but it will be harder to capture them, won’t it?
:DanteSA: Risk and reward, Commander. If we can capture their ship intact, we’ll gain quite a boon for future engagements. But there are risks, especially if we go in without a proper plan.
No. 1025034 ID: 96c896

Relax Tizli it's just bubbles. If they're making an uncomfortable sound we can turn them off. What was she saying?
Give her some of that physical affection she craves.

Hmm, what kind of questions can we ask her... What's her favorite food? How is childrearing done in Raolme society? What do Raolme cities look like?
No. 1025097 ID: 36784c

Reassure her that nothing bad is happening. But if the bubbles are messing with how she “sees” with her hearing, then we’ll turn it off.

We could pretend to have “slaves” to sell, in order to make the pirate captain drop their guard. But we should never make a plan for the pirates to actually take the crew onto their ship to try and sabotage it from the inside. Because if the crew fails to sabotage anything from inside the pirate ship, that’ll lead to their deaths or the pirates will subdue them and fly away, leaving no guarantee we’ll ever find them again.

If we end up fighting on the planet, the pirates would have an advantage because they’d have lethal weapons, while the only weapons we have are a bunch of stun guns for security on our ship. Even though we studied Eki to learn the anatomical weaknesses of the pirates, that doesn’t help us if their most basic armor can stop our weapons from stunning them.

And taking prisoners leaves the problem of having to keep them fed, which is already an issue because we can barely feed our current crew. Sure, we could put the prisoners in cryo so we don’t have to feed them, but even that would be difficult if we don’t have enough space for all of them.

But even if everything goes right and we capture the pirate captain, the main ship might choose to run away to save themselves instead of surrendering to us, which would mean we’d lose out on whatever they had in their ship.
No. 1025100 ID: 2d4be9

>bubble jets
Those are basically underwater smokescreens. I can't imagine she can hear very well with those on.
No. 1025105 ID: a9af05

>room for prisoners?
Honestly, if we do capture anyone, then we probably shouldn't go down to the broken planet to look for those Sakkilians. There's a chance that the pirates could break out while we're exploring the planet and try to take over our ship.

>pirates might run if we capture pirate captain while off the ship
>lose everything on the pirate ship if that happens
Like Dante said, it's a risk/reward situation.
No. 1025148 ID: c09f5e

Don't have too much fun with this. For all you know, this could be a common pirate tactic to disorient Ralome.

Plan B was never a serious option, when we can just leave them alone. The rewards would not be worth it, and even the threat of such would weaken our position if they call our bluff.

Plan A is good enough, but do keep in mind they have a lot of their crew on the organic planet. They'd know the lay of the land well enough to plant an ambush. Either pick a different planet or send a scouting party ahead of time.

I wouldn't say never. Dante isn't trained in espionage either, but sabotage has to be easier to wrap his head around than fleet tactics.

And in fact we do have, or can replicate, a set of power armour against which to test our weapons.

We're not not investigating the cracked planet, that's abandoning our primary mission. Let the pirates get away if it comes to that.

If their scanners knew about this spot about as much as ours did, the pirates would initially come in for the OM. They would be curious about the planet cracking and energy sig, because that's a spot for booty if there ever was one. Maybe their message was less a trap and more a distraction.
No. 1025368 ID: 681cb5
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>We could pretend to have “slaves” to sell, in order to make the pirate captain drop their guard.
:RoseSA: Maybe throw in some super sweet looking “tech” and I’m sure they’ll be drooling all over it, something that look cool but is worthless.
:DanteSA: Hmm… I would suggest that I and Shara will be the “slaves”. That way, when they let their guard down, we can strike quickly and decisively. We are after all the best close combat combatants on the ship.
:RoseSA: But can’t you infiltrate their ship and take them out from the inside? Like a super spy? That would be neat.
:DoxySA: We’re not going to let them take anyone onto their ship. If we fail, they’ll simply leave with what is now actual slaves and we might never find them again.
:DanteSA: I have to agree. We don’t know how their ship functions, so sabotaging it will be difficult. There’s also the problem that their ship is supposedly full of water, and while I assume they’ll have some way for the slaves to breathe, we’ll still be at a massive disadvantage what with our horrid affinity with water.
:RoseSA: Aw… so what, your plan is just to walk up to them and clobber them?
:DanteSA: If we can get them to believe we’re harmless, we should be able to get close enough to neutralize several of them before they can react. Though, making us seem non-threating might be a challenge.
:DoxySA: The pirates did mention something about “Motivation collars”, didn’t they? If we can make them believe we have equipped our slaves with similar technology they might just assume that the “slaves” can’t do any harm?
:DanteSA: …that might work, yes. I do hope one of our alien friends know what they look like.
:RoseSA: I’m sure Eki will know.

>If we end up fighting on the planet, the pirates would have an advantage because they’d have lethal weapons, while the only weapons we have are a bunch of stun guns for security on our ship.
:DanteSA: It does not matter if we knock them out or kill them, as long as they are naturalized.
:DoxySA: And if they have some kind of armor?
:DanteSA: While our stun rods and sleep guns will have trouble, the shock rifles can penetrate weaker armors without problem. I will assume that these pirates aren’t running around with military combat armor worth tens of thousands of credits.
:RoseSA: Doesn’t Eki have some armor?
:DanteSA: An power suit made for industrial purposes, not combat, which is what we should expect them to wear. Seeing as it isn’t designed for fighting and even has part of their body exposed, I don’t see how it would stop our more powerful weaponry, even if it is non-lethal.

>Do keep in mind they have a lot of their crew on the organic planet.
:DanteSA: We have detected 5 small ships, probably containing no more than one pirate each, landing on the planet.
:RoseSA: According to what Eki has told us about those Pillager ships, they’ll only have a crew of 8 people at most.
:DoxySA: And we know at least two of those are slaves.
:DanteSA: Indeed, that leaves 6 people. They will without a doubt leave at least 1 person on their main ship, which mean at most there will be 5 pirates at the trade meeting, as well as the 2 slaves. We do want to “buy” the slaves to replace the one we’re “selling”, after all. We also know for a fact that they have 2 smaller ships they might deploy, shrinking that number to 3, but as these ships are for sale they might not even consider using them.
:RoseSA: Why don’t we just buy them? Or tell them we’ll buy them?
:DanteSA: That would make them bring the ships to the trading meeting, which might be useful. Those things are clearly not designed for combat against infantry, so they won’t use them against us unless they are planning on boiling themselves as well.
:DoxySA: Still… maybe we should do the trade somewhere else… they know the planet way better than we do… and it’s covered with dangerous fauna, remember?
:RoseSA: Hey, how about one of the moons?
:DanteSA: I’d prefer that we do it on the planet. Not only does it have a breathable atmosphere, it has similar gravity as the ship. As our pirate friends are used to move around in water, it would leave us with an advantage if we interact with them in an environment similar to the one we’re in right now. Which is to say, we can more easily kick their ass on the planet, I’m sure. We also don’t need to use the clunky EVA suits either.
:DoxySA: Hmm… still something to consider.

>Taking prisoners leaves the problem of having to keep them fed, which is already an issue because we can barely feed our current crew.
:DanteSA: While we won’t be able to keep production up with our consummation, we still have enough food stored to feed us for several days, even if we capture all the pirates alive.
:RoseSA: Not to mention they are bound to have some food themselves, right?
:DanteSA: Worst comes to worst, they’ll starve for a day or two while we travel back to that mining colony. They’ll survive.
:RoseSA: So long as the crew have food I’m sure everything will just be super, mom.
>Sure, we could put the prisoners in cryo so we don’t have to feed them, but even that would be difficult if we don’t have enough space for all of them.
:RoseSA: We are currently using only 3 of the 10 cryo-pods we have, leaving ample room for all 6 of those pirates.
>Even if everything goes right and we capture the pirate captain, the main ship might choose to run away to save themselves instead of surrendering to us, which would mean we’d lose out on whatever they had in their ship.
:DanteSA: As I said, we can simply threaten them that we’ll shoot them down if they refuse to surrender. If they are suicidal enough to refuse, we’ll simply turn their bridge into molten metal. If we deploy all three of our pilots, which is to say Tes, Eki and the new gal Shal, as well as the Raolme ship, I’m sure we can look intimating enough to scare them into submission. The only problem is to get into firing range in the first place, but I’m sure we accidently get close enough while they are busy with the trading on the planet.
:RoseSA: I don’t think they can even run if we get enough of their crew away from the ship. Using a hyperjump isn’t something you do just with one pilot.

>If their scanners knew about this spot about as much as ours did, the pirates would initially come in for the OM. They would be curious about the planet cracking and energy sig, because that's a spot for booty if there ever was one.
:DanteSA: While it is clear that they are here to gather something from the green planet, most probable OM, I do wonder why they haven’t shown interest in the cracked planet yet. It might be something we want to ask them about after we capture them.
>If we do capture anyone, then we probably shouldn't go down to the broken planet to look for those Sakkilians. There's a chance that the pirates could break out while we're exploring the planet and try to take over our ship.
:DanteSA: …we have a brig, a brig designed to keep dangerous prisoners in check. They won’t break out. That is final.
>We're not not investigating the cracked planet, that's abandoning our primary mission. Let the pirates get away if it comes to that.
:DanteSA: If there are living Sakkilian stuck down there, then we need to find them.
:RoseSA: Well, chances are high that they didn’t survive the planet cracking but…
:DoxySA: We still have to try.

:DanteSA: So, is there anything more we need to add to our plan?
No. 1025369 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't have too much fun with this. For all you know, this could be a common pirate tactic to disorient Ralome.
…you honestly believe the pirates would shoot bubbles at their space ships? The Raolme ships don’t even have water in them! While it might be very disorienting and unnerving for her, it’s not because space pirates.

:ZentoSA: Relax Tizli it's just bubbles.
:ZentoSA: Do you want me to shut them off?
:TizliSA: WHAT!?
:ZentoSA: Shed Scale, Captain override, Zento SilverCog, 0451B-SA. Disable the bubble jets in the bubble bath until 15 minutes after I’ve left it. Make it happen.
The bubbles dies down and Tizli visible relax as she lets herself sink into the water again.
:TizliSA: Whew… that was sludge…
:ZentoSA: I gather you don’t like bubbles then?
:TizliSA: Ugh… no…
:ZentoSA: Well, those are basically underwater smokescreens. I can't imagine you can hear very well with those on.
:TizliSA: Everything was just… screaming and moving, while my instincts was yelling at me to run or fight.
:ZentoSA: Ah, so some kind of fear response? Did you have some kind of predator that hunted by making bubbles?
:TizliSA: Scum if I know! I rather just enjoy the brine on the shore than think about that kind of stuff.
:ZentoSA: I’m sure it’s nothing your species actually need to worry about any longer.
:TizliSA: Even then… it kind of soured me on this pool…
:ZentoSA: Don’t you fret, I know just the thing to brighten your mood again.
:TizliSA: You do?

>Give her some of that physical affection she craves.
Her whole body shudders as you start scratching her behind the ear, and when you follow that up with a finger under her chin she quickly starts to purr loudly, drowning out the sound the large pool next to you.
:TizliSA: Oh, that’s nice...
Then you feel her claws on your shoulders, rubbing them tenderly. It takes you a moment to realize that it’s not her hands, but her hind legs that has somehow curved around your body.
:ZentoSA: Oh?
:TizliSA: A certain someone said you Sakkilian liked to get shoulders rubs… so fairs fair, hmm?
:ZentoSA: Well, I won’t complain…
>What was she saying?
:TizliSA: Eh?
:ZentoSA: Before the bubbles?
:TizliSA: Oh, I… forgot… um… OH! Right! How did you become a captain of this briny ship anyway? You must have made some real heroic pearls to be a Captain like this, right?
:ZentoSA: To be honest, not really. I finished the StarFlight Academy officer program with a just above average score, was assigned as an officer to the Unity border patrol and slowly worked my way up to Captain from there.
:TizliSA: Oh come on, you must have fought pirates or something.
:ZentoSA: We did mostly deal with smugglers and pirates, yes, but most of them surrendered as soon as we cornered them. They are a cowardly lot, who usually just bully those weaker than them after all.
:TizliSA: That does sound like our pirates as well, heh.
:ZentoSA: But then there’s always some wacko who decided they have nothing to lose… or they are just an Uredo. They generally fight to the death no matter what.
:TizliSA: Uredo? Are they some kind of dangerous alien in your galaxy?
:ZentoSA: Far from it. They are a plant alien who are so peaceful and pacifistic that just the thought of hurting someone causes them mental anguish.
:TizliSA: …yet they always fight to the death?
:ZentoSA: When one of them snaps, they really snap. There’s a reason why they are the most feared species in my galaxy, even with their refusal to fight usually.
:TizliSA: Oh… I see... I need to read up on them sometime, they sound interesting… but I digress, back to my original question. How about this briny thing? The ship, I mean? How did you get it?
:ZentoSA: Well, when we were jumping from our galaxy to yours, we… we got into some trouble and I commandeered this ship and launched myself out from hyperspace as a last resort.
:TizliSA: So you stole it?
:ZentoSA: No, I didn’t steal it. I used it in an emergency.
:TizliSA: Heh, sure you did, Captain.

>What's her favorite food?
:TizliSA: Why, I do love Scarabée sur un bâton. It’s made from a large insect native to our homeworld, marinated for a whole day in herbs and leeks picked from the riverbeds, served with some really sour tasting tubers, a mushroom sauce and some purples. How about you? What do you like?
:ZentoSA: …honestly, I prefer just a nice, bloody steak made from a sand strider oxen.
:TizliSA: I have no idea what kind of animal that is, but I’m sure you don’t know what I was talking about either.
:ZentoSA: Well, I’m sure we can try each other’s favorite dishes sometime?
:TizliSA: That sounds nice… but not today. I’ve already eaten, you see.
>What do Raolme cities look like?
:TizliSA: It depends… the old cities of the homeworlds are amazing, built next to the grand rivers, the houses are like great arcs above them, with gardens and parks hanging beneath them so that you may relax in the aromatic bliss as you listen to the ships below…
:ZentoSA: And the colony where you grow up?
:TizliSA: Think a forest filled with high towers, with small bridges crisscrossing between them, all the while several artificial rivers slowly flows from the tops of the tallest buildings all the way down to purple gardens on the ground, playing harmonic music as it flows through the buildings. Then, from below, railways spreads out like a web, bringing the aroma of the gardens below with them as they ascend into the sky…
:ZentoSA: Railways?
:TizliSA: We usually don’t do hovercars, Zento… you know, what with us being blind. That’s why we like the rivers so much… it’s hard to get lost on a river, you know. But how about you, Captain, what kind of pearls do you have on your homeworld?
:ZentoSA: Hmm… the old cities where usually carved into the white cliff to shade us from the suns, or hidden far below the large trees of the northern forests. But today, with our terraforming technology, most of the cities on my homeworld are located in the grand sea of sand and dust, in large domed cities with high, ivory towers that reaches towards the sky.
:TizliSA: It sounds… dry?
:ZentoSA: It is. We come from a large, desert planet after all.
:TizliSA: …no offence, but I think I prefer the rivers of our own planets, artificial or not.
:ZentoSA: None taken.
>How is childrearing done in Raolme society?
:TizliSA: Why, are you… thinking about getting some Raolme children?
:ZentoSA: I might considered it once or twice, perhaps…
:TizliSA: Tsk, do I hear some ulterior motives for this little meeting of ours?
:ZentoSA: Tizli, you’re the one who invited me, remember?
:TizliSA: Well… I just might have some ulterior motives, then…
:ZentoSA: Heh, of course you do.
:TizliSA: Which might have included these head scratches~

:TizliSA: You know… those bubbles really turned me off on this pool… and I don’t think you’d like taking a dip in the deeper one, would you?
:ZentoSA: I gather you have something else in mind?
:TizliSA: Well… I do happen to know this place, somewhere I’ve spent a few nights at, that’s really nice… and private… and close by…
:ZentoSA: Oh?
:TizliSA: And I’ll have you know, I’m breaking the same rules those boys did earlier right now~
:ZentoSA: Oh.
No. 1025377 ID: cf0ba0

"Hanger" should be spelled "Hangar".
No. 1025392 ID: 16d082

I think she wants to have funky underwater Raolme sex.
Use silicon-based lubricant and keep your head above the water, because if you drown it will be extremely embarrassing.
On the subject of the attack on the pirates, knowing that their ships are strong at close ranges makes me want to kibosh the fake slave trade plan and only flag them down for trading long enough so that they get close to not easily escape, yet not too close that they can easily close the gap and mess us up with their close-range plasma weapons. If we have them far enough, we can use laser pulses to disable any relevant systems on their main ship and maybe get whoever’s piloting the smaller ships to surrender without having to directly engage, since they, as pirates, probably have shit nerve and esprit de corps, so I don’t think they’ll fight to the death if they don’t have to.
No. 1025408 ID: 96c896

Nice and private huh? Sounds good.
No. 1025469 ID: 36784c

>…we have a brig, a brig designed to keep dangerous prisoners in check. They won’t break out. That is final.
Being overconfident is a good way to get caught off guard if they do manage to escape. At least try to be careful so that any prisoners we have don’t take advantage of that overconfidence.
No. 1025585 ID: 681cb5
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>"Hanger" should be spelled "Hangar".
Damn auto-speller AI, always get things like that wrong.

>Being overconfident is a good way to get caught off guard if they do manage to escape. At least try to be careful so that any prisoners we have don’t take advantage of that overconfidence.
:DanteSA: It is not overconfidence, it’s a simple fact. Our brig is designed to keep more dangerous prisoners than just some measly pirates.
:RoseSA: They are equipped with both a force field and augmented synthsteel bars. So unless they somehow managed to get something that can deal with both those things into the cells with them… well, they are super stuck, mom.
:DoxySA: But they are aliens. What if they have something like… I don’t know… acid spit?
:RoseSA: We already know what they are capable of, Commander, thanks to Eki. While their claws are super strong, they aren’t that strong.
:DanteSA: And we’re making damn sure they aren’t smuggling anything into the cells either.

>On the subject of the attack on the pirates, knowing that their ships are strong at close ranges makes me want to kibosh the fake slave trade plan and only flag them down for trading long enough so that they get close to not easily escape, yet not too close that they can easily close the gap and mess us up with their close-range plasma weapons.
:DanteSA: Of course we’re not going to let them get into range with their weapons, no matter what. In fact, they’ll probably try and do the same. They are pirates, so they probably expect that we might try and pull something, thus they’ll probably try and ensure they aren’t easy targets, just in case. Of course, if they get a bit distracted… well… we might just be able to sneak a bit closer. In fact, as they don’t know our weapons specs, and we outrange them by a rather large amount, they might not even realize that they are within weapon range if we’re devious enough.
>If we have them far enough, we can use laser pulses to disable any relevant systems on their main ship and maybe get whoever’s piloting the smaller ships to surrender without having to directly engage, since they, as pirates, probably have shit nerve and esprit de corps, so I don’t think they’ll fight to the death if they don’t have to.
:DanteSA: As I said before, just threatening them with hot death will probably make then surrender, though we’ll need to ensure that they are in a position that they can’t run away easily.
:RoseSA: By having most of them stuck on a planet in an attempt to trade with us.
:DanteSA: And if we want to really show them that we’re serious, we can simply blow away their main weapons. Their ships are designed so that their weapons are located in the “claws” of the hull, mostly because putting a plasma caster to close to the engine is too suicidal even for pirates.
:DoxySA: Right, so make a show that we can crush them and let them surrender… hmm… same thing might work on the planet as well. If we can quickly knock out most of them, especially the captain, then the rest might just surrender.
:DanteSA: Let’s hope there is no honor among thieves in this galaxy as well.
:DoxySA: Hmm… I probably should run this by the Captain as soon as possible. We want to be ready first thing tomorrow to deal with these pirates.
No. 1025586 ID: 681cb5
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>Nice and private huh? Sounds good.
:TizliSA: Nice, private and quiet, yes…
:ZentoSA: You really like it when it’s quiet then?
:TizliSA: While I do enjoy the silence of the eternal dark at times, yes, the most briny thing is to fill that silence with sounds yourself with someone that you… heh… fancy…
:ZentoSA: Oh, really?
>I think she wants to have funky underwater Raolme sex.
…you really hope not… you rather not clean up after it…
:ZentoSA: So… is this going to be underwater? Do I need to get some silicon-based lubricant? Maybe an oxygen mask? It would be rather embarrassing if I drowned in the middle of it, after all.
:TizliSA: What? No, I wasn’t planning on dragging you out into the depths like that.
:ZentoSA: Then… what did you have in mind?
:TizliSA: Your room, your doofus! I’ve been sleeping there several nights already, haven’t I?
:ZentoSA: Ooooh… right… well, in that case…
:TizliSA: In that case, wh- HEY! W-wait, Zento! Let me get my swimming trunks on first!

You pick her up (after she’s gotten her swim trunks back on) and cradle her in your arms before quickly making your way towards your room. She purrs in your embrace the whole way, her tail wagging as you can hear her compliment your strong arms under her breath. As soon as you get into your room, you lock the door behind you and drop Tizli on top of the bed with a loud pomf.

:TizliSA: Tsk, and what are we going to do now when we’re in private, tall boy?
No. 1025606 ID: 16d082

Vaginal sex in the missionary position while kissing and holding hands
No. 1025611 ID: 36784c

Don’t forget what she said earlier: “No sex without protection.”

Did you remember to bring protection this time? If not, then both of you will have to do something else.
No. 1025638 ID: dccdd0

Vaginal sex and you have to cum inside.
No. 1025639 ID: a3e379

No. 1025675 ID: a9af05


You've gotta respect her wishes and get some protection before you get to have any fun with her.
No. 1025971 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: ...what we’re going to do? Well, for starters… I was thinking maybe holding hands and kiss for a bit, hmm?
:TizliSA: Lewd.
:ZentoSA: And then make sweet, sweet love to you all night long?
:TizliSA: Tsk, now you’re actually lewd.
:ZentoSA: Or would you rather have a raw bareback fucking hard enough for you to cry out for your brother?
:TizliSA: Heh, okay, n-now that’s lewd!
:ZentoSA: Speaking of... do you still want me to wear protection?
:TizliSA: Do you have any?
:ZentoSA: Well… no… but I think I can get some if you give me-
:TizliSA: Eh, you can pull out, can’t you?
:ZentoSA: That’s not the most reliable method, you know.
:TizliSA: I’m sure a briny hunk like yourself will have no trouble with it, Zento… besides, I kind of like the risk. It’s like sitting on a live gun… a gun that at any moment can shoot a child into my tummy, heh.
:ZentoSA: Tizli, if you don’t want to get knocked up, you can just refrain from taking the hybridization formula. Can’t sire a child with you without that, what with us being different species and all.
:TizliSA: Tsk, you’re ruining the fantasy, you doofus.
:ZentoSA: …you’re not planning on letting me pull out, are you? Not that I’m complaining.
:TizliSA: Maybe… either way, I’m on top so lie down.

:TizliSA: Wait, what are those? They are like big, black pearls…
:ZentoSA: H-hey, those are sensitive! That’s where I keep my swimmers before I fire them.
:TizliSA: Heh, then I know what I need to grab to get you to do what I want… h-hey, I was joking! No need to glare like that!
:ZentoSA: …so are we jumping to the main course directly?
:TizliSA: You have all night to enjoy the appetiser. But right now I need that big, fat bud of yours deep inside me. Ah! C-careful! It… it has been a long time since I last laid in the foam, alright? Ngg… whatever t-those things that’s on your dick a-are… t-they are… oh… w-wonderful…
:ZentoSA: T-they are spines… *Huff* w-wait, you’re… sucking m-me in?
:TizliSA: Don’t w-worry… that means it likes you~ Now, you can g-go deeper, tall boy… or is there something more about me that’s odd?
:ZentoSA: Well… *huff* ...it’s shaped a bit differently… and the clit… clits positions did t-throw me off a bit… ah… but I’m as deep as I can go… I can feel myself rubbing against y-your… um…
:TizliSA: That’s my womb, silly. You’re supposed to penetrate it as well so that y-you can… ah… so that you… you can blossom up w-when you… ngg… finish…
:ZentoSA: B-blossom up?
:TizliSA: …y-your head doesn’t f-flare up and… k-knot me?
:ZentoSA: We o-only have spines and balls, T-Tizli… *huff* nothing else…
:TizliSA: Ah… g-good… that means I can k-keep riding you even after you’ve filled me with your seed…
:ZentoSA: You’re definitely not going to let me pull out then?
:TizliSA: Hehe…
No. 1025972 ID: 681cb5
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Tizli did indeed not let you pull out… not that you really tried to anyway.
No. 1025973 ID: 681cb5
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Dawn of Day 15
Your crew consumes 5 unites of food less than your total food production (+5 food).
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Your planetary landers return with a total off: 6 NM and 15 Corrosives.
The planetary lander was completely destroyed, but the pilot Shal managed to return unharmed with all the materials collected with the emergency escape pod.

Research on “Planetary Lander Fauna/Flora repellent” is moving along as expected thanks to having the right crew for the job (Regina, Iris, Tara and Ikekeki). [Done in approx. 1 days]
Lt. Tozlan’s Raolme Defender has successfully been repaired and is ready for launch.
A Sakkilian Cruiser has been built in the hangar and is ready for launch.
Ensign Vex refused to follow orders and is currently being punished.

Lt. Tozlan and Ensign Car Zuk bathed in the sun with their mutual friend Zell and became friends.
Ensign Gherni and Ensign Tescia shared stories over a few drinks and became friends.
Tizli is pregnant.

:ZentoSA: Commander, report.
:TizliSA: *Snore*…
:DoxySA: What was that?
:ZentoSA: I have a guest. Ignore her. Now, report, Doxy.
:DoxySA: Right away, sir. Our new pilot Shal has returned from her mining trip, though the intense heat from the volcanic activities on the planet damaged her ship to the point of making it useless, sir. The good news is that she’s unharmed and that she managed to return with both gold and corrosives.
:ZentoSA: A planetary lander is small price to pay for her safety… anything else?
:DoxySA: Both the Raolme Defender and our third Cruiser are ready, sir, which means we have 4 ships in total to be deployed at your command, boss.
:ZentoSA: Finally we have some fire power to defend ourselves with.
:DoxySA: Oh, and we’ve gotten an answer back from Vul. I’ll send it over to you.

:VulSA: -this on? *Cough* Salutations, Captain Zento SilverCog of The Shed Scale, this is High Magistrate Vul Wrok of the “New New Old StoneShire” Everlasting Monarchy mining colony. I am glad to hear you have arrived at your destination as planned and that your duty is going well.

:VulSA: As for the old battle site you asked about, I sadly do not have much information to share about the subject. I know that there was a battle there near the end of IOD war and that they used some kind of colony destroying weapon that heavily damage a planet, but the reports I have state that the planet is still in one piece, though slowly falling apart. I guess time has finally taken its toll. The pirates on the other hand I can help you with. They will not be a threat to you as long as they think you can fight back, though be on your guard. These Flashy Freebooters are also well known for scamming people that try and trade with them, so simply don’t. You won’t get what you pay for.

:VulSA: Finally, there is another important thing. A few days after you left a small fleet of IOD ships arrived just outside our system. They asked if any Kelshin or Raolme ships had passed by. When we answered with a negative, they jumped centerwise towards IOD space. I’d advice that you’d be careful, as it’s possible that there are still scout ships in the Tarkus systems and I know for a fact that the IOD do not take independent ships lightly. Do stay safe. Stamped by High Magistrate Vul Wrok, Everlasting Monarchy.

:DoxySA: Remember, our primary goal is to find and secure the rest of the colony fleet. If there are living colonists on the cyan planet we need to save them. Our secondary goal is to scan all the planets for minerals, which only the green planet is still unscanned. Lastly, we need to decide what we should do with the pirates. I’ve drafted a plan, but you’re the one who get the final say on how and when, sir.
:TizliSA: Ngg… just… five more… *snore*
:ZentoSA: Thank you Commander.
No. 1025974 ID: 96c896

>Tizli is pregnant.
So she took the formula after all?

Pirates are heading towards the cracked planet. We have to deal with them right now, because they might read the energy signal and send their own team down before us, likely ruining the place.

So let's enact the ambush plan, and immediately afterwards send an away team to recover the stasis pods. Hmm, they probably have scan data for the green planet, so we can kill two birds with one stone!
No. 1026026 ID: a9af05

Don't forget: After breakfast, Zento and Doxy need to privately speak with their son, Vex, about his punishment and for how long he's forbidden from working in the Medbay, not counting any emergencies where he's needed in the Medbay.

>message from Vul
>don't trade with pirates
Yeah, I figured as much.

>pirates are heading towards the cracked planet
Looks like we'd better do something soon. If they go down there, they might tamper with something and kill the Sakkilians that are in the cryo pods down there!
No. 1026027 ID: a9af05

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Since the pirates have cloaking technology, we should have someone scan the area around our ship, just in case they're trying to sneak up on us.
No. 1026061 ID: 96c896

Zento should also just generally talk to Vex about how he's doing, and why he's being obsessive about his work.

We need to assign duties again... keep the same people on research that were working yesterday, try to keep friends on the same job otherwise. Only one farmer needed today, 1 person on mess hall, we can have some rando on security since our two security-related crew are going to be on the missions and there won't be many people to monitor besides. Cleaning and maintenance might be a bit understaffed this time around... We might have to understaff research today to compensate.
No. 1026091 ID: c09f5e

In retrospect, she was a little evasive about the role of children in her culture. Perhaps there's some amount of prestige to having large families, or it's just keeping up with her brother.

>Tizli is pregnant.
Since she's technically a trade queen now, you're the one on top of the pile to protect her, right?

>it’s possible that there are still scout ships in the Tarkus systems and I know for a fact that the IOD do not take independent ships lightly
I think we can leverage this information against the pirates somehow. Just tipping them off would have them flee right away, cracked planet untouched. If they don't believe us, they can provide distraction if an an IOD scout drops in today.

They're also pirate scum that has what we want, so... I donno, pretend we're IOD drones they think they can trick easily? It would explain why we didn't attack them right away.

>Vul Wrok
How she kept us under wraps was pretty savvy, but it'd raise too many questions for her should IOD spot us here. How well does map data, or credits, transfer over comms?
No. 1026099 ID: 5c0b30

>Zento should also just generally talk to Vex about how he's doing, and why he's being obsessive about his work.
Yeah, do this.
No. 1026356 ID: 681cb5
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>So she took the formula after all?
Considering how she was acting yesterday, you’re not surprised. (Especially because she actually asked you if it was okay before the two of you fell asleep)
>In retrospect, she was a little evasive about the role of children in her culture. Perhaps there's some amount of prestige to having large families, or it's just keeping up with her brother.
She’s already told you that family is important to them, seeing how they are keeping track of who’s related to who even when the relation is a really distant one. Tizli was rather far removed from this Trade Queen character, yet she’s still a princess, no? And wasn’t their whole trade clan lead by one big family, or are you misremembering? Of course, it still leaves the question why she’s siring a child with you… does she want to bind you to her family or do she just want to keep up with Tozlan? …or maybe she just likes you?
>Since she's technically a trade queen now, you're the one on top of the pile to protect her, right?
…you don’t become a queen just because you have kids. You become queen when the old one abdicates and you take their place. You’ll still make sure to protect her… maybe you should ask if she want to sleep with you tonight as well.

>How she kept us under wraps was pretty savvy, but it'd raise too many questions for her should IOD spot us here. How well does map data, or credits, transfer over comms?
While you can send the Scan data back to her over the comms given time, these credits seems to need an actual physical representation to work. Besides, you have a lot to discuss with Vul, and you’d prefer to do it in person.
>Don't forget: After breakfast, Zento and Doxy need to privately speak with their son, Vex, about his punishment.
You’ll ask Vex to come by the bridge as soon as he’s ready.

>Pirates are heading towards the cracked planet. We have to deal with them right now, because they might read the energy signal and send their own team down before us, likely ruining the place.
:DoxySA: While we’re still unsure if they have the scanning power necessary to find the energy signal, sir, you’re right that they might become a problem if we don’t deal with them. If anything, they might get ideas if they spot us going down there… or they might just accidently make things harder for us by pillaging and looting the nearby ruins.
:ZentoSA: Then let us deal with them immediately, Commander, before they make things even more complicated.
:DoxySA: Yes, sir.

>Hmm, they probably have scan data for the green planet, so we can kill two birds with one stone!
While they might have some data on the planet, you rather have the information gathered from your own scanners, so you can be sure you aren’t missing anything. You just need to assign a person to scan it when you get the time.
>Since the pirates have cloaking technology, we should have someone scan the area around our ship, just in case they're trying to sneak up on us.
Hmm… while possible, you’d think you’d detect a trace of them by now if that was true. But then again, if you really want to be sure, then you’ll need to assign someone to scan for energy signature to see if we can detect them. Making such a thorough scan will take time, though.

>I think we can leverage the information about IOD scouts against the pirates somehow. Just tipping them off would have them flee right away, cracked planet untouched.
:DoxySA: I am unsure of why they would believe us in the first place, sir, but if they thought the IOD was on their way they would probably be super eager to leave.
:ZentoSA: I’m sure we can convince them if it comes to that.
:DoxySA: Though, while it a safe option to make them run, we won’t be able to free those slaves they had if we do that… or get any of the materials they might have.
:ZentoSA: True… hmm… as they say, risk and reward, Doxy.
:DoxySA: Heh…
>Pretend we're IOD drones they think they can trick easily? It would explain why we didn't attack them right away.
:TozlanSA: Friend, I don’t think they would even try and trade with an IOD drone ship… mostly because they don’t have anything to trade and aren’t really know for their… conversational skills.
:TizliSA: They mostly just drool.
:ZentoSA: I see… and these battle thralls I heard about?
:TozlanSA: They are just an military force consisting of non-IOD species.
:TizliSA: Also not something the pirates want to trade with, as they generally shoot people like them on sight.
:ZentoSA: So, drones are brain-dead slaves and thralls are slave soldiers… got it.
:TizliSA: Tsk, I wish they were brain-dead… *shudder* it would be so much better.

>So let's enact the ambush plan, and immediately afterwards send an away team to recover the stasis pods.
:DoxySA: The Ambush plan shouldn’t take too long, so we should still have most of the day to send a team down to the planet, as well as take care of the ship and finish the research here, etc.
:ZentoSA: So… are we ready?
:DoxySA: We just need to figure out where to deploy which crew member, sir… and what we should say to the pirates.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… we have slaves and tech to sell… but what are we looking to buy? Their slaves? The ships? Material? As for the crew, obviously we’ll put our two pilots in the cruisers and the Raolme in their ship… but that still leave one cruiser without someone flying it. Eki also has experience in flying, but she might be more useful on the ground as well, seeing how she got experience in that area as well.
:DoxySA: Your son Dante has volunteered to be a “slave”, sir, together with his mother Shara.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I don’t know… they are our best fighters, so we might need them in the front of the ambush… then again, if they are able to get close enough as slaves, they might be even more dangerous. They might not suspect the slaves suddenly brandish weapons… hmm… and how many “slaves” are we selling? Just two? One? Or even more?
:DoxySA: All in all, sir, after removing the pilots and Raolme from the pool we still have 13 crew members to assign as well as one unmanned cruiser.
:ZentoSA: Do we even need three cruisers? Might be more prudent to have another pair of guns at the ambush.
:DoxySA: You’ll need to assign who’ll be part of the ambush, who’ll pilot the last cruiser as well as who’ll stay behind at The Shed Scale.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… bringing too many people to the ambush will tip them off, definitely… and we need a few people to make sure our flagship is secure, including someone who’s scanning for hidden energy signatures, just in case.
:DoxySA: So… who’s assigned to what duty, sir?
:ZentoSA: Let me think…

:VexSA: Father?
No. 1026357 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: Vex. Good to see you’re on time…
:VexSA: I’m sorry, dad… mom…
:ZentoSA: Oh?
:VexSA: I… I talked with Regina last night and… I realized that I put my own desires before everyone else’s and… I’m sorry.
:DoxySA: And I’m accept your apology, my little dumpling!
:ZentoSA: …and what exactly are you sorry about?
:VexSA: …I didn’t do my assigned duties, left that Raolme girl to clean up my mess and might even have put the ship in unnecessary danger. Oh… and… and I lied… I lied about why I dissected the body.
:DoxySA: You did?
:ZentoSA: He did.
:VexSA: …y-you knew?
:ZentoSA: The Cryo-tubes can’t detect metallic objects in people. They are made to monitored life signs, not insides.
:VexSA: But… w-why didn’t you say anything?
:ZentoSA: Because I wanted to see if you were willing to tell me the truth and admit you lied, son.
:VexSA: Oh… well… I… I did it because I was super curios about their biology, not because… anything else. It was a selfish reason, I know… but that’s the truth.
:DoxySA: And I’m super proud that you admitted it, Vex. Come here, give mommy a hug!
:VexSA: T-thanks mom…

>Zento should also just generally talk to Vex about how he's doing, and why he's being obsessive about his work.
:VexSA: Obsessive? Father, I’m just… well, I’m just very interested in the biology and science of these new alien creatures we’ve encountered. It’s a very exciting prospect to know that I might be the first Sakkilian to ever explore and document these new frontiers.
:ZentoSA: There has to be more to it than that. What is on your mind, Vex, what’s bothering you?
:VexSA: …well, there is a few things…
:DoxySA: And they might be…?
:VexSA: For starters, I’m a bit torn about… Regina and I. See, I want our child to grow up as a part of the ship, with the help of the VATs, while she wants to settle down on a quiet colony planet to raise them the slow way… and… well, we still haven’t really found a compromise.
:DoxySA: It’s a complicated subject, Vex, but I’m super sure you’ll find a solution both of you will be happy with.
:VexSA: Then there’s that jerk Tozlan… and… and mom…
:ZentoSA: …you don’t want Doxy to be with other men?
:VexSA: What? No, that’s not… I mean… while I would prefer for the two of you to stay together, I understand that will probably not happen. It’s your choice who you love, not mine… and it’s not like you’re married or anything. No, it’s just… I despise that ignoramus simpleton with the intensity of ten thousands stars. He can shove those “friend” feces of his right up his Gluteus Maximus!
:DoxySA: Hey, he’s not that bad!
:ZentoSA: Well, I see you two still have some emotions to deal with.
:VexSA: *Sigh* I don’t want to deal with him. He was already bad before he banged mom, but now he’s just worse. But I’ll behave. I just don’t want to deal with him.

:VexSA: Now… you… you wanted to see me, father? Before I started apologizing, that is…
:ZentoSA: I wanted to discuss your punishment a bit, Vex… for yesterday.
:DoxySA: He’s genuine sorry, Zento, maybe you’ve punished him enough?
No. 1026366 ID: a9af05

>Vex's punishment
I'm thinking either he's banned from the Medbay for 1 day or we skip the punishment, since he's genuinely sorry for his actions.

I can't decide which one to choose.
No. 1026371 ID: 875598

This is the worst part of being a parent.

What if we ask him what his punishment should be? If he is being serious about his apology, he has to be serious about the consequences of his actions.
Also, he has to apologize with Tizli.
No. 1026373 ID: 96c896

Can't eliminate the punishment. Lowering it is fine.
No. 1026377 ID: 629f2e

He's reflected on his actions and intends to do better, which was exactly what we wanted. Still, words are just words, so don't be too quick to drop the punishment.

Keep the ban or med bay and research labs up for the rest of today, and keep the part about him taking Cleaning duties for the next few days. But as long as he's getting proper sleep and not getting into fights, we'll drop the ban tomorrow. And yeah, go apologize to Tizli for making her work along all day, that's not cool.

Though if he falls straight back into bad behavior, we're going to look at a much longer ban from these services for his own sake.

As for crew assignments, Dante and Shara as the slaves sounds perfectly good to me, those two can kick ass.

Let's bring Tara into the ambush, I feel like she'd appreciate the chance to show off and scrap with some pirates. Plus, added firepower increases our odds of success.

Ikekeki can handle scanning for hidden energy signatures, and I think we should be able to put Zell on keeping the ship secure.

Put an engineer or two on maintenance, we don't want things falling apart on us today of all days, and put someone with decent cooking skills in the mess hall so that we can eat well when this is all done.

Not certain what other positions we should be filling rn or how many people we should commit to the ambush over regular ship maintenance, so split up the rest as it feels appropriate to do so.
No. 1026381 ID: 96c896

We're going to want him to go back to work soon enough (bio research tasks are a work assignment), so I don't want the punishment to extend more than today.
No. 1026402 ID: 11b316

His punishment is that he's banned from Medbay for the rest of today. Unless someone gets hurt in the ambush and we need him in there.

We should have someone be ready to scan the enemy ship when we get in range of it.
No. 1026464 ID: c09f5e

>While they might have some data on the planet, you rather have the information gathered from your own scanners, so you can be sure you aren’t missing anything. You just need to assign a person to scan it when you get the time.
Do you think a Cruiser would have the equipment to do scan a planet? If so, and if you think 4 for the ambush is overkill, sending one to the green planet might be more time efficient.

>I wish they were brain-dead… *shudder* it would be so much better.
If nothing else, that they be better off with you than them can only bolster compliance when you arrest them.

>What? No, that’s not… I mean… while I would prefer for the two of you to stay together, I understand that will probably not happen. It’s your choice who you love, not mine… and it’s not like you’re married or anything.
You can totally mess with him by openly asking your Commander to she'd like to cohabitate. Tease those shipping instincts with friendly/flirty banter. But seriously: admitting some affection to his mother would prove his creation legitimate outside ship duties, and thus could ease one of his existential crises.

>He was already bad before he banged mom, but now he’s just worse.
Ask in what way. His bias is obvious (and his grievances are legitimate; being ganged up on when you least expect it sucks), but you should want to know if you hired a bad lieutenant before mistakes have been made or they're too late to fix.
No. 1026496 ID: a9af05

>Do you think a Cruiser would have the equipment to do scan a planet? If so, and if you think 4 for the ambush is overkill, sending one to the green planet might be more time efficient.
One ship can make the difference between a successful ambush and a failed ambush.

Let's not send anyone away until after our encounter with the pirates.
No. 1026510 ID: 681cb5
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>This is the worst part of being a parent.
Isn’t the worst part when you believe they are in mortal danger? This is up there on the worst list, though.
>He's reflected on his actions and intends to do better, which was exactly what we wanted. Still, words are just words, so don't be too quick to drop the punishment.
Indeed, because while he’s shown understanding of what is expected of him, he has yet shown it with actions and not just words. You won’t be completely content until he’s proven himself properly.
>Can't eliminate the punishment. Lowering it is fine.
Hmm… that might be prudent, yes… after all, you might have been a bit too harsh with him yesterday.

>What if we ask him what his punishment should be? If he is being serious about his apology, he has to be serious about the consequences of his actions.
:VexSA: Um… didn’t you forbid me admittance to the med-bay and research, father?
:ZentoSA: Yes… but I’m asking you want you think your punishment would be, son.
:VexSA: …it makes sense? I can’t really see what else you should do? Well, the assignment to cleaning duties is a bit odd, as I don’t deem them any worse than any other non-research duty on board. I’m sure I’m more valuable assigned to something else.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I see…
>We're going to want him to go back to work soon enough (bio research tasks are a work assignment), so I don't want the punishment to extend more than today.
:ZentoSA: Very well, I’ll come to an decisions. If you behave, then I’ll only ban you from med-bay and research for today… unless there’s an emergency, of course.
:VexSA: Thank you, father.
:ZentoSA: But if you fall back into your bad behaviour, you’re going to look at a much longer ban… for your own sake.
:VexSA: Of course, father.
:DoxySA: That does sound super fair, Vex.

>Also, he has to apologize with Tizli.
:VexSA: Oh, right, her… yes, of course, I… I just hadn’t consider her before now.
:ZentoSA: You don’t think worse of hers because of her brother?
:VexSA: Just because she’s related to a fool doesn’t mean she’s one as well.
:DoxySA: She’s a nice gal, you know.
:VexSA: Possibly. I haven’t really had the time to get to know her… mostly because her nitwit of a brother is always around.
>Ask in what way Tozlan is so bad. His bias is obvious, but you should want to know if you hired a bad lieutenant before mistakes have been made or they're too late to fix.
:VexSA: Ugh… because he’s a boorish twit that doesn’t know his own head from his posterior, and while he’s laying it on thick with that smarmy charm he’s nothing but a nincompoop.
:ZentoSA: Um… so… you don’t like him because…?
:DoxySA: He’s not that bad, Vex.
:VexSA: I just can’t stand him… and he can’t stand me.
:DoxySA: You do have different personalities, I guess… I’ve haven’t heard any other complains about him, sir… in fact, a lot of the crew are fine with his leadership.
:ZentoSA: I guess I’ll just need to keep you two apart for now.
:VexSA: I would prefer that… thanks, father.
:ZentoSA: Now, let’s get back to our duties. We have pirates to ambush!
No. 1026511 ID: 681cb5
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>As for crew assignments, Dante and Shara as the slaves sounds perfectly good to me, those two can kick ass.
:DanteSA: Very well, Captain. I’m sure Shara and I can find somewhere to hide our weaponry in our slave costumes.
:ZentoSA: …we have slave costumes?
:DanteSA: We whipped them up while you were talking to Dr. Vex. Eki even helped to make sure those slave collars they wear looks genuine.
:DoxySA: I just have to question where you’re planning on hiding something… I saw the specs last night and those costumes doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination.
:DanteSA: Oh, we got our ways, Commander, don’t you worry.
>Let's bring Tara into the ambush, I feel like she'd appreciate the chance to show off and scrap with some pirates. Plus, added firepower increases our odds of success.
:TaraSA: Very well. I’ll make sure they are dealt with, Captain.
>I think we should be able to put Zell on keeping the ship secure.
:ZellSA: …it’s not mah area of expertise, lad, but Ah’ll see what Ah can do.
>Ikekeki can handle scanning for hidden energy signatures.
:IkekekiSA: Aw, I was hoping to sail today… but you’re right. If anyone would notice any cunning plan from those scurvy crabs, it would be me. KEKEKE! They won’t hide from my stalks!
>We should have someone be ready to scan the enemy ship when we get in range of it.
:IkekekiSA: …um… I’m already on scanning duty, cap’?
>Do you think a Cruiser would have the equipment to do scan a planet? If so, and if you think 4 for the ambush is overkill, sending one to the green planet might be more time efficient.
The scanning equipment we have is far too large to fit on a cruiser… besides, having a heavily armed ship hover over the area where we’re supposed to trade might give away that we’re ambushing them.
>One ship can make the difference between a successful ambush and a failed ambush.
Hmm… but one extra gun might be more important than a ship. And who’s going to pilot the third cruiser if we want it deployed?

>Put an engineer or two on maintenance, we don't want things falling apart on us today of all days, and put someone with decent cooking skills in the mess hall so that we can eat well when this is all done.
Worrying about maintenance and dinner can wait until after we’ve dealt with the pirates. I rather have most of the crew ready for this one. But keeping the Engineers on standby just in case one of the ships gets damaged might be prudent… especially if said ship is The Shed Scale.
>If nothing else, that they be better off with you than the IOD can only bolster compliance when you arrest them.
Hmm… threatening to give them over to the IOD might just scare them straight, huh?

:TaraSA: So what? I’m going down alone with two “slaves”? I don’t that will work. We need more people at the ambush.
:ZentoSA: I agree. We will need a few more people to fight… though, who else is good at fighting?
:DoxySA: All the Sakkilian crew should have basic combat training, sir… don’t know about the alien crew, though.
:DanteSA: We believe they are only six pirates, which means at most there will five of them when we meet to “trade”, as they are bound to leave at least one on their ship.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… we want to outnumber them… without them actually notice that we outnumber them. Not counting the “slaves”, then it’s just me and Tara who’s going right now… we need a few more to partake in the ambush.
:DanteSA: We can’t leave The Shed Scale unsecured either, Captain. Zell and Eki is a good start, but we probably want to leave a few more crew just in case.
:ZentoSA: And do we need a third cruiser deployed… and if we do, whom will pilot it?

:DoxySA: Sir, the Pirates have answered our ping. They are transmitting now.
:ZentoSA: Oh, already? They were quick to pick up… they must be eager to trade. Very well, put them on the main screen, Commander.

With a quiet hum the main screen turns on to reveal a Kelshin wearing a supposedly regal hat, waving around a golden claw clearly to show it off. In the background, a Raolme is floating around with a tray of some kind of food, so you can only assume it’s one of the slaves they have.

:KpirateSA: KEKEKE! Why, the lady of the depths is smiling on us today! Sakkilians! I am the mighty pirate Captain Gold Mandible of the Dread Cutlass! Do you wish to buy? Sell? Maybe even trade? We are very interested in buying any of your Sakkilian crew your willing to sell for a high price! Though we have few credits on hand, I’m sure we have something you wish to trade for! Maybe a pair of nice ships? Or Organic Material? We are ready to wheel and deal when you are, KEKEKEKE!
No. 1026600 ID: 274345

>If nothing else, that they be better off with you than them can only bolster compliance when you arrest them.
I think it's being implied that they're trapped in their own bodies. They're aware of everything, but they can't control what their body is doing.

If we do free them, some of them might be mentally and emotionally unable to handle the things they were forced to do. Even if it's not their fault, they might blame themselves and say they should've resisted more or something like it could've made a difference.

>Eki even helped to make sure those slave collars they wear looks genuine.
I hope the collars aren't too genuine. Because fully functioning collars might help sell the slave act, but if the collars activate, our "slaves" will be unable to help in the ambush.

>who else will join Tara and the "slaves" in the ambush?
Could we scan their ship first? I'm thinking if we can see how many people are on their ship, we can decide how many people to send to the trade. That way we can hopefully send just enough people that will outnumber them, without them noticing.

Anyone that doesn't come to the ambush will stay on the ship or be in a cruiser.

>Zento is going
Then we should leave Doxy on the ship. That way there is someone that can be a leader in each team.

>Raolme slave
That's how the pirates do it. They give breathing devices to the races that can't breathe underwater.

>pirate captain
The fact that he knows that we're Sakkilians is an issue. We're supposed to be the new race that nobody has heard of around here. So if he knows what we are, then odds are that somewhere out there are other Sakkilians that are most likely enslaved.

Since he's hoping you'll sell some of the crew, that means he probably doesn't know that Sakkilians can't swim. Which is good because if he knew that, he probably wouldn't be interested in slaves that would be useless on a ship full of water and that would ruin our plan to ambush him with fake slaves.
No. 1026671 ID: 68f89f

We're interested in the slaves he's got, but don't make it too obvious that's what you want. Make sure you ask for other things too.
No. 1026682 ID: a9af05

"Yeah, I'm looking for some Organic Materials along with some Corrosives. And do you happen to have any good workers for sale?"
No. 1026685 ID: 629f2e

Look at who you haven't assigned yet, and take in any who are willing to fight. If none of them are, consider switching out one of your previous assignments.

Your ideal number for secretly outnumbering them would be 3 or 4. You don't know how many people they'll be coming in with, but 5 is the maximum. 4 crew + 2 slaves gives you a one person advantage. Perhaps you could bring in 4 to start with, and if they left more people on the ship then you can have one or two return to the Shed Scale. The logistics of that may not be feasible. though unless one of the people you bring is one of your pilots, since how would they leave the planet otherwise (this ain't star trek, can't just beam them back up).
No. 1027049 ID: 681cb5
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>I think it's being implied that the drones are trapped in their own bodies. They're aware of everything, but they can't control what their body is doing.
What they are describing seems to be a fate worse than death, indeed. Sound like some kind of cybernetics implant, maybe? Something that overrides the brain? …or more likely, replace it.
>If we do free them, some of them might be mentally and emotionally unable to handle the things they were forced to do.
If it is some kind of cybernetic implant, they might not even survive us removing it… or too much has already been removed that even if they survive, they won’t be the same person they were before getting the implants. But this is just speculation at the moment.

>That's how the pirates do it. They give breathing devices to the races that can't breathe underwater.
That does make sense… and it wouldn’t surprise you if they had someplace on the ship above water that’s used as a slave quarter. They probably can’t have that mask on them for days on end, can they?
>Could we scan their ship first? I'm thinking if we can see how many people are on their ship, we can decide how many people to send to the trade.
If we get close enough to scan them that thoroughly, then we’re close enough for their weapons to melt us into slag… so let’s not.

>I hope the collars aren't too genuine. Because fully functioning collars might help sell the slave act, but if the collars activate, our "slaves" will be unable to help in the ambush.
:DoxySA: Don’t worry, sir, they are just a metal collar with some pretty light, nothing more. They will probably still fool anyone taking a closer look, though.
>The fact that he knows that we're Sakkilians is an issue. We're supposed to be the new race that nobody has heard of around here. So if he knows what we are, then odds are that somewhere out there are other Sakkilians that are most likely enslaved.
It is a bit odd that they recognized you by name, yes. While you hope that your kind aren’t being enslaved and sold at these black markets Eki mentioned, that does seem to be the most likely explanation. Then again, you can always ask…
:ZentoSA: I have to admit that I’m curious, Captain Gold Mandible, how did you know the name of our species. Everyone else we’ve met so far in this galaxy have never seen our kind before.
:KpirateSA: Why, it’s because your kind are considered to be some really valuable and exotic slaves in the free ports, KEKEKE! I will be open with you, Captain, your kind is worth a lot of doubloons to the right buyer, so I am willing empty our coffers for your slaves.
:ZentoSA: You don’t happen to know how they got their hands on these slaves by any chance?
:KpirateSA: Oh, all I know are rumors, but I’ve heard there has been some Sakkilians for the taking on the Trade Clan Tauzaka caravan ships… not to mention, I’m certain the pleasure cruises coming from those casinos in the south might have a few as well… but as I said, it’s only whispers the waves have carried to me.
:ZentoSA: Still, thank you for sharing.
:KpirateSA: That one was free, Captain, the next one will cost you. Now, about those fine slaves you’re selling…
>Since he's hoping you'll sell some of the crew, that means he probably doesn't know that Sakkilians can't swim.
Or he doesn’t care. It’s clear that he’s going to sell them for profit as soon as possible, after all.

>We're interested in the slaves he's got, but don't make it too obvious that's what you want. Make sure you ask for other things too.
:ZentoSA: I do indeed have these two fine slave that I want to trade for. (…did you really need to make their clothes that revealing?)
:DoxySA: (Don’t blame me, Dante is the one who made them.)
:KpirateSA: Ah, yes, those two look like fine specimens… and both a male and female as well? Good, good… and they are already collared… hmm… yes…
He takes a moment to very unsubtly ogle Shara’s body, his eye stalks clearly going over her curves more than once. You’re sure you heard a faint female voice yelling dibs somewhere behind the pirate captain as well.
:KpirateSA: I might even keep that one for myself, if she’s willing…
:ZentoSA: So, what are you willing to trade for these two?
:KpirateSA: Well… I will need to take a close look at them first before I can name a price… a much closer look, KEKE! But what is it that you want to parley for? We sadly do not have a lot of coin in our coffers, but I’m sure some of our other booty will be of interest to you.
:ZentoSA: I am interested in those ships you were selling… as well as some organic and corrosives materials... oh, and finally, I will need to replace these with new slaves. I am sure these two are worth much more than the two you have, correct?
:KpirateSA: Oh, they are indeed. Hmm… I am willing to trade a Raider and a slave for each, definitely… but I’ll see about those other materials you desired. I need to feel the quality of the booty first, really get my claw to squeeze it… but I’m sure they will be worth some organic material at least.
:ZentoSA: Then it’s settled. Let us trade.
:KpirateSA: Then let me invite you captain over to my ship, with the slaves, and we’ll discuss the details over-
:ZentoSA: Sadly, I am not very fond of water. How about we meet on some natural ground… like say… the green planet with oxygen in this system?
:KpirateSA: … … …I do know of a good place to throw anchor there, a place where we can parley in peace. There is a smallish island a bit out to sea, covered in some harmless algae. An ideal spot, as we neither have content with the hostile flora nor are there anywhere were we might hide ourselves on this small rock. I’ll forward the coordinates.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… yes, that will do.
:KpirateSA: I shall bring the my coffers with me, so we can trade it for that booty you have.
:ZentoSA: I will see you there, Captain Gold Mandible.
No. 1027050 ID: 681cb5
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>Your ideal number for secretly outnumbering them would be 3 or 4. You don't know how many people they'll be coming in with, but 5 is the maximum. 4 crew + 2 slaves gives you a one person advantage.
Hmm… that does sound like a plan… now, the question is, do you even have 3 more people that are willing to face combat right now?
>We should leave Doxy on the ship. That way there is someone that can be a leader in each team.
:DoxySA: I’ll make sure things goes as plan here, sir... but we lack a leader for the third group? The ships?
:ZentoSA: Lt. Tozlan will be in charge of that.
:TozlanSA: I won’t disappoint you, friend.

>Look at who you haven't assigned yet, and take in any who are willing to fight. If none of them are, consider switching out one of your previous assignments.
:ZentoSA: Do we have any volunteers?
:CarSA: Err… I w-was hired to grow crops, not… um… shoot at people?
:GherniSA: While I’ve held a firearm before, I’ve never fired one. Proper ladies seldom have to use guns, Ohoho.
:IkekekiSA: OH! Pick me! Pick me!
:ZentoSA: Eki, we need you on scanning duty. You’re the only one who have experience with pirate tricks and traps, so we need your eyes to ensure we aren’t walking into one.
:IkekekiSA: Aw… I guess you’re right, Cap’. I’ll make sure I’ll keep an eyestalk out for any reefs from the scan bay.

:ReginaSA: I do have basic combat training, dear, as well as some experience handling ruffians. I’ll volunteer.
:IrisSA: I’ll volunteer as well, dad. Me and mom got the same training, after all.
:RoseSA: Um… I’m super sorry, but I don’t think we have any weapons designed for my body type, so… I’ll sit this one out?
:VexSA: I have training too, if it comes to that.
:ZentoSA: We need you on standby up here just in case someone get hurt, Vex.
:VexSA: Of course, father.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… well, we got a small team, at least.
:DoxySA: You, Tara, Regina and Iris… as well as Dante and Shara… that make six.
:ZentoSA: I will have to do… we might need to consider hiring more soldiers in the future.
>One of the people you bring is one of your pilots, since how would they leave the planet otherwise.
All of us have some basic training to fly a ship, so we don’t need a pilot just to land on a planet. Don’t expect us to fly a ship into combat, though… or into dangerous areas.

As you and your team start their decent down towards the planet you see a rather alarming sight. They are sending four ships down, meaning that they might have a lot more crew that you anticipated… at least, you’re worried until Eki contacts you about it.

:IkekekiSA: KEKEKEKE! Those things aren’t even real ships! They are barely even trying to hide it! Probably think you’re some easily fooled planetlubber, capt’.
:ZentoSA: They aren’t real?
:IkekekiSA: Look, their smaller, non-combat ships are towing the “Raider” ships. The only reason you would do that is if they are just decoys. Remember our last battle with pirates?
:ZentoSA: We shot down some kind of decoy ship, yes, I remember.
:IkekekiSA: It’s the same thing. They are just a bit of useless scrap metal made in the shape of a ship, with the bare minimum electrical insides to make it look like a functional one on the energy scanner.
:ZentoSA: Right, so they don’t have any attack ships that actually works. That is good to know.

You watch as your own small “fleet” of ship gets into position, followed a message from Lt. Tozlan.

:TozlanSA: This is Lt. Tozlan reporting. We are in position right outside optimal firing range.
:TizliSA: We’re miles away from being able to fire at them!
:TozlanSA: I’m talking about the Cruisers, sis. Standing by until further orders, friend.

And then the world above you disappears as you enter the atmosphere of the planet. Iris follows the coordinates that the pirates gave you and finds a small island to land on. At the same time, the pirates arrive and make landfall on the other side, no more than a few tens of meters away. Both sides exit their ships at the same time, both having weapons drawn and ready to fire, but neither side are actively aiming at the other, just in case of any accidents. All in all, there’s four of you and four of them… as well as two “slaves” on either side, though their slaves are still inside their ships.

:KpirateSA: Alright, planetlubbers, let’s make this quick and simple. You don’t trust me, I don’t trust you, but I got four plasma launchers aimed at you as well as two piloted raider ships ready to take off and turn your side of the island into molten slag, so don’t try anything. Oh, and my main ship is ready to bombard you with a broadside as well, so how about we do this the easy way? Drop your weapons, send over the slaves and if they are of fine quality we’ll send over our slaves with your part of the deal, as well as leave the Raider ships here for you to take after we return to our ships. Is that understood?
:ZentoSA: …I rather we exchange the trade at the same time.
:KpirateSA: No. I need to check out those collars first. To ensure this isn’t some kind of trap. So send over the slaves or the deal is off.
No. 1027052 ID: 96c896

No dropping weapons, send "slaves" over a bit closer, spring the ambush when they're in a good position to do so. Or depending on where the cover is, you can spring the ambush right now by getting to cover and opening fire. Hmm, those weapons look difficult to deal with if we can't outrange them. Definitely want to avoid a close range battle.
No. 1027074 ID: 629f2e

"No disrespect, but we need some guarantee that you won't shoot us and leave with all of the prizes, so we're keeping our guns up. You can inspect their collars, and when you're satisfied that this isn't a trap we can all lower our arms."

If they can't agree to that, you'll be at a stalemate, so it's likely they will. Send Shara and Dante over and start firing once they take the chance to strike.
No. 1027181 ID: 36784c

I know Dante was confident that he and Shara could figure out where to hide their weapons, but after seeing the costumes, I’ve got no idea where they’re hiding their weapons right now.

Tell him that you’ll send over the slaves, but you’re keeping your weapons up. Like he said, we don’t trust each other, so you can’t trust him to not immediately shoot us once our weapons are on the ground.

And once he’s close enough to inspect Dante and Shara, he won’t be able to get away from them when we spring the ambush!
No. 1027190 ID: 094652

You're planning to backstab them, and they're planning to backstab you even harder. They know you're an endangered species in this galaxy; they know even a Sakkilian slaver would rather preserve their own kind than butcher them for gold. If you send anyone over, they'll wound them on the spot and then rush forward while you panic and try to save your people. Most importantly, they stand to earn a juicy profit by raiding your fleet; even if they kill two thirds of your crew, they will come out ahead in Sakkilian exotics. Don't send anyone over, you know their flagships are merely props and you've got them outflanked. Just open fire here and now. But deceive them one last time.
"... Enough of this charade. Did you think we wouldn't figure out who you were? That we wouldn't look for that man-whore Krem's cowardly, miserable, bastard-adopted scion? Truth is, I've been an Imperial space salaryman for decades. You are under arrest for multiple counts of piracy, attempted murder, and illegal slavery. Normally I'd offer to let some of you leave in exchange for a peaceful arrest of the others; as we Sakkilians say, a gekko in the hand is worth two in the sand. But the truth is, I've wanted to eat a certain @#$%ing lobster for a long, long time. You see, a certain member of my family was bound in barbed wire and then raped for five hours straight before being thrown into a molten volcano for sport. Sound familiar, you brain-damaged monster? IODine TASK FORCE! BRICK! AND! MORTAR!"
And then beat their heads in with rocks after you charge while they look for artillery.
No. 1027201 ID: a9af05


No, kome. Don't do that.
No. 1027284 ID: 681cb5
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>Depending on where the cover is, you can spring the ambush right now by getting to cover and opening fire.
…you’re on a flat rock in the middle of the ocean. The reason why the pirates chose this location is because there isn’t any cover, so neither of you should use it to attack the other party.
>Hmm, those weapons look difficult to deal with if we can't outrange them. Definitely want to avoid a close range battle.
What the hell kind of weapon is that anyway? It almost looks like some kind of flame spewing weapon, but instead of a flame they have some kind of odd crystal in front of them? Hmm… their ships had plasma weaponry, so maybe it’s something similar? Either way, if they work the same way as their ships do, then yes, you’re really not in the ideal position to deal with them right now.

>They know you're an endangered species in this galaxy; they know even a Sakkilian slaver would rather preserve their own kind than butcher them for gold. If you send anyone over, they'll wound them on the spot and then rush forward while you panic and try to save your people.
Then they have miscalculated. If they mortally wound anyone in your crew you’ll not only order the rest to open fire, but make sure The Shed Scale bathes their side of the island in hot laz death. While you do care deeply of your crew, you’re not someone who panics at the smallest danger.
>They stand to earn a juicy profit by raiding your fleet; even if they kill two thirds of your crew, they will come out ahead in Sakkilian exotics.
While you’re sure they prefer to simply raid your fleet and enslave as much of your crew as they can, both sides know that they are heavily outgunned. You have the ship superiority and they won’t stand a chance if a space battle broke out. The main problem is, if you want to walk away from this without casualties and with as much loot as possible, you can’t just blow them all up, can you?
>You know their flagships are merely props and you've got them outflanked.
Indeed, their combat ships down here are nothing but decoys and you got their main ship pinned down. The only dangers you’re facing right now are the guns wielded by the pirates in front of you.
>That man-whore Krem's cowardly, miserable, bastard-adopted scion.
…while you’re sure this Pirate Lord Krem had / has a lot of kids, you can’t be sure if this is one of them… especially because he was the leader of pirate gang Eki was a member off, who aren’t exactly friendly with these guys.
>Beat their heads in with rocks.
…this isn’t a holo-vid. Rock doesn’t beat laz weaponry. No, you’ll use your actual ranged weaponry to take them down and not act like some primitive dune lizard.

>No dropping weapons.
:ZentoSA: No disrespect, but we need some guarantee that you won't shoot us and leave with all of the prizes, so we're keeping our guns up. You can inspect their collars, and when you're satisfied that this isn't a trap we can all lower our arms.

He fixates his gaze on you, looking for any sign of weakness or deceit, but you give him none. You watch as his eyestalks slowly move over the rest of your crew before finally ending up on Shara… and he gives a small nod in agreement.

:KpirateSA: KEKEKE, a parley at the tip of the gun, eh? I like it. Very well. Send over the booty then, and we’ll give you our coffers after we’ve checked it for traps.
No. 1027285 ID: 681cb5
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>I know Dante was confident that he and Shara could figure out where to hide their weapons, but after seeing the costumes, I’ve got no idea where they’re hiding their weapons right now.
You have no idea either, but you’re sure you saw both of them pick up a stun rod each. They… have to have them hidden somewhere, right? Somewhere that’s… accessible as well. The only hiding spots you can think of aren’t really that quick on the draw…
>Send Shara and Dante over and start firing once they take the chance to strike.
It feels like everyone are holding their breath as you order the “slaves” to approach the pirate captain, everyone following their slow movement across the small island, ready to fire at the first sign of anything being amiss. Right as they are halfway across the gap between the two groups, captain Gold Mandible speaks up.

:KpirateSA: Stop them right there.
:ZentoSA: Slaves. Stop.
:KpirateSA: …Krachen, check their collars.
:KpirateSA: Aye aye, capt’!

Krachen turns out to be the other male Kelshin, the one standing to the right of the Captain, and he quickly scuttles sideways over to Dante and Shara. It feels as time itself stops for a moment when he slowly examines the collars, your hand twitching slightly as it’s ready to give the order to start firing…

:KpirateSA: These seems to be working, capt’! Though it’s not a model I’m familiar with…
:KpirateSA: …check if they have anything on them.

His smaller claws starts to padding them down, starting with Dante whom he quickly finish with before going over to Shara, whom he takes a lot more time with. Of course, he seems to cross the line when he gives her bum a quick slap.

:KpirateSA: Hey, hands off my booty!
:KpirateSA: Sorry capt’! Didn’t find neither cutlass or fire powder on these planetlubbers!
:KpirateSA: …hmm… let’s see if they really are slaves. Give them the loyalty test, mate.
:KpirateSA: Aye aye, capt’!

The pirate grabs one of their arms in each of his claws and lifts them up, to ensure that the Captain can see what he’s doing. This might be problematic… you know from when you examined Eki that those claws can be powerful enough to break bones, which means they can do some real damage to their unprotected arms. As much as you want to spring the ambush right now, neither Dante or Shara are in the right position and won’t be much help… and while you currently outnumber the pirates, without some kind of distraction they are bound to get a shot or two off, which if they hit one of you will prove rather dangerous, if not fatal. Of course, you really don’t want them to figure out these aren’t slaves and fire first, because then you’ll be in some real trouble... but if Shara and Dante can just get a little bit closer, they you’ll have the ideal distraction…

So, do you open fire now, even if Dante and Shara are in a really bad position, or do you trust that they know what they are doing and give them more time? Neither option is ideal and require a bit of a gamble…
No. 1027286 ID: 96c896

First rule of slave trading is don't damage the merchandise. If they're fooled by the collars, they won't hurt our "slaves". Too much.
Trust in the plan, you're already in position. Also, you'll be able to heal any broken bones.
No. 1027287 ID: 629f2e

Start negotiations, and make a point to ask for more than they seem willing to give. Your goal is to bait the captain himself to inspect the slaves, to see for himself just how reasonable your exorbitant asking fee really is. Don't go too high, they might just turn you down and try to rob you if you do, but aim for something that juuuuussssttt barely feels unreasonable, which they won't want to take you on.
No. 1027336 ID: 36784c

>you’re sure you saw both of them pick up a stun rod each. They…have to have them hidden somewhere, right?
……how big are the stun rods? Because if they’re not that big, then they might have them hidden by shoving them up their butts.

>Give them the loyalty test, mate.
This is most likely designed to see if you’ll do something to try and save the “slaves”, which would reveal that they’re not actually slaves.


When he sees that you’re not trying to prevent the “slaves” arms from being broken, he’ll believe they’re real slaves.

Once they get close enough to the pirate captain, give the signal to spring the ambush!
No. 1027339 ID: 629f2e

Ome extra comment may be good to toss out for their sakes before this Loyalty Test:

"I'm not familiar with your test, but if you damage the merchandise, you buy it. Sure you want to do that before negotiating the price?"
No. 1027341 ID: 0618ef

No. 1027350 ID: c09f5e

>without some kind of distraction they are bound to get a shot or two off
Like, say, a slave seducing one of the enemy crew, if not the captain himself? It could be passed off as one of your collars "features".
No. 1027367 ID: 36784c

I’m not sure that would work.

The pirate captain said he might keep Shara for himself, if she’s willing. That makes me think that he’d not really appreciate learning that the collars are forcing Shara into bed with him.

I don’t know, I’m just guessing here.
No. 1027390 ID: 681cb5
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>…how big are the stun rods? Because if they’re not that big, then they might have them hidden by shoving them up their butts.
They are about 60cm, but they are collapsible, making them a lot smaller and portable. While they would be small enough to… fit there, you really hope that’s not the hiding place they chose… mostly because they can’t really retrieve them quickly, can they?
>A distraction? Like, say, a slave seducing one of the enemy crew, if not the captain himself? It could be passed off as one of your collars "features".
Hmm, while it might work, the problem is that you have no way of telling either Shara or Dante of this plan, do you? Though, by the looks of things Shara already managed to seduce at least two of them without even trying…
>The pirate captain said he might keep Shara for himself, if she’s willing. That makes me think that he’d not really appreciate learning that the collars are forcing Shara into bed with him.
These pirates do seem to have at least some morals, even if they are slave taking scum. Not that it matter at the moment anyway…
>First rule of slave trading is don't damage the merchandise. If they're fooled by the collars, they won't hurt our "slaves". Too much. Also, you'll be able to heal any broken bones.
Just because they can heal doesn’t mean you want to put them in unnecessary danger… but you’re right, they probably won’t hurt them too much.
>This is most likely designed to see if you’ll do something to try and save the “slaves”, which would reveal that they’re not actually slaves.
…or they are trying to get the slaves themselves to do something. After all, if they start fighting back then it just proves that those collars are fake, right?

>Trust in the plan, you're already in position.
Right, Dante is your son and Shara is a trained soldier, they can both handle a little pain. You simply watch as the pirate starts pinching their wrist between his claws, just enough to draw blood, while he carefully watches both of them for any reaction. Dante clearly stiffens up and tenses his jaw right as the test is about to start, to try his best to not show to much emotion, while Shara barely notice them drawing blood, instead keeping her focus on the pirates claw arms for some reason.

:KpirateSA: No reaction at all, sir.
:KpirateSA: Huh, I guess they got it on the maximum setting… not uncommon when you’re about to trade them away. Very well, knock them out so we can transport-
:ZentoSA: Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves?
:KpirateSA: Huh?

>Start negotiations, and make a point to ask for more than they seem willing to give. Your goal is to bait the captain himself to inspect the slaves, to see for himself just how reasonable your exorbitant asking fee really is.
:ZentoSA: If you damage the merchandise, you buy it. Sure you want to do that before negotiating the price?
:KpirateSA: Hmm… you’re right… as we said before, you’ll get a ship and a slave each… as well as 5 units of OM and C.
:ZentoSA: These two are at least worth 25 of each.
:KpirateSA: Oh, now you’re just pulling my eyestalk, planetlubber. No, I’ll give you 10 each.
:ZentoSA: 20.
:KpirateSA: …15.
:ZentoSA: … … …20. Take a close look at them, and you’ll see that they are worth 20 each.
:KpirateSA: …very well, 20 each. It’s a deal.
:ZentoSA: …deal.
As much as you tried, he simply refused to get closer to them.
:ZentoSA: But I want to see our part of the deal before you damage them any further.
:KpirateSA: Very well. Slaves, bring out the coffers. And Krachen, take the female booty to the ship before knocking the male one unconscious. I want to make sure I made a good deal today.
:KpirateSA: Aye aye, Capt’! Slave, follow me.
:ZentoSA: …are those barrels it? They seem a bit small?
:KpirateSA: Err… well, you see, they are actually-
:KpirateSA: AAAH!!
No. 1027391 ID: 681cb5
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With a sickening crack, Shara outright rips off Krachen’s claw arms as she stomp him into the ground.

:KpirateSA: MY CLAWS!

This is not the distraction you were expecting, but it will do. You raise your hand to signal the others, catching the pirates completely off guard as they are still stunned from what just happened.

:KpirateSA: IT’S A TR-
No. 1027392 ID: 681cb5
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The Shock rifles crackles in the air as your side fires on the pirates, taking out most of them before they can even get their guns ready. One of them manages to blindly fire in your direction, but the shoot goes wild and hit the ground far from your position, though it does make it clear how dangerous these weapons are as the plasma quickly eats through the rock and leave a sizable crater where it hit. Meanwhile, Dante shoves a stun rod at max setting right into the pirate captains chest, shocking him unconscious at the same time Shara is doing the same with the poor sod she’s standing on. It’s over in just a few seconds.
No. 1027393 ID: 681cb5
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:KpirateSA: …home'ard… bound… blue sea…?

You watch as the last pirate drift into a serene slumber, no longer a threat to anyone one of you.

:ZentoSA: Everyone, report.
:TaraSA: Everyone is fine, no one got hurt.
:ReginaSA: That was a bit nerve wrecking, dear…
:IrisSA: I got one! Woo!
:DanteSA: Bluh… remind me not to put one of these rods in my mouth again…
:SharaSA: So, anyone up for some crab claws for dinner?

Putting your hand to your ear, you turn on your communicator and contact the fleet still in orbit.

:ZentoSA: Lt. Tozlan, anything to report?
:TozlanSA: We’ve had a bit of change in the situation, friend.
:ZentoSA: How so?
:TozlanSA: About a minute ago the ship we’re keeping tabs on started descending towards your location, captain. But I managed to convince them to stop, shut down their engine and have the pilot leave the ship in an escape pod, friend… mostly by having your lovely cruisers give of a few warning shots to explain what would happen if they didn’t. Their main ship has thus been naturalized.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… good work Lt. Tozlan. Keep your position and report if anything comes up.
:TozlanSA: Will do, Command.

Then finally you contact The Shed Scale himself.

:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, report.
:DoxySA: We’ve almost had a really bad situation up here, sir, but thanks to Eki and Zell we managed to avoid it.
:ZentoSA: …and this situation was what? Was it something serious like a cloaked pirate ship or has that horrible smelly fungus come back again?
:DoxySA: Actually, one of the pirates was floating towards us with and EMP bomb, sir. It would have knocked out The Shed Scale completely if it wasn’t for Eki spotting them.
:ZentoSA: Floating? Like in a ship?
:DoxySA: No, in a space suit. They must have jumped out of their own ship right towards ours, sir.
:ZentoSA: …at that distance? Either these pirates are crazier than I thought or… no, they are just crazy. But the situation is under control then?
:DoxySA: Zell managed to destroy the EMP and capture the pirate gal, sir.
:ZentoSA: Good, good…

No wounded, all pirates captured alive, all loot unharmed… everything went as planned. Yet, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong… or is that just your paranoia?
No. 1027394 ID: 96c896

If they're crazy enough to spacewalk with an EMP they're crazy enough to spacewalk to try to board the Shed Scale. Or the Cruisers. Tell everyone to stay on high alert until you've accounted for all the pirates, which probably involves asking their slaves how many there were.

Breach the landed vessel like you would if there were hostiles in it.
No. 1027396 ID: 629f2e

They were saying something about the barrels before the attack started. Perhaps those are less benign than we expect? Worst case scenario, they could be bombs.

They did try to spcaewalk an EMP to our ship even before we started firing on them. That implies they weren't planning a legitimate trade, so why would they bring legitimate goods?

Before checking on those, I'd restrain the unconscious pirates. Just in case one of them pretended to get hit, or wakes up quickly.
No. 1027397 ID: 0618ef

>Um… I’m super sorry, but I don’t think we have any weapons designed for my body type, so… I’ll sit this one out?
We should keep this in mind at some point, weapons for aliens. Not all of them will be able to use saks sakkilian weaponry.

>something is wrong
Well, obviously, they tried to pull a sneaky on you too. They were planning to dismantle your main ship from the beginning. So yeah, they might still have something else to throw at you. Maybe in the conteiners, maybe in space.
You need to secure the prisoners and regroup. Size the enemies ships and the "slaves". I would expect them to leave bombs hidden somewhere, or more kamikaze units around.


Some other threat besides the pirates. In either case, you need to wrap this up pronto.
No. 1027402 ID: 36784c

>Yet, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong…or is that just your paranoia?
Remember how the pirate captain was talking about how valuable Sakkilians are? He was probably planning on capturing everyone to sell them off and get rich. That’s why there was a pirate floating with an EMP towards the Shed Scale, to disable your main ship and prevent you from getting away or getting help.

Honestly, I’m worried about the “cargo” that you were buying from him. He started to get nervous when you questioned him about the barrels. Odds are, those are more EMPs or actual explosives. You’ll need to be careful when examining them.

The best way to find out what’s going on is to talk to the slaves you were buying. Since you’re freeing them, they’ll tell you what’s going on. You might need to lower the settings on their collars, since those might prevent them from talking to you.

……then again, the slaves’ collars could also be traps. I wouldn’t put it past the pirates to do something like put an explosive on the collars in order to kill anyone trying to free the slaves.

Let’s check the pirates’ pockets. One of them has to be carrying something useful with them.
No. 1027431 ID: 01fe07

We were guessing there's at least 6 pirates on their ship, so let's count how many we've encountered.

There's 4 pirates here (including the captain), Lt. Tozlan made 1 pirate leave their ship in an escape pod, and Zell captured 1 pirate floating towards the ship with an EMP. That's a total of 6 pirates, which should be all of them.

But like I said, we were guessing there's only 6 pirates. Keep your guard up, there might be 1 or 2 more pirates hiding somewhere.

Have the Shed Scale check for any more pirates floating towards any of our ships or any invisible ships.

>Breach the landed vessel like you would if there were hostiles in it.
Do this.

>possible traps
Yeah, be careful of any of these possibilities.
No. 1027434 ID: 01fe07

Also when checking the ships the pirates came in, make sure we also check the fake ships. Just because the ships are fake, that doesn’t eliminate the possibility that there could be pirates or EMPs or something in them.
No. 1027544 ID: 681cb5
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>We should keep this in mind at some point, weapons for aliens. Not all of them will be able to use Sakkilian weaponry.
So far none of them will be able to really use them. This is something you’ve forgotten about, but you already have the means to solve it. After all, Vex already has his research into how they use tools, at least for most of the aliens we’ve already met, which means that when we actually get real weapons we can apply said knowledge and modify them properly. You’ll make sure to notify Doxy about it as well.
>Remember how the pirate captain was talking about how valuable Sakkilians are? He was probably planning on capturing everyone to sell them off and get rich.
…while they clearly are a greedy bunch, you’d think they wouldn’t be crazy enough to believe that they would be able to capture everyone on a ship the size of The Shed Scale. After all, were would they even store everyone? Their ship is already full as it is! Then again… they were crazy enough to throw themselves between two ships that were a million km apart.
>If they're crazy enough to spacewalk with an EMP they're crazy enough to spacewalk to try to board the Shed Scale. Or the Cruisers.
You’re sure you would have detected them if that was the case… not to mention, one or two pirates can’t really hope to board and take control of a ship like that. Then again, they are crazy…
>Some other threat besides the pirates might be around. In either case, you need to wrap this up pronto.
Right, let’s hope there aren’t any more pirates around… or worse. But no matter what, you rather not stay on this rock for any longer than you need too.

>Tell everyone to stay on high alert until you've accounted for all the pirates.
:DanteSA: …aren’t this all the pirates? We were only dealing with six of them, correct?
:ZentoSA: We’re guessing six of them, yes. So, we managed to capture four of them here, including their captain, Lt. Tozlan captured one who was piloting their ship and finally Zell managed to capture one who was attacking The Shed Scale. That’s six… but are we sure there were only six of them?
:DanteSA: According to the information we have, their Pillager class ship only have room and food for a crew of eight, which is what we get if we count the two slaves as well.
:TaraSA: It is possible that the slaves weren’t given a proper room… and only half rations.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… they don’t seem malnourished, though.
:TaraSA: Malnourishment would only be noticeable if they did it for a very prolonged time. But it’s just an idea, that’s all.
:ZentoSA: Let’s be careful, either way.
>Restrain the unconscious pirates. Just in case one of them pretended to get hit, or wakes up quickly.
:DanteSA: All of them have been restrained properly, though their different limbs did make it a bit awkward. They got both claw arms, smaller arms and four legs to deal with, which is a lot more limbs than necessary, if you ask me.
:SharaSA: I’ve prodded all of them with my stun rod again, just in case one of these fuckers were faking it…
:DanteSA: …I’d like if you refrained from hurting our captives, Shara.
:SharaSA: Aw, you’re no fun.
>Breach the landed vessel like you would if there were hostiles in it.
:DanteSA: Shara, with me.
:SharaSA: Finally, so action!
It’s quite a sight to watch Shara and Dante dressed only in their slave garb doing a proper breaching maneuver wielding a shock rifle each.
:SharaSA: Aw man, they are empty?
:DanteSA: …no hostiles, captain. Both ships are empty. No one was hiding behind the ships either, so this whole island is secure.
>When checking the ships the pirates came in, make sure we also check the fake ships.
:ReginaSA: Those things are nothing more than a hunk of worthless scrap, dear. No way to get inside them… not that there’s anything worth finding in there. They clearly aren’t even worth turning into Basic Metals.
>Let’s check the pirates’ pockets. One of them has to be carrying something useful with them.
:IrisSA: A few credsticks with pocket change on them, a snack, a really small knife… with the exception of the keycards for those landing ships they arrived in, there’s nothing of note here. Sorry dad.

>Honestly, I’m worried about the “cargo” that you were buying from him. He started to get nervous when you questioned him about the barrels.
:ReginaSA: They had only about 10 barrels with them, hun, which is clearly not enough to contain the OM we requested.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… it’s clear that they didn’t consider this a legitimate trade, what with the them spacewalking with an EMP even before we started firing, so why would they bring legitimate goods?
:ReginaSA: Then what do you think they contain?
:ZentoSA: Worst case scenario, bombs.
:ReginaSA: I don’t think that’s likely, dear, but I’ll be careful when I crack them open.
You watch, with the rest of the crew from a safe distance, how Regina carefully crack one of the barrels open from behind some cover.
:ReginaSA: Huh… a small layer of leaves and then just rocks? …but this one actually contained corrosives liquids that… no, wait, it’s just colored water.
:ZentoSA: I’m going to venture a guess and say it’s all useless.
:ReginaSA: That’s correct, dear. They clearly didn’t want to give us anything of worth.
:ZentoSA: So, no material and no ships… this really would have been a terrible deal.
:ReginaSA: ‘fraid so, hun.

>The best way to find out what’s going on is to talk to the slaves you were buying. Since you’re freeing them, they’ll tell you what’s going on. You might need to lower the settings on their collars, since those might prevent them from talking to you.
:TaraSA: I’ve already taken the opportunity to remove their collars, captain. No one shall be less than the rest on our ship.
:ZentoSA: …*sigh* I hope you at least checked the collars for traps first, Tara? Just in case they put some explosives in them or something similar?
:TaraSA: …they didn’t look booby trapped?
:ZerkSA: *Huff* I feel all full of nippers finally getting the collar off, old chap.
:TogoSA: Wait, you’re not going to just leave us here on this rock, are you?
:TaraSA: Of course not. You’re coming with us.
:ZerkSA: …so we’re still shagged, eh? Just new owners, then.
:ZentoSA: No, you’re free men now. We will pass by a Flaûgnir mining colony in a few days, so feel free to fly with us until then and we can drop you off there.
:TogoSA: Being stranded on a rock people planet with no credits, no job or even and ID? …honestly, I rather stay with the pirates… and least you had a job…
:ZerkSA: A job where the pay was grub for the day. You just want to go back because you got to dip your knob and get hammered all the time.
:TogoSA: Hey, you’re just cranky because you didn’t get laid. Not that those gal tried to seduce you, repeatedly.
:ZerkSA: They weren’t my cup of tea, guv’. But… you’re actually letting us go?
:TogoSA: Of course they aren’t Zerk. I have no idea what kind of species they are, but look at those teeth! They clearly are carnivores!
:ZerkSA: …and that’s relevant how?
:TogoSA: You saw how the big one ripped the claws off one of the pirates! She even said she would eat them! THEY ARE CANNIBALS!
:ZerkSA: …we’re not the same species?
:ZerkSA: *sigh* Put a sock in it, Togo…
:SharaSA: I was actually planning on boiling the claws and add a bit of butter…
No. 1027553 ID: 19ea25

Shara, no terrifying the freed prisoners.. You are free to terrify the slaver pirates however.

Let Togo know he is free to join the crew if he wants a job and let him know it's more then just grub.

Let Zerk know he is free to leave at any time at any port he wishes. Also if he desires a job give him the status as well.
No. 1027554 ID: 96c896

Tell the ex-slaves you're not going to eat them. The flaugnir can find them jobs, if they don't want to join your crew. (at this point I think they're either legit or extremely good actors)
Honestly, you should reattach the claws to that pirate if possible because it's ethical to attend to wounded captives, but if not, waste not want not. I'm sure he'll get some cybernetics eventually if they're unfixable.

Ask both cruisers to report in. I don't think we heard from their pilots?

The main vessel could be boobytrapped. Be careful when we eventually board it. It could even be rigged to explode as soon as someone steps onto it...
Where did the escape pod go? If we can go grab that, that'll be optimal. It'll keep other pirates from finding out what we did, for one thing.
No. 1027555 ID: a9af05

Someone get him to calm down.

Normally, I'd say we should scan the ship for any pirates, but that'd require the Shed Scale to get closer and that'd put it in range of the pirate ship, which is dangerous if there's still someone on board that can fire the weapons.

Ask the former slaves how many pirates were on the pirate ship. You've taken care of 6 of them, but you're not sure if that's all of them. You want to make sure they've all been taken care of before we can take over their ship and claim it and everything on board for ourselves.

Once it's confirmed that all the pirates have been taken out, we can take over their ship.
No. 1027556 ID: c43628

I say we slap him ourselfs.

They have two options, come with us to the next port and do what they please, or work for us as new crewmates.
Sakkilian are omnivores tho. And not cannibals... not anymore...

I do have to admit that ripping that pour guy's claws off was a bit overboard... but i don't like slavers. So fuck him. Good job Shara.
No. 1027749 ID: 681cb5
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>At this point I think they're either legit or extremely good actors.
Considering they both have quite noticeable chafe marks from wearing their slave collars for so long, you’re going to go with that they were legit. These pirates clearly weren’t competent enough to do a con on this level.
>I say we slap him ourselves.
Yourself? You’re a captain, you have crew you can delegate tasks like that to.
:ZentoSA: Tara, calm this man down. Roughly if needed.
Instead of slapping him though, Tara simply places a reassuring hand on his shoulder and start talking to him in a calm voice…
:TaraSA: Breathe, relax, think this through. If we wanted to harm you, why would we remove the collars?
:TogoSA: Err… because… um…?
:TaraSA: Exactly, we’re here to free those oppressed by those above them, be it literal slaves or those that are slaves to the system!
:ZerkSA: …I’m not sure what she’s banging on about, but she’s right about one thing. They clearly don’t want to give us a pounding before shagging us completely, at least not so directly as making us into tonight’s nosh.
:TogoSA: Oh… um… well, I do like not feeling oppressed…
:TaraSA: May I interest you about joining a Union?
:ZerkSA: You what?
:ZentoSA: *Sigh* You can talk to them about that later, Tara, when we’re back on the ship.
>Tell the ex-slaves you're not going to eat them.
:ZerkSA: See, told you they weren’t cannibals, mate.
:ZentoSA: …let just say that we don’t eat people that can tell us no and leave it at that for now. And we are omnivores, though we have a preference for meat.
:ZerkSA: Just… be careful around the one that’s grinning. She’ll probably bite your arm of if given the chance.
:SharaSA: Grrr~
:TogoSA: AAH!!
:ZerkSA: Err… I didn’t mean literally… at least, I hope I didn’t…

>Shara, no terrifying the freed prisoners.
:SharaSA: To be fucking fair, I wasn’t even trying to. I’m just terrific on my own, heh.
:ZentoSA: Then try and be less terrific around them. Feel free to terrify the slaver pirates however.
:SharaSA: Aw yeah, finally we can have some fun on the ship.
:DanteSA: I would ask you to refrain from scaring them to much before we’ve gotten some information from them, Shara.
:SharaSA: Stop being such a spoilsport, boy.
>I do have to admit that ripping that pour guy's claws off was a bit overboard... but i don't like slavers. Good job Shara.
:SharaSA: Oh right, they were slavers. I just thought it would be funny to beat one of the fuckers to death with their own claws.
:DanteSA: We need to teach you what non-lethal force means…
:SharaSA: What? Everyone still alive, aren’t they? Even the little shit that spanked my bum without consent.
>Honestly, you should reattach the claws to that pirate if possible because it's ethical to attend to wounded captives.
:ZentoSA: Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I remember Vex report on the subject then Kelshin claws regrow quite quickly, don’t they? Otherwise we might need to reattach those claws.
:TogoSA: Um… well, it will take some time, but they’ll regrow, sure…
:DanteSA: The med-bay currently have no way to properly secure him for the reattachment procedure, so it would be a really bad idea to leave him there.
:SharaSA: So can I boil them for dinner?
:ZentoSA: No. We’re not eating species that are part of the crew, Shara.
:SharaSA: Aw…

>Let Togo know he is free to join the crew if he wants a job and let him know the pay is more than just grub.
:TogoSA: So… what is the pay?
:TaraSA: Really good, I’ve been told.
:TogoSA: I mean, I guess I’m jobless right now…
:ZentoSA: I will still need to know what you can do, what your earlier experiences are and, you know, who you are..
:TogoSA: Names Togokogi, but call me Togo. I’m a chef. Or… I used to be a chef? Worked on one of the colonies at the edge of the Free Ports, but… um… let just say I thought I had a really good roll on the bone claws but it turned out Captain Gold Mandible had an even better one. Problem was that I put more credits than I had on that roll… a lot more... so they took me as payment instead.
:SharaSA: So you’re a chef, eh? Good, because I’m really hungry for some proper food.
:TogoSA: If I keep you fed, you promise you won’t eat me, right?
:SharaSA: As long as you keep my belly full you won’t need to worry, dweeb.
>Let Zerk know he is free to leave at any time at any port he wishes. Also if he desires a job give him the status as well.
:ZerkSA: I would have preferred if you dropped me of at a Raolme port, my good sir, but if the dosh is as good as you say, I might be up for some work. I am Zerkchankuin tol Kezzak, or Zerk of short.
:ZentoSA: …Zerk of Trade Clan Kezzak, if I’m not mistaken? Do you have any other titles?
:ZerkSA: That’s right, I’m from the Kezzak family, but no, I never earned any other titles.
:ZentoSA: And your specialty is…?
:ZerkSA: Oh… um… I’m just a janitor, guv’. I clean up after the kerfuffle. Use to work up north with the rest of the Kezzak clan, but a few years ago I decided to faff around in space for a while, to see the universe and all. It was all fine and dandy the first four year when I was just a janitor on a trade caravan, but then when we were on our way to Trade Clan Tauzaka a pirate ship managed to get it claws on the Merchant I was on and sucked me and two others right out from it. That was… I don’t know… a year ago? I think?
:ZentoSA: Well, I’m sure we can find a lot of work for the two of you. I’ll make sure Commander Doxy properly inform you about the job before you agree to it. But for now, welcome onboard Ensigns.
:ZerkSA: Thanks, mate.
>Ask the former slaves how many pirates were on the pirate ship. You've taken care of 6 of them, but you're not sure if that's all of them.
:TogoSA: Um…there were three pretty gals… and the captain… and the one that always wanted snacks… and the jerk one… um…
:ZerkSA: There were six of them, guv’.
:DanteSA: Then all pirates should have been dealt with.

>Ask both cruisers to report in. I don't think we heard from their pilots?
Because Lt. Tozlan is in charge of them. You don’t need to talk to every last crewmember, do you?
:ZentoSA: Lt. Tozlan, report. What’s the status of the Cruisers?
:TozlanSA: Unharmed and eager for more, friend. Both Tes and Shal are both ready for action.
>Where did the escape pod go? If we can go grab that, that'll be optimal.
:TozlanSA: We have already captured it, Captain. It is secured in our ship, pirate and all.
:TizliSA: Not so though now, are you, you pirate scumsucker!
:TozlanSA: Tizli, stop trying to roll the pod over. You won’t be able to even nudge it.
:TizliSA: Tsk, let me at least pretend…
>Once it's confirmed that all the pirates have been taken out, we can take over their ship.
:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, prepare to board and retrieve that pirate ship. We have confirmed that all pirates have been naturalized.
:DoxySA: That’s good news… but what if there are traps, sir?
:ZentoSA: Who would be crazy enough to rig their only escape with explosives? Zerk, Togo, is there any booby traps on the ship? Like explosives?
:TogoSA: Explosives? No, they usually don’t have any explosives around… at least not for long…
:ZerkSA: No one is that crazy, guv’.
:DanteSA: The only reason why someone would rig their own ship to explode is if they want to keep something like the technology in it out the hands of the enemy. Seeing how selfish pirates usually are… they probably don’t care.
:ZentoSA: Right. Doxy, send over the shrimp so we can cook that crab.
:DoxySA: …what?
:ZentoSA: …send over Eki to grab that crab shaped ship.
:DoxySA: I’ll send a small team with Eki over to commander it, sir.

:ZentoSA: Right, we’re done here. Tara, escort our new crewmates to our ship. Dante and Shara, ensure that all the pirates are coming with us. Iris and Regina, see if you can commander the two pirates’ ships. They might be worth some BM at least. Now move it, I wanted to be off this rock yesterday!
No. 1027750 ID: 681cb5
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The rest of the cleanup goes by smoothly, as you return to the ship with all the pirates in chains while Doxy ensures that all the loot is taken care off.

:DoxySA: I’m ready to report, sir.
:ZentoSA: Very well, Commander, proceed.
:DoxySA: We successfully managed to commander and land the pirate ship in our hanger, sir. Though, we don’t have the crew to actually man it nor the know how to actually use it properly yet.
[Gained a Kelshin Pillager class ship! Thanks to its size, it will take up 3 spots of the hangar. You currently have a maximum of 12 spots.]
:ZentoSA: We can have the R&R department look at it when we get the time.
:DoxySA: We also managed to get everything that was stored on the ship, boss… which wasn’t a lot.
[+5 fresh food, +10 dry food, +10 BM, +5 NM]
:ZentoSA: …was that all? I was hoping for some more. Didn’t they have any corrosives or organic material on them?
:DoxySA: Corrosives, no, but their storage room had some interesting crates in them. According to Eki, they are marked as dangerous, but when we scanned them we noticed living creatures and plants in them. Heavily sedated animals and plants. We can just… um… break them down to about 20 units of OM if you wish, but… I’m not sure why they had a bunch of dangerous flora and fauna on their ship, sir.
[+20 OM?]
:ZentoSA: Wait, was the plants also sedated?
:DoxySA: And also apparently dangerous, sir. At least according to the crates.
:ZentoSA: I see… and the former slaves?
:DoxySA: After seeing their new pay and a quick discussion of their duties they were eager to join, boss.
[Zerkchankuin tol Kezzak the janitor has joined the crew!]
[Togokogi the chef has joined the crew!]
:ZentoSA: Good, we need all the hands we can get… and the pirates?
:DoxySA: They are all in the brig, sir. They should have woken up by now, if you want to give them a visit.
[You have 6 pirate prisoners!]
:ZentoSA: …I might consider it. Anything else I need to know?
:DoxySA: Ensign Tizli has taken the day off, sir. Said she was feeling queasy.
:ZentoSA: Is she sick? Should I contact Vex?
:DoxySA: No, sir, she said it was just… um… because of what you did yesterday, sir.
[Tizli has taken the day off because of her pregnancy.]
:ZentoSA: Oh, I see. Well, then I guess she deserve a day or two off. Anything else?
:DoxySA: Not that I can see, sir.
:ZentoSA: Good. At least we’ve finally dealt with those pirates once and for all.

:DoxySA: So, what are you orders, sir? The day is still young after all.
No. 1027752 ID: 96c896

So we have two chefs now? Glad we have a janitor specialist, that lessens pressure on cleaning duty.

Okay, now that that's over, it's time for the rescue mission. Organize an away team, it can be mostly engineers because I don't expect heavy resistance and we need security officers on staff in the ship once the pirates wake up.
No. 1027755 ID: c43628

We need to find our lost sisters and brothers. They were in pods somewhere in the planet, right? Start scanning.
No. 1027769 ID: e5709d

2 Farm: Add someone to the roster, we still need to feed our captives. Have them test the food you scavenged for poison, though.
1 Mess Hall: Keep our old cook at the mess hall, have the cooks take daily shifts.
3 Research
3 Security
2 Cleaning
3 Maintenance
Everyone else, form an expedition on the planet.
No. 1027773 ID: 908530

The most important job. Hire him immediately.
No. 1027774 ID: a9af05

Did we not get any Mc or fuel from the pirate ship?

We came here on a job, so let's finish it up. Assign someone to the scanners and scan the planet and its moons while we're orbiting it here.

Have Togo show us what he's got. Put him in the Mess Hall.

Have Zerk do some janitorial work.

Let's finish researching that Planetary Lander upgrade. Have the same 4 people that were previously working on it (Regina, Iris, Tara and Ikekeki) get back to work. They should be finished after 1 more day of researching!

And Vex isn't allowed in the Medbay for the rest of today, unless it's an emergency. So let's give him something to do.
No. 1027892 ID: 36784c

All of this.

>let’s give Vex something to do.
We can have him work on the Crew Quarters Upgrade. We’re at 19/20 Crew, so we’re going to need to make room for more!

We should also have our farmer, Car Zuk, work on the Hydroponics Bay Upgrade. We’re going to need it in order to be able to provide enough food for all of our crew!
No. 1028028 ID: 681cb5
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>So we have two chefs now?
…we only have one chef? You’re not sure who you think the other one is? People have been manning the mess hall, sure, but none of the crew is specialized in making food.
>Glad we have a janitor specialist, that lessens pressure on cleaning duty. It’s the most important job. Hire him immediately.
You’ve already hired him… and it is, funnily enough, a position you direly needed. Hopefully he can finally defeat that horrid fungus we picked up way back in the first system.

>Did we not get any Mc or fuel from the pirate ship?
:DoxySA: Sadly no, sir. They were telling the truth when they said they had no credits, as even combining every last credstick we found it amounted to not even half a Mega-Credit. They do have some fuel, though, but it’s already inside their engine, powering it.
>We came here on a job, so let's finish it up. Assign someone to the scanners and scan the planet and its moons while we're orbiting it here.
:ZentoSA: Eki has shown quite a bit of skill with the scanner, so assign her.
:DoxySA: Will do, sir.
>Have Togo show us what he's got. Put him in the Mess Hall.
:ZentoSA: I want to see what kind of food a proper chef can make.
:DoxySA: Done, boss.
>Have Zerk do some janitorial work.
:ZentoSA: See if he can finally clean up this mess of a ship.
:DoxySA: I’ll put him to work, sir.
>2 Farm: Add someone to the roster, we still need to feed our captives.
:ZentoSA: Keep Car Zuk there, obviously… and… hmm… Tes, maybe?
:DoxySA: Car Zuk and Tes, got it.
:ZentoSA: Prioritize giving the food we scavenged to the prisoners… just in case they poisoned it or something.
:DoxySA: I’ll make sure to tell Dante that, boss.

>And Vex isn't allowed in the Medbay for the rest of today, unless it's an emergency.
:DoxySA: Of course.
>We can have him work on the Crew Quarters Upgrade. We’re at 19/20 Crew, so we’re going to need to make room for more!
:DoxySA: I’ll divert our resources to the construction, sir. This will mean we’ll turn those dangerous animals and plants into material, though.
:ZentoSA: I don’t see what use we have for something that dangerous… besides, we’re orbiting a planet full of dangerous fauna and flora, and it’s not like we’re even making a dent in that ecosystem.
>We should also have our farmer, Car Zuk, work on the Hydroponics Bay Upgrade. We’re going to need it in order to be able to provide enough food for all of our crew!
You’d rather have Car Zuk work on making more food… so let’s assign someone else.
:ZentoSA: Put… Zell on that task.
:DoxySA: Got it.
>And the rest.
:ZentoSA: Put Regina and Rosewater on research, so that we can finally finish those bio-shields.
:DoxySA: Right, sir.
:ZentoSA: Dante and Shara on Security, to make sure the pirates doesn’t try anything.
:DoxySA: Uh huh…
:ZentoSA: And… who’s left? That mushroom lady, Gherni, on maintenance?
:DoxySA: Right… though, you still have four people left, sir.
:ZentoSA: Oh, I know… I got a plan for them. Tell them to meet me in the hangar as soon as possible, Commander.
:DoxySA: Will do, sir.


:ZentoSA: Alright team, I know this might be a bit much right after our encounter with the pirates, but I need a specialized team for an important rescue mission. Our lost sisters and brothers are stuck inside a facility down on cracked planet and we need to retrieve them as soon as possible.
:TaraSA: …it’s an interesting group you’ve made. I venture that you don’t expect anything dangerous?
:ZentoSA: Dangers? I’m sure there will be dangers. But I don’t expect heavy resistance and I rather have our hard hitters keeping an eye on the pirates.
:TaraSA: But we won’t go down completely unarmed, will we?
:ZentoSA: We will have the same weaponry we had against the pirates. Our shock rifles should be able to deal with most dangers we might face down there.
:ShalSA: Don’t worry, sir, I’m sure if we meet anything dangerous I can fuck it up.
:ZentoSA: …do you have more than just basic combat training, Shal?
:ShalSA: No, but grandma has showed me a few tricks. Sure, I prefer to shoot down enemy ships, but it’s not that hard to crack some skulls.
:ZentoSA: I’ll keep that in mind, though currently we are in need of your piloting skills. There probably won’t be a nice and easy landing spot down there. As for the rest of you… Iris, we’ll probably need your engineering skills to get through the facility.
:IrisSA: I’m happy to help, daddy!
:ZentoSA: Lt. Tozlan, seeing that you’re more of a local than we are, you’ll have to guide us a bit.
:TozlanSA: You can count on me, friend.
:ZentoSA: And Tara… you’re just well-rounded enough of a crewmember that you’re bound to be of use.
:TaraSA: Hmpf…
:ZentoSA: Now, we’re leaving in an hour. Suit up, make sure all your gear is up to snuff and do whatever it is you need to do before we leave. That is all.
No. 1028029 ID: 681cb5
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The five of you fly a cruiser over to the Cyan planet, down towards where you detected that energy signal earlier. On your way, you spot what is clearly ruins of old facilities and roads… and going by how they are laid out, it’s clear they were leading towards the ground zero of whatever weapon the IOD used on this planet.

Hidden under at least half a meter of dust and dirt, you manage to unearth an old steel gate meant for smaller space crafts. Shal makes short work of it with the dual Laz Cannons the Cruiser is equipped with and the five of you start making your way down the shaft behind it, the ship removing anything blocking the way with its weaponry.

Finally, after going through one last gate, you land inside a underground chamber still lit by artificial lightning…

:ZentoSA: Oxygen detected… no radiation or dangerous substances detected… this place seems to be in a lot better condition than I thought… keep your suits on and keep alert, team.
:IrisSA: This seem to be some kind of hangar, but it’s clearly seen better days.
:ShalSA: Tell me about it. All the other ships here are just heaps of shit.
:TozlanSA: Let’s see… according to the text on the walls, then there’s a security station to our right… and crew quarters to our left…
:ZentoSA: Hmm… the door to the crew quarters seems to both enforced and locked. Seems like they don’t want anyone going through there uninvited.
:IrisSA: Give me some time and I might be able to cut our way through that door, dad.
:ShalSA: Or we can just blow a hole in the fucker with the ship, just like we did with the front entrance.
:TaraSA: Is it just me, or is there a way down under all that wreckage at the bottom? I’m not sure if it’s an elevator or if there’s a hole there, but I think we can go deeper into the facility there.
:IrisSA: Well… I’m sure I can cut through that too… but it will be a bit harder.
:ShalSA: Or we can just blow it up? With the ship?
:IrisSA: We can’t just blow everything up, Shal.
:ShalSA: Of course we freaking can! Let’s start blasting until there’s nothing more to blast already!
:ZentoSA: Hmm… let’s calm down and think this through, crew.
No. 1028033 ID: ded0c8

Let's not blow up the door with the potential people in it. Iris can open it up with some time. In the meantime we should clear the door to the right, since is not locked. Once we have that part cleared, we can try to clear the debris in the hole, if its not possible, we could use some light explosives. Check if there is anything salvageable here, but the priority is to make sure there are no hostiles first.
No. 1028043 ID: 36784c

There’s a map on the wall downstairs. Let’s look at that so we can see how big this place is.

>Give me some time and I might be able to cut our way through that door, dad.
It might be better to go check the security station. Since this place is in better condition than expected, we might get lucky and discover that we can unlock the doors and power down any defenses that might still be active.

If that’s not possible, then we can let Iris try cutting through the door.

>heart rate
It’s interesting to see how different Tozlan’s and Shal’s vitals are from the Sakkilians vitals.

>the priority is to make sure there are no hostiles first.
No. 1028062 ID: 96c896

Nice salvage.
Wait, if the passages are blocked off where did we get the reports of cryopods from? Maybe that rubble wasn't there before. That would indicate that is the direction we need to go.
We should check the security room first to see if we can remotely open doors.
No. 1028070 ID: 36784c

>Wait, if the passages are blocked off where did we get the reports of cryopods from?
It was when Vex skipped out on doing maintenance and started doing that autopsy without our permission. He found a personal datapad in the stomach of one of the bodies.

And it was mentioned in these posts: >>1023738 , >>1024270 , that the personal datapad that belonged to the aliens had notes about how the aliens had found what was described as “frozen coffins”, which Doxy confirmed were actually Sakkilian cryopods.
No. 1028113 ID: 96c896

Yes thank you I should have said "how did anyone get to the pods to see them"
No. 1028123 ID: 36784c

Since the personal datapad we found was 40 years old, it's safe to assume that 40 years ago, there wasn't any debris blocking the passage.

The passage probably got blocked when the IOD cracked the planet, which happened after the aliens had already found the pods.
No. 1028183 ID: 96c896

OH, shit I just realized we may have made a huge mistake.

How do we know those creatures the pirates captured aren't sapient? Also, we might be able to sell them for more than their raw materials are worth. We should hold off on chopping them up until we get back to the station and have someone look at them.
No. 1028195 ID: 36784c

If they were sapient, the pirates would've put collars on them to make them slaves.

Also it's too late. We already gave the order to turn those things into building materials before we left the ship. They're currently being used to make upgrades on the ship while we're here looking for cryo pods.
No. 1028241 ID: c09f5e

I'm more with first comment. Even if they aren't sapient, the pirates must have found them valuable enough to not convert to OM right away. Would have said this earlier, but I was on break.

That said, we are running in a food deficit soon. If they're just trophy animals, it's probably not worth hanging on to. If they're scientific curios, expect to hear from the good doctor soon, as local (and dangerous) flora and fauna are as good as research topic as any.
No. 1028244 ID: 681cb5
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>How do we know those creatures the pirates captured aren't sapient?
You’d think they’d just use a pair of collars to enslave them if they were sapient… and while we can’t be 100% sure at the moment, it seems extremely unlikely.
>We should hold off on chopping them up until we get back to the station and have someone look at them.
A bit too late for that. Doxy should have already processed them by now… not that you can even contact her from your current location anyway. Currently, your comms can’t reach The Shed Scale, at least not to the extent required to hold that kind of conversation.
>We might be able to sell them for more than their raw materials are worth.
Now that’s a possibility that makes sense. Why were the pirates so interested in those life forms in the first place? They’ve spent days collecting them, after all. Might be prudent to ask them about it, to see if collecting more of them might be worth it.

>It’s interesting to see how different Tozlan’s and Shal’s vitals are from the Sakkilians vitals.
They are indeed quite alien. You do know that Tozlan supposedly doesn’t have a real heart, instead having a bunch of smaller muscles pumping the blood… and Shal… actually, you have no idea how a rock can produce a pulse that look like that…
>Wait, if the passages are blocked off where did we get the reports of cryopods from? How did anyone get to the pods to see them?
There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding here. This facility was destroyed 40 years ago at the end of the IOD war. Right before that a comm-officer on one of the ships that was in protective orbit around this planet saw what we believe is a group of Sakkilian Cryopods being delivered here to be researched. We then found his personal data-pad and thus his diary of the events. Of course, this means that it’s been 40 years since these pods was last sighted, which means that even with taking their 100 years guaranteed functionality they might have malfunctioned by now. Or someone has moved them. Either way, we need to try and see if we can find survivors… or worst case scenario, get information on where they were found… or where they were taken if they were moved.

>There’s a map on the wall downstairs. Let’s look at that so we can see how big this place is.
There is indeed an old map hanging on the wall and it’s still readable even though it’s in a really bad shape. Though, you’re kind of worried that touching it will break apart the plastic even more…
:TozlanSA: Well, this will help a lot, friend. What were we looking for again?
:ZentoSA: Cryo-pods… though those that made this map didn’t know what it was.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… I guess we need to dive deeper then, all the way down the bottom mire.
:ZentoSA: “Alien artifacts” do sound promising.
:TozlanSA: Let just hope all those elevators and stairwells are still unobstructed. Then again, are we sure they are even here? The map points to other parts of the facility named A1 and C1 after all.
:ZentoSA: This is the only one we detected with the energy scan, so let’s focus on this one first.
:TozlanSA: Understood, friend.
No. 1028245 ID: 681cb5
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>Nice salvage.
:IrisSA: I’m sure I can get some BM and NM from these ships, if given time.
:ShalSA: Just remember, we only got one shitty little ship, so our storage capacity will max out rather quickly. The way down here was fucking annoying and time consuming as well, so I rather no fly down here again just to get some stinking metal.
:ZentoSA: Our first priority is the cryo-pods. We’ll see about other loot after that.
>The priority is to make sure there are no hostiles first.
:ShalSA: This place is a tomb, sir. Everyone is long dead.
:TozlanSA: I’m not sure… I thought I heard something move just a moment ago…
:TaraSA: Are you sure? All I can hear is the hum of the electronics…
:ZentoSA: It might have been some kind of machinery deeper down that still functional?
:TozlanSA: It’s possible… just be on your guard, just in case a snapper is hiding in the sludge…

>Let's not blow up the door with the potential people in it.
:ShalSA: Sir, with all due respect, I’m really sure that none of the people who manned this facility are still alive… or if they are, they clearly aren’t here.
:IrisSA: Still, blowing it up seem like a waste of explosives…
:TaraSA: Not to mention if any hostiles are here, we’ll definitely notify them of our arrival if we start using munitions.
:ShalSA: Pff, come on guys, live a little.
>Iris can open it up with some time.
:IrisSA: Just give me a moment to get my tools, dad, and I’ll have it open in five, maybe ten.
>Once we have that part cleared, we can try to clear the debris in the hole, if it’s not possible, we could use some light explosives.
:IrisSA: Hmm… well, I might be able to cut my way through it, but I’ll need to see what’s below it as well. Here’s the thing, dad, cutting just a hole will probably make it difficult to climb down… and even more so to climb up again. Using explosives on the other hand will probably clear the blockage completely, but it make it collapse on whatever it is that’s below us… not to mention, I only got one blast charge with me as well.
:TaraSA: And it might alert possible hostiles to our position.
:ShalSA: And it will be sweet as fuck. And the ship has a lot of ammo, if you want to blow shit up, sir.
:ZentoSA: …I’ll consider it then. Continue with the door, Iris.
:IrisSA: Will do, dad!

>It might be better to go check the security station. Since this place is in better condition than expected, we might get lucky and discover that we can unlock the doors and power down any defenses that might still be active.
:TaraSA: Affirmative, Captain. Shal, let’s see if that what’s behind that door.
:ShalSA: Hey, it’s still got power. Just need to press a button and we’ll-
:TaraSA: Wait! Don’t stand in front of-
You can hear the swooshing of a door opening followed by a very loud beep from the other side of the debris pile, where the security office is located.
:ShalSA: GAH!
Something starts to spin and a quick succession of clicks follow. *click*click*click*click*
:ShalSA: No need to shove! It doesn’t ev-
*BLAM!*click*BLAM!*BLAM!*click*BLAM!*Click*BLAM* the sound of projectiles hitting steel rings out around the hangar, as several shots are fired into the room.
:ShalSA: Oh…
:ZentoSA: What’s your status?
:TaraSA: Neither of us are hurt, we’re just shaken.
The sentry gun fires off a few final shots before it audibly starts to slow its spinning down, going into sleep mode once again as the door quietly slid close. Even if the it barely functions, it is still a clear danger to you all.
:TaraSA: …at least we didn’t trigger an alarm or-
The sound of metal hitting metal echoes from below, followed by a uneasy silence…
:TozlanSA: You guys heard that too, right.
:TaraSA: That definitely sounded like someone is moving around.
:IrisSA: I’m not so sure… it might have been some kind of machinery down below? We might have activated something down there.
:ShalSA: No matter what, we’ll kick it’s ass, don’t you worry.
:ZentoSA: …right, enough playing around. We just proved that this is a life or death mission, so focus people. Be alert from now on.

Good news, the security system still works… bad news, that includes roof mounted sentry guns.

[You make a quick check of everyone’s inventories.]
:ZentoSA: You are equipped with a sleep gun and a hidden stun “rod” in your left glove.
:ShalSA: Shal is equipped with shock rifle and a remote control for the cruiser… which won’t be very useful outside the hangar.
:TaraSA: Tara is equipped with a shock rifle, two concussion grenades and some simple tools like a crowbar.
:IrisSA: Iris is equipped with a stun rod and engineering equipment for cutting through and removing obstructions and doors, as well as one blast charge for removing even worse stuff.
:TozlanSA: Tozlan is equipped with some kind of… sound gun that according to him liquefies your insides if you’re hit by it, as well as a data-pad capable of interacting with the terminals we might find down here.
No. 1028249 ID: ded0c8

Ok, lesson lerned: don't go oppening doors all casual-like.
We lost the element of surprise, so we have to be on the defensive. How should we deactivate the turret?
No. 1028262 ID: 96c896

Ok, so, we're fighting machines. Half of our weapons are useless-- only the shock rifles and grenades will be any good. What's the ammo count like on those?
Hmm, I wonder if the turret would fire at a Sakkilian? Eh, it's probably coded to check the crew database.

Anyway, zap the turret then get into the security station. We need eyes on the rest of the ship.
No. 1028268 ID: 80918a

>these pods was last sighted, which means that even with taking their 100 years guaranteed functionality they might have malfunctioned by now.
What exactly happens with a malfunctioning cryo pod? Does that just kill whoever is inside or does it open and release whoever is inside?

Because if it opens and releases, then we might get lucky and find a Sakkilian walking around somewhere. But depending on how long they've been stuck here, they might have gone crazy from being alone and they'll think everyone is a bunch of hallucinations, which might result in them attacking us.

>Iris working on door
Have Tozlan listen for any movement on the other side of the door before Iris opens it all the way.

That doesn't look like it's capable of shooting multiple targets if they're split up.

First thing we should do is find out if it automatically shoots when the door opens or if it shoots when it detects motion.

Get a piece of scrap from one of the other ships in here, then stand off to the sides of the door. Open the door and wait to see if the turret immediately shoots. If it doesn’t, then toss the piece of scrap through the door to see if it gets shot. If the turret shoots the piece of scrap, then we can toss another piece of scrap in there to distract the turret long enough for someone to shoot the turret.

>The sound of metal hitting metal echoes from below, followed by a uneasy silence…
What did it sound like? Did it sound like Morse Code or someone trying to get your attention to come to where they are? Or was it just a random sound?
No. 1028273 ID: 36784c

There are stairs behind the turret. According to the map, we can go through the door Iris is working on, then go down and around to come up behind the turret and into the room behind it to turn it off. The downside is that this means that we’d have to deal with whatever other defenses might still be active.

But if we stayed here and took out the turret, we’d be able to get into the next room and turn off the defenses to make exploring the rest of this facility much easier.

The shock rifles should be able to short circuit the turret. But if that doesn’t work, we might need to just go through the other door when Iris gets it open and go around behind the turret.
No. 1028276 ID: e5709d

Those defense systems must be rotted at this point. Grab some raw techscrap, jury rig some faulty robots, and hurl them into the rooms.
You can also use the pirates' Freeze Rifles to disable the turrets without dealing too much damage.
No. 1028416 ID: 681cb5
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>What did it sound like? Did it sound like Morse Code or someone trying to get your attention to come to where they are? Or was it just a random sound?
It sounded more like someone dropping a toolbox down a flight of stairs… just a lot of loud noises.
>Ok, lesson learned: don't go opening doors all casual-like.
Lesson learned: Make sure the ensigns follow proper procedures while opening doors in hostile environments.

>Those defense systems must be rotten at this point.
They are clearly not functioning correctly, seeing as at least half the shots from that thing didn’t properly fire. Of course, this is both a good and a bad thing as it will make it easier to disable, but malfunctioning equipment might be dangerous in unintended ways as well.
>Hmm, I wonder if the turret would fire at a Sakkilian? Eh, it's probably coded to check the crew database.
Would they even know what a Sakkilian was back when this place was still manned? But no, it probably just fires on anything that moves. That’s the easiest way to program it after all.
>There are stairs behind the turret. According to the map, we can go through the door Iris is working on, then go down and around to come up behind the turret and into the room behind it to turn it off. The downside is that this means that we’d have to deal with whatever other defenses might still be active.
Going around like that will force us to pretty much go through the whole facility, making it kind of pointless to get into the security station in the first place.

>Ok, so, we're fighting machines. Half of our weapons are useless-- only the shock rifles and grenades will be any good.
The stun rod, if overclocked, will do the same thing as a shock rifle though only at close range. The sleep gun is useless though… and as for Tozlan sonic weapon…
:TozlanSA: A direct hit will vibrate that sentry gun into sludge, friend. In fact, I might even be able to hit it through the door, as the projectile will travel a short distance through walls.
:ZentoSA: Which means you might hit whatever is in the security station if you fire that thing as well. So no, stay your fire lieutenant.
>What's the ammo count like on those?
All your weapons have enough battery power for days of prolonged use. Ammo is not a concern.

>The shock rifles should be able to short circuit the turret.
:ZentoSA: We need to give that turret a bit of a shock next time we open that door. Anyone think they can make that shot?
:ShalSA: I can make the shot, as long as that thing isn’t fucking riddling me with bullets.
>First thing we should do is find out if it automatically shoots when the door opens or if it shoots when it detects motion.
:TaraSA: Everyone, take cover. I’m opening the door in 3… 2… 1…
Once again you hear the loud beep as the door slides open, followed the sentry spinning its gun again… but this time it doesn’t fire and instead goes back to sleep after a few seconds.
:TaraSA: It think it’s reacting to motion, sir.
:ZentoSA: Use some scrap to distract it, so Shal can get a clean shot.
:ShalSA: Armed and ready.
:TaraSA: Tossing scrap in 3… 2… 1…
As soon as the scrap metal enter the guns line of sight it once more beeps and starts spinning it’s gun, and soon enough you hear it firing a few shots into the floor where the scrap landed before the familiar crackle of a shock rifles echoes through the facility. The sentry didn’t stand a chance against Shal’s aim.
:ShalSA: Booyaah! Eat lighting and die!
:IrisSA: Nice shoot, hitting a stationary target and all.
:ShalSA: Oh, sod off.
:ZentoSA: Good work Shal and Tara, the sentry gun is offline. Keep alert, people, there might be more security measures ahead.

Carefully, you and Tozlan make your way further into the security corridor. Just as the map said, there’s a stairwell here leading down deeper into the facility as well as upwards towards what you assume is the security station proper. There’s also a door leading forward as well, but it’s been completely destroyed by some kind of overgrown flora.

:ZentoSA: What kind of plant is this? The roots have smashed right through he door.
:TozlanSA: I’m unsure of the exact species, friend, but seeing as the Hydroponics bay is supposedly on the other side of that door, I’m going to guess it might be something artificially created for oxygen and food production.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… the automated systems seems to be taking care of them a bit too well… will we be able to traverse it?
:TozlanSA: Unlikely, friend. I don’t see how we’ll even be able to get that steel door open easily, as it’s been completely consumed by the roots, and that’s not even considering what kind of kelp thicket that will be waiting for us on the other side.
:IrisSA: Dad? Are you just going to leave me here all alone? I’m still working on this door…
:ZentoSA: Don’t worry, hun, I’ll send someone over to babysit you.
:IrisSA: Dad!
:ZentoSA: I’m just joking, geez…
No. 1028417 ID: 681cb5
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>We lost the element of surprise, so we have to be on the defensive.
:TaraSA: We can’t get bogged down either, sir. We’re not here to fight.
:ZentoSA: Indeed, so let’s remember our mission. Find those cryo-pods and get out of here. Still, we can’t expect to sneak by any hostiles anymore, so keep your weapons ready.
>Have Tozlan listen for any movement on the other side of the door before Iris opens it all the way.
:TozlanSA: … … …can’t hear anything but foam, sir.
:ZentoSA: Keep listening… and keep an eye… um… ear on Iris while she works.
:TozlanSA: Will do, captain.
:IrisSA: Just give me another minute…

:ZentoSA: Tara, keep an eye on the hangar. Shal, you’re with me. We’re heading up to the security station.
:TaraSA: Affirmative, sir.
:ShalSA: Let’s fucking go!
:ZentoSA: Be careful in the stairwell, it’s an ample spot for an ambush.
:ShalSA: The stairwell is secure, sir.
:ZentoSA: I’ve never trusted stairs… they are always up to something.
:ShalSA: … … …right, sir… moving on…

The two of you make your way up the stairs without incident and find the control room for the security. There are two empty weapon lockers on the wall, as well as a large terminal filled to the brim with different screens… and finally some really old… you believe they are Raolme bones on the floor, but you’re unsure…

:ShalSA: Aw man, all the weapon lockers are already looted…
:ZentoSA: But the cameras are still working, look.
:ShalSA: The whole A1 facility seems to be offline, leaving only the ones in B1, though… and even then only five out of nine seems to be functional as the rest has gone to shit.
No. 1028418 ID: 681cb5
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The only cameras that are still working are the ones in the hangar, the trapped security corridor right below you (both which aren’t of interest to you right now), as well as the ones in the Mess Hall, Storage and Lab B1. Your gaze quickly gets stuck on the screen showing the lab, barely even throwing a glance at the other monitors.

:ZentoSA: There, look! Sakkilian Cryo-pods!
:ShalSA: They are located in Lab B1.
:ZentoSA: And at least two of them seem to still function. We need to retrieve them as soon as possible.

>What exactly happens with a malfunctioning cryo pod? Does that just kill whoever is inside or does it open and release whoever is inside?
It depends on the malfunction. If possible, the pod will start the thawing procedure and wake up its occupant, just as it did on The Shed Scale. But if that’s not possible… well… let just say it isn’t pretty if someone is taken out a cryo-pod without said procedure.
>We might get lucky and find a Sakkilian walking around somewhere.
Possible, but unlikely… but let’s keep an eye out on any signs of Sakkilian activity, just in case.

:ZentoSA: Alright, we have found our target. We need to get down to the Lab at the bottom of this facility.
:IrisSA: [Dad, I’m almost done. Shall I wait with opening the door or…?]
:ShalSA: The fuck was that?
:ZentoSA: What was what?
:ShalSA: No, I… I just thought I saw something move… but it was just a shadow of something swaying around in the storage bay.
No. 1028419 ID: 96c896

Why would anything be swaying? There's something down there I bet. Looks like eggs in the mess hall. Seems some sort of creatures made a nest here.

Is the door to Comms open? That'd be a better route than trying to go through the infested Mess Hall. Can we unlock any doors from the security station? Can we move the cameras around?
How are we going to get the cryo pods out? Maybe we need to get the freight elevator working... which means we should try to remove the debris without damaging the shaft.

I think we might actually want to stop trying to open the crew quarters, if we can get through via Comms.
No. 1028425 ID: 424737

Can you control the cameras? Make them move up and down or are they stationary? Someone should keep an eye on these things.

We already knew there was somthing there. Just don't know what exactly. Either way, we need to go top the lab, so get ready for hostiles, probably feral creatures.
No. 1028463 ID: 36784c

Check to see if there’s anything you can do from security. Are there any defenses you can turn off or doors you can unlock?

>Sakkilian Cryo-pods!
One of them is open. Maybe there’s someone walking around down here?

>No, I…I just thought I saw something move…but it was just a shadow of something swaying around in the storage bay.
Whatever it was, it wouldn’t start swaying around on its own. There’s most likely something in storage that bumped into whatever Shal saw start swaying.

Actually, if you look at the bottom left of what’s visible in the storage bay, you can see a small yellow thing. It kinda looks like it could be part of whatever infested the mess hall.
No. 1028474 ID: b3447b

>Lesson learned
Here's another lesson: Get armor and real weapons. You better hope that your team's current equipment will be enough to handle any potential hostiles that can't be stunned by your stun guns!

>cryo pods
>We need to retrieve them as soon as possible.
You might need to get the freight elevator unblocked in order to get them up here.

>[Dad, I’m almost done. Shall I wait with opening the door or…?]
"Wait a moment. The security cameras are showing some sort of infestation in the Mess Hall and it's leading up the stairs into the Crew Quarters. Shal and I are going to see if we can find an alternate route through the Comms room over here. If we can't find anything, wait for us to come over there before you open the door."

Hopefully there's nothing blocking our route in the Comms room.

>Actually, if you look at the bottom left of what’s visible in the storage bay, you can see a small yellow thing. It kinda looks like it could be part of whatever infested the mess hall.
Yeah, I see that and I think you're right. Whatever that is, it's on the left side of storage, closest to the Mess Hall where the infestation is.
No. 1028765 ID: 9a1314

"Wait on opening the door. There's something alive here that's neither us nor on ice."

Regroup. There is 100% something alive on this station other than your crew and the plants. Make sure everyone stays together, but no so close than one wide attack could hit all of you. To your knowledge there is nothing time sensitive about the mission, so safety is the #1 priority.

I'm sure your shock rifles can scorch the plants down to ash if need be.

Opening the mess hall is DEFINITELY not a good idea.
No. 1029297 ID: 681cb5
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>Here's another lesson: Get armor and real weapons. You better hope that your team's current equipment will be enough to handle any potential hostiles that can't be stunned by your stun guns!
Sadly, you simply haven’t had the necessary equipment or the time to properly outfit your crew with decent weapons. Remember, The Shed Scale only had the absolute necessities on it when it made its emergency launch.

>How are we going to get the cryo pods out?
They should have a portable mode with functional anti-grav systems, where you simply pop out the cryo-tube with the Sakkilian in it and move only that part. As long as we get them to our own cryo-pods within 30 hours, they should be fine.
>You might need to get the freight elevator unblocked in order to get them up here.
Using the freight elevator would be the easiest way to get them up, but it will require you to be in the open for an extended time. It would also be possible to get them up the stairs, given time, but it would make you a prime target for an ambush. Hmm… no matter which route you chose, there are pros and cons.
>One of them is open. Maybe there’s someone walking around down here?
How long would a naked, alone and very confused Sakkilian even survive down there? ...and something tells you the things moving around down in the Storage bay isn’t a Sakkilian either… no, chances of one of your kind just walking around in here is rather slim.
>I'm sure your shock rifles can scorch the plants down to ash if need be.
…you really don’t want to start a massive fire inside an enclosed space like this. There has to be a better way down.

>Why would anything be swaying? Whatever it was, it wouldn’t start swaying around on its own.
:ShalSA: Maybe it was some kind of machinery that moved?
:ZentoSA: Or someone is down there… or something. Doesn’t matter if it is a dangerous creature or dangerous machines, we need to be on our guard.
>We already knew there was something there. Just don't know what exactly.
:ShalSA: Well, why don’t we go down there and kick their ass?
:ZentoSA: …and if there are more than one thing down there?
:ShalSA: Then we’ll kick their fucking ass too!
:ZentoSA: *Sigh* You’re just like your grandmother…

>Wait on opening the door. There's something alive here that's neither us nor on ice.
:IrisSA: Affirmative, dad.
:TozlanSA: Are you sure, friend? I can’t hear anything from here.
:ZentoSA: The security cameras are showing some sort of infestation in the Mess Hall. There’s a lot of green goo and… some kind of eggs hanging from the ceiling, I think? Either way, we’re definitely not going to go that way. Lt. Tozlan, do you have any experience with this kind of... “infestation”?
:TozlanSA: Green goo? Um… I don’t think so? I’m not an expert on Xeno’s, friend…
:IrisSA: Does it matter? Green goo and eggs means “No thanks”. No way am I going down to the mess hall if that’s the case!
:TaraSA: Then what are your orders, Captain? Where are we going?
>Regroup. There is 100% something alive on this station other than your crew and the plants. Make sure everyone stays together.
:TozlanSA: You heard the Captain. Everyone, to the security station.
:TaraSA: On my way!
:IrisSA: W-wait for me!
It doesn’t take long for the others to join you and Shal in the security room.
:TozlanSA: Everyone are present, captain, what are your orders?

>To your knowledge there is nothing time sensitive about the mission, so safety is the #1 priority.
:TaraSA: The more time we spend down here, the bigger the chance are that we wake up whatever is infesting this facility.
:TozlanSA: Which is why we need to take our time. No need to start swimming and waking up the sludge snappers when we can just float down with the current.
:IrisSA: …I for one don’t want to spend a minute more than necessary down here than we have too. Ugh, just looking at all that goo makes me want to bury myself in the sand…
:ShalSA: …let just nuke it from orbit? It’s the only way to be sure.
:ZentoSA: Let’s calm down and do this properly. If we are careful we might just be able to quickly grab the Cryo-pods and leave before anyone notices us.
>We need to go to the lab, so get ready for hostiles, probably feral creatures.
:IrisSA: Feral creatures? Are you sure?
:ZentoSA: I don’t think a non-feral alien would turn the mess hall into that mess… unless I’m wrong, Tozlan? Are there a sentient alien who make those kinds of nests?
:TozlanSA: Um… I… I don’t think so, friend? At least, not that I know of? I mean… um… I’m not an expert on anything non-Raolme…

>Check to see if there’s anything you can do from security.
:TozlanSA: My datapad should be able to interact with this terminal, friend. Just give me a second and I’ll unlock it. There, now everyone should be able to use it.
:ZentoSA: So… what can we do from here? Can we move the cameras? Unlock any doors? Are there any defenses we can shut down?
:TaraSA: The cameras seems to be stationary, so no, we can’t move them around.
:IrisSA: I believe we can lock/unlock all the doors in this sector from here, daddy. Though, going by these readings, then the doors between the Mess Hall, Storage and Comms are all broken… as well as both doors into the Hydroponics bay. Currently, the door between the Crew Quarters and the Hanger and the door between the Artifact storage and the Lab are locked, as well as the one into Comms from here.
:ShalSA: There’s another functional sentry gun located in the storage bay, but it’s currently offline, though I can easily fix that if you want to, captain. There are also a lot of anti-ship cannons outside the station as well… though they have all been destroyed. Hmm… I was expecting more defenses in a place like this.
:ZentoSA: If the enemy finds this place and manage to penetrate the facility it’s already over. The doors and sentry guns are just there to give the lab downstairs enough time to destroy all the data before the enemy gets their hands on it. Let just hope they didn’t succeed.
:IrisSA: The cryo-pods seem to still be online, so they didn’t at least destroy those.
>Someone should keep an eye on these things.
:TaraSA: If someone is staying here we’ll need to split up. Which one or ones are staying here, captain?

>Is the door to Comms open?
:IrisSA: It is open now, dad.
>See if you can find an alternate route through the Comms room over here.
As a group, the five of you slowly make your way down the stairwell with weapons drawn. Shal is taking the lead and is thus the one who opens the door into the Comm station.
:ShalSA: Area secure, no fucking hostiles around as far as I can see.
:ZentoSA: Then what are you seeing? This stairwell is too small for the rest of us the really get a good look into Comms.
:ShalSA: It’s a shit show, sir. Everything has been ripped apart, there’s major tears and even holes in both the floor, walls and ceiling… and finally, I’m pretty sure the door into storage have been ripped open, though I have no visual into that area from my current location, sir. Do you wish-
:TozlanSA: Shh!!
:ZentoSA: …?
:TozlanSA: There are definitely something moving around in the storage bay, something that’s alive. Though, I don’t think they know we’re hiding in the seaweed just yet, friend.
:ShalSA: Orders, sir?
No. 1029299 ID: 96c896

>doors, locked/broken
I don't suppose we can tell if the broken doors are open or closed?
Hey, one door was unmentioned. What's the status of the door between Crew Quarters and Mess Hall?
>who stays at the security station?
Tara, I think. Her heartrate is still elevated.

One of the cables hanging from the ceiling is moving... and there's green stuff in the corner. Peek up as you enter. Move quietly.
No. 1029300 ID: 96c896

Oh, and what about the door between Storage and Artifact Storage?
No. 1029351 ID: 36784c

Make sure she looks up when she enters. She can’t see directly above the door from where she currently is.

I do not like how that vent is completely open. It makes me think that whatever is down here could be crawling around in the vents!
No. 1029359 ID: a9af05

>One of the cables hanging from the ceiling is moving...and there's green stuff in the corner. Peek up as you enter. Move quietly.
Do this.

Let's try to be careful here.
No. 1029404 ID: f2320a

Is that wire next too the vent moving?
No. 1030036 ID: 681cb5
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>Tara, I think. Her heart rate is still elevated.
:TaraSA: Yes, because making me stay in a very enclosed space looking at creepy cameras all alone will lower my heart rate.
:ZentoSA: There’s only one door into the security station and it’s lockable. You’re a big girl, Tara, you’ll be fine.
:ShalSA: Fine? She’ll be missing out on all the ass kicking we’ll do!
:TaraSA: I’m sure I’ll live, Shal. But here, Captain, take these concussion grenades. They won’t be of any use up in the security station.
:ZentoSA: Thank you, Ensign. Now start moving.
:TaraSA: On my way, sir.

>I don't suppose we can tell if the broken doors are open or closed?
:IrisSA: They were all marked as closed but… well, seeing the door to the comm room was marked “closed”… let just say we can’t be sure what status they are in, dad.
>Hey, one door was unmentioned. What's the status of the door between Crew Quarters and Mess Hall?
:IrisSA: It wasn’t on the list. I guess it can’t be locked?
>Oh, and what about the door between Storage and Artifact Storage?
:IrisSA: Also not on the list. I’m guessing the freight elevator is controlled from somewhere else… probably from a console in the storage bay.

>Make sure she looks up when she enters. She can’t see directly above the door from where she currently is.
:ShalSA: No hostiles spotted. We’re green.
:TozlanSA: As far as I can tell, the comm room is empty… but there is definitely movement in the storage bay and beyond, friend…
>I do not like how that vent is completely open. It makes me think that whatever is down here could be crawling around in the vents!
:IrisSA: Those vents are way too small for anyone to fit in, dad.
:ZentoSA: We’re dealing with aliens, Iris, it’s possible they are far smaller than us.
:TozlanSA: These vents would explain the echoing sounds we’ve been hearing.
:ShalSA: There were a pair of fuckers in the hanger as well, in the corner, near the ceiling.
:ZentoSA: There’s probably vents in every room down here… be on your guard, everyone.
>Is that wire next to the vent moving?
:ShalSA: It’s a panel from the ceiling that’s hanging lose, sir, but it is indeed swaying.
:ZentoSA: Which means something down here made it start swaying. Do you see anything else?
:ShalSA: Can’t see shit, capt’. It’s possible something scampered into the vent just before we arrived, but it’s impossible to tell now.
No. 1030037 ID: 681cb5
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>And there's green stuff in the corner.
:IrisSA: Huh… it’s some kind of… organic material? It’s not slimy and gross like I expected, but… it feels like touching plastic? Really hard plastic, the one that doesn’t bend when you press into it. I was really expecting it to be easy to remove, but I’ll need my tools if we want to go through this.
:ZentoSA: And why would we want to go through it?
:IrisSA: There’s several holes here, in the wall… and a bigger one in the floor. In fact, I’m pretty sure I see some kind of light down there as well.
:ZentoSA: …Tozlan?
:TozlanSA: Don’t ask me, I have no idea what this sludge is, friend.
:IrisSA: If we cut through this, we might be able to get down to the floor below us... if the light is anything to go by.
:ShalSA: Will my fat arse even fit down that hole?
:IrisSA: I’m sure you’ll fit, if I just get this green gunk out of the way first. Um… I mean, Captain, do you want me to try and cut through it?
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

:TaraSA: Sir, there is definitely moment in the Mess hall now. There are these… small insect like creatures skittering around in there, about a half of your size, sir… what are your orders?
:ShalSA: Yeah, what’s the plan, Sir.

[You make a quick check of everyone’s inventories.]
:ZentoSA: You are equipped with a sleep gun, two concussion grenades and a hidden stun “rod” in your left glove.
:ShalSA: Shal is equipped with shock rifle and a remote control for the cruiser (Including control of its Laz-Cannons).
:TaraSA: Tara is equipped with a shock rifle and some simple tools like a crowbar. She also currently have control over the security of this place.
:IrisSA: Iris is equipped with a stun rod and engineering equipment for cutting through and removing obstructions and doors, as well as one blast charge for removing even worse stuff.
:TozlanSA: Tozlan is equipped with some kind of… sound gun that according to him liquefies your insides if you’re hit by it, as well as a data-pad capable of interacting with the terminals we might find down here.
No. 1030042 ID: 96c896

Half the size of a Sakkilian? Ask our two native aliens if they know what the bugs are. It occurs to me that these things might be sapient. Maybe. Let's not start shooting them with turrets or whatever until we're sure they're hostile. (even if like every narrative/UI element is indicating we're going to have to fight)
If they just kinda peek at us, as if they're afraid or curious, don't shoot. If they charge at us with clear aggression, then by all means activate the turret. Possibly fire a warning shot first.

>cut through the green resin?
Erm. Hold on. We can go down there if we cut our way through, but... can we fit the cryo pod through that passage? If we can then yeah, that looks like a good way to avoid pissing off the bugs.
No. 1030114 ID: 36784c

>there is definitely movement in the storage bay and beyond, friend…
If there’s movement, then that turret in Storage should be shooting at it. Since it’s not shooting, that means the turret should be powered off.

The Freight Lift seems to be stuck in the upward position. Good thing we didn’t try to blast that debris out of the way, since that might have also broken the lift! We should try to access the terminal to see if we can get it moving. It’ll help us get the Cryo Pods upstairs.

And be careful, it looks like there’s something yellow behind the boxes on the left side of the lift in the Storage room!

>There are these…small insect like creatures skittering around in there, about a half of your size, sir…
Tell Tara to listen for anything that might be moving through the vents. These bugs might try to come through them.

It looks like there might be something hiding behind the box directly under the turret in the Storage room. Make sure you look up when you go in.

……is it just me or does it look like there’s some kind of yellow bug right next to Iris? And it looks like it’s got its arms raised and is ready to strike! You better turn around and save Iris!
No. 1030138 ID: 96c896

What's that light green stuff on the floor in the security room?
No. 1030141 ID: 36784c

Bones of a long dead alien.
No. 1030151 ID: 2aa5f0

I see something between the bottom to creates in the next room
No. 1030783 ID: 681cb5
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>What's that light green stuff on the floor in the security room?
It was an old skeleton of what we believe was once a Raolme. Not really important at the moment, as you have no use of old bones in your current situation.
>If there’s movement, then that turret in Storage should be shooting at it. Since it’s not shooting, that means the turret should be powered off.
We already know that the sentry gun is turned off inside the Storage bay, as the security console said as much. Of course, if we want it to start shooting, you can just tell Tara to activate it from the security room.

>Half the size of a Sakkilian?
:TaraSA: If not even smaller, sir.
:ZentoSA: …small enough to fit in the vents?
:TaraSA: …possibly, sir.
>Tell Tara to listen for anything that might be moving through the vents. These bugs might try to come through them.
You hear the sound of metals scrapping against metal from Tara’s comm…
:ZentoSA: Tara, what is your status?
:TaraSA: I’m just moving the security station… so that it is blocking the vent. If those bastards are going to try and ambush me I’m not going to make it easy for them.
:ZentoSA: Will you be alright up there?
:TaraSA: The door is locked and the vent is blocked, sir. I should be safe… and I can survive some stale air for a bit.

>Ask our two native aliens if they know what the bugs are. It occurs to me that these things might be sapient.
:ShalSA: Um… why would I know anything about these fuckers, sir? I got the same academy education like the rest of the crew!
:TozlanSA: Insects, you say? Let’s see… I’m sorry, friend, but sis was always the one who was interested in alien biology, not me, so my knowledge won’t be pearl in the foam.
:ZentoSA: Anything you know will help, Lt. Tozlan.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… I haven’t met one myself but… it might be a… what where they called? Tool? Tal? No, it was Tuul I believe?
:ShalSA: Who gives a shit what they are called. How to we kill the bloody gits?
:ZentoSA: Are they sentient? Can we talk to them?
:TozlanSA: Um… the insect bodies are technically… um… not… but the main Tuul body is?
:ZentoSA: …technically? Tozlan, just tell me how they work in a simple way, no need for any details.
:TozlanSA: Well, friend, they are… odd. The Tuul themselves are… um… I guess the best comparison is a brain in a jar… and they take control of these insect drones to actually do the swimming, which they grow from their body or something? So the insects are more like claws, I guess? Claws that… lives?
:ShalSA: So if we kick the arse of the brain jar, we’ll win?
:ZentoSA: Or we can just talk to them?
:TozlanSA: I guess? Though, I don’t think anyone who’s been stuck down here for the rivers know how long will be very sane, friend.

>We can go down there if we cut our way through, but... can we fit the cryo pod through that passage? If we can then yeah, that looks like a good way to avoid pissing off the bugs.
:IrisSA: Hmm… I’m not sure. If the tunnel is consistent with this size all the way down, then yes, though it will be rather cumbersome.
:ZentoSA: Can you tell if it gets tighter further down from here?
:IrisSA: I can’t, sorry dad… but… going by how the hole is a near perfect circle and how even the edges are… was this made by a drill? Hmm… no, it looks like... acid? Maybe? And why make a hole big enough for a sandstrider to fit in?
>The Freight Lift seems to be stuck in the upward position. Good thing we didn’t try to blast that debris out of the way, since that might have also broken the lift!
:IrisSA: You know, if the lift still works we might just be able to remove the blockage by simply lowering it. That would be way easier, right?
:ShalSA: …but it’s way more fun to blow it up.
:IrisSA: Uh huh… of course it is…
>We should try to access the terminal to see if we can get it moving. It’ll help us get the Cryo Pods upstairs.
:IrisSA: …with Tozlan’s help I might be able to get it to move… if it still can move… though, I don’t think the terminal that’s closes to us is actually working, so I’ll need to get all the way over to the other side of the Storage bay to access the terminal over there.
:TozlanSA: …and there’s definitely something moving over there.
:ShalSA: I’m sure I saw something move near those crates just now too…
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

>I see something between the bottom to creates in the next room.
:ZentoSA: There those indeed seem to be something moving around those crates…
:ShalSA: Yeah, there’s definitely something moving behind those things. You think those dirty cowards are planning an ambush, sir?
>It looks like there might be something hiding behind the box directly under the turret in the Storage room. Make sure you look up when you go in.
:ZentoSA: …and was that a pair of antennas sticking up from behind the crate right next to the door as well?
:ShalSA: …and there’s one too. This is definitely an ambush, sir.
>…is it just me or does it look like there’s some kind of yellow bug right next to Iris? And it looks like it’s got its arms raised and is ready to strike! You better turn around and save Iris!
:ZentoSA: And I think I… w-wait, IRIS!
:IrisSA: Huh, wha- AH!!

Right as the creature strikes with its tail you manage to grab Iris arm and pull her away, narrowly avoiding the wicked looking stinger burrowing into her neck. It screeches loudly when it notice that it missed its prey, probably to alarm its brethren in the next room, before it raises it tail for another strike.
No. 1030784 ID: 681cb5
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:TozlanSA: Get down! I got it i-

Then the deafening sound of complete silence drown out everything. It is like nothing you’ve ever experience, as not only is the world around you silent, but the sound your own body, your own breath and beating of your heart, is absent as well. You watch as the alien insect starts to vibrate intensely, its outer shell cracking under the pressure and cyan ichor spews from its mouth as the it’s surrounded by something bending the very world around it. Then, the sound returns to the world as it fall over, clearly dead.

:ShalSA: -nd kill steal, you sod! That one was mine!
:TozlanSA: Ensign Shal, we’re in a combat zone! Act like it!
:ZentoSA: Is it dead!?
:TozlanSA: Unless it can live with liquefied insides, I’m going to go with yes, sir.
:IrisSA: Holy crap, that was close!
:ZentoSA: Are you okay, Iris?
:IrisSA: I’m… I-I’m fine, dad… just a bit shaken.
:ZentoSA: Good. Now, these things are clearly hostile and willing to use lethal force, so we better-
:TaraSA: Sir, whatever you just did, it woke up the stinger nest.
No. 1030785 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: Tara, report. What’s going on?
:TaraSA: The mess hall just woke up, sir. There are tons of those insects running around in there… and the eggs are hatching, making even more of them. It’s clear that something you just did pissed them off, sir.
:ZentoSA: We just killed one, of course they’ll be rather cross with us.
:TaraSA: Well, you better get ready, because they seem to be grouping up.
:ShalSA: We got hostiles, sir! Several of them in the storage bay!
:ZentoSA: Tozlan, can you try and talk to it?
:TozlanSA: Greeting friends, we apologize for the misunderstanding, but-
All the insects in the storage bay screeches loudly in unison at you.
:ZentoSA: What did it say?
:TozlanSA: I have no idea. It’s just screaming like an animal at us.
:TaraSA: Sir, I just saw something big move down in the lab below you. Something the size a freaking sandstrinder. What are your orders, sir?
:ShalSA: Yeah, what do we do, boss?
No. 1030791 ID: 96c896

The drones hatch from the Tuul's body? But we can see eggs, they're not attached to anything that looks like a body... Does that mean this green stuff is its body? Or is it more like a structural framework and the eggs were just placed in the mess hall after being born by the main Tuul body?

Well, whatever. We got attacked, fired back, and then tried diplomacy. Drone bodies are expendable so I think we should just snipe the one at the turret, turn on the turret, then lay down a wall of fire to *actively discourage* further aggression on their part. We will not be attacking the Tuul's main body though, we're just going to clear out the storage room and use the lift, because these tunnels in the wall aren't safe-- there's something else in here that made them.
Oh, and someone keep an eye on that vent, or wedge something into it so a drone can't get through.
No. 1030797 ID: 96c896

Oh god I just realized, this Tuul didn't come from nowhere. It was probably here all along, kept captive by the people who ran the lab before. So it hates us, because it thinks we're responsible for its imprisonment.
Can we communicate that? That we're not from here, and if it wants freedom then we can help it escape?
No. 1030830 ID: cf7710

Activate the security turrets.
No. 1030849 ID: e9c6f0

Better take out the bug directly under the turret so it doesn't destroy it when we turn it on.

>something big
Sounds like something bigger than the bugs we can currently see is on its way up. Better thin thier numbers before it gets here!
No. 1030920 ID: 01fe07

No. 1031230 ID: 681cb5
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>The drones hatch from the Tuul's body? But we can see eggs, they're not attached to anything that looks like a body... Does that mean this green stuff is its body?
:TozlanSA: Err… well, friend, I… don’t… know? I know those small scumsuckers makes the green goo but… um…
:IrisSA: It is organic… and I’m sure I’ve seen it move on its own… it’s possible it’s alive?
:TozlanSA: It is possible that it’s part of their body, somehow, but sludge if I know.
:ShalSA: …so if we shoot it, will it hurt the Tuul?
:TozlanSA: I highly doubt it, friend, seeing that the green stuff is all over the place. They would have a hard time not getting hurt if it should feel pain through all of this goo.
>Or is it more like a structural framework and the eggs were just placed in the mess hall after being born by the main Tuul body?
:TozlanSA: That’s… that’s also a real pearl of an idea, captain. It’s possible, but I can’t say for sure.

>This Tuul didn't come from nowhere. It was probably here all along, kept captive by the people who ran the lab before. So it hates us, because it thinks we're responsible for its imprisonment.
:TozlanSA: …the Confederation of Mrruul, which most of the Tuul species are a member of, was a part of the Grand Alliance of the United Stars… you know, the scumsuckers that was running this place.
:ZentoSA: …so it’s more likely they were part of the crew then?
:TozlanSA: That’s the most likely scenario, friend. They are a crew member that survived the initial IOD attack and… I guess went a bit mad or something? They’ve been down here for… what… 40 years?
>Can we communicate that? That we're not from here, and if it wants freedom then we can help it escape?
:TozlanSA: You know, we might not have made the best first impression if that was what we wanted.
:ZentoSA: We got attacked, fired back, and then tried diplomacy.
:TozlanSA: Exactly, which might explain why it doesn’t want to talk. Besides, even if we was able to start a conversation, they’ll probably believe we’re just some raiders here to steal the stuff in the lab… which is technically true…
:IrisSA: I wouldn’t want to talk if you shoot me in the hand either.
:ZentoSA: Drone bodies are expendable…
:ShalSA: And bloody annoying.
:TozlanSA: It’s even less than a hand, more like a… um… something you can grow yourself? I… don’t think you have anything like that, do you?
:IrisSA: Still, it’s really rude?

>Activate the security turrets.
:ZentoSA: Tara, activate the sentry gun in the storage bay. We need to lay down a wall of fire to *actively discourage* further aggression on their part if possible.
:TaraSA: Affirmative, sir, activating it now.
>Better take out the bug directly under the turret so it doesn't destroy it when we turn it on.
We will not be attacking the Tuul's main body though, we're just going to clear out the storage room and use the lift
:ZentoSA: Shal, take down the bug right under the sentry, before it does something stupid.
:ShalSA: Just give me a clear shot, you little shit…
A small beep echoes through the storage bay as the sentry gun is activated… followed by a far louder beep as it detects it targets and takes aim. The gun barely manages to start firing before one of the Tuul drones jumps out from the crates right under it, about to strike it. With a crackle, Shal fires a bolt of lightning and hits the insect while it’s still in midair, frying it and filling the room with the smell of cooked meat, it’s clearly dead body falling down onto the crate while sizzling quietly.
:ShalSA: HA! GOT IT!
:ZentoSA: …have you increased the power on your rifle, Shal?
:ShalSA: No, sir? It’s still on the standard safety setting. I think those fuckers can’t handle some greased lightning, sir!
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I have to remember that the shock rifle is lethal to them, even on safe settings.
No. 1031231 ID: 681cb5
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The Tuul drones stand no chance against the sentry gun, especially seeing how this one is fully functional, compared to the one upstairs. The first two insects it targets quickly become smears on the floor and crates, while the rest tries their best to flee from it. You’re sure you see several getting wounded from stray shoots, but only two of them seem to have died from their wounds. Another thing of note, none of them were helping each other, or even reacting to the other drones getting hurt or outright killed… which makes sense if they are just some kind of non-sentient creature.
:ShalSA: All target neutralized, sir. No more hostiles detected.
:TozlanSA: I can hear them scampering away in the vents, in the opposite direction from us.
:TaraSA: Sir, I can several wounded insects entering the mess hall. Its seems like they are regrouping in there.
:ZentoSA: Do it look like they are planning a counter attack?
:TaraSA: No sir, I think they are fortifying their position. They are currently defending the mess hall.
:ZentoSA: Which is good, because we’re not planning in going there anyway. Very well, the coast seems to be clear. Though be careful, that sentry gun will fire on us as well.

>Oh, and someone keep an eye on that vent, or wedge something into it so a drone can't get through.
:TozlanSA: Um… do you think we can get some metal junk stuck in there? I don’t think it will hold for long but…
:ShalSA: We have a pair of grenades. Just booby trap the fucker!
:ZentoSA: …Iris? Any ideas?
:IrisSA: Huh? Oh, no I… sorry, dad, but there’s something here that needs your attention.
>Sounds like something bigger than the bugs we can currently see are on its way up.
:IrisSA: Not only can you hear it, but I can actually see the green goo moving further down. Something is definitely making its way up here… something big…
:ShalSA: Oh, finally a real challenge! Let’s kick it’s arse!
:TozlanSA: We might want to get into a better position, friends. What’s your orders captain?
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

[You make a quick check of everyone’s inventories.]
:ZentoSA: You are equipped with a sleep gun, two concussion grenades and a hidden stun “rod” in your left glove.
:ShalSA: Shal is equipped with shock rifle and a remote control for the cruiser (Including control of its Laz-Cannons).
:TaraSA: Tara is equipped with a shock rifle and some simple tools like a crowbar. She also currently have control over the security of this place.
:IrisSA: Iris is equipped with a stun rod and engineering equipment for cutting through and removing obstructions and doors, as well as one blast charge for removing even worse stuff.
:TozlanSA: Tozlan is equipped with some kind of… sound gun that according to him liquefies your insides if you’re hit by it, as well as a data-pad capable of interacting with the terminals we might find down here.
No. 1031239 ID: 96c896

Alright move into the storage room and clear it properly; make sure the turret won't shoot at you. Tozlan can work on the terminal to get the lift working once the room's secure.
Zento should stay near the comms room and toss a concussion grenade once the thing from below arrives. I'm assuming those are nonlethal? Apply sleep gun afterwards if it's still standing. The shock rifles will proooobably be nonlethal on the big one, so depending on the situation we could shoot with those too. Just don't let the turret shoot the big one, and don't use the sound blaster on it either. I think we can assume it's another crewmember.

Since we're going to be standing near the mess hall, we'll be near more Tuul drones, at which point someone can again reiterate you wish to parley. Maybe mention you are not raiders, you are on a rescue mission.
No. 1031263 ID: 16d082

Seconding this
No. 1031409 ID: 681cb5
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>Make sure the turret won't shoot at you.
:ZentoSA: Tara, deactivate the turret. We’re going in.
:TaraSA: Affirmative, sir. Deactivating it now.
The sentry gun emits a soft beep before going inert, it’s barrel noticeably lowering a bit as it powers down.
>Alright move into the storage room and clear it properly.
:ZentoSA: Shal, you’re on point. Make sure there are no more bugs hiding behind any of those crates.
:ShalSA: On it, sir.
:ZentoSA: Lt. Tozlan, keep us updated in case you hear anything we can’t see.
:TozlanSA: I can’t hear anything moving in here, friend, though there are a lot of sounds coming from the mess hall… and from that hole in the ground behind us.
>Tozlan can work on the terminal to get the lift working once the room's secure.
:IrisSA: The terminal next to the lift is clearly broken, but there is another one near the mess hall.
:TozlanSA: Right next to the Tuul nest… well, sludge… just keep me covered, Shal.
:ShalSA: I got you, I’ll fry any insect abdomen I see into a crisp, no problem!
>Since we're going to be standing near the mess hall, we'll be near more Tuul drones, at which point someone can again reiterate you wish to parley. Maybe mention you are not raiders, you are on a rescue mission.
:TozlanSA: Um… they didn’t seem to be in the mood for a conversation, captain. But… I’ll try?
:IrisSA: Dad, are you coming?
:ZentoSA: I’ll catch up. I just need to do one more thing…

>Zento should stay near the comms room and toss a concussion grenade once the thing from below arrives. I'm assuming those are nonlethal?
They are less-lethal, as in if you put it in your mouth before it detonates you’ll probably get more than just a headache afterwards. Well, you’ll probably never have a headache again, but you digress. Its main function is to knock out and disorient people though, so whatever is down there will probably not die from it, no.

The green goo vibrates as the creature approaches, the skittering of its legs echoing through the tunnel. You ready your grenade and watch as the weird green membranes moves aside, as if opening the way for the creature below, though at the same time giving you a golden opportunity to lob your gift down the tunnel unobstructed. The concussion grenade explodes in a flash of white, the massive bang making your ears ring, yet still you can hear something scream in pain and fury from the tunnel. Apparently, you managed to hit something. Or someone.
No. 1031410 ID: 681cb5
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Before you can even turn around and run, a huge monstrosity lunges out from the hole into the comm room, crushing the computers and monitors inside it beneath its body. Its huge claws sweeps across the room looking for whoever just hurt it, forcing you to nimble dodge out of the way as it passes. A burn mark across its face plate combined with its blind flailing indicates that you did indeed hit this thing with the grenade. Not that it seems to slow it down by much… if anything, you just made it angry. How did this thing even fit in that tunnel!?

:ZentoSA: …how… how big did you say these Tuul drones can grow?
:TozlanSA: …not… that big?
:ShalSA: …I’m going to need a bigger gun…

>Apply sleep gun afterwards if it's still standing.
There’s no way a sleep gun will do anything to that monstrosity.
>The shock rifles will proooobably be nonlethal on the big one, so depending on the situation we could shoot with those too.
You have to agree with Shal… we’re going to need something bigger than a shock rifle to bring that thing down.

The creature finally focus on you and screams, splattering heavy gobs of sizzling spit on the floor in front of your feet. While it’s clearly still disoriented from taking a grenade to the face, it knows that you’re there, that you’re the one that hurt it and now it very, very angry… you really don’t want to be standing here right now…
No. 1031414 ID: 96c896

Well, it's obviously Tuul in origin, whatever it is. Maybe the lab here did experiments on drones to make a bigger one? That's not what a Tuul's main body looks like, right?!

Captain, retreat to your fellow squad members.
Fellow squad members: everyone fucking shoot that big thing. The sound blaster might be able to take it down... but only do that if that's verified to not be the main Tuul body.
No. 1031428 ID: a9af05

>we’re going to need something bigger than a shock rifle to bring that thing down.
Iris has that blast charge. You can throw it at the big bug and detonate the blast charge.

Or you can set it on the ground and lure the bug so it walks over the blast charge, then blow it up.

>but only do that if that's verified to not be the main Tuul body.
Screw that! We don't have time to verify if it's the main body or not! And even if it is the main body, we're not going to try talking to it now!

We tried being peaceful and that didn't work, so now we're going to kill it since it's trying to kill us!
No. 1031479 ID: 629f2e

If you can coerce it to under the lift and use the machine to pin it down, you can use the turret to try and deal some good damage to it.
No. 1031493 ID: 36784c

>sound blaster
We were told that the sound waves can go through walls. If we aim upwards at this bug's head, that might put Tara in danger of getting hit by the soundwaves!

>verify it's not main Tuul body.
Doesn’t matter if it is the main body or not, we're in danger of being killed if we go easy on it, so we need to kill it to ensure our safety.

I don't think the lift can drop that fast.
No. 1031531 ID: 01fe07

Everyone shoot the giant bug!
No. 1031609 ID: 681cb5
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>Well, it's obviously Tuul in origin, whatever it is.
And with your complete lack of knowledge of this Tuul species, you have no idea if it’s normal for them to grow into gigantic, acid spewing worms, or how to deal with them.
>Maybe the lab here did experiments on drones to make a bigger one?
It’s possible, though seeing as this facility was marked as “Alien artifacts laboratory” and not some kind of bio-lab, it seems unlikely. Of course, you have no idea what this Tuul has been up too after this facility was destroyed.
>That's not what a Tuul's main body looks like, right?!
Tozlan described it as a “brain in a jar”, which would indicate that the main Tuul body can’t actually move on its own. But you’re not an expert on alien biology, so who knows!?
>Doesn’t matter if it is the main body or not, we're in danger of being killed if we go easy on it, so we need to kill it to ensure our safety.
This situation became a kill or be killed deal quite a while ago. We can’t put your own lives at risk for some unknown alien’s life.
>You can use the turret to try and deal some good damage to it.
The sentry gun can also deal some good damage to you and your crew. It fires at everything that moves in here, remember, which at the moment includes most of your squad.

>Captain, retreat to your fellow squad members.
As soon you regain your balance you start sprinting towards the door with the giant monstrosity right on your tail. You’re just lucky it’s still disoriented from that grenade, as otherwise you would have been bug food right now. Though you might still be, as it’s gaining on you fast!
>Everyone fucking shoot that big thing.
Before you can even say a word a bolt of lightning crackles right past your head, hitting the massive insect square on the face plate. Though it barely notice it, as its armor plates keeps it insulated from the shock.
:TozlanSA: I can’t! The captain is in the way! I’ll hit him as well!

>Iris has that blast charge. You can throw it at the big bug and detonate the blast charge.
:ZentoSA: Iris! Blast charge! NOW!
:IrisSA: Err… on it… I j-just need to set it up?
>Coerce it to under the lift and use the machine to pin it down.
:TozlanSA: Huh? Oh, right, the lift!

The freight lift whines as it once again is activated, forcing itself with sheer power to dislodge itself from the wreckage that was wedged inside the entrance to the hangar, spilling the now lose metal scrap and ship parts down into the room below. While the falling debris does slow down the Tuul behind you, a large chunk of a ship almost crushes you as well as you run under the descending elevator.
No. 1031610 ID: 681cb5
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Right as the large creature is about overtake you the freight lift smashes into the top of it, pinning it down. While you can hear the armor plating of the Tuul cracking, the elevator is clearly not handling it well either, as the machinery screams bloody murder and sparks sprays everywhere. You have no idea who will give in first, the bug or the lift…

:ShalSA: Shit shit shit!
:TozlanSA: GAH! Those scumsuckers are coming out from the mess hall!
:TaraSA: They are breaking into the security room! Both from the vents and the door! I don’t know how much longer my barricade will hold!

And all hell is breaking lose. The monster on its part opens its mouth wide and start heaving, as if it’s trying to puke…

[You make a quick check of everyone’s inventories.]
:ZentoSA: You are equipped with a sleep gun, one concussion grenade and a hidden stun “rod” in your left glove.
:ShalSA: Shal is equipped with shock rifle and a remote control for the cruiser (Including control of its Laz-Cannons).
:TaraSA: Tara is equipped with a shock rifle and some simple tools like a crowbar. She also currently have control over the security of this place.
:IrisSA: Iris is equipped with a stun rod and engineering equipment for cutting through and removing obstructions and doors, as well as one blast charge for removing even worse stuff.
:TozlanSA: Tozlan is equipped with some kind of… sound gun that according to him liquefies your insides if you’re hit by it, as well as a data-pad capable of interacting with the terminals we might find down here.
No. 1031611 ID: 96c896

Uh, can those fire precisely enough to hit the giant bug without vaporizing everyone near it? Destroying the lift at this point would be a shame but if needs must.
The bug and lift together are probably shielding the rest of you from turret fire and it will likely shoot at it as a priority target anyway, so turn on the turret.
If either of those work we can spare the blast charge.

Get the FUCK out of the way, it's about to spit acid.
...how did the bugs get to the security station door? Well, once the big one is dead we can move to extract her from that room.
No. 1031615 ID: 16d082

Step aside and have Tozlan shoot the big one with his sonic gun, it’ll probably harm it right through it’s carapace
Also have Tara hold her ground in the security room with her shock rifle as it’s likely safer in there than the outside.
No. 1031627 ID: 36784c

>giant bug’s size
Ok, I agree with Zento. How the fuck did that thing fit through the tiny hole it came out of?!

>GAH! Those scumsuckers are coming out from the mess hall!
Have Tozlan use his sound gun to liquify all of the bugs in the Mess Hall! There’s no risk to any of our guys if he aims in that direction!

>The monster on its part opens its mouth wide and start heaving, as if it’s trying to puke…
It’s going to spit acid!

Take advantage of its open mouth and throw your concussion grenade in there! And its open mouth is unarmored, so Shal’s shock rifle should be able to stun it if she gets a clean shot.

Or if Shal can aim the cruiser’s Laz-Cannons down the hole where the lift is, she can use that to kill the giant bug!
No. 1031649 ID: a9af05

Tell Tara that we're on our way to assist her!

Will Iris' blast charge still work if we throw it instead of setting it on something? I'm thinking we throw the blast charge into the giant bug's open mouth!

>concussion grenade in bug's mouth
>Tozlan sound gun mess hall
>Shal use the cruiser guns
All of these sound like they could work.
No. 1031782 ID: 681cb5
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>Ok, I agree with Zento. How the fuck did that thing fit through the tiny hole it came out of?!
Either that tunnel was way larger than you thought, or that thing can squeeze through places way smaller then it, like a rat. You’re going to bet it’s a bit of both.
>...how did the bugs get to the security station door?
There’s probably a vent, tiny crack or some other small opening in the stairwell that you didn’t see. These things are already in the walls, after all…
>Will Iris' blast charge still work if we throw it instead of setting it on something?
Let the one who’s actually got training in demolition handle the big explosives. If she says she needs to set it up, then it needs to be set up. You really don’t want to get blown up by mishandling your own bombs. That would be embarrassing.

>Have Tara hold her ground in the security room with her shock rifle as it’s likely safer in there than the outside.
:TaraSA: *Crackle!* It’s not like I get can get out anyway! *Crackle!* I’m just lucky that the door seems to be holding.
>The bug and lift together are probably shielding the rest of you from turret fire and it will likely shoot at it as a priority target anyway, so turn on the turret.
:TaraSA: No can do. *Crackle!* They broke the security console trying to get in. Gah, EAT THIS! *Crackle!*

>Have Tozlan use his sound gun to liquify all of the bugs in the Mess Hall! There’s no risk to any of our guys if he aims in that direction!
>If Shal can aim the cruiser’s Laz-Cannons down the hole where the lift is, she can use that to kill the giant bug!
:ShalSA: Fucking finally! Though… I probably can only hit its arse from where the ship is parked and-
:ShalSA: Right, right…

>Get the FUCK out of the way, it's about to spit acid.
You almost jump behind a crate on instinct to take cover, but realize right beforehand that your baby girl Iris is sitting right in front of that thing. She just slightly too far away for you to grab and pull to safety in any reasonable amount of time as well.
>Take advantage of its open mouth and throw your concussion grenade in there!
In one quick motion you grab your last grenade, activate it and lob it right into the mouth of that thing, making it choke on it as it get stuck in its throat.

The air snaps and a wave of heat washes over you as two pillars of red light pierces through the lower body of the monster, boiling its insides as well as melting parts of the both the elevator and the gate to the floor below. It tries to scream as the molten metal from the elevator splatters on it, but the only sound escaping its maw is a muted explosion, followed by its throat bursting open showering the floor with blood and acid.

But the Tuul is simply too stubborn to die, as it managed to finally break out from under the elevator and lunge towards Iris!

:IrisSA: There! It’s do-
No. 1031783 ID: 681cb5
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:IrisSA: -GAH!!

You grab her right as the monster’s giant claw crashes into the spot she was sitting on, barely managing to drag her out of harm’s way. Neither of you dare to look back as you start running like madmen, while the giant claws of the creature audibly swings behind the two you, desperate to catch you. Luckily, all the wounds seem to have slowed down the beast substantially. Unluckily, you’re about to run out of room to run. It screeches in pain as it forces its body to lunge towards you one final time…

But the screech is cut short from the explosion behind you, as Iris activates the blast charge as soon as you’re a safe distance away…
No. 1031786 ID: 681cb5
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As the smoke clears the only sign of the creature is a huge hole down to the floor below, which is now full all kind of debris, including a whole freight elevator and several of the cargo that was stored here. While there’s no way that thing survived the explosion and the subsequent crushing, neither did whatever was in the room below. A shame, but it was necessary.

:ZentoSA: Everyone… *huff* report…
:ShalSA: Woo! What a kill!
:TozlanSA: The Tuul is pulling back. They aren’t attacking anymore…
:TaraSA: Sir, what did you do? Those bastards just started screeching and ran away all the sudden. What is going on?
:IrisSA: Dad? Are you alright?
:ZentoSA: Huh? Oh…
As the adrenaline starts wane, you feel a sharp pain from your leg and on closer inspection you find a nasty looking cut on your tight. You must have been a lot closer to those claws than you thought you were.
:ZentoSA: It’s… it’s just flesh wound, nothing more.
:IrisSA: You still need medical attention, dad! Here, let me patch you up.
:TozlanSA: By the eternal dark, that was a close one…
:TaraSA: The security station is secure, Captain, though it’s unusable now. Shall I join up with the rest of you?
:ShalSA: No hostiles detected, sir.

:TozlanSA: …and what’s that smell?
:ShalSA: Flash fried Tuul monstrosity, by yours truly.
No. 1031826 ID: a9af05

>Sir, what did you do? Those bastards just started screeching and ran away all the sudden. What is going on?
Tell her about the giant Tuul all of you were fighting. And no, you're not exaggerating its size. It really was that big.

Then tell her that you think they ran away because of the loud noise of Iris' blast charge exploding. Or the little bugs know we killed the big bug and have run away because they don't have the confidence to continue fighting without the big bug to back them up.

>Shall I join up with the rest of you?
Yes she can regroup with us.

If the hole in the floor for the freight elevator was made bigger by the explosion and no one can walk around it, tell Tara that she'll need to go through the hangar to meet us.

Which means that we'll need to go through the mess hall and up to the crew quarters so that Iris can finish cutting open the door leading to the hangar. That way Tara will be able to rejoin us if she can't go around the hole for the freight elevator in storage.
No. 1031829 ID: 96c896

Alright, regroup and see if you can climb down.
No. 1031866 ID: 36784c

Yeah, Tara can regroup with us. Just make sure she watches the vents in case anymore bugs try to ambush her.
No. 1042822 ID: f62ced

Is this quest over?
No. 1042834 ID: a9af05

It is impolite to ask that. The quest author will get to it when they feel like it. Please be patient and wait.
No. 1042886 ID: 681cb5

Questions like these goes in the disthread:

And no, it’s not dead, it’s just been put on hold until I figure out what I want to do with it. My original plan didn’t really work so I have to rethink a few things… and oh, I’m having way to much fun with Lascivious Labyrinth to really focus on this one at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll be back here eventually.
No. 1089333 ID: 681cb5
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This thread has crashed and burned.

New thread at: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1089327.html#1089327
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