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File 172356143637.jpg - (4.41MB , 1964x3089 , Monster queen165.jpg )
1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

37 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1096777 ID: 5de8cd

Go with B) Abdle has stayed in the pocket long enough and the cat won't attack us while we are in the tribe.
No. 1096794 ID: 355e44

Abdle needs a less exposed place to sit. You should get a basket to carry him in maybe.
No. 1096825 ID: 65968d

Well if Abdle is out in the open it might bait the cat which would help convince these guys. Since it's a violation of sovereignty and all plus we'd have mutual enemies. Downside is we may lose Abdle. So do you prefer discomfort or being bait Abdle?
No. 1096856 ID: c5529d

maybe when the meeting officially start, we'll pull him out.
No. 1096888 ID: 42311e
File 172541161889.jpg - (5.91MB , 3508x2822 , Monster queen174.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give Abdle to the Druid.

B) Don't give Abdle to the Druid.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1096935 ID: d0fe53

Huh? He can speak and listen without having him in your hands. What more do you need to do?
No. 1096936 ID: c5529d

Yeah sure, lets have Abdle hang out with the druid for awhile. It'll help establish a good relationship and trust. If we are lucky, Maybe even use his healing powers to make Abdle less rotten and fresh like a green apple for a few weeks to a month until he is rotten again.

Though Please do correct the Druid by letting him know Abdle is not an "it".

This could also work for us too because if the cat does show up (which i doubt) she could target the apple basket bobbie is holding thinking abdle is in there while abdle is with the druid, the perfect distraction, hehehehe.
No. 1096945 ID: 27fceb

Go with A) this person is respected in the tribe and if he likes us that will go a long way.
No. 1096973 ID: 355e44

B) you and Abdle are a team, and this is a negotiation. Neither should go anywhere without the other.
Also every magic user we've met has been crazy or sketchy. No way should we leave Abdle with one we don't even know.
No. 1096995 ID: a632cf
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell the Druid to show you.

B) Don't show interest in what the Druid is saying.

C) Tell the Druid that you are not interested.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096998 ID: 584276

No. 1097014 ID: 3e9b65

Have an idea of where this is going. Still, perhaps unexpected insights will show themselves. Wisdom can arrive from even the lowest of low places. Quite frankly this is far from the lowest of low. Props to druid for getting psychology out of Abdle without his usual... defensiveness.
No. 1097031 ID: c5529d

Curious. Lets check it out, but take what he says with a grain of salt. See what he shows us can apply to how you already rule, and we can mix some aspects he shows you with yours.
No. 1097042 ID: 27fceb

Let the Druid show what he is talking about.
No. 1097127 ID: 42cdd2
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give the order to kill Worm Work.

B) Calm down the queen.

C) Remain silent.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097128 ID: c6c371

B. Cool it. Attacking him will only cause our hosts here to become agressive towards us. This is most likely like taking a vaccination shot, where youll be sick for a lil bit before getting better and stronger... uh you guys invented vaccinations here in this world yet, right?

Though make it known you wish he would have let us know what he was doing before doing something so aggressive.
No. 1097130 ID: a3f820

Stay cool. He's on our side for negotiations. However telling him off is justified. He said he'd tell us a way that beats subjugating. He did not tell us he'd do... this. We have no idea if this has downsides or side effects. He keeps asking for forgiveness rather than permission which is the main issue. One day perhaps we will refuse to forgive. Don't push us.
No. 1097145 ID: 355e44

B) Wormworks secretive agenda is more and more seeming like a danger to us all. But this is not the place to do anything about it. Better to lull him into complacency, execute him quietly the next time he is at the castle.

For know you still need to impress the Headsplitters, so just move on.
No. 1097152 ID: 5de8cd

While we were in your dream you mentioned that today we could kill you so easily. So were you telling the truth or were you just lying.
No. 1097178 ID: 341e77
File 172583522279.jpg - (4.12MB , 3476x1929 , Monster queen177.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Ask Worm Work any question that comes to your mind.

B) Tell the whole tribe who he is.

C) Remain silent.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097183 ID: 27fceb

Does Worm Lord mean anything to you?
No. 1097185 ID: c5529d

Hey, now we won't have to worry about the cat kidnapping him as she will just see a golden apple and Abdle can stop complaining about how we are hiding him.

might want to hide him from thieves that might find him valuable though.

A. Ask if there is anything we should know about the tribe before the meeting, like any rules or laws we should be aware of that we shouldn't break or prevent culture shock. We already were surprised about the people having interesting names

rather not kill wormworks with B
No. 1097186 ID: c5529d

oh right, we should ask how long Abdle's metamorphosis is. Hopefully not years.
No. 1097187 ID: 355e44

Hold WW's identity as a backup bargaining chip to sweeten any deal we make. For now stop wasting time with this jerk.
No. 1097193 ID: ee839d

How far do you think you can push us before we react to you like the headsplitters do?
No. 1097225 ID: 7f0a18
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Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Order Worm Works to tell you about Worm Lord.

B) Tell Worm Works to tell you about Worm Lord.

C) Ignore the existence of the Worm Lord.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) Tell that your weakness is that you can't fight anybody.

B) Tell that your weakness is that you are too naive.

C) Tell that your weakness is that you can't stop lying.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097227 ID: c5529d

Well, Bobbie, we're told to be vulgar around here, so give it a try: go ahead and call wormworks dickwanks. No offense, just getting Bobbie accustomed to the culture.

C for the first one, it's obvious we're not going to get a clear answer from him, and he's too nervous to speak about it and is a waste of time at the moment. Was an interesting reaction though. We'll find out later I think, when he's ready, or we stumble across learning about him ourselves. Let's stay on topic with the matter on hand

I think B for the second question. Lying can be beneficial, and there are workarounds to not being able to fight as we can have others fight our battles for example.
No. 1097229 ID: f38138

Oh I do believe you're underhandedly helping. However I might be the only one that gets how that may be useful. We are a team and I'm only one voice. So the catch is you are one voice but nevertheless you force decisions on us. While I still believe you are a loyalist the others may not be so inclined. Even I have my limits on being pushed too. Just a warning to keep in mind. Per - let's call him WL - I'll take your word. Seems like trouble, far too much to ever be worthwhile. Weakness during the siege, eh? Have to say it's that we had no proper backup plans ready to go. Had he called the bluff it was done, we lose. Period. We need options where several things must fail to get to a losing scenario.
No. 1097236 ID: 355e44

It's fine, don't tell us about Worm Lord. Only, by withholding that information you make it obvious we should look into it ourselves. Perhaps you'd like to make sure we don't get the wrong idea?

You know it's only helping if we agree on the end goal. So why don't you tell us what you think are our weaknesses. I have the feeling we'll disagree.
Though I would say Bobbie's main weakness is getting flustered at people's harsh words.
No. 1097255 ID: 27fceb

I peek behind the curtains and saw something that I shouldn't have. I just hope that I didn't invite anything with mentioning WL.
No. 1097270 ID: d4b03b
File 172609750081.jpg - (6.53MB , 3510x2781 , Monster queen179.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell her that you need the apple back.

B) Tell her that the apple is dangerous to hold.

C) Tell her that she can keep the apple.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097281 ID: 5292b7

C. As shady as Wormworks is, he does have a plan to help us as he mentioned multiple times, and im sure we will get Abdle back later. Play along, but reiterate what the druid said that it is more for her father
No. 1097289 ID: 86980a

Option 2 seems well-rounded. Her dying would be bad for negotiations.
No. 1097297 ID: 27fceb

Tell her that we should be the one who deliver the gift to her father. Just don't present yourself in a desperate way when asking.
No. 1097320 ID: 63709c

B) tell her it would have been a good gift, but this guy did something to it, and now it bites. We wouldn't insult with such a paltry gift, let us take it back to get rid of.
No. 1097376 ID: 749232
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go with Nasty Shit to drink.

B) Send Archer to go and drink with Nasty Shit.

C) Send Worm Work to go and drink with Nasty Shit.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097378 ID: c5529d

A. hell yeah drinks! GOGOGOGO!

err... i mean

hanging out with her will make for good relationships with her, and if we keep on her good side, we'll keep on her father's good side, or at least she can give him a good word about us.

that trick Abdle did can actually probably help against the cat if she steals him... not saying that we should let him get kidnapped on purpose, just that it's another layer of protection.
No. 1097385 ID: 27fceb

My vote is for Worm Work to go for a drink. Just the chaos of those two people being drunk is the main reason for wanting to see it happen.
No. 1097399 ID: 355e44

A) It would be rude to refuse
No. 1097430 ID: 78de2a

Well it seems Gray can be of use. How surprising. He still needs pragmatism to temper him though. Drink a little. However too much will be bad for negotiations so don't have too much of the stuff.
No. 1097473 ID: df64c0
File 172649089294.jpg - (2.93MB , 2637x2184 , Monster queen181.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Nasty can you put me down?

B) Thank you for carrying me.

C) Can you switch the way how you carry me?

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) I will take the basket.

B) The Archer, should keep the basket.

C) Worm Work, should keep the basket.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097482 ID: 5de8cd

Let her carry you and take the basket, simple as that
No. 1097484 ID: c5529d

C. this carrying position seems a bit too romantic for my tastes, and Bobbie seems uncomfy about it (don't tell your reasons why you want to be switched) Ask for a piggyback ride instead (by that, I mean ride on her shoulders) that way we can get a view and better vantage point from up high!

I think archer should take the basket so that he can feel more responsible, and to show we trust him. Also We don't need the worms removed from the apple.

though I'm fine with bringing the basket with us too.
No. 1097486 ID: 355e44

Archer should keep the basket, as Bobbie seems she will be rather harried for a while.
Guard it well, especially against creeps in masks.
No. 1097549 ID: ec26e4

We'd prefer to walk ourselves. Our archer gets basket since he's loyal and is aware of who to avoid.
No. 1097558 ID: 4b8fae
File 172678488474.jpg - (4.38MB , 3301x2307 , Monster queen182.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Drink the whole alcohol glass.

B) Drink half of the alcohol glass.

C) Don't drink alcohol.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) Talk about funny stories.

B) Talk about serious topics.

C) Talk about your and her dreams.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097559 ID: 335de3

For drinking, A. To earn their respect, you gotta drink drink drink. Its part of their culture.
No. 1097565 ID: 355e44

Second question A) to get a feel for their culture but in a casual way.
No. 1097571 ID: 89950d

Just sip. Look like you're savoring. So what's life like as chief's kid? High expectations? Follow up - if it's okay with her that is - so why aren't you hunting too? Just prefer drinks?
No. 1097579 ID: 27fceb

Drink the whole thing, that will surely impress her. As for the topic go with first with a funny stories, later we can switch to a more serious topic.
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