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File 170863018546.png - (235.76KB , 1295x1295 , 022124_FromNothingTitle.png )
1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3

From nothing, a new beginning.
555 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1096438 ID: 355e44

keyword: Dusty
hopefully find an old store, or warehouse.
No. 1096446 ID: b87b96

Keyword: 3008

I know that sounds like nonsense, but trust us, you'll find everything furniture related that you could possibly need!
Meatballs, too.
No. 1096447 ID: 2f9996

No. 1096454 ID: 2f41db

I really like the ikea idea but i just dont think silv is ready for that domain...

Dowse ;cloth
Keyword: patchwork
No. 1096475 ID: 0db8d3

I guess the Toxigrowth fruit indeed aren't poisonous if they aren't growing in poison!

They're probably really handy for cleaning up polluted places...

Also- you're almost certainly quite dirty, though I doubt anyone around would complain. In truth, hot baths are just Really Nice. You work hard. You deserve nice things.
No. 1096494 ID: 1effd3

"They're actually the Fruits I picked originally. I have 3 left."
No. 1096526 ID: c615ac

Well then I guess they're even better!

Do let us know if you end up feeling really bad, though. We can show you some spells to fix you up should the worst happen!
No. 1096544 ID: 8f9bc4

Dowse: cloth
Keyword: fluffy
No. 1096681 ID: 1effd3
File 172498385270.png - (166.20KB , 900x750 , 082924_FromNothing142_UpdatedIsland.png )

Morning(?) comes around, and once again, the air is colder than before. Silv is able to handle it, but Fern looks like they’re starting to get uncomfortable. They both eat a Toxigrowth Fruit and do the morning chores. Fern picks up whatever new runes the Voidlings have made, and Silv checks the gardens.
x1 Toxigrowth Fruit left in storage.

The Glowshroom garden has grown to 59 caps. Silv harvests 40 of them and puts them into storage. Should cook them into something soon.
Fern picked up a Tremor Rune, Breeze Rune, and two Stream runes. New total is 14 runes.
The Toxigrowth plants look like they will bear fruit tomorrow!

>I guess the Toxigrowth fruit indeed aren't poisonous if they aren't growing in poison! They're probably really handy for cleaning up polluted places...
"They're actually the Fruits I picked originally. I have 1 left."
>Oh! Well then I guess they're even better! Do let us know if you end up feeling really bad, though. We can show you some spells to fix you up should the worst happen!
“I’m feeling a little off, but maybe it’s just the cold? Fern doesn’t seem like they’re doing great though.”


>Also- you're almost certainly quite dirty, though I doubt anyone around would complain. In truth, hot baths are just Really Nice. You work hard. You deserve nice things.
“A warm bath with it getting cold would be nice…”
No. 1096682 ID: 1effd3
File 172498387791.png - (258.72KB , 900x750 , 082924_FromNothing143_Patchwork.png )

>Cloth: 5
>Ikea: 1
>Furniture: 1

“You want to come Fern?”

Fern enthusiastically chirps.

Silv throws a couple of runes into her bag and grabs her pick-shovel. Fern grabs onto her tail as they set off to follow the Dowsing target.

An old ruined building stands alone. It looks like it belongs, but at the same time… something about it is out of place. Banners and tapestries are hanging everywhere without reason, patchworked, and various states of decay. Colorful but also dead.
No. 1096683 ID: 1effd3
File 172498389299.png - (337.79KB , 900x750 , 082924_FromNothing144_Threashold.png )

“So… where should we start? I’m feeling a little over-stimulated…”
No. 1096684 ID: eb0a9c

>Void-patterned 'weave' sewn into patchwork banners
It's possible that they sew the skins of their prey into their trophy banners. Be cautious.
No. 1096686 ID: 273c18

Ok, the poison-grown toxigrowth fruits might be slightly poisonous then. Try roasting them next time to see if they're less sour-- the sour taste is likely the poison. Give Fern a heal, would you?

Are those footprints? Recent, or old?
Hmm. I think what happened here is someone or something has been putting the fabric over a pre-existing ruin. It wasn't like this before.

Advance with caution. Check inside before disturbing the fabric.
No. 1096687 ID: 355e44

Before you go in, investigate the voidling sewn into the red cloth over there. Is it hostile? dead?

The weird cloth and the footprints indicate this place might be occupied. Do you hear anything around?
No. 1096688 ID: 3ae33e

Well you know the drill. New place so scan everything so we have a better idea what we’re working with.

Also does your plant buddy generate body heat? Because if so finding them a blanket would help keeping them warm, but if not then you’re either going to have to start putting up a fire or just carrying them around so they can siphon your body heat to keep them from freezing.
No. 1096692 ID: 273c18

Wait, is there wind here? We only had wind at home when you added a Climate rune. Should the flags be flying and the streamers fluttering?
No. 1096695 ID: 8c7eaf

Hmm... Looks like an old factory that's been somewhat recently redecorated. A textile mill, perhaps.

This place is probably inhabited. Be sure to announce yourself before entering.
No. 1096697 ID: 78ea3e

Try to identify the different textiles, maybe identify is upgraded enough to see what they're made of. The void-cloth is especially strange.
Check the old walls at the edges of the island too, they look see-through. Are they glass? Plastic?
No. 1096701 ID: 2f41db

How delightful.

Theres a plethora of resources already visible and, hopefully, more besides yet to be discovered inside.

Before exploring inside we could do with gathering up and stacking the cloth were taking.
Thickest and warmest looking.
In the short term it will serve as a tent and padded ground cover to help with the encroaching cold.
Long term itll make blankets, bedding and extra layers of clothing.
Hopeful,y whatever they used for sewing here is still to be found...
I wonder what they were doing though?
Moreover, i wonder if theyre still here...

When it comes to heading inside, let us light the way silv.
No. 1097134 ID: 1effd3
File 172576089235.png - (194.56KB , 900x750 , 090724_FromNothing145_Hmmm_Yep_Thats_Fabric.png )

>Ok, the poison-grown toxigrowth fruits might be slightly poisonous then. Try roasting them next time to see if they're less sour-- the sour taste is likely the poison.
>Also does your plant buddy generate body heat? Because if so finding them a blanket would help keeping them warm, but if not then you’re either going to have to start putting up a fire or just carrying them around so they can siphon your body heat to keep them from freezing.
“Sour is poison, ok. Fern is weak to extreme cold and heat according to Identify, so we could maybe get something heavy enough for some clothes for them.”

>Well you know the drill. Scan everything!
>Void-patterned 'weave' sewn into patchwork banners
>Try to identify the different textiles, maybe identify is upgraded enough to see what they're made of. The void-cloth is especially strange.
Silv investigates the long banners of fabric, and Fern tugs on them. The primary rune is unknown, but the secondary runes vary between Nature and Beast. By the looks of it, the void-weave is just pure Voidmatter.

Common fabrics of varying materials and thicknesses.
Primary Runic Affinity: Unknown. Secondary: Beast or Nature.

Void given form. A fundamental of Nothing, yet Everything.
Runic Affinity: Unknown.

“Looks like we don’t know what the main rune for this stuff is, only the secondary ones. I think the secondary ones tell us what the source of the fabric is, maybe?”

Despite Silv and Ferns efforts, they don’t have the means to cut the fabric. Whoever made these banners and tapestries sewed then in a way that makes them hard to cut without something sharp.

>Wait, is there wind here? We only had wind at home when you added a Climate rune. Should the flags be flying and the streamers fluttering?
“There’s been wind elsewhere, just not very often.”
No. 1097135 ID: 1effd3
File 172576092009.png - (345.34KB , 900x750 , 090724_FromNothing146_Dusty.png )

>Are those footprints? Recent, or old? Hmm. I think what happened here is someone or something has been putting the fabric over a pre-existing ruin. It wasn't like this before.
“I don’t know how to tell how old the footprints are… Do you Fern?”

Fern shakes their head and gives a negative sounding chirp.

>It's possible that they sew the skins of their prey into their trophy banners. Be cautious.

Silv and Fern slowly approach the main doorway to the building. The doors show signs of rust, and have been left open. From the doorway, you can see more cloth and spools of thread strewn about the dark and dusty building, covering old metallic contraptions. It vaguely reminds you of the interiors of the buildings where you first found Toxcite.

>Hmm... Looks like an old factory that's been somewhat recently redecorated. A textile mill, perhaps. This place is probably inhabited. Be sure to announce yourself before entering.
“...Hello? Anyone home?”

No response.
Silv and Fern stand there a little bit longer, waiting if anyone replies. Nothing.
“Is it safe to go in?”
No. 1097136 ID: 1effd3
File 172576094017.png - (386.00KB , 900x750 , 090724_FromNothing147_ScoobyDoo_Where_Are_You.png )

>When it comes to heading inside, let us light the way silv.
Fern holds onto Silvs tail as Tetsi lights the way inside, The soft dust disturbed as they walk by.

What would you like to do?
No. 1097137 ID: 2f41db

There is so much usable cloth in there and...
Is it just me or do those pincushions look an awful lot like spiders?
Theres something else up there too...
No. 1097138 ID: 273c18

There's something weird on the wall to your left, high up.
Hey, this is a good time to use that light spell!
No. 1097139 ID: 0db8d3

Silv, cast a Marshlight directly above you!
No. 1097154 ID: 861ceb

if you can find a none dusty piece of cloth you may want to wear it as a makeshift mask to keep yourself from being choked by dust.
No. 1097155 ID: 355e44

light the room and look up
No. 1097239 ID: 1effd3
File 172599917549.png - (168.27KB , 900x750 , 090924_FromNothing148_Pincushions.png )

>There is so much usable cloth in there and… And… Is it just me or do those pincushions look an awful lot like spiders?
Silv leans in closer, using Tetsi to light up the table. There are a few fluffy pincushions that look like little plush-spiders. As Fern tries to reach for one, it begins to awkwardly waddle away.
”Oh, these things are pretty cute… What do you think Fern?”

>if you can find a non-dusty piece of cloth you may want to wear it as a makeshift mask to keep yourself from being choked by dust.
”I’ve got my neck thingy, I can pull that up if I need to.”
No. 1097240 ID: 1effd3
File 172599920648.png - (247.31KB , 900x750 , 090924_FromNothing149_OminousShadow.png )

>Silv, cast a Marshlight directly above you!
>There's something weird on the wall to your left, high up.
>Theres something else up there too…
“A-above m-me…?”
Silv, Fern, and Tetsi all slowly look up, and Silv quietly casts Marshlight. As the the light begins to spread, it reveals…!
No. 1097241 ID: 1effd3
File 172599925196.png - (285.14KB , 900x750 , 090924_FromNothing150_DirtyLaundry.png )

...Nothing but a bundle of scrap rags hanging from the ceiling.
“Not funny Tetsi…”


An almost imperceptible dull mechanical whir grabs everyone's attention. The pincushion spiders quickly waddle out of sight into the bundles of fabric and thread.
No. 1097242 ID: 1effd3
File 172599927088.png - (126.35KB , 900x750 , 090924_FromNothing151_W3AV3R.png )

“...I think we should go…”

Somethings at the doorway.
No. 1097246 ID: 273c18

The six points of light in its face, we saw something like that above you.
Anyway, just put the marshlight between you and it, and stay defensive for now. Say hello? We didn't know anyone was living here.
No. 1097247 ID: 6f5529

But threat unconfirmed. Agreed, stay defensive, try to communicate.
No. 1097250 ID: bc7e88

Their face looks kind of like the plush-spider eyes, but they stand tall like a person.
Are they a spider pretending to be a person or a person pretending to be a spider? Maybe a spider-person?

Friend? But be careful for fabrics that might try to grapple you. They might be a magician that controls fabrics, and responsible for the plush-golems.
No. 1097251 ID: eb0a9c

Don't attack immediately. Remember, you're the invading adventurer here.
Offer a few runes.
No. 1097252 ID: 861ceb

...scan it, if you'd please.
No. 1097253 ID: 355e44

Oh right, scan it. And tell Fern to be ready to run and hide if a fight starts.
No. 1097254 ID: 0db8d3

If this thing isn't friendly we'll need those to load an offensive spell though!

Offensively, Marshlight is at best a handheld taser.
No. 1097256 ID: 2f41db

We were not messing with you.
The thing above had the same pattern of eyes.
Whatever it is, it is fast and it is quiet.
That means it wanted you to see it right now.
No ambush.
Keep your guard up though.
There's hope for communication,but not worth risking your and ferns safety.

Greet them.
Apologise for intruding.
Even if they dont understand you, the tone of your words will carry simplistic meaning.
No. 1097404 ID: 1effd3
File 172636100909.png - (137.04KB , 900x750 , 091424_FromNothing152_W3AV3R_2.png )

>The six points of light in its face, we saw something like that above you. Anyway, just put the marshlight between you and it, and stay defensive for now. Say hello? We didn't know anyone was living here.
>Spooookyyyyy. But threat unconfirmed. Agreed, stay defensive, try to communicate.
>Sylv. We were not messing with you. The thing above had the same pattern of eyes. Whatever it is, it is fast and it is quiet. That means it wanted you to see it right now. No ambush. Keep your guard up though. There's hope for communication,but not worth risking your and ferns safety. Greet them. Apologise for intruding. Even if they dont understand you, the tone of your words will carry simplistic meaning.
“H-hello? S-sorry, we didn’t realize anyone was living here-”

The mechanical whir speeds up slightly, and it’s posture changes slightly.
Its posture changes slightly again.
”[Apo-po-pologies, it is currently outside of visitation hours.]”
Fern hides behind Silvs dress.

>...scan it, if you'd please.
>Oh right, scan it. And tell Fern to be ready to run and hide if a fight starts.

W3AV3R model no.163
An automaton powered by clockwork and magic.It appears to be in a fair amount of disrepair..
Primary Runic Affinity: Unknown. Secondary: Unknown.
Abilities: [BLOCKED]
Service: 4/6 Priority
[BLOCKED]: 2/6 Priority

”Blocked? Identify can be blocked??”

”[This unit's d-d-designation is that of W3AV3R. An automaton design specifically for use in the t-t-textile industry, as well as security.]”
No. 1097405 ID: 1effd3
File 172636104035.gif - (94.78KB , 720x600 , 091424_FromNothing153_ERROR.gif )

>Don't attack immediately. Remember, you're the invading adventurer here. Offer a few runes.
>If this thing isn't friendly we'll need those to load an offensive spell though! Offensively, Marshlight is at best a handheld taser.
”I have two runes on me, and I don’t know if any of my normal spells will work on it, so keeping the runes ready is a good idea.”

>Be careful for fabrics that might try to grapple you. They might be a magician that controls fabrics, and responsible for the plush-golems.
“Did you make these cute doll things?”

One of W3AV3R’s eyes quickly flashes red, and goes back to blue.
”[Truth be told, the factory has been closed abnormally long. It has been quite …idling. My skills indeed made the fabric golems. They don’t do much besides assisting in sewing. I have also-]”
An eye goes red.
”[Repaired the holes and structural integrity of the factory.]”

“Do you think you can help us out?”

”[In what way?]”

“We came here looking for fabric-”

Another eye goes red. W3AV3R’s begins to jitter increasingly.

Silv slowly begins to back away.
”Tetsi, I think now would be a good time for one of your ideas…!”
No. 1097406 ID: 5b2941

"if you're not open then we'll just leave. when are your visitation hours?"
No. 1097408 ID: eb0a9c

"-and we would like to trade. Our fresh flax for your high-quality fabrics, our fruit-based powder-dyes for your runes."
Flax refers to threads made of plant fiber.
No. 1097414 ID: 113f76

The service mode seems to be struggling against a security mode. Who's in control is the number out of 6.

Stating intent to do business and asking for the visitation hours should hopefully tip things back in favor of service mode.

We don't really have the technical skills to help ease its malfunctions right now, beyond that. We should consider moving outside, but don't approach it, see if it will move aside and allow you to leave. Approaching may tip towards security.
No. 1097416 ID: 2f41db

We dont want to take, we wish to trade.
A factory without purchasers for its orders is not fulfilling its purpose!

They appear torn between higher intelligence and rudimentary protocols.
Need to phrase things in such a way that fit within the frame of the simplistic ruleset that holds influence.
A factory recieves materials.
A factory produces goods.
If these parameters are not met then it is nonfunctional.
We are now part of your supply chain.
No. 1097418 ID: 273c18

Ah, it's of two minds. The red lights seem to be how much it's leaning towards security/aggression. Currently you are breaking two laws: you are trespassing and you have given the indication you're a thief. Best to solve both those problems quickly.
Tell it you are not going to steal, and do not wish to break any of its laws. Perhaps you can talk outside if that's more comfortable? You are willing to purchase fabric. What does it accept as currency or trade?

Hey do you remember anything about robotics? Any chance you could repair this guy? Too bad we don't have a repair spell.
No. 1097422 ID: 861ceb

uh, ask how is planning to buy or trade theft?

Oh, maybe ask for a job so you have a reason to be here without them getting pissy and ask for a tour if they're not against the idea.
No. 1097444 ID: 0db8d3

Before us is a forgotten production and security drone. It is heavily damaged.

It's old directives still function, however, time has given birth to a unique personality beneath. Due to this it has a split personality.

The color of the eyes denote the level of control each personality currently has.
Red for the automaton, blue for the friendly personality.

The red personality is currently in a high state of alarm and control. We need to placate it. If we can avoid a fight, we'll have a new friend we can bring back. Choose your words carefully, Silv.

Raise your hands slowly so it can see you aren't a threat.
Tell it you surrender and would like to be escorted from the building. Once outside, feel free to talk normally to it. The red personality should be much less aggressive with you outside, which will make it safer and easier to talk with blue.

Due to it's nature, if a fight breaks out Marshlight will likely destroy it utterly- but it can probably rip Fern apart in seconds.
May we avoid such tragedies.
No. 1097461 ID: 355e44

Play the part of a prospective client. Apologize for entering uninvited, but there were no listed visiting hours. Ask if they will allow you to step outside so you can discuss business.

It might be a long shot, but see what they can tell you about the owner of this factory, and whether you might be able to purchase it.
No. 1097462 ID: 2a82d3

To trade! Trade! Patch your holes with whatever runes we got, and it'll look nicer than cloth. We swear!
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