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File 169404244903.png - (858.87KB , 1411x1073 , Mech1.png )
1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1096173 ID: 355e44

Keep alert. Ask the other guard if they had any trouble, or saw anything suspicious.
No. 1096354 ID: ed041d
File 172441932810.png - (67.22KB , 381x471 , Mech209.png )

You stare up to the skies, on guard for anything else. You connect to the other guard on duty.

:GenericMech5: Yo, bit weird to get a message from some ITA stooge. Who do you work for?

You could answer, or you could go right to questions.
No. 1096361 ID: 1effd3

Just my client, same as you. How did your end go? Mine was unpleasantly eventful.
No. 1096516 ID: ed041d
File 172469025387.png - (20.26KB , 196x230 , Mech210.png )

You ask him about his trip, saying yours was way too eventful.

:GenericMech5: Red Mask huh? Didn't have anything like that. Fairly uneventful march from point a to point be. The Monarchy might have hired him, I don't know what's going on.

There's a bit of a pause.

:GenericMech5: I just want all of you off my planet honestly. Clark IV was a hellscape and the ITA did nothing to fix it, they only got involved once the Monarchy found those old caches. Suddenly nobody can leave the world, and the past 50 years go by with so many dying.

You think his information is incomplete. You recall your conversation about the Monarchy forming and declaring war on the stars.

You could bring it up, or leave it be, what do you want to say, if anything?
No. 1096518 ID: 1effd3

Maybe mention it? but perhaps not right now. maybe ask for his contact details so you can chat later. if you mention it now, judging from his personality, he might get pissed off and try to shoot you.
No. 1096541 ID: 355e44

Just say if it was up to you, you'd be gone already, and leave it at that. Back to watching for threats.
No. 1096545 ID: 8f9bc4

Tell the guy you're still catching up since you got no memories of anything before the past (week? month?). The bartender's story of declaring war on the stars really makes sense, if the ITA let Clark IV go to hell. If you can't leave the planet, then you'll try to make yourself worth being around. Maybe these suits can do something to bring an end to this, but right now you two are working together to keep them safe so they can do their bureaucratic magic, so stay sharp, and keep a lookout.
No. 1096664 ID: ed041d
File 172494124187.png - (31.10KB , 554x429 , Mech211.png )

:PilotIconF: If it was up to me, I'd be gone already. I don't remember much anyways, the past month is a blur.

:GenericMech5: Figures.

:PilotIconF: We just need to make sure our diplomats come under no harm, and then we leave. That's all.

:GenericMech5: Not like it matters much. The corps want our planet, there is so much buried underneath the surface, they won't be happy until they take it all.

You are a corporate soldier, you may have opinions on that, do you?
No. 1096666 ID: 63709c

It's a rigged game, the only winning move is not to play. But you don't get that choice so grab what bright spots you can, while you can.
No. 1096667 ID: b3eab7

Seeing how fanatical the Monarchy soldiers were acting, perhaps some technology is best kept out of all hands.
But for now that's above your pay grade, and you'll settle in the short term for breaking the Monarchy's grip on this world, and objective both of you agree on.
No. 1096670 ID: eb0a9c

"Has it ever occurred to you that just as we worship worship the monarchies and corporations, those systems themselves might be mindlessly worshipping the rulers themselves?
I dunno, but this tech could prove that."
No. 1096678 ID: 1effd3

"Can't we just agree that our bosses all suck?"
No. 1096782 ID: ed041d
File 172522382602.png - (21.62KB , 262x181 , Mech212.png )

You opt to agree that your bosses all suck. You know that for certain with the ITA accountant who remained on world.

:GenericMech5: Spoken like an indentured slave.

You stand there and watch the horizon for an hour, it's utterly quiet. Your mech's sensors pick up a lot of arguing from the diplomats, but that's just part of the job. You'll be paid handsomely for this, and at the very least that new Mech should be ready.

:HandlerIcon: 637, radar just picked up something, approaching fast.

You turn to the Box Walker who is eying you with suspicion.

:HandlerIcon: Not involved with the Monarchy as we can tell.
:StaticIcon: It's interfering with communicat- y----- -- ---- --n.

Hannibal goes dead, you're by yourself now.
No. 1096788 ID: b3eab7

Optically signal to the box walker to be on guard, something's approaching.
No. 1096790 ID: 1effd3

It's Red Mask with a PvP build isnt it?

Tell our new friend to keep an eye on the VIPs, and get ready for... well probably just try not to die.
No. 1096795 ID: 355e44

Shield up, position yourself so that the box walker isn't in a blind spot. If he's eyeing you that means he's suspicious himself.

get ready to intercept the intruder's first barrage.
No. 1096943 ID: ed041d
File 172546055092.png - (24.45KB , 272x152 , Mech213.png )


You let the Box Walker know, turning to face the sky. Something is coming this way, and if you can do any damage, that'd be helpful.
No. 1096944 ID: ed041d
File 172546059394.png - (20.57KB , 591x588 , Mech214.png )

You see it, off in the distance in the direction of the setting sun, something rapidly approaching. Your sensor systems on your mech detect that it is a mech, the head unit has been painted red.

It might be them.
No. 1096954 ID: b3eab7

Okay, do you have any deployables left other than missiles? Because now would be a good time for turrets.

I'd say ask the box walker to hide behind some cover and try flanking Red Mask, since you should have most of his attention.
No. 1096961 ID: 1effd3

dont think we'd even be able to call in deployables with our comms getting jammed like this. we need to know exactly what he's using, and its most likely something close and personal and fucking fast. We need terrain advantage, so if possible, we can make him follow us into the ravine.
No. 1096974 ID: 355e44

His mission will still be to eliminate the diplomat. We can try to draw him into the ravine, but not until we know for certain he's targeting us.
No. 1097003 ID: c06b20

It's possible this is the decoy, or the Red Mask's apprentice. Don't unload everything in one direction; your job is to protect your diplomat, not kill Red Mask.
Only fire what you won't need in their direction to make them dodge, and move the diplomats to a secure chokepoint.
Spam your deployables, though. If you can get lucky and transmit a signal, it could turn the tide.
No. 1097112 ID: ed041d
File 172571852285.png - (33.95KB , 421x237 , Mech215.png )

You alert the Box Walker to keep close to the Diplomats and keep them protected.

You begin transmitting what you can to the Agamemnon, you hear little until suddenly.

:GenericMech1: Ag----non -ea-d-ng -o- B--s---g c---u-i--t--ns ----- m--utes --ld -n

Something is going on, best you can tell is that they're attempting to boost their communications system to cut through the jamming.

Doesn't matter much, as Red Mask Lands.
No. 1097113 ID: ed041d
File 172571861013.png - (57.84KB , 434x414 , Mech216.png )

Judging by the build of his mech, you think he might in fact, be there for you...

:RedMaskIcon: Hello again, 637 Fox. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Ready to die?
No. 1097114 ID: 63709c

Looks like he's set up to barrage you as cover to close distance and spike.
So how about this? Beat him to the punch with your own charge. Boost up and shield slam him like a snowboarder. Even if he can spike through the shield he'll only hit your legs. Then he'll be open for smg to the face.
No. 1097115 ID: 1effd3

"Quick question, how will this be any fun for you when I haven't even reloaded yet?"
No. 1097117 ID: eb0a9c

Freak him out.

Cut comms, mash the controls, and shoot blindly around him. While he's distracted, boost up wildly - then change tactics and burst-fire straight to his legs.
No. 1097121 ID: fd7f7d

So many possible one-liners... "Oh this isn't hell?" "Perhaps in a few decades." "Ain't gettin' paid enough to die." Still, gotta go with this. "Sorry - too busy impressing your employers." Looks like he's mostly got explosives. Get too close for him to use those without blowing himself up. Just watch out for that right arm of his - whatever it is it's not a hand.
No. 1097122 ID: b3eab7

"So, is there an assassination mission on me yet, or are you doing this pro bono?"
No. 1097125 ID: 273c18

I want to swing the edge of the shield at him. Like a big flat sword.
No. 1097230 ID: ed041d
File 172597737412.png - (27.73KB , 263x161 , Mech217.png )

You waste no time and charge in, you don't even respond. Strong and Silent, you are pushing him back.

What is your next move?
No. 1097235 ID: 355e44

Shield to block his view, shoot his foot point blank.
No. 1097238 ID: 1effd3

Block his view agreed, force his machine off balance.
No. 1097348 ID: ed041d
File 172623524696.png - (24.47KB , 218x206 , Mech218.png )

You block of Red Mask's view with the shield and open fire on their right leg.
No. 1097349 ID: ed041d
File 172623528608.png - (17.91KB , 135x178 , Mech219.png )

Alerts fire, Red Mask has just managed to maneuver the arm around to fire one of their pile drivers into your shield arm, you have lost an arm unit.

No. 1097350 ID: 63709c

While the shield is still between you push them back. Without a leg they should be less maneuverable, circle them just past arm's reach to look for an opening.
No. 1097351 ID: 63709c

Is the shield still attached? Do we still have control in the shoulder joint?
No. 1097356 ID: 1effd3

back up, and take out thier other leg. no legs make it hard for them to get in melee range
No. 1097365 ID: e715a5

Well, shoot the arm off and he's got no close range options.
No. 1097366 ID: 1effd3

he has his OTHER arm with a piledriver
No. 1097476 ID: ed041d
File 172649612337.png - (78.36KB , 807x440 , Mech220.png )

You speed back and open fire with the SMG, Red Mask dodging as best as they can, firing a grenade from one of their shoulder cannons.

What is your next move?
No. 1097477 ID: 1effd3

where is the grenade heading? if it's not the VIPs, dodge, if it IS the VIPs, block with shield. maintain midrange distance, continue focusing on his legs, or perhaps swap to his launchers.
No. 1097480 ID: 1effd3

wait shit we just lost the shield arm
No. 1097483 ID: eb0a9c

Tell the box operator to get the ambassadors to safety.
Concentrate on the legs until he's immobile!
No. 1097485 ID: 355e44

keep up the fire and shoot a missle at him too.
No. 1097551 ID: ed041d
File 172675690309.png - (37.94KB , 325x333 , Mech221.png )

You alert the Box walkers to keep the Diplomats safe, thankfully there are a few with Close In Weapon Systems mounted, so no grenades fired by Red Mask will strike.
No. 1097552 ID: ed041d
File 172675695564.png - (26.73KB , 408x244 , Mech222.png )

You keep the pressure up, and fire a missile barrage, most miss but one strikes one of Red Mask's grenade cannons.

You are keeping the pressure up.
No. 1097554 ID: 1effd3

ok so his right leg is damaged, and thier left grenade pod is destroyed, so he should be more forced to straif to his right due to the weight imbalance. use that knowledge to lunch a missile to where he *should* be heading, and keep focusing on his legs. removing his ablility to move will give us a huge advantage
No. 1097564 ID: 355e44

this, but keep alert for tricks. This supposed elite is going down surprisingly easily.
No. 1097566 ID: eb0a9c

Try to push a signal for your remaining deployable stuff.
And shoot the head. It might make a great trophy, but that's what the other suckers might have thought before he unleashed his secret weapon from there.
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