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1095743 No. 1095743 ID: 3ded2c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are Special Agent Benjamin Cole.

You were entering the town of Misty Hollow, West Virginia when your car broke down. This is an inconvenience, but the walk along the road gives you time to reflect.

You are here to solve a horrible crime.

But first, what did you have for lunch today?
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No. 1095759 ID: 3ded2c


The Case of the 8 Armed Man. That's one for the history books. Folks almost didn't believe you, but fortunately you always carry a camera to capture evidence. Apprehending the criminal, that was a real tangle for the aquarium staff.

You still keep a memento of the occasion.

Town is just a bit more up the road. You'll be there soon.

Remember the last time you were forced to solve a problem with violence. How did you fight? Did you win?

Status Healthy
Eccentric 3/7 Detective
Skills: Surveillance
Inventory (2/10)
-Aquarium Key Chain (petty)
No. 1095763 ID: 462d8c

Technically the last time you solved a problem with violence is when you smacked the vending machine when it didn't give you your chips. You lost that fight when it fell on you.
No. 1095788 ID: 3ded2c
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It's hard to say you lost the fight. It's true. it's just hard to say. You've always prided yourself on your ability to engage in fisticuffs, but your foe was no mere man.


Finally, you arrive at the edge of town. The only thing here is a lonely gas station with a single pump. They must not get a lot of traffic through here. You eye the vending machine on the corner carefully.

It's late afternoon and the sun will soon sink behind the mountains.

Status: Healthy
Eccentric 4/6 Detective
Skills: Fisticuffs, Surveillance
-Aquarium Key Chain (petty)
No. 1095805 ID: 355e44

Use your surveillance skills to peep through the dirty front window. Wouldn't want to walk into an ambush.
No. 1096328 ID: 15a025

Anything oddly useful hiding in the vending machine that you'd normally wouldn't see in one?

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1085129 No. 1085129 ID: 75b262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Ciarán, my brother, intends to summon the soul-devouring Airceacháin to start a war. It was my mother’s last wish that I, Ráichéalín Uí Liatháin, return from exile to end his madness.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Takes Place Immediately After POV 7: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1064862.html#1064862
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No. 1096056 ID: 355e44

You don't need gods or ghosts to lend you strength Rae, you have friends. One friend in particular sees what you're going through and wants to be there for you.
Let the bird in.
No. 1096057 ID: 273c18

No. 1096060 ID: bcab5a

Got a plan but you may not like how it goes. Since it's a huge bluff. Hide everybody but Kayk in the tunnels. Emerge with Kayk and have her go full dragon mode. Declare to the scouts that unless your bro accepts your challenge your dragon ally will burn his circle's territory until he does. He must face you in a place you both agree upon so that you can veto places that leave you at a disadvantage. General hope is he falls for the lie of using a dragon for harassing while underestimating you while you have equal footing.
No. 1096149 ID: 4c750c

It sounds like you need to hug a bird, Raelynn. Call Taranis in, and he will give you strength. Your friends will help as well. The major issue here is time. I really really really want Raelynn to express all these feelings with the group, but the circle is approaching. We need to get into those tunnels and at least far enough that they’ll lose you. Definitely find a spot for a RaeRae mental health stop ASAP, but we gotta keep the group safe. I can only hope you hold up ok till then, Raelynn. Hang in there!
No. 1096218 ID: e00f12

This guy is right, being strong doesn't mean being alone. Let others be your strength today, and don't for a second be such a fool you think that means you're weak.

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1080778 No. 1080778 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Blood, gore, death and perhaps nudity]

The world is ending. The gods are dead and their rotting corpses have crashed into the world, crushing beneath them what little peace this realm once had. What left of civilization is being torn apart by an endless stream of beasts and monsters pouring out from the decayed remains of what was once your idols of worship. Disease, starvation and death are well-known friends for those that still remain. This is the final generation before all life will be snuffed out…

Which means now is a great opportunity to make some gold!
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No. 1096074 ID: c8380b

I'm not sure how quickly we can move while carrying another person with broken ribs. If only she voiced her problem before Muscles-for-Brains walked away. We can always give it a try, but it's going to hurt. Is covering her in leaves to hide her while she recovers an option?

Gokk is endangering everyone right now. Appeal to the pride he feels as the group's bulwark. We won't last very long if we don't have his strength to depend on.
No. 1096075 ID: 273c18

The potion wasn't enough? Carry her, then. ...we're gonna have to take a closer look at her wound soon; if it's infected then that's another party member in a critical situation.

Also tell Grok that what he's doing right NOW is running. He's refusing to face the facts and accept the loss of his arm, which is endangering those around him.
No. 1096076 ID: 7c0da2

>>1096075 is right. Being a coward is turning your back to whatever you should be facing. Right now, it means the state of his arm.
Now, can he look you in the eye and say that, yes, he does want to die an ignominious death, not in battle but on the road, then have to be left on the side or worse, put down as he rises back up as some kind of pitiful abomination ? All for want of a moment's courage ? Or would he rather cut that damn rotting arm off before it kills him ?

And, yes, carry Kani, there is not really much choice, you don't stand much chances of succeeding if you lose both her and Grok. Besides, you probably shouldn't trust Orma too much, best not be the last one standing in her way. Just in case. And maybe you'll get lucky and Grok'll cut off his arm sometime soon and still be able to carry her after that. You can always dream.
No. 1096125 ID: 9e924b

She's slowed, not dead weight, and leaving her to die means pissing off Gokk, which inevitably leaves just you and the snake, if you survive him, and will probably end with just Orma and a reanimated corpse. Plus, you didn't save her to let her die.

Keep snark to a minimum, Kani has been nice in spite of her pain. If your shoulders can handle her, better for her to sit there then piggyback: she has chest pain and you'd have fewer free hands. Also, even if she's hurt, EXPECT her to go for your ears as payback for hers.

The cute crazy old hag has a point, but you'll get through to him better with Kani's help. Gokk is still running away, by not acknowledging the truth of his infection. But it sounds like you should be moving quickly too.
No. 1096130 ID: 355e44

Carry her, you did just save her after all.

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1094701 No. 1094701 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1096046 ID: 553635

you know im curious, is there any personal effects in erisol's clothing? i wonder if there's a name written on there or something or such. makes a man wonder who she was before being a sprite, or if she has always been one
No. 1096055 ID: 0e1248

Better Mint than Licorice, I'm I right?

Anyway, have you been able to tune up with the magical minerals in the mountain? ´cause we're looking forward to the great feats of magic you could be able to accomplish.
No. 1096066 ID: d1a285

I have a better idea Pwndle! Magic surgery. We'll make it so you don't need glasses. And if that fails and melts your eyeballs? We'll make magic replacement eyes out of gems or something! And if that fails, we'll invent braille. It's fool proof. Trust us.
No. 1096073 ID: 818210

The mint might be Tislomer. She likes it. A lot.

Fighting words.
No. 1096077 ID: 2f41db

No rules that i know of.
You be nice to him.
Hes kinda new to, uh.

oh yeah.
Guy talking to us. Long distance.
May have something to fo with point of origin.
Maybe some way he does it.
Maybe he really, really wanted a breathmint.
For all i know his psychic brainwaves flew through a humbug factory chimney.
Kinda weird but interesting.
Good to know youre alert to it.
Keep being awesome princess.

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1074913 No. 1074913 ID: 3ea497 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Asteroid Quest-inspired story, written by someone who never got around to reading the damn thing.

Content warning: contains crude language, crude drawings, off-color humor, inaccurate lore galore and is hosted on Questden, which is even worse.
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No. 1095839 ID: eb0a9c

Batarian slavers, who have no idea where they are.
No. 1095860 ID: 19ea25

Barbarians. So much destruction and chaos is surely to bring more chaos and loot. And it's time o deal with proper raiders.
No. 1095864 ID: 355e44

Barbarians after your loot! (not really, they won't want junk, but its the principle of the thing)
No. 1095871 ID: 347825

The blinking animation is better done than many I've seen; I think the blurring sells it, somehow.
No. 1095971 ID: 2c1245

Contemplate life and nialism.

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1095806 No. 1095806 ID: 938478 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You were 6 years old when your entire race was slaughtered before your very eyes.
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No. 1095817 ID: 273c18

I don't get it, why did they spare you?
No. 1095846 ID: 6f8677

Feel like I've seen this movie... Is this "the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving"? So your race genocided them and then your race got genocided? So you plan on genociding them as vengeance? Just making sure the motives are what them seem to be.
No. 1095861 ID: 355e44

By advancing robotics to the point that the machines replace the living.
No. 1095879 ID: b7f718

Figure out how to get more money with robotics. We have a masters and a vestige of a comfortable life, can we swallow it and try and gain capital while we begin toiling on our killbots in our basement and/or garage?
No. 1095915 ID: b28248


It isn't just robotics per se. It's also general purpose AI. And Artificial Super Intelligence. Robotics goes WITH that, in case you want the ASI which will inevitably murder you AND them to use, say, 'a terrifying army of robots' rather than 'a supervirus which causes everyone to suddenly fall over dead all at once.', which it might be prone to do without a fanatic genius roboticist's specific type of support. Does the method matter, or just the result??

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1057778 No. 1057778 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

And by my hand, this shall be a grand dungeon.
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No. 1095161 ID: 46aea4

A platoon of Lost Soldiers supported by 3 Lost Wizards who are maintaining a ritual that will auto rez any skellies that go down. taking out one of the Wizards will break the ritual but the remainder will then join the fray with spells.
No. 1095163 ID: 2b4438

Get some bones, some swords and some skeletons. Bully them with wheel skeletons.
No. 1095182 ID: dc4bad

ah a classic! I think every Dungeon Master must do the reforming undead bit at least once

Lord Savage would approve (who knows, maybe he's a magifan and will see in real time)
No. 1095189 ID: 46aea4

I don't think we have Wheel Skeletons, but we should absolutely build an underground hippodrome and have undead chariot battles at some point.
No. 1095724 ID: 5fee00

Could be fun if the mimic waits in a room with a treasure chest, but out of line of sight. In the corner next to the entrance or something. When the decoy (real) chest is opened and it's safe, the adventurers will relax. And -that's- when the mimic should attack them.

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1069187 No. 1069187 ID: b15e1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Written by Naocat.

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No. 1094279 ID: 5ebd37

She probably heard some of how he's taking it. If she wants any chance of salvaging this relationship she should come clean now.
No. 1094428 ID: f2320a

So whats the story here Jane and Missus
No. 1095667 ID: 17abec
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“Before you tell me that, would you mind taking the mask off, Beth?” The situation at wing has become more than apparent to you. The badger takes her mask off, revealing her concerned, pained expression.

“I promise you, it’s not what it looks like.” She winces at her unbearably cliche choice of words.

>Get the full story. No details spared.

“I’m not here to point fingers or expose you, I just need to know what happened. I’m sure there’s a way we can all come to a satisfying conclusion.”

Beth looks at the Alligator, then back to you. “I understand.”
No. 1095670 ID: 355e44

go on, we're all ears
No. 1095684 ID: 15a025

What a shocking turn of events! That mask we had wouldn't happen to be the what got stolen would it?

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1081683 No. 1081683 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

quest about making a house. will likely contain violence, blood, gore, death, and horror themes, though will try to keep a lighthearted tone. other nsfw content may arise given your suggestions.
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No. 1094086 ID: 8f9bc4

yes I see he's carved a bishop, and a knight, and a... sad...whale?
No. 1095587 ID: 127310
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>This fellow seems nice, you should let him stay.

Alright, you’ll let him stay. He probably has a name of his own, but he hasn’t been particularly forthcoming about it. What do you want to call him in the meantime?

>Welp, guess we are going to invite Reepicheep over here to play chess!

You’ve actually never played chess, though you do have a passing knowledge of the rules. Regardless, you think he’d probably destroy you.

>yes I see he's carved a bishop, and a knight, and a... sad...whale?

Well, he probably doesn’t have much in the way of a reference.
No. 1095588 ID: 127310
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Now, what was it you were doing again?

You seem to be thinking about Kaspar a lot. No judgement from me (not that i’d tell you if i was judging you), but you might want to ask around and gather more information about him before actually meeting him if he worries you that much.

You could also investigate further into WOLAND if you wanted. You do have their number, after all.

You could also do something else entirely. I’m not your boss.
No. 1095591 ID: 347825

Well, let's see. Thinking about the telephone room, weren't there some books in there, that you haven't looked at yet? We could check another one or two of those. Or cold-call somebody. Ask if their refrigerator is running.
No. 1095671 ID: 355e44

Didn't Gretchen say the house would provide food if you do all your chores? Should check in the pantry and cold store to see if anything showed up, and plan dinner while you're at it.

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1070829 No. 1070829 ID: 0fbdcd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The sequel to Decompressed: Nuke Ops. If you never read it, or just want a refresher, check it out here: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/981565.html

As before, I am not the artist or writer of this quest; I'm only archiving it from another medium and relaying commands from Questden to the artist.

All art and story credit go to Nine Hyperzine Tripping Engineers.

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No. 1095312 ID: 0fbdcd
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:ConstructionEngineer:: Blood 1.
:Friz:: What?
:ConstructionEngineer:: Bloodletter leader.
:Friz:: :HeadSurgeon:...
:Friz:: She thought you were amazing?
:ConstructionEngineer:: Confirmed. Everyone felt like she thought they were amazing.
:ConstructionEngineer:: Target broadcasted an admiration for all targets and phenomena.
:Friz:: That sounds like it would be... a lie, really?
:ConstructionEngineer:: Negative. Target authenticity was clear.

:Friz:: And that's how she got to you? Got you to do things?
:ConstructionEngineer:: The same reason you did Security's work.
:Friz:: Yeah. I get it. I understand.
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No. 1095313 ID: 0fbdcd
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:Friz:: What did you say?
:ConstructionEngineer:: Transmission repeats: Code - Dawn, Harmony, Glissando.
:Friz:: No, I--
:Friz:: Sorry (got confused a second).
:AtmosTech:: All good.

Focus, kid. You've got some crooked steps at the end there, straighten them out.

:Friz:: Do you think I could get a list of your work-sites?
:Friz:: I'm looking for something related to the Bloodletters lately...
:Friz:: Could give me somewhere to start.
:ConstructionEngineer:: Er-- Affirmative.
No. 1095323 ID: 273c18

That looks like you remembered someone else's memories.
No. 1095366 ID: 8f9bc4

That parrot is really good at imitating her voice!
No. 1095394 ID: dc4bad

interesting, seems like :HeadSurgeon: had a few different lasting effects on the station.

with how liked she must have been, opposing her must have been hard, in more ways than one.

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1095022 No. 1095022 ID: 0c5e97 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are squirreljak, a red squirrel that survived the great squirrel replacement. You have been banished from your home and you have nowhere to go. All you can do is try to survive. What will you do?
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No. 1095047 ID: 273c18

Don't you have anything better to do?
No. 1095055 ID: 2f41db

First and most importantly ensure your tail is at maximum fluffiness with a quick grooming.
A fluffy tail is essential to good squirreling. If not for your tail youd just be some kind of ginger tree rat.
No. 1095080 ID: 8f9bc4

complain about it on twitter
No. 1095089 ID: 16d082

Say "nothing ever happens" aloud to yourself
No. 1095334 ID: a7c2ff

Those dastardly european squirrels. Always replacing all the other squirrels and stealing your nut spices.

Let's cross the Bering strait and form a grand intercontinental alliance of non-european squirrels to beat them back.

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1086223 No. 1086223 ID: 462d8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Once again a new quest.
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No. 1094608 ID: 44c167

Root vegetables have so many culinary possibilities. Mash, chips, bake, soup, etc
No. 1094610 ID: 2f41db

The statement that they will be frugal with their projects in consideration of the status of the stockpile implies an expectation that the stockpiles would be a contributing element.
While i suspect there is still a third party at large, we can infer that the stockpiles have been used to complete some of their completed works.

If the situation is confronted it should be done quietly and diplomatically.
People could very well percieve their actions as callous theft and give credence to the rumours and prejudices that follow the chasonites.
I suspect they have a more relaxed attitude towards property (with the exception of their compound which they seem guarded over)
and have expected the same to be true of us.
They must be made aware that stockpiles are carefully monitored and resources pre alloted towards future essential works that have yet to begin.
Their failure to coordinate will result in some projects having a delayed start date which could have a repercussion on long term settlement viability and inflict unnecessary hardships upon people.
To use an analogy, we are all pulling the same cart up the same hill.
We wont get very far if someone decides to run on ahead with one of the wheels.

As to the plants...
I cant decide.
Spicy beans sound good but a parsnip you can fence with is also appealing.
Nul vote as i like them both.
No. 1094611 ID: 273c18

Honestly, if they admit to using our supplies then we have to tell them we expect to be able to do the same with what's in their compound, and send someone over to take stock. At the same time we'll be able to find out exactly which types of objects they consider community property, because sharing EVERYTHING doesn't make sense when they're open to trade! We should also ask them to coordinate with us a bit more about what projects they're interested in doing. We have stuff we need to do, too, and if we're the only ones harvesting lumber then we can't exactly afford to put big pallisades everywhere.
No. 1094613 ID: 66a2a4

I have no issue with them drawing from the stockpiles, honestly. If we continue with our close cooperation then they're just as much our people as our own. That they are particularists is of little issue. We're on this island together, likewise our fortunes will rise and fall together.

Let's try some mutual cooperation

First, nform them that their laborers are to check-in with the quartermaster when they draw from the stocks. Keeping accurate counts is important, and our poor quartermaster has been spending so much time counting and recounting that he hasn't had a decent sleep in weeks.

Then inform them that around the time of their arrival, we were supposed to receive a large shipment of vital supplies. In it's place we received a pittance due to some political upheaval back in the empire. Meanwhile, most of our efforts here so far have been put toward securing our food supply.
This means that currently, we lack the tools and facilities to produce more supplies. If we want to start producing our own we need to start from scratch, which means we need a Lumber Mill, Carpenter's Workshop, and Charcoal Burner. We can't even think of mining, smelting, and forging metal tools without those.

Suggest to the Chasonite's a mutual construction project to establish this critical industrial supply chain.

Finally, I'm voting for spicy beans!
No. 1094636 ID: 2f41db

This plan for mutual cooperation is sound.
I like it.
Hope the chasonites do.
Hopefully theyll feel reassured over our attitudes towards their compound and be open to such closer ties.

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1092905 No. 1092905 ID: c540e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

NSFW (obviously)
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No. 1094502 ID: c540e0
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RECALL (Arrival at O’Malley’s). FOCUS (Expressions on the faces)

Grim couldn’t remember noticing anything wrong when he got to O’Malleys . Everyone just looked like their normal selves.
No. 1094503 ID: c540e0
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RECALL (The woman with the umbrella). FOCUS (Descriptive details)

Grim recalled the woman with the umbrella. She was dressed kind of trashily. The kind of girl Grim would usually avoid at a bar like that to avoid getting certain illnesses.

She was wearing a jumper and a mini skirt that sat quite low on her hips. She had a lot of piercings including what looked like nipple piercings on her sizeable breasts.

She was maybe 30-35. She had a tattoo of a butterfly on her back left thigh. She wore thick rimmed, round glasses.

The Umbrella wasn’t particularly remarkable so far as he remembered, maybe some details about it were relevant, he wasn’t sure. But the more he thought about it, the more suspicious she seemed.

He described her and what happened with the umbrella to Officer black.

Black - ‘we did find an umbrella at the scene, it’s currently in evidence, we’ll take a closer look at it.’
No. 1094504 ID: c540e0

Continue recall or end the questions and move on?
No. 1094529 ID: 2f41db

There was a fat dude in the redtraunt and a guy just outside.

Recall if the guy left after them or if the guy outside approached.

Also, recall any overheared details from their conversation but consider before sharing any of them first.
No. 1094530 ID: eb0a9c

Make sure you confirm Raquelle's face is the same as when you left it.
Come to think of it, she said she had an asshole of an ex-boyfriend...
Also, talk about the football game that was playing during pool, to prove you were watching it.

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1076764 No. 1076764 ID: ea857f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Its been a while since i told a story... hey how about this one... it all happened a long long time ago, and it happened to yours truly... yes thats right! the scarlet talon, lucifer's strongest warrior, and if you will allow me, a pretty fine swordswoman even back then...
This is the story of a lost dog finding herself at home... and if you want to hear all of it, you better keep these drinks coming!

[This quest is nsfw, and will contain sexual and kink content]
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No. 1079674 ID: be2ac4

You seem distracted... doctor love prescribes you suck a dick to calm down while you take care of yourself
No. 1094417 ID: 3d2396
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"Hey Taal..." Runi clears her throat, "you're uhm, into breathplay and stuff?"

the elf beams, nodding, as she clears snow from around the tents, "yes, I'm a bit odd in my tastes."

"would you want me to uh..." Runi smiles nervously, "sit on your face...?"

Taal looks back at Runi and smirks, "ah. well, dear... I meant breathplay for my partner. I have a thing for causing pain. I'm a bit a a sadist, hehehe."

Runi's tail wags as the idea of Taalsen doing harm to her clouds her vision. Runi had never had anything more than light spanking but the idea of someone that could snap her in half like a twig toying with her like that... it really excites her. Runi is used to being the top, maybe a little time being a pain princess would be nice...

"do you only top?" Runi hums

"I suppose I'm open to alternatives." Taal gives a playful smirk, "what do you have in mind?"

"well, I'm usually on top, so... I was thinking..." Runi flashes her teeth, "I could sit on top of you... make you eat me out, while i play with your cock..."
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No. 1094418 ID: 3d2396
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the kobold heads into the woods. elsewhere, an other kobold stalks the woods. Kadra sits atop a tree branch, catching her breath. that goblin certainly saw her, and the tiefling may have too. in any case, she's far from either of them. she shudders to think if she got caught out by whatever person was strong enough to cleave those scouts in half or punch a hole through one. well, she's safe now. she pulls her helmet off, and scratches her scalp. itchy, probably just the air drying out her skin... hopefully...

she digs under her breastplate, finds the little parchment envelope. when she shakes it she can hear the little pills slide around. she smiles. still plenty. she looks up at the sky and tries to figure out what time it is. she should take a pill soon, but she has time. first, she'll find this kobold. she doubts anyone else in her group speaks beast tongue. she just needs to convince them to come with her, and this chore can be over with, and she can go back to her work.

she shoots upright. footsteps below. she nearly drops her helmet as she shifts to hide in the branches. a kobold. a southerner! that must be her... Kadra perks a brow, she is rather pretty... and also preoccupied. she stares down at the forest floor, gathering fallen branches, occasionally muttering something to herself in a flustered voice and giggling. eventually she sighs and leans against a tree. Kadra stares at her for a while, wondering if she should confront her, or just keep watching for now.
No. 1094420 ID: a671e8

Your proposal won't be appealing to them and they've already shown aggression, so it's better to demonstrate your diplomatic approach is intentional and not fear of retaliation. For this reason get near this southerner while she is alone and vulnerable, state your desire to talk peacefully and, depending on her reaction, either offer a meeting somewhere else when she calm down or hopefully have a civilized conversation here and now.
No. 1094425 ID: 861ceb

could you sneak down and away from her without being seen and causally stroll by her and be surprised to see another kobold here and just pretend to be an adventure doing a scouting run to get information and a lay of the land for some quick coin since you couldn't find a group willing to team up with a kobold and just happened to bump into her? Or would traveling alone be too suspicious?

If it could work could be a good way to ask her about her group and if she doesn't like them then try and convince her to come with you. hell maybe ask her about her adventures so far and see if she can tell you what happened back at the fort without directly asking her what happened back there.

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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
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No. 1094116 ID: 273c18

Did it seem suspicious to you that the splinter came off right in front of you? I wonder if someone else's power is responsible, or if this is some kind of trap. They can sure execute you if you kill someone with your toothpick launcher without probable cause.
No. 1094123 ID: 2f41db

For the love of all that is holy, do not hide it in your prison wallet.

Youve got fur. And hair.
Tuck it in to that temporarily while you appraise the new situation.

Have a sneaky look around your cell too.
Theres a possibility that they have cameras on you.
Look for spots one could hide a camera.
Small holes in corners .
Elevated and with coverage of the cells inside and out.
No. 1094142 ID: 5ebd37

Why would they execute you now when they could do it live for the ratings or whatever? They don't need an excuse, its not like the audience is going to know if they're lying.

I guess just keep the pick under you until you free your head.
No. 1094160 ID: 7c1f1c

Derringer stock? Lockpick? This feels like the sort of thing we shouldn't convert into something else immediately. The potential is worth more than a toothpick launcher at the moment.

The new guys could be useful. If they're really that talented, then if we can spring them, they might be a big enough distraction to cover whatever we're doing. The downside is that they might be loose enough canons that we get caught in the crossfire. Communication is gonna be limited, but scoping out exactly what their talents are and how dangerous they would be to us should be a high priority.

What's that in the lower-left corner? It looks kind of irregular, not intended, especially with the discoloration. Does it go somewhere, is it a pipe, or just a random, unintended hole from a stray gunshot or something? Did someone punch it and leave blood around the jagged edges?
No. 1094248 ID: 15a025

That toothpick is going to turn into your life line here. Might even be able to use it as a lockpick.

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1094063 No. 1094063 ID: 26801d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Update 1

Today, I told myself I was finally gonna stop lazing around, be productive, get my homework done on time, and finally make a Quest. It was gonna be beautiful, insightful, thought-provoking, simple in its complexity yet grandiose in its humility. It was gonna put the masters of old to shame.

Then I got distracted playing video games for two hours, jerked off, took a shower, and watched Youtube shorts for two more hours, couldn’t think of anything to actually draw when I finally sat down, and now it’s 5 in the morning and I have work tomorrow and can’t do any art or writing because I have to go to bed!

But maybe… just maybe, while I’m sleeping… inspiration will strike, and I’ll make that masterpiece after work tomorrow.

Perhaps the Muses will be of some assistance?
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No. 1094167 ID: 26801d
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GodsDAMMIT, not again! The power went out; that’s the fourth time this week! Ugggggggh right when I was about to start drawing. Last time it took an entire day before the landlord actually came out and fixed it.

… well, uh, now what should I do? I’m brimming with creative energy and it’s still daylight. I could, uhhhh, fold laundry? Do the dishes? Or I could go see if there’s anything going on outside. Who knows, maybe I’ll just so happen to meet a girl or something.
No. 1094168 ID: 2f41db

Dont despair.
Could just be a broken fuse, gofind your circuit breaker, see if a switch has flipped.

Worst comes to the worst you can go sit outside with a old school paper notepad and write out some preliminary choice trees and character layouts.
No. 1094173 ID: fd3ba8

You could also grab paper and pencil and just get sketching. Try to come up with some character designs that are simple (and therefore quick to draw) yet distinct and perhaps even memorable. No way to do this without actually drawing stuff. Get the bad ideas out now so you don't get stuck with overcomplicated designs that are a pain in the ass to draw consistently.

Also consider making daring characterization choices, like giving characters pronouns that clash with their gender presentation. Your Suggesters getting super confused is gonna be worth it in the end when they crown King genius of Questden.

I guess if it's actually too dark to draw, maybe take a walk? Fresh air is important. Good for daydreaming. You can jot down notes on your phone.
No. 1094174 ID: d58817

If you're drawing on a tablet, and don't need a whole PC setup, then you can take your tablet to the library, and keep drawing there. Sometimes, there are even girls at the library.
No. 1094179 ID: 63709c

Get out of the house. See of the power out is just you or the whole neighborhood.
Visit your favorite restaurant and bring along a sketch pad. By the time you finish the meal the power should be back.

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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
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No. 1094060 ID: 77189b

do you know anything about that demon lord? could maz?

we need to know costs here
but it may be smarter and more in line with this bizarre to make an offer, giving them access to demon dicks sounds like a start.
stamina potion is a must
you already nearly bit it (heh) from old- uh er i mean middle aged, man sleepiness.

asking about the tf seems wise too
No. 1094061 ID: 77189b

hes practically loyal...
No. 1094078 ID: 9d3b39

An amulet of stamina would help with both staying ahead of your hunter and impregnating multiple partners without tiring you out too much... Though I do notice he seems to be trying to shift the quick digestion ones considering he mentioned them twice.
No. 1094081 ID: c8380b

Could we afford to buy the demon dick and just chuck it through a portal back to its owner? I'm sure whoever's missing their dick would be very happy to have it back.
No. 1094087 ID: 273c18

I think one is for digesting quicker, and the other is for being digested quicker.

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1081887 No. 1081887 ID: df47b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

We have something on the order of a week until this possible patron for my dungeon arrives for his tour, but we're making steady progress.

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No. 1092274 ID: 2a82d3

Above all else, show some relief for her. The only reason that she would keep pushing her luck, from where you're standing, is try to impress you. Make it clear on uncertain terms that your affection doesn't hinge on her accomplishments, being unable to show affection does not mean a lack of it, and being supportive of her adventures doesn't mean you'll stop worrying after her. Acknowledge she's an adult now, so you can respect her as one.

At least you can be supportive by helping her with her adventuring career. She can't rely on dumb luck, as she is neither of those anymore. Her other stats are looking good, at least. All-rounder builds can work if there's strategy behind it.

>Inimical Inversion
Only reason this wouldn't atrophy is because it can still be used for cleanup, or defense in a pinch.
>Imperial Ambitions
With the ability to do socratic dialog on demand, there's no wonder how her Wits got a big bump. Even better, each form can pick different stats to improve on their own, therefore improving when back together. Screwing with analysis readings, presumably because it averages between the three, is a funny bonus.

That said, your concerns about cohesion are valid do need to be addressed. In the short term, her minions/kids/troops are going to play favorites soon. You might as well settle the issue here and assign which troops are to fall under which command/form. For the long term, she'll have to find or maintain concensus between herselves. It could be better to treat each one as parts of a whole, rather than as individuals. Ideally, she'd develop a core personality across her (currently) three forms, even if it's not what you originally envisioned. (You don't need to literally split your personality to understand the need to have different "faces"
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No. 1092288 ID: f5580a

Ahh the Hecate classic; Maiden Mother Crone trio. We should look to develop a sort of Witch Queen of the Slimes persona for her dungeon work.
No. 1092299 ID: e1a09b

Might as well ask about names or if they should be differentiated at all. We can't exactly call her Thing One, Two, and Three, after all, aand it's a bit insulting to just name them after appearance. However, there's all sorts of questions we need to ask about things like independence, how they resurrect (do all of them share a coffin? What if they wipe all at once?) how to employ them in the dungeon (she could do a whole section on her own! A whole wing! A sub-dungeon, if you will!) or if we could just have her work the outdoors, keeping our local area more up to snuff and less chaotic.

And this is all before how this has affected her production of lesser slimes. Is it divided among them? Is it faster? Do they each make different slimes? Can they control each other's slimes?

I have so many damned questions, and so little to actually suggest, but here's the big one:

Alkaline is the first of our chaotic mess of a party to come out the other end of this more or less with a complete bonus. She's just More Alkaline, she's smarter, and it's more a question of HOW to apply what she has than putting out some sort of body-modification fire. Gratze, Alkaline, as far as I'm concerned you're in the top billing!

Quiz her on the above. I'd love to use her new slimes and friends with the statues from before to make a truly heinous room that would confound any adventurer, but first we should see how she works. She might just be our new best groundskeeper, really, but as she is, she could do that AND other stuff!

>I'll have to check on the glossid and the cake mimic at this rate.

yeah do that
No. 1092321 ID: eb0a9c

>What was she hoping for by surprising me? Was she expecting me to be happy? Angry? Proud? Worried?
You've consistently stated to her face that you don't want to be her mother. She hasn't taken that well. This is her trying to conform her mind around that.
The point of this is to try to get some kind of reaction other than a business-like apathy towards an employee. Even hatred would be enough to help her get past her obsession, but you're still not applying that.
She's obviously angry at you for treating her like a junior employee her entire life. Can we compromise? Even treating her like a pet would be preferable - and that's something you've done well with Chakarchelou, so now she's envious of the fact that you treat your animals in a way she would prefer to detached respect.
No. 1092329 ID: 2a82d3

"Don't you want things to defy your expectations?"

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