Calling Puff
You'd rather not touch anything.. it feels disturbing enough under your feet, even through your boots, and you'd REALLY rather not screw around with anything that could set the stomach off if it got busted up..
>"Exit? Not really a lot of em.. Despite how long I've been working, they always keep changing, an' I'm getting too old to keep huntin' them down, aside from the backdoor I doubt ye'd wanna have anything to do with that though, bein' a fine young lass as yerself.."
>"If it's any consolation though, til we find ticket holder 1, there won't be anyone dying in here, 'least if they don't go gettin' stupid and killing themselves.. Quite a few give up and just kill 'emselves. Other's fight it out, aan' then there's the odd one or two who just up and die not long after getting in here. Guess from bein' scared. Don't see why m'self.. "
Great, either we're stuck here til we kill each other, ourselves, or we somehow just up and die.. I could probably bear getting out the uh... 'backdoor' as he put it.. but I doubt Fluffy would without being scarred for life.. decisions decisions..