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File 132263894799.jpg - (379.91KB , 3437x3735 , Pantheon.jpg )
368822 No. 368822 ID: 9a34be

When the world came, barren, into existence, the pantheon came with it. They were eight, gods and goddesses, each with rule over their own realm.

[Suggest a number of elements, abstract or physical concepts for the gods and goddesses. The eight most popular will be assigned to each of the pantheon. In the case of ties or other oddities in the vote, gods may be assigned multiple realms; if not, sub-realms may or may not be determined later. You may also suggest names.]
3 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 368839 ID: 1e3433

The Silent Leader, God of Justice
The Hopeless Dreamer, Goddess of Pleasure
The Twisting Roots, God of Chaos
The Crushing Foundation, Goddess of Order
The Eternal Schemer, God of Void
The Apathetic Seer, Goddess of Inertia
The Unbreakable Sword, God of Victory
The Mended Bow, Goddess of Hope
No. 368848 ID: 784dcc

Four oppositions...
Beginnings vs. Endings
Adventure ["thievery"] vs. Security ["fortresses"]
Mercy/charity vs. Wealth/luxury
calculating reason vs. Pleasure/pain
Left [cult's] reaction to up['s cult]
[sam]e cult
[opp]osed cult
SAM is super-in-line, ++/SAm best buds, +/Sam friendly, sam/(+) is mild approval (about op+), = neutral, (-) opp means opposition [mild], - is (Opp)osed strongly [don't let your children near those evil people], -- would be OPP is "murder them in the streets, maybe even with witnesses". Of course, security-type doesn't get out much, so...
BegAdvChrRatEndSecLuxPnP Example races
Beg SAM + ++(-)op+(-)(-)(+)Humans
Adv+Sam(+)=(+)Opp(+)(+)halflings, kobolds, dwARVES(TECHNO), elves(wild fey), goblins
Chr++(-)Sam(-)-(-)Opp(-) cutebolds
Rat==(-)Sam(-)++op=constructs [sometimes]
Endop+(+)-=SAm=(+)(-) humans, gnolls, goblins
Sec-OPP-(+)-sam++(+)dwarves[insular], elves [insular]
Lux(-)-Opp(-)-++Sam++rich goblins, dragons
PnP++(-)op= (-)(-)++SAM goblins, dragons, constructs [sexbots]
[the order around the circle continuing from first four-]
No. 368850 ID: 784dcc
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ff. have a mildly prettied-up one.
No. 368853 ID: ce06b8

Please refrain from titling suggestion posts. Also... I have no idea what the hell you're trying to say. Keep suggestions to realms and names, please.

Just checking in for now, votes will be tallied later in the day, feel free to keep suggesting things until then.

No. 368855 ID: f70e5e

i'm voting for this.
No. 368856 ID: f31dfc

Urist: King of the First Mountain. Father of the dwarves and giants.
Voloc: Emperor of explosions and flames. Leader of the goblins and orcs.
Zeph: The one who wanders on the wind. Companion to the fey and flying races.
Azra: Mother to the oceans. Grandmother to the merfolk and water dwellers.
Metetros: Master of metal and mechanisms. Teacher of the gnomes and the mechanical.
Natara: Lady of the forest and animals. Protector of the elves and the forest folk.
Orez: Keeper of death and darkness. Savior to the undead and the shadows.
Li: Maiden of light, bringer of life: Mother to the humans.
No. 368871 ID: 0c0648

No. 368908 ID: b6edd6

I like this one. I think gods for specific species kind of pigeonholes both the god and the species.
No. 368976 ID: 6e44d2

Basically, the gods are a band that rocks so hard, people literally worship them. I mean, that's pretty impressive.
No. 369075 ID: 9a34be
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The eight of the pantheon were as follows:

Durain-Metatros, God of Progress, Evolution, and Technology. His symbol is the Sunflower Gear

Baloo, Goddess of Order, Harmony, and Reason. Her symbol is the Balanced Scales

Kecklamek, Goddess of Rythm and Passion. Her symbol is the Passionate Note

Clalctain, God of Adventure, Improvisation, and Thievery. His symbols are the Mask and Key

The Nameless God of End, Void, and Decay. His symbol is the Shattered Shape.

Anthyptus, God (usually) of Chaos, Unpredictability, and Change. His symbol is the Twisting Root.

Fharron, Goddess of Conflict, Discord, and Strength. Her Symbols are the Crossed Swords.

Po, God of Consistency, Security, and Inertia. His symbol is the Impassible Lock.

Of these Eight, Seven immediately began to shape the world they would oversee.

One, however, arrived in the midst of a deep sleep. Which of the Pantheon was it?
No. 369076 ID: e2d21e

No. 369085 ID: e55966

No. 369089 ID: 43d730

No. 369093 ID: 4b1c10

i'm gonna go with durain, progress is always the end of the line.
No. 369096 ID: 6e44d2

The nameless god. The world will not know death until he reawakens; then, things will turn crueler, and the innocent days in the beginning will fade into the obscurity of myth.
No. 369099 ID: 4b1c10
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alright, i know that this comment won't have anything to do with the request- but i can see some very radical god shenanigans with this pantheon.

Clalctain sounds like they're related to Kecklamek
and the Anthyptus/Fharron thing looks like a rivalry waiting to happen.

i can't wait for next update, seriously
No. 369130 ID: f70e5e

Durain, lets get some SCIENCE! up in here.
No. 369137 ID: da696f

Im going with Durain here. Industrial revolution HO!
No. 369138 ID: b6edd6

Durain. Death is an inherent part of all things in the world, while progress only slowly and gradually emerges from chaos.
No. 369144 ID: 0c0648

No. 369145 ID: 2dff97
File 132277025088.jpg - (216.87KB , 990x660 , end.jpg )

The Shattered One.
No. 369160 ID: 6e44d2

Yeah, but the concept of progress is there from the beginning. In our universe, quantum particles began to join together into larger and larger structures immediately after the big bang, constantly becoming as complex as the immense heat and energy would allow. Without progress being there from the beginning, then nothing will really change between then and whenever Durain wakes. Choosing the shattered one to join the world late would be rather more interesting and rather more tragic.
No. 369192 ID: 44766a

No. 369221 ID: da696f

But Decay has started from the beginning as and through "Progress" the world marches ever faster towards the end, using up energy and resources that may not always be replaced. And one can even argue that the void had been around even before the beginning, which would mean that the nameless god would actually be the first as well as the last god to exist.
No. 369223 ID: 6a5a08

No. 369224 ID: 6a5a08
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Pic related, it's the Nameless God
No. 369262 ID: b6edd6

In purely physical universes with big bangs, all worlds owe their existence to dead stars (the source of heavier elements).
I once the universe is created, the materials of new things still come from the remains of older things.

Progress, on the other hand, does exist at all times, but early on (apart from the big bang) is extremely slow, and only gradually starts to happen faster than on an astronomical or geological timescale.
No. 369299 ID: 9a34be
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It was the God of Progress, Durain-Metatros, who failed to wake upon his arrival. Most saw this as an oddity; others as a relief, or even an opportunity. Each, individually, chose not to try to wake him. Some simply decided to focus on filling in the rules and content of the new world, others had plans to make.

The players have assembled, and the board placed upon the table. Who shall we follow as the pawns are assembled?

Discussion Thread now open, as well.
No. 369302 ID: 4b1c10

anthyptus, or fharoon. i like chaos and discord
No. 369303 ID: f70e5e

huh, i thought we were going to take control of the one who arrived in a deep sleep.
No. 369305 ID: 6e44d2

No. 369312 ID: 6a5a08

No. 369330 ID: da696f

I think were just following this god for the creation bit.

Also one vote for Anthyptus
No. 369346 ID: 9a34be
File 132286352027.jpg - (18.61KB , 500x331 , Pantheon 4.jpg )

"...Hm? What's this...?"

"...oh! You're one of Anthyptus', aren't you? When everyone split up on arrival, I was worried I'd have no one to talk to, and that would just be tragic! And I think everyone's already starting on their own projects... This is going nothing like the first session. I don't know whether I should start making something of my own or see what one of the others is working on..."
No. 369347 ID: 1854db

What's the first session?

Go peek on what someone else is doing!
No. 369352 ID: da696f

Its not plagiarism if we just take a peek. But I think we should brainstorm about things that could cause unpredictable change, like storms or tornadoes or something along those lines.
No. 369359 ID: 1854db

But she's the goddess of Rhythm and Passion!
No. 369370 ID: da696f

Well there's no harm in asking for help now. even if she has nothing to do with us.
No. 369373 ID: 6a5a08

What if-
What if we made music.
Did you make music yet?
Make music.
If you already made music, I think you should make the rhythm of the seasons. Changing, yet predictable to an extent.
Also check out what everybody is doing, it's probably too early to start making life, but without life music is kind of pointless, and passion increases with more people to feel it. You could totally make the first race and stuff.
No. 369445 ID: 6e44d2

Bum. Bum. Bum. Bum. BA-dum. Bum. Bum. Bum. BA-dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum BA-dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum ratatatatatatata etc.

Yeah, music.
No. 369446 ID: 7c31d2

No. 369452 ID: da696f

wait wait wait are we one of Anthyptus', or are we Kecklamek
No. 369549 ID: 6a5a08

I think we're one of Anthyptus' little sprites, and we're just chilling with Kecklamek.
No. 369943 ID: 9a34be
File 132307111227.jpg - (49.27KB , 750x664 , pantheon 5.jpg )

[You examine yourself, to the best of your abilities. You do appear to be one of Anthyptus' sprites.]

"Oh, this is the second time I've done this, created a world. Last time, though, everyone met up at the start and we had a discussion about what to do..."

"...But not this time. I guess it might be because these guys have been around longer than me. All of them have all three of their realms, and I only just got my second... and the sleeping one even has two names! I'm... kind of glad he's asleep, actually."

"Oh, Music, of course! Um, but there's nothing to appreciate it, yet... still, I'd best at least do this, before anyone takes the idea!"

[State Modification Enacted: Sound now exists in the physical realm. Cost: 20 points.]
[Kecklamek has 80 points remaining for this Phase]

"There! Music is just the organization and appreciation of sound, after all. Once a race exists, teaching them the ways of music should be simple. Though... the planet is pretty barren, now. Maybe I should do something about that, first. Even if I created a race, there's not much for them to be passionate about."
No. 369966 ID: 786012

Excuse me, but must we be so unimaginative?

Our race will be the Music itself.
All interactions in a medium produce sound.
Sound waves are born and die each instant; they change as they live and interact with each other and with the environment. The more complex ones, the Melodies, can manifest themselves in the interweaving of lesser sounds; they live both in Medium and in Memory, sustaining themselves by repetition and evolving with time to better suit/coexist with their audience.

The more powerful Melodies are those who can affect animate or inanimate beings. Majority of these are Songs, although the most powerful ones are Pure Melodies, also known as Themes, performance of which produces miracles; these are associated and named after their respective effects, like the Themes of Light and Darkness, Themes of Love and Hate, etc.

Then, there is The Silence.

No. 369973 ID: 597dc4

yeahhhhhhhhh, that is an awesome idea. maybe the sound sprites (or whatchamathingies) live in a non physical world, made of pure ambience that co-elates and reverberates upon each other. Seeing the music, that's what we must have.
No. 370042 ID: 6e44d2

Hell yes.
No. 370046 ID: 6a5a08

No. 370049 ID: 6af537

... Regarding decoration of the planet, if the Consonant Cacophony all names are open to debate idea goes through, we might want to supply some material basis for our Melodies' initial development stages. For example, design a tree the leaves of which take form and properties of tuning forks. This will be a veritable breeding ground for lesser Sounds.
No. 370071 ID: bc8084

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