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1011088 No. 1011088 ID: 8483cf

//Clothing Repair\\
NSFW 18+ Warning: This quest includes nudity and mild elements of non-con (clothing damage). Reader discretion advised.

Adventuring has never been safer! Healing spells and trinkets of mage armor are cheap, powerful and plentiful. Unfortunately, spells that protect clothing are still very, very expensive, and it didn’t take long for monsters to figure out new ways to drive off adventurers.

As a newly minted journeyman seamstress just opening up her own shop, you must propose clothes that fit your adventurer’s skills, protect them against dangers, fit their budget, flatter their sense of style, and protect their modesty. Public nudity is highly illegal!
274 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1032395 ID: 894419

Seems like the most optimal set of choices
No. 1032414 ID: abaa91

Actually, 2, 3, 3. Like some of the others say, to advertise our own work.
No. 1032417 ID: 8b62f4

No. 1038678 ID: 8483cf
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I’m not too proud to admit that I need help. But not too much! Just enough. I’ll look around for someone to come in once a week. A maid would be nice, but I don’t think there are any actual maid services in Busalla. I’ll just pay someone who’s really good at cleaning. Or maybe someone who wants to start a maid service? I wonder if they’ll accept payment in maid clothing…

Anyway! I also need help charging my lens, but that’s a lewd lens. I don’t want it getting out what that lens can do. I’ve got no idea how much it’s worth, either, so the less I tell people about, the better odds that it won’t disappear on me. I’ll wait for Naomi to come back and bring her wizard friend Samamtha to look at it.

As for my outfit, I know JUST what to wear. These SUPER CUTE KNEE HIGH SOCKS I MADE MYSELF! I throw on a cute outfit that doesn’t require a horrible neon garter belt like the one that Tineola showed EVERYONE at La Taverna and they think my fashion sense is HORRIBLE UGHHHHH I should burn that horrible garter belt into tiny ashes. Or wait, that’s dumb. I should just let Tineola eat it.

…Wait, where is my garter belt? I took it off at the secret swimming spot along with my bra and a pair of work stockings, and left them to hang on the vines. And… then I left them there the day before Naomi gave me that huge project.


I’ve left my underwear out there for DAYS?!


Okay, it’s fine. It’s fine. Easy, girl. You’re a very well-paid seamstress and it’s totally understandable to forget unimportant things like underwear at a secret swimming spot. No one will find it. Unless they’re a local. Or Naomi, who I told about the spot. Or an adventurer Naomi might tell. And even if someone does go there, no one will realize that it’s my underwear.

Unless they recognize that horrible neon garter belt and put two and two together.

Oh this is awwwwwkward

What should I do?
1. Hurry to the secret swimming spot and get my underwear back
2. Hurry faster to the secret swimming spot and get my underwear back
3. Dash madly to the secret swimming spot and get my underwear back
4. Proceed calmly and NOT run frantically because that would be very visible but I should probably go now now now now hurry to the secret swimming spot and get my underwear back
No. 1038680 ID: e51896

uhhhhhh, you're wearing a white shirt. Running will make you sweat... sweat will make that shirt see-thru. Learn from a certain kitty's mistake.

4 or 1

and yet, part of me wants to see it happen with 3
No. 1038681 ID: 899c9f

Hurry faster! Tineola will be drawn to that garterbelt like a moth to a flame!
No. 1038682 ID: 262068


#3. Break the sound barrier while sprinting to the swimming spot.
No. 1038683 ID: 15c72a

No. 1038688 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1038693 ID: 629f2e

4, it's been there for days already, a few minutes more won't make much difference.
No. 1038694 ID: e5709d

It's just underwear, leave it be. You have money to make.
No. 1038713 ID: 66f68e

What's the town's statute on exposure that isn't nudity? You're wearing white and if that becomes see through, does that violate the HIGHLY illegal public nudity laws?

I say 4 as well. Being nonchalant means not making a scene, which would be good in case you run into people who know you. Taking your time also means you might find some potential customers.
No. 1038714 ID: 0e6456

3, you need to be there and back before anyone even knows you’re gone!
No. 1038727 ID: fe7de6

I can support going fast... only IF Saiorse decides to wear exercise clothes to run instead of her white shirt.
No. 1038837 ID: 8483cf
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I head straight for the door and throw it open. This is UNACCEPTABLE that my unmentionables have been hanging out in public for DAYS and I need to go get them RIGHT NOW so people don’t think I leave stuff just lying around, I need to be professional and-


Professionals probably wear bras under white blouses in public.

I close the door.

Maybe, just maybe, I should slow down a little and think things through. Yeah. Everything’s been sitting out for days, a few extra minutes won’t change anything. But I definitely need to worry about my appearance, if I want people to think they can rely on me for theirs.

I put on some underwear and a cami, actually grabbing a handbag for my errands this time. Even if my blouse turns a little transparent, nothing will be showing.

Everything is going fine, Saiorse. Just take it easy and relax. With that in mind, I head out the door and make my way to the secret swimming spot as casual as can be.

It’s early afternoon, and the sun is hot.

Is there anyone at the Secret Swimming Spot when I arrive?
1. No
2. Yes, Naomi
3. Yes, an adventurer Naomi told about the spot
4. Yes (other)

Are my stockings, garter belt and bra still hanging from the vines?
A. Yes
B. No
No. 1038838 ID: 15c72a

2, A.
No. 1038840 ID: e5709d

2, B
No. 1038841 ID: 629f2e

3, B
No. 1038851 ID: 899c9f

No. 1038856 ID: f99917

A. Yes. Give her a break. Buuuuut...

4. It's about to be eaten by Tineola. OH NO!

or 3.
No. 1038978 ID: 398700

3: Yes, one of the adventurers.
A: Yes, but they're in use by the adventurer.
No. 1042085 ID: 8483cf
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I arrive at the Secret Swimming Spot to find Elaine, my first (non-paying) customer, dipping her hooves in the water. I bet Naomi told her about this spot, so I can’t count on it being totally secret anymore. Oh, well. It’s still nice to have a little secluded spot that takes some real effort to find.

I glance at the vines where I left my underthings. They’re safe and sound! Hooray!

I clear my throat and quietly announce myself with a quiet hello. I don’t want to spook her.

“Oh!” Elaine jolts upright and looks over her shoulder, eyes wide. “Um… I… It’s you. Ah… hello.”

“It’s Saiorse. Elaine, right?”

“Y-yes,” she says. “Um… did you want to go swimming?”

“I’m just here to pick up some laundry,” I say lightheartedly.

“Oh, those are yours? I was wondering…” Elaine sighs. “Never mind.”

Something is clearly bothering her. I try and steer the conversation to something she’ll obviously like.

“Did the corset I made you fit?”

“Yes,” Elaine says. “Very well, and it was very sturdy. Your reinforced robes helped me out on my first mission, too. Thank you.”

“Happy to be of service!” I glow with pride. “Did the mission go well?”

“Ah…” Elaine sighs again. “Everyone says it was a complete success. My clients, the Censors, are very happy with me. I helped get some very valuable cargo to some very needy people. But…”


“I just…” Elaine stares at her reflection in the river for a moment before continuing. “I don’t know how to feel about them. About the Censors, I mean. How people can swear to do and serve one thing, but act completely the opposite. And then some people you think are jerks turn out to be okay, but… they’re still jerks, but less of a jerk, and… they took vows, and I took vows, but they judge me without knowing me, and… I’m sorry, I’m rambling, and you must be so confused.”

“It’s okay,” I say. “It’s good to get it off your chest. I don’t know what it’s like to take a vow as important as a vow of poverty or celibacy, but I can say that no one has the right to judge you like that. It isn’t fair.”

Elaine kicks her hooves in the water. She seems to feel a little better.

I collect my things and fold them up as tiny as I can into my errand bag. As I turn to leave, Elaine calls out with a question.

“Um… if I were to ask you for something, then, you wouldn’t judge me either, would you? Please don’t tell anyone.”

“I’m sworn to secrecy and non-judging,” I say solemnly.

“Then…” Elaine scrunches up her face. “Would you… if it’s not too much trouble… I can’t really offer anything, but… I… I’d just like to wear something nice. Something that makes me look like I… like I hadn’t taken my vow.”

I let out a high-pitched squeal and quickly cover my mouth. Elaine looks at me, shocked.

“Of course you can!” I say. “You can try on whatever you want! I’d love to help! Our little secret. I promise.”

Elaine glances around nervously, but excitement lights up in her eyes. “You can’t tell anyone.

“I double swear. In fact, I vow not to tell anyone. It’s that serious.”

“Good,” Elaine smiles. “Ah… do you really mean you’ll let me try on anything?”

“Yep, anything!”

“Okay,” Elaine says. “Um… I’m just thinking about a few things, but… do you have anything like… um… I I’ve always wanted to see how a few things just… just fit, you know?”

What kinds of clothes does Elaine want to try on? Do I have them in stock, or do I have to make some myself?
No. 1042086 ID: e51896

She throws a curveball and wants to wear goth clothes!

You'll have to make them tho.
No. 1042087 ID: 629f2e

Let Elaine try something cute, and totally not practical. Like a brightly colored sundress. Or maybe something casual, like a tanktop and jeans.

You definitely have things like these in stock, though you'll have to make some adjustments to let them fit her.
No. 1042088 ID: 899c9f

This. Or you have some of the pieces, but they're a little tight around the waist.
No. 1042104 ID: e5709d

>How people can swear to do and serve one thing, but act completely the opposite
"... Oh, darling. It's because nobody cares to ask.
Most don't find it 'polite', even if it might be necessary, to frequently ask questions about a priest's faith, or a politician's maturity, or a soldier's courage. So, all the bad people hide their flaws by joining up, and then it turns out they're good at climbing the ranks without believing in anything."

>Vow of poverty sucks
"... You know, I wonder if there's a vow that's even more painful, but far healthier and happier."
[Vow of Charity]
You swear an oath to give away everything - even the very robes on your back - to anyone in need. You may not hold onto any form of wealth for more than a month (and based on digestion, you must consume or surrender food even faster).
(Note: Augmentations count as material possessions, unless they merely mitigate the effects of a crippling wound without enhancing the user in any way whatsoever.)

Guy clothes! You know, since she's just trying things on.
No. 1042107 ID: 398700

We ABSOLUTELY have to get her full-on Corpsepaint Goth
No. 1042112 ID: 1f6946

Give her socks but put a lot of emphasis on them as the main part of the getup!
No. 1042119 ID: e51896

Now that I think about it, since Elaine wants to try on the clothes we have, maybe we can ask if she wants to try modeling now and then. We did think about it before. The only thing is that right now, she doesn't want to be judged. But perhaps this can be a stepping stone to let her try on outfits without our judgement, and then later, we can ease into letting a friend or two visit and see her in the outfits we design until Elaine is more comfortable to model and show off our clothing to potential customers. Plus, she's not going to be owning them, just showing them off.
No. 1043510 ID: 8483cf
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“This is our secret,” Elaine whispers. “Just… do you have anything… dark and elegant?”

“Lots!” I say. “Anything specific?”

Elaine fidgets for a minute. “I can’t describe it that well. I’d… I’d like to wear something cute, with lace, and tons of detailed etching, and… and it would be shapely, too.”

Elaine’s just described literally the opposite of what she’s been wearing her entire life and I LOVE IT.

“Can do!” I pump my arms in the air. “You want dark, cute and frilly? You got it!”

Elaine grips her hands together tight and stares straight at the ground, and it’s super obvious she’s fighting to keep a smile off her face. She’s not even allowing herself to show excitement about fancy clothes. She is STARVING for fashion and refuses to even acknowledge it.

Guess it’s my job to break her of that habit!

“Why stop there?” I say. “How about seeing yourself in something super poufy and floofy, like a spaghetti-strap dress with a billion petticoats? Oh! I know! I’ve got some ankle socks that are just to DIE for! And how about some nice comfy jeans? Or even skinny jeans! I love jeans. Great excuse to show off your butt, AND they’ve got POCKETS!”

Elaine is biting her lip so hard I’m afraid for her a little bit. I step close and lean down next to her.

“I promise you’re gonna look great and feel great, too. You wanna know a secret?”

Elaine nods.

“The secret is…” I whisper in her ear. “I think your vow of poverty is really unfair, and I would never tell anyone about what you wear or do or wish, ‘cause a girl’s gotta dream.”

Totally out of the blue, Elaine reaches up and gives me a huge hug with her big long arms and I have to dodge one of her horns from stabbing my face but that’s totally okay.

“Thank you,” Elaine says after a long moment. She lets go, and I’m very grateful I didn’t sneeze when my face was right in her hair.

I sit down next to her and we both stare at the water for a minute. I take a moment to appreciate how well things have gone today. I got a customer (even if she was an angy sheep that didn’t really appreciate my work). I got my underthings back. And I even got, maybe, a new friend.

I don’t really have to do anything other than run a few errands, but those can wait. It’s afternoon, and the day is hot.

Should I:

1. Offer to take Elaine back to my shop RIGHT NOW and let her try on stuff
2. Finish running my errands and look for a maid
3. Ask Elaine if she wants to go swimming
No. 1043511 ID: e51896

2. Your a PRO FES SHUN AL, you gotta get your chores done, and find a maid! but ask her when a good time for her to come over for modeling would be.

I really want 3, but we just became her friend, and I feel offering that is too forward.

1 is my second choice, but I think we really gotta prioritize getting a maid to help clean our place first.
No. 1043512 ID: 515982

3. You're already here! Might as well. Finish up your errands and look for a maid tomorrow.
No. 1043513 ID: 894419

Errands first, elaine can come in discreetly this evening
No. 1043528 ID: 629f2e

2, those errands are important, and shouldn't be ignored.

3 would be fun, but let's be real you did NOT bring a swimsuit. You need at least one more level in your friendship with Elaine before you can suggest stripping down to your underwear and swimming together.
No. 1043554 ID: 8483cf
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It would be fun (and daring!) to go swimming with Elaine, but neither of us have swimsuits. I don’t think Elaine would be comfortable enough to strip down and jump in with me, at least not right now.

And as much as I’d love to spend the rest of the day playing dress-up with my favorite cowzelle monk girl, my shop is, and I quote my angy sheep customer on this, a total pigsty. That needs fixing. Plus I need to see if Samantha and/or Naomi are back from adventuring so I can ask them about charging my lens.

I have errands, which sucks, but at least I have money to run those errands, which is so much better than my situation when I first opened up shop. Hooray!

I gather up my hanging underthings and stuff them in my errand bag and invite Elaine to drop by my shop any time, even after hours, if she wants to be stealthy about it. That’d give me a good excuse to have the door locked for privacy, too. She nods eagerly.

“Can I come over in two days? Saturday night?” she asks. “Sorry to intrude on your weekend…”

“Sure thing!” I say. “I’ve got a date tomorrow, so two days from now is perfect.”

“Oh, how wonderful!” Elaine says. “Um, may I ask…?”

“I’m getting flowers from the cutest druid guy with the most adorable eyes and floppiest ears and he smells- uh, he looks great,” I gush. “He’s Celyn. Have you met him?”

“Yes!” Elaine says. “I ran into him on my travels this week. He’s the kindest person in his adventuring party. I’m sure you’ll get along very well.”

I give Elaine a goodbye for now and head out on my errands. I’m all smiles. Things are going GREAT!


Halfway through my grocery shopping in the small Busalla marketplace, I spy a very tired wizard. I clear my throat and make myself presentable as I can.

“Hello? Miss Stevens?”

Without even looking at me, Samantha lets out a long, tired sigh. “What did she do this time?”

“Wha?” I nervously tug at a strand of hair. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Oh,” Samantha says, straightening up a bit. “Force of habit. Shall we start over?”

“Sure!” I beam. Samantha withers at my sunny disposition, so I tone it down somewhat. “I’m Saiorse MacTavish. Your companion visited my seamstress’s shop about five days ago.”

”A Stich in Time,” Samantha says. “So you’re the one who so thoroughly drained my stipend for the month.”

“Um…” I scratch the back of my neck, hoping I’m not about to get asked for a refund. “Naomi seemed to like her outfit. Did it hold up well?”

“It did,” Samantha says, and now it’s my turn to relax a little. “Your work is exceptional. Honestly, whatever seamstress sorcery you used in making that outfit has kept Naomi calmer, cooler and more comfortable than she has ever been in this climate. I understand why your fee is so exorbitant.”

“Uh… thank you?” I smile. “Um, actually, I was hoping to ask for your help, too, if you don’t mind. I have something that needs some wizardly examination, and a bit of discretion.”

“I can appreciate the value of discretion,” Samantha says, “Unlike some people. You’re wise to come directly to me.”

“I’m willing to pay,” I say quickly.

“No charge for a bit of advice,” Samantha says. “Since she first stopped by your shop, every day at noon exactly, Naomi has asked me to casting illusory swimwear on her, and then disappears for hours. She hasn’t said why, but it’s easy to guess… and now, my afternoons here have been much less stressful. Honestly, I’d have paid you even more than Naomi’s outfit just for that. Anything that keeps Naomi out of trouble in Busalla… It’s the first town she hasn’t been ejected from in a long time. It’s worth the effort to keep things this way. I appreciate your assistance.”

What luck!

“Let’s go back to my shop,” I say. “It’s just a few minutes away.”
No. 1043555 ID: 8483cf
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I take Samantha to A Stitch in Time and make sure to lock the door securely behind us, close the shutters. Only then do I show her the lens and describe a few basic functions, leaving out the x-ray features. She doesn’t need to know about those.

“One moment.” Samantha stares at the lens, conjures a ring of diagnostic runes, and they all light up a solid, glimmering gold. “Saiorse, this… this is beyond a masterwork. How in the world did you come to own such a finely enchanted lens?”

“Someone threw it off a bridge,” I say, realizing how ridiculous it sounds. “I swear! I found it buried in the muck of the river running through town.”

“I can’t imagine why anyone would part with it willingly. Oh, dear. Let me check…” Samantha spins her projected runes and ticks off each one carefully. “Ah, it’s not cursed. Good. But still, there are so many layers of spells cast upon each other, I can’t fathom where to begin in assessing what it’s fully capable of. This lens is incredibly valuable; far more valuable than this shop and everything in it. I highly recommend you keep this in a secure location.”

“I kind of guessed that,” I say, shuffling my feet. “But as nice as it is, I can’t get it to charge up again.”

“It’s missing a similarly attuned mana source,” Samantha says. “For something like this, I would imagine its original owner had a lens case with a gem to convert ambient energy, perhaps solar, into usable mana. Without attunement, you can’t recharge it.”

“So it’s dead, then,” I say glumly.

“I didn’t say that,” Samantha says. “I can locate a suitable gem and attune it to the lens, given a day or so. I can even set it to charge off of ambient heat, if you like; all you’d have to do is set the case on top of a stove if you really needed to charge it quickly, but simple sunlight or even a summer’s day should provide enough mana to keep it topped off with light use.”

“You’d really do that for free?” I ask.

“I said I’d diagnose your problem,” Samantha says. “If you’d like me to provide a suitable charging case, I’d ask for reimbursement of materials and the value of my time spent on the project.”

“Of course,” I say quickly. “How much would it be for just a quick fix?”

“A small amount of Lira. But I’m capable of much more, and… something makes me suspect you have enough to splurge a little.”

I smile. It’s true.

Should I ask Samantha for:

1: A Quick Fix. Charges the lens slowly.
- Will cost a little; about two outfits’ profits
2. A Good Charging Case that has options for fast charging, like stovetop heat absorption
- Will cost about four outfits’ profits
3. Custom enchantments on the lens case, like concealment and other anti-theft features
- Suggest special features. Will cost at least six regular outfits’ profit, plus more for extra features.

(The money I made off Naomi’s outfit is worth about nine or ten full outfits’ profit, enough to pay all my expenses this month, including rent and food. Anything I spend here will take away from that.)
No. 1043556 ID: 515982

Holy cow, that was quite the stipend! Go for the fast charging option, you'll be using this item heavily to speed up dress fitting and therefore greatly increase profits. You should make more profits before committing to custom features however.
No. 1043563 ID: 894419

Option 2, lets not go wildly overboard here.
No. 1043566 ID: 629f2e

Option 3. Make an investment now so that you don't blow your money on something that'll just be stolen or lost later.

More than anything else: Tracking. Make it so that you can track down the lens using the case, even if it requires the aid of a wizard to do so. That way if it's stolen, you can get it back later.

Theft prevention would also be good, but consider that if it's something Samantha can think of, it's probably something an expert thief knows to expect and get around.
No. 1043574 ID: e5709d

Option 3 - You want this thing attuned to you. It needs to fold into a slit on the side of your head, Adam Jensen style.
This is the most precious thing you own and it will be worth ten outfits to ensure your family keeps it as an heirloom forever.
No. 1043576 ID: e51896

2. Just 2.
No. 1043582 ID: 8483cf
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"Wait! Wait wait wait!" I say. "You say I can attune the lens to something that provides mana, right? Like a gem?"

"Yes," Samantha says, though she's somewhat wary.

"So what if you attune the lens to me? No need for a charging case."

"I don't recommend it," Samantha says, "But it could work. Attunement is a delicate thing, and magic users usually choose gems because they're so predictable in how they channel energy when finely cut. If I were to attune the lens to you, you yourself would need to be in harmony with not just the workings of the lens, but your own core mana in order to regulate the flow. For me to help set things up for you would be a sensitive and difficult process, and requires a level of intimacy that few are willing to share. Not to mention that you'd be the one providing mana to the lens, and you'd need to be trained to cut off the flow if it gets dangerous to you."

"And it would cost money," I say.

"It would cost money," Samantha agrees, "But I'm willing to give you a discount, if only because no one else has ever allowed me to practice that particular skill, for reasons I have already mentioned."

Oh. So she'd be doing it for the first time.

"Another question!" I ask. "What about if I just charge the gem with my own body heat, and keep the lens hidden on me all the time? Like in my hair bun, or someplace else?"

"It would charge much more slowly than on a stove," Samantha says. "I know a few witches who charge their gems on their persons by sewing gems into their clothing in, ah, strategic places."

Should I ask Samantha to attune the lens to me? Should I do it in addition to getting a lens case? Should I try and conceal the lens case on my person somehow, and charge it there?
No. 1043583 ID: 515982

No. Look inside yourself, attune with your inner feelings, and understand that you would drain yourself to a husk abusing the X-ray function.
No. 1043586 ID: 5499f4

I think we can still pick options, so I'm going to vote 3, I like it being able to meld with you and anti theft ideas.
No. 1043587 ID: e51896

Still sticking by my 2 vote
No. 1043588 ID: e5709d

Okay, attunement is off the table for now.
However, we should have this thing registered to a safe - enchant the lens so it teleports when dropped through a one-way portal into your personal vault.
No. 1043591 ID: 15c72a

3, get some sort of anti-theft enchantment on it. It's worth more than your shop, you really need to prevent it being stolen.
No. 1043596 ID: 629f2e


Sticking with my original vote.
No. 1043637 ID: 8483cf
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I really like having immediate financial security, but I like having my ultra-fancy lens even more. If worst comes to worst, I can try and sell it. I can’t sell what’s been stolen.

Plus, I could use my lens to boost my earnings. I have to protect it! I had to deal with an angry Lamisa without being able to take her measurements, and that was stressful enough that I don’t feel like doing it again unless I absolutely have to. As for attuning it to myself…

“Attuning the lens to my own energy sounds dangerous,” I say truthfully.

“A wise decision,” Samantha says. “It takes training to control your own core mana. If you aren’t careful, you could use too much without knowing it.”

Or I could use too much and absolutely know it. Sigh…

Samantha and I come up with some anti-theft features that will deter any crimes of opportunity. They won’t stop a determined and knowledgeable thief, but I don’t realistically have any options that would. That’s where the tracker spell comes in!

My lens case will have:
-Quick Charging via ambient energy, e.g. heat or strong sunlight. Lens case cannot overheat, even if placed directly on stove element;
-Quick-Stick spell to attach lens case to most any surface, and will only un-stick in response to my touch. Can be fooled by a determined and knowledgeable thief, but they’ll need special skills;
-Chameleon spell to blend in with surface it’s attached to; and
-A slim design easy to fit in tiny pants pockets or inside bra

Samantha also promises to cast a spell on both the lens and case that will allow any competent magic-user with my specific secret passcode to track either one down if they’re stolen. It’s a simple spell, but quite unbreakable (unless I remove it or reprogram another, different passcode).

“I’ll come by tomorrow and work on your lens case here,” Samantha says. “In the meantime, I’ll find a suitable gem from my collection. Ah… do you have a workbench that is slightly cleaner?”

“Sorry.” I shuffle my feet. “I was going to hire a maid to help out with that. Do you know anyone local?”

Samantha considers for a moment, then nods. “Yes, I believe I know a few people who can help. Clover and her siblings are local fairies trying to scrape together some money and favors to put their sister through Fairy College. Clover herself isn’t exactly cut out for adventuring, I’m afraid, but she and her siblings are always ready to do odd jobs.”

“Great! How many siblings does Clover have?”

“A few.”



Nickname: What name do they use in public?
True Name: What name do they know instinctively, and never share?
Gender & Sex: How do they identify? What’s up their skirt/pants?
Colors: List glow color, hair color, and skin color. Glow and skin are usually similar, but can be different.
Wings: Describe wing shape, size, number, and if they have color splotches or patterns (can be natural or dyed). Four wings is average.
Silhouette: Pick one adjective to describe what shape of body silhouette they have (slim, curvy, stacked, beefcake, shortstack, etc.)
Personality: Pick five adjectives.
No. 1043638 ID: 515982

Nickname: Lily
True name: Lilivane Trefoile Fidgetwing
Lime green glow, light green skin, pink hair.
Wings: Two large wings with rounded edges and sharp points at the top (like a lily pad), two smaller wings rounding out the circle at the bottom.
Silhouette: Curvy (she's like a watermelon, except where she's like a lily.)
Personality: Relaxed, soothing, laid-back, steady, doting.
No. 1043639 ID: 629f2e

Nickname: Snake

True Name: Lux

Gender & Sex: Male

-Glow: A bold ocean blue
-Hair: A light desaturated blue
-Skin: A pale white skintone

Wings: Two average-sized wings with a bit of flourish to their shape. Detailed with golden tips

Silhouette: Beanpole

Personality: Proud, Diligent, Considerate, Formal, Patronizing
No. 1043640 ID: e51896

I'm fine with whatever

But I want this fairy to have bat shaped wings
No. 1043662 ID: 398700

name: alecksi, despoiler of worlds and trodder upon graves
true name: grimble segsymanne
gender: male
purple glow, blue skin, unnervingly red hair.
silhouette: effete
personality: gloomy, upbeat, omenous, mischievous, bloodyminded
No. 1043667 ID: e5709d

Nickname: Suck-This-Down
True Name: Parlina Glimwitter
Gender & Sex: Gender-Fluid, Intersex (Haz both, but boy parts are sterile)
Colors: Gray, Violet, Tan. List glow color, hair color, and skin color. Glow and skin are usually similar, but can be different.
Wings: Poodle Moth, Small, 6 Wings, tattered with dyed puzzle pieces.
Silhouette: Stacked.
Personality: Aggressive, Lustful, Playful, Intelligent, Foolish.
No. 1043676 ID: 9b127b

this sounds like a funny fairy
No. 1043715 ID: 073707

Ill support this too, it fits the bat wing shaped fairy wing idea I have. (Wings are still white, still a fairy after all. 4 of them, with eye patterns on them maybe)
No. 1043728 ID: abaa91

Backing this.
No. 1090129 ID: fc100b
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“Clover has two siblings living near Busalla,” Samantha says. “Lily and Alecksi. If you want their help, it’s available… but Alecksi, is a tad dramatic. Prepare yourself appropriately.”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” I nod. “Thank you for all your help. It’s wonderful to have someone as knowledgeable as you to help point me in the right direction. I feel so lucky you and Naomi are here right when I got A Stitch In Time started.”

The weary-eyed wizard lets out a long, deep sigh. “I’m not used to hearing that. It feels odd. Most of the time…” Her head droops. “I just keep us moving from place to place before we wear out our welcome.”

It’s obvious that tiredness runs bone-deep. I really, really want to help her relax and know she’s always welcome in my shop, even if Naomi can be a handful. There’s no frown a good wardrobe upgrade can’t turn upside down!

Should I try my sales pitch on Samantha? Maybe she would like a new outfit!

1. Yes, she needs relaxing nightwear! She’ll be so cozy!
2. Yes, she needs something sexy and glamorous to feel like a million bucks! She’ll positively glow!
3. Yes, she needs something else!
4. No, I’ve gone this far without trying to sell her on anything, she’ll appreciate me not trying.
No. 1090133 ID: aa9ce9

4, Out of respect for all she's done for you, you'll spare her from the upsell. Doing it now might make your previous kind words seem disingenuous anyways. Feel free to politely let her know that your doors are always welcome to her in the future.
No. 1090135 ID: 2f41db

4. Is the right choice.

If youre feeling brave and especially sympathetic you could volunteer to watch over her charge for an hour or so while she sneaks in an hour of much needed sleep or rest.
No. 1090137 ID: ab46e9

Also agree that 4 is the moral choice. Heck, you can just say exactly what you want. "You're always welcome in my shop, even if Naomi can be a handful."
No. 1090138 ID: 4c750c


Double agreed. Possibly offer for her to look around and see if she likes something, but DO NOT push for a sale or recommend anything! Whether or not said offer is made, 4 for sure!
No. 1090140 ID: 4c750c

>volunteer to watch over her charge for an hour or so

This IS Naomi we’re talking about. Make sure to consider how much of a handful she was being in your shop for just a few minutes. She’s fine when she’s happy, but the second she’s bored or upset, she’ll be putting on the pressure pretty hard. You’d have to be feeling *extra* brave, imo
No. 1090141 ID: a7a180

Nah, she deserves something for herself too. Cozy nightwear to match her friend's comfort!
No. 1090143 ID: 5ebd37

yet more agreeing with 4, no one wants to be sold to, especially not by a friend.
No. 1090148 ID: 5f2278

4. Only 4. Dont offer to watch over naomi. Karma and Helping others is good, but you cant neglect self health.
No. 1090152 ID: 273c18


And don't offer to help assist where you have no experience.
No. 1090157 ID: 92c262

On the topic of Naomi: Not now. You get more acquainted with what that entails before you make an offer that dangerous.
No. 1090179 ID: fc100b
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Maybe it’s best not to push Samantha into a sale. I’ve already drained her month’s “stipend” according to her, and I don’t want her to think all of this friendliness wasn’t genuine. It was! But I can still sell stuff while being genuinely friendly.

I get the feeling she really, really wants time away from Naomi. I handled the hyperactive half-fox well enough the last time she was here. Maybe I could get some brownie points with Samantha if I take the technicolor terror off her hands for a bit longer?

Buuuuuuuuuuut then again, do I feel like keeping that girl around so much valuable merchandise for longer than I absolutely have to?

“You’re always welcome here,” I say with a bob of my head. “Even if Naomi can be a bit of a handful. Please, drop by any time.”

“I’ll be back in two days,” Samantha says. “I’m praying Naomi will be entertained by her noontime escapades. The longer she’s distracted by whatever it is she’s doing with her illusory swimwear, the more time I’ll have to focus on this lens.”

I wave Samantha goodbye, and my magical lens with her, at least for the next two days. I sincerely hope she doesn’t figure out there’s an x-ray spell buried in it…

Oh! I think I see a green glowing fairy down Busalla’s main street! They’re ducking into the Enoteca! I quickly lock up my shop and hurry to find Zinnia. I mean, Clover. I need a maid so my shop can be presentable for customers! Soon enough I catch up with Clover and her bard companion in the wine bar. It’s just me and them in the wine bar, and they’re heading toward a small secluded table with a curtain that can slide shut. Isn’t it little early in the afternoon to be drinking?

“This is a pleasant surprise,” says the bard. Clover ducks behind his head, suddenly nervous for some reason.

“Hello!” I give a quick curtsy. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

“No worries. My fairy companion is a tad shy. Clover, this is the new seamstress in town. We met her a few days ago at the tavern.”


Oh yeah he was the bard performing that night. Which means… did they see it?

“The girl with the garishly neon garter belt, next to Tineola?”

“Oh! Yes, I remember.”


“That was made from leftover scraps!” I hurriedly say. “I have much better taste than that when it comes to-“

“Easy, easy,” the bard laughs. “I believe you.”


“So, other than my roguish good looks, what brings you here?” he asks. “The name’s Duran, by the way. He reaches out and gives the back of my hand a kiss.

“Oh! I’m, um, I’m Shirley! I mean, Saiorse!” I blush furiously, even more off-kilter than I was a second ago. “Actually, I’m here to, um, ask Clover for some assistance with cleaning my shop, if that’s okay.”

Clover peeks out from behind her friend’s slicked-back hair. “You want my help? Me?”

“Of course she does,” Duran says, smiling widely. “Word must have gotten around about how reliable you and your siblings are.”

Zinnia’s glow brightens.

“I’d like to help you businessgirls out,” Duran says. “Saiorse, right? What do you say I offer to pay on your behalf for Clover’s first cleaning? To get everything off on the right foot here in Busalla.”

“You’d do that for me?” I smile. How generous!

“Well, it’s not just for you. It’s in all our adventurers’ best interest to have a clean clothier in town. And…” he gives a devilish grin. “If you like, I’ll pay for another of Clover’s cleanings. As many as you like, even.”



“What’s the catch?” I ask, suddenly suspicious.

Duran pulls out a pair of dice and shakes them in his palm. “Fancy a roll of the dice? Every time you win, I’ll pay for one of Zinnia’s cleaning sessions. Of course, things won’t truly be fun unless you decide to stake something of your own against that.”

“…How do I know those dice aren’t loaded?”

“Good question. I know a certain feline who plays with loaded dice,” Duran smirks, “But mine are fair. If I knew for certain I was going to win at craps, there’d be no thrill in it, would there? You can even ask Clover. Fairies don’t lie.”

Somehow, this bard seems trustworthy, at least compared to the cat he mentioned.

Should I gamble? The odds will be fair in this game of street craps, and I can be the shooter if I want.

1. Yes, go for more free cleaning!
2. No, one is enough.

If I do gamble, what should I put up as stakes?
A. Money. I have very little now that I’ve spent most Naomi’s outfit profit on my lens and groceries.
B. Merchandise. I have plenty of that, but I’ll lose out on the material cost and profit.
C. Other
No. 1090180 ID: 92c262

1B, merch over money, because you can't buy dinner with a dress.

I'd also support 1C, betting the clothes right off your back. Be daring, take risks, live to regret them.
No. 1090181 ID: 273c18

1B, but don't play too much.
No. 1090182 ID: eb0a9c

1B, bet a combat model that's out of season.
No. 1090185 ID: 0d1c28

this seems like a good choice
No. 1090186 ID: 5ebd37

1B wager something distinctive, something that people will see, admire, and know came from your shop.
No. 1090189 ID: 9fdc4a


Actually, no. We've been playing it safe for awhile.

1. If only to gain his friendship in this fun game. But be sure to only gamble with what your willing to lose.

B. How about if we lose, he gets one outfit made for him free of charge
No. 1090190 ID: a7a180

I am gambling, and don't call me Shirley!
1A. It's only a small amount anyways. Consider it your payment for the cleaning if you lose.
No. 1090192 ID: 2f41db


But only once.
Win or lose.
Its just for fun.

If you win,
gracious in victory.
Give him the horrible clothing item he mentioned as recompense.

If he wins
Depending on his reaction

If good natured view this as a chance to advertise with him as your charming far travelled model and do your best work ever.

If hes a dick, make something from offcuts for a cheeky payback. Maybe a hat that makes his head look like a big floppy dong.
No. 1090193 ID: 4c750c

1C! I wouldn’t try to game him for like a bajillion cleanings, but just one or two more couldn’t hurt. Play till you lose, and wager either those garters he mentioned, or if you’re feeling particularly bold, your panties? Possibly both!

Would be fun if she offered him the choice of either her panties or her garter, and he’s just like “Hmmm… let’s do both~” and is hard set on it. Those extra cleanings up till we lose once would be so worth!
No. 1090211 ID: acea83

1C, strip poker time!
No. 1090270 ID: fc100b

rolled 3, 3 = 6

Come out roll for Saiorse: 7 wins, 11 wins; 2 loses, 3 loses, 12 loses. Any other number sets the point, which Saiorse must hit to win. A 7 beyond the come out roll loses; this can take a while, so no rolls beyond the come out roll will be done via the dice function here, but will still be rolled off-site.
No. 1090326 ID: fc100b
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Should I risk it?

I feel like I shouldn’t be gambling when my business is just starting up. What if I go broke because I bet too much? I couldn’t bear the shame of closing up just because I threw it away on a roll of the dice. If I do take Durand up on this deal, I can’t risk more than I can afford to lose. That means no money, not with the little I have left over.

But no matter what I do, I’ll need to pay Clover for her cleaning services… and she probably won’t accept payment in merchandise. The way I see it, this is an opportunity to, worst case, convert some of my materials into cleaning services. Since the odds are fair, and I can put equal value merchandise/seamstress services on the line against the free cleanings, I should end up giving Duran some clothes, and he’ll pay for the same amount in cleaning.

As weird as it sounds, it actually makes sense to gamble with him.

“I’ll do it!” I lean forward and hold out my hand for the dice. “I’ll stake my merchandise equal to the value of one of Clover’s cleanings. How does this game work, exactly?”

“How exciting! I love to see you have the spirit of an adventurer, too.” Duran smiles warmly and hands the dice over. “You’ll go first. If you roll a seven or eleven on the first roll of your turn, then you win that round instantly. If you roll a two, three or twelve, you lose that round instantly. If you roll any other number, you keep rolling until you hit that number again and win, or roll a seven and lose.”

Simple enough. I roll the dice, and… it’s a six. “That’s good, right?”

“Sure is. Six is the point, so you win if you roll it again. Careful not to roll the big bad seven!” Duran says.

I gulp. Is my heart pounding?

I roll a nine. Nothing happens- no win, no lose. Five. I gulp. Another nine. My heart is beating harder. And then…

“Six!” I jolt in my seat. “Whoo! I win!” Duran claps for me, his smile still as broad as when he started.

“Let’s go again!”

It’s Duran’s turn. He rolls an eight, which isn’t a win or a lose. He shakes the dice for good luck, and… immediately rolls a seven. He loses. That means I win another round of free cleaning! “Yes!”

“Someone’s having fun,” Duran chuckles.

“Again!” I grab the dice and roll. “Eleven. Um… what does that mean?”

“It means you won three times in a row,” Clover says.

“I won again?” I look over to Duran, and he’s shaking his head and chuckling. “You’re not upset?”

“Why would I be?” Duran asks. “If I win, I get some lovely clothes from a lovely seamstress. If I lose, Clover and her siblings get honest work, and I get to see your shop sparkle. It’s a win-win.”

“And a win-win-win for me!” I think of reaching for the dice again, but it isn’t my turn. Are my hands shaking? Oh, this is fun.

No! Bad Saiorse! Quit while you’re ahead! Four free cleanings is plenty!

But how many more could I get? I still haven’t given anything up...

“You don’t have to keep going if you don’t want to,” Duran says. “I’m always up for a friendly wager. Challenge me whenever you like.”

“Thank you,” I say, leaning back in my seat and let out a deep sigh. I feel like I’ve just run a race. “For being such a good sport, I mean.”

“This is nothing,” Duran says. “I’ve played against some real tough customers. I’ve been lucky to walk out with the shirt off my back, betting against Casey.”

“Who’s Casey?”

“You might have seen her around town. She’s the tabby cat in the studded leather vest.”

“Oh, I didn’t know her name.” I didn’t catch it through my lens…

“Well, it’s definitely not her real name. I think she goes through an alias for every town she’s in. She’s like a fairy.”

“Casey is not like a fairy,” Clover mutters. “She’s an evil liar.”

“She’s catfolk,” Duran says, as if that explains everything. “Well, that was fun, Saiorse. It’s good to know who’s lucky around here. If you want to come along to the tavern and play cards tonight, I’d do well to have you on my team. What do you say?”

My date with Celyn is tomorrow, so I’m free tonight. Should I take Duran up on his offer to go out and enjoy some evening entertainment with the seedier side of Busalla?

1. Yes, let’s meet some shady characters!
2. No, let’s ask Clover to clean my shop tonight so I’m ready for my date tomorrow and can show it off when Celyn stops by!
3. Other
No. 1090327 ID: a7a180

No thank you, I need to let this winning streak percolate for a bit. I'll spot you another time, though! Once I've sewn up more of a safety net...
No. 1090328 ID: c5529d

1, to raise our friendship with him. As long as you don't drink or gamble money and it is just a fun game of cards, I don't see why not. You're broke after all, until your next sale.

We just have to have our date with Celyn somewhere that isn't our place so he doesn't see our mess!
No. 1090329 ID: 273c18

1 if you're not playing for real money.
Otherwise 2, tell him you can't gamble too much when you've only just started your business. Gotta save up some emergency funds!
No. 1090330 ID: ab46e9

Backing >>1090327
No. 1090331 ID: 92c262

1, Have fun! There'll be plenty of sensible business decisions to make later, tonight you should just go and enjoy yourself.
No. 1090334 ID: eb0a9c

2) Bad Saorise! That way lies Decadence, not Legacy!
You'll end up screwing your mind so badly that no amount of wealth will heal the madness festering in your mind! That madness is what powers everything wrong with all of civilization!
Well, that and starvation.
You were really lucky just now! Don't push it.
No. 1090340 ID: 4c750c


Seconding this! Maybe jokingly ask if it’s he’s still trying to get clothes from you, via strip poker~ NOTE: This action could be a Flirt, and therefore suggting said action is retracted if you are not wanting to do a Flirt with Duran
No. 1090345 ID: 5ebd37

1) if its not your own money at risk, or just to hang out.
No. 1090361 ID: 2f41db

3. Other.

Offer to turn the dice game into a drinking game.
If you win on your rolls, the other players have to take a shot.
If you lose, you have to take two.

Keep the fun going and the excitement of the dice rolling but turn the stakes into something everyone enjoys.

Until the hangover.
Or the inevitable drunken switch to strip craps.
No. 1092282 ID: 9f8647
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I know I shouldn’t push my luck further than I have already, especially not with money, but I’m on fire tonight! I have a whole day before my date, why not relax with Duran and Clover? They’ll keep me safe if anything goes sour, I’m sure of it. They’re nice people, and if anything bad happens to me, he won’t be able to play dice with me anymore, and he’d be sad about that.

“I don’t feel comfortable betting money, not when I’m just starting my business,” I say to Duran, “But I’d enjoy playing cards with you. Is there any way I can just join for a bit?”

“The party is on!” Duran smiles and claps his hands. “I’ll stake you, don’t worry.”

“What if you lose?” Clover asks. “Do we have the money to pay Casey for more than two buy-ins?”

“With Saiorse’s luck, we won’t need to worry about that at all,” Duran says confidently. I hope he’s right…

Duran, Clover and I head to La Taverna, spirits high. We enter and see a certain tabby sitting in the back of the tavern, shuffling

“Oh, Duran, you brought me a present,” the tabby cat purrs, giving me a wicked smirk. “Look at this sweet thing. I could just eat her up.”

My heart skips a beat.

“Be nice, Casey. This is Saiorse,” Duran says, pulling me up a chair and placing some silver coins on the table. “I’m staking her tonight.”

“Boring!” Casey tosses her head to one side. “It’s not a real game if she’s not risking anything.”

“The money’s the same,” Duran says. “What’s the difference to you?”

“Because it’s your money,” she says, as if that makes any sense. “No, I’m not playing for money tonight. I want something better from you, little miss wandering eye.”

“W-what?!” I squirm in my seat.

“If I win a hand of cards against you,” Casey says, “Then I get to ask you a question, and you have to answer it… and if I think you’re lying, or aren’t telling me everything, then I get to punish you.”

“Today we’re supposed to be playing team games,” Duran insists. “Casey, don’t be a child. It’s not sporting to pick on the new girl.”

“Come on, seamstress,” Casey grins, ignoring Duran. “Play with me. If you win, you’ll have more money than you know what to do with.”

My heart is pounding. Do I have a choice? Do I turn this cat down and hide behind Duran?

1. Yes, turn her down. This is crazy!
2. No, don’t piss her off. She’s scary!
No. 1092283 ID: a7a180

Accept her offer, your customer service answers all of your clients' concerns.
No. 1092285 ID: c6ae21

1, Too many bad vibes there. Her request is too specific, so there's no shot it isn't something you'd wanna avoid. Add in the fact that she probably cheats (I am judging this book explicitly by its cover, she looks like she cheats at cards), and that's just a whole situation you'd be better of staying away from.
No. 1092287 ID: ab46e9

1: It's not a matter of 'hiding', it's having the confidence to choose not to do something. Sincerely. You're here to play cards, not whatever this game she wants to play is. If she can't deal with that, that's a HER problem.
No. 1092289 ID: 4c750c

Her games are too malicious-fairy-like in nature for my taste. She wants to steal your name or something!

Buuuuut I also really really wanna know what question this kitty has in mind that will let her steal your name or something. You could always refuse the question once it comes up and hide behind Duran. Promise you’ll answer any question within reason so she can’t hold any malicious fairy contract against you! Then her unreasonable question will be null and void~
No. 1092290 ID: c5529d

hmmm, called you a wandering eye, she probably knows you've been checking her out the other day

and she seems to already know you are the town's seamstress. Interesting. Was she spying on you?

It's probably a bad idea, but to add some spice to the story, I'll go with 2. Can't appear weak in front of her, especially if you are going to be attending future game nights with this group and seeing her often. Gotta appear confident to gain her respect.
No. 1092291 ID: eb0a9c

1) This smells like a con. Casey, claiming she just wants to waste money and doesn't care if she wins. Duran, who's pretending to be the voice of reason after repeatedly losing against you to undermine his own role. They're enticing you into thinking they don't take life seriously. But if they take life seriously, accepting their offer means you're screwed.
Turn it down. Show some business sense, you'll find reasonable gambles later.
No. 1092292 ID: 2f41db

Nothing proprietary, nothing detrimental to your fledgling business.
Any punishment comparative to information requested. Same parameters of refusal as above.

But, be honourable.
Question for a question.
Dont take cash, however much you want it.

Plus, if she is a cheat, lower financial stakes may lead her to decide to play clean.
Anything else is fine.
No. 1092294 ID: 273c18

No. 1092295 ID: 5ebd37

2 as long as it isn't about a client, you're a professional and would never betray that trust.

She seems like she knows you were looking at her but maybe not about your lens. If she asks admit you were imagining her naked to protect your real secret.
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