Dumbass wishes to make a drawthread, click here to see what happens next. I swear that I'm going to make a quest... Eventually. Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/lammarwesley/gallery/
>>42958 Oh, that's a very cute design too!
Fear of Dreams. >>42959 It's been a while since anyone called my art cute, thanks mate!
I guess everyone knows which fear is this. Ayy lmao.
>>42970 Fear of alien probing
Fear of Blue I just like the ideia of a titanic executioner that can do miracles. Life in the man that causes death.
Is there a fear of counting fears
>>43012 Well, the only way of knowing it is counting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AXPnH0C9UA
The art block is so strong that it is physically lodged in my throat.
Fear of Spiders.
Errant spirit.
Brainless squad.
Fear of God
As a note of something rather personal and as a artist myself, I must admit that nobody ever told me that you actually need a muse. It feels silly saying that outloud, but it's far way more easier to draw something when you have a path or a ideia to build.
>>43192 This the song for that character https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPfa5VuTVN4
Sun Chaser.
I didn't like this one. Will re-do later.
Huh, I made this thread in 2018/07/19. Nice.
Fear of being Lonely.
1st day of Goretober: Experiment.