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File 129272528232.jpg - (62.00KB , 800x680 , dying.jpg )
1950 No. 1950 ID: 79c4ad

Gonna start posting stuff here in this tread.
Hope you all don't mind.
124 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 6837 ID: 509517
File 131580446168.png - (1.44MB , 2000x2000 , Crew.png )

The crew from long ago /tg/ as historical figures.
Might have to actually sit down and draw that dragonladie in that lingerie. Ooo~
No. 6838 ID: 509517
File 131580449586.png - (384.28KB , 900x900 , Crew2.png )

No. 6873 ID: 1854db

Dessen what are you doing get out of there
No. 6880 ID: 509517
File 131588299561.png - (1.98MB , 1600x2000 , Nie\'eva\'s backside.png )

No. 6882 ID: 1854db

Ahh, the rarely-seen dragonbutt.
No. 7234 ID: 509517
File 131673817184.png - (0.98MB , 700x900 , Wicked.png )

No. 7235 ID: 67916e

Oh god yes! Your brush strokes still look too fuzzy to me, though.
No. 7236 ID: a67448

Thats a nice Sword and Board thing going on there.


They do, but probably a wip.
No. 7240 ID: 509517
File 131676082231.png - (549.79KB , 700x900 , Wuu tep.png )

Too tired to finish this.

"Sword and board thing?"
No. 7242 ID: 9a50aa


Sword and Board is usually slang through gaming that describes a defensive character that uses a shield and a weapon. A tank, basically.
No. 7414 ID: 509517
File 131726304875.jpg - (553.49KB , 1058x1500 , img045.jpg )

Am I the only one here who doesn't draw exclusively on the computron?
It makes me sad...
No. 7433 ID: d21c56

Thaaaat... is hotter than I would like to admit...
No. 7441 ID: 366ca7

He gets to oil her up
No. 7555 ID: 509517
File 131794840267.jpg - (99.04KB , 750x1000 , Bloodied.jpg )

After a long day's fight, she'll just go home and have her thrall scrub all the blood off before oiling up her scales.
No. 7582 ID: 509517
File 131804564053.jpg - (1.04MB , 3222x2519 , img046.jpg )

No. 7584 ID: 509517
File 131804896606.jpg - (1.48MB , 3498x2166 , img048.jpg )

No. 7687 ID: 509517
File 131840475387.jpg - (216.79KB , 952x704 , war.jpg )

No. 7723 ID: 509517
File 131848665102.jpg - (93.55KB , 1300x750 , Her love.jpg )

I have a serious question(See subject)about a drawing I am currently working on.

Something seems wrong with her head. I can't quite tell. I think it might be the pose.
Any ideas?
No. 7724 ID: 35e1a0

too low maybe? look up and you see your neck makes a smooth line t the chin.
No. 7725 ID: 7c95e5

Yeah, too low, she has no neck.
No. 7726 ID: 1854db

Looks like the fin on the left should be hitting her shoulder.
No. 7777 ID: 509517
File 131865868173.jpg - (135.31KB , 1600x1200 , Nie\'eva____.jpg )

Some sketches as the last picture is starting to frustrate me
No. 7822 ID: cee518

Lucky kid, lucky get.
No. 7895 ID: 509517
File 131915824219.jpg - (64.79KB , 750x750 , Freedom.jpg )

No. 7896 ID: 509517
File 131915827206.jpg - (45.36KB , 750x750 , Fireflies.jpg )

No. 7897 ID: 509517
File 131915833180.jpg - (272.04KB , 2000x2000 , Sexy plump gnoll.jpg )

No. 7901 ID: e55966

i really like the fur partially covering the erogenous areas haha
No. 7918 ID: cee518

Dem tufts man, dem tufts...
No. 7950 ID: 366ca7

Dragon boobs~
No. 7962 ID: 509517
File 131935914730.jpg - (389.56KB , 2000x2000 , Sexy plump gnoll.jpg )

Drew this for my very good friend, Gnollbard.
Don't worry.
Bout to go on a dragonlady binge
No. 7967 ID: 0448b9

Aww it's so cute now.
No. 7971 ID: 1854db

Wait. Why does her vag look like that? You should be seeing more of it, pretty sure. Look up some nude models sitting.
No. 7982 ID: 509517
File 131943201469.jpg - (187.53KB , 504x700 , German copy.jpg )

The end of an era.
The gnoll was my last oC drawing, this is my first photoshoop painting.
A quick speed-painting I did because...
Fuck yha the Wehrmacht.
No. 8027 ID: 509517
File 131969626411.jpg - (387.78KB , 700x950 , Marine copy.jpg )

No. 8098 ID: 509517
File 131993450075.jpg - (249.34KB , 1050x750 , Sniper copy.jpg )

No. 8705 ID: 029ba6
File 132217173557.jpg - (441.59KB , 3000x3000 , Sketches.jpg )

No. 8707 ID: 029ba6
File 132217177713.jpg - (771.37KB , 3000x3000 , beauty sketches.jpg )

No. 8721 ID: 366ca7

Yay, new naked dragon lady~
No. 8734 ID: 1268e6

So adorable. Draw more.
No. 22339 ID: 2c3604
File 139410603424.jpg - (1.28MB , 1275x1752 , img022.jpg )

No. 22340 ID: 2c3604
File 139410611923.jpg - (3.21MB , 3324x2550 , img024.jpg )

Draconian warrior, off to kill a foe.
No. 22341 ID: 2c3604
File 139410617221.jpg - (126.83KB , 750x750 , sketchofchaos.jpg )

No. 22342 ID: 2c3604
File 139410624537.jpg - (150.10KB , 800x1200 , Bust.jpg )

No. 22345 ID: 8750b6

Oh man I missed your art
No. 22346 ID: e9eb8c

Everyone missed your art so much. That most recent post is pretty damn good.
No. 22360 ID: 857855

welcome back to the fold
No. 22363 ID: 2c3604
File 139427092705.jpg - (2.01MB , 2550x3504 , img025.jpg )

No. 22366 ID: 2c3604
File 139432683278.jpg - (625.96KB , 1572x2286 , hug.jpg )

No. 22367 ID: 1ab2ad

Well she's pretty~
No. 22477 ID: 2c3604
File 139555336062.png - (279.85KB , 725x900 , A snack.png )

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