Golem Quest Secret Bonuses

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Secret Bonus 001 [MISSED]

Secret Bonus 002 [MISSED]

Secret Bonus 003 [MISSED]

Achievement 4

[Secret Bonus 004 Discovered: The Last One Standing]
>--requisites: In the spar against Mordre, the player controlled character must be the last standing of all those opposing Mordre.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Character (Ulzrick) is now known to have an innate predisposition and affinity for Will magic, currently untapped and unknown to the character. Arkus would be unable to teach him as Arkus has not yet learned enough of Will magic's function to tap it. Mordre, however, could teach him, as Will magic is Mordre's current specialty.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Character (Ulzrick) is compatible with Jojo's Souldreaming magic, and could learn from the Premen, should the language barrier be breached.

Secret Bonus 005 [MISSED]

Achievement 6

[Secret Bonus 006 Discovered: The Golem's White Whale]
>--requisites: Dulu must be killed, and given enough time for his Soul to escape.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Balboa and Daobo both served the same mage, Archmage Weinsho. This is the same Weinsho that those who commandeered the fields about Trekel(One group summoned a Core Being and died for it, another was slain by THE CREATURE before they could act out the ritual) had stolen notes from. Weinsho is also an employer of Dulu.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: A mage knowledgeable in Soul magic can place bindings on a willing soul such that on death, the soul will return to the caster of the spell.

Acheivement 7

[Secret Bonus 007 Discovered: Soul Grave Hero of the People]
>--requisites: Prevent the death of mage Densly, and insure the victory of the State forces over the rebels.
>--requisites: Do not kill any members of the State army through your actions.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Alexander Armstrong, a Warmage in service to the Azelhaedran State, is currently in the southern region of the State, working to reclaim outposts controlled by mercenaries.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Sam Vimes, a mercenary captain hired by the state, is currently tracking down a mage to the north in command of several outposts.

Secret Bonus 008 [MISSED]

Acheivement 9

[Secret Bonus 009 Discovered: Master of Arms and Disarmament]
>--requisites: in the fight over attempted theft in Gialgorra's manse, at least two human golem operators must lose an arm out of the total four.
>--requisites: in the fight over attempted theft in Gialgorra's manse, at least three golems must lose an arm out of the total five.
>--requisites: Mordre must lose an arm in the process of fulfilling the prior two requisites.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Wootz Steel is a rare, prized steel alloy, of superior strength to normal steel, in general durability, tensile strength, and ability to keep an edge. Despite having no innate magic, the steel performs almost as well as Blue Steel.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The iron component of Wootz Steel (the majority of it's composition) can be converted into Blood Iron with sufficient supplies. Such a form of this alloy has never been recorded as having been made before.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The Soul powering Diozagrath is the Mosmordren hero Zagrath The Unseen, a talented Combat Magic user with a penchant for illusion magic.

Secret Bonus 010: Speedy Shadow Slayer [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 011 Discovered: The Ticking Clock and Imagined War]
>--requisites: Figment must be circumvented or slain before the host can finish it's fusion.
>--requisites: Mordre must reach the Core Being Host before it can finalize it's fusion.
>--requisites: Mordre must in some way damage the host before it completes it's fusion.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The mechanisms of Mass Connection that deal with using the energy of the world strongly resemble World Magic, but have several aspects for accessing an even deeper running power that World magic does not account for.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Jade Dragon Luoga Shangod the Implacable, emperor of the Land of Dragons, has but a single child, a son being raised as his heir that is more dear to him than his own life.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Luoga's son is a Dragon in his own right, having demonstrated enough mastery over Mass Connection and war in general to have become the Jade Dragon's top field commander.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Luoga's son is called the Fanged Dragon, Hanma Shangod The Lupine Destroyer.

Secret Bonus 012: The Core Slayer [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 013 Discovered: The Consuming The Consumer]
>--requisites: Abaeloth the All Consuming must be bested BEFORE Mordre can come to the aid of its followers
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Abaeloth is/was a staunch supporter of survival of the fittest: He vowed that should he ever be bested, that such that bested him be left alone by the rest of the Disciples of Domintus. Whether his wish is shared by those who survive him remains to be seen.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Abaeloth's soul was degraded from years of using a hybrid Blood and Soul Combat magic style that ate away at his very existence to give his form the ability to 'consume' attacks as they made contact with him, but some still remains.

[Secret Bonus 014 Discovered: The Free State]
>--requisites: All six groups of captives must be freed during the incursion of the Disciples of Domintus into State land.
>--requisites: No more than 10% of their number (the captive civilians) may die before the battle is concluded.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The escaping civilians run to the nearest outpost, seeking refuge from the fight, and will bring word of the aborted assault to the State army.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The civilians bring word of 'a golem, a beast of wood and four warriors saving their lives and repelling an army' to the state, and their descriptions will eventually be linked with those given of the golem controlled by the Mage Mordre, as well as several of his followers.

Secret Bonus 015: Stopping Mountain and Magic-Eater [MISSED]

Secret Bonus 016: The Giant Slayers [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 017 Discovered: Bumbling Buffoonery Boon]
>--requisites: Must trigger an avalanche on the mountainside during the struggle with Goran and the Gorkin Clan.
>--requisites: Must catch Yetis preparing avalanche at appropriate time, catch them in avalanche.
>--requisites: Kill at least fifty yetis indirectly with avalanche timing.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The Land of Dragons is a crucible of souls, the hallowed home of those who survive, continue to grow, for it has a fairly unique social structure. One's position in society, which is almost exclusively martial, militaristic in format, is directly aligned with one's direct combat skills, combination of mastery of assorted fighting styles, magical competence with Combat Magic, in what fields.... all of this is weighed, and by this a person is judged.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: With politicos and generals being one and the same in this single-system society, certain prerogatives have taken place: Namely, an emperor takes the place of a grand general, and must be a Dragon, the title granted to those that, out of the millions of lives striving for greatness, achieved Legend in their own lifetime, becoming such brilliant souls as to surpass the ken of their onetime peers. But outside this distinction, any Dragon can claim the seat of supreme commander, the emperor, the High Dragon. But because generals are still politicos, this position is usually... superficial, making someone a sort of 'referee' as others squabble in border disputes and power-plays that let the lower ranks hone their own souls, the time honored traditions of using your enemies deaths to improve one's own soldiers driving almost all tactical decisions.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: When Lubu not only killed the emperor, the high dragon, the Jade Dragon Luoga Shangod, but also killed his son, in the process slaying TWO dragons on his own (reports exist of some strange metal giant briefly appearing). Thanks to the lifestyles that have become ingrained over the centuries into the peoples of the Land of Dragons, those other Dragons now feel compelled to test themselves against someone who took the emperor ship by the old way, not by scheming or gifting, and in the process proclaimed his strength by breaking the capital.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The resulting all-out war, as every Dragon with an army to their name (read: all of them) strives to take Lubu's head and prove their own dominance as the greatest living warrior, the ideal that is instilled in every single child of these lands, without exception, and over life tempered with the realities of sustainability, of administration. When such an event appears, it is effectively an excuse for those who loath their political work to complete toss is away as they focus purely on war, on combat, 'relaxing' in a very lethal way. Those who favor their political efforts must also go, because if the wrong person gets the seat, bad things could happen, from their perspective.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Lubu started the biggest war of the last three generations with his act, that you helped accomplish, by preventing the Core Being from starting a tragedy in place of a galvanizing rebellion.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: For comparison, Land of Dragons is larger in both population and land mass than all of the warring states (which includes The Azlehaedran State), some two-three-dozen shifting nations, and the swamplands of Froggrock and man alike about the Cursed lands combined. This does not include Castiliathen, which is, as of this moment, still the largest single, undivided nation around (depends on how Land of Dragons plays out for how long that title lasts).

Secret Bonus 018: The Heart That Never Broke [MISSED]

Secret Bonus 019: Blood Dominance [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 020: The Duel Fortold]
>--requisites: Must begin direct combat with Goran before avalanche.
>--requisites: Majority of damage to Goran must be done by Mordre.
>--requisites: Mordre must personally kill Goran.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Gialgorra, since a combined visit by one of the twenty four Soul Graves, one that was argued as either having a giant blond maned master or an old distant one, and an attempted robbery with another set of Mosmordren Relics, and a Mortal Coil mage, an apparently high ranking one, was made into the wounded, the hostage, the saved, and the healed, all at the hands of Gialgorra and his company. This has attracted even more attention to the islands than before, Gialgorra's challenge has increased its flow of challengers, and now has to charge more, as the pot has risen to 125,000 Marks, the Steam Golem's victory count now having well exceeding 1,000.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The Steam Golem C.A.N.T.I. has been rather heavily modified. Six turbines adorn its back instead of four, the armor plating is thicker and more cunningly segmented to allow the internal repair dendrites even swifter access to damaged areas, giving the entire metal hulk a hunched, overpowering look, steam vents dotting the back now absurdly reinforced. The legs have gone the other direction, bipedal locomotion ditched entirely in favor of a multi-jointed, radially arranged set of seven legs, the rear middle leg even more segmented, designed to unfold into a pseudo tail-rifle. The arms still possess the capacity to interface with the body to form a cannon, but the base need not change for this any longer. The last change is the greatest, and hardest to see. Gialgorra has built a new, fourth engine (after retooling the original Tesla Coil never-ending lightning storm, and both the mechanical and steam-based perpetual motion machines), the Algorithmic Alchemical Apparatus Engine (AAA Engine), that allows direct energy to matter conversion when fueled by all three other sources, as well as matter reshaping on an atomic level. Has immensely added to golem flexibility.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: On this note, Gialgorra has taken notes from the visit of Mordre. He devised for himself a mechanical equivalent of Golem Armor, to both protect and enhance himself in a martial setting. Beyond granting strength and durability the likes of which even some magic cannot reach, his suit (the Dapper Adventure) having only a single weapon, it's over-sized left forearm and fist housing not just a direct button-based emergency control means for the Steam Golem, but also a tiny outlet, for the twin engines humming on the suit's back. A segmented, drill-tipped and chainsaw-ringed cord, electrified on release with currents that cause rapid rust in most metals, with a range of some thirty feet, is his weapon of choice now. And Gialgorra has on occasion now accepted paired challenges, Operator and Golem alike squaring off against their opposites: Thus far Gialgorra's Dapper Adventurer has mauled combatants as badly as his Steam Golem has.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Gialgorra has still had ANOTHER attempted burglary, and taken matters into his own hands. He has built a collection of guard robots/crude butlers, able to detect intruders, grant entry to those appropriate, and lead to designated areas on request. After no less than three assassination attempts in a week, after crushing three highly ranked soldiers from the Land of Dragons, complete with examples of their patron Dragon's power in their golems, Gialgorra hired a bodyguard (after posting a rather considerable purse for whoever got the job, and was subsequently bombarded with hundreds of would-be warriors). Out of all those he considered, Gialgorra chose Elrind, titled not by self but by others as Slayer, a man with naught but a pair of vicious swords, quick nerves and the incapability to flinch, he was likewise adorned with vicious scars on top of a naturally misshapen body, one-eyed, missing teeth, one leg a peg, an arm only affixed with a claw, wheezing and nearly dead-and yet none other would face him, after he tore apart one braggart that challenged the visibly frail fighter.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Gialgorra's new bodyguard demanded to be made a real warrior again, or he'd cut out the Professor's heart, to which Gialgorra grinned. It took several surgeries, two of his daughters getting involved, and three weeks, but Elrind the Slayer is now encased within and grafted to an armor/life support armor, several organic systems replaced with machine. Elrind the Slayer, upon waking, at testing his new form, once more picking up his favored blades, and even being gifted with a gun Gialgorra made with Sofiazza. He has since sworn to serve Gialgorra until his death, as payment for the promise fulfilled, strength returned to a waning warrior. Gialgorra since had but one assassination attempt. The aftermath has discouraged others.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Thanks to the ever-growing traffic of combatants seeking Gialgorra, the island's cities have had an economic boom from renting rooms to rich travelers, doing custom work, and have thrived so much that they elected the owner of the island, Gialgorra himself, to be mayor of each town, the port as well, and even to be officially the governor as well, his island becoming, in a way, his tiny kingdom, by the choice of the populace, for the incredible trade brought... and for not charging much for rent.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Gwendelazzia Gialgorra has left the island by ship, seeking adventure, leaving Gialgorra with daughters Lucrazzia, Sofiazza, and Anastazia.

Secret Bonus 021: Trolling Trollingwood [MISSED]

Secret Bonus 022: Slayer of Heroes [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 023: Fourth and First]
>--requisites: Sustain a Moment of Inspiration long enough to become an Adept of Blood Magic
>--requisites: Force Jeeba to speak about the founder of the Harksburton family.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Athelens, the single largest exporter of agricultural goods and general food-stock, has recently proclaimed an official national religion, called the World Order. This Order is based around worshiping Leylines.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: The general belief set follows that by praying to and sending magic to the Leylines, the world will yield great returns, frequently in the forms of ample harvests, and general good luck.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Castiliathen has demanded that Athelens halt this false idolatry, claiming that 'dirt-worshiping' is a fool's game, pointing to this as why crop yields have diminished in recent seasons.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: In response, Athelens has increased the cost of all their exports to Castiliathen, making it impractical to buy directly. High King Arcturo Fissykus of Castiliathen has called for a meeting of all the heads of Warrior families to discuss how a response should be handled.

Secret Bonus 024: Finishing Father's Work [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 025: Giant Slayer]
>--requisites: Force Jeeba to use the Rageglut seed, and then slay his body.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Jeeba, vowing to best Keddic no matter the cost, fled back to Castiliathen and the Hechler manor as a soul. To combat Keddic, he intends to- (and here fucking Senth! interrupted Keddic so we may never know what was supposed to be here!)

Secret Bonus 026: The Second And Final Round [MISSED]

[Secret Bonus 027: What Second Round?]
>--requisites: Force the rematch with Eisenhardt to end without fatalities.
>--requisites: Neither Mordre or Eisenhardt can claim victory by any definition save survival.
>--BONUS KNOWLEDGE: Jeeba Hechler, having returned to Castiliathen, shared with his father his defeat at Keddic Harksburton the 4th's hands. This information eventually made its way to the royal family, through Delbulu Fissykus overhearing Oggduro and Jeeba conversing on the subject. High King Arcturo Fissykus has decreed that the Harksburton estate is to absorb some hundred acres of land belonging to the Hechler line, once the Harksburton scion returns to corroborate the event said to have occurred. The standing of the Harksburton family has risen as a result of this information beginning to disseminate in Castiliathen. Keddic the 3rd is now awaiting his son's return, to speak to him regarding his position as heir apparent.

Ultra Secret Bonus 001: Trickster's Rule Of Three [MISSED]