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Sojourn by RWW

For the similarly named quest by Cirr, see Sojrn.

In the Fourth Age, it is a time of dire peril and uncertainty - the Great Khan, Azad Khazarad has perished at the apex of his ascension ceremony - leaving prophecies in tatters. Once mighty empires teeter on the precipice of destruction and at the heart of it all lies the greatest among them: the Khanate of Khor. From the heart of the Khanate, a dark and terrible pall has spread -- bearing with it a curse which warps and corrupts the very lands which fall beneath it.

Sages say that this is a prelude to the End Times -- and if left unchecked, all may be lost. As armies march on a desperate crusade, would-be heroes and opportunists alike venture into the lands of the Khanate -- seeking a means to turn back the tide of the pall and put an end to its gloom, or find fortunes in the riches of ruins in the shadow of the storm.

One such individual is Kaia, Rhiannon of the Briar Spire and Sentinel of the Obsidian Sanctum -- a buune adventuress and coven agent who seeks to reach the Fated City and unravel the mysteries of the pall among the ashes of an empire. Along the way, she must circumvent devious traps, battle brigands and outwit treacherous creatures and hope to survive to tell the tale.

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Protagonist and whom the audience embodies - a coven agent, she is an accomplished hedge-witch and sneak. Kaia is one of the buune: elusive, reclusive, and secretive, hers are a people most have rarely seen among the realms of man.


Crystal Crumpsy ("C.C.")

A woof-o-the-wisp, phantasmal pooch and sprightly spirit - C.C. is a faithful companion and wildcard.



A mercenary sell-sword, found accompanied by Zarin. Skilled at blade and dexterous of footwork and tongue alike, Geoffrey does the talking for the mercenary duo and seems to have fighting prowess to back up his boastful bravado.



A mercenary sell-sword and former legionnaire, found accompanied by Geoffrey. Towering over most, Zarin strikes an imposing figure; they are of the onager, a stout and sizable folk with a canny resemblance to donkeys or wild ass. Most found among the realms of man are servile or otherwise indentured.

Inventory & Spells

Cantrips and Descriptions
GLOW Imbue an object such that it illuminates its surroundings

for a short while. Your focus allows only one such object at a time.

INVIGORATE Stir a living thing you touch, encouraging flowering

plants to blossom, fruits to ripen and creatures to rouse in various ways.

MEND A clear favorite for a fashionable buune, it is a most

practical tool, repairing damaged garments and minor injuries alike.

SOOTHE Relieve the pain of a living thing, comfort and combat

agitation, anxieties or fear -- regrettably, not as effective for yourself.

COMMUNE Project your words a short distance for a creature you

can see, or communicate with entities which manifest nearby.

Rituals and Descriptions
BEWITCH Attempt to ensorcell or charm a living creature,

to sway them towards agreeability and subject them to your influence.

It is not mind control, and likely to fail against hostile targets.

HEAL Provide a living thing magical recovery from more serious

injuries, including yourself -- a slow and involved process requiring

concentration and reagents proportional to the wounds involved.

CURSE Reserved for targets of your substantial ire, a witch's

curse is no paltry matter -- and yours, in the past, have often been

rather creative. Scope and effects can vary greatly, reliant on the

time and reagents you commit to the task, but the results...

CLEANSE Purifying magic to combat corruption, poisons and

other maladies which may extend beyond ordinary injury. Can prove to

be an exhausting ritual.

SLUMBER Attempt to lull a living creature to blissful sleep,

provided it is something they are capable of; the effectiveness of this

ritual is relative to preparation, but imbuing fruit as a vector is a

particularly effective approach.

Personal & Other Adventure Tools Clothing Valuables
55g 52s coins thieves tools mask of alabaster gold ring
travel grimoire daggers (x3), also suitable as your athame for witchcraft change of clothes pearl necklace
bottle of favorite brandy compass silk fabric gemstone
flute, skilled translation guide leather gloves carved goblet
hare brush 50ft/15m rope - small lockbox
portfolio of pressed flowers, to remind of home grappling hook - bronze medallion pendant
small mirror 10 iron pitons - -
trail rations (21 days) small hammer - -
holy symbol for SEHRAZAT waterskin - -
key-like implement bedroll - -
wooden scroll case caltrops - -
weathered leather pouch 10 pieces of chalk - -
- 3 torches - -
- pot for cooking - -
- flint and steel - -
- mess kit for eating - -


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Quests by RWW

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