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Ideas for RubyMUD

Ideas for RubyMUD, generated by me and other users alike.

Player races

For the moment when Archons consider adding more than 3.

Comparative table of suggested stats

Race STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Classes relevant to "+" stats
Gnoll 0 0 0 0 0 0 All of 'em
Ogre + + Fighter, Druid, Barbarian, Delver
Orc + + Fighter, Cleric, Paladin, Doomsayer, Templar
Goblin + + All mages, Bard, Minstrel
Illithid + + All mages, Cleric, Oracle
Kobold + + Thief, Bard, Burglar, Jester
Ratfolk + + Thief, Druid, Trapper, Beastmaster

This distribution probably isn't the ideal, of course.

You may have noticed that each stat on the table has exactly 2 +'s and 2 –'s; and each race also has 2 +'s and 2 –'s (except Gnolls, who have all 0's). This was made for the sake of balance, so that no stat would be more/less popular in the race distribution. Right now, I'm not too pleased with the Goblins' situation; but I don't seem to see a solution yet.

All these racial stats and penalties could be explained in the race description fluff. Read a rough draft for possible race description fluff below:

Fluff which can be reworked into smth useful

  • Gnolls.
  • Ogres.
  • Orcs.
  • Goblins.
  • Illithid.
  • Kobolds.
  • Ratfolk.

NPC or Remort races

Which can be made into Player races, but probably shouldn't.

  • Lohrke: Not many stat bonuses/drawbacks, or even none at all. Their major rac.bonus is the ability to see in the dark, which is pretty useful in the underground. Their major rac.penalty is vulnerability to sunlight. Dunno how the latter could be implemented in a dungeon-based MUD - maybe have some places where the sun shines through the cave ceiling? Or magically created sunlight? Or maybe make them vulnerable to all kinds of bright light (e.g., magical light, bright fire, etc.)?
  • Kren
  • Lazurhek
  • Engsami
  • Indahl
  • Mok
  • Volto: They're not dungeon-dwellers per se, but it would be cool to meet one, even as an NPC.
  • Nedynvor: See Volto.
  • Grue
  • Sentient Darkness: From DarknessQuest.
  • Mimiga: As a cameo.