Polo Quest Statistics

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Inventory and other statistics for Polo Quest.

Polo's Group Inventory

Current Base (Available and functional)

Primary Backpack
3 time bombs
Shotgun (no ammo)
2 tents, 1 of which holds 3 arkots
Airtank (1 hour)
Ammo Box (9 pistol shots)
Metal Detector
Moderate Medical Supplies
Gas Stove (7 hours of fuel)
Folding Table
2 knives
10 ft rope
4 hours of food for the entire party(by a rationed neumono diet)
1 grappling hook
20 ft chain
1 hunter MG
134 shots
5 doses of "Neumono Regen Accelerators"

Current Base (Under rubble or broken)

Thermal Goggles
1 flashlight
Medical supplies (no dedicated medical container)
8 foot of bandages
Antibacterial Ointment
Alcohol Wipes
8 doses of "Neumono Regen Accelerators"
A blindfold
Armory Bag
1 hunter MG
200 shots
1 frag grenade
2 smoke grenades
Gel Launcher
2 Shots
1 Laptop computer, 7/7 hours of lifespan, rechargable battery
4 Batteries, rechargeable
1 frag grenade
1 smoke grenade
Pistol, medium
3 shots
1 hunter MG
125 shots
1 knife
1 goggles w/ AI
Korli's goggles


Small Hunter Armor
Sniper(Broken) (5 kg)
14 A.P.
10 H.E.
6 Normal
X-Ray Goggles
Generic Pistol (1 kg)
26 shots
Bio armor (40%)
LED Lantern (1 kg)
1 Knife
1 frag grenade
Grappling Hook (3 kg)
Plasma Blade

Marra (Out of contact)

Large Hunter Armor
Giant MG
83 shots
1 rocket launcher, 1 shots
1 knife
1 smoke grenade




Rokann (Out of contact)

Medium Hunter Armor
Machine Gun, Medium
0 shots
1 hunter MG
127 shots
1 Knife
1 frag grenade
1 smoke grenade
1 tear gas canister
1 gel launcher
2 shots
16 Normal
12 A.P.
8 H.E.

Korli (Out of contact)

Medium Hunter Armor
Goggles (x-ray, thermal, informational scans)
Machine gun (medium)
27 shots
Empathic Jammer

Kort (Out of contact)


Viln (Out of contact)

Maching Gun (Voklit)
35 shots
Cage on a stick
3 glowslugs
1 grenade launcher
3 grenades
1 flashlight
20 ft rope
Pistol (small)
16 shots