Eadoo's Quest

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Eadoo's Quest by Boy With The Broken Halo

The adventures of a kobold girl and her magic talking knife.


Level 5 male/female Kobold Rogue

Weapon Skill: 31
Agility: 42
Ballistic Skill: 54 Intelligence: 32
Strength: 20 Charisma: 54
Constitution: 27 Will Power: 38
Dexterity: 44 Fellowship: 51


  • Watery eyes [+10 to factors of cuteness]
  • Adorable Allure [+10 to seduction]
  • Balefully Unlucky [Eadoo's expended his luck, he suffers +10 to all luck checks, however being one with luck he can bend it for others around him.(+/-10 to any luck check, so long as it doesn't affect himself, when he does horns or a halo appear momentarily)]
  • Seductive Nature [+10 to seduction]
  • Magnetic Personality [+10 to attracting followers]

Level 6 male/female Sentient Shard

  • Telepathy [Communicate telepathically with allies within short range]
  • Multy-possession [Dominate up to 2 hosts at a time]

Level 8 male Gnoll Monk

Weapon Skill: 51
Agility: 55
Ballistic Skill: 36 Intelligence: 45
Strength: 45 Charisma: 43
Constitution: 36 Will Power: 19
Dexterity: 41 Fellowship: 50


  • Well Trained [William learns faster than most. Bonus to exp. (10%)]
  • Beginner's Immortality [William trained to solidify his body. Longer life span, better pain resistance (+10 will)]
  • Intermediate Immortality [William trained for four years to achieve greater solidity. Longer lifespan, stronger body and mind(+20 con./will)]
  • Immortality Achieved [William mastered the art of immunity. Constant deflection bonus(30%) can be focused to 80%) nearly endless life, body of steel (+20 con./will)]
  • Spiritual Stepping Stones [William has opened his mind to the incorporeal. Can detect magic and spirits]
  • Housing for Hosts [William can accept souls and spirits within for some time.]
  • Temple-like Soul [William can house multiple spirits or one of greater size.]
  • Food for the Gods [William can house a god within his body]
  • Broken Beyond Repair [William's arm will never heal, -40 to all checks with the right arm.]
  • Shattered Spirit [William will not trust the likes of women. -20 will]
  • Unfit [William has not trained properly in years. Intermediate Immortality, Immortality Achieved, Temple-like Soul and Food for the Gods temporarily lost.]

Martin Jonson

Level 3 female male Human Handmaiden
Level 2
Level 1
Level 6


Weapon Skill: 53
Agility: 43
Ballistic Skill: 43 Intelligence: 34
Strength: 40 Charisma: 45
Constitution: 46 Will Power: 38
Dexterity: 62 Fellowship: 47


  • Plant Worthy [Martin knows a fair deal about plants and flowers (+10 to Int in regards to plants and flowers)]
  • Folding Pro [Martin has spent time in the pantry (+20 to Dex in regards to folding)]
  • Tolerance [Martin has been given orders and trained to not complain about them (+10 to Will in regards to not complaining)]
  • Weapons Training [Martin has been trained to wield most close combat weapons (+5 to ws and bs)]
  • Horseback Training [Martin has been trained to ride horses (+10 to Dex to horse riding)]
  • Rope Swinger [Martin knows how to swing about a boat (no malus to checks while swinging)]
  • Diplomat [Can persuade others to join his cause (+10 to Fell)]
  • Additional Manliness [Martin has upped his manliness (+10 to seduction of opposed sex)]
  • Adept Rider [Martin has improved as a knight (+10 to riding)]
  • Master Rider [Martin has mastered his horse (+20 to riding)]
  • Fencer [Martin has found a fondness for the rapier (+10 to Ws when using rapiers)]
  • Bravery Unbound [Martin backs away from nothing (+15 to Will in regards to bravery)]
  • Feminine [It's easy to mistake Martins sex]
  • Homophobe [Martin takes great discomfort to gays (as it is not the way of god)]
  • Low Testosterone [Martin simply cannot grow a mustache]

Shenzi-Marie “Predatorra Veldetta” Jackalina, Ferocious leader of the last course, grand Bitter And Violator of the black claw, JinTao and Sir Indrik Solomon the just

Level 4 female Gnoll Bard
Level 4


Weapon Skill: 45
Agility: 46
Ballistic Skill: 18 Intelligence: 14
Strength: 56 Charisma: 44
Constitution: 50 Will Power: 24
Dexterity: 40 Fellowship: 38


  • Song Bird [+10 to singing]
  • Native Dancer [+15 to dance and flexibility]
  • Pick up Strings [No malus for using instruments untrained]
  • Make em Squeal [+10 to torture]
  • Spontaneous Basher [No malus for improvised weapons]
  • Raging Might [+15 str for a short time, causes tiring aftermath]
  • Weapon Trained [Can wield clubs, spears, swords, and maces both one handed or two]
  • Man Grappler [+10 to grapples]
  • Ferocious Leader [No malus to harming dear allies]
  • Grand Bitter [+15 ws to biting and teeth are considered two handed lethal weapons]
  • Violator (three ranks) [+5 to submission via violation (+15)]
  • Territorial [-15 cha. and fel. towards females]
  • Thalassophobia [-20 to all actions when in the ocean]
  • Gutted Alive (two ranks) [-10 to all actions when fresh organs are visible (-20)]
  • Liquor Addiction [-20 to avoid consuming liquor]
  • Liquor Withdrawl (temp) [-5 to cha, will and fel]

Banzai-Tonio “sapien Legatus” Ferron, Novice diplomat of port royal and bridge maker
Level 4 male Gnoll Merchant

Weapon Skill: 31
Agility: 32
Ballistic Skill: 32 Intelligence: 52
Strength: 30 Charisma: 50
Constitution: 38 Will Power: 28
Dexterity: 40 Fellowship: 34


  • Versed in Mercantile [+10 to appraise]
  • Currency Bound [Banzai knows the fairs of most currencies and can convert them easily]
  • Diverse and Cultured [+10 to knowledge: local]
  • Of many Tongues [Banzai knows two additional languages(Elven and Dwarven)] Gnoll,common,elven,dwarven and merraid in all
  • Novice Diplomat [+10 to diplomacy]
  • Bridge Maker [-5 to opposing malus when treating with xenophobes]
  • I Want the Gold! [-5 to resist the temptation of wealth]
  • Scheming merchant [Banzai can't ignore his plotting mind]

Quests by FlynnMerk

TGchan: Qwern Quest | Blake Quest | Niflheim | Cunny Quest | │││ | Coffee Time | Big Shit Goes Down | LastStory | Chaser Quest | Eadoo's Quest | The Slave the Thief and the Slut: Rise of the Vile Bloods | Mother of Monsters | Penumbra :Dark Passions: