
From questden
Revision as of 18:49, 28 April 2012 by Typo (talk | contribs)
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♓ fish ♓ by Typo

A quest about a timid, traumatized salazzarine named Kyhzee and an easily flustered amtsvane named Sazvgao, living on a spaceship. They both totally like each other but neither has had the guts to say anything to the other. Maybe with /quest/ helping, Kyhzee might finally say something to him about his feelings. Also there's another person and probably a plot somewhere (but if it doesn't revive someday all we'll ever know it for is the adorable romance).

Rebooted 4/25/12:

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Quests by Typo / Teedash

Completed: Sue Quest | Locked in a Room | Quest of Benji | Hugs Quest
Active: O/I/R
Inactive: PokéQuest | Vapor Quest‎ | This Is A Story | Home | Fish | Bold Adventure | Koror Quest | Second Ascent of Ekwi Irrepaumal | Breeder Quest | Yü‎‎ | Just a Job | Aster
Aborted: rasa | Rhodes Quest | Palimpsest