Guns for Hire Bloodline Directory

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Descriptions of the various supernatural clans in Guns for Hire.


Nameless Clan

[Two to three word description which gives a sense of the clan's real focus in life- not merely their powers, but what they do with them] [Bloodline Family, Were Clan, Vampire Dynasty, or some other description of what category of group this is] - [Unless you are Bob, write "Approval Pending" here]

Manipulation: Internal, External, or Internal/External with the balance noted The thing manipulated by the clan's supernatural powers, like fire, borders, shadow, etc.
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and/or Winter, or possibly Neutral
Age: The age of the group, measured in both years since founding and generations if applicable
Origin: God, Wizard, Interbreeding, Chakra-Generated, Soul Crafted, Blood Crafted, Clan Split, or whatever other source led to this group coming to exist
Home: The city or region of their nation which is the clan's center of power
Branches: List secondary cities or regions in which the group has a substantial number of members
Alliances: List any close allies
Feuds: List any feuds
History: Insert absurdly detailed historical description here

  • List in absurd detail any particular clan members of note
  • Stick to members who are currently alive, and preferably not more than a couple sentences each

Insert absurdly detailed description of the group overall here

Clan Profiles

Feel free to add new clans to the below. When a clan has been reviewed and confirmed as existing,


Aksoy Family

Aldokushin House

Ghanem Family

Hapsburg Dynasty

Muburak Clan

Zosimus Dynasty

Guns for Hire Group

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