Guns for Hire Minions

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Matvey Baich

The Cossack run by Grail

Appearance: 6'0", brown hair and brown eyes. He has let his hair grow out from it's buzzed look since leaving General Chugainov's service, but has kept his face clean shaven due to personal preference. He is usually well groomed and cleanly out of habit.
Date of Birth: {{{Date of Birth}}}
Soul: Soulless bastard
Background: Russian Black Operations Army
Strengths: Leading, marksmanship, use of burst fire weaponry, punching things, and drinking prodigious quantities of vodka.
Weaknesses: Does not do well when put into positions of long term leadership without a set of directives. A terrible gambler, avoids it when possible. Being a fragile, squishy mundane in a nasty, supernatural world.
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Work History:

  • Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  • Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1250) - Team Leader
  • Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5263.16 + $13,000 bonus)


  • AN-94
  • L129A1 Sharpshooter (sans bipod, GL and soundmoderator)
  • OTs-20 Gnom
  • Russian military gear
  • Formal wear
  • Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  • $19,513.16 on his cash card


  • Officer Duties (-unknown amount of time/week)
  • Ito's Gym (-7 hours/week minimum)
  • Hiking (-7 hours/week)
  • Sharpshooting practice (-28 hours/week)

Insert absurdly detailed personality and history description here