Guns for Hire Minions

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Descriptions of the minions of Armas Laine in the quest Guns for Hire, particularly those under the semi-direct control of the player base.


Minion Name
Heritage: Russian
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Occupation: Minion of Armas Laine
Affiliations: Armas Laine
Appearance: Minion-ish
Capabilities: Shooting people, punching things, drinking prodigious quantities of vodka, being a minion
History: Once, this person was not a minion of Armas Laine. Fortunately, those days are past and they now have a new and glorious occupation which makes their life complete.
Equipment: AN-94, secondary weapon(s) or item(s), Russian military gear, formal wear, elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket.
Notes: This minion's puppet strings are sporadically and largely incompetently pulled by (Player Name).

Minion Profiles

Put your individualized minion's profile here. Be sure to include any unusual equipment and what missions they've been on, as well as any other unique details.

Zhenya Koslov
Heritage: Russian
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Occupation: Mercenary currently working for Armas
Affiliations: Armas Laine
Appearance: 5'3", Black hair usually bound up in a bun or ponytail, dark brown irises.
Capabilities: Gun expert (pistols), standard alcohol tolerance, minor experience in a variety of martial arts
History: Zhenya is a short woman with a naturally calm, quiet demeanor. She enjoys reading and classical music and herself plays the violin quite well. A good problem solver and likes to think outside of the box when planning time comes. Dabbles in a wide variety of martial arts, though not reaching very far in any other than what she learned in the military. Is a pistol nut and would love to collect a representative of every pistol on the face of the earth. Can rattle of pistol specs without seeming to stop and think.(put the bio here, will fix up later)
Equipment: AN-94, TT-33 + 3 Extended Mags, 1 Heckler & Koch HK4, Heckler & Koch P7 K3, Heckler & Koch USP 9 left handed, Heckler & Koch USP 9 right handed, Russian military gear, formal wear, elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket.
Notes: This minion's puppet strings are sporadically and largely incompetently pulled by (The_Falcon). Missions completed-Raiding German storehouse with Mafia(HK4, P7K3, USP9s acquired)