The Icon Construction Data

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Small buildings take 2 turns to build. Medium buildings take 3, Large take 4, and Massive take 5. Certain environmental factors can cause buildings to take longer to finish. Buildings can be constructed in parallel, so this is mainly a delay in how fast they start doing things. Each increase in size generally makes the building cost twice as much, use twice as much power, and require 2.5x as many Workers and/or Professionals, but yield 3x the benefit. Larger buildings are always more efficient, so long as you actually need that much benefit and are willing to wait.


Home, sweet home. Without houses, citizens will not work on the planet surface, and will live in any available space on our fleet, suffering a -1 morale penalty.

(Small)Temporary Housing

A cluster of tents. Not suitable for a permanent settlement.

Houses 125 people at -1 Morale.
Construction cost: 5 Metal
SPECIAL: Builds in one week. 1 turn is a month, so this is essentially instant.


Permanent housing. Nothing special.

Houses 250 people.
Construction cost: 50 Metal


Houses 500 people at +1 Morale.
Construction cost: 100 Metal, 2 SC.
Employs 25 Workers.


Houses 750 people.
Construction cost: 100 Metal.

(Large)Residential District

Houses 2000 people.
Construction cost: 200 Metal.

(Large)Luxury Complex

Houses 1000 people at +2 Morale.
Construction cost: 200 Metal, 4 SC.
Employs 50 Workers.


An army runs on its stomach. I shudder to contemplate what would happen if we ever ran out of food.

(Small)Farming Dome

Generates 20 Food per turn, enough for 1000 people.
Construction cost: 75 Metal, 0.5 SC.
Uses 1 Power, employs 30 Workers.


Generates 60 Food per turn, enough for 3000 people.
Construction cost: 150 Metal, 1 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 75 Workers.


Generates 180 Food per turn, enough for 9000 people.
Construction cost: 300 Metal, 2 SC.
Uses 4 Power, employs 200 Workers.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. When that fails, we have these. Medical buildings increase the birth rate, reduce the death rate, stave off disease, and tend to combat injuries. They also generate Implant Points, which we can use to cybernetically enhance the population.

(Small)Medical Outpost

Slightly boosts population growth.
Standard disease resistance.
1 IP generated per turn.
Construction cost: 50 Metal, 0.5 SC.
Uses 0.5 Power, employs 10 Professionals.


Boosts population growth.
Increased disease resistance.
3 IP generated per turn.
Construction cost: 100 Metal, 1 SC.
Uses 1 Power, employs 25 Professionals.

(Large)Medical District

Greatly boosts population growth.
Maximum disease resistance.
9 IP generated per turn.
Construction cost: 200 Metal, 2 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 60 Professionals.


Entertainment structures raise morale, and... do nothing else. They're good at it though.

Small Entertainment

Services 500 people at +3 Morale.
Construction cost: 100 Metal, 0.5 SC.
Uses 0.5 Power, employs 30 Workers.

Medium Entertainment

Services 1500 people at +3 Morale.
Construction cost: 200 Metal, 1 SC.
Uses 1 Power, employs 75 Workers.

Large Entertainment

Services 4500 people at +3 Morale.
Construction cost: 400 Metal, 2 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 200 Workers.


Splinter citizens are a materialistic sort, and so if you want high morale you need to let them buy pointless crap. Shops have a Morale bonus that stacks with Entertainment structures, don't cost SC or use power, and wind up using less workers per person served, in the end. In exchange for this, they require Goods to be made at Factories in order to function.


Services 250 people at +3 Morale.
Construction cost: 50 Metal.
Employs 10 Workers.

(Medium)Shopping Center

Services 750 people at +3 Morale.
Construction cost: 100 Metal.
Employs 30 Workers.

Large Shop

Services 2000 people at +3 Morale.
Construction cost: 200 Metal.
Employs 75 Workers.


Enabling our packrat tendencies since the start of the quest. Warehouses store materials, goods, food, and vehicles. Food takes up less space than the other things. Warehouses have no upkeep at all, so there's no excuse for running out of space. If we do run out of space, production buildings will simply stop generating things that need that space. Warehouses cannot be added to ships like other buildings, as in order to add functionality to Building Freighters, they have to be very economical with space. Warehouses are just enclosed space, so that doesn't work.

Small Warehouse

Stores 3000 units of resources.
Construction cost: 75 Metal.

Medium Warehouse

Stores 9000 units of resources.
Construction cost: 150 Metal.

Large Warehouse

Stores 27000 units of resources.
Construction cost: 300 Metal.


Diggy diggy hole. Derricks are a very reliable way to get materials. We can extract Metal, Fuel (in the form of Uranium) and Superconductors via Derricks. Large Coastal Derricks cannot be built.

Small Land Derrick

Produces 50 Metal/10 Fuel/3 SC per turn.
Construction cost: 100 Metal, 1 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 30 Workers.

Medium Land Derrick

Produces 150 Metal/30 Fuel/9 SC per turn.
Construction cost: 200 Metal, 3 SC.
Uses 3 Power, employs 75 Workers.

Large Land Derrick

Produces 450 Metal/90 Fuel/27 SC per turn.
Construction cost: 400 Metal, 6 SC.
Uses 4 Power, employs 200 Workers.

Small Coastal Derrick

50 Metal/10 Fuel/3 SC per turn.
Construction cost: 400 Metal, 7 SC.
Uses 5 Power, employs 75 Workers.

Medium Coastal Derrick

150 Metal/30 Fuel/9 SC per turn.
Construction cost: 800 Metal, 14 SC.
Uses 10 Power, employs 200 Workers.


The pinnacle of refinement. Smelters turn the ore we get from Derricks into useful materials. There's no avoiding building these. In most cases, a medium smelter is enough.

Small Smelter

Services 2 Derricks.
Construction cost: 150 Metal.
Uses 2 Power, employs 30 Workers.

Small Smelter

Services 6 Derricks.
Construction cost: 300 Metal.
Uses 4 Power, employs 60 Workers.

Small Smelter

Services 18 Derricks.
Construction cost: 600 Metal.
Uses 8 Power, employs 120 Workers.


Power to the people! You can't have much in a base without power.

Small Generator

Uses 2 Fuel per turn, generates 10 Power.
Construction cost: 100 Metal, 2 SC.

Medium Generator

Uses 4 Fuel per turn, generates 30 Power.
Construction cost: 200 Metal, 4 SC.

Large Generator

Uses 8 Fuel per turn, generates 90 Power.
Construction cost: 400 Metal, 8 SC.


It's gotta come from somewhere. Factories produce vehicles, weapons, and commodities.

Small Factory

Generates 6 BP per turn.
Construction cost: 150 Metal, 2 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 50 Workers and 5 Professionals.

Medium Factory

Generates 18 BP per turn.
Construction cost: 300 Metal, 4 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 125 Workers and 7 Professionals.

Large Factory

Generates 54 BP per turn.
Construction cost: 600 Metal, 8 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 325 Workers and 18 Professionals.

Orbital Factories

This is where we build our ships. Orbital Factories can be assisted by (ground)Factories, but output is capped. A single starship cannot be constructed by multiple Orbital Factories, so ships can take quite a long time to complete. We can of course build them in parallel.

(Medium)Orbital Factory

Generates 3 base, max 9 OBP per turn.
Construction cost: 500 Metal, 15 SC.
Employs 50 Workers.

Large Orbital Factory

Generates 9 base, max 27 OBP per turn.
Construction cost: 1000 Metal, 30 SC.
Employs 100 Workers and 20 Professionals.

Unique Buildings

I'm just gonna put these here.


Our people must really love their sports, as this is one of the best morale structures. Currently, the only sports-related building available.

+2 Morale for the entire settlement.
Construction cost: 300 Metal.
Employs 30 Workers.

Electrolysis Plant

A custom building originally created to harvest Uranium in a location where we couldn't get it. It can still serve that purpose, but as Fuel from Nebulas can be used to make stuff that previously used Uranium, it's really not that useful.

Produces 20 Fuel per turn.
Construction cost: 150 Metal, 2 SC.
Uses 2 Power, employs 50 Workers.