Disappointment Quest

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Revision as of 14:18, 17 August 2011 by Psithief (talk | contribs) (Added a character.)
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A quest by Psithief.

Disappointment Quest by Psithief


Continuation of an unpopular quest in a new format. Previous quest NSFW, new quest SFW (so far).

Player Characters


Name Abed Decimus
Archetypes Warrior (Warblade), Psionicist (Egoist)
Sex ...currently Female
Race Human
Templates Half-Vampire
Alignment Chaotic Evil


Name Versparki Arisha
Archetypes Arcanist (Dread Necromancer), Soulshaper (Incarnate)
Sex Female
Race Wood Elf
Templates Necropolitan, Evolved Undead
Alignment Neutral Evil


Name Boose
Archetypes Warrior (Ranger), Thief (Psychic Rogue)
Sex Male
Race Human
Templates Dark
Alignment Neutral


Name Bazerl
Archetypes Priest (Druid), Soulshaper (Totemist)
Sex Male
Race Mountain Dwarf
Templates Woodling
Alignment Neutral

Non-player Characters

  • Thaae
  • Maldrimir
  • A dragon


Dq interface.png


  • Sandbox-type exploration (plundering), with occasional stumbling over plots.

Update Schedule

  • Often once per day.
  • Does not update on Sundays.

Character Ability Scores and Skills

Ability Scores

Ability \ Character Abed Versparki Boose Bazerl
Strength 16 16 14 12
Dexterity 16 12 17 12
Constitution 14 12 18
Intelligence 16 10 16 12
Wisdom 10 16 10 17
Charisma 12 22 8 6


Skill \ Character Abed Versparki Boose Bazerl
Movement Skills
Balance +10 +1 +3 +1
Climb +3 +3 +2 +1
Hide +5 +1 +17 +7
Jump +3 +3 +2 +1
Move Silently +2 +1 +17 +7
Swim +3 +3 +2 +1
Tumble +10 +5
Knowledge Skills
Appraise +3 +0 +6 +1
Spellcraft +2 +4
Psicraft +12
Decipher Script
Arcana +4 +2
Dungeoneering +4 +5
Geography +4 +5
Religion +4 +2
Local +4 +5
Nature +4 +5 +8
The Planes +4
Psionics +10 +5
Perception Skills
Listen +2 +5 +9 +7
Search +3 +2 +12 +1
Spot +2 +5 +9 +7
Social Skills
Bluff +3 +7 -1 -2
Diplomacy +8 +6 -1 -2
Intimidate +1 +6 -1 -2
Sense Motive +0 +3 +2 +3
Miscellaneous Skills
Concentration +11 +13 +10 +11