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The World Is Mine by Cirr

An Areeni named Sinter attempts to capture a facility in order to take over the entire world and hits a bit of a snag when she finds an active AI and a robot already kind of own the place. The robot, SARU-601 (or SARU for short), decides that it'd be way more fun to see where Sinter's going with her plans rather than boot her out the door. With the (debatably) helpful AI assisting(?) her, Sinter sets out to make the world her own! And maybe to take another peek at that box. It's so wonderful and great and she really just wants one peak I mean come on what's wrong with that it's just a box let her see the box FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY GIVE HER THE BOX YOU SON OF A *signal lost*

Also the artwork is adorable and the attempts to make it less cute only make it moreso.