Karen's Heart

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Karen's Heart by [BiteQuest]

[ Thread 1 ]

<br--> Karen has a crazy drug-fueled night and wakes up naked in a dark hospital. THINGS are going down.

Non-Spirit Characters


Karen has the ability to activate spirits and get boons from them. Karen can't see the spirits in the area unless she closes her eyes, then she can see their form, but can only vaguely tell their size or position in space.


Karen found Benny in the hospital. He seems extremely shy and nervous around Karen, and is wearing a hospital gown. He seems to have some kind of health condition of an unspecified nature.


Lamia is a mentally disturbed creature that resembles a slender human woman with some kind of monster face. She's been consistently described as having dry skin. She is friendly toward Karen, but kinda creepy and codependent. Her domains are Grief, Madness, Murder, Cannibalism, Prophecy, and Sharks. She has been given a physical body.

Spirit Characters

Beast of Gévaudan

A big, slender wolf, the Beast was extremely interested in having contact with Karen and continued to muck about and make lewd comments until his boon was used. His domains are Hunger and Being Hidden.


Campe is the major spirit for Paths and Portals. She is a monstrous creature with a dragon head, snakes for hair and legs, a scorpion tail, and wings. She is very friendly toward Karen. Her domains are Movement Across Terrain, Disaster, and Protection.

Kokolimalayas, The Bone Man

A giant skeleton made of a multitude of smaller skeletons. He appears to be extremely hostile towards humans and threatened to eat Karen. His Domains are Summoning, Utter Desolation, Fear, and Devouring to Gain Power

Jersey Devil

His domains are Childbirth and Flight.

Minor Characters


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Thread 1




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