Fen Quest Statistics

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Inventory and Time in Fen Quest.


On Hand (Fen)

Small Bag with Coin Pouch
5 Copper
26 Silver
Medium Backpack
19 Arrows
Vial of Tomato's Poison
Half Vial of Antidote
Leather Armor Set
6 feet of rope
Copper Seal of a Lesser Knight (Orjin)

Quill Knight Shop


1 day of rations - .5 Tokens
4 Silver Holding Privilege- 1 Token
Small Bag - 1 Token
Sword (Borrow) - 10 Tokens
Sword (Buy) - 50 Tokens
Clothing - 3 Tokens


Every silver coin worth of loot turned into the shop (as appraised by the Quill Knight) yields 1 token. Round down at Quill's discretion.

Holding Privilege

20/20 Silver Hold Privilege (Held)
0/20 Silver Hold Privilege (Banked)

On Hand (Cheese)

28 Copper
22 Silver
Half Vial of Tomato Poison
Various Stationary
Croc's Knife
Fancy Dress
Red Cloth


(Orjin's Supply Box)

1 Silver
8 Copper
1 Longsword
Medium Plate Armor (Non-Custom, Decent Fit)

Crow Zone

Note: Contents may be moved while Fen is not in communication with crows.
305 Gold
3 Mithril Coins
Noble Bag (Rasyan's)
Cloth (Rasyan's) (Some bloodied)
Noble Clothes (Rasyan's)
Gold Necklace (Rasyan's)

Dates and Times of Interest

Each season is 100 days.


35th of Spring, Afternoon: Arrived at Mausoleum after teleportation on the 34th.

Coin Economy

1 Gold is worth about 40 silver or 180 copper, while 1 silver is worth 4.5 copper.
1 Mithril coin is worth exactly 1000 gold regardless of economic fluctuations.
A peasant usually makes about 1-3 copper per day, while skilled labor approximately 1 silver per day.
Exact values change between regions and time, and these are approximate values.

Military Rank & Title

Current Rank/Title - Pawn
To Rank Up (Lesser Blood Knight):
12.5/20 Kill Tokens
0/2 Recommendations (Any combination of Greater Knight and up or Stone Noble and up)
0/1 Passed Test