Please do not Take these Organs

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Please do not [T]ake these Organs by JamesLeng

Act 1

Act 2

An old school dice-based dungeon crawl, where individual suggesters control their own hapless adventurers.

Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.

Player Characters

For long form character sheets, see here.

Listed in order of introduction, sorted by act.

Act 2

The currently active session.

Character Class Specialization Summary Player
Maru Red Tiefling Townie Skald A boisterous and bawdy musical brawler hungry for fame and afraid of being forgotten, with a spectral axe earned in an act of bloody vengeance at her beck and call. Santova
Hore Wutashi Gnoll-Human Hybrid Hedge Witch Outsider Shaman An erratic, bloodthirsty, and shameless cybernetically-enhanced murder-gnoll, complete with variable arm cannon. Kome
Decaro Vos Eel-man Soldier Grappling The friendly and good hearted paladin of a benign tentacle goddess, blessed with the power of holy mutation. Currently sporting a third eye, a crab claw, and naga tail. strngy
Davina / Viste Human Rich Bastard Fencer A noble swordswoman capable of cutting portals in air, prone to hologram flickering, and host to an extraplaner horror. Moonlights as a magical girl and seeks to restore her fallen house. mageykun
Eric Grimwald Human Rich Bastard Commanding Others A lonely soul, possessing a disquieting appetite and difficulties with conventional healing. He seeks the immortality of undeath and a bride with which to share eternity. GB
Yisheng Ji Half-Avian Hedge Witch Healing / Medicine A dour and serious medical professional in the style of an eastern cultivator. Capable of moving weightlessly, possesses perfect balance, and seeks true immortality. Tunic
Maria Agate Human Hedge Witch Purifying Light A fighting nun of a family order who wields a searing, purging light to combat evil and the undead. Skilled with knots and more abstract wards and bindings. The Archivist
Daniel Agate Human Hedge Witch Purification Maria's brother, and the black sheep of the family due to his homosexuality and a non-combative manifestation of the familial gift: an aura capable of repelling or purging poisons, curses and disease. The Archivist
Djan Seriv Elf (Orc) Soldier Slinger A soldier-turned-deserter who has the ability to manipulate most metals like putty, with the exception of a painful allergy to gold. He hopes to find both peace and revenge. DanZapman
Rhea Half-goblinoid Hedge Witch Empathic Fire A cheerful and somewhat guileless half-goblin fire priestess, from the deep underground. On a pilgrimage to the surface in service of her real passion as a dessert chef (and an unhealthy fascination with the sun). mageykun
Geoffrey Vargas Human Rich Bastard Escapology and Evasion A former Royal Guardsman, professional coward and most recently (and mostly accidentally) an ancestral sorcerer. A sigil burned into his flesh warns him of danger, but also attracts it to him. Riotmode
Helen Nabot Human Townie Deception / Gall An older intellectual and scholar, bearing a curse on her back (literally and figuratively) which she believes is slowly consuming her past. She's turned to dangerous adventuring in search of ancient secrets and a possible cure. strngy
Azure Youngmason Phoenix Blooded Harpy Rich Bastard Entrancing Song A self absorbed and flighty avian who expects to breeze through trouble with some combination of fast talking, sex appeal, her brutish slave, Pog, and conditional combustible immortality. Kome
Isaiah, son of Elohim Necrolithograph Hedge Witch Death Domain An ambulatory suit of armor with the mind of a twelve year old boy who ineptly attempts to conceal his unnatural condition. Prophet of Hanspur, blessed with the power to divine the wisdom of roads. Santova
Pog Roastchester Orc Soldier Tank Azure's slave and a being of astonishingly limited intellect and prodigious strength and resilience. Possesses porcine features and appearance. Kome
Malkov Human Hedge Witch Lightning/Undead-Bane Chi Powers A clawed and scarred martial artist and former victim of necromatic experiments who now seeks to destroy both the undead and their masters. The Archivist
Wendy Human Hedge Witch “Miracles” An ambitious tinker and gadgeteer with a holy touch, persecuted and driven from her home. Venom drips in both her words and teeth. The Archivist
Group I, The (New) Fire Hawks
Maru, Hore, Vos, Davina, Ji, Maria, Daniel
Group II, The Jailbirds
Rhea, Azure
Group III, The Dungeoneers
(a) Geoffrey, Helen, Isaiha, Pog
(b) Malkov
(c) Wendy
Demoted to NPC
Eric, Djan

Act 1

The original session, which died after we spent an entire thread faffing around setting up a pirate ship.

Character Class Specialization Summary Player
Marijke Hedge Witch Suggestion / Mental influences mageykun
Sgt. Nick Soldier Intuition
"Sir" Garaile Soldier Single combat Tunic
Nico Nashville Townie Bluff / Acting CalimariGod
Yeven Surgis Rich Bastard Demons Bad transetor
Than Soldier Sharpshooter
Dimitry "the White Snake" Nicola Townie Stealth, assassination, thievery
Letkra Rich Bastard Spear-dancing Mitsukara
Riv Hedge Witch Alchemy / Artificing Santova
Ravenous Llyr Soldier Tracking / Hunting Tunic
Stone Hedge Witch Spirits Santova

Races / Species

Known sapient mortal creatures (as opposed to animals and vermin on the one hand, or ageless spirits on the other) fall into five broad categories. Generally, any two members of the same category can produce fertile offspring, and parents of two different races will produce a child of neither parent's race, but within the same category. Mating across categories doesn't usually yield children at all, unless powerful sorcery is used to force the issue or one of the parents is a disguised dragon, in which case the resultant hybrid is usually sterile.

Even in-universe, these categories are incomplete, and do not account for everything.

  • Elvenoids
    Would probably be called "humanoids" if elves weren't so stuck-up and insistent on defining the language around themselves. Not a lot of natural variation beyond the cosmetic, although (as cases like White Snake demonstrate) they're the most vulnerable to magical mutation.
    • Elves
      Mature an order of magnitude slower than orcs and humans, and have not been conclusively proven to die of old age.
    • Humans
    • Orcs
    • Eel-men
      Traditionally lives in or near Freshwater along the estuaries and large bodies of water that pepper the area near the coast. Reproductive R-strategists, they travel to the sea to lay many eggs. No bloodline inheritance, hatchlings that survive the trip back to an eelfolk settlement are adopted and communally raised. Tittivila worship is common. Ritualistic and/or pragmatic cannibalism is practiced as a form of respect for the dead.
    • Fishlike sapient amphibians (and non-amphibians)
  • Eohippoids
    Can mostly be described in terms of combinations of human, equine, and avian traits.
    • Dwarves
      • Green Dwarves
    • Harpies
    • Centaurs
    • Minotaurs
    • Mound-Builders
    • Satyrs
    • Sphinxes
  • Goblinoids
    • Goblins
      • Forest Goblins
      • Tidepool Goblins
    • Hobgoblins
    • Man-wise Wolves
    • Blink Dogs
    • Squidlike Sapient Amphibians
  • Dragons
    • Blue
      Breathes lightning
    • Bronze
      Breathes lightning
    • Various other colors / types
  • Troll-kin
    Unusual in that many of them aren't generally known to reproduce at all by conventional means.
    • Trolls
      True Trolls have a two-stage life cycle: a sapient bipedal hermaphrodite with hands suited for tool use, and a tangled serpent which grows additional heads when wounded. Sloughed or severed heads develop arms, legs, viscera, and self-awareness in no particular order.
      • Mountain Trolls
    • Hags
    • Huldra
      Make no damn sense physiologically: they could be mistaken for elvenoids, apart from the fox tails, but instead of a spinal column they've got a gaping hole, and instead of a normal array of vital organs, the inside of a huldra's torso looks like a hollow rotten log.
    • Lamias
    • Medusas
  • Other
    Various creatures that don't fit neatly within the dracocracy's scholarly taxonomy. (As well as those that perhaps do, but have not been properly categorized due to player ignorance).
    • Neogi / Eel-ticks
    • Umber Hulks
    • Ghouls
    • Gug


Characters can have fluency on a scale of 0-3, where 2 is enough to avoid "my hovercraft is full of eels"-level errors. Spoken and written tracked separately.

This list merely covers those languages we have personally encountered; it can be safely assumed there are many more.

  • Humish / Low Draconic
    The presumed default for most adventurers, unless otherwise specified.
  • High Draconic
    Scholarly research tends to be written in High Draconic, but it'd be unusual for any non-dragon to have fluency in spoken High Draconic above 1, due to a mix of deliberate secrecy and physiological limitations.
  • Elvish
    Elven language has two spoken dialects (green and white), which are similar enough that it's impossible to achieve full fluency in one without at least minimal comprehension of the other, but only a single written form, consisting of densely-packed ideograms. Elves also have their own system of sign language.
  • Elemental Languages
    • Elemental Fire / Flametongue
    • Elemental Water / Seatongue
    • Elemental Earth / Rocktonque
    • Elemental Air / Skytongue
    • Elemental Wood / Forest-tonque
  • Orcish Intertribal Trade Pidgin
    • Specific Tribal / Familial Dialects (Various)
  • Quenyl
    No spoken form, just ideograms and sign language best performed by pairs of three-fingered hands sharing an elbow.
  • Ghoulish
  • Dwarven / Harpese
    Thought to be a distant relative of rocktongue, though any lingering similarities are readily apparent only to the most cunning linguists.
  • Goblinese
  • Liturgical (Various)




Battle site, Greznek FortLinkToBoard.gif
Eel-tick BaseLinkToBoard.gif
Goyle BaseLinkToBoard.gif


By Mitsukara
By strngy
Also Vos
By mageykun
By Riotmode
By Riotmode
By GBLinkToBoard.gif
By strngyLinkToBoard.gif
By mageykun
By Riotmode


Cubic Cart of Holding
By mageykun
Bloodmist Labyrinth (Part II)
By mageykun
Overworld (initial rough)
By mageykun

Quests by JamesLeng

TGchan: Fluorine Quest | Metyelilu's Revenge | Please do not [T]ake these Organs | Seek Alternate Route | Neomah Quest: Race to the West Pole | Dragon King Quest | RNG_XALT.qst | Indivisible Fortress | Thaumaturge Quest | You All Meet In A Jungle | Voidfarer's Daughter | Transporter Accident