Polo Quest Statistics

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Inventory and other statistics for Polo Quest



Sniper (5 kg)
10 A.P.
5 H.E.
15 Normal
Generic Pistol (1 kg)
36 shots
SMG (2.5 kg each)
60 Shots
1 Bazooka round (2 kg each)
40% Bioarmor
Plate Armor
Right foot gone
Visor's right half gone
Moderate Damage all around
Armor Integrated Goggles
X-ray, thermal and night vision.
Various mundane functions with operation help from an included, rudimentary AI.
Grappling Hook (3 kg)
LED Lantern (1 kg)
Combat Knife
Medical supplies (no dedicated medical container)
3 feet of bandages
Antibacterial Ointment
Alcohol Wipes