Guns for Hire Database

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Edward Riker

Drill Sergeant and A.O.R.B. recruiter, Alive

Description: An A.O.R.B. recruiter placed as a drill sergeant with the U.S. Army, Riker is a no-nonsense kind of guy. He serves as the primary liaison between A.O.R.B. and Laine Corporation, owing to his personal connection to Armas.
Rank: {{{Rank}}}
Background: Armas's drill sergeant when he was in the Army.
Notes: {{{Notes}}}

Laine Corporation

Ivan Ivanovich

Property, Alive

Appearance: By default appears to be a genderless surgery doll
Description: A Meat Circus construct designed to be a combination surgery doll and fleshcrafter's emulation platform
Rank: {{{Rank}}}
Background: Commissioned by Feodor Morozov
Strengths: Designed by Meat Circus to be a high-fidelity low level emulator of human and humanoid bodies, including magic inherent in the flesh up to the level of most bloodliners
Weaknesses: Slow regeneration, slow fleshcrafting, slow reconfiguration to different emulations, no known combat ability
Equipment: No notable gear
Notes: {{{Notes}}}